maintains a SQL database with all mobile phone numbers and the query parameter .... To monitor performance and ensure da
Protocol for CATI Data Collection in Northern Nigeria ‘mVAM 6000’ round 2 Background: The protracted conflict in northern Nigeria has displaced more than 2 million persons internally, destroyed livelihoods and food reserves, disrupted markets and commercial activities, and impeded access to health, sanitation and education services. The most affected areas are those with the historically lowest education, nutrition, wealth and food production indicators. It is estimated that 2.3 million people are facing emergency food security in Borno state alone, with only a small portion of those in need receiving regular food assistance. Access represents a primary challenge: approximately 80 percent of the state has been unreachable. This protocol specifies terms and requirements for conducting the CATI household food security survey: 1. Objectives of the CATI household food security survey 2. Timeline of data collection 3. Panel 4. Sample Frame 5. Questionnaire and reporting statistics 6. Administration of calls 7. WFP training and supervision for data collection 8. Data management 9. Data transmission and reporting 10. Analysis 1. Objectives: Attempt to re-contact 6,000 households (2,000 per state) from previous rounds to: a) Determine trends in food security measures (food consumption & coping strategies) and commodity prices/labour wages and assistance since June/July. b) Create geographic/socio-demographic/food consumption profiles to better inform targeting of beneficiaries. c) Where possible, generate estimates of food security indicators in geographic zones. 2. Timeline: data collection: January 9 – February 6, 2017 3. Panel: The panel of households to be re-contacted is will be drawn from: a) Respondents (n=6,017) who were successfully interviewed in June/July 2016. b) Additional sample will derive from unique respondents (n=2,354) who were successfully interviewed in January, February, March 2016 rounds. 4 Sample Frame: The original sample frame of respondents successfully interviewed was derived from the Geopoll database of mobile subscribers: a) mobile network operators (MNO) included in this database: Airtel, Etisalat, Globacom, MTN b) size of database: As of April 26, 2016 the size (rounded) of the Geopoll database was: 1. Adamawa: 1,132,000 2. Borno: 405,000
3. Yobe: 166,000 The GeoPoll sample represents all mobile subscribers from mobile operators that GeoPoll has a connection with. So the mobile phone subscribers that are not being reached are people who have sim cards on networks outside of Airtel, MTN, Glo and Etisalat. The integrations, or technological connections between the GeoPoll platform and the mobile network operator (MNO) platform, will vary in every country due to the nature of varied MNO platforms. In some cases, the mobile network operators permit GeoPoll to sample directly from their database of total subscribers with rough information about their approximate location to the first administrative level (State in the US, Province in South Africa, etc). With this integration, it means the GeoPoll system initiates the first messages with a new respondent. In other cases, the mobile network operator does the sampling themselves and initiates the sending of the first messages to new respondents. In both cases, the resulting data yields a similar user base drawn randomly from the full mobile subscriber sample. GeoPoll continues to incrementally invite every mobile subscriber in every country to join the GeoPoll service and be eligible for regular mobile surveys for which they receive a small airtime credit incentive each survey they complete. In Nigeria specifically, GeoPoll has been incrementally growing the subscribers in these areas for the past three years. c) geographical information available for every record in database: GeoPoll has data to the first administrative level in all countries. In this project GeoPoll/TNS will include a question on the next administrative level to allow respondents to self-report their LGA level. d) Sample creation— Sampling from Geopoll database is a simple random sample. GeoPoll maintains a SQL database with all mobile phone numbers and the query parameter "order by newid()" at the end of the SQL select statement creates a random order of the selection. “Newid” generates a random number and does not retrieve the newest addition to the database. When sample is sent out via the GeoPoll database, it randomly selects mobile numbers. It is not influenced by the date they were added to the database. 5. Questionnaire and Reporting statistics a) Questionnaire: (see Appendix) includes questions about the socio-demographic status, food consumption (, coping strategies (, price modules as well as food assistance and open-text question on communal food security. b) No additional questions other than those listed in the appendix will be included without WFPs approval. c) WFP will provide translated versions of the questionnaire in Hausa and Kanuri. d) Additional information to be collected in Questionnaire: 1. ObsDate - Date of call 2. InterviewerNumber - Numeric identifier of operator 3. Language – Language of interview e) Response Rate information (see annex IV below for call dispositions):
To monitor survey progress and report call statistics, a call log will be generated for every participant containing: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
InterviewNumber ResponseCodes NumberOfContacts ContactTime AppointmentTime UserId
6. Administration of calls a. A week before calls start, 2 SMS messages will be sent to the original 6,017 households informing them that: 1.
“Hello, this is TNS, in June/July we called and would like to call you this month to see how food availability and prices are in your community.”
2. "The survey should take 10 or 15 minutes. Like before, we will keep your answers anonymous and you will receive a credit of 200 Niara after the call". b. SMS messages to the January/February/March pool of respondents (2,354) is optional and will be decided on based on survey progress. c. Languages: Calls should be conducted in Kanuri, Hausa and English. d. Inclusion criteria: (see section above) only respondents aged 18 or above and living in the states of Adamawa, Borno or Yobe can participate after having expressed their consent. e. Number of rings: Interviewers are required to allow the phone to ring at least eight times before exiting a case. If a personalized ringtone is used (e.g. music) on the line, it is important to listen for a minute or so to see if the respondent or their voicemail will pick up. f. Number of call attempts to reach a number: the panel respondent needs to be attempted 10 times at minimum before being retired for the round. To give equal probability that survey respondents can answer calls, calls should be placed at different times of day: 9am to 5pm. g. Number of attempts to reach the same participant (in household) from previous rounds: When a call is answered, operators will follow the questionnaire and attempt to reach the same participant as in the previous round. If the participant is not present but available at another time in the week, the operator will make two attempts to reach the participant. On the third call, the participant may enroll the new respondent who answers the call.
h. Incentive: The company will transfer airtime credit of 200 Niara to each respondent successfully completing a survey call. 7. WFP training and supervision for data collection: a. Training: WFP will re-train interviewers on subject matters of the survey. Training will involve practice interviews to familiarize the interviewers with the variety of situations they are likely to encounter. Time will be spent going over survey concepts, definitions, and procedures, including a question-by-question approach to be sure that interviewers can deal with any misunderstandings that may arise. b. Interviewer Job Aids and Refusal Aversion Responses: call operators will be given job aids which contain frequently asked question that participants might pose along with standardized responses. Similarly, operators will be given a list of refusal aversion codes, which addresses common adverse responses such as “I don’t want to give out any personal information. I don’t do surveys over the phone.” c. Pre-test: A small pre-test (n=50) will be conducted to ensure the protocol and data entry tool is accurate and can be properly administered by interviewers without adversely affecting survey cooperation. d. Supervision: WFP will supervise the first day of calls to provide quality assurance and adherence to protocol and implementation. 8. Data Management: a. Data will be entered in a NIPO CATI script which limits entry to only those enumerators making calls at a given time and includes appropriate categories (i.e. drop down menu of LGAs), logical skips and constraints. b. To ensure accuracy of key demographic questions and account for changes, CATI software will refer to previous responses for each respondent. Operators will verify and comment on any changes in key demographic information such as State/LGA of residence, family size, etc. When referring to previous responses in January/February/March data, the most recent data should be used (i.e. the participants March answers should be used instead of their early responses in January or February). c. Before starting the pilot, WFP will approve the coding of the data entry tool. A live demonstration of the blank data collection tool will be shown to WFP. d. Database maintained by GeoPoll/TNS containing personably identifiable information (PII) such as telephone numbers will be password protected. GeoPoll/TNS confirms that PII are treated confidentially. Before transmission to WFP, phone numbers will be converted to randomly generated unique identifiers (i.e. respondent ids: U-0000001) which match previously generated unique identifiers.
9. Data Transmission & Reporting: a. To monitor performance and ensure data quality – Geopoll/TNS will send cumulative raw data and call logs twice a week. b. Final data set will also include incomplete answers where household was ineligible because they moved outside Adamawa, Borno or Yobe or refused to consent. c. No later than 3 days after data collection is concluded, Geopoll/TNS will send a final database containing the raw, unaltered data set. 10. Analysis: All analysis code/syntax (SPSS, R, SQL) will be documented to ensure full reproducibility of results. a. Change over time analysis: For all analysis describing change over time, only respondents who participated in both June/July 2016 and January/February 2017 will be used b. For January/February 2017 estimates all Januarry/February 2017 participants will be used.
