Jan 31, 2011 ... With regard to letter of the Head of the Permits and Special Projects. Department
of PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Tbk (Mr. Ir. Maleakhi John).
Public Disclosure Authorized
E2658 v. 3 UPDATE
Public Disclosure Authorized
Public Disclosure Authorized
Public Disclosure Authorized
March 30, 2009 Number Nature Attachment Re
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02/Amdal/-1.774.151 Urgent 1 (one) document file Recommendation for the RKL/RPL Update of Development of Eastern West Ancol Areas At ± 119 ha PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk
To The Director of PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk. in Jakarta
With regard to letter of the Head of the Permits and Special Projects Department of PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Tbk (Mr. Ir. Maleakhi John) Number: 052/DPPK-EKT/II/09 dated February 9, 2009 which we received on February 9, 2009 regarding Submission of the updated RKL & RPL Document for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Areas at ± 119 ha (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk), located at Kelurahan Ancol (Ancol Sub-sub District), Kecamatan Pademangan (Pademangan Sub-District), North Jakarta Administrative City, we hereby advise you of the following matters: 1. Pursuant to Official Report of the Regional Environmental Impact Agency Technical Team of DKI Jakarta Province Number: 01/TT/AMDAL/II/2009 on Monday, February 23, 2009, and Official Report of the Environmental Impact Agency Assessment Commission of DKI Jakarta Province Number: 13/TK/III/2009 on Tuesday, March 17, 2009, and with due regard to the revisions submitted on March 27, 2009, the Study for Environment Management Plan (RKL) and Environment Monitoring Plan (RPL) Updating is declared duly comprehensive and approved by the Environmental Impact Agency Assessment Commission of DKI Jakarta Province; 2. The Environmental Impact Agency Assessment Commission of DKI Jakarta Province refers to Order of the Governor of KDKI Jakarta Number: 2206/-1.711.5 dated September 26, 2007 regarding Use of the Special Layout Detailed Plan Revision Map for Ancol Area and Its Surroundings, North Jakarta Municipality and Regulation of the President of the Republic
5. 6.
of Indonesia Number: 54 Year 2008 regarding Land Use for the Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Puncak, Cianjur Area and Gubernatorial Approval Number: 1766/-1.793.43 dated August 25, 2008 regarding Dumping Site for Dredged Mud from 13 Rivers/Retention basins in DKI Jakarta, which designated Eastern West Ancol as a Dumping Site. In the specific case of RKL/RPK documents that are technical guideline documents for the management, monitoring and evaluation of the impact of Eastern West Ancol Area Development at ± 119 ha (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk) shall implement the entire material and provisions as set out in the RKL/RPL Updated document, by referring to such items as: 3.1. The approved RKL/RPL Updated document particularly the evaluation matrix and impact management directions; 3.2. Impact management and monitoring of impacted environmental component, including the physical, chemical, biological, socioeconomical and cultural components and facilitated environment, from the preparation to the operation stages; 3.3. The management and monitoring directions as attached to this recommendation, which shall be treated as an inseparable part of the RKL and RPL; For the specific case of the impact control, the management and monitoring implementation of which is to be carried out by a third party (either during the construction period or the constructed facility operating period), the responsibility shall remain with the Activity Initiator (i.e. PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). Therefore, the Activity Initiator is expected to equip and constantly remind its partners (the relevant agencies, subcontractors, suppliers of materials and other construction supplies, the operator/operation manager of the constructed facilities, etc.) to carry out the material and provisions on impact management and impacted environmental component monitoring, in line with the plan as set out in the RKL and RPL and other technical provisions that apply for the activity; In the course of the construction operation, PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol shall coordinate with BP Pantura Jakarta and other relevant agencies; Whereas the Government of DKI Jakarta Province will rely on to the statement of intent of the Activity Initiator as the party in charge of the implementation activity of the things mentioned in points 2, 3, 4, and 5 above, as set out in Statement number: 072/DIR-PJA/III/2009 dated March 30, 2009 signed by the Director of PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk (Mr. Winarto); In the event of failure to fulfill the activity material and provisions set out in the RKL and RPL documents, the Activity Initiator shall be held accountable for the entire risk that may occur, and may be subject to legal action and the prevailing laws and regulations; To guarantee the implementation of the things mentioned in points 2 to 7 above, therefore:
As of the issuance of this recommendation, the Activity Initiator shall report the implementation of RKL and RPL periodically every three months to the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province c.q. the Head of the Regional Environmental Management Board (BPLHD) of DKI Jakarta Province until the completion of the construction activity 8.2. During the operating period, the Initiator shall report the RKL-RPL periodically every six months; 8.3. After the periods referred to in points 8.1 and 8.2 above, the Facilitating agencies shall be expected to take initiatives to continue the oversight and monitoring function of the RKL and RPL implementation through a coordination with the relevant agencies The Activity Initiator shall be subsequently expected to constantly make efforts and take initiatives in revising the activity management and impact monitoring effort, so as to fulfill the environmental management conditions and requirements that prevail in the DKI Jakarta Province.
