Psychology-1 - Department of Higher Education

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Ekkuorkoknh fl)kUr % ekLyksa jktlZ( ejs dk vko';drk fl)kUr( dsyh ... McgrawHill, International book Co. ..... A textbook of social psychology, Scarborough, Gatario:.
dsanzh; v/;;u eaMy] mPp f'k{kk foHkkx] e-iz= 'kklu la'kks/ku@ifjektZu iwoZ ,oa i'pkr~ ikB~;dze dk rqyukRed i=d LukrdksRrj r`rh; ,oa prqFkZ lsesLVj vf/kdre vad@Max. Marks 50 d{kk Class


M.A. (Psychology)

lsesLVj Semester



fo"k; lewg dk 'kh"kZd Title of Subject/ Group


Psychology of Personality-1/Psychology of Personality-II/Psychology of Personality

iz'u i= dza- Paper No.



vfuok;Z@ oSdfYid Compulsory/ Optional



la'kks/ku iwoZ Prior to Ammendment lsesLVj &III bdkbZ &1 Unit- 1

la'kks/ku i'pkr~ After Ammendment lsesLVj &IV

lsesLVj &IV Introduction: The Concept of Personality, Schools of psychology: Structuralism Introduction: The Concept of Personality, Theoretical Theoretical Approaches to Personality, Functionalism, Behaviorism, Gestalt- Approaches to Personality, Psychoanalytic, determinants of Personality. Salient features only. Constitutional, Trait approach, cognitive; Determinants of Personality. ifjp;% O;fDrRo dk laizR;;( lS)kafrd mikxe% euksfo’ys"k.kkRed] laxBukRed] 'khyxq.k] laKkukRed( O;fDrRo ds fu/kkZjd-

bdkbZ &2 Unit- 2

Freud, Adler, Jung, Social learning Theory by Rotter, Dispositional Approaches: Allport's, Psychoanalytic theory: Neofreudian, Horney, Erickson. Bandura's observational learning, Cattell's and Eyesenck's theories. Skinner's Behavioristic Theory. euksfo'ys"k.kkRed fl)kUr% Qzk;M] ,Myj]] tqax] uo

Qzk;Moknh% gkuhZ] bfjDlu-

bdkbZ &3 Unit- 3

bdkbZ &4 Unit- 4

Theories of Personality: Mischel, Miller Humanistic Approaches: Maslow, Rogers Dispositional Theories: Allport, Cattell and Eyesenck; & Dollard and Seligman. and Murray's need theory. Social learining theory: Albert Bandura.

'khyxq.kkRed fl)kUr% vkyiksVZ] dSVsy ,oa vkbZlsUd( lkekftd vf/kxe fl)kUr% vYcVZ cS.M~jk Psychoanalytic Theory: Freud, Adler, Kelley, Lewin, The five factor Model. Jung.

Humanistic theories: Maslow & Rogers; Murray’s Need Theory, Kelley’s Cognitive Theory.

Ekkuorkoknh fl)kUr % ekLyksa jktlZ( ejs dk vko’;drk fl)kUr( dsyh dk laKkukred fl)kUrA

bdkbZ &5 Unit- 5

Neo-Freudian Theory: Horney, Erich Personally inventories as assessment of Fromm, ego psychology of Erickson. disposition: kinds uses and limitations. Difference between inventory and projective techniques.

Behavioristic and contemporary theories Michel, Miller & Dollard and Seligman, Big five personality theory, Personality Assessment: Inventories.

O;ogkfjd ,oa lelkef;d fl}kUr fe’ksy] feyj ,oa MksykMZ( lsafyxeSu cMs ikap O;farRo fl)kUr( O;farRo ekiu vuqlwfp;kaA

Recommended BooksLiebert R.M. & Spiegler. M.D. Personality: Strategies and issues. Pacific Grove, California. Hall. C.S., & Lindzey. G.(1978) Theories of personality. (3 rd Ed.) New York: J Willey & Sons. Hjelle, L.A. & Zeigler, D.J.(1991). Personality theories: basic assumption, research & application. McgrawHill, International book Co. Pervin, L.A. (1975) Personality, theory. Assessment and research. New York: Willey.

