May 26, 2010 - x(P) to denote the x-component of a point P = (x(P),y(P)) â E. We estimate ... on average over all IFq rational points P, Q and R on E, where Ï is.
arXiv:1005.4771v1 [math.NT] 26 May 2010
Pseudorandom Bits From Points on Elliptic Curves Reza Rezaeian Farashahi and Igor E. Shparlinski Department of Computing Macquarie University Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia {reza,igor} May 27, 2010 Abstract Let E be an elliptic curve over a finite field IFq of q elements, with gcd(q, 6) = 1, given by an affine Weierstraß equation. We also use x(P ) to denote the x-component of a point P = (x(P ), y(P )) ∈ E. We estimate character sums of the form ! ! j N N k X X Y X ni R cj x χ (x(nP )x(nQ)) and ψ n=1
n1 ,...,nk =1
on average over all IFq rational points P , Q and R on E, where χ is a quadratic character, ψ is a nontrivial additive character in IFq and (c1 , . . . , ck ) ∈ IFkq is a non-zero vector. These bounds confirm several recent conjectures of D. Jao, D. Jetchev and R. Venkatesan, related to extracting random bits from various sequences of points on elliptic curves.
Keywords: Elliptic curves, pseudorandom bits, character sums
Many standard pseudorandom number generators based on finite fields and residue rings have proved to be insecure, see [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16]. Partially motivated by this and partially because this is of intrinsic interest for elliptic curve cryptography, several constructions of pseudorandom generators from elliptic curves have been proposed, see [18] for a survey of such constructions and results. Several new pseudorandom generators from elliptic curves have recently been suggested by D. Jao, D. Jetchev and R. Venkatesan [13]. Giving a rigorous analysis of these constructions is the primal goal of this paper. We also show how one of the most powerful number theoretic techniques, exponential and character sums, can be used to address these and similar questions, which can be of independent interest. Finally, we note that although elliptic curves provide a very promising source of cryptographically secure bits, as the recent result of [11] shows, they also have to be used with great care.
We fix a finite field IFq of q elements and an elliptic curve E over IFq given by an affine Weierstraß equation E:
Y 2 = X 3 + aX + b
with some a, b ∈ IFq , see [19]. We recall that the set of all points on E forms an Abelian group, with the point at infinity O as the neutral element, and we use ⊕ to denote the group operation. As usual we write every point P 6= O on E as P = (x(P ), y(P )). For P = O we formally write P = (0, ∞). Let E(IFq ) denote the set of IFq -rational points on E. For a positive integer N, points P, Q, R ∈ E(IFq ), and a non-zero vector
c = (c1 , . . . , ck ) ∈ IFkq , define character sums of the form S(P, Q; N) =
χ (x(nP )x(nQ)) ,
Tk (c, R; N) =
n1 ,...,nk =1
k X
cj x
j Y i=1
! !! R
where χ is a quadratic character (we also put χ(0) = 0) and ψ is a nontrivial additive characters in IFq . D. Jao, D. Jetchev and R. Venkatesan [13, Conjecture 4.1] have conjectured that there exists a positive constant δ > 0 such that for any N ≥ (log q)2 and any points P 6= Q the bound S(P, Q; N) = O(N 1−δ ) holds. Towards this conjecture, it has been shown in [13, Section 4.2] that for any point Q ∈ E(IFq ), X S(P, Q; N) = O(qN 1/2 ). P ∈E(IFq )
This however does not imply that the sums S(P, Q; N) are typically, or even sometimes, small. Furthermore, the proof given in [13] seems to hold only if the cardinality #E(IFq ) is not divisible by any prime ℓ ≤ N. Here we use a different argument and estimate the sum X U(N) = |S(P, Q; N)|2, P,Q∈E(IFq )
which immediately implies that the sums S(P, Q; N) are small for almost all pairs of points P, Q ∈ E(IFq ). We also estimate the average value of the sums Tk (c, R; N) over points of subgroups H ⊆ E(IFq ) of order t which is not divisible by any prime ℓ ≤ N. Namely for a subgroup H of the group of points E(IFq ), we estimate the sum X Vk (c, H; N) = |Tk (c, R; N)|2 R∈H
