Sep 3, 2009 - Abstract The treatment of unstable trochanteric femoral fractures is still challenging, and the proximal femoral nails are becoming more ...
Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol (2010) 20:229–231 DOI 10.1007/s00590-009-0550-7
Proximal femoral nailing without a fracture table Korhan Ozkan · Hakan Cift · Kaya Akan · Adem Sahin · Engin Eceviz · Ender Ugutmen
Received: 1 May 2009 / Accepted: 18 August 2009 / Published online: 3 September 2009 © Springer-Verlag 2009
Abstract The treatment of unstable trochanteric femoral fractures is still challenging, and the proximal femoral nails are becoming more commonly used. The proximal femoral nailing is usually performed on a fracture table under traction which is associated with some possible complications. In our study, we tried to present the results of proximal nailing surgery performed in the lateral decubitus position and manual traction on a radiolucent table without the fracture table traction. Keywords Proximal femoral nail · Intertrochanteric femur fractures
ished deforming forces across the implant with minimizing soft tissue dissection. The treatment of unstable trochanteric femoral fractures is still challenging, and the proximal femoral nails are becoming more commonly used. Apart from the nail design, surgical technique is also important fort the success of the treatment. In our study, we tried to present the results of proximal nailing surgery performed in the lateral decubitus position and manual traction on a radiolusent table without the fracture table traction. We evaluated the quality of the reduction, operative time, complications and functional status of the patient.
Materials and methods
The incidence of fractures in the trochanteric area has risen with the increasing numbers of elderly persons with osteoporosis. There are two main types of implants available for the treatment of those fractures, namely extramedullary and intramedullary implants. The most widely used extramedullary implant is the dynamic hip screw, which consists of a sliding neck screw connected to a plate in the lateral femoral cortex [1, 2]. Intramedullary devices such as the gamma nail and the proximal femoral nail provide a biomechanical advantage due to their shorter lever arms and the dimin-
The PROFIN PFN (TST SAN, Istanbul, Turkey) is a cannulated straight tube made of titanium alloy, with a proximal curvature of 6° and a distal slotted design. The proximal part of the nail is 16 mm in diameter and has two oblique lag screws with diameters of 8.5 mm. The neckshaft angle of the nail is 135°; it has two distal holes that allows either dynamic or static Wxation. The transverse locking screw at the distal end of the PFN has a diameter of 4.5 mm. All the operations were performed within 3 days of the occurence of the fractures, and closed reduction was achieved in all cases except one. We classiWed the availability of reduction as anatomical (10°) [3]. The fracture was determined to have healed when the fracture site was Wlled with callus and the patient did not feel any pain at the fracture site. Postoperatively, the patients were allowed to bear as much as weight as they could tolerate. During a mean of 15 months (range 12–18), the results, as well as the intraoperative and postoperative complications were noted.
K. Ozkan · H. Cift (&) · K. Akan · A. Sahin · E. Eceviz · E. Ugutmen Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Goztepe Research and Training Hospital, Bostanci mah. Mehmet Sevki Pasa cd. Isik apt. 32/12, Istanbul, Turkey e-mail:
Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol (2010) 20:229–231
Surgical technique Patients were put to a lateral decubitus position on a radiolucent table, to allow visualization of the entire aVected limb with an image intensiWer brought in from the opposite side (Fig. 1). Lateral visualization of the femoral neck was achieved with forward or backwards positioning of the nonoperated hip joint during lateral decubitus position. A lateral longitudinal incision of 4–5 cm was made superior to greater trochanter, after the tip of the greater trochanter was detected with image intensiWer. The entry hole on the top of the greater trochanter was made with an awl under Xuoroscopic monitoring, and longitudinal traction was applied with the aid of an assistant surgeon (Figs. 2, 3). Open reduction was performed if there was a problem with nail insertion and reduction. Then the two proximal K wires were inserted before drillization to put the proximal screws. Moderate traction by an assistant was applied until two K wires were inserted. All patients were followed prospectively and evaluated by regular physical and radiographic examinations. Clinical and functional outcomes were assessed according to the Harris hip score and Barthel activity score, respectively. The mean age of our patients was 73.2 years (range 61–93) and 8 were women. Of the 15 intertrochanteric femur fractures, 7 were 31-A1, 6 were 31-A2 and 2 were 31-A3.
Fig. 2 Lateral Xuoroscopic imaging of the patient in lateral decubitus position
Results There were acceptable reduction in four patients, and anatomical reduction in the rest of the patients. The mean duration of surgery was 44 min. The fractures healed in all patients; the average consolidation time was 13 weeks
Fig. 3 After closed reduction, Wxation of the fracture through PFN screw holes under anteroposterior Xuoroscopic monitoring
(range 10–20). One patient with 31-A3 fracture needed an open reduction. No patient suVered from a postoperative complication. No patient had had screw cut-outs, either nonunion or malunion. The mean Harris hip score was 87, and the mean Barthel activity score was 17.95 (range 13–20). 16 patients had excellent to good results, 3 patients had fair results and 1 patient had poor results according to the Harris hip score. Eighteen patients had a high range of mobility according to the Barthel activity score.
Fig. 1 Patients were put to a lateral decubitus position on a radiolucent table, to allow visualization of the entire aVected limb with an image intensiWer brought in from the opposite side
At present, the PFN is considered to be a good minimally invasive implant for treating proximal femoral fractures. Intramedullary Wxation possesses a better biomechanical stability, and it also allows minimum soft tissue dissection,
Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol (2010) 20:229–231
blood loss, infection and wound complications compared to the other intramedullary devices [4–6]. The proximal femoral nailing is usually performed on a fracture table under traction which is associated with complications like pudendal nerve neuropraxia, erectile dysfunction and perineal sloughing due to continuous traction and pressure necrosis from the traction post [7–9]. The major advantage of using a radiolucent table is exerting intermittent manual traction, thus preventing problems associated with continuous traction. The radiolucent table also carries the advantage of shortening the patient preparation time, therefore the surgical time, compared to the fracture table. We preferred the lateral decubitus position which enables the easy entry to the trochanteric tip with the aid of an awl and the insertion of the nail. It also allows the technician to easily control the image intensiWer. Although restoring length in strong muscular patients seems to be diYcult, indeed no strong manual traction was necessary for reduction of intertrochanteric fractures. The radiolucent table is also useful tool for the intramedullary nailing operations in amputees in whom the fracture table attachments are practically useless. Bearing in mind that there is signiWcant amount of time spent positioning a patient on a fracture table, and the risk of complications such as pudendal nerve palsy, transient impotence and compartment syndrome of the opposite leg related to continuous traction, this is the Wrst study to assess the usefulness of treating the patient’s with intertrochanteric fractures with PFN using a radiolucent table and intraoperative manual traction [10]. Although we have limited experience in treating A3 fractures without a fracture table, proximal femoral nailing in a lateral decubitus position without a fracture table can be applied to treat all intertrochanteric fractures; but more vigorous manual traction is needed in treating subtrochanteric fractures.
231 Acknowledgments
No funds were received in support of this study.
ConXict of interest statement No beneWts in any form have been or will be received from a commercial party related directly or indirectly to the subject of this manuscript.
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