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Members of the Maryland Public Service Commission: Dominion's proposed ... federal Clean Air Act to protect public healt
RE Case #9318: Application of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for Dominion Cove Point LNG

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To Executive Secretary David J. Collins and Honorable Members of the Maryland Public Service Commission: Dominion’s proposed Cove Point project will NOT serve the public interest. It will worsen air quality in southern Maryland, set back our state in addressing climate change, harm nearby water resources, and threaten Maryland ratepayers with potential increases in natural gas prices. Climate Pollution: If permitted as Dominion requests, the on-site power plant and liquefaction facility ALONE would be the fourth largest greenhouse gas emitter in the state of Maryland, just behind three major coal-fired power plants. Air Pollution: Dominion has not demonstrated that it will minimize emissions of harmful air contaminants, like nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide, from the facility and associated tankers, as required by the federal Clean Air Act to protect public health. Groundwater Stress: Dominion’s application requests a 500 percent increase in groundwater withdrawals for operation of the facility, causing undue stress on the Lower Patapsco Aquifer. Southern Maryland Industrialized: Dominion’s proposal will cause irreparable harm to the beauty and charm of Calvert County. The additional ten-story smoke stacks, six-story flares, and a six-story permanent sound wall, plus more than three years of industrial construction activity, will permanently disrupt the county’s way of life and tourism economy. Any thorough examination of this proposal will show that the Maryland public will come out a significant loser, while the gas industry profits. Therefore, for all the aforementioned reasons, I urge you to deny Dominion’s application for the Cove Point LNG export terminal and power plant.

RE Case #9318: Application of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for Dominion Cove Point LNG

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To Executive Secretary David J. Collins and Honorable Members of the Maryland Public Service Commission: Dominion’s proposed Cove Point project will NOT serve the public interest. It will worsen air quality in southern Maryland, set back our state in addressing climate change, harm nearby water resources, and threaten Maryland ratepayers with potential increases in natural gas prices. Climate Pollution: If permitted as Dominion requests, the on-site power plant and liquefaction facility ALONE would be the fourth largest greenhouse gas emitter in the state of Maryland, just behind three major coal-fired power plants. Air Pollution: Dominion has not demonstrated that it will minimize emissions of harmful air contaminants, like nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide, from the facility and associated tankers, as required by the federal Clean Air Act to protect public health. Groundwater Stress: Dominion’s application requests a 500 percent increase in groundwater withdrawals for operation of the facility, causing undue stress on the Lower Patapsco Aquifer. Southern Maryland Industrialized: Dominion’s proposal will cause irreparable harm to the beauty and charm of Calvert County. The additional ten-story smoke stacks, six-story flares, and a six-story permanent sound wall, plus more than three years of industrial construction activity, will permanently disrupt the county’s way of life and tourism economy. Any thorough examination of this proposal will show that the Maryland public will come out a significant loser, while the gas industry profits. Therefore, for all the aforementioned reasons, I urge you to deny Dominion’s application for the Cove Point LNG export terminal and power plant.

Sincerely, Name Email

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