which similarly implies that the sums Tk (c, R; N) are small for almost all points R ∈ H. Note that subgroups of cryptographic interest are usually chosen to be of a prime order, so the coprimality condition gcd(N!, #H) = 1 is always satisfied. In turn, in the case of prime q = p, we derive from our bound on Vk (c, H; N) that for almost all points R ∈ E(IFq ), strings of ℓ least significant bits of each components of the k-dimensinal points (
j Y i=1
! !)k R
n1 , . . . , nk ∈ {1, . . . , N},
are uniformly distributed (provided that #H is large enough). We note that instead of strings of most significant bits (as suggested in [13]) we use least significant bits. This is because for some primes p (for those which are very close to a power of 2) most significant bits of random residues modulo p are biased, while least significant bits are always uniformly distributed. A step towards such a result is made in [13, Proposition 5.1] but it contains some parameters which are not explicitly estimated in [13] (and as we have just mentioned it cannot work for most significant bits anyway). Throughout the paper, the implied constants in symbols ‘O’ and ‘≪’ are absolute (we recall that U ≪ V and U = O(V ) are both equivalent to the inequality |U| ≤ cV with some constant c > 0). Acknowledgements. This work was supported in part by ARC Grant DP0881473, Australia, (for R.R.F. and I.S.) and by NRF Grant CRP2-200703, Singapore, (for I.S).
2 2.1
Preparations Backgrounds on division polynomials
For an integer n ≥ 0, let ψn (X, Y ) be the nth division polynomial of E over IFq given by (1), we refer to [19] for a background on division polynomials. Let fn = Xψn2 − ψn−1 ψn+1
and 4
gn = ψn2 ,
n = 1, 2, . . . .
In particular, fn and gn are polynomials in IFq [X] of degrees deg fn = n2
deg gn ≤ n2 − 1,
such that x(nP ) =
fn (x(P )) . gn (x(P ))
Further, one can write gn (X) =
h2n (X), (X 3 + aX + b)h2n (X),
if n is odd, if n is even,
for some polynomials hn (X) in IFq [X], n = 1, 2, . . .. It is well known, and also follows from (5), that the roots of the polynomial gn , for n ≥ 2, are the x-coordinates of n-torsion points of E, that is, for all points P in E(IFq ) with P 6= O, we have P = (x, y) ∈ E[n] ⇐⇒ gn (x) = 0, where, as usual, E[n] = P : P ∈ E(IFq ), nP = O .
and IFq denotes the algebraic closure of IFq . We note that, if gcd(n, q) = 1, then
E[n] ∼ = ZZ/nZZ × ZZ/nZZ. Moreover, if IFq is of characteristic p, then E[p] is isomorphic to ZZ/pZZ or {O}. We recall that an elliptic curve E is called ordinary if E[p] ∼ = ZZ/pZZ. ∼ It is called supersingular if E[p] = {O}. Furthermore, if p divides n, write n = pr n∗ with gcd(p, n∗ ) = 1. Then E[n] = E[n∗ ] ⊕ E[pr ], where E[pr ] ∼ = ZZ/pr ZZ if E is ordinary and E[pr ] ∼ = {O} if E is supersingular. In particular, #E[n] = nn∗ if E is ordinary and #E[n] = n2∗ if E is supersingular. Denote the set of n-division points of a point Q in E by E[n, Q], that is, E[n, Q] = P : P ∈ E(IFq ), nP = Q . 5
Clearly, nP = Q if and only if E[n, Q] = P ⊕ E[n]. The following result shows that the roots of fn are the x-coordinates of n-division points of a point P0 on E with x(P0 ) = 0. Lemma 1. Let E be an elliptic curve over IFq given by the equation (1). Let P0 = (0, c) ∈ E(IFq ), where c is a square root of b. Then, for all x ∈ IFq , we have fn (x) = 0 if and only if there exist a point P ∈ E[n, P0 ] with x(P ) = x. Proof. Let x ∈ IFq . Then, there exists an element y ∈ IFq such that the point P = (x, y) is a point on E. If fn (x) = 0, then gn (x) 6= 0. Moreover, from (5), we have x(nP ) = 0. So, nP = P0 or nP = −P0 . Thus, nP = P0 or n(−P ) = P0 , that is, either P = (x, y) or −P = (x, −y) is a point of E[n, P0]. If P = (x, y) ∈ E[n, P0 ], then nP = P0 . So, x(nP ) = x(P0 ) = 0. Next, from (5), we have fn (x) = 0. ⊔ ⊓ Lemma 2. For all positive integers n = pr n∗ with gcd(n∗ , p) = 1, we have ( r fen (X)p , if E is ordinary, fn (X) = 2r fen (X)p , if E is supersingular, for some polynomial fen in IFq [X] with deg fen = #E[n].
