PSYC 2371 Abnormal Psychology. Professor W. Keith Pannell ... the semester.
Textbook: Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology 6th Ed. , Ronald J. Comer.
PSYC 2371 Abnormal Psychology Professor W. Keith Pannell Office: A-2317 Phone # 831-2535 e-mail:
[email protected]
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Course Objectives: • • •
Provide each student with a solid introduction the Clinical area of Psychology
A basic understanding of the area of mental illness and its study. Classification of mental illnesses Examine a variety of theories to help understand the elements that make up, cause, and treat mental illness
Student Grades:
Grades will be earned via exams and a professional-grade poster designed and created by each student. A cumulative point system based on a total of 500 points will be used to determine final grade based on the scale given below. • • • •
Four exams will be given during the semester. Each exam will be made up of multiple choice and true/false questions and be worth 100 points. The Final Exam will be given during final’s week, will also be valued at 100 points, and will be cumulative. There will be NO MAKE-UP EXAMS given during the semester, leaving three exam grades to be used in determining final grades. However, student’s will drop their lowest exam grade (Not the Final Exam). Each student will pair up with another student, design and produce a professional-grade Presentation worth 100 points. The presenters will give a 15 minute presentation to the class as if offering information to the general public, educating them on a specific mental illness. Topics will be designated based on a first come, first served basis. All topics must be approved by Professor Pannell, prior to presentation to the class. Thus the 500 points available to students will be made up of 300 points from exams given in the semester, 100 points from the final exam, and 100 points from the each students poster presented during the poster session. Each Student’s Final Grade will be based on the following point scale: • • • • •
Extra Credit: Textbook:
A = 90% - 100% = 450 points or more B = 80% - 89% = 400 to 449 points C = 65% -79% = 325 to 399 points D = 50% – 64% = 250 to 324 points F < 50% = less than 250 points
Written assignments worth up to 10 points each will be offered throughout the semester.
Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology 6th Ed. , Ronald J. Comer.
Date 20-Jan 22-Jan 27-Jan 29-Jan 3-Feb 5-Feb 10-Feb 12-Feb 17-Feb 19-Jan 24-Feb 26-Feb 3-Mar 3-Mar 10-Mar 12-Mar
Topic Course Introduction What did I get myself into? Can we talk? Communication Orientation…….Hetero, Homo, Bi, A-
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3
Exam 1 What is that? Female anatomy
Ch 4
What is is this? Male anatomy How did I get these things? Exam 2 What happens when you are turned on?
Ch 5 Ch 3 Ch 10
I like it when he/she does……….. Doctor, why does my ______ hurt?
No 17-Mar Class No 19-Mar Class 24-Mar 26-Mar 31-Mar 2-Apr No 7-Apr Class 9-Apr 14-Apr 16-Apr 21-Apr 23-Apr 28-Apr 30-Apr 5-May 7-May 12-May NOTE
Ch 15
SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Exam 3 Sexuality throughout our lives Can I still have sex as an old man/woman?
Ch 8 Ch 9
Cesar Chavez Memorial Day What can go wrong in bed, and why How to avoid pregnancy
Ch 14 Ch 13
Exam 4 What makes a freaky partner so deviant?
Ch 16
$ex $ex $ex Sexual Coersion: I didn't want it but…..
Ch 18 Ch 17
Final Exam Thursday @ 11:00 a.m. The date, time, and location of the poster session will be anounced as soon as it has been arranged.