Jul 2, 2013 ... In order to be eligible for admission to MBBS/BDS Courses for a particular
academic year, it shall ... on the basis of merit list of NEET UG 2013.
Health Science Flow Chart of filling up of Preference Form Notification by Competent Authority for filling up of Preference Form Candidates will be called for filling up of Preference Form as per schedule declared by Competent Authority Counselling of the reported candidates by Divisional Authorities Issue of Scrutiny form (Form No.S-1) Filling up of Scrutiny form by the candidate (Form No.S-1)
Payment of Demand Draft Rs. 1,000/- to Concerned Officer
Scrutiny of original documents & Remarks of scrutiny officer at the prescribed place on form No.S-1
Issue of Preference Form to eligible candidates
Candidate to fill working Preference Form (WP-1) and then Preference Form (PF)
Submission of Preference Form & Scanning of Preference Form
Issue of data sheet of Preference Form to the candidate
Verification of data by candidate
Correction, if any, of the data and issue of final data sheet
Exit of the candidate with BEST WISHES
Health Science
INDEX 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20)
Flow Chart of filling up to Preference Form Schedule of Selection Process for Health Science Courses Introduction Merit list for seats under state quota of Maharashtra Definitions Eligibility for admission to health science degree courses Certificates Revaluation of hsc or equivalent examination marks Preference form filling process for health science course through neet ug 2013 Counseling & Distribution of seats Selection process Payment of fees Cancellation Final selection Service bond & penalty Insurance scheme Conduct and discipline Legal jurisdiction Eligibility for constitutional reservation Person with Disability (PWD)
21) Fees, freeships & scholarships fee structure at government colleges 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40)
Exemptions as per government rules in government, govt. Aided and corporation colleges Important instruction for preference form system and admission process I. Guideline instructions to candidates for filling preference form List of colleges of health science courses available for admission under NEET UG 2013 by the competent authority. Specimen Copy of Preference Form Annexure‐A‐ Constitutional Reservations Annexure ‐B‐Children Of Defiance Personnel Annexure ‐C‐Person With Disability (PWD) ANNEXURE‐D‐Maharashtra‐Karnataka Disputed Border Area (Mkb) Reservation ANNEXURE ‐E‐Hilly Area (HA) Reservation ANNEXURE ‐F‐Additional Weightage Claim ANNEXURE ‐G‐Proforma For Non‐Creamy Layer Certificate ANNEXURE ‐ H‐Medical Fitness ANNEXURE ‐ I‐Abbreviations ANNEXURE ‐ J‐Status Retention Form Proforma for cancellation of admission Scrutiny form gehi_kkpk uewuk (UNDERTAKING) SML No. of last admitted candidate to various courses in Rest of Maharashtra, Vidarbha & Marathwada during academic year 2012‐2013 through MHT‐CET 2012
.. .. .. 1 .. 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 10 .. 13 .. 15 .. 16 .. 16 .. 16 .. 16 .. 17 .. 17 .. 17 .. 18 .. 19 .. 19 .. 20 .. 21 ..24 ..32 ..33 ..35 ..37 ..38 ..38 ..39 ..41 ..42 ..43 ..44 ..45 ..46 ..47 ..48
Health Science
NEET UG 2013 Schedule of Selection Process for Health Science Courses (Will be declared later on website www.dmer.org & leading News papers) Date of filling up of Preference Form at Regional : 02/07/2013 to Centres 13/07/2013 Declaration of the list of selected candidates of the : 20/07/2013 first round Last date of joining to the respective college for the : 29/07/2013 first round Declaration of the list of selected candidates of the : second round Last date of joining to the respective college for the : second round Will be declared later on Declaration of the list of selected candidate for : web site www.dmer.org dropout seats round Last date of joining to the respective colleges for : dropout seats round Cut-off-date of admission process for MBBS, BDS & : 30/09/2013 B.Sc.(Nursing) Certificates / Documents to be brought on the day of Preference form filling & Counseling. (All the Originals & One set of attested photocopies) a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k)
l) m) n) o) p) q)
Admit card of NEET UG 2013 Copy of Online submission Form (Latest) NEET-UG 2013 Mark sheet Nationality certificate/valid Indian passport H.S.C. (or equivalent) examination marksheet SSC (or equivalent) passing certificate (for Date of Birth) Medical fitness certificate (Annexure - H) Bonafide certificate or Affidavit (for educational Gap) As applicable Caste Certificate Caste Validity Certificate Non Creamy layer Certificate valid upto 31/03/2014 (VJ, NT1, NT2, NT3 & OBC including SBC) D1/D2/D3 : Ex-servicemen Certificate, actual service certificate D1/D2 : Domicile Certificate of Defence person D3 : Transfer certificate MKB : Dispute area certificate, Mother tongue certificate, SSC/HSC for MKB area. HA : Parent Domicile certificate, SSC/HSC of candidate from hilly area Additional weightage claim certificate (if applicable) For Person with disability (PWD) Candidates - Medical Fitness Certificate as per annexure- C.
Health Science
INTRODUCTION The Medical Council of India with the approval of the Central Government notified the following amendments in the ‘Regulations on Graduate Medical Education 1997’ as published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary on 21st December, 2010 and 15st February, 2012. Also, the Dental Council of India with the approval of Central Government notified the following amendments to the ‘BDS Course Regulations, 2007’ as published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary dated 31st May, 2012: a. There shall be a single eligibility cum entrance examination namely ‘National Eligibilitycum-Entrance Test for admission to MBBS/BDS courses’ in each academic year. b. In order to be eligible for admission to MBBS/BDS Courses for a particular academic year, it shall be necessary for a candidate to obtain minimum marks in ‘National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test’ held for the said academic year besides obtaining minimum prescribed marks at the qualifying examination. c. The reservation of seats in medical/dental colleges for respective categories shall be as per applicable laws prevailing in States/Union Territories. An all India merit list as well as State-wise merit list of the eligible candidates shall be prepared on the basis of the marks obtained in National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test and candidates shall be admitted to MBBS/BDS courses from the said lists only. d. No candidate who has failed to obtain the minimum eligibility marks as prescribed by the Medical Council of India/Dental Council of India shall be admitted to MBBS/BDS Courses in the said academic year. e. All admissions to MBBS/BDS courses within the respective categories shall be based solely on marks obtained in the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test. f. The Central Board of Secondary Education shall be the organization to conduct National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test for admission to MBBS/BDS courses. Accordingly, the Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi conducted the First National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test for admission to MBBS/BDS Courses in the session 2013-14 on Sunday, the 05th May, 2013. The responsibility of the CBSE is limited to the conduct of the entrance examination, declaration of result and providing merit list to the Counselling Authorities. Besides MBBS / BDS the admission to other health Sciences courses i.e BAMS/BHMS /BPTh/BOTh/BP&O/BSc (Nursing)/BPMT under DMER will be filled on the basis of merit list of NEET UG 2013. The notification in this context was
published on 3rd December 2012. 2. Merit list for seats under state quota of Maharashtra: Based on the information in respect of State Code of Eligibility and Domicile filled in by the candidate in the application form, the CBSE will prepare state level merit lists of successful Candidates on the basis of the score obtained by the students of each state in the NEET UG Examination. The list of successful candidates from each State/UT shall be forwarded to the Directorate of Medical Education of the State/UT concerned for the purpose of allotment of seats by online counseling/personal appearance subject to applicable laws prevailing in the State/UT.
DMER, Mumbai
NEET UG-CET-2013 Brochure
Health Science 2.1 The revised state merit list for seats under state quota will be published on the website of DMER ofter addition of Additional Weightage percentile and finalizing the constitutional and / Or specified reservation claim of candidates. The DMER Provisional Merit List of Maharashtra State quota will be prepared on the basis of information submitted by candidates through online process made available on dmer website from 12th june to 20th june 2013. However the final assigned category region, additional weightage claim of the candidates will be subject to document verification at the time of preference form filling process. 2.2 Preference form processing Fee : The candidate desirous of filling preference form for NEET UG 2013 for State Quota seats of Maharashtra will have to pay fee Rs 1,000/- as administrative charge. The Candidate shall deposit demand draft of Rs 1,000/- (One Thousand Only) in favour of Director Medical Education Research, Mumbai payable at Mumbai from any scheduled commercial bank. 3. DEFINITIONS
"Application Form" means prescribed form to be filled up by the candidate for filling up to choice in Preference form.