Appendix I: Questionnaire in English InterviewerNumber: Enter the ID Number of Interviewer ObsDate: Date of Call Language: Language of interview Introduction: Hello. My name is ______, and I am calling from TNS Polling Agency on behalf of the United Nations World Food Programme. In _______ (read the month of call based on respondents ID: June/July or January/February/March), we spoke with someone with this phone number who answered questions about his/her food situation and food prices. For privacy, we don’t collect names but we recorded that the respondent was a (identify gende and, age based on respondent id) years old. InitialSamePerson: Are you this same person? 1) No (go to SpeakSamePerson) 2) Yes (go to consent) SpeakSamePerson: Can we speak with this person now or call again at another time within the week: 1)Yes (go to consent) 2) Not now, but another time in the week (got to WhenCallBack)
3) Not possible to reach that person (If not possible to speak to same individual, go to consent). WhenCallBack:. When would it be a good time to call back to reach this individual? Record HHMM/DD/MM of callback. Consent: We would like to ask you a few questions by telephone about the food situation in your household and in your community. If you choose to participate, you will be providing valuable information to help your community. Each survey will take 10 – 15 minutes of your time. We will also offer you 200 Niara credit as a thank you after completing the survey. All your answers will be anonymous, meaning that it will not be possible to identify you in the survey report. Agree: Are you interested in participating in this survey, now or another time? 1) Yes (go to Eligibility/Age) 2) Not now, but another time in the week (go to Laterwhen) 3) No (end interview). Laterwhen: When would be a good time to call you back? Record HHMM/DD/MM of callback. SameRespondentConfirm : for confirmation, enter whether respondent taking interview is the same respondent interviewed in previous rounds or a new respondent: 1) Same respondent 2) Different respondent Eligibility Age: How old are you (in years)? (If the age of the respondent is under 18, end survey) Gender: (observe but do not ask) What is the sex of the respondent? 1 - Male 2 - Female Section 1: Geographic Information ADM1_NAMEchange: In the last round, you (or the person we interviewed) reported your household was living in __________ State (pull up previous answer from ADM1_NAME). Is your household still living there? 1) Yes (go to ADM2_NAMEchange) 2) No (go to ADM1_NAME) ADM1_NAME: In which State is your Household is CURRENTLY living?
1 - Adamawa 2 - Borno 3 - Yobe 4 - Other ADM1_move_why: Could you describe why your household moved since the last interview: (open text: for example insecurity, moving back to former area, etc.) (if ADM1_NAME was “Other”, end survey, otherwise continue) ADM2_NAMEchange: In the last round, you (or the person we interviewed) reported you were living in the Local Government Area of __________ (pull up previous answer from ADM2_NAME). Is your household still living there? 1) Yes (go to HoHSexchange) 2) No (go to ADM2_NAMEnew) ADM2_NAMEnew: What local government area is your Household is CURRENTLY living? (Select appropriate LGA/ADMIN2 by dropdown. Refer to appendix I in protocol which lists LGAs by State. If participant does not know, read list of LGA’s in the state/ADM1 and ask them to select the one they think they live in. If after probing, respondent doesn’t know LGA, mark as other) ADM2_move_why: Could you describe why your household moved since the last interview: (insecurity, moving back to former area, mentioned the wrong LGA previously): (open text) Section 2: Socio-Demographic Information HoHSexchange: In the last round, you (or the person we interviewed) reported the head of household was ________ (pull up previous answer from HOHSex), is that still true? 1) Yes (EduHoH) 2) No (HoHSex_changewhy) HoHSex_changewhy: Could you describe why the head of the household has changed: (open text) EduHoH: What is the highest level of schooling the head of household has completed? 1 – Pre-primary/Kindergarten 2 – Primary 3 – Secondary 4 – Higher 5 – Other, (specify in EduHoH_other) 99 – Don’t know
EduHoH_other: 5 – Other, Specify ____________ (open text) HHSizechange: In the last round, you (or the person we interviewed) reported the size of the number of persons living and eating in the household was ________ (pull up previous answer from HHSize), is that still true? 1) Yes (go to Residence_statuschange) 2) No (go toHHSizenew) HHSizenew: Currently, how many persons are living and eating in your household? HHSize_changewhy: Could you describe why the size of the household has changed: (open text) Residence_statuschange: In the last round, you (or the person we interviewed) reported your residence status as ________ (pull up previous answer from Residence_status), is that still true? 1) Yes (go to Water) 2) No (go to Residence_statusnew) Residence_statusnew: What is the residence status of the household? 1 - Resident 2 - Returnee 3 - Displaced residing in camp 4 - Displaced residing outside of camp (part of host community) Residence_statuswhy: Could you describe why the residence status of the household changed: (open text) Water: What is the main source of drinking water for members of your household? 1 - Improved Source (includes: Piped into dwelling/yard/plot, Public tap/standpipe, Tube well or borehole, Protected well, Protected spring, Rainwater, Bottled water, to be pre-tested) 2 - Non-improved source (includes: Unprotected well, Unprotected spring, Tanker truck/cart with drum ToiletType: What kind of toilet facility do members of your household usually use? 1 - Improved facility (includes: Flush/pour flush to piped sewer system, Flush/pour flush to septic tank, Flush/pour flush to pit latrine, Ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrine, Pit latrine with slab, Composting toilet) 2 - Non-improved facility (includes: Flush/pour flush not to sewer/septic tank/pit latrine, Pit latrine without slab/open pit, Bucket, Hanging toilet/hanging latrine) 3 - No facility/bush/dirt/field 99 - Don’t Know
11. Do you share this toilet facility with other households? Rooftype: What is the main material of your roof: 1. No roof 2. Straw/Thatch, Palm Leaf, Plastic Tarpaulin 3. Metal Sheet, Roofing Tile, Wood, Cement Electricity: How does your household get electricity – main source? 1 –Yes, from power grid 2 - Yes, from generator 3 – No electricity in the house Phones: How many active mobile phones (i.e. phones with active sim card that are normally in use/turned on) does your household have? [Record number of mobile phones, enter 99 for don’t know, response should not equal 0] Section 3: Food Consumption How many days, over the last 7 days, did members of your household eat the following food items, prepared and/or consumed at home? Staples: How many days, over the last 7 days, did members of your household eat cereals, grains, tubers and/or roots (such as potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, sorghum, millet, maize, potato, yam, cassava, flour, or other grains/cereals)? [Record number of days 0 - 7] Pulses: How many days, over the last 7 days, did members of your household eat pulses, nuts, and/or seeds? (Including beans, cowpeas, peanuts, lentils, nut, soy, pigeon pea and / or other nuts)? [Record number of days 0 - 7] Veg: How many days, over the last 7 days, did members of your household eat vegetables and/or leaves (including carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, red peppers, pumpkin, dark leafy greens, onions, broccoli, spinach, lettuce or other vegetables)? [Record number of days 0- 7] Fruits: How many days, over the last 7 days, did members of your household eat fruits (including citrus fruits such as oranges and limes, apricots, apples, papaya, watermelon and other fruits)? [Record number of days 0 - 7]
Meat: How many days, over the last 7 days, did members of your household eat flesh and/or organ meat, eggs and/or fish or other seafood as main dish (meat and fish consumed in large quantities and not as a condiment)? [Record number of days 0 - 7] Dairy: How many days, over the last 7 days, did members of your household consume a substantial amount of milk (powdered or fresh) or other dairy products (including yogurt, cheese, curd, condensed milk, sour cream or others)? [Record number of days 0 - 7] Fats: How many days, over the last 7 days, did members of your household eat oil, fat or butter? (Including vegetable oil, palm oil, margarine, other fats / oil) [Record number of days 0 - 7] Sugars: How many days, over the last 7 days, did members of your household eat sugar or sweets? (Sugar, honey, jam, cakes, candy, cookies, sugary drinks, other) [Record number of days 0 - 7] **If all answers are 0 or relatively low (1 or 2), confirm with the respondent and note it in the comments. Also please note any contradictory information, such as a wealthier household (employed, electricity, improved water and sanitation) and low food consumption in the comments ** Section 4: Coping Strategies (rCSI + Livelihoods) havefoodmoney: In the past 7 days, were there times when you did not have enough food or money to buy food? 1 - No (skip to Spentsavings - 1st livelihood coping question) 2 - Yes LessExpensiveFood: In the past 7 days, how many days did your household rely on less preferred or less expensive food due to lack of food/money? [Record number of days 0 - 7] BorrowOrHelp: In the past 7 days, how many days did your household borrow food, or rely on help from a friend or relative due to lack of food or money to buy food? [Record number of days 0 - 7] ReduceNumMeals: In the past 7 days, how many days did your household reduce the number of meals eaten in a day due to lack of food or money to buy food? [Record number of days 0 - 7] LimitPortionSize: In the past 7 days, how many days did your household limit portion sizes at mealtime due to lack of food or money to buy food?