frokjh] bUnqizHkk ,oa] oh.kk¼ 2001½ euksfoKku ds lEiznk; ,oa bfrgkl] Hkksiky& fgUnh xzaFk vdkneh flag v:.k dqekj¼ ½ euksfoKku ds lEiznk; ,oa bfrgkl] eksrhyky cukjlhnkl

dsanzh; v/;;u eaMy] mPp f'k{kk foHkkx] e-iz= 'kklu la'kks/ku@ifjektZu iwoZ ,oa i'pkr~ ikB~;dze dk rqyukRed i=d LukrdksRrj r`rh; ,oa prqFkZ lsesLVj

vf/kdre vad@Max. Marks 50

d{kk Class


M.A. (Psychology)

lsesLVj Semester



fo"k; lewg dk 'kh"kZd Title of Subject/ Group


Social Psychology-I/Social Psychology-II/Social Psychology

iz'u i= dza- Paper No.



vfuok;Z@ oSdfYid Compulsory/ Optional



la'kks/ku iwoZ Prior to Ammendment lsesLVj &III

bdkbZ &1 Unit- 1

la'kks/ku i'pkr~ After Ammendment lsesLVj &IV Field of social psychology: Historical Attitude: Nature & Functions, Attitude Lekt euksfOkKku ds {ks=] mikxe] lekt euksfoKku dh background, Growth of social psychology measurement, process of attitude change, fof/k;k¡] lekt euksfoKku dk vU; fo"k;ksa ls laca/kA lsesLVj &IV

as a modern discipline. Theoretical cognitive dissonance theory. approaches to social psychology- genetic, learning, cognitive, psychoanalytic and role theory.

bdkbZ &2 Unit- 2

bdkbZ &3 Unit- 3

bdkbZ &4 Unit- 4

Field of Social Psychology, Approaches, Methods of Social Psychology, Relationship of Social Psychology with other disciplines.

Relationship of social psychology with Inter group relation: prejudice an vfHko`fRr % Lo:i ,oa izdk;Z] vfHkofRr ifjorZu dk izØe] other discipline, social psychology as a discrimination- Forming, maintaining and laKkukRed folUukfnrk fl}kar] vuqu;kRed lEizs"k.kA applied science, methods of social reducing prejudice. Attitude: Nature and Functions, Process of Attitude psychology. Change, Cognitive dissonance theory, Persuasive communaication. Social influence: conformity- nature and Social motive- Affiliation, power Lkkekftd izsjd % lEcU/ku] 'kfDr] miyfC/k] vuqeksnu] determinants, compliancedifferent Achievement, Approval: concept and xq.kkjksi.k&izR;;] fl}kUr& dsyh] tksUl ,oa Msfol rFkk techniques. Obedience and persuation. theoretical explanation. okbZuj Pro-social behaviornature and Social Motives: Affiliation,. Power, Achievement, determinants. Approval, Attribution-Concept, Theories- Kelley, Jones & Davis and Weiner. Meaning of group. Group formation, Attribution: concept, theories- Kelley, lewg dk vFkZ] lewg fuekZ.k lkekftd usr`Ro& fl)kUr ,oa decision making. Group behavior- social Jones & Davis, and Weiner; Errors in 'kSfy;k¡( lekuq:irk&Lo:i ,oa fu/kkZjdA facilitation and social leadership- theories attribution. Meaning of group, group Formation, Social leadership, and styles. Theories & styles. Conformity-nature & Determinants.

bdkbZ &5 Unit- 5

Inter personal attraction: situational determinants and theoretical explanation. Aggression: Meaning, theories and management of aggression.

Communication: verbal and nonverbal, barriers in communication, persuasive communication, mass media and its impact on behavior, propaganda.

varZoS;fDrd vkd"kZ.k % ifjfLFkfrxr fu/kkZjd ,oa lS)kfUrd O;k[;k( vkØkedrk( fl)kUr ,oa izca/ku] izfrlkekftd O;ogkj Lo:i ,oa fu/kkZjd Interpersonal Attraction: situational determinants and theoretical explanation, Aggression: Theories & management, Prosocial behaviour, nature & Determinants.