“Competent Authority” means the Authority designated or appointed by Govt. of Maharashtra to The respective Competent Authorities will supervise and control the selection process for the admission to Health Science and act as a chairperson of the Appeal Committee for representations. The Competent Authority will issue necessary executive instructions for implementation and provide relevant information to be published or communicated.
3.3 “Council” means respective Central Council for Health Science courses. 3.4 “Defence” means services established under the Army Act 1950/Airforce Act1950/Navy Act 1957. 3.5 "Health Science Courses" means courses affiliated to Maharashtra University of Health Science(MUHS), Nashik, which include MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BHMS, BUMS, BPTh, BOTh, BP&O, BASLP, BSc Nursing and BPMT. 3.6 "Government College/Government Institution" - Means college/institution which is governed or aided by Government of Maharashtrta/Central Government/ local self Government i.e Govt./Govt. aided/Municipal Corporation. 3.7 "Private College/Private Institution" - Means College/Institution which is governed by private management and not aided by Govt. of Maharashtra/Central Government/ local self Government. 3.8 “Hilly Area (HA)” means Hilly Areas as per the resolutions issued by the Government of Maharashtra from time to time. (Annexure - F) 3.9 “Intake Capacity” in any particular institution/course means the ‘minimum number of seats’ permitted by the four Regulatory authorities i.e. Govt. of India, respective Central Council, Govt. of Maharashtra and MUHS, Nashik.
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Health Science 3.10 “Maharashtra Karnataka Border (MKB)” means Maharashtra Karnataka disputed border area as set out by Government of Maharashtra. (Annexure-E) 3.11 “Nomadic Tribes (NT)” means Nomadic Tribes as specified and laid down by the Government of Maharashtra. 3.12 “Other Backward Class (OBC)” means Other Backward Class as specified and laid down by the Government of Maharashtra. 3.13 "Preference Form" means the preprinted form containing essential details of the candidate along with State Merit List Number, issued to the candidate after the examination. In this form the candidate has to give his choice of course and college in preferential order for selection to Health Science Courses. 3.14 “Person with disability (PH)” means Person with disability candidates as per the directions issued by Medical Council of India. 3.15 “Qualifying examination” means the examination (i.e. HSC [12th standard] or equivalent examination) on the basis of result of which a candidate becomes eligible to appear at NEET UG 2013 entrance examination for selection to aforesaid Health Science Courses. 3.16 “Scheduled Castes (SC)” means Scheduled Castes as specified and laid down by the Government of India and as recognized in the State of Maharashtra. 3.17 “Scheduled Tribes (ST)” means Scheduled Tribes as specified and laid down by the Government of India and as recognized in the State of Maharashtra. 3.18 “Special Backward Category (SBC)” means Special Backward category as specified and laid down by the Government of Maharashtra. 3.19 “Status Retention” means the retention of a seat by a candidate, once admitted at a particular college/institution. 3.20 "Sub-Centre Incharge" means the officer incharge of the High School /College where the MHT CET 2013 examination is being conducted. 3.21 “Vimukta Jati (De-Notified Tribes) (VJ/DT)” means Vimukta Jati as specified and laid down by the Government of Maharashtra.
The candidate must be an Indian National. Persons of Indian Origin (PIO)/ Non Resident Indian (NRI)/Overseas citizen of India (OCI) are not eligible.
The candidate must be born on or before 31st December 1996 to be eligible to appear for NEET UG -2013. However, for admission to Ayurved and Unani courses, candidate must be born on or before 1st October 1996. The Birth certificate indicating name of the candidate, Secondary School Certificate i.e. SSC or equivalent examination certificate or School Leaving Certificate endorsing the date of birth will constitute a valid proof.
The candidate must be medically fit and must submit a certificate of medical fitness at the time of Preference form filling as per proforma (Annexure-H).
The candidate must have passed the SSC or equivalent examination from an Institution situated in the state of Maharashtra. (Please refer 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, Annexure"B" & Annexure"D" for exception)
DMER, Mumbai
NEET UG-CET-2013 Brochure
Health Science 4.5
The candidate must have passed the qualifying examination i.e. Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC/12th Standard) or equivalent examination, from an Institution situated in the State of Maharashtra (Please refer 4.7, 4.8, Annexure"B" & Annexure"D" for exception) with English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany & Zoology) at the time of admission. 4.5.1 Eligibility criteria of Qualifying Examination for various courses For MBBS/BDS/BAMS : A candidate belonging to Open Category must have obtained not less than 50% (i.e. 150 out of 300) marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken together at the HSC (or equivalent) Examination. A candidate belonging to constitutional reservation (Annex. B) backward class and constitutional reservation with Person with disability claim must have obtained not less than 40% (i.e. 120 out of 300) marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken together at the HSC (or equivalent) Examination. Person with disability candidate in General catogery must secure not less than 45% marks in Physics, Chemistry & Biology (PCB) taken together the at HSC (or equivalent) Examination. For BSc. Nursing - A candidate belonging to open category must have obtained not less than 45% marks in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English taken together at HSC (or equivalent) examination. A candidate belonging to constitutional reservation (Annex. B) must have obtained not less than 40% marks in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English taken together at HSC(or equivalent) Exam. For BHMS, BUMS, BPTh, BOTh, BASLP, BP&O and BPMT courses: Clause is not applicable. Passing grade at HSC/12th Standard or equivalent examination is however necessary. For admission to BP&O candidates who have passed 12th standard examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and / or Mathematics are eligible. For admission to BASLP, candidates who have passed 12th standard examination with Physics, Biology, Chemistry and/or Mathematics and/or Computer Science are eligible.
Exception for SSC (10th Std. or equivalent examination):- Candidate who has passed SSC or equivalent examination from an institute situated outside Maharashtra State and HSC or equivalent examination from within Maharashtra State is eligible for seeking admission to the courses in Health Science provided that he/she is DOMICILE of Maharashtra.
Exception for SSC (10th) and HSC (12th) or equivalent examinations: Children of employees of the Government of Maharashtra or its Undertaking :Children of employees of the Government of Maharashtra or its Undertaking posted on deputation or transfer to a place outside the State of Maharashtra, or transferred from outside to a place situated within the State of Maharashtra:1. The children of such employees of Government of Maharashtra or its undertaking who have joined service since beginning at a place situated outside the State of Maharashtra but who have been transferred to a place situated within the State of Maharashtra shall be eligible for admission even though such children might have passed the S.S.C.(Std. X) and/or H.S.C. (Std.XII) or equivalent exam from the recognized Institutions situated outside the State of Maharashtra, provided that such an employee of Government of Maharashtra or its Undertaking must have
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NEET UG-CET-2013 Brochure
Health Science been posted/ transferred/ deputed at a place of work located in the State of Maharashtra and also must have reported-for-duty i.e. joined the duty before the last date of submission of Preference Form. 2. The candidates belonging to the aforesaid category at (1) shall be required to produce the requisite Certificate from the Office at which such an employee of Government of Maharashtra or its Undertaking has reported for duty as a proof that such employee has joined the office and/or reported for duty before the cut off date for eligibility i.e. the last date of submission of Preference Form. The certificate should contain full name of the employee, designation, transfer/posting order number and date, date of joining and present status of posting. A copy of transfer/posting order should also be produced at the time of filling the preference form. 3. The children of such employees of Government of Maharashtra or its Undertaking who have been transferred or deputed to a place situated outside the State of Maharashtra or who have returned to the State of Maharashtra after initial transfer/deputation shall be eligible for admission even though such children might have passed the S.S.C. (Std. X) and/or H.S.C. (Std. XII) or equivalent examinations from the recognized Institutions situated outside the State of Maharashtra. 4. The candidates belonging to the aforesaid category at (3) above shall be required to produce the requisite Certificate from the Office at which such an employee of Government of Maharashtra or its Undertaking has reported for duty. The certificate should contain full name of the employee, designation, transfer order number and date, date of joining and present status of posting. A copy of transfer order should also be produced at the time of filling the preference form. 4.8 Exception for SSC (10th) and HSC (12th) or equivalent examinations: Children of employees of Government of India or its Undertaking:1.
