provenance of the cretaceous athabasca oil sands, canada - CiteSeerX

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and 35 m deep in the middle portion of the formation (e.g., Hubbard et al. ..... BECKER, T.P., THOMAS, W.A., SAMSON, S.D., AND GEHRELS, G.E., 2005, Detrital ...
Journal of Sedimentary Research, 2014, v. 84, 136–143 Current Ripples DOI:


Department of Geoscience, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4, Canada 2 Nexen Energy ULC, Calgary, Alberta T2P 3P7, Canada 3 Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721, U.S.A. e-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT: The McMurray Formation of the Athabasca Oil Sands is one of the largest hydrocarbon resources on Earth and contains an extensive record of Early Cretaceous sedimentation. The provenance of the sandstones that constitute this formation has remained largely unknown. New U-Pb detrital zircon ages (n = 848) record a complicated and variable provenance history that involves several major tectonic regions from across North America. The McMurray Formation contains detrital-zircon signatures indicating sediment sources associated with the Canadian Shield, eastern North America, and the Canadian Cordillera. Vertical stratigraphic changes in the dominant detrital-zircon signatures in the McMurray Formation indicate that provenance of the sediment varied during deposition of the unit. Lowermost deposits in the formation are characterized by zircons with ages of ca. 1800–1900 Ma and ca. 2600–2800 Ma, interpreted as derived from the Canadian Shield. Most of the sediment in the McMurray Formation contains detrital zircons with U-Pb ages of ca. 300–600 Ma and ca. 1000–1200 Ma, interpreted to have been derived originally from Appalachian and Grenville sources in eastern North America. Uppermost samples in the McMurray Formation contain abundant zircons with ages less than 250 Ma, derived from the North American Cordillera. When and how sediments from eastern North America were transported to the Athabasca Oil Sands region of Canada is unclear. We propose the sediments were transported either directly from eastern North America during the Early Cretaceous or recycled during the Early Cretaceous from sub-Cretaceous sedimentary strata in western Canada or the southwestern United States. The presence of Proterozoic and Paleozoic zircons in the Athabasca Oil Sands highlights the importance of Appalachian-derived sediment in the Lower Cretaceous stratigraphic record of western Canada.


The Athabasca Oil Sands of Alberta, Canada, contain an extensive record of Early Cretaceous sedimentation and host one of the largest accumulations of hydrocarbons in the world (Fig. 1). Of these deposits, the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian) McMurray Formation is the principal stratigraphic formation. This sedimentary unit was deposited on an unconformity in fluvial–estuarine environments along the southern margin of the Western Interior Seaway during the Cordilleran Orogeny (Leckie and Smith 1992). The sedimentary characteristics of the deposits in the McMurray Formation have led some to posit that the paleoriver system may have been comparable in scale to the modern Mississippi River system, and included a continent-wide drainage network (e.g., McGookey 1972; Mossop and Flach 1983; Miall et al. 2008). Although significant effort has been made to understand the origin of the hydrocarbons in the McMurray Formation (e.g., Creaney and Allan 1990), the origin and provenance of the sediment itself remains unclear. Paleogeographic reconstructions using paleocurrent data and facies distributions typically depict the McMurray Formation as the product of a large, continental-scale, south-to-north flowing river system with paleo-headwaters as far away as present-day Texas and Arizona (e.g., McGookey 1972; Mossop and Flach 1983; Lawton 1994; Miall et al. 2008). In contrast, petrographic studies (Mellon 1956; Carrigy 1963) and recent paleogeographic reconstructions (Leckie and Seif El-Dein 2009) Published Online: March 2014 Copyright E 2014, SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology)

suggest the sediments of the McMurray Formation were derived from the Canadian Shield. We use detrital zircon uranium–lead (U-Pb) geochronology to examine the provenance of the McMurray Formation and by extension provide insights into Early Cretaceous sediment distribution patterns in North America. These data record a complicated and variable provenance history that involves several major tectonic regions from different portions of North America. The McMurray Formation contains three distinct detrital-zircon signatures that reflect sediment derivation from the Canadian Shield, an ‘‘Appalachian’’ source in eastern North America, and the Cordilleran orogen. Vertical stratigraphic variability within the McMurray Formation indicates that the relative contribution from these sediment source areas changed during deposition of the formation. MCMURRAY FORMATION

