Jan 30, 2018 - Southeast Newport Way electric improvement project. January ... Project details. Who: ... Southe ast Ne w
Southeast Newport Way electric improvement project January 30, 2018 In conjunction with the City of Bellevue’s Transportation Department project, Puget Sound Energy will soon be in your neighborhood to complete electrical work. To make room for the City’s new multipurpose path and bike lane, we need to relocate some of our existing utility poles. Our work will entail trimming trees and bushes to safely prepare the project route. If necessary, some trees will be removed to maintain proper clearances. We’re going to relocate approximately 20 utility poles and align them on the north side of the street which will keep all the power lines together and create more room. We’re also going to replace the aging copper wire with tree wire. By installing tree wire in other locations, we’ve helped reduce power outages related to falling tree branches by up to 70 percent. We’re proud to serve your community and our crews will do their best to reduce impacts to nearby neighbors. We’ll notify you of any changes to this project plan. Please see below for project details and timeline. Note: This project is unrelated to PSE’s Energize Eastside project. Project details Who: Electric crews from PSE and Potelco and tree trimming crews from Asplundh What: Trim and remove trees as necessary, relocate segments of utility poles and overhead electric wire When: Tree trimming will begin early February and the electric work will begin early March for approximately three months. Work hours are typically 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. Where: Southeast Newport Way, between Somerset Boulevard Southeast and 150th Avenue Southeast, Bellevue (please see map on the reverse side for locations) What you can expect Signs and traffic control flaggers will guide vehicles and pedestrians safely through the work zone There will likely be traffic impacts during working hours There will likely be noise from trucks and heavy machinery during work hours Some customers may experience a temporary, planned power outage. If your home or business is impacted, you will be notified before any work requiring an outage. For additional information on Bellevue’s Southeast Newport Way improvement project, please visit https://transportation.bellevuewa.gov/projects/capital-projects/southeast-newport-way Thank you for your patience as we work to complete this project. If you have any questions or concerns about PSE’s electrical work, please contact me at the information below and reference project #101105889. Jason Airey, Project Manager 206-348-9637 |
[email protected]
Southeast Newport Way improvement project map