Recommended readings Baron and Byrne(1998) Social Psychology, New Delhi: Prentice Hall. Baron (2001) Samajik Minovigyan (9 th ed), New Delhi: Pearson.. Feldman R.S. (1998) Social Psychology, Singapur: Mcgraw Hill. Myres D.G. (1998) Social Psychology, Singapore: McGraw Hill. Tripathi L.B. Outline of Social Psychology, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas. Sing A.K. Uchattar Samajik Manovigyan(2004), Motilal Banarsidas.

dsanzh; v/;;u eaMy] mPp f'k{kk foHkkx] e-iz= 'kklu la'kks/ku@ifjektZu iwoZ ,oa i'pkr~ ikB~;dze dk rqyukRed i=d LukrdksRrj r`rh; ,oa prqFkZ lsesLVj

vf/kdre vad@Max. Marks 50

d{kk Class


M.A. (Psychology)

lsesLVj Semester



fo"k; lewg dk 'kh"kZd Title of Subject/ Group


Educational Psychology-I/ Educational Psychology-II/Clinical Psychology

iz'u i= dza- Paper No.



vfuok;Z@ oSdfYid Compulsory/ Optional



la'kks/ku iwoZ Prior to Ammendment lsesLVj &III

bdkbZ &1 Unit- 1

la'kks/ku i'pkr~ After Ammendment lsesLVj &IV Educational Psychology: Meaning, scope Theoretical Perspectives in educational ifjHkk"kk;sa uSnkfud euksfoKku dk bfrgkl ,oa {ks=A Behariouristic theories, uSnkfud euksfOkKku ds izk:i] euksxR;kRed & O;ogkfjd] and methods. Role of psychology in Psychology, education, Objectives of teaching Social learning theories- Modeling and vUrZoS;fäd] ifjizs{;A lsesLVj &IV

educational psychology, Problems of observational, self-efficacy, Bruner. Indian educational system.

bdkbZ &2 Unit- 2

bdkbZ &3 Unit- 3

Definition, history and field of clinical psychology. Models of clinical psychology: Psychodynamic, behavioral phenomenological, interpersonal perspective.

Cognitive psychology and information euksfpfdRlh; jksxh dk ijh{k.k] euksfpfdRlh; lk{kkRdkj processing models, Cognitive style and bfrgkl] ,oa ekufld fLFkfr dk ijh{k.k A ekufld Learning, strategies, Language acquisition O;kf/k ds y{k.k A and reading development. Examination of psychiatric patient, psychiatric interview, psychiatric history and mental status examination, Typical Symptoms of psychiatric illness. Concept formation. Thinking problem Human diversity and education, iz{ksih izkof/k;kWa%& mn~xe ,oa izdkj A fofHkUu iz{ksih solving. Creativity and Teaching on Readiness and class room Achievement, izfof/k;kWa% jks’kk] Vh-,-Vh- ekuo vkd`fr ijh{k.k iz{ksih creativity and reasoning. Social class Differences, poverty izkof/k;ksa dk uSnkfud mi;ksx A disadvantages and education, Theories of Projective techniques: Origin and classification of intelligence. projective techniques, various projective techniques: Characteristics of teacher. Professional growth of the teacher. Mental set of the teacher. Efficiency in studying: Study guide, Curriculum. Co-curricular activities.

Rorschach, TAT, Draw a person test, clinical use of

projective test.

bdkbZ &4 Unit- 4

bdkbZ &5 Unit- 5

Motivation: Curiosity, exploration, Teaching methods-lecturing and uSnkfud ekiu& Lo:i ,oa mn~ns’; uSnkfud lk{kkRdkj]] expectancy, achievement motivation, Role explaining, questioning, aptitude O;fDro`r v/;;u] ekiu laca/kh lwpukvksa dk ,dhdj.k] of Motivation in learning. treatment, interaction. Student centered izdj.k rFkk laizs{k.k A teaching, computer assisted instruction. Clinical assessment: Nature and purpose. Clinical Interview, case study, mental status examination. Collecting, processing and communicating assessment findings. Learning environment: maintaining Evaluation of educational assessment, euksfpfdRlk;sa%& euksfo’ys"k.kkRed] jksxh dsfUnzr] effective learning environment. measurement, and evaluation (norm- laKkukRed fpfdRlk] O;ogkj fpfdRlk] O;ogkj Classroom management Techniques. referenced and criterion referenced tests) ifjektZu] vlaosnh dj.k] n`