This recommendation shall be evaluated in the event of any changes in the activity that have an impact on the environment. On behalf of the GOVERNOR OF THE SPECIAL CAPITAL PROVINCE OF JAKARTA HEAD OF THE BPLHD OF DKI JAKARTA PROVINCE Acting as CHAIRMAN OF THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT COMMISSION OF DKI JAKARTA PROVINCE (signed and stamped) Ir. PENI SUSANTI, Dipl. Est. NIP 47006170 Cc: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Vice Governor of DKI Jakarta Province Regional Secretary of DKI Jakarta Province Development and Environment Assistant to the Regional Secretary of DKI Jakarta Province Mayor of the North Jakarta Administration. Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency of DKI Jakarta Province Head of the Sanitation Service Office of DKI Jakarta Province. Head of the Landscape Service Office of DKI Jakarta Province. Head of the DPU of DKI Jakarta Province Head of the Environmental Commission of North Jakarta Administrative City. Secretary of the Regional Environment Impact Agency Assessment Commission of DKI Jakarta Province.
The undersigned: Name Title Address
: : :
Winarto Director Pasir Putih Raya Blok E5, Cordova Building, Ancol North Jakarta 6453456/64710502
As the Person-in-Charge for the Environmental Management and Monitoring of the activity: Name of Activity : Development of Eastern West Ancol Area at ± 119 ha Type of Activity : Dumping Site for Dredged Mud from 13 Rivers/Retention basins in DKI Jakarta Address of Activity : East Ancol Area, North Jakarta Tel/Fax : 6453456/64710502 Type of Activity Document : Updating of the Environment Impact Analysis (ANDAL), Environmental Management Plan (RKL) and Environmental Monitoring Plan (RPL)
Hereby declare: 1. To carry out Environmental Management and Monitoring as set out in the Updated RKL/RPL Document of the Development Activity of Eastern West Ancol Area at ± 119 ha which has been approved by the Regional Environmental Impact Agency Assessment Commission of DKI Jakarta Province 2. To be responsible for and willing to be subjected to sanction pursuant to the prevailing regulation should I be proven negligent in/failed to carry out the Environmental Management and Monitoring as set out in the Updated RKL/RPL Document of the Development Activity of Eastern West Ancol Area at ± 119 ha
To be responsible for and willing to report the implementation of RKL and RPL periodically every three months to the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province c.q. the Head of the Regional Environmental Management Board (BPLHD) of DKI Jakarta Province until the completion of the construction activity and during the operating activity, I shall be responsible and willing to report the RKL-RPL implementation periodically every six months To be willing to be monitored or supervised by the relevant Service Office/Agency with regard to the implementation of the Updated RKL/RPL document of the Development Activity of Eastern West Ancol Area at ± 119 ha
This Environmental Management and Monitoring statement has been duly prepared to serve as a guideline in the implementation of my business and/or operation.
Jakarta, March 30, 2009 PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk. (signed and stamped on duty stamp)
WINARTO Director
PREFACE In the effort to comply with the legislative provisions regarding the development of an area, PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk. has furnished the Development Plan for Eastern West Ancol Area at ± 119 ha with an Environmental Impact Analysis (AMDAL) Study and it has been approved by the Chairman of the AMDAL Commission of DKI Jakarta Province with ANDAL, RKL and RPL Recommendation Number 5/-1.774.151, dated February 7, 2006. The development of the Eastern West Ancol Area at ± 119 ha is a land addition activity by reclaiming the coast at the Eastern West Ancol Area, to be later developed with a number of activities according to the Special Land Designation Layout Master Plan for Ancol Area and Its Surroundings which has been approved by the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province under Letter No. 2206/-1.711.5, dated September 26, 2007. With relation to the amendment to the Special Land Designation Layout Master Plan for Ancol Area and Its Surroundings and pursuant to Presidential Regulation Number 54 Year 2008 regarding Land Use for the Jabodetabekpunjur (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Puncak, and Cianjur) Area, the lateral canal width has been modified from ± 80 m to ± 300 m (P3 Zone). Furthermore to fulfill the need for JEDI project dumping site, the Local Government of DKI Jakarta through Letter of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province Number 1776/1.793.43, dated August 25, 2008, regarding Dumping Site for Dredged Mud from 13 Rivers and 5 Retention basins in DKI Jakarta stipulates the reclaimed Eastern West Ancol Area as a dumping site/disposal area to accommodate the dredged material from 13 rivers and 5 retention basins in the DKI Jakarta region. Based on the above matters, PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk. needs to perform an Update on the Environmental Management Plan (RKL) and Environmental Monitoring Plan (RPL) documents to manage and monitor the crucial impacts that may arise due to the project operation. The drafted Updated RKL and RPL documents, which have received input from the Technical Team and Environmental Impact Agency Assessment Commission of DKI Jakarta Province, are expected to serve as the primary guideline in the effort to implement environmental management and monitoring for PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk in complying with the provisions as referred to in Law Number 23 Year 1997 regarding Environmental Management. We thank all parties, especially the Technical Team and Environmental Impact Agency Assessment Commission of DKI Jakarta Province, for their assistance and good cooperation so that these Updated Environmental Management Plan (RKL) and Environmental Monitoring Plan (RPL) documents could be drafted.
Jakarta, February 2009 PT. PEMBANGUNAN JAYA ANCOL, Tbk.
Recommendation, Response The background needs to contain an express explanation that the Updated RKL and RPL document is strictly limited to the reclamation (filling) activity in an area of 119 ha. The filling of an area of 119 ha in a time frame of about 1 year is a relatively intensive activity. It is a consequence of JEDI’s similarly short river and mud dredging period. Therefore, the Updated RKL and RPL should not be normative in nature, but rather emphasizes the importance of technical coordination between the agencies in charge of JEDI’s activities with PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, such as: Schedules for dredging, transportation, embankment construction, and filling. Compatibility of temporary embankment construction design with the amount of dredged sediment according to the dredging period. Compatibility of the dumping site area and the amount of dredged sediment according to the dredging period. Determination of the requirements/ specifications of dredged sediment that can be used for fill. Not all of the various impacts of filling can be predicted accurately, so the Updated RKL and RPL cannot accommodate the entire impacts that may occur, especially the physical impacts. The Updated RKL and RPL needs to explain its function as an instrument to accommodate various uncertainties, such as: The hydro-oceanographic parameter inventory activity that is more valid for a more detailed assessment and study on the hydrodynamic behavior as a basis for determining the geometric design of
Note Already explained, Page I - 2.