The children of the employees of Government of India or its Undertaking shall be eligible for admission even though they might have passed the S.S.C. (Std.X) and/or H.S.C. (Std. XII) or equivalent exam from the recognized Institutions situated outside the State of Maharashtra, provided that such an employee of Government of India or its Undertaking must have been transferred/posted at a place of work, located in the State of Maharashtra and also must have reported for duty i.e. joined the duty before the last date of submission of Preference Form.
2. The candidates belonging to the aforesaid category (1) shall be required to produce the requisite Certificate from the Office at which such an employee of Government of India or its Undertaking has reported for duty as a proof of the fact that such employee has joined the office and/or reported for duty before the cut off date for eligibility i.e., the last date of submission of Preference Form. The certificate should contain full name of the employee, designation, transfer/posting order number and date, date of joining and present status of posting. A copy of transfer/posting order should also be produced at the time of filling the preference form.
NEET UG 2013 Eligibility for Admission to MBBS & BDS Courses: A candidate belonging to open category must secure not less than 50 percentile marks in Physics, Chemistry & Biology (PCB) taken together at NEET UG -2013. A candidate belonging to constitutional reservation (Annexure B) and constitutional reservation with Person with
DMER, Mumbai
NEET UG-CET-2013 Brochure
Health Science disability claimed candidate must secure not less than 40 percentile marks in Physics, Chemistry & Biology (PCB) taken together in the NEET UG -2013. Person with disability candidate in General catogery must secure not less than 45percentile marks in Physics, Chemistry & Biology (PCB) taken together in the NEET UG -2013.
4.10 NEET UG-2013 Marks for Admission to BAMS/BHMS/BUMS/BPTh/BOTh /BASLP /BP&O/BPMT and B.Sc. Nursing: A candidate will be selected on the basis of merit in NEET UG -2013 to above stated courses. 4.11 Additional Eligibility For BUMS: Candidate should have passed SSC (or equivalent) examination from the recognized board with Urdu as one of the subjects. 4.12 Cut-off date for the eligibility: The eligibility of the candidate shall be determined and/or decided for all purposes including for applicability of all these Rules and Regulations by considering the last date of submission of Preference Form as the cut off date. It is made abundantly clear that if a candidate is found ineligible as on the last date of submission of preference form, in terms of these Rules and Regulations, and if such an ineligible candidate acquires the requisite eligibility after the aforesaid cut off date (i.e. the last date of submission of preference form), such subsequent acquisition of eligibility will not make an ineligible candidate eligible for any purpose whatsoever, much less for the purpose of admission. 4.13 For Eligibility to Health Science Courses under Defence specified reservation Refer Annexure - B 4.14 For Eligibility to Health Science Courses under Person with disability specified reservation - Refer Annexure - C. 4.15 For Eligibility to Health Science Courses under Maharashtra Karnataka Border (MKB) area specified reservation - Refer Annexure - D. 4.16 For Hilly Area seat claim - Refer to conditions/criteria under Annexure-E. 4.17 All those candidates who have passed the S.S.C. (Std. X) and/or H.S.C. (Std. XII) or equivalent examination/s from an Institution/s situated outside the State of Maharashtra are NOT ELIGIBLE to Fill Preference form & not eligible subsequent admission to Health Science courses, except those exempted under Rule 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, Def. & MKB. 4.18 Admission to Health Science Courses is subject to the grant of eligibility by Maharashtra University of Health Science, Nashik. 5. CERTIFICATES
The following certificates in original and their attested photocopies must be submitted for scrutiny at the time of filling the preference form, as well as at the time of admission. 5.1 Admit Card and Mark sheet of NEET UG 2013 Examination. 5.2 Nationality Certificate issued by District Magistrate/Addl. District Magistrate or Metropolitan Magistrate (Competent Authority for issue of such certificate)/valid Indian Passport or School Leaving Certificate of HSC/12th Std. indicating the nationality of the candidate as ‘Indian’. 5.3 Domicile Certificate (Refer Rule 4.6) issued by District Magistrate/Metropolitan Magistrate/ Addl. District Magistrate or Tehsildar. (Required only for the candidates passing SSC (10th Std.) or equivalent examination situated outside the State of Maharashtra.)
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NEET UG-CET-2013 Brochure
Health Science 5.4 SSC i.e. 10th Standard or equivalent examination certificate, school leaving certificate or Birth certificate indicating name of the candidate (for DOB) and SSC Statement of Marks. 5.5 HSC i.e. 12th Standard or equivalent examination Statement of Marks 5.6 Medical fitness certificate (Annexure-H) 5.7 Online Submission Form (Latest) If aplicable following certificates. 5.8 Constitutional reservation claim. (Annexure-A) a) Caste Certificate b) Caste Validity Certificate (CVC) c) Non-Creamy Layer Certificate (for VJ/DT (v), NT (c), NT (d), NT (M), SBC & OBC) valid upto 31/3/2014. (Annexure - G)
5.9 Specified Reservation Claim a) Defence Category Claim (Annexure-B) b) Person with Disability (PWT) (Annexure-C) c) MKB Claim (Annexure-D) d) HA Claim (Annexure-E)
5.10 Additional Weightage Claim (Annexure-F) a) Sports b) Hyderabad/Goa liberation (HGL) c) Freedom Fighter (FF) d) National Cadet Corps (NCC)
5.11 Necessary transfer order/(s) of the parent (Rule 4.7 and Rule 4.8. and Annexure B 3(d).
5.12 Bonafide certificate / Affidavit stating Gap in the Education (Not required for the candidates appearing for H.S.C. or equivalent examination in March 2013):Bonafide Certificate:- This is for those candidates who have passed HSC/12th Standard in March 2011 or before and presently studying in a course/institution not affiliated to Maharashtra University of Health Science, Nashik. (to be issued by the concerned institution). Affidavit on Rs. 100/- Bond to be Notarized (Gap Certificate):- This is for those candidates who have passed HSC/12th Standard in March 2011 or before and presently not studying in any course/institution.
6 REVALUATION OF HSC OR EQUIVALENT EXAMINATION MARKS If the marks of a candidate at HSC (or equivalent) examination have been revised on revaluation, the eligibility of the candidate may be altered. The candidate will be permitted to avail the benefit of revised marks upto the last date of filling up of Preference Form, subject to his/her representation to that effect to the Competent Authority and production of necessary proof to the satisfaction of the latter.
DMER, Mumbai
NEET UG-CET-2013 Brochure
Health Science 7. COUNSELLING & PREFERENCE FORM FILLING PROCESS FOR HEALTH SCIENCE COURSE THROUGH NEET UG 2013 Admission to First Year Health Science Courses for the academic year 2013-2014, will be done by Counselling and filling of the "Preference Form" at four regional centres. The selection process for admission to BPMT courses will be declared at a later date. The preferences filled by the candidates at the centres will be centrally processed and list of selected candidates will be declared. As per this list the candidate should join college / course allotted to him/her. The four centres where the candidates should fill the preference form are Grant Govt. Medical College, Mumbai, B.J. Govt. Medical College Pune, Govt. Medical College, Aurangabad and Govt. Medical College, Nagpur. The candidate should report personally (proxy not allowed) to the centre given in Table No.1, as per Provisional State Merit List DMER SML No., given by DMER according to the Schedule given in, Table No.2, for the counselling and filling the "Preference Form".