The McMurray Formation was deposited in the eastern portion of the Cordilleran foreland basin along the southern margin of the Western Interior Seaway during the Aptian (Hein et al. 2013). The succession, 5 to 150 m thick, is typically divided into a lower fluvial unit, a middle fluvial– estuarine unit, and an upper shallow marine unit (Ranger and Pemberton 1997; Hein and Cotterill 2006). Sediments of the McMurray Formation were deposited unconformably on top of Devonian strata in a broad, north-trending valley (Cant 1996; Wightman and Pemberton 1997).





FIG. 1.—Sample locations and Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy, western Canada. A) Distribution of the Athabasca Oil Sands is represented by yellow stippled region. Samples were collected from three wells drilled in the eastern portion of the Athabasca area. The three well locations are displayed on a Western Canadian Dominion Land Survey (DLS) grid. Nearly square townships are marked (T 5 township), as well as the east and west edges of townships, or range lines (R 5 range), all west of the 4th meridian here (W4). Precambrian and Phanerozoic age belts from Dickinson and Gehrels (2009): (a) represents the Superior Province of the Canadian Shield (. 2.5 Ga); (b) represents the Trans-Hudson Province (ca. 1.8 Ga); and (c) represents additional ca. 1.8 Ga provinces. Other principal areas discussed in the text are labeled. B) Stratigraphy of Lower Cretaceous deposits in the Athabasca region. Lower Cretaceous strata of the McMurray Formation unconformably overlie Devonian carbonate strata. The McMurray Formation is typically divided into a lowermost unit (below black line), a middle unit that contains several incised valleys, and an upper unit that contains shallow marine deposits (modified from Fustic et al. 2012). The McMurray Formation is overlain by the Wabiskaw Member of the Clearwater Formation. Yellow represents coarser sediments in the Wabiskaw, and gray represents shale. Sample numbers and their relative stratigraphic locations are shown. C) Three gamma-ray wireline logs for the three sampled wells. The Unique Well Identifiers (UWI’s), which follow the aforementioned DLS system, are labeled at the top of each wireline log. The depths at which each of the nine samples were taken are also shown, where meters indicate depth below surface. Note that Beaverhill Lake is Devonian.

Channel patterns and paleocurrent data indicate flow was to the northnorthwest, parallel to the trend of this valley (Mossop and Flach 1983; Fustic et al. 2012). In places, paleochannels were as large as 600 m wide and 35 m deep in the middle portion of the formation (e.g., Hubbard et al.

2011; Musial et al. 2012), although paleochannels at the base of the formation (lower fluvial unit) may be smaller (Hein and Cotterill 2006). Deposition took place in the McMurray subbasin, which was bordered on the south by paleotopographic highs in central Alberta and Saskatchewan




and to the west by a series of linear paleotopographic ridges that separated it from the foredeep of the coeval Cordilleran foreland basin (Leckie and Smith 1992; Ranger and Pemberton 1997; Christopher 2003). McMurray Formation sandstones are composed of mineralogically mature, fine- to medium-grained quartzose sand. Quartz is the most abundant mineral in the sandstones (, 95%), with lesser amounts of potassium feldspar, chert, and igneous plutonic lithoclasts. Rounded quartz, feldspar, heavy minerals, and abraded authigenic quartz suggest a recycled source. Angular feldspar grains and polycrystalline quartz suggest a Canadian Shield contribution, and chert grains (silicified carbonate) are likely derived from the underlying Devonian carbonate units. Heavy-mineral assemblages from the McMurray Formation suggest a provenance associated with igneous–metamorphic terranes and recycled sedimentary rocks (Mellon 1956; Carrigy 1963). During Albian time, this area was transgressed by the Western Interior Seaway, as recorded by overlying marine mudstone and sandstone of the Wabiskaw Member of the Clearwater Formation (Fig. 1B; Keith et al. 1988).

