Aug 15, 2016 - Note to examiner: Students are allowed to bring in a Swedish-English dictionary (translation lexicon) or
Psykologprogrammet, termin 2, VT 2016 Omtentamen II Vuxentiden och livscykeln, (PS3121-0800), 2016-08-15 Note to examiner: Students are allowed to bring in a Swedish-English dictionary (translation lexicon) or a device that provides translations (as Iong as it has been checked by the examiner). Notes: );>
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If you're writing in English, don 't worry about grammar and spelling. I'm not grading the quality of this aspect of your writing - I'm grading your ability to recall, integrate, and apply information from the course. Remember, this is an empirieaU y based course, so your answers must be supported by research findings, not your opinions, personal experiences, or conjecture (speculation). Each answer should be a maximum of3 pages (only the first three pages will be read and graded). This said, you can al so expect that it will take more than a few paragraphs to answer the question. Think about how to structure your response before writing (a quick outline will help you organize your thoughts). Terrninology, descriptions, and details of research are important. When asked for a comparison or contrast, make sure that there is an explicit comparison- points will not given without the explicit connections. Remember, this is an essay exam (do not use lists or bullet points- write sentences). When there is a choice oftwo or more questions, indicate which you choose. If you write about both, only the first will be graded. Each question is worth lO points; the cut-offfor G is 50%, for VG is 70%
QUESTIONS: l) Costa and McCrae argued that the Bi g 5 factors of personality traits were "set like plaster." Describe what they meant by this, including what they based their claims on. Then review the pertinent literature- are their claims supported or not? 2) In what ways do friendships change across adulthood? Arethese changes adaptive or maladaptive? Defend your answer. 3) A 45-year old hastold you that she is worried about not being able to remember things. What questions would you ask to determine whether or not she should be concemed? Defend your choice of questions. 4) Erikson suggested that young adults have to resolve an existential crisis in order to make long-term intimate commitments - to develop intimacy or be isolated. Discuss what research has told us about this issue. 5) Describe Baltes' SOC model - what are each element and how do the y work together to support successful aging?