[Record number of days 0 - 7] RestrictConsumption: In the past 7 days, how many days did your household restrict consumption by adults so children could eat, due to lack of food or money to buy food? [Reply number of days 0-7] During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to engage in any following behaviors due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? Spentsavings: Spent savings? 1 - No 2 - Yes Sellanimals: Sold more animals (non-productive) than usual 1 – No 2 – Yes 97- Not Applicable (do not own or sell animals) (if 97 skip Sellfemaleanimals below) Sellfemaleanimals: Sold last female animals 1 - No 2 - Yes 97- Not Applicable (do not own or sell animals)
Section 5: Labour & Commodity Prices Livelihoods: What were the main income activities that sustained your household in the last 12 months? (Record main livelihood source) 01 = Products from crop farming and gardening 02 = Livestock and poultry raising (such as raising of, cattle, hogs, horses, chicken, ducks, etc. and the production of fresh milk, eggs, etc.) (such as operating taxi, keke NAPEP or Okada, GSM card vending, messenger services, etc.) 03 = Fishing (such as capture fishing or aquaculture) 04 = Forestry and hunting (such as tree planting, firewood gathering, small-scale logging), charcoal making, gathering forestry products (honey, bamboo , resin, gum, etc.) or hunting wild animals/birds including bush meat) 05 = Wholesale and retail trade (including market vending, sidewalk vending and peddling, small shop) 06 = Manufacturing/handicraft (such as mat weaving, tailoring, dressmaking) 07 = Skilled salaried employment (such as medical, teaching, bank, government 08 = Unskilled salaried employment (office assistant, restaurant staff, housemaid, laundry etc.) 09 = Support from Children and Relatives 10 = Transportation, Petty Trading and services
11 = Daily/common labourer (agriculture, construction etc.) 12 = Mining and quarrying (such as mineral extraction like salt making, gravel, sand and stone quarrying, etc.) 13 = Construction/ skilled labour (repair of a house, building/structure, etc.) 14 = Pension, Government allowances (traditional/peace council member) 15 = Activities not elsewhere classified 16 = None ( go to ManLbr_raw) Work: How many people in your household have done any work for cash in the last seven days? [ Record number of people, should not be more than number of people in the household] ManLbr_raw: How much are people paid per day for manual labour in your community? [Reply with the amount paid per day for manual labor in Naira, enter 0 for don’t know, confirm ranges outside of 500 to 2500] Market_access: Does your household have access to a functioning market? 1. Yes 2. No Importedrice_1bigmudu_raw: Currently, how much does 1 big mudu of imported rice cost in your community? [Enter the amount of a 1 big mudu of imported rice in Naira, enter 0 for don’t know, confirm ranges outside of 500 to 2000] Localrice_1bigmudu_raw: Currently, how much does 1 big mudu of local rice cost in your community? [Enter the amount of a 1 big mudu of local rice in Naira, enter 0 for don’t know, confirm ranges outside of 500 to 2000] Vegoil_0.75l_raw: Currently, how much does 0.75l bottle of vegetable oil cost in your community? [Enter the price of 0.75l of vegetable oil in Naira, enter 0 for don’t know, confirm ranges outside of 500 to 2000] Localmillet_1bigmudu_raw: Currently, how much does 1 big mudu of local millet cost in your community?
[Enter the price of 1 big mudu of local millet in Naira, enter 0 for don’t know, confirm ranges outside of: 50 - 500] Localsorgho_1bigmudu_raw: Currently, how much does 1 big mudu of local sorghum cost in your community? [Enter the price of 1 big mudu of local sorghum in Naira, enter 0 for don’t know, confirm ranges outside of: 50 - 500] localcowpeas_1bigmudu_raw: Currently, how much does 1 big mudu of cowpeas cost in your community? [Enter the amount you pay for 1 big mudu of local cowpea grain in Naira, confirm ranges outside of: 150 - 800] localmaize_1bigmudu_raw: Currently, how much does 1 big mudu of maize grain cost in your community? [Enter the amount you pay for 1 big mudu of local maize grain in Naira, enter 0 for don’t know, Range 50 to 500} Section 6: Assistance Assistance: Has your household received any food assistance in the past month/30 days? (this can include - Food for school children (eaten at school or take-home) - Food for work / Food for training - Supplementary feeding (food for pregnant and lactating women and small children –Cash/Vouchers for food –Direct food distribution –Nutrition support) 1 - Yes 2 - No 99 - Don’t Know FreeResponse: Would you tell us more about the food situation in your community? [Enter text, if respondent chooses not to answer/ don’t know – enter 2] FreeResponse2: This is our last question: What do you suggest to improve the food situation in your community? [Enter text, if respondent chooses not to answer/ don’t know – enter 2] Section 7: Close Thank you very much for your time. Your answers will help us to understand and respond to your community needs.
CallBack: May we call you back in 3 months? 1) No 2) Yes Appendix II: Questionnaire in Hausa
InterviewerNumber: Ka rubuta nambar gane mai tambaya a nan. ObsDate: Ranar da aka kira waya Language: Harshen tambaya
Gabatarwa: Sallama dai. Suna na _____________ kuma ina kira ne daga hukumar jin ra’ayi na TNS a madadin Hukumar Musaman Kan Abinci na Majalisar Ɗinkin Duniya. A cikin __________ (read the month of call based on respondents ID: June/July or January/February/March) mun yi magana da wani ta wannan layin wayan wanda ya amsa wasu tambayoyi dangane da yanayin abinci da farashinsu. Don kare bayanai naka/naki, bama neman suna amma mun rubuta cewa mai jawabin (identify gender, age based on respondent id) ______ ne ma shekaru_______.
InitialSamePerson: Shin, kai ne/ke ce har yanzu? 1) Ba ni bane (go to SpeakSamePerson) 2) Ni ne (go to consent)
SpeakSamePerson: Zamu iya magana da wannan mutum a yanzu ko mu kira a wani lokaci daban a cikin satin? 1) Eeee (go to consent) 2) Ba yanzu ba – wani lokaci cikin satin nan, (go to WhenCallBack) 3) Ba za a iya samun wannan mutumin ba (If not possible to speak to same individual, go to consent).
WhenCallBack:. Yaushe ne lokacin da ya dace mu sami wannan mutumin? (Record HHMM/DD/MM of callback.)
Yarda: Zamu so mu yi maka/maki wassu tambayoyi kaɗan ta waya dangane da yanayin abinci a cikin gidanka/gidanki da kuma mazauninku. Idan ka/kika yarda, zai kasance kana/kina bamu bayanai masu amfani da zasu taimakawa al’ummarku. Ko wanne tambayoyin binciken zai ɗauki
lokacinka/lokacinki na misalin minti 10 zuwa 15. Zamu baka/baki katin waya na naira 200 don godiya bayan ka/kin kammala bada bayanan. Duk bayanan da kuka bayar zai kasance a wajenmu kuma baza a san wanene ya bada jawabin ba cikin rahoton binciken.
Agree: Kana/kina da sha’awan shiga cikin wanna bincike a yanzu ko a wani lokaci na gaba? 1) Eeee (go to Eligibility/Age) 2) Ba yanzu ba, sai wani lokaci a cikin satinnan (go to Laterwhen) 3) Aaa-a (end interview).
Laterwhen: Yaushe ne lokacin da ya dace in sake kiranka/kiranki? (Record HHMM/DD/MM of callback.)