Proof. We note that, for n = pr n∗ , fn is a polynomial of X p if E is ordi2r nary (for example, see [6, Lemma 2]). Moreover, fn is a polynomial of X p if E is supersingular (for example, see [6]). Recalling (4), we see that if E is r ordinary, one can write fn = fen (X)p , for some polynomial fen in IFq [X] of 2r degree pr n∗ 2 . If E is supersingular, then fn = fen (X)p , for some polynomial fen in IFq [X] of degree n∗ 2 . In other words, deg fen = #E[n]. ⊔ ⊓
Lemma 3. If b 6= 0, then for all positive integers n the polynomial fen , defined by Lemma 2, is square-free. Proof. ¿From Lemma 1, we see that the roots of fn are the x-coordinates of points of E[n, P0 ]. Then, from Lemma 2, we also see that the roots of fen are the x-coordinates of points of E[n, P0]. We note that, for P ∈ E[n, P0 ], the point −P is in E[n, P0 ] if and only if P0 = −P0 , that is, −P ∈ E[n, P0 ] if and only if b = 0. So, if b 6= 0, all points of E[n, P0 ] have distinct x-coordinates. We note that, #E[n, P0 ] = #E[n]. Hence, the polynomial fen has #E[n] 6
distinct roots. From Lemma 2, deg fen = #E[n]. Therefore, if b 6= 0, the polynomial fen is square-free. ⊔ ⊓ We now define the rational functions
fm (X)fn (X) , gm (X)gn (X) (X 3 + aX + b)fm (X)fn (X) . Ψm,n (X) = gm (X)gn (X) Φm,n (X) =
We need the following property of Φm,n and Ψm,n , which can be of independent interest. Lemma 4. If E is an ordinary elliptic curve with b 6= 0, then for all distinct positive integers m and n, neither Φm,n nor Ψm,n is a square of a rational function in IFq (X). Proof. From (4) and (6), we see that the difference of deg fn and deg gn is odd. So, the difference between the degrees of the numerator and denominator of Ψm,n is odd. So, it cannot be a square of another rational function. For Φm,n , first, we assume that m + n is even. From (6), we see that gm gn is a square. Let m = pr m∗ and n = ps n∗ with gcd(m∗ n∗ , p) = 1. By s pr Lemmas 2 and 3, we write fm = fem and fn = fenp , where the polynomials fem , fen are square-free. Moreover, deg fem = pr m∗ 2 and deg fen = ps n∗ 2 . So, for distinct m, n, deg fem 6= deg fen . Thus, fem fen can not be a square of a polynomial in IFq [X]. The same is true for the product of fm and fn . Hence, Φm,n can not be a square of a rational function. Now, we assume that m + n is odd. From (6), we have gm gn = (X 3 + aX + b)h2m h2n . We recall that the roots of X 3 + aX + b are corresponded to the x-coordinates of points of E[2]. Also, the roots of fm are corresponded to the x-coordinates of points of E[m, P0 ]. Clearly the sets E[2] and E[m, P0 ] have no common point if b 6= 0. Therefore, X 3 + aX + b has no common root with fm and similarly with fn where b 6= 0. So, again Φm,n can not be a square of a rational function. ⊔ ⊓
Exponential Sums Along Elliptic Curves
We recall the following bound of character sums with a nontrivial additive character ψ of IFq , which is given in [17]. Lemma 5. Fix integers 1 ≤ d1 < . . . < ds ≤ D and fix c1 , . . . , cs ∈ IFq with cs 6= 0. Let E be an ordinary elliptic curve defined over IFq . Then the following bound holds: ! s X X ψ ci x (di Q) = O sD 2 q 1/2 , Q∈H Q6=O
where H is an arbitrary subgroup of E(IFq ) of order t = #H such that gcd(t, d1 · · · ds ) = 1.