Already explained, Pages II - 18 to II – 34.
Already explained, Pages III - 18 to III 29.
Recommendation, Response Note the reclamation area. The continuous adjustment of the reclamation area’s geometric design according to the result of hydrodynamic behavior monitoring in the reclaimed area. A study on the water level change due to reclamation, if a model application is yet to be carried out. If it is already carried out, the model and variables for it should be enclosed. A study on current pattern changes, if a model application is yet to be carried out. If it is already carried out, the model and variables for it should be enclosed. The condition of the reclamation land consolidation related to the use of riverdredged sediment for filling. The geotextile layer’s performance to withstand the spread of the river sediment used for filling. Monitoring of wave height changes. Etc. The Updated RKL and RPL specifically need Already explained in to accommodate the coordination interest with Chapter V, RKL. the relevant Public Works Service/SubService Office regarding a key issue in reclamation: the impact on flooding and pooling. Flood and puddle management is largely the responsibility of the Public Works Service/Sub-Service Office, thus a clear coordination will be needed. Special note: Adjusted. Please readjust Table 4.1 to reflect the points discussed in Sub-chapters 4.2 and 4.3 for consistency. Management of the impact of seawater quality degradation due to filling at the construction stage tends to address fill sand, while the majority of the fill material is sediments dredged from rivers/canal. Since the change of material formed the basis of the RKL and RPL Update, management of a relatively softer river/canal sediment
Recommendation, Response needs to be elaborated in more detail. Impact management on floods and puddles needs to consider the performance of lateral canals that have a limited depth of 1-2 meter and will experience sedimentation at the western side of the reclamation area. To maintain the canal depth, therefore, regular dredging will be needed.
In general, the Updated RKL and RPL on the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area can serve as the basis for recommending the environmental feasibility of the reclamation activity; however, the matters that still need to be undertaken, such as more detailed assessment, should be stated explicitly.
General Information 1. The West Ancol Area was approved as a dumping site after the issuance of the Letter of the Governor Number 1288/-1.711.5 dated May 17, 2004 on Principal Approval for Phase II Reclamation in the West Ancol Waters in an area of + 343 ha and Letter from the Amdal Evaluation Committee of DKI Jakarta Number 5/-1.744.15 dated February 17, 2006 regarding Andal Recommendation, RKL/RPL for the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area Block 3 & 4. 2. Updating of the RKL/RPL document was made in the context of the activity plan for: a. the change of fill material from sand transported by sea to sediment dredged from rivers/retention basins (non-B3) from the JEDI project at + 9,000,0000 m3 by land transportation; b. The widening of the lateral canal from + 80 m to + 200 m up to 300 m according to the spatial layout modification set forth in the Instruction of the Governor of KDKI Jakarta Number 2206/-1.711.5 dated September 26, 2007 regarding the Use of Special Spatial Layout Detailed Plan Revised Map of Ancol Area and Its Surroundings, North Jakarta Municipality and to adjust to the Regulation of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 54 Year 2008 regarding Spatial Layout of the Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Puncak, Cianjur area.
Recommendations, Response from the Regional Environmental Impact Analysis Review Commission Team of DKI Jakarta Province
No. 1.
2. 3.
Recommendation, Response How much has been done to prepare the needed clean water when new residents are about to live in the area? The local/longtime community has had experienced frequent difficulty getting clean water.
Note This document only discusses the reclamation activity; a separate Amdal study will be conducted for the buildings on the reclamation land. Please anticipate the impact of this filling on Already explained, the occurrence of flooding. Page V- 24. What does this project contribute to the local Already explained, community who is, it must be noted, affected Pages V – 10 to V – by high unemployment? 11.
No. 4.
5. 6.
11. 12. 13.
14. 15.
Recommendation, Response What about the issue of the Minister of Environment not condoning this reclamation project? Constant coordination with the local community is expected. Regarding a reference on Page IV-6, the issue of sediment maintenance and dredging (from 80 m to 200 m) and the party in charge of this needs to be taken into consideration. These matters need to be accommodated in this Updated RKL/RPL document. The cleanup of any spilled mud/material transported by the dump trucks should be explained/accommodated in this document. Page II-25 mentions “material output from 13 rivers/6 retention basins”; it should be 5 retention basins. Reference is made to the heavy maritime traffic/frequency and mode of transportation (navigation route); who will be in charge of the oversight and control of maritime traffic security/safety? It is necessary to prepare an SOP for mud transportation by land (for mud collection, transportation, dump truck packing, transport time, dumping location, etc.). A chart of the initial to the final processes of the project activity should be provided. Volume (%) of the river mud against (sea) sand for the truck need/frequency (intensity). The respective responsibility for the impact treatment/management at each segment needs to be clear. The toxic waste content against the marine environment needs to be taken into account. There needs to be clarity on the embankment to be constructed: is it truly capable of keeping away seawater? Consider that the filling process is conducted in a dry condition. There needs to be clarity on the mgmt process for the formed land area of + 1,190,000 m3 (119 ha) in the form of vegetation-planting, drainage needs, sanitation, clean water, electricity, etc.