SameRespondentConfirm: Domin tabbatarwa, ka nuna cewa ko mai bada jawabin shine na asali da aka ma tambaya a baya ko kuwa sabon mai bada bayani ne: 1) Mai bada jawabi na asali ne 2) Mai bada jawabi daban ne
Cancanta Age: Shekarunka/shekarunki nawa ne? (If the age of the respondent is under 18, end survey)
Gender: (observe but do not ask) Menene jinsin mai bada jawabi? 1 – na miji 2 – mace
Sashe Na 1: Jawabi kan Lardi
ADM1_NAMEchange: A cikin bincike na baya, kai/ke (ko wanda aka yi ma tambayoyi) ya/ta bada bayanin cewa iyalanka/iyalanki suna zaune ne a Jihar ______________ (pull up previous answer from ADM1_NAME). Shin, iyalan naka/naki har yanzu suna zaune a wajen ne? 1) Eeee (go to ADM2_NAMEchange)
2) Aaa-a (go to ADM1_NAME)
ADM1_NAME: A wanne jiha iyalanka/iyalanki suke zaune a HALIN YANZU? 1 - Adamawa 2 - Borno 3 - Yobe 4 – Wani daban
ADM1_move_why: Zaka/zaki iya yin bayani kan dalilinda yasa iyalanka/iyalanki suka bar wajen tun bayan tambayoyin na baya? (open text: for example insecurity, moving back to former area, etc.)
(if ADM1_NAME was “Other”, end survey, otherwise continue)
ADM2_NAMEchange: A cikin bincike na baya, kai/ke (ko wanda aka yi ma tambayoyi) ya/ta bada bayanin cewa kuna zaune ne a Ƙaramar Hukumar (pull up previous answer from ADM1_NAME). Shin, iyalanka/ iyalanki har yanzu suna zaune a can ne? 1) Eeee (go to HoHSexchange) 2) Aaa-a (go to ADM2_NAMEnew)
ADM2_NAMEnew: A wacce ƙaramar hukuma iyalanka/iyalanki ke da zama a HALIN YANZU? (Select appropriate LGA/ADMIN2 by dropdown. Refer to appendix I in protocol which lists LGAs by State. If participant does not know, read list of LGA’s in the state/ADM1 and ask them to select the one they think they live in. If after probing, respondent doesn’t know LGA, mark as other)
ADM2_move_why: Zaka/zaki iya bayanin dalilin da yasa iyalinka/iyalinki suka motsa bayan wancan tambayoyin? : (insecurity, moving back to former area, mentioned the wrong LGA previously): (open text)
Sashi na 2: Bayani Kan Yanayin Mutum
HoHSexchange: A cikin bincike na baya, kai/ke (ko wanda muka yi ma tambayoyi) ya/ta bada bayanin cewa mai ɗaukan nauyin gidanku shine/itace _________ (pull up previous answer from HOHSex), shin, har yanzu haka ne? 1) Eeee (EduHoH) 2) Aaa-a (HoHSex_changewhy)
HoHSex_changewhy: Zaka/zaki iya bayanin dalilin da ya sa mai ɗaukan nauyin gidanku ya canzu? (open text)
EduHoH: Menene iyakar makarantar da mai ɗaukan nauyin gidanku yayi ko tayi? 1 – makarantar kafin firamare 2 – firamare 3 – sakandare 4 – makarantar gaba da sakandare 5 – Wasu daban (specify in EduHoH_other) 99 – Ban sani ba
EduHoH_other: 5 – Wani daban - bayyana __________________ (open text)
HHSizechange: A cikin bincike na baya, kai/ke (ko wanda muka yi ma tambayoyi) ya/ta bada bayanin cewa yawan mutanen da ke kwana da cin abinci a gidanku sun kai ___________ (pull up previous answer from HHSize), shin har yanzu haka ne? 1) Eeee (go to Residence_statuschange) 2) Aaa-a (go toHHSizenew)
HHSizenew: A halin yanzu, mutum nawa ke kwana da cin abinci a gidanku? HHSize_changewhy: Zaka/zaki iya bayanin dalilin da ya sa girman iyalinku ya ƙaru? (open text)
Residence_statuschange: A cikin bincike na baya, kai/ke (ko wanda muka yi ma tambayoyi) ya/ta bada bayanin cewa matsayin zaunakewan gidanku shine________ (pull up previous answer from Residence_status), shin, har yanzu haka ne? 1) Eeee (go to Water) 2) Aaa-a (go to Residence_statusnew)
Residence_statusnew: Menene matsayin zaunakewan gidanku? 1 –Mazauna na dindindin 2 - Mazaunin dindindin 3 - ‘yan gudun hijira da ke zama a matsuguni 4 - ‘yan gudun hijira da ke zama a wajen matsuguni (tare da sauran al’ummar gari)
Residence_statuswhy: Zaka/zaki iya bayanin dalilinda ya sa matsayin zaunakewan gidanku ya canza? (open text)
Water: Menene babbar hanyar samun ruwan sha ga mutanen gidanku? 1 – ingantacciyar tushe (ya ƙunshi: layin ruwa na payip da aka sa cikin gida/filin gida/pompom na jama’a/ rijiyar burtsatse, rijiya mai kariya, ruwan ƙorama mai kariya, ruwan sama, ruwar kwalba) 2 – tushe mara inganci (ya ƙunshi: rijiya mara kariya, ƙorama mara kariya, mator tanki/ jarka da amalanke)
ToiletType: Wane irin makewayi mutanen gidanku suka cika amfani da shi? 1 – ingantacciyar makewayi - (Ya ƙunshi: makewaya na zuba ruwa na zamani mai payip, makewaya na ruwa mai tankin bahaya / makewaya na ruwa amma da ramin shadda, makewa na shadda mai kyau/ shadda mai kankaren siminti a rufe, makewaya na waje) 2 - Makewaya mara inganci (ya ƙunshi: makewaya na zuba ruwa amma ba payip, ramin shadda ba siminti, buɗaɗɗen rami, bokiti/ratayayyen makewayi) 3 - babu makewayi – sai jeji/ bola/ fili 99 - ban sani ba
11. Shin, kuna amfani da makewayanku tare da mutannen wasu gidaje?
Rooftype: Menene yawancin abin da aka yi rufin gidanku da shi? 1. babu rufi 2. bambaro / ginãwa, ganyen dabino, tampol na roba 3. kwano na ƙarfe/ tayil na rufi, katako, siminti Electricity: Ta yaya kuke samun wutan lantarki a gidanku? 1 – daga hukumar wutan lantarki 2 - daga na’urar bada wuta 3 – bamu da wutan lantarki a gidanmu
Phones: Wayoyin salula nawa ake amfani da su agidanku (wato waɗanda ke da sim kuma ana kunnasu ƙusan ko da yaushe)? [Rubuta yawan wayoyin salulan, rubuta 99 idan ba’a sani ba; jawabi kar ya zama 0) Kashi na 3: Cin Abinci Kwanaki nawa cikin kwanaki 7 da suka wuce ‘yan gidanku suka dafa ko kuma suka ci waɗannan abincin a gida?