Table No.1 : Name and address of Centre opted by the candidates for the Preference Form filling & Counselling Centre
Name & Address of Centre
Grant Govt. Medical College, Sir J.J. Hospital Campus, Byculla, Mumbai - 400 008
B.J. Govt. Medical College, Pune
Govt. Medical College, Aurangabad
Govt. Medical College, Nagpur
DMER, Mumbai
NEET UG-CET-2013 Brochure
Health Science Table No. 2: Schedule for filling of Preference form at all Regional Centres (Will be declared later on website www.dmer.org & leading News papers) Provisional DMER Category (Excluding Person with Disability Day & Date Session SML No. (PWD ‐ PH)) 1 to 350 Morning Session (9.00am) Tuesday, 02/07/2013 351 to 800 Afternoon session(2.00pm) 801 to 1300 Morning Session (9.00am) Wednesday, 03/07/2013 1301 to 1900 Afternoon session(2.00pm) 1901 to 2500 Morning Session (9.00am) Thursday. 04/07/2013 2501 to 3100 Afternoon session(2.00pm) 3101 to 3800 Morning Session (9.00am) Friday, All the candidates (including Constitutional and 05/07/2013 3801 to 4600 Afternoon session(2.00pm) Specified Reservation) from SML No. 1 to 15000 on their respective date and 4601 to 5500 Morning Session (9.00am) Saturday, time schedule. 06/07/2013 5501 to 6500 Afternoon session(2.00pm) ¾ OPEN, SC, ST, VJ, NT1, NT2, NT3, OBC/SBC 6501 to 7500 Morning Session (9.00am) Sunday, ¾ Def‐1, Def‐2 & Def‐3, Hilly Area & MKB 07/07/2013 7501 to 8500 Afternoon session(2.00pm) 8501 to 9500 Morning Session (9.00am) Monday, 08/07/2013 9501 to 10600 Afternoon session(2.00pm) 10601 to 11700 Morning Session (9.00am) Tuesday, 09/07/2013 11701 to 12800 Afternoon session(2.00pm) 12801 to 13900 Morning Session (9.00am) Wednesday, 10/07/2013 13901 to 15000 Afternoon session(2.00pm) Thursday, 11/07/2013 Friday, 12/07/2013 Saturday, 13/07/2013
15001 to 17500
Morning Session (9.00am)
17501 to 20000
Afternoon session(2.00pm)
20001 to 22500 22501 to 25000
Morning Session (9.00am) Afternoon session(2.00pm)
25001 to 30508
Morning Session (9.00am)
15001 to 30508
Afternoon session(2.00pm)
(VJ =DT A,
NT1 =NT B,
¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾
NT2 =NT C,
SC, ST, VJ, NT1, NT2, NT3, OBC, MKB Def‐2 & Def‐3. (for Def‐2 & Def‐3 candidates, from Vidarbh & Marathwada Region Only) Hilly Area (Vidarbha & Marathwada Region Only) SC, ST, VJ, NT1, NT2 Def‐3. (candidates from Marathwada Region Only) ST, VJ, NT1 Only for BUMS course. (All candidates who are desirous of seeking admission to BUMS should have passed SSC with Urdu)
NT3 =NT D)
At the centre so specified the candidates must bring along with them all the relevant documents in original and one set of attested photocopies of the same for scrutiny, alongwith HB pencil, eraser and Black ball point pen. General eligibility and eligibility for constitutional reservation and specified reservation will be finalised after document verification, at the time of counselling & filling preference form. If the relevant documents are not produced by the candidate at the time of counselling and preference form filling, claim will not be granted. No claim/change in claim will be granted after filling of preference form, as per 9.1.5 on page 11 of information brochure. The preference form duly filled by the candidate shall be scanned and the data thus generated shall be given to the candidate for verification of the choices of courses / colleges exercised by him/her. After verification the candidate will report discrepancy if any in the data and it will be duly corrected according to his/her preference form. If the candidate does not report at the verification counter, it will be presumed that the data entered against his/her name is correct and corrections will not be made at later date.
DMER, Mumbai
NEET UG-CET-2013 Brochure
Health Science 8.
DISTRIBUTION OF SEATS: 8.1 Govt. /Govt. Aided/Corporation Colleges: 9.1.1
Selection to various health science courses at these colleges shall be subject to permission/approval/affiliation from, the (1) Govt. of India; (2) Respective Central Council (MCI/DCI/CCIM/CCH/INC etc.); (3) Govt. of Maharashtra and (4) Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik. The “intake capacity” at a particular college shall be the ‘minimum number of seats’ permitted by the above said authorities. Intake capacity of all health sciences institutions / courses and their seat distribution shall be available on website “www.dmer.org” at later date.
NOMINEES OF GOVERNMENT OF INDIA: A specified number of seats i.e. at the Government Medical Colleges (15 seats), Dental Colleges (3 seats) and Ayurved Colleges (5 seats) in Maharashtra State have been kept at the disposal of the Government of India. Seats for nominees of Government of India will be filled up by The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi.
All India quota - 15% seats of the intake capacity for MBBS & BDS courses at Government & Corporation Medical and Dental Colleges will filled through all India NEET UG 2013. These seats will be filled up by the ministry of Health & Family welfare, Govt. of India. DISTRIBUTION OF SEATS TO BE ALLOTTED BY THE COMPETENT AUTHORITY:
After excluding the seats as provided in Para 9.1.2 and 9.1.3; the remaining seats will be at the disposal of the Competent Authority & available for candidates of the State for Selection in the following manner.
Out of the seats at the disposal of the Competent Authority, 3% seats for Person with disability candidates will be carved out. From the remaining seats, 30% of such seats will be made available for candidates from the State (State 30% quota) and these seats will be filled on the basis of State Merit List. There will be constitutional, specified (except defence quota seats) and female reservations in these seats as per rules.
Distribution of Seats in Regional 70% Quota. After the exclusion of State 30% quota seats mentioned at Para the remaining 70% seats from the colleges situated in the respective Developmental Boards will be filled from amongst the Candidates who have passed HSC (or equivalent examination) from the Schools/Colleges situated in the region of the concerned Development Boards i.e. Rest of Maharashtra, Vidarbha and Marathwada. There will be constitutional, specified (except MKB quota seats) and female reservations for these seats as per rules.
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Health Science CRITERIA FOR 70% REGIONAL QUOTA:- For candidates who have passed qualifying examination form Maharashtra State : Region of the candidates for selection under 70% regional quota will be the region form where he/she has passed 12th/HSC or equivalent examination. - For candidates who have passed qualifying examination form outside the state of Maharashtra : Sr. No.
Region for 70% regional quota
Def 1 and Def 2
Def 3
Parents region of posting
State Government employee - Eligible under rule 4.7 ( Transferred out of Maharashtra) State Government employee - Eligible under rule 4.7 ( Transferred back to Maharashtra) Central Government employee - Eligible under rule 4.8
Parents region of posting before transfer/deputation
3 4 5
Quota / Type of candidate
Parents region of domicile
Parents region of posting Parents region of posting
All the seats for BUMS, BPTh, BOTh, BASLP, BP&O, B.Sc. (Nursing) and BPMT courses will be filled by the candidates from the State Level Merit List only. There will not be 70% regional quota.
DISTRIBUTION OF CONSTITUTIONAL & SPECIFIED (PARALLEL) RESERVATION SEATS: The candidates desirous of claiming the constitutional and / or specified reservations must have claimed the same in the online application form of NEET UG 2013, failing which the claim will not be entertained subsequently. The distribution of seats at the disposal of Competent Authority will be made by taking into consideration the constitutional reservations and also the specified reservations as listed below: Constitutional Reservations: In all the Government, Municipal Corporation and Government aided medical Institutions constitutional reservation will be as per NEET UG 2013 Information Brochure Annexure A.
