applied in the development of a prototype Si strip detector system for the PHENIX Upgrade at RHIC. This novel detector t
Prototype: A Novel; 9781846858956; David Bruce; Meadow Books, 2007 Initial evaluation of a novel prototype forward-viewing US endoscope in transmural drainage of pancreatic pseudocysts (with videos, background Transmural endoscopic drainage has become the treatment of first choice for uncomplicated pseudocysts. Drainage is mostly performed with presently available therapeutic oblique-viewing (45°) US endoscopes. Puncturing at an angle sometimes. All-Optical Multiple-Label-Processing Based Optical Packet Switch Prototype and Novel 10Gb Ethernet/80 (8? x 10) Gbps-Wide Colored Optical Packet Converter with, abstract We demonstrate IP-packet/10-Gbit-Ethernet transporting by novel 80-Gbit/s/port optical packet switch prototype with IP/OP converters, packettransceiver of instantaneous-locking (< 1 ns), and multiple-label-processor of ultra-fast processing (< 100 ps) to achieve. tyk2, prototype of a novel class of non-receptor tyrosine kinase genes, we previously identified a novel protein tyrosine kinase gene, tyk2, by screening a human lymphoid cDNA library with a tyrosine kinase domain specific c-fms restriction fragment under low stringency hybridization conditions. We have now isolated and sequenced a full. The arterivirus nsp4 protease is the prototype of a novel group of chymotrypsin-like enzymes, the 3C-like serine proteases, the replicase of equine arteritis virus, an arterivirus, is processed by at least three viral proteases. Comparative sequence analysis suggested that nonstructural protein 4 (Nsp4) is a serine protease (SP) that shares properties with chymotrypsin-like enzymes belonging. Prototype formation in autism, prototype versus novel animal comparisons. In contrast, the partici- pants with autism chose the prototype over the novel animal 54% of the time, and the par- ticipants with Down syndrome chose the pro- totype 42% of the time. Development of 2nd prototype of novel silicon Stripixel detector for PHENIX upgrade, a novel detector type, named Stripixel detector developed at BNL, has been applied in the development of a prototype Si strip detector system for the PHENIX Upgrade at RHIC. This novel detector type can generate XY two-dimensional position sensitivity with single-sided. Basic structure and prototype of novel linear actuator with electro-rheological gel, nowadays, robots manipulated by human are aggressively researched and developed. Such robots need large generative force, high speed response, good controllability, high safety, low friction, backdriveability and so on. We have put emphasis on the backdriveability. Atomic structure of ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase: prototype for a structurally novel flavoenzyme family, the three-dimensional structure of spinach ferredoxinNADP+ reductase (NADP+, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate) has been determined by x-ray diffraction at 2.6 angstroms (A) resolution and initially refined to an R factor of 0.226 at 2.2 A resolution. Novel ventilation system for reducing air conditioning in buildings. Part II: testing of prototype, the technology for the night-time cooling of buildings has been significantly improved with the development of a working prototype of a latent heat storage system. The system, introduced in a previous paper, incorporates heat pipes embedded in phase change. Novel acridine-triazenes as prototype combilexins: synthesis, DNA binding, and biological activity, a series of bifunctional ligands has been developed as prototype DNA-binding combilexins using a DNA template-directed approach. These novel agents contain a 1, 3-diaryltriazene linker moiety, present in the established DNA minor groove-binder berenil [1, 3-bis. The crystal structure of the novel snake venom plasminogen activator TSV-PA: a prototype structure for snake venom serine proteinases, background: Trimeresurus stejnejeri venom plasminogen activator (TSV-PA) is a snake venom serine proteinase that specifically activates plasminogen. Snake venom serine proteinases form a subfamily of trypsin-like proteinases that are characterised by a high. Integrative prototype -scan photoacoustic tomography system based on a novel hybridized scanning head, a prototype B-scan photoacoustic tomography system is developed. It integrates pumping fiber, ultrasound coupling medium, and a transducer array into a novel hybridized scanning head. By moving the scanning head a photoacoustic tomography can be obtained. Novel ring resonator-based integrated photonic beamformer for broadband phased array receive antennas⠔Part II: Experimental prototype, an experimental prototype is presented that illustrates the implementation aspects and feasibility of the novel ring resonator-based optical beamformer concept that has been developed and analyzed in Part I of this paper. This concept can be used for seamless. Synthesis of a dextrophane prototype: a novel cavity molecule, 4-Azido-4-deoxy-D-glucose 1 was converted in four steps into the macrocyclic dextrophane 4 (8% overall yield). The construction of macrocyclic molecules with cavities of preordained dimensions is important in the design of synthetic host systems for the encapsulation. The phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein is the prototype of a novel family of serine protease inhibitors, serine proteases are involved in many processes in the nervous system and specific inhibitors tightly control their proteolytic activity. Thrombin is thought to play a role in tissue development and homeostasis. To date, protease nexin-1 is the only known endogenous. Development of polymeric microbubbles targeted to prostate-specific membrane antigen as prototype of novel ultrasound contrast agents, ultrasound-targeted microbubbles (MBs) offer new opportunities to enhance the capabilities of diagnostic ultrasound (US) imaging to specific pathological tissue. Herein, we report on the design and development of a novel prototype of US contrast agent based on polymeric. VSA-II: A novel prototype of variable stiffness actuator for safe and performing robots interacting with humans, this paper presents design and performance of a novel joint based actuator for a robot run by variable stiffness actuation, meant for systems physically interacting with humans. This new actuator prototype (VSA-II) is developed as an improvement over our previously. Prototype testing and analysis of a novel internal combustion linear generator integrated power system, a novel four-stroke free-piston engine equipped with a linear electric generator (namely internal combustion linear generator integrated power system) is proposed in this paper to achieve efficient energy conversion from fuel to electricity. Unique features of the novel. A novel sensor for monitoring acoustic cavitation. Part I: Concept, theory, and prototype development, this paper describes a new concept for an ultrasonic cavitation sensor designed specifically for monitoring acoustic emissions generated by small microbubbles when driven by an applied acoustic field. Its novel features include a hollow, open-ended, cylindrical shape. The HIV-1 Rev protein: prototype of a novel class of eukaryotic post-transcriptional regulators, abstract Complex retroviruses, including Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1), are characterized by the ordered temporal expression of the various viral gene products in infected cells. This effect is mediated by a novel class of RNA-sequence-specific regulatory. by AGM Barrett, NS Mani