Dec 2, 2013 ... Mental health, well-being and violence against women are examined from a
psychological perspective. Required text. Brannon, L. (2011).
PSY3121- Psychology of Women Dr Evelyne Girard, C. Psych.
Classes: Monday 17:30-20:30 Montpetit Room 201 Email:
[email protected] Phone: 613-834-2321 (home) or 613-983-2321(cell) Reply the same day or the day after. Please specify best time to call back. Office hours : By appointment, evenings, weekends or during the day Vanier 2017. COURSE OUTLINE - FALL 2013 Course objectives The main objective of this course is to focus on theoretical and methodological issues concerning women. Topics covered include sexual dimorphism, biology and socialization experiences, gender stereotypes, familial, occupational and other societal roles. Identity and self-concept are discussed in relation to social norms. Mental health, well-being and violence against women are examined from a psychological perspective. Required text Brannon, L. (2011). Gender : Psychological Perspectives. Boston: Pearson. Interactive methodology based on a social laboratory approach Tasks include: Group presentations in class, short quizzes, class discussions and activities. Evaluation of knowledge Revision lists posted on Virtual campus. 1. Exam 1. 100 multiple choice questions 30% October 7 2013 2. 16 quizzes (10True or False for each quiz) 15% Sept-Dec 2013 3. Class activities (16) (8%) and presentation (1) (7%) 15% Sept-Dec 2013 Marks based on attendance and active participation. One mark out of 15 deducted for each class missed. Mark partially self-assessed. 4. Final exam: 100 multiple choice questions 40% To be announced 5. Bonus assignment (optional) 03% Dec 02 2013 Name 30 female psychologists who made a difference in the field of psychology. In 5 to 10 lines describe what contribution they made that could have an impact on your current, past or future lives.
DETAILED OUTLINE AND TIMETABLE- Fall 2013 PART 1. Gender: the Concept, Approaches to Research September 09 2013 Class #01. Introduction, Concepts associated with gender. Outline and expectations. Power Point: What is Gender? True or False Quiz (Quiz#1) Brannon, Chapter 1. pp. 1-19. Discussion 1. September 09 2013 Class #02. Approaches to Research on Sex and Gender. Power Point: Research Methods. Activity 1. Research Methods- True or False Quiz (Quiz #2) Brannon, Chapter 2. pp. 20-45. Discussion 2. PART 2. Femininity and Masculinity, Hormones and Chromosomes September 16 2013 Class #03. Femininity and Masculinity Power Point: Stereotypes. Activity 2. Feminine or Masculine- True or False Quiz (Quiz #3) Brannon, Chapter 3 pp. 46-70.Discussion 3. September 16 2013 Class #04. Hormones and Chromosomes Power Point: Hormones. Activity 3. PMS and testosterone- True or False Quiz (Quiz #4) Brannon, Chapter 4. pp. 71-101. Discussion 4. September 23 2013 Class #5. Theories of Gender Development Power Point : Psychodynamic, Social Learning, Cognitive Theories Activity 4. Which theory is best?- True or False Quiz (Quiz #5) Brannon, Chapter 5. pp. 102-127. Discussion 5. September 23 2013 Class #06. Developing Gender Identity Power Point: Diversity, Influences on Development Activity 5. Acting like a boy, acting like a girl- True or False Quiz (Quiz #6) Brannon, Chapter 6. pp. 128-151.Discussion 6. PART 3. Gender Identity, Intelligence, Cognitive Abilities and Emotion September 30 2013 Class #07. Intelligence and Cognitive Abilities Power Point: Evidence for Sources of Gender Differences Activity 6. Yes or No to Cognitive Differences- True or False Quiz (Quiz #7) Brannon, Chapter 7. pp. 152-176.Discussion 7.
September 30 2013 Class #08. Emotion Power Point: Physiological, Cognitive and Behavioral Aspects of Emotion Activity 7. Showing or not showing anything- True or False Quiz (Quiz #8) Brannon, Chapter 8. pp. 177-203. Discussion 8. October 07 2013 Exam 1. 100 multiple choice questions PART 4. Relationships and Sexuality October 14 2013 Class #09 Relationships Power Point: Friendships and Love Relationships Activity 8. Friends and/or love- True or False Quiz (Quiz #9) Brannon, Chapter 9. pp. 204-238. Discussion 9. October 14 2013 Class #10 Sexuality Power Point: Sexuality and its Various Forms of Expression . Activity 9. Sex and/or love group- True or False Quiz (Quiz #10) Brannon, Chapter 10. pp. 239-277. Discussion 10. Study Week October 21 to October 25 2013 PART 5. School, Careers and Work October 28 2013 Class #11. School Power Point: School Experiences and Achievement Activity 10. Achievement- True or False Quiz (Quiz #11) Brannon, Chapters 11. pp. 278-303. Discussion 11. October 28 2013 Class #12.Careers and work Power Point: Careers and Gender issues at Work. Activity 11. Careers- True or False Quiz (Quiz #12) Brannon, Chapter 12. pp. 304-331. Discussion 12. PART 6. Health and Fitness, Stress, Treatment for Mental Disorders November 04 2013 Class #13 Health and fitness Power Point: Mortality, Gender Roles, :Lifestyles and Health Care. Activity 12. Fitness- True or False Quiz (Quiz #13) Brannon, Chapter 13. pp. 332-363. Discussion 13.
November 04 2013 Class #14. Stress and Coping Power Point: Stress and Links with Psychopathology Activity 13. Stress- True or False Quiz (Quiz #14) Brannon, Chapter 14. pp. 364-396. Discussion 14. November 11 2013 Class #15. Treatment for Mental Disorders Power Point : Treating Mental Disease Activity 14. Treatment for Mental Disorders- True or False Quiz (Quiz #15) Brannon, Chapter 15. pp. 397-422. Discussion 15. November 18 2013 Class #16. How Different are We Power Point: Where are the Differences Activity 15. Extent of Differences- True or False Quiz (Quiz #16) Brannon, Chapter 16. pp. 423-441. Discussion 16. November 25 2013 04 Presentations on women and cartoons 04 Presentations on women and stereotypes 04 Presentations on women and cross-cultural perspectives December 02 2013 04 Presentations on women and wedding ceremonies 04 Presentations on women and sports 04 Presentations on mothers, myths and beliefs Final exam: 100 multiple choices (Chapters 11 to 15) December 2013 (40%) Guidelines for presentations 1. Prepare a 10 minutes group or individual presentation on your chosen theme. 2. Format used: any type 2. Prepare a handout for distribution: practical exercise. 3. Criteria used for assessment: a. Pertinence ___ out of 2 b. Quality of handout ___ out of 1 c. Entertaining ___ out of 1 d. Learning experience ___ out of 2 e. Duration (time limit respected) ___ out of 1