A candidate belonging to backward class from Maharashtra State only, is eligible for claiming seat under reserved category. The seats remaining vacant from the categories SC, ST, VJ, NT1, NT2, NT3 & OBC will be filled in, a)
From among the candidates of the same category by inter-se State merit. If the seats still
remain vacant, then the seats will be filled, From among the candidates of their respective group of that particular Regional area where
c) d) e)
the vacancies exist, by inter-se Regional Area merit. The groups are as follows : i) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Caste converts to Buddhism (S. C.) ii) Scheduled Tribes (S. T.) i) Vimukta Jati - DT-A (V. J.) ii) Nomadic Tribes - NT-B (N. T. -1) i) Nomadic Tribes - NT-C (N. T. -2) ii) Nomadic Tribes - NT-D (N. T. -3) iii) Other Backward Classes (including SBC) (O. B. C.) If the seats still remain vacant then the seats will be filled,
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From among the candidates of all categories mentioned above of that particular Regional Area where the vacancies exist, by inter -se Regional Area merit. If the seats still remain vacant then the seats will be filled,
g) h)
From among the candidates of the common merit list of the concerned Regional Area. If the seats still remain vacant then the seats will be filled, From among the candidates of the common merit list of the inter-se state merit. Children of Defence personnel (DEF): (Refer Annx.-B) The seats reserved for Defence category candidates will be filled regionwise. In the event of non-availability of candidates in any of the defence category, the vacancies that have remained unfilled will be filled by inter-se merit of the candidates from remaining two defence categories of the same region. Even after this, if the seats still remain vacant, then they will be filled in from 70% open category as these defence seats have been carved out from 70% open category. Minimum eligibility criteria shall be as per open merit candidate for selection. Person with disability (PWD) Quota: Three percent of the total available seats in Health Science Courses at Government, Corporation and Govt. Aided colleges are reserved for Person with disability candidates. These seats will be distributed under 30% State quota. Any seat remaining vacant will be reverted back to State 30% Quota. (Refer Annx.-C of NEET UG-2013 Information Brochure) Maharashtra-Karnataka disputed border area residents (MKB) Quota :
Minimum eligibility criteria shall be as per open merit candidate for selection. (Refer Annx.-E of NEET UG-2013 Information Brochure) If the seat/s from MKB quota remains vacant, they will be filled in from 30% Open category as they are carved out from the same category. Hilly Area (HA) Residents as per G.R. No.MED-1003/CR 641/03/Edu-2, dated 16/3/2004, 3% seats at Govt. / Corporation Medical colleges (MBBS course only) are reserved for the candidates from Hilly area. These seats will be distributed under 30% State quota, 70% Regional quota. There will be constitutional reservation and female reservation as mentioned in 9.2.4. (Refer Annx.-E of NEET UG-2013 Information Brochure) 9.1.6
RESERVATION FOR FEMALE CANDIDATES: 30% seats at the disposal of the Competent Authority shall be reserved for female candidates in all the courses. This reservation shall be for all the categories like SC, ST, VJ, NT-1, NT-2, NT-3, OBC, Common, HA, MKB & DEF.
30% female reservation shall be
provided in 30% State seats & 70% regional seats of that category. If requisite numbers of female candidates are not available then these seats shall be offered to male candidates of that category. 9.1.7
CRITERIA FOR DISTRIBUTION OF SEATS FOR MINORITY INSTITUTIONS: Amongst the total seats at aided private colleges, which are declared as “Minority Institutions” by the state Government, 50% of total seats of such college will be at the disposal of the Competent Authority to be filled in from merit list of NEET UG CET 2013 and 50% will be at the disposal of the Management.
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DISTRIBUTION OF SEATS AT PRIVATE UNAIDED INSTITUTIONS: 9.2.1 Selection to various health science courses at the Private unaided institutions who have opted for the NEET UG-2013 through Government of Maharashtra admission process, shall be subject to permission/approval/affiliation from, the (1) Govt. of India; (2) Respective Central Council (MCI/DCI/CCIM/CCH/INC etc.); (3) Govt. of Maharashtra and (4) Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik. The “intake capacity” at a particular college shall be the ‘minimum number of seats’ permitted by the above said authorities. Intake capacity of all health sciences institutions / courses and their seat distribution shall be available on website “www.dmer.org” at later date. 9.2.2 The Private Institutions will fill up 15% of total intake capacity under NRI Quota. 9.2.3 As per Maharashtra Act XXX of 2006 dated 1st August 2006, 25% seats of the total intake capacity of Unaided Private Professional Educational Institutions will be allotted to constitutional reservation category candidates. 9.2.4 There will be 30% State and 70% Regional Quota (exception as per 9.2.5) from the seats available at the disposal of Competent Authority. There shall be 30% female reservation. There shall not be any other specified reservation. 9.2.5 All the seats for BUMS, BPTh., BOTh, BASLP, BP & O, B.Sc. (Nursing) & BPMT Courses will be filled by the candidates from the State Level Merit List only. 9.2.6 As per the directives of Hon’ble High Court, Mumbai in Review Petition No. 8634 of 2007 in WP No. 6332 of 2005, only one round of Private Homeopathic Medical Colleges will be carried out during first round of admission for 85% seats of the total intake capacity.
10. SELECTION PROCESS: 10.1 The selection of the candidates will be made on the basis of preferences given by the candidates. Only a limited number of meritorious candidates will be called for Counselling and asked to fill the preference form. Counselling sessions are not meant for instant seat allocation at these seats. During these sessions candidates are helped in exercising their preferences for various courses, and the institutions. Seat allocation shall be made centrally at a later date on the basis of NEET UG CET 2013 merit list, eligibility and preferences exercised by the candidates. 10.2 Selection Process shall be as follows: The preference form shall be available at the office of the Regional Centre as per notified schedule. The duly filled preference form should be submitted at the same office. 10.2.1 The candidate should submit only one preference form. Submission of more than one form shall lead to disqualification. 10.2.2 There shall be two or more rounds of selection of candidates depending on the availability of vacant seats. The selection will be on the basis of merit and the preferences submitted by the candidates in their preference form. For second or subsequent round no separate preference form will be filled by the candidate.
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Health Science The choices of courses and colleges, once entered in the record/data, after verification by the candidate, shall be final and irrevocable. This final data shall be used in entire selection process for the admission to first year Health Science Courses for the academic year 2013-2014. 10.2.3 The candidates may kindly note while filling the preference form that NEET UG 2013 merit list will be operated from SML number 1 onwards in each round of selection. The candidate getting selected in previous round will be considered for betterment in the subsequent round. The betterment herein means the higher preference exercised by the candidate. The Shift in such betterment shall be compulsory and mandatory except for those who have filled ‘Status Retention Form.’ Such a candidate who has filled Status Retention form will not be considered for any subsequent rounds of selection process for the year 2013-2014. The last date for filling Status Retention Form will be notified along with the selection list. After concluding the first round, for the further round(s) candidates who have been allotted seat(s) in the earlier round(s) and joined the course, as also the candidate(s) who have not been allotted any seat, will be eligible. In the subsequent round(s), betterment chance(s) will be given to the candidate(s) who have already been allotted seat(s). It is hereby made abundantly clear that shifting on account of a better choice given by a candidate in any round, will be effected only and only if such a candidate in the subsequent round(s) is found entitled for 'change of course' or a 'change of college'. Mere possibility of a 'change in category' on account of availability of seat in the same college and/or same course in the further round(s) will not amount to "betterment" as such and therefore, no shifting will be effected in such an eventuality. Such a 'change in category' will include inter-alia change from reserved category to open category or vice-versa. The shift in such betterment shall be compulsory and mandatory, except those who have filled Status Retention Form. 10.2.4 Based on preferences given, the seat will be allotted on merit and the allotment will be displayed on website of DMER i.e. “www.dmer.org”. 10.2.5 Candidates as per allotment should report alongwith all original certificates and a set of attested photocopies of each document as per NEET UG 2013 brochure, at allotted college as per the schedule. The Dean/Principal should verify all the original documents before finalizing the admission. 10.3.1 While filling the seats for any college/Institution state quota seats (30%) shall be filled first followed by regional quota seats (70%). Within 30% state quota and 70% regional quota seats; specified reservation seats will be allotted first to the eligible candidates of respective specified reservation category. The seats for the MKB shall be available as per state merit list only. The seats for Defence category shall be allotted regionwise. 10.3.2 All India quota seats (15% seats) surrendered back to the state shall retain their original character. Vacancies under GOI Quota shall be filled in by 30% OPEN category candidates.
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10.5 10.6
10.7 10.8
Reserved Category Candidates - "Ear-Marking": Reserve category candidate entitled to admission on the basis of merit in an open category seat will have the option of taking admission either against his / her respective category seat or on an open category seat. If he / she opts for the reserved category he / she will be deemed to have been admitted as an open category candidate and not as reserve category candidate. One seat in the college where he / she was eligible for admission against open seat shall be earmarked for a candidate belonging to the respective reserved category. Such earmarked seat will be made available immediately to the successive reserve category candidate from the same category merit during the counselling." A candidate who is selected but does not join the college or cancels the admission after joining, is not eligible for further selection process. Seats that have arisen or fallen vacant after the first round shall be made available at the second round of selection (except Homoeopathic colleges) on the basis of preference form already submitted. No new preference form will be required to be filled in for any subsequent round(s). The vacancy position will be made available on website of DMER i.e. “www.dmer.org” before commencement of the next round. The inter-se round will be conducted for remaining vacant seats from the category as per rule of this Brochure, if necessary at the end of each round. The Cut-Off-date for MBBS, BDS and B.Sc. (Nursing) admissions is 30th September, 2013. For other courses it will be as declared by the respective councils.