3 3.1
Main Results Sums U (N )
Theorem 6. For a prime power q with gcd(q, 6) = 1 and an ordinary elliptic curve E given by (1) with b 6= 0, we have U(N) ≪ N 6 q + Nq 2 for every positive integer N. Proof. Expanding the square and changing the order of summation, we obtain U(N) =
χ (x(mP )x(nP )x(mQ)x(nQ))
m,n=1 P,Q∈E(IFq )
2 N X X χ (x(mP )x(nP )) . = m,n=1 P ∈E(IFq ) 8
For n = m, we estimate the inner sum over P trivially as O(q). Thus the total contribution to U(N) from such terms is U (=) (N) = O(Nq 2 ).
If n 6= m, as in [13, Section 4.2] we note that any u ∈ IFq appears as u = x(P ) for some point P ∈ E(IFq ) exactly 1 + χ(u3 + au + b) times, where a and b are as in (1). Therefore, using (5), we derive X X X χ (Ψm,n (u)) , χ (Φm,n (u)) + χ (x(mP )x(nP )) = u∈IFq
P ∈E(IFq )
where the polynomials Φm,n (X) and Ψm,n (X) are given by (7). Now, by Lemma 4, we see that the Weil bound applies to both sums, see [12, Theorems 11.23], and together with (4) leads to the estimate X χ (x(mP )x(nP )) = O N 2 q 1/2 P ∈E(IFq )
for n 6= m. Thus the total contribution to U(N) from such terms is 2 U (6=) (N) = O N 2 N 2 q 1/2 = O N 6q . Combining (8) and (9), we finish the proof.
(9) ⊔ ⊓
Clearly, Theorem 6 improves the trivial bound U(N) ≪ N 2 q 2 for N ≤ q with any fixed δ > 0. This is well within the range of interest in [13] which starts with N of order (log q)2 . Furthermore, if N ≤ q 1/5 then the bounds takes the form U(N) ≪ Nq 2 , thus confirming that for almost all P, Q ∈ E(IFq ) the sums S(P, Q; N) have square root cancellations (see comments after [13, Conjecture 4.1]). 1/4−δ
Sums Vk (c, H; N )
We note that an appropriate version of the results of this section holds for any q (in fact even without the condition gcd(q, 6) = 1). However, to make our argument more transparent, we assume that q = p is prime. It is exactly the case which is needed for our prime goal, which is studying the bit patterns of the vectors (2). 9
Theorem 7. For a prime p, an ordinary elliptic curve E and a subgroup H of E(IFp ) of order t, uniformly over all non-zero vectors c ∈ IFkp , we have Vk (c, H; N) ≪ kN 4k p1/2 + kN 2k−1 t for all positive integers k and N with gcd(N!, t) = 1. Proof. Squaring out, expanding and changing the order of summation, we obtain Vk (c, H; N) =
m1 ,...,nk =1 n1 ,...,nk =1
k X
cj x
j Y
! ! R
k X j=1
cj x
j Y i=1
! !! R
For O(kN 2k−1 ) choices of m1 , . . . , mk and n1 , . . . , nk with at least one value equal to 1 we estimate the inner sum trivially as t. So the total contribution from such terms is V1 ≪ kN 2k−1 t.