Nine sandstone samples were collected from three cored wells in the Athabasca Oil Sands (Fig. 1). Samples 1–8 are from the McMurray Formation, and sample 9 is from the overlying Wabiskaw Member of the Clearwater Formation (Fig. 1B). Samples of 2–5 kg were collected from fine- to medium-grained sandstone and processed using procedures outlined in Gehrels (2011). Approximately 100 zircons per sample were analyzed using laser ablation–multicollector–inductively coupled plasma– mass spectrometry (LA-MC-ICP-MS) at the Arizona LaserChron Center (refer to the Data Repository for details on samples and analytical procedures. See Acknowledgments for URL.).

province (Fig. 1). These interpretations are supported by previous petrographic studies, which indicate that the heavy minerals in the McMurray Formation were derived from the igneous–metamorphic rocks of the Canadian Shield (e.g., Mellon 1956; James and Oliver 1977; Nelson and Glaister 1978). Detrital zircons of chronofacies ii are interpreted to have been originally derived from Grenville and Appalachian source areas in the eastern regions of North America (Figs. 1, 3). The Grenville province is well known to contain zircons with U-Pb ages between ca. 1000 and 1200 Ma (Fig. 1; e.g., Becker et al. 2005; Moecher and Samson 2006), and detrital zircons with ages between ca. 300 and 600 Ma are typically associated with an Appalachian provenance (Fig. 3; e.g., Dickinson and Gehrels 2009). Although the 300–600 Ma ages occur in the Ellesmerian and Caledonian regions, the distribution of other age populations from these areas do not match those in the McMurray Formation (e.g., Anfinson et al. 2012; Hadlari et al. 2012). Therefore, we interpret these grains as having been derived from the Appalachian province of eastern North America (Figs. 1, 3). An eastern North American provenance is supported by the similarity between detrital zircon ages in sandstones of the McMurray Formation and sandstones in Appalachian foreland basin strata (Fig. 3). No significant source of zircons with these ages is present in western Canada (e.g., Ross et al. 2005; Leier and Gehrels 2011; Raines et al. 2013). Detrital zircons of chronofacies iii contain populations of zircons with ages less than 250 Ma (Fig. 2) and are interpreted to have been derived from the Cordilleran province of western North America (Fig. 1; Ross et al. 2005; Dickinson and Gehrels 2009). The presence of lesser populations with U-Pb ages of ca. 1800–1900 Ma is consistent with this interpretation because many of the clastic strata exposed in the Cordilleran fold–thrust belt also contain detrital zircons with these ages (cf. Leier and Gehrels 2011; Raines et al. 2013).



The nine samples yielded a total of 848 U-Pb ages and contain several prominent populations (Fig. 2; Data Repository). From oldest to youngest, these populations include ages between ca. 2800–2600 Ma, ca. 1900–1800 Ma, ca. 1200–1000 Ma, ca. 600–300 Ma, and ages less than 250 Ma. Not all of these age populations are present in each sample (Fig. 2). Grain morphology was compared to U-Pb ages, but no relationship was evident (Data Repository).

‘‘Appalachian’’ Sediment Pathways



We divide the samples into three chronofacies, informally labeled ‘‘i,’’ ‘‘ii,’’ and ‘‘iii’’ (Fig. 2) based on the presence of dominant U-Pb age populations and Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) statistics (Press et al. 1986; Data Repository). Chronofacies i is limited to sample 1 and is characterized by detrital-zircon populations with U-Pb ages of ca. 1800–1900 Ma and ca. 2600–2800 Ma (Fig. 2). Chronofacies ii (samples 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; Fig. 2) contains U-Pb ages of ca. 300–600 Ma and ca. 1000– 1200 Ma. Chronofacies iii (samples 7, 8, 9; Fig. 2) contains detrital-zircon populations with U-Pb ages less than 250 Ma and ca. 1800–1900 Ma. Sample 7 contains characteristics of both chronofacies ii and iii, but is included in chronofacies iii based on visual comparisons and K-S results (Data Repository). Sample 9 is from the lowermost portion of the Wabiskaw Member of the Clearwater Formation (Fig. 1B), which overlies the McMurray Formation. Detrital zircons of chronofacies i are interpreted to have been derived from the Proterozoic and Archean rocks of the Canadian Shield (Fig. 1). The population of ca. 2600–2800 Ma zircons are interpreted to have been derived from Archean rocks of the Superior province (Fig. 1; e.g., Dickinson and Gehrels 2009), and the population of ca. 1800–1900 Ma zircons are interpreted to have been derived from the Trans-Hudson