10.9 DISQUALIFICATION FOR ADMISSION 10.9.1 The candidate who was allotted a seat in any course under MUHS Nashik in previous year(s) and who vacates / abandons it after availing the said seat, has completed such a period of course which would result into lapse of the said seat, will not be eligible for admission for the next two years under state quota. 10.9.2 Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik shall take the decision regarding eligibility and granting of the term of selected candidates. The selection of a candidate by the Competent Authority at a later date does not place any onus to accord approval for grant of term. 11. PAYMENT OF FEES: 11.1
The fee for the course should be paid at the respective college by Demand Draft from any Nationalised / Scheduled commercial Bank in favour of Dean/Principal of College, as applicable.
REFUND OF FEES BY THE COLLEGE AFTER CHANGE OF COLLEGE / COURSE OR CANCELLATION OF ADMISSION: The candidate who has been admitted and wishes to cancel admission he/she should submit an application. The refund of fees to candidate admitted in the college shall be made after deduction as under:
1. Before cutoff date as declared by the respective council - Rs.1500/- (Rs. One thousand five hundred only) to be deducted and rest of the fees to be refunded.
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Health Science 2. On or after cutoff date as declared by the respective council-No refund of fees. The Dean/Principal of the college shall be responsible for making refund of the fees, cancellation letter from the candidate. If the candidate expires or becomes invalid within 90 days from the date of admission, no deduction shall be made. 12. CANCELLATION: The selected candidate must join the college at which he/she is selected, on or before the date prescribed by the Competent Authority, failing which his/her admission stands cancelled. The selected candidate who has joined the college and wants to cancel the admission should cancel it, at the respective college. The college should accept the cancellation and inform the Competent Authority alongwith copy of the cancellation letter immediately. 13. FINAL SELECTION: 5.1 The selection made by the Competent Authority as per this procedure is final, and will be binding on the candidate. 5.2 Request for mutual transfer is not permissible. Such requests will not be entertained. 14. SERVICE BOND & PENALTY: As per Government Resolution (G.R. No. MED 1007/CR-490/07/Ed-2 dated 8th Feb 2008 and any G.R issued in this regard from time to time), candidates joined against the seats of Government/Municipal Corporation colleges for admission to MBBS/BDS Courses either through GOI nominee, All India quota or through NEET UG 2013 will be required to sign a bond to serve the Government of Maharashtra or local self government or Defence services for a period of one year, failing which he/she will be required to pay Rs.10,00,000/- (Rupees ten lacs only) for the default. Additionally, he/she will be required to sign an undertaking to the effect that he/she will not leave India within a period of five years from the date of obtaining the degree, otherwise he/she will have to pay Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rs.Ten lacs only) as penalty. PENLTY FOR LAPSE OF SEAT (MBBS/BDS COURSE): Any candidate responsible for lapse of MBBS/BDS seat will have to pay a penalty of Rs.10,00,000/- (Rupee Ten Lacs Only). This penalty is applicable to all those candidates who do not join during last round or cancel a seat after last round of admission. This penalty is also applicable to any candidate resigning a seat after cut off date for MBBS/BDS course or also fails to complete the course, irrespective of admission quota of the candidate. 15. INSURANCE SCHEME:
In accordance with GR No.MED-100/880/CR-129 /EDU-1, dated 23/10/2003 “Amartya Shiksha Yojana”, an insurance scheme has been introduced by Govt. of Maharashtra. The details about this scheme shall be known to the candidate at the time of admission.
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Failure of the candidate in making full and correct statements in the application form and/or suppression of any information would lead to disqualification of the candidate, even at later date. Such a candidate will be debarred from the entire selection process. It is responsibility of every candidate to submit proper documents. Any attempt to submit documents which are not genuine will lead to cancellation of the admission of the candidate, forfeiture of the fees, deposits and expulsion of the candidate from the college by the Competent Authority or by his authorised official. The name of such candidate/s shall be deleted from the State Merit List and he/she will not be eligible for further rounds of the selection process and will be debarred from the selection process. If deemed fit even criminal proceeding may be initiated by the Competent Authority against such candidates / their parents. If any candidate / authorised representative or person accompanying is found obstructing the counseling and / or admission process, or trying to influence in unlawful manner/ creating nuisance, the candidate shall be liable for disqualification from the process of selection and appropriate legal action will be taken. The decision taken by the Competent Authority in this respect shall be final and binding. The student while studying in the Health Sciences Courses, if found indulging in antinational activities, unlawful activities or ragging in any form, contrary to the provisions of Acts and Law enforced by Government, will be liable to be expelled from the college by the Dean/Principal of the College. Pursuant to orders in W.P. (Civil) No. 656 of 1999, Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, has directed the Department of Human resources Development and Education, Govt. of India, to take all necessary steps to curb the menace of ragging and take severe action against the students involved in such activities. As per the provisions of Maharashtra Act XXXIII known as “Maharashtra Prohibition of ragging Act of 1999”, students indulging in ragging can be punished under the Act resulting in suspension, expulsion from the college and imprisonment. Any issue not death here in above will be dealt with when arising, fully and finally by the competent Authority. Any amendment made by Government of Maharashtra from time to time will be implemented.
17. LEGAL JURISDICTION All disputes pertaining to the selection state quota seats, shall fall within the jurisdiction of Courts, at Mumbai only. The Competent Authority shall be the legal person in whose name the Government of Maharashtra may sue or may be sued.
18. ELIGIBILITY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL RESERVATION: The candidate should have claimed the constitutional reservation in the original Online application form. The Caste Certificate and the Caste/ Tribe Validity Certificate:The Caste Certificate: The candidates belonging to the backward class categories will be required to submit the Caste Certificate at the time of submitting the preference form, failing which the category claimed, will not be granted and the candidate will be treated as a general candidate.
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Health Science The Caste Validity Certificate: • The candidates belonging to the ST category will be required to submit the Caste Validity Certificate at the time of submitting the preference form, failing which the category claimed, will not be granted and the candidate will be treated as a general candidate. • The candidates belonging to the following Backward Class categories i.e. SC, VJ/DT(A), NT-B, NT-C, NT-D, OBC will be required to submit the Caste Validity Certificate at the time of submitting the preference form. However in case the certificate is not issued by the authorities till the date of submission of preference form, and the candidate is in possession of proof of application to school / Jr. College indicating date of application before 30th June 2013 then only he/she will be allowed to fill the preference form. As per GR No lhchlh$10$2013$izdz-97$ekod fnukad 12 tqu] 2013 All such candidates will have to submit an undertaking as per the Proforma given in this brochure on Rs. 100/- stamp paper duly notarized. Candidates to note that affidavit without proof of application to school / Jr. College indicating date of application before 30th June 2013, then his / her category claim will not be considered. Admission secured by an applicant with pending claim shall stand cancelled if the said claim is invalidated by the scrutiny committee. • Non-Creamy Layer Certificate: A candidate belonging to VJ, NT1, NT2, NT3 & OBC (including
SBC) will be required to produce non-creamy layer certificate valid up to 31/3/2014, at the time of filling the preference form and at the time of admission also, failing which claim will not be granted. It is mandatory to produce Non-Creamy Layer Certificate at the time of filling the preference form.
19. Person with disability (PWD): All the candidates under Person with disability category are permitted to fill preference form and their admission under PWD category is subject to final eligibility ascertained by special (Notified) medical boards constituted for this purpose at 4 regional centers as per table No. 1. The candidate must satisfy other conditions of eligibility at NEET UG 2013 examination criteria for selection to MBBS/ BDS/ BAMS etc. Courses as prescribed for respective category. For the convenience of all such candidates who have claimed specified reservation under Person with disability category, the 'Special Medical Board' along with preference form filing procedure setout as above will be conducted as per the schedule given below. (Only for candidates who have not appeared for Medical board of NEET UG 2013)
Schedule for Person with Disability Candidates (Will be declared later) Date
Remarks All such candidates (PWD-PH) are required to be present for
1 to 20000
Medical Examination before the 'Medical Board' constituted by the Competent Authority at 9.00 a.m. on given date as per their Provisional DMER SML No. at the respective regional centre as per Table No. 1. All the candidates claiming Person
20001 to 30508
with disability reservation will fill the preference form on the same day after medical examination.