We say that the sequence of integers m1 , . . . , mk , n1 , . . . , nk ≥ 2 is product distinct with respect to c the vectors (m1 , m1 m2 , . . . , m1 m2 . . . mk )
(n1 , n1 n2 , . . . , n1 n2 . . . nk )
distinct at all positions j for which cj ∈ IF∗p . We see from Lemma 5 that if m1 , . . . , mk , n1 , . . . , nk ≥ 2 is product dis tinct with respect to c then the inner sum over R in (10) is O kN 2k p1/2 . Otherwise we estimate this sum trivially as O(t). The total contribution from these terms is
V2 ≪ kN 4k p1/2 + Mt.
where M is the number of sequence of integers N ≥ m1 , . . . , mk , n1 , . . . , nk ≥ 2 which are not product distinct with respect to c. 10
To estimate M, we assume that cj0 6= 0. If all values of m1 , . . . , mk and all values of n1 , . . . , nk , but nj0 are fixed, then nj0 must satisfy the equation m1 . . . mj0 = n1 . . . nj0 and thus can take at most one possible value. Since j0 takes k distinct values, the total contribution we get M ≤ kN 2k−1 (the vector c = (1, 0, . . . , 0) shows that this bound cannot be improved). Substituting this bound in (12) we obtain V2 ≪ kN 4k p1/2 + kN 2k−1 t. (13) Combining (11) and (13), we conclude the proof.
⊔ ⊓
We now address the question of [13] on the distribution of bits of the vectors (2). Let now q = p be prime. We assume that IFp is represented by the elements of the set {0, 1, . . . , p − 1}. For a point R ∈ E(IFp ), positive integers k, ℓ, N and k bit strings σ1 , . . . , σk of length ℓ each, we use Ak,ℓ (R, N; σ1 , . . . , σk ) to denote the number of times the least significant bits of the binary expansions of the components of the vectors (2) are σ1 , . . . , σk , respectively. It is natural to compare Ak,ℓ (R, N; σ1 , . . . , σk ) with 2−kℓ N k . Thus, for a subgroup H ⊆ E(IFp ), we consider the average deviation ∆k,ℓ (H, N) of Ak,ℓ (R, N; σ1 , . . . , σk ) from its expected value: X ∆k,ℓ (H, N) = max Ak,ℓ (R, N; σ1 , . . . , σk ) − 2−kℓ N k , R∈H
σ1 ,...,σk
where the maximum is taken over all 2kℓ choices of k bit strings σ1 , . . . , σk of length ℓ.
Theorem 8. There is an absolute constant C > 0 such that for a prime p > k, an ordinary curve E and a subgroup H of E(IFp ) of order t, uniformly over all non-zero vectors c ∈ IFkp , we have ∆k,ℓ (H, N) ≤ N 2k p1/4 t1/2 + N k−1/2 t (C log p)k
for all positive integers k, ℓ and N with gcd(N!, t) = 1. 11
Proof. Clearly the binary expansion of x ∈ IFp ends with an ℓ-bit string σ if and only if x = 2ℓ y + σ ¯ , where σ ¯ is the integer represented by σ and the integer y is such that 0 ≤ y < (p − σ ¯ )/2ℓ . Alternatively, denoting by λ ∈ IFp the reciprocal of 2ℓ , we obtain λ(x − σ ¯ ) = y. We now define Lj = (p − σ¯j )/2ℓ − 1,
We also recall the identity 1 X p c∈IF
ψ(cv) =
j = 1, . . . , k.
1, 0,
if v = 0, if v ∈ IF∗p .