Staples: Kwanaki nawa a cikin kwanaki 7 da suka wuce ‘yan gidanku suka ci abinci irin nau’in su dankali, shinkafa, taliya, burodi, dawa, hatsi, masara, doya, rogo, fulawa ko makamantansu? [Rubuta adadin kwanakin tsakanin 0 - 7]
Pulses: Kwanaki nawa a cikin kwanaki 7 da suka wuce ‘yan gidanku suka ci abinci nau’in su wake da geɗa? (kamar su wake, geɗa, waken soya, gujjiya da sauran irinsu)? [Rubuta yawan kwanakin tsakanin 0 - 7]
Veg: Kwanaki nawa a cikin kwanaki 7 da suka wuce ‘yan gidanku suka ci ɗanyen kaya ko irin su ganye ( kamar su karas, tumatur, gurli, ɗanyen tattase, kabewa, albasa, ganye – kamar yakuwa, alayyaho, kabeji da salad)? [Rubuta yawan kwanakin tsakanin 0 - 7]
Fruits: Kwanaki nawa a cikin kwanaki 7 da suka wuce ‘yan gidanku suka ci kayan lambu ( kamar su lemun zaƙi, lemun tsami, tuffah (apul), gwanda, kankana da sauran kayan lambu)? [Rubuta yawan kwanakin tsakanin 0 - 7]
Meat: Kwanaki nawa a cikin kwanaki 7 da suka wuce ‘yan gidanku suka ci abinci dangin nama ko kayan ciki, kifi ko ƙwai da makamantansu a zaman abinci na sosai (nama da kifi da yawa ba kaɗan don sa miya tayi zaƙi ba)? [Rubuta yawan kwanakin tsakanin 0 - 7]
Dairy: Kwanaki nawa a cikin kwanaki 7 da suka wuce ‘yan gidanku suka sha madara da yawa ( gari ko kindirmo ) ko wasu ababe da akeyi daga nono (su yogot, cikwi, madarar gwangwani ruwa, gari madara, nono mai tsami da sauran irinsu)? [Rubuta yawan kwanakin tsakanin 0 - 7]
Fats: Kwanaki nawa a cikin kwanaki 7 da suka wuce ‘yan gidanku suka ci mai, kitse bo bota (irin su man geɗa, man ja, bulu ban, da sauran dangin mai)? [Rubuta yawan kwanakin tsakanin 0 - 7]
Sugars: Kwanaki nawa a cikin kwanaki 7 da suka wuce ‘yan gidanku suka yi amfani da dangin su suga ko halawa (kamar suga, zuma, alkaki, halawa, minti, cincin, lemon kwalba masu zaƙi da makamantansu)? [Rubuta yawan kwanakin tsakanin 0 - 7]
**If all answers are 0 or relatively low (1 or 2), confirm with the respondent and note it in the comments. Also please note any contradictory information, such as a wealthier household (employed, electricity, improved water and sanitation) and low food consumption in the comments **
Kashi na 4: Matakan Juriyar Rayuwa (rCSI + Livelihoods)
havefoodmoney: A cikin kwanaki 7 da suka wuce, akwai lokacin da baku da isasshen abinci da za ku ci ko kuwa baku da kuɗin sayan abinci? 1 – Aaa-a (skip to Spentsavings - 1st livelihood coping question)
2 – Eeee
LessExpensiveFood: A cikin kwanaki 7 da suka wuce, kwanaki nawa ne mutanen gidanku suka dogara ga abincin da babu daɗi ko mai araha saboda rashin abinci ko kuɗi? [Rubuta yawan kwanakin tsakanin 0 – 7] BorrowOrHelp: A cikin kwanaki 7 da suka wuce, sau nawa ‘yan gidanku suka ranci kayan abinci ko suka nemi abinci daga ‘yan uwa ko abokai saboda rashin abinci ko kuɗin sayan abinci? [Rubuta yawan kwanakin tsakanin 0 – 7]
ReduceNumMeals: A cikin kwanaki 7 da suka wuce, kwanaki nawa ‘yan gidanku suka taƙaita yawan cin abinci a rana saboda rashin abincin ko rashin kuɗin sayan abinci? [Rubuta yawan kwanakin tsakanin 0 – 7
LimitPortionSize: A cikin kwanaki 7 da suka wuce, kwanaki nawa ‘yan gidanku suka rage yawan abincin da ake sawa a lokacin cin abinci saboda rashin abincin ko rashin kuɗin sayan abinci? [Rubuta yawan kwanakin tsakanin 0 – 7]
RestrictConsumption: A cikin kwanaki 7 da suka wuce, kwanaki nawa ‘yan gidanku suka taƙaita cin abinci na manya don yara su samu su ci don tsaban rashin abinci ko rashin kuɗin sayan abinci? [Yi bayanin yawan kwanaki tsakanin 0 - 7]
Cikin kwanaki 30 da suka wuce, akwai wani a gidanku wanda dole yasa yayi/tayi ɗaya daga irin wannan ɗabi’a saboda rashin abinci ko rashin kuɗin sayan abinci? Spentsavings: Kashe duk ajiyar kuɗi da yake/take da shi? 1 - Aaa-a 2 - Eeee
Sellanimals: Ya/ta sayar da dabbobi (marasa haihuwa) fiye da yadda aka saba 1 – Aaa-a 2 – Eeee 97- babu ko wanne (bamu mallaki dabbobi ba kuma bama sai da dabbobi)
(if 97 skip Sellfemaleanimals below)
Sellfemaleanimals: sayar da ragowar dabbobi mata 1 - Aaa-a 2 - Eeee 97- Babu ko wanne (bamu da kuma bamu sai da dabbobi) Sashi na 5: Aiki da Farashin Kayayyaki
Livelihoods: Su menene manyan aiyukan samun kuɗi da ke riƙe iyalanka/iyalanki cikin watanni 12 da suka wuce? (Record main livelihood source)
01 = Kayan amfani daga noman kayan abinci ko lambu 02 = Kiwon dabbobi da noman kaji (kamar su kiwon shanu, alade, dawaki, kaji, agwagwi da sauransu da kuma samar da madara da ƙwai da sauransu) 03 = Kamun kifi (kamar kamun kifi irin na su da na kiwon kifin gida) 04 = Aikin gandun daji da farauta (kamar shuka bishiyoyi, tara iccen wuta, saran gungume), yin gawayi, tara albarkatun gandun daji (kamar zuma, zana, ƙaro da sauransu) ka farautan dabbobin daji ko tsuntsaye) 05 = Kasuwancin dillali da na ɗan kanti (irin su tallan cikin kasuwa, talla a gefen titi, sai da kayan koli, ɗan ƙaramin shago) 06 = Masana‘anta da ƙere-ƙeren hannu (irin su saƙan tabarma, ɗinki, haɗa kayan sawa) 07 = aikin albashi na masu karatu (irin su aikin asibiti, koyarwa, banki, gwamnati) 08 = aikin albashi na marasa karatu (mataimaki a ofis, mai aikin gidan cin abinci, mai aiki a gida, mai wanki da sauransu) 09 = tallafi daga yara ko ‘yan uwa 10 = tafiye-tafiye, ƙananan kasuwanci da wasu aiyuka makamanta (irin su tuƙin takzi, keke NAPEP ko okada, sai da katin waya, aikin bada saƙo da sauransu) 11 = mai aikin lebura a kullum (aikin gona ko masana’anta da sauransu) 12 = tonon ma’adinai da duwatsu (irin cire ma’adinai kamar tonan gishiri, aikin fasa dutse, tonon yashi ko ƙasa da sauransu) 13 = gine-gine ko aikin ƙira na ilmi (gyaran gida, gini ko wani ginannen abu da suransu) 14 = pansho ko alawus na gwamnati (maaikacin gargajiya ko ɗan majalisar hukumar gargajiya)
15 = wassu ayyuka da ba’a bayyana ba 16 = Babu ( go to ManLbr_raw)
Work: Mutane nawa a gidanka/gidanki suka yi aiki na kuɗi cikin kwanaki 7 da suka wuce? [Rubuta yawan mutanen, kar ya kasance yafi yawan mutanen gidan] ManLbr_raw: Nawa ake biyan mutune a ko wanne rana in sunyi aikin ƙarfi a mazauninku? [Ba da amsa da yawan kuɗin da ake biya a rana idan an yi aikin ƙarfi cikin mizanin naira; rubuta 0 idan baka/baki sani ba; tabbatar da ƙimar in baya tsakanin 500 zuwa 2500] Market_access: Shin, mutanen gidanku suna da iya zuwa ingantacciyar kasuwa? 1. Eeee 2. Aaa-a Importedrice_1bigmudu_raw: A halin yanzu, nawa ne kuɗin babban mudu 1 na shinkafar waje a mazauninku? [Rubuta kuɗin babban mudu 1 na shinkafar waje a farashin na naira; rubuta 0 idan baka/baki sani ba; tabbatar da farashin in baya tsakanin 500 zuwa 2000] Localrice_1bigmudu_raw: A halin yanzu, nawa ne kuɗin babban mudu 1 na shinkafar gida a mazauninku? [Rubuta kuɗin babban mudu 1 na shinkafar gida a farashin na naira; rubuta 0 idan baka/baki sani ba; tabbatar da farashin in baya tsakanin 500 zuwa 2000]
Vegoil_0.75l_raw: A halin yanzu, nawa ne kuɗin kwalba 1 na man geɗa a mazauninku? [Rubuta farashin kwalba 1 na man geɗa a kuɗin naira, rubuta 0 idan baka/baki sani ba; tabbatar da farashin in baya tsakanin 500 zuwa 2000] Localmillet_1bigmudu_raw: A halin yanzu, nawa ne farashin babban mudu 1 na hatsi a mazauninku? [Rubuta farashin babban mudu 1 na hatsi a kuɗin naira; rubuta 0 idan baka/baki sani ba; tabbatar da farashin in baya tsakanin 50 zuwa 500] Localsorgho_1bigmudu_raw: A halin yanzu, nawa ne farashin babban mudu 1 na dawa a mazauninku? [Rubuta farashin babban mudu 1 na dawa a kuɗin naira; rubuta 0 idan baka/baki sani ba; tabbatar da farashin in baya tsakanin 50 zuwa 500] localcowpeas_1bigmudu_raw: A halin yanzu, nawa ne farashin babban mudu 1 na wake a mazauninku?