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Health Science 20. FEES, FREESHIPS & SCHOLARSHIPS FEE STRUCTURE AT GOVERNMENT COLLEGES 1) A) The fees structure per annum for various health science courses as per is as under. According to GR No. AMC-1007/628/CR148/07/Edu-2 Dated : 1st March, 2011 Annual Tuition fee Development Fee Sr. No. Course per annum per annum 1) Medical 48,400 5,000 2) Dental 36,300 3,000 3) Ayurved 18,200 3,000 4) Unani 18,200 3,000 5) Physiotherapy (PT) 18,200 3,000 6) Occupational Therapy (OT) 18,200 3,000 7) 8) 9)
BASLP (TNMC, Mumbai) B.Sc Nursing BPMT
21,800 7,300 21,800
3,000 -
B) Apart from above stated Tuition fees the other facilities provided by the institution shall be charged as under : 1) Admission Fee 1,500 at the time of admission
3) 4)
Gymkhana Fee
Hostel Fee
Library Fee
per annum
per annum
Deposit - once - At the time of admission
per annum
Fee at Ali Yavar Jung National Institute of Hearing Handicapped, Bandra, Mumbai Course 1) Tution Fee 10,000 per annum 2)
Library Fee
2,000 per annum
Hostel Fee
12,600 per annum
Caution Money
5,000 Deposit - once - At the time of admission
Fee at All India Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Haji Ali, Mumbai BP&O Course will be informed at the time of preference form filling process. Fees at private colleges shall be as directed by Shikshan Shulka Samiti, which is available on the website. (www.sspnsamiti.gov.in)
21. EXEMPTIONS AS PER GOVERNMENT RULES IN GOVERNMENT, GOVT. AIDED AND CORPORATION COLLEGES: The Backward class applicants selected in Open Merit category are eligible for freeship and scholarship as per Government orders. Students belonging to the communities mentioned at Section V except the Other backward communities on caste basis are considered for exemption from payment of fees in accordance with the G.R. & SWD No.DC/1059-E, dated 21st January 1962, dated 19th November 1962. If, however, any of these students are granted scholarship under the scheme of post matric-scholarship to scheduled caste and scheduled caste converts to Buddhism, scheduled Tribes, Denotified, Nomadic and Semi Nomadic Tribes and Lower Income Group students, educational concession in their favour are covered by regulation there under prepared by the Government of India.
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Health Science The Educational concession extended to the Backward Class student under the G. R. cited above will be an extension of concession like tuition fees and University examination fees to such students, even if they fail once in their annual examination and for one reason or the other, they are not in receipt of Government of India Scholarship. These concessions will be extended to them without insisting on caste or income certificate from the Executive Magistrate or the Taluka Magistrate or the Sub-Divisional Magistrate as the case may be. They are required to produce only the declaration of caste and income in the prescribed form Circulated vide Directorate of Social Welfare’s No. SIJ 1966-67, dated 21st July, 1966. CANDIDATES ARE REQUIRED TO APPLY FOR FREESHIP/SCHOLARSHIP IN PRESCRIBED FORMAT AT THE TIME OF ADMISSION IN THE CONCERNED COLLEGE.
22. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTION FOR PREFERENCE FORM SYSTEM AND ADMISSION PROCESS:The choices of courses and colleges, once entered in the record/data, after verification by the candidate, shall be final and irrevocable.
This final data shall be used in entire
selection process for the admission to first year Health Science Courses for the academic year 2013-14. The list of the colleges for various courses and seat distribution is available on website of DMER i.e. www.dmer.org and also at office of the Divisional Authorities. The collected data will be centrally processed for the allotment of seats at health science courses according to the preferences given by the candidate and his/her State Merit List no., Category and Specified reservation if any. Status Retention: If the candidate wishes to continue at college/institution, he is admitted to st
in the I round (or subsequent round) of selection and does not wish to have betterment (selection to his higher choice) he may do so by filling “status retention” form to be submitted to the Competent Authority through the college where he is admitted. However candidate should note that his name will be deleted from the further selection process for the academic year 2013-2014. The allotment of seats shall be displayed at the website of DMER i.e. www.dmer.org on 20/07/2013. As per the selection list candidate must join the respective course and college on or before 29/07/2013 along with documents and prescribed fees. If the candidate fails to report by 29/07/2013 his/her selection will be cancelled and he/she will be debarred from the subsequent process. Notification regarding Second round of allotment of seats for Health science courses will be made available on the website "www.dmer.org" as well as in the news papers in due course of time. The choices given in the preference form will be used for the second round and subsequent round.
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I. Guideline Instructions to candidates for filling preference form 1) Please check the schedule for filling the preference form, according to the State Merit List (SML) No. as declared in the Notification by Competent Authority. 2) Report to the office of Regional Centre on the scheduled date and time along with relevant original documents and a set of attested photocopies of each document. 3) Collect scrutiny form and fill all the details as per the instructions. Show scrutiny form along with all the original documents and one set of photo copies to the scrutiny officer. Scrutiny officer will verify all the documents and ascertain the eligibility of the candidate. The scrutiny officer will also verify the claims of constitutional and specified reservations. The scrutiny officer shall endorse the eligibility on the scrutiny form. 4) All the eligible candidates will be issued preference form only after payment of Demand Draft/Pay order Rs 1000/- of any nationalized bank/Scheduled Bank in favor of 'Director, Medical Education and Research, Mumbai' Payable of Mumbai. Candidates should collect the preference form from the window meant for this purpose. If the candidate is not eligible for the admission to first year of health science courses for the academic year 2013-14 according to the rules stated in the information brochure, the preference form will not be issued. The preference form will be pre-printed along with the relevant information of the candidate, which he/she has filled in his/her original application form along with his Roll number and his State Merit list Number. No duplicate/second preference form shall be issued. A copy of preference form is enclosed in this booklet (Working Preference Form No.1 [Form No.WP-1]). The candidate should first fill up Form No.WP-1 with the help of pencil. 5) Candidate must fill following information in the preference form. a) HSC PCB marks b) HSC English subject marks c) HSC passing d) Gender e) For reserve category candidates only : According to judgment regarding "Ear-marking" case by Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, a reserve category candidate should fill one of the following bubbles "O - open" or "O - reserve", in the Preference form. (refer to 2.4) f) College code - The candidate should fill according to his choice the most preferred college and course at preference No.1, followed by the next choice, at preference No. 2 and so on. The candidates should fill the Preference form using black boll point pen. Candidate must be very careful while filling up the preference form. Candidate can fill minimum 1 preference and maximum 60 preferences. It is not compulsory to fill all 60 preferences. If candidate fills same college code more than once, the higher preference number will be considered and the subsequent repeated college numbers will be ignored. If candidate fills a wrong college code number it will not be considered and change in such college code will not be allowed. Under any circumstances you will not get another preference form. 6) Fill the preference form as per instructions and submit it at the specified counter. Candidate shall inform regarding the name correction at the counter if any. 7) Collect your data sheet, verify the entries, in case you find any discrepancy please report immediately to the verification counter. If the candidate does not report at the verification counter, it will be presumed that the data entered against his/her name is correct and subsequently corrections will not be made at later date. The choices of courses and colleges, once entered in the record/data, after verification by the candidate, shall be final and irrevocable. This final data shall be used in entire selection process for the admission to first year health science courses for the academic year 2013-14.