The presence of detrital zircons of Appalachian affinity (chronofacies ii) in the McMurray Formation raises the question of how such grains made their way from eastern North America to western Canada. Based on existing paleogeographic information and potential detrital-zircon source areas (Fig. 4), we propose three general models (Fig. 5) to explain how these zircons came to be deposited in western North America during the Early Cretaceous: A) detrital zircons were transported from eastern North America via westward-flowing rivers during the Early Cretaceous, contemporaneously with deposition; B) detrital zircons from eastern North America were transported to southwestern North America prior to the Cretaceous, deposited, and then recycled during the Early Cretaceous and transported northward into western Canada; and C) detrital zircons from eastern North America were transported to northwestern North America (i.e., present-day western Canada) prior to the Cretaceous, deposited, and locally recycled during the Early Cretaceous. Evidence to definitively prove or refute any of these models is currently lacking; however, we outline these hypotheses below and propose some possible means of testing their validity. Detrital zircons of Appalachian affinity may have been transported to western North America during the Early Cretaceous (Hypothesis A; Fig. 5); however, there is little direct evidence supporting this hypothesis. Grenville and Appalachian provinces are located in eastern North America, and sedimentary units in this region contain significant populations of ca. 300–600 and ca. 1000–1200 Ma grains (Fig. 3; e.g., Becker et al. 2005; Dickinson and Gehrels 2009; Park et al. 2010). Transcontinental fluvial systems are proposed to have traversed North America during the Jurassic (Dickinson and Gehrels 2009), but no evidence of large-scale, east-to-west flowing systems exist within




FIG. 2.—Sample results. A) Detrital-zircon normalized probability plots from the nine samples; n is number of analyses. Highlighted areas depict primary age populations. Sample 1 (red) represents chronofacies i, and is characterized by 1.8–1.9 Ga and 2.6–2.8 Ga grains. Samples 2–6 (blue) represents chronofacies ii, and are characterized by zircons with U-Pb ages of ca. 300–600 Ma, and ca. 1000–1200 Ma. Samples 7–9 (green) represent chronofacies iii and are characterized by abundant grains less than 250 Ma. Local recycling of strata likely account for the presence of distinct populations within successive chronofacies. B) Cumulative probability plot. As in Part A, red represents sample 1 (chronofacies i), blue represents samples 2–6 (chronofacies ii), and green represents samples 7–9 (chronofacies iii). Numbers next to the curves are the sample numbers. Samples display distinct groupings. See text for discussion; for complete results, see the Data Repository.

Cretaceous strata. In areas of central North America (between the proposed sediment source areas and the McMurray Formation), Lower Cretaceous strata are largely absent (Fig. 4; e.g., Dyman et al. 1994), and where present, Early Cretaceous paleoflow data are inconclusive with respect to a hypothetical transcontinental river (Fig. 4; Witzke and Ludvigson 1994).

Southwestern North America contains a potential source of Appalachian-derived detrital zircons in Jurassic eolianites (Hypothesis B; Figs. 4, 5; Dickinson and Gehrels 2009). Age populations of 420, 615, 1055, and 1160 Ma in these units reflect original derivation from Grenville and Appalachian sources (Dickinson and Gehrels 2009). Sediment in these eolian units, originally derived from eastern North America (Dickinson