Will be duly noted, Pages V - 13 to V - 14. Already explained, Page V - 22.
Already explained, Page V - 12. Already corrected in its entirety. Already explained, Pages II - 26 to II – 27.
Already explained, Pages II - 26 to II – 29.
Already explained, Pages II - 25 to II – 27. Already explained, Pages II - 25 to II – 26. Already explained, Page V. Already explained, Pages II - 23 to II - 24. Already explained, Pages II - 23 to II - 24.
This document only discusses the reclamation activity; a separate Amdal study will be conducted for the buildings on the
No. 17.
21. 22.
26. 27.
Recommendation, Response
Note reclamation land. The fill material should be carefully calculated Already explained, since there is concern that the 9 million m3 Page II - 16. volume may not be achievable and thus sea sand fill material or others will be needed. The handling of the impact from fill material Already explained, transportation by land and by sea is Pages V - 14 to V – 15. connected to land traffic and marine transportation including any conflict with fishermen at sea and the maritime police. A marine transportation study on the Already explained, fishermen community is needed, because a Pages V - 17 to V – 19. portion of the reclamation material originates from Banten Province; the traffic flow intensity would surely increase. The Aerial Police needs to be involved to Already explained, anticipate an inter-provincial transportation Page V – 19 to V-20. system. An assessment of the material impact source Already explained, is required. Pages II - 24 to II – 25. The Letter of the Governor No. 1228/-1.711.5 Already enclosed. dated May 17, 2004 should be furnished with attached map for the + 343 ha area. On page II-8, under the Gubernatorial Already explained, Decision No. 2206/-1.711.5 dated September Page II - 9, Fig. II.3. 26, 2007, the designation should be shown proportionally on the area of + 119 ha (there are 6 designations). On page III-31 paragraph 3, the RBWK Already explained, should be changed to the 2010 RTRWC. Page III - 31. (RTRWC under process in government) On figure V - 1, environmental management Already explained, should be included (plotted) on the TPS Page V - 76, Fig. V.2. (temporary disposal facility for domestic waste) site for waste disposal from the construction workers’ activity. The TPS capacity should be explained. Already explained, Page V – 5. Is the correct filling implementation time frame Already corrected in its 36 months or 24 months? Please recheck entirety; the filling work (see page IV - 12). will take 36 months. The reason for updating should be added Already explained, according to Government Regulation No. 27 Page I - 3. article 24 paragraph 1: that if no activity on an
Recommendation, Response RKL-RPL happens in 3 years after the Andal is issued, the RKL-RPL will become legally void. The impact of reclamation on Kelurahan Ancol needs to be taken into consideration, such as: a. Daily flooding despite an absence of rain. b. Improvement of road facilities and infrastructure in the Kelurahan West Ancol and Pademangan area. c. The transportation of materials should take place at night so as not to disrupt public activities. d. In the framework of Adipura, please provide assistance in the panting of Ancol’s schools and clean up the area in front of the mosque. e. Road cleanliness on the transportation route should be maintained and public activity-heavy routes should be avoided. f. The social impact and CSR obligation of the project environment is not adequate. g. Recruitment of Kelurahan Ancol locals as workers is not adequate. Information on the involvement of the Kelurahan Ancol and Pademangan community in job and business opportunities should be added.
Already explained in its entirety on Chapter V.
Already explained in its entirety in the RKL and RPL (Chapters V and VI).
LIST OF MODIFICATIONS IN THE UPDATED RKL AND RPL DOCUMENT ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF EASTERN WEST ANCOL AREA IN AN AREA OF + 119 HA BASED ON INPUT FROM THE TECHNICAL TEAM, MARCH 17, 2009 (10:00 a.m. WEST INDONESIA TIME) Purpose of the meeting: 1. To prepare the report material on the result of the Technical Team’s review of the Updated RKL/RPL Document on the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area in an Area of + 119 ha which will be presented at the Amdal Review Commission Discussion. 2. To provide input for the revision of the document from a technical standpoint in addition to previous inputs, such as: No. a.
Discussion Result Reference is made to the change in canal design from 80 to 200/300 m to make the impact change clear. Is the canal change related in any way to the flood issue? Reference is made to the change in the use of fill material from sand and clay to fill material from rivers/retention basins, the impact from which is not yet clear/specific. Disruption to the seawater quality according to matrix V-31 should be corrected to “specify the disruptions”, are they the same? What biota? Impact management should not be generalized, e.g. current pattern change, abrasion and sedimentation, turbidity – is the management for these impacts exactly the same? The monitoring frequency for the construction/reclamation stage should not be generalized to once every six months e.g. for quantity, quality, etc. The frequency should be increased if possible. The validation result is not shown (current and tide) as overlaid against the Ancol model result. Reference is made to sediments; which will have an effect on the TSS (how much % will be reduced) and on the biological parameter (as a derivative impact). With regard to the hydrodynamic change that produces an abrasive and accretive effect elsewhere, the described document is still in
Note Already explained, Pages IV - 4 to IV – 24.
Already explained, Pages IV - 4 to IV – 24.
Already corrected, Page V – 28.
Already explained, Pages V - 4 to V – 9.
Already corrected in entirety, Chapter VI.
Already corrected, Pages III - 21 and III – 24. Already explained, Page IV – 14 to V-16.
Already explained, Pages III - 29 and III - 26.
l. m.
q. r. s.