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Health Science
II. Preference Form Hkj.;klaca/kh loZlk/kkj.k lwpuk 1) 2)
loZ mesnokj vkf.k ikyd ;kauh *l{ke izkf/kdkjh* ,e,pVh&lhbZVh ;kauh uksVhiQhds'kue/;s n'kZfoysys osGki_kd dkGthiwoZd okpkosmesnokjkauh uewn dsysY;k osGki_kdkizek.ks uewn dsysY;k fno'kh vkf.k osGh laca/khr foHkkxh; vf/kdkjh ;kaP;k dk;kZy;kr iksgkspkosfo|kF;kZauh foHkkxh; vf/kdk`;kadMs ;srkuk loZ izek.ki_kkaph ewG dkxni_ks o ,d Lkk{kkafdr lR; izrhapk lap lkscr vk.kkokmesnokjkauh usewu fnysY;k vf/kdk`;kadMwu LdzqVhuh iQkWeZ HkjQu ?;kok vkf.k R;ke/;s uewn dsysyh ekfgrh ;ksX;izdkjs Hkjkoh- R;kauh laiw.kZi.ks Hkjysyk LdzqVhuh iQkWeZ] loZ ewG dkxni_ks] rlsp >ksjkWDl izrhapk lap vf/kdk`;kauk nk[kokok- LdzqVhuh dj.kkjs vf/kdkjh mesnokjkaus Hkjysyh ekfgrh ;ksX; vkgs vkf.k mesnokj izos'kkl ik_k vkgs fdaok ukgh ;kph [kk_kh djrhymesnokjkauh uewn dsysY;k laoS/kkfud vkj{k.k vkf.k fo'ks"k vkj{k.k ;kl ik_k vkgsr fdaok ukghr ;kph vf/kdkjh [kk_kh djQu ?ksrhy vkf.k ;klaca/kh LdzqVhuh iQkWeZoj 'ksjk fyghrhy o R;kaph Lok{kjh djrhyiQDr izos'kkl ik_k vl.kk`;k mesnokjkauk jQi;s 1000$& pk 'Director, Medical Education and Research, Mumbai' ;akPks ukos vlysyk fMekM M!kiQV fnY;kuarj fu;qDr vf/kdkjh izsiQjUl iQkWeZph ewG izr nsrhy- rlsp dqBY;kgh ifjfLFkrhr mesnokjkl nqljk izsiQjUl iQkWeZ feG.kkj ukgh ;kph uksan ?;koh,[kknk mesnokj ekfgrh iqfLrdsr fnysY;k fu;ekuqlkj vkjksX; foKku vH;kldze 2013&134 P;k izos'kkl ik_k ulsy rj R;k mesnokjkyk izsiQjUl iQkWeZ ns.;kr ;s.kkj ukgh- mesnokjkauk ns.;kr ;s.kk`;k izsiQjUl iQkWeZoj R;kaph ekfgrh vxksnjp Nkiwu ns.;kr vkysyh vkgs- gh ekfgrh mesnokjkus ewG vtkZr HkjysY;k ekfgrhP;k vk/kkjs Nki.;kr vkysyh vkgs- ;ke/;s R;kps uko] jksy uacj] jkT;Lrjh; xq.koRrk ;knh dzekad] laoS/kkfud vkj{k.k rlsp fo'ks"k vkj{k.k ;kckcrph ekfgrh Nki.;kr vkysyh vkgs- mesnokjkl fnysY;k iQkWeZe/;s R;kph ekfgrh cjkscj Nkiysyh vkgs g;kph R;kauh [kk_kh djQu ?;kohmesnokjkauh izsiQjUl iQkWeZ Hkjrkuk iqkk lnj vuqlwfpr tkrh $ tekrhP;k ;knhrhy (tkrh $ tekrhps uko) tkrh $ tekrhpk nkok voS/k Bjyk rj vH;kldzekpk fudky (RESULT) feG.;kl rlsp 'kkldh; $ fue'kkldh; bR;knh izdkjP;k lsosr vuqlwfpr tekrhP;k jk[kho tkxsoj fu;qDrh feG.;kl fdaok vU; lanHkkZr vuqlwfpr tkrh $ tekrhckcrps dks.krsgh iQk;ns ?ks.;kl eh ik_k jkg.kkj ukghrlsp ek>kk izos'k jn@n dsyk tkbZy- egkjk"V! tkrh] vuqlwfpr tekrh] foeqDr tkrh] HkVD;k tekrh] brj ekxkloxZ o fo'ks"k ekxkl izoxZ (tkrhps izek.ki_k ns.;kps o R;kP;k iMrkG.khps fofu;eu) vf/kfu;e] 2000 (lu 2001 pk dz-23) P;k dye 10] 11 o 12 e/khy rjrwnhuqlkj eh f'k{ksl ik_k jkghumesnokjkps uko % -----------------------------------------------------------------------------mesnokjkpk iw.kZ iRrk % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------nqj/ouh dzekad (,l-Vh-Mh-dksMlg) % ---------------------------------------------------------jkT; xq.koRrk ;knh dzekad % ------------------------------------------------------------------tkrh izoxZ % ------------------------------------
tkrhps uko % -------------------------
fnukad % ikydkps uko o lgh
mesnokjkps uko o lgh
(gs gehi_k 'kkGk o T;quh;j dkWyst ;sFks tkr izek.ki_k iMrkG.kh djhrk fn-30 twu] 2013 P;k vk/kh fuosanu fnY;kph ikorh ;kP;k lkscr lknj dsY;kurjp vkj{k.kklkBh xzkg; /kjyk tkbZy] gehi_k ikorh f'kok; xzkg; /kjyk tk.kkj ukgh) DMER, Mumbai
( 47 )
NEET UG-CET-2013 Brochure
Health Science
Admissions to Health Science Courses, 2012-2013 SML No. of Last Admitted Candidate to various Courses in Rest of Maharashtra Region During Academic Year 2012-2013 through MHT-CET 2012
Course MBBS
SC 4474 4362 5123
ST 13380 12648 9585
VJ 6414 6442 2789
NT1 4406 7004
NT2 2704 2998
NT3 1886 1796
5273 2181 9744 5391 5711 10643 8886 30399 30080
6166 17990 17247 15908 23134 23667 114286 143749
6904 6472 12581 11863 39687 24799
5003 5124 9582 7509 27772 26342
2516 4518 3192 6437 5658 25176 22670
2038 2718 4119 5793 25072 26224
OBC 2608 2652 2385 3003 1957 3025 3233 3356 6857 6171 23838 23659
OPEN 898 880 570 762 704 720 1433 1366 5699 5393 14980 14986
D1 6076
D2 8175
D3 9607
PH 28844 14576
MKB 8533
16729 72924
Admissions to Health Science Courses, 2012-2013 SML No. of Last Admitted Candidate to various Courses in Rest of Vidarbha Region During Academic Year 2012-2013 through MHT-CET 2012
Course MBBS
SC 3688 3677 3952
ST 10003 9697
4906 4629 8343 8164 23141 18487
10502 10390 20093 21210 59857 78412
VJ 3100 3260
NT1 2454 2220
4195 6491 6657 17255
6008 7303 20534 20128
NT2 4073 2647
NT3 1739 3022
6503 8473 27573
4022 8321 24012
OBC 1891 1896
OPEN 1836 1865 1031
11531 20619 2395 2249 7353 7259 22092 23148
9914 9095 2126 2062 7152 7020 14109 14880
D1 5218
D2 13995
D3 15573
MKB 8561
118448 27442
Admissions to Health Science Courses, 2012-2013 SML No. of Last Admitted Candidate to various Courses in Rest of Marathwada Region During Academic Year 2012-2013 through MHT-CET 2012
Course MBBS
SC 3085 3611
ST 7850 8323
4282 4346 6288 6286 19937 18890
VJ 1943 1720
NT1 2513 3482
NT3 1183 879
1829 3955 3368
14343 12535 150929 151928
NT2 1300 1956
6708 20497 35681
4893 6713 21288
2728 1897
2307 4308 3007 23743 21794
OBC 1728 1877 963
3627 3634 16871 15135
2298 2315 4817 5011 23261 22488
OPEN 913 883 764 1261 1846 938 1626 1530 3933 3662 14048 14945
D1 1736
D2 1807
D3 10134
PH 12918
MKB 8336
9043 197361
Admissions to Health Science Courses, 2012-2013 Category wise SML No. of Last admitted candidate to a course in the State of Maharashtra during academic year 2012-2013 through MHT CET 2012
8455 16092 14177 18321
DMER, Mumbai
19960 60050 26917
VJ 44430 14927 28348 11612
NT1 10879 7825 8656 26423
27424 16288
( 48 )
NT3 10279
OBC 21890 7588 18569 10203
OPEN 10197 3610 10881 4097 9049 14963
PH 48580
NEET UG-CET-2013 Brochure
Health Science
DMER, Mumbai
( 49 )
NEET UG-CET-2013 Brochure