FIG. 3.—Comparison between detrital zircon ages in the McMurray Formation from Alberta, Canada and Mississippian-age strata deposited in the Alleghanian foreland basin of the Appalachians in Virginia and West Virginia, U.S.A. The map of North America shows the Grenville province (gray) and the Appalachian province (light gray, hatches) from Dickinson and Gehrels (2009), as well as the McMurray Formation (stippled area) and approximate location of the samples. Both samples contain very similar detrital-zircon age populations, most notably populations of ca. 300–600 Ma and ca. 1000–1200 Ma. The presence of Grenville and Appalachian detrital zircons in the McMurray Formation of Alberta is interpreted to indicate that some of the sediment in this unit (chronofacies ii) was originally derived from eastern North America. How and when the sediment was transported from eastern North America to western Canada is not yet resolved (see Fig. 5). McMurray Formation sample is from this study (see Fig. 2), Mississippian-age sample is from Park et al. (2010). N 5 number of samples, n 5 number of detrital-zircon ages.

and Gehrels 2009), was exposed and recycled into the Cordilleran foreland basin during Early Cretaceous time (Dickinson and Gehrels 2008). These grains would have had to have been transported northward into present-day Canada during the Early Cretaceous, which is consistent with several Early Cretaceous paleogeographic reconstructions (e.g., McGookey 1972; Lawton 1994; Miall et al. 2008). The primary issue with

this hypothesis is the well-established presence of paleohighlands, which existed to the west and south of the Athabasca Oil Sands during the deposition of the McMurray Formation (Figs. 4, 5; Leckie and Smith 1992; Cant 1996; Ranger and Pemberton 1997; Christopher 2003). If sediment from the south was delivered into the McMurray subbasin, the likely large fluvial systems would have had to transect these highs

FIG. 4.—Generalized Early Cretaceous paleogeography. Present-day latitude and longitudes are shown. Regions inferred as relative paleotopographic highs are shown in gray (adapted, in part, from Christopher 2003; Blakey 2012). Areas of general deposition are depicted in white. Smaller arrows represent compiled paleocurrent indicators (Heller and Paola 1989 (orange); Leckie and Smith 1992 (black); Witzke and Ludvigson 1994 (pink); Leckie et al. 1998 (blue); and DeCelles 2004 (purple)). Representative detrital-zircon signatures from different parts of North America are shown in the inset: a) Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation, this study; b) Mesozoic eolianites, Colorado Plateau (Dickinson and Gehrels 2009); c) Mississippian strata, Virginia and West Virginia (Park et al. 2010). Tectonic features (wb, Williston Basin; tca, Transcontinental Arch; mb, Michigan Basin; modified from Sloss 1988) are included, but were not necessarily active during the Early Cretaceous.




that the detrital zircons of Appalachian affinity were recycled from the eroded strata now absent from beneath the McMurray Formation and coeval units of western Canada (Hypothesis C; Fig. 5). This hypothesis is consistent with studies that suggest that the paleodrainages of the rivers associated with the McMurray Formation were limited to the surrounding region (e.g., Christopher 2003; Leckie and Seif El-Dein 2009). It is difficult to test this hypothesis, as it relies on strata that have been eroded; however, small exposures of sub-Cretaceous strata are present in limited locations in the subsurface of western Canada. Of these units, most consist of Paleozoic carbonates with lesser Permian–Jurassic sandstones (Hayes et al. 1994). Currently, no detrital-zircon data are available from these sub-Cretaceous clastic units. If the Permian–Jurassic sandstones prove to host detrital zircons of Appalachian affinity, it would strongly support, but not necessarily prove, the hypothesis that sediments from eastern North America were transported to western Canada during Permian–Jurassic time and subsequently recycled into the McMurray Formation during the Early Cretaceous. Vertical Stratigraphic Variations

FIG. 5.—Sediment transport models for ‘‘Appalachian’’ zircons. Large arrows represent hypothesized pathways of sediment from eastern North America to the Athabasca region of Canada. Hypothesis A involves direct transport of material from east to west during the Early Cretaceous; Hypothesis B involves preCretaceous transport of sediment from eastern North America to southwestern North America, followed by northward transport during the Early Cretaceous; and Hypothesis C involves pre-Cretaceous transport of sediment from eastern North America to western Canada, followed by local recycling of underlying (pre-Cretaceous strata) during the Early Cretaceous.

