Providence Downs Pool Rules - Lawson

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Everyone entering the Millhouse must use their fob to gain access. Do not open the Millhouse doors for anyone. Only Elig
Lawson Millhouse Facility Rules (Rev. 9/2016)

1. All persons using the Millhouse do so at their own risk. Owners and Management are not responsible for accidents or injuries incurred. 2. The Millhouse is open daily from 6:00 AM to 11:00 PM daily. 3. The Millhouse will be closed 3 hours prior to events (private or public) scheduled at the Millhouse. Please see calendar on 4. Everyone entering the Millhouse must use their fob to gain access. Do not open the Millhouse doors for anyone. Only Eligible Association Members (members who are in good standing and current with association dues) and their guests will be allowed to use the facility. All guests need to be signed in and accompanied by a member at all times. Fob sharing is strictly prohibited. Allowing unauthorized entrance or use of a fob will result in immediate suspension of your privileges. 5. Children under the age of 18 are not permitted unless under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian. 6. No wet clothing is allowed. 7. Access to the pool using the back stairs is prohibited. 8. Furniture inside the Millhouse will not be moved. 9. No animals are permitted in the Millhouse, with the exception of service animals. 10. The Millhouse is a smoke-free environment. This includes smoke free devices (i.e. e-cigarettes). 11. Please be courteous to others using the Millhouse. 12. No boisterous or rough play is allowed. 13. Trash will be disposed of in proper receptacles & bathrooms will be kept clean. 14. Property damage due to negligence or abuse by an association member or guest will be charged to the responsible association member. 15. The Millhouse is under video surveillance at all times and Management reserves the right to deny use of the facility at any time. MILLHOUSE ALARM SYSTEM WILL ARM AUTOMATICALLY. PLEASE VACATE THE BUILDING PROMPTLY AT 11:15 PM TO ENSURE THAT NO FALSE ALARMS OCCUR. ANY CHARGE (BY THE FIRE OR POLICE DEPTS) FOR FALSE ALARMS MAY BE CHARGED TO THE RESPONSIBLE ASSOCIATION MEMBER. Please report any problems or concerns to Braesael Management Company at 704-847-3507 or [email protected]