[Rubuta farashin da kuke biya ga babban mudu 1 na wake a kuɗin naira; rubuta 0 idan baka/baki sani ba; tabbatar da farashin in baya tsakanin: 150 - 800] localmaize_1bigmudu_raw: A halin yanzu, nawa ne farashin babban mudu 1 na masaran gida a mazauninku? [Rubuta farashin da kuke biya ga babban mudu 1 na wake a kuɗin naira; rubuta 0 idan baka/baki sani ba; tabbatar da farashin in baya tsakanin 50 - 500] Kashi na 6: Taimako Assistance: Shin, mutanen gidanku sun taɓa samun taimakon abinci a cikin kwanaki talatin/wata ɗaya da ya wuce? (wanna ya ƙunshi abinci da aka yi don ‘yan makaranta, (na ci a makarantan ko na kaiwa gida), abinci don masu aiki/horo, abinci na ƙari (irin abinci da aka yi don mata masu ciki da masu shayarwa da kuma abinci don yara ƙanana) kati na musamman na bada abinci, abincin da ake rabawa na musamman ko tallafin cimaka? 1 - Eeee 2 – Aaa-a 99 - Ban sani ba
FreeResponse: Zaka/zaki iya yi mana ƙarin bayani game da yanayin abinci a mazauninku? [Rubuta jawabin a anan; idan mai bada jawabin baya/bata son ba da bayani ko bai/bata sani ba, rubuta 2] FreeResponse2: Wannan shine tambayar mu ta ƙarshe. Wanne shawara zaka bamu na inganta yanayin abinci a mazauninku? [Rubuta jawabin a anan; idan mai bada jawabin baya/bata son ba da bayani ko bai/bata sani ba, rubuta 2] Sashi na 7: Kammalawa Mun gode ƙwarai saboda lokacinka/lokacinki da ka/kika bamu. Amsoshinka/amsoshinki zasu taimaka mana wajen fahimtar buƙatun mazauninku da kuma kawo maku gudummawa. CallBack: Zamu iya kiranka/kiranki cikin watanni 3 na gaba? 1) Aaa-a 2) Eeee Appendix III: Questionnaire in Kanuri
InterviewerNumber: Lamba kam kulashi sədinma də yikke ObsDate: Kawu kəntawuye waya botənadə
Language: təlam kulashibe Fərəmta: Salamwo. Wu sunyi___________kuru hukuma ra’ayi amye fantəye TNS lan nandiro waya adə dikkin susu Hukuma Dunyabe Kəla Lamarra Kəmbu ben. Suro __________ (read the month of call based on respondents ID: June/July or January/February/March). Kam laa lamba waya adən mananyena kuru andero jawawu cina kəla lamarra kəmbuwa tamanzəsowa. Ashir nankaro, suu kammaso mangyen ba amma kam jawawu cinadə (jinsəwa sagawa mana kəla lamba shaida jawawu yiwomaye) kuru saganzə____. InitialSamePerson: Ngiwa kam buron bongyenamadə? 1) Aaa-a (go to SpeakSamePerson) 2) Akkai (go to consent) SpeakSamePerson: Kam attəro rangye mangyenna au woktə gaden suro mawu huuyen bonyen? 1)Aaa-a (go to consent) 2) Kərma gənyi, kwalle woktəla suro mawu huuyen (go to WhenCallBack) 3) Mowonzə kamdə fanduwinba (If not possible to speak to same individual, go to consent). WhenCallBack: Woktəyin sandəna huwun kam adə bonyinya sha fandəkin? Record HHMM/DD/MM of callback. Kasadtə: Nandiya korowala gana wayalan koriyen kəla lamar kəmbuye lezəna fatowandon wa kəndaramdon wa. Kasannəm jawawu andero yimminna, tabbas andero bayanna faidawa jama’andowa banajinmaro waljin. Kulashi adə alama minti 10 – 15 woktunəmye gojin. Korowan de tamonnyeya, nyiro kaati wayabe naira 200 yiyyen askəraro. Bayan yimmadə undumaro yiyyenba, maana nya notinba suro jawawu kulashidəye. Agree: Kulashi adə diyo raammawa, kərmaro au woktə huuyen? 1) Dikkin (go to Eligibility/Age) 2) Kərma gənyi, woktə laa gaden mawo huuyen (go to Laterwhen) 3) La, dikkinba (end interview). Laterwhen: Sambi woktə sandəna huwun nya bonyinna? When would be a good time to call you back? Record HHMM/DD/MM of callback. SameRespondentConfirm: Tawadtəro, yikke wane kam jawawu yiwomadə shima kam kulashi buroyedə sədənadə au kam jawawu yiwomadə kam bərin: 1) Jawawu yiwoma buroye 2) Jawawu yiwoma gade Sando Age: Nyi saganəm ndawu? (If the age of the respondent is under 18, end survey) Gender: (wune amma wande korəmi) Afi jinsə jawawu yiwomaye? 1 - Kwanga 2 - Kamu
Kashi 1: Bayan kəla Lardəye ADM1_NAMEchange: Suro kulashi kozənayedən, nyi (au kam sha korenadə) wono yallando Kəre _______lan kasharaa. (pull up previous answer from ADM1_NAME). Yallandodə kuwayeyi nadən wa kashara? 1) Akkai (go to ADM2_NAMEchange) 2) Ngai gənyi (go to ADM1_NAME) ADM1_NAME: Suro kəreyiben yallanəm KƏRMARO kashara? 1 - Adamawa 2 - Borno 3 - Yobe 4 - kəre gade ADM1_move_why: Andero bayan yiyye kəla dalil done səkə yallanəmdə naa la gadero waltanadə ngawo kulashinde tuduyen: (bayan ci kaata: misalro, nəm zirifu baa, bulanzaro walta awo gade so) (if ADM1_NAME was “Other”, end survey, otherwise continue) ADM2_NAMEchange: Suro kulashi kozənayedən, nyi ( au kam bayan cinamadə) wono nyi də hukuma gana _____ lan karaam. (pull up previous answer from ADM2_NAME). Yallanəm kuwayeyi nadən wa kashara? 1) Akkai (go to HoHSexchange) 2) Ngai gənyi (go to ADM2_NAMEnew) ADM2_NAMEnew: Hukuma gana ndason yallanəm KƏRMARO kashara? (Select appropriate LGA/ADMIN2 by dropdown. Refer to appendix I in protocol which lists LGAs by State. If participant does not know, read list of LGA’s in the state/ADM1 and ask them to select the one they think they live in. If after probing, respondent doesn’t know LGA, mark as other) ADM2_move_why: Andero bayan yiyye kəla dalil done səkə yallanəmdə naa la gadero waltanadə ngawo kulashinde tuduyen: (misalro, nəm zirifu baa, bulanza kureyero walta, hukuma gana shimadə gənyi buron gultə): (bayan ci kaata) Kashi 2: Bayan Kəla Kəndaramwa, Sagawa HoHSexchange: Suro kulashi kozənayedən, nyi (au kam bayan cinamadə) wono huuma fandobedə _________ (pull up previous answer from HOHSex). Kuwayeyi ngai wa? 1) Akkai (EduHoH) 2) Ngai gənyi (HoHSex_changewhy) HoHSex_changewhy: Andero jawawu yimminwa kəla dalil done huuma yallandobe faltənadə? (open text) EduHoH: Maarantanyi kura huuma fandobe tamozə? 1 – maaranta kawu badiyarambe 2 – maaranta badiyarambe
3 – maaranta sakandareye 4 – maaranta huu sakandareye 5 – maanti gade (specify in EduHoH_other) 99 – nongənyi EduHoH_other: 5 – maanti gade, bayan ye ____________ (open text) HHSizechange: Suro kulashi kozənayedən, nyi (au kam bayan cinamadə) wono adadə am fandon bozainye bəri zowinye shima ________ (pull up previous answer from HHSize), kuwayeyi akkai wa? 1) Akkai (go to Residence_statuschange) 2) Ngai gənyi (go toHHSizenew) HHSizenew: Kərmaro, am dawu fandon bozainye bəri zowin ye? HHSize_changewhy: Bayan yimminwa kəla dalil done nəm ngubu fandobe faltənadə? Residence_statuschange: Suro kulashi kozənayedən, nyi (au kam bayan cinamadə) wono kəndaram ndo də ________ (pull up previous answer from Residence_status), Kuwayeyi akkai wa? 1) Akkai (go to Water) 2) Akkai gənyi (go to Residence_statusnew) Residence_statusnew: Abi kəndaram fandobe suro kəndaram daawuwa lan dən? 1 - am tun buron nadən nabtama 2 - am fato kwalza amma waltanama 3 - am fanzaso kwalzana na naptə hukumayen dasawunama 4 - am fanzaso kwalzana amma na naptə hukumayen gənyi (am bəlayewa tiloro walzana) Residence_statuswhy: Andero jawawu yiyye kəla dalil done kəndaram daawuwadə faltənadə. (open text) Water: Ndan na buro salakye am fandoye nji kənzabe sawandində? 1 - Naa ngəlama (alama: nji pompomye fatoro gaawana ma, pompom dawu fatoye, pompom dandal ye, baram, baram zamanye, baran cəstənama, nji samibe, nji sidin bowata, nji kalwaye, samma ngaltin kawuduro) 2 - Naa ngəlalan gənyi (misalro: baran cəstənyima, kumodu cəstənyima, nji mato tankaye, nji mai moya be pus lan, nji sədin bowata, nji laidabe, nji naalaa gaden.) ToiletType: Ngawudi jirinnyi am fandosoye ngubusoro faidatain?