(Figs. 4, 5). Current data (Fig. 4) makes this hypothesis seem unlikely; however, at this time, no definitive evidence demonstrates whether this did or did not occur. The McMurray Formation overlies an unconformity juxtaposing Lower Cretaceous strata on Devonian rocks (Fig. 1). Thus, it is possible

Chronofacies within the McMurray Formation change vertically throughout the succession, suggesting variable contributions from the different source areas over time. The Canadian Shield-derived chronofacies i occurs at the base of the formation, suggesting that the Canadian Shield was initially an important sediment source. These deposits are also associated with smaller paleochannels than those in the overlying deposits of the McMurray Formation (Hein and Cotterill 2006). The larger paleochannels of the McMurray Formation (, 600 m wide, 35 m deep; Mossop and Flach 1983; Hubbard et al. 2011; Fustic et al. 2012) are associated with the transition to chronofacies ii, and the detrital zircons of Appalachian affinity (Fig. 2). It is apparent that the introduction of this chronofacies was coincident with an expansion of the catchment area, as reflected by the establishment of a large meanderbelt and a more diverse detrital-zircon population (Fig. 2). The larger paleochannels associated with chronofacies ii suggests that the decrease in Canadian Shield-derived zircons observed in this chronofacies was likely a relative decrease, and one that was the result of a greater influx of Appalachian-derived zircons. Cordillera-derived zircons are rare in chronofacies ii, suggesting that sediments shed from the Canadian Cordillera were not transported into this portion of Alberta while most of the McMurray Formation was deposited. During deposition of the McMurray Formation, the McMurray subbasin appears to have been segregated from the Cordilleran foredeep by a forebulge or the paleotopographic highs on its western margin (Fig. 4). Chronofacies iii is restricted to uppermost samples and contains Cordillera-derived grains (Fig. 2). This chronofacies, from the upper McMurray Formation and the Wabiskaw Member, is associated with brackish to marine shoreline environments (Figs. 4, 5; Keith et al. 1988). It is plausible that tidal and long-shore currents facilitated transport of zircons from the Cordilleran orogen to northeastern Alberta as the Western Interior Seaway inundated the study area (Figs. 4 and 5; cf. Li and Komar 1992; Leckie 2003). Based on preliminary observations, there does not appear to be any strong correspondence between sandstone petrology and chronofacies. CONCLUSIONS

The McMurray Formation (Athabasca Oil Sands, Canada) contains three different detrital-zircon signatures that reflect sediment input from the Canadian Shield, an Appalachian source in eastern North America, and the Cordilleran orogen. Lowermost deposits contain detrital zircons with U-Pb ages of ca. 1800–1900 and ca. 2600–2800 Ma and are interpreted to have been derived from the Canadian Shield. Most of the sediment in the McMurray Formation contains detrital zircons with U-



Pb ages of ca. 300–600 and ca. 1000–1200 Ma, which are interpreted to have been originally derived from eastern North America. Uppermost samples in the McMurray Formation contain abundant zircon grains less than 250 Ma, interpreted to have been derived from the North American Cordillera. How and when the detrital zircons from eastern North America were transported and deposited in western Canada remains unresolved, with options including direct transport via a large-scale Early Cretaceous river system, and others that consider recycling of longtravelled sediment that was once deposited between Appalachia and northeastern Alberta. In either instance, the presence of abundant Appalachian grains in the Athabasca Oil Sands highlights the importance of transcontinental sediment dispersal across this portion of northern North America. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

The Arizona LaserChron Center is supported by National Science Foundation grant EAR-0443387, and funding for this research was provided by Nexen Energy ULC. We thank Milovan Fustic for his assistance in getting this project started. We would also like to thank Bernard Guest, Owen Anfinson, Brant Skibsted, Keegan Raines, Mark Pecha, and Clayton Loehn for their help. This manuscript was greatly improved by reviews from Drs. T. Lawton, M. Gingras, and K. Marsaglia. Data is available from JSR’s on-line archive: REFERENCES

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