Discussion Result the form of a model. Also, the model is acceptable once it s satisfactory by reviewing the validation data. In situ observation will be needed. Ancol c.q. DKI is an exclusive zone. The material delivery responsibility needs to be clear. The respective responsibilities of each stakeholder (Ancol and JEDI) needs to be stated expressly. There needs to be a strategy from Ancol on the locations of the inlet and outlet points in the Ancol area. Reference is made to traffic; there needs to be a limitation of responsibility by Ancol and JEDI, which will be acted on with a traffic study. There is no evident analysis on the sand and mud material change. There is no thematic study evident in the management. How and when will the thematic study be conducted? For example, the RKL mentions conducting a hydrodynamic study with PT. MKY: is this true? The environmental base line mentions an initial modeling for current pattern. The implementation will take 1 week. Reference is made in the RKL to the current pattern: conducting a hydrodynamic study during the construction period especially on any change to the embankment shape, monitoring the current pattern, abrasion and sedimentation at every change of season. Reference is made in the RKL to abrasion and sedimentation: monitoring the abrasion and sedimentation spread periodically once a year. Table 3.6 should simply have the positions plotted. The coordinates for the drawing should be specified. It needs to be asserted that hydraulic fill will be used, to be carried out in phases.
Already explained, Pages II – 12 to II – 14.
Already explained, Pages II - 21 to II – 23. Already explained, Pages II - 26 to II – 27.
Already explained, Pages II - 24 and II – 25. Already corrected, Page V – 7.
Already explained, Pages III - 18 and III – 29. Already explained, Pages V – 7 and VI - 4.
Already explained, Pages V – 8 and VI - 5.
Already illustrated, Page III – 10, Fig. III.3. Already corrected, Pages IV - 8 to IV – 9. Already explained, Pages II - 21 to II – 22.
Discussion Result Preface: already compliant Chapter I: already compliant Chapter II: Activity Plan up to 2.4 already compliant Chapter II Point 2.5. Brief Description of Activity Plan a. Purpose and Utility of Activity Plan: Needs revision The purpose is to provide additional land by reclamation for a recreational area development. Utility: to enhance service capacity according to the master plan (review and adjust to the preface) Point 2.6 b. Construction stage Title No. 1 should be added with Utility Construction and the activity description is not yet given such as: Workers’ accommodation Clean water, electricity Environmental sanitation Access road into reclamation site Dump truck setting pond (not yet provided) Other necessary utilities (such as garbage disposal) On page II-23 the drawing for this Blanket Fill reclamation is based on the latest confirmation to be substituted with a technical drawing of an embankment to be built in stages (not immediately) and with a closed design. On page II-24 include the Geotextile specifications that will be suitable for/ compatible with the river/retention basin mud character (already informed according to Ancol)
Already corrected, (Page II - 8)
Already explained, (Page II – 26, point 6).
The blanket fill system in this document serves as a reference for alternative reclamation work. Already explained, Page II-25.
No. 7.
Discussion Result Chapter III Environmental Baseline Regarding environmental quality in particular, specify the environmental quality status of the initial base line at the end of each discussion, whether it is in good condition or degraded, and give the basis for the data processing such as IPA. a. Seawater Quality Check the quality standard and why the standard for marine biota is used, while Ancol beach for recreation needs to be adapted Include the seawater quality status; whether the waters are in summarily good condition, which is not the case; The DO is at a very low level; many fish die; therefore it needs to be informed whether the measurement was performed at the surface layer or at a certain depth. The location drawing is not informative; where are AL1, AL2, etc. - they are not in the drawing. Conclusion for seawater quality Recheck the evaluation/status even though one (1) parameter remains the key; it would still pose a fatal risk to the seawater ecosystem. The same applies for phyto-/ zooplanktons; after all, there is a tendency towards blooming, red tide. Re-analyze the marine waters Other Components need to be confirmed with the respective experts (Technical Team members) CHAPTER IV Construction Stage Seawater Quality Only the direct impact has been analyzed. The derivative impact should also be analyzed, with a highly organic dredged sediment quality. The bottom
Note Already explained, Pages III-1 to III-24 (Physical and Chemical Components).
In compliance with the 2005 AMDAL document.
Already explained, Pages III - 9.
Already explained, Pages III - 5 and III - 9, Fig. III.3.
Already explained, Pages IV - 5 and IV 6.
Discussion Result marine water is septic (supply the data); predict the water quality in which the worst-case scenario is likely to occur. Conclusion/Recommendation Enrich this seawater quality analysis, especially the possibility of septic water and its mitigation. On Page IV-25 at point b) of the construction stage, seawater quality component needs to be added to the post-construction stage, and point f) of Environmental Component to be impacted at the construction stage needs to be added with: change in seawater quality. Page IV-26 in Post-Construction Is it certain that seawater quality will not be affected? Would this not have to continue to be monitored postconstruction? How can it possibly be monitored if it is not listed among the affected aspects? Will not the waters become improved with the reclamation? (Expected) CHAPTER V OF RKL Pre Construction The impact benchmark for disruption to the surroundings is unclear Impact management is not accurate; it is disruption to PT. MKY that will be prevented, whereas the MoU concerns development when it should address Reclamation. Construction The seawater quality degradation should be checked for designation; should be for recreation In impact management: is not the bottom layer Geotextile? What does geotextile serve to do and where is it used? Impact management: add Drafting and enforcing the filling SOP at the reclamation site. Expert Consultation, for current pattern change management
Already explained, Pages IV - 27 and IV 28.
The post-construction activity only consists of reclamation land existence, so there is no activity that will cause a seawater quality degradation; thus no monitoring will be necessary. The source of impact is the determination of the project site at the pre-construction stage.
