PSAP Callback Identifier - IETF

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Slide title um 48 pt e subtitle um 30 pt. PSAP Callback Identifier. IETF#83, Paris, France. [email protected] ...
PSAP Callback Identifier IETF#83, Paris, France [email protected]

NUTSHELL › Identifier, present in the INVITE request of a PSAP callback – Allows network entities to identify, and give special treatment to, PSAP callback calls. – Allows the UA, that made the associated emergency call, to identify the PSAP callback call. › PSAP callback can traverse different entities/ networks than the associated emergency call

Public | © Ericsson AB 2011 | 2011-11-15 | Page 2

STATIC vs DYNAMIC VALUE DYNAMIC VALUE › – Generated DYNAMIC VALUE by registrar Provided to UA during registration › – For how long is it valid? PSAP callback can come after re-registration expiredhappens ? – What if the PSAP callback call comes after the value has ›  USER SPECIFIC VALUE – Generated – User USERspecific SPECIFIC byvalue registrar VALUE (e.g. based on AOR) – Generated by registrar – User specific value (e.g. based on AOR)

Public | © Ericsson AB 2011 | 2011-11-15 | Page 3


Public | © Ericsson AB 2011 | 2011-11-15 | Page 4