Therefore, for any fixed nontrivial additive character ψ of IFp , we have Ak,ℓ (R, N; σ1 , . . . , σk ) Lk N L1 X X X = ... n1 ,...,nk =1 y1 =0
k Y 1 X
yk =0
L1 X
k Y
Lk X
yk =0
1 X ψ pk k j=1 c∈IFp
j ∈IFp
n1 ,...,nk =1 y1 =0
ψ cj
j Y
λcj x
j Y i=1
! !!
k X 1 X Tk (λc, R; N)ψ −λ cj σ¯j = k p k j=1 c∈IFp
! !
− λσ¯j − yj
ψ(−λcj σ¯j )ψ(−cj yj )
Lj k X Y
ψ (−cj yj ) ,
j=1 yj =0
where the outer summation is taken over all vectors c = (c1 , . . . , ck ) ∈ IFkp . Separating the term (L1 + 1) . . . (Lk + 1)N k = 2−kℓ N k + O k2−(k−1)ℓ N k p−1 k p = 2−kℓ N k + O N k p−1 , 12
corresponding to the zero-vector c = 0, we obtain Ak,ℓ (R, N; σ1 , . . . , σk ) − 2−kℓ N k
Lj k X Y X 1 k −1 . ≪N p + k |Tk (λc, R; N)| ψ (−c y ) j j p k j=1 y =0 c∈IFp c6=0
Furthermore, using that
ψ (−cy) ≪
p , 1 + min{c, p − c}
which holds for c ∈ IFp and a positive integer L, see [12, Bound (8.6)], we derive Ak,ℓ (R, N; σ1 , . . . , σk ) − 2−kℓ N k k −1
≪N p
|Tk (λc, R; N)|
c∈IFkp c6=0
k Y
1 . 1 + min{cj , p − cj } j=1
Since the right hand side of the last expression does not depend on σ1 , . . . , σk , we see that k
∆k,ℓ (H, N) ≪ N tp
k XY
X 1 |Tk (λc, R; N)| . 1 + min{cj , p − cj } R∈H k j=1
c∈IFp c6=0
Finally, using the Cauchy inequality and then applying Theorem 7, we obtain ∆k,ℓ (H, N) ≪ N k tp−1 +
k Y Xp tVk (c, H; N)
1 1 + min{cj , p − cj } j=1
c∈IFkp c6=0 k
≪ N tp
2k 1/4 1/2
+ N p
k X Y t
j=1 cj ∈IFp
1 . 1 + min{cj , p − cj }
We choose C0 such that X
1 ≤ C0 log p. 1 + min{c, p − c}
Taking C > C0 sufficiently large (to accommodate in C k all other constants and also the factor k 1/2 ) we obtain ∆k,ℓ (H, N) ≤ N 2k p1/4 t1/2 + N k tp−1 + N k−1/2 t (C log p)k .
Furthermore, the condition gcd(N!, t) = 1 implies that N < t = O(p) thus N k tp−1 ≪ N k−1/2 t. Hence the term N k tp−1 can be omitted from the above bound, which concludes the proof. ⊔ ⊓ We recall that in [13], it has been suggested to use the values N = (log p)O(1) . Since cardinalities of elliptic curves of cryptographic interest are either prime or contain a very small smooth part (that is, a part composed out of small primes), it is natural to assume that the order t of the largest subgroup H of E(IFp ) with gcd(N!, t) = 1 satisfies t ∼ p1+o(1) . In fact, assuming only that t ≥ p1/2+δ for some fixed δ > 0, we see that Theorem 8 is nontrivial provided kℓ = o(log N) and asserts that for almost all points R ∈ H, strings of ℓ least significant bits of the vectors (2) are uniformly distributed. That is, for all 2kℓ choices of k bit strings σ1 , . . . , σk of length ℓ for almost all points R ∈ H, the counting function Ak,ℓ (R, N; σ1 , . . . , σk ) is close to its expected value 2−kℓ N k .
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