In accordance with the 2005 Amdal. Already described, Page V - 4.
Already added, Page V - 4.
Discussion Result Note Is the construction of Breakwater; Retaining wall etc., as written meant to manage any current pattern changes? Would they not actually cause the current pattern to change? Would it be better to combine 2 and 3? Impact management on abrasion and sedimentation: is not the narration on impact management the cause, while the effect is current tide change? Impact management in points 2 and 3 is in fact the cause of the impact; the answer would be the design of a safe Reclamation Island, or gate control at the lateral canal. Conclusion of Chapter V of RKL 1) There is no obligation to conduct an assessment/study on safe island design 2) There is no immediate obligation for a thematic study on current patterns. Already explained, CHAPTER VI OF RPL Page VI - 3. Seawater Quality Degradation Monitoring Not in line with the discussion, since the analysis in key impact components is not in-depth. Example: 1. It is mentioned that turbidity would reduce the DO and the septic conditions are not monitored; highly organic material from river/retention basin sediments is not monitored either 2. If even 1% of 8,000,000 m3 of mud is lost, that would mean 80,000 m3 that would precipitate around the island. Questions: What is the impact on sedimentation What is the impact on DO? What is the impact on nutrients, coliform etc. Correction of the early part of the marine water evaluation/ analysis Disagrees with TSS being the
Discussion Result sole parameter scope Post Construction Disagrees that the sea water quality is not monitored It should be proven that the quality is improved in front of the island and not declining behind the island How can it be evaluated if it is not covered in the Post-Construction RL monitoring scope.
Note Post-construction activity only constitutes the presence of reclaimed land so there is no activity that causes seawater quality degradation; thus the latter will not be monitored.
INTRODUCTION 1. The purpose of this consultation is to review the result of the corrections made by consultant PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Tbk. based on the result of the Minutes of Discussion dated February 23, 2009. 2. The consultant is expected to be able to immediately reply to the result of the corrections at the present consultation.
No. 1. 2.
3. 4.
Discussion Result Chapter I of the laws and regulations is also evaluated. “Direction of Pantura development related to the designation” is not necessary since it is already covered in Presidential Regulation No. 54/2008. The activity site map is corrected; the reclamation activity site legend is shaded. The scale of the reclamation island design is too crude, so a special assessment of the DED needs to be added to the RKL document to adjust the design to current patterns. With the presence of a canal with a width of 12 m and equipped with a gate, an exchange will occur to such an extent that the waters on the western and eastern sides will join causing the eastern waters to serve as a monitoring site point. It is informed in the subchapter on the activity implementation phase (before the preconstruction phase as a preface) that: PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol has received the result of the sediment quality analysis from 36 dredged river points. Thus there will need to be a layout that indicates which site points contain or do not contain B3 and the dumping site location. There is a sorting phase and an explanation on whether or not the mud
Note Already described Pages I - 4 to I - 8. Already corrected.
Already corrected on Page II - 9. Already addressed on Page II - 10.
Already addressed on Page VI - 30.
Based on the sediment analysis result in 13 rivers and 6 retention basins, it is evident that the sites do not possess any sediment that contains B3. Already explained on Page II - 24.
8. 9. 10.
11. 12.
Discussion Result contains any B3. It is also explained that the dumping site for the mud that does not contain any B3 is provided. The handling of the dredged mud sediment (containing B3 or otherwise) is not the responsibility of PT. PJA. In that regard, the RKL asserts that the dumping site location for the mud that does not contain any B3. A clear distinction needs to be made between embankment and breakwater. The embankment height design needs to be reassessed. The embankment is constructed in stages by building a temporary embankment with a closed design. The geotextile to be used should be clearly specified for mud. The drawing of the transportation route should assign a legend for the entry point of the mud transportation by land only at the entry point within the Ancol area. The transportation by sea, on the other hand, needs a special explanation regarding the marine transportation permit. This drawing is also equipped with a dump truck washing site (also included in the RKL). The reclamation implementation time table specifies three years of JEDI activity + wait time (fill material compacting).
The blanket fill drawing should be removed and replaced by a phased system.
Documentation (minutes or official reports) of the coordination between Ancol and neighboring operations such as PLN, AL needs to be enclosed with the document.
The natural phenomenon of fish death is already included while the red tide phenomenon needs to be anticipated in the
Already explained on Page II - 24.
Already explained on Pages II - 16 to II - 20. Already explained on Pages II - 6 to II - 20. Already explained on Page II - 24.to II-25 Already explained on Page II - 24. Already explained on Page II - 26 and RKL Page V – 16 to V-17.
The implementation schedule from PT. PJA will be adjusted to JEDI’s implementation schedule. The blanket fill system in this document serves as a reference for alternative reclamation work. Cooperation with PT. MKY has been undertaken; to be recoordinated for other operations around the project area. The fish death phenomenon is already covered on
17. 18.
21. 22. 23.
Discussion Result RPL through phosphate and nitrate parameters to identify the nutrient state. To this end, monitoring frequency can be intensified. Dishidros data are field data rather than prediction data. The project reclamation plan is a part of the Pantura reclamation plan and responded to with the RKL and RPL documents which will be implemented as a result of this AMDAL document drafting.