1 – Ngawudi ngalwo (alal misalro: zamanye nji fitabe, nji fitabe bəlaro fiitinma, ngawudi kadəye ngela, ngawudi kəlanzə simintiye) 2 – Ngawudi ngalwo ngənyi (alal misalro: nji fitaye amma nji sədin fitin ma, ngawudi bəla ye, ngawudi kəla fərəmgata, bokiti) 3 – Ngawudi ba sai karaga/bola/bal bal 99 – nongənyi 11. Am fandoyewa am fato gedeyewa ngawudi fallin faidatainwa? 1 – Faidatainba 2 – faida tain Rooftype: Abilan shingel fandoye satandə? 1 - shingel ba 2 - shingel ganya dafino be, ganya , tampol robaye 3 - shigel shuye, shingel tileye, katakauye, simintiye Electricity: Jiriyin fandon kannu lantarkiye fanduwin? 1 - hukuma kannu lantarkilan 2 - injin kannu lantarkilan 3 - kannu lantarkiye fanden ba Phones: Waya cidazainma dawu fandon? (wayawa cidazainma kuru sim suronzan mbəji kuru sambison waskata ma kawai) [Adadə wayayedə rowone; 99 rowone nonəmiya; adadədə jawawun tənamadə wande 0 ro walzənyi] Kashi 3: Kəmbu Buwo Kawuwa ndawulan suro kawuwa 7 kozanamadən am fandobe jiri kəmbuwa attaa deza au zawu faton? Staples: Suro kawuwa 7 kozanamadən, kawuwa dawulan am fandoye kəmbuwa jiri attaa zawu (misalro dankali nasara, shangawa, daude (taliya), ngawuri, argəm, masar, dankali afuno, garisa, fulafa)? [Adadə kawuwadəyedə rowone kate-kate 0 – 7 wa] Pulses: Kawuwa ndawu suro kawuwa 7 kozanamadən am fandoye kəmbuwa jiri attaa zawu (misalro ngalo, nganngala, kolji, ngalo soyabe jirinzaso)? [Adadə kawuwadəyedə rowone kate kate 0 – 7 wa] Veg: Kawuwa ndawu suro kawuwa 7 kozanamadən am fandoye kəmbuwa jiri kare kəri au ganyaso zawu (misalro karas, tumatur, gurli, tattashe kəri, səgədə, ganya kəri, alefo, salad, ləwasar au jirin za gadeso)? [Adadə kawuwadəyedə rowone kate kate 0 – 7 wa] Fruits: Kawuwa ndawu suro kawuwa 7 kozanamadən am fandoye kəmbuwa jiri kare lambu soye zawu (misalro lemun nasara, lemun kanuri, tufah (apul), gwanda, kankana jirinza laa so)?
[Adadə kawuwadəyedə rowone kate kate 0 – 7 wa] Meat: Kawuwa ndawu suro kawuwa 7 kozanamadən am fandoye kəmbuwa jiri daaso, bunnyi so, ngubulso zawu (amma daa də au bunnyi də nguburo de - gana kalu yasaro nankaro gennyi)? [Adadə kawuwadəyedə rowone kate kate 0 – 7 wa] Dairy: Kawuwa ndawu suro kawuwa 7 kozanamadən am fandoye kəmbuwa jiri chamso au rungo chambe (madara) nguburo faidata, au awowala chammin sadin (jiri chukwi so, yogot so, madara gongonye so)? [Adadə kawuwadəyedə rowone kate kate 0 – 7 wa] Fats: Kawuwa ndawu suro kawuwa 7 kozanamadən am fandoye kəmbuwa jiri kəndawuso kaisəso faidata (misalro kəndawu kwaljiye, kəndawu kime, bulu ban, bota jirin za samun so)? [Adadə kawuwadəyedə rowone kate kate 0 – 7 wa] Sugars: Kawuwa ndawu suro kawuwa 7 kozanamadən am fandoye kəmbuwa jiri shuwurso, halawaso faidata? (mislaro shuwur, kəmaan, alkakə, halawa, awo tamtam kwalwaye jirinza samun so) [Adadə kawuwadəyedə rowone kate kate 0 – 7 wa] **If all answers are 0 or relatively low (1 or 2), confirm with the respondent and note it in the comments. Also please note any contradictory information, such as a wealthier household (employed, electricity, improved water and sanitation) and low food consumption in the comments ** Kashi 4: Katab kənəngaye (rCSI + Livelihoods) havefoodmoney: Suro kawuwa 7 kozanamadən, woktəlaa mbejiwa bəri nandiga sətənnyi au kungəna bəri yiwoye nandon ba? 1 - baa (skip to Spentsavings - 1st livelihood coping question) 2 - Mbeji LessExpensiveFood: Suro kawuwa 7 kozanamadən, kawuwa dawun am fandoye bəri butu au saraanyima dolero zawu dalil done bəri au kungəna baa dəro? [Adadə kawuwadəyedə rowone kate kate 0 – 7 wa] BorrowOrHelp: Suro kawuwa 7 kozanamadən, kawu ndawun am fandoye bəri tərta au na sagawayen au duryen bana maza dalildone bəri au kunguna bəri yiwoye ba dəro? [Adadə kawuwadəyedə rowone kate kate 0 – 7 wa] ReduceNumMeals: Suro kawuwa 7 kozanamadən, kawuwa ndawun am fandoye adadə bəri yim falyin buwində huluza dalildone bəri baro au kungəna bəri yiwoye ba dəro? [Adadə kawuwadəyedə rowone kate kate 0 – 7 wa] LimitPortionSize: Suro kawuwa 7 kozanamadən, kawuwa ndawun am fandoye nəm ngubu bəriye huluza sawo done bəri baro au kungəna bəri yiwoye ba dəro?
[Adadə kawuwadəyedə rowone kate kate 0 – 7 wa] RestrictConsumption: Suro kawuwa 7 kozanamadən, kawuwa ndawun am fandoye bəri buwo am kuraye kaltə tadawa bəri sawandə nankaro dalildone bəri baro au kəngəna bəri yiwoye ba duro? [Adadə kawuwadəyedə rowone kate kate 0 – 7 wa] Suro kawuwa 30 kozanabedən, kam laa fandon awo jiri attaga sədənawa dilildone bəri baro au kəngəna bəri yiwoye ba duro? Spentsavings: Kungəna gənazəna samma cezə? 1 - Ba 2 - Mbeji Sellanimals: Dabbaanzə nguburo notənaye dəro kozəna səladə? 1 – Ba 2 – Mbeji 97- Lesanyi (ande dabba nanden ba kuru ladəyen ba) (if 97 skip Sellfemaleanimals below) Sellfemaleanimals: Dabbawa kamuwabe dereye səladə? 1 - 2 - 97Sold last female animals 1 - Ba 2 - Mbeji 97- Adə lesanyi (ande dabba nanden ba kuru ladəyen ba) Kashi 5: Cida & Taman Karewaye Livelihoods: Suro kəntawuwa 12 kazanamadən abi lai kura kunguna fandoye yallandowa rozənamadə? (Record main livelihood source) 01 = Kareya kuloyewa lambuyewa 02 = dabbawa au kuwi rota (misalro rota dabbawa jiri attawa: fe, godu, fər, kuwi, agwagwa jirinzaso kuru chamso gnubulso fando) 03 = buni tawo (buni tawo kumoduye au faton rowataye) 04 = Kəskama au barama (misalro kəska kokta, kəska salta, kangar salta), karwi diyo, awowa kangarlam sabtə (jiri kəmaan so, caccau so, kərin so) au barama dabbawa au ngudowa karagabe 05 = Kare goji-goji ma au gurdoma (surodən kasugun tallama au kəla laiyen talla sadinma, au shago gana saladin) 06 = Kareya tando/kare mukkoye tando (mislaro buji tando, tela au kare dutoma) 07 = Cida kəraata albashiye (misalro liitarin, maləm maarantaye, banki au coda gumnatiye) 08 = Cida salariye amma kəra muradəzənyi (misalro masinja ofisye, cida kəmburammin, boyiboyi fatoye, kare tulta jirinza laaso) 09 = Bana na nduriyayen au dur 10 = lamar lenəm-areye, kare gana lado awowala sənana diyo so (misalro tasi kəreta, , keke NAPEP au Kabu-kabu kəreta, cati wayye lado, masinja-masinja jirinzalaa so)
11 = cida lebura kun-bariye ( kulolan au naa kare satandinlan, jirinza) 12 = Kusa au kau mata (misalro manda kauye tulo so, cira au katti gota so jirinzalaa so) 13 = tando/cida mukkoye (fato yasa, fato gartə, jirinzalaaso) 14 = fansho, alawi gumnatiye (sanyama adaye au mai-mai adaye) 15 = awowa diyiye gadə gultənyi 16 = Ndaso ma ba ( go to ManLbr_raw) Work: Am fandoye ndawu cida kungənaro sadə suro kawuwa 7 kazanamadən? [ Record number of people, should not be more than number of people in the household] ManLbr_raw: Ndawu amma biyazain cida dunoye kawu fal ye sadiya kəndaramdon? [Jawawu taman nairaben cida dunoye kawu falye biyazaində ruwone; nunimiya 0 ruwone; taman kate-kate 500 wa 2500 wa kozənama tawadkəne] Market_access: Am fandoye kasugu ngelama sawanda lezainnna? 1. Aaa-a, mbeji 2. Ba Importedrice_1bigmudu_raw: Kərma allan, ndawu kungəna zakka kura 1 shangawa diyabe kəndaramdon? [Taman nairabe zakka kura 1 shangawa diyabe ruwone, nonimiya, 0 ruwone, taman kate-kate 500 wa 2500 wa kozənama tawadkəne] Localrice_1bigmudu_raw: Kərma allan, ndawu kungəna zakka kura 1 shangawa fatobe kəndaramdon? [Taman nairabe zakka kura 1 shangawa fatobe ruwone, nonimiya, 0 ruwone, taman kate-kate 500 wa 2500 wa kozənama tawadkəne] Vegoil_0.75l_raw: Kərma allan, ndawu kungəna kalwa 1 kəndawu kaluye kəndaramdon? [Taman nairabe kalwa fal kəndawu kalube ruwone, nonimiya, 0 ruwone; taman kate-kate 500 wa 2000 wa kozənama tawadkəne] Localmillet_1bigmudu_raw: Kərma allan, ndawu kungəna zakka kura 1 argəm fatobe kəndaramdon? [Taman nairabe zakka kura 1 argəm fatobe ruwone, nonimiya, 0 ruwone; taman kate-kate 50 wa 500 wa kozənama tawadkəne] Localsorgho_1bigmudu_raw: Kərma allan, ndawu kungəna zakka kura 1 ngawuri fatobe kəndaramdon? [Taman nairabe zakka kura fal ngawuri fatobe ruwone, nonimiya, 0 ruwone; taman kate-kate 50 wa 500 wa kozənama tawadkəne]
localcowpeas_1bigmudu_raw: Kərma allan, ndawu kungəna zakka kura 1 ngalobe kəndaramdon? [Taman nairabe zakka kura fal ngalobe ruwone, nonimiya, 0 ruwone; taman kate-kate 150 wa 800 wa kozənama tawadkəne] localmaize_1bigmudu_raw: Kərma allan, dawu taman zakka kura fal masarbe nandon? [Taman nairabe zakka kura fal masarbe ruwone, nonimiya, 0 ruwone, taman kate-kate 50 wa 500 wa kozənama tawadkəne] Section 6: Bana Assistance: An fatoye bana kəmbuye sawandənawa suro kəntawu kozəna allan? (misalro - bəri tadawa maarantayero sadin də, (maarantin zawin au fatoro sadinna) – bəri cidamasoye/ bəri musammanye (jiri kamuwa surowama so ro sadin də au tadaa sənanaro sadində), kakkadə bəri yiwoye, bəri deye ammaro samtində) 1 - Mbeji 2 - Ba 99 - Nongənyi FreeResponse: Rangnəm andero bayan gade kəla lamar kəmbuye kəndaramdon yimmin wa? [Jawawudə ruwone. Jawawu kənjomadə jawawu yiwo wazənamawa, au nozənyimawa, 2 ruwone] FreeResponse2: Adə koronde dareye: Rangnəm andero shawari yimminwa jiri lamar kəmbu kəndaramdoye ngəlatinma? [Jawawudə ruwone. Jawawu kənjomadə jawawu yiwo wazənamawa, au nozənyimawa, 2 ruwone] Kashi 7: Zaktə Zau maro nyiro askəryena kəla woktənəm andero yimmadə. Jawawunəm andega banajin naa notə jiri məradəwa suro kəndaramdoben daganamadə. CallBack: Range nya bonyin wa ngawo kəntawu 3 yen? 1) Wande bonimi 2) Aaa-a - bone
Appendix IV: Final Disposition Codes of Calls Recontating June/July 2016 respondents Surveys sent Opt ins Completes
6002 4859 4502
100% 81% 75%
Refusals Ineligible Nonresponse
Recontating Jan/Feb/Mar 2016 respondents Surveys sent Opt ins Completes Refusals Ineligible Nonresponse
140 348 1003
2% 6% 17%
1657 1064 976 48 97 545
100% 64% 59% 3% 6% 33%
Appendix V Composition of Zones by State ADM1_NAME
Zone Composition
Zone Type
Zone Zone Cod Clas e s
Demsa-Gireri-GuyukAccessible/Food Lamurde-Mayo-Belwasecure Numan-Shelleng-Song-MaihaFufore-Jada-Ganaye-Toungo
Gombi-Hong-MadagaliMichika-Mubi North-Mubi South
Accessible/Less food secure
Yola North-Yola South
Askira/Uba-Bayo-Biu-ChibokHawul-Kwaya Kusar-Shani
Accessible/Food secure
Accessible/Less food secure
Newly liberated area
Active 4B conflict/Inaccessibl e
Accessible/Food secure
Active 4Y conflict/Inaccessibl e
Accessible/Less food secure