Note Page III - 12. (tidak ada informasi yang jelas)
Already explained on Page III – 21 and III-22 The project RKL and RPL implementation has been prepared since 2007 and reported every six months to the Provincial BPLHD as per the regulations. The incoming mud contains plastic and other In principle, sorting is objects; what efforts are being made? difficult to undertake and mud is received as is. Not all of the questions can be answered by Already included on the Amdal consultant for the time being, so Page V - 6. there needs to be a clear commitment to the thematic studies that have to be conducted and require sufficient time and a clear schedule and a statement from the initiator related to the above commitment. Land subsidence is covered in the RPL. Already mentioned on Pages VI – 21. The RPL specifies the abrasion and Already mentioned on sedimentation coordinates. Page V - 8. In the Subchapter on Evaluation before the Already explained on activity stage there needs to be an Pages IV - 23 to IV explanation (reading flow/system) related to 29 the environmental component to be discussed in the subchapter on environmental management direction. In the evaluation subchapter; the pre- Already explained on construction stage, public perception Pages IV - 23 to IV component, an addition needs to be made on 29. the island design modification related to the spatial layout policy. The direction in the environmental mgt should Already explained on be classified based on the activity stage Pages IV - 23 to IV determination, so that the consistency of the 29. managed and monitored environmental components will be shown on the RKL-RPL
Discussion Result matrix. Example - in the pre-construction stage, the environmental component: public perception: what activities will be the source of the impact? What kind of management direction will be needed? Then these should be further explored in the RKL-RPL. In the pre-construction stage, no impact has occurred; to measure its impact, therefore, the benchmark of public approval (UUG) is required and must be enclosed in the document (Needs re-confirmation with the technical team). In the construction stage for the seawater component, the benchmark refers to Ministerial Regulation 51/2004 as a whole. The benchmark for key parameter monitoring, on the other hand, is TSS, turbidity. What about the derivative impact of TSS, and organic turbidity? Other parameters might need to be monitored such as phosphates and nitrates. An SOP on the filling method (from fill material being put in to the filling activity) needs to be prepared with regard to the impact management prepared in the RKL. In the pre-construction stage RKL, a special study on the shape of the reclamation island according to the sedimentation condition, abrasion and current pattern study needs to be added. The document should describe change of the land use of the reclaimed island (i.e. previous ANDAL vs. Updating). Land transportation is included in the RKL in the laterite filling activity.
Already explained on Page V - 1.
Already explained on Pages V - 4 and VI - 3.
Already explained on Page V - 1
Already explained on Page V – 6 to V-7.
Already explained on Page I - 3 and II - 9.
Already explained on Pages V - 15 - to V 16. The RKL for the neighboring activity Already explained on disruption component needs to be added with Page V – 2 to V-3 coordination with the forum. RKL; a thematic study should still be Already explained on conducted on the chemical and physical Page V – 3 to V-5. aspects in the construction and postconstruction stages. The surface water quantity management Already explained on focuses only on the reclamation island and Page V – 4 to V-5.
No. 35.
36. 37. 38.
Discussion Result not the mainland. The chemical and physical monitoring needs to be augmented with the monitored parameters for dredged sediment material. The purpose of abrasion/sedimentation monitoring for model verification. The monitoring method should be added in compliance with the SNI. The aquatic biota monitoring frequency is every six months; more intensively during transitional seasons. The sanitation facilities at the construction stage for dump truck washing, sanitation for the workers are reaffirmed in the environmental sanitation component such as the provision of a compressor-equipped sediment trap.
Note Already explained on Page VI - 3. Already explained on Page VI - 5. Already explained in Chapter VI. Already explained on Page VI - 6. Already explained on Page V - 16.- V-17
No. 1.
General Information 1.
Whereas the following has been issued for the location approved to be a dumping site: a. Gubernatorial Letter Number 1288/-1.711.5 dated May 17, 2004 regarding Principal Approval for the Phase II Reclamation of West Ancol Waters at ± 343 ha; b. Letter of the Environment Impact Agency Assessment Commission of DKI Jakarta Number 5/-1.774.15 dated February 17, 2006 on Andal Recommendation, RKL/RPL for Development of Eastern West Ancol Blok 3 & 4.
The Amdal document already issued for the site needs to be subjected to an RKL/RPL review due to: a. Change to the fill material from the originally planned sand transported by sea to dredged sediments from rivers/retention basins from the JEDI project by land transportation; b. Lateral widening of the canal from ± 80 m to ± 200 m up to 300 m according to the land use modification set out in Instruction of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Number 2206/1.711.5 dated September 26, 2007 regarding Use of the Special Land Use Detailed Plan Revision Map for Ancol Area and Its Surroundings, North Jakarta Municipality and adapting it to Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 54 Year 2008 on Land Use for the Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Puncak, Cianjur Area.
The document drafter: PT. Geo Mitrasamaya. Person-in-charge at the drafter: Drs. Pinondang Tambunan.
Recommendations, Response from the Regional Environment Impact Assessment Technical Team of DKI Jakarta Province Input/Recommendation There needs to be a clarification on what the title Development of West Ancol Area means: does it refer to the reclamation, or to the entire area above? The title should be
Note Already mentioned in the Preface and Introduction, Page I 3.to I-4
Input/Recommendation changed. It should be explained in the preface. Furthermore, it should also be explained why the term Amdal is not used. Preface a. Given the title “updating”, the preface should explain the implementation of this “updating” such as the Presidential Regulation and Gubernatorial Decree on the Utilization of Soil from River Dredging in Jakarta b. The change to the master plan and fill material should be explained, since this is the basis on why the RKL/RPL is merely updated/reviewed and not subjected to a new AMDAL (related to chapter 2). Chapter I a. The background is vague, such as the statement “In general, the purpose of the Ancol area development”: is it true that this Ancol reclamation is intended to create jobs (is this not an impact?); should be revised. b. Legislation: The articles and paragraphs of the Law-Government Regulation-Presidential RegulationMinisterial Regulation-Local Regulation-Gubernatorial Regulation that are relevant to the Ancol reclamation activity specifically the land use so that this reclamation will be truly non-contradictory to the designation. c. The positive things of Ancol being a dumping site should be pointed out in the document. Chapter II a. The title should be revised and it may better to mention a business or activity. b. The name and full address of the person-in-charge at the Initiator and Drafter should be furnished.
Already mentioned in the Preface and Introduction, Page I - 3.
Already mentioned in the Preface and Introduction, Page I - 3.
Already mentioned in the introduction on pages 1 3.
Already explained on Page I – 2 (tidak nyambung)
Already furnished Page I - 2
Already revised as a whole.
Already furnished Page II - 1.
Input/Recommendation c. Re. the project manager of the activity, will the Chief of the Permits and Special Projects Department be in charge of the RKL-RPL implementation? Will the project manager/initiator be capable of carry out what is laid down in the RKLRPL? With relation to this matter, the Statement should be revised. d. Experts should not hold multiple positions and enclose a statement that they did take part in the drafting of the document. e. Is 2.3 necessary and what does it mean? Attention should be given to the Principal Policy for Northern Coast Development on page II-2 e.g. Northern Coast Development should guarantee the undertaking of vital projects such as Navy Dock, PLN, fishermen’s livelihood etc.
h. i.
Note The organization structure of the environmental management and monitoring is already mentioned on Pages VII - 3 and VII - 4.
Already revised on Page II – 1 to II-2, and the experts’ Statements are enclosed. Point 2.3. is meant to describe the legal aspects of Jakarta’s Northern Coast Area Development/ Reclamation. That Northern Coast Development should guarantee the undertaking of vital projects such as Navy Dock, PLN, fishermen’s livelihood is already mentioned on Pages II 2 to II - 6. The objective of the development The development meant described as reclamation work. as reclamation work is already mentioned in the Preface and Introduction, Page I - 2 The maps should be informative: the The maps have been legends are not legible, is the scale revised as a whole. adequate, etc. Please make them clearer. On Map II.5, where is the Navy dock Already mentioned on located? Figure II.6, Page II - 14. Re. Table 2.5, can you explain the The fill source is already source of the fill? mentioned on pages II 25 to II - 27. The fill has a 50% Water Content; The dredged mud/river how is it handled if the source is river and B3/non-B3 selection mud; what is the impact on river and mud waste sorting is
Input/Recommendation quality? How is the B3/non-B3 material selected; who will perform it; none of these are evident in the RKLRPL.
l. m.
p. q.
Note under the responsibility of JEDI which will draft a separate AMDAL document for it. already mentioned on Pages II 23 to II - 25. Where are the data for the statement Revised. “fill material is abundant in Indonesia so the fill volume will not be an issue”? Figure II.7 should be described Already explained on clearly (the reclamation timeline) Page I - 3. Where is the exact source of the fill Already explained on from Banten, and is the Amdal Page II – 26 to II-27. available? Where is the exact source of the Already explained on topsoil from Bekasi, and is the Page II - 26. environmental assessment available? Figure II.10, the transportation route Transportation of the for the fill mud only explains that the dredged mud material routes will go through the toll road; from the source to the what about the smaller road network Ancol site is the while the dump trucks have a 20 m3 responsibility of JEDI capacity? and a separate Amdal will be prepared for it, while transportation from Jl. RE. Martadinata to the project site will be Ancol’s responsibility. The execution schedule II-30 is not in Modified, Page II - 34. line with the description. Impact assessment: apart from the Already mentioned on project’s impact on the environment, Pages IV - 8 and IV – the environment’s impact on the 11.. project should also be assessed, including whether any climate change has been anticipated. Rainfall management by building Runoff water drainages is not compliant with the management at the philosophy of the environment. The reclaimed land using a rainfall should be collected or combined approach absorbed instead of simply be wasted between the polder away. system and the gravity system is already explained on Page II-30
Input/Recommendation s.
Figure II.3 Page II-9 needs to be clarified! Given that the activity’s percentage for drainage and water use increases from 10.74% to 11.93%, is there a change on the sea level related to the pool?
Does Table 2.2 Page II-11 use an UTM unit or another unit? Please plot the dots on figure II-4 page II-10.
A time frame of the reclamation activity (119 ha) should be provided; will it be carried out in phases or as a single event? Because this will affect the impact spread. Figure II.7 will there be any dredging activity? How much is the dredged volume? What kind of dredging technique will be used? Table 2.7 Page II-30 reads that the reclamation time frame (no 11) is very short. Will it employ a large dredger fleet or any other scenario?
Note to II-31. Figure II-3 is the Master Plan for the Special Land Designation Plan Use for the Ancol Area and its Thereabouts already ratified by the Governor of DKI Jakarta. The coordinates being used is the UTM system and already superimposed with a coordinate grid, Page II 10, Fig. II.4. Already mentioned on Pages II -16 to II - 25.
There is no dredging; it should have been filling. It has been corrected in Fig. II.8, Page II - 23. w. The reclamation material (fill sand and mud) transportation will be optimized in its implementation so as to minimize the duration of the impact. x. Inform the coordinates of the entry Already mentioned on point for the fill material transportation Page II - 25. by land and by sea. Chapter III The fish death a. The water quality measurement result phenomenon is already indicates good quality yet there are mentioned on Page III-8 frequent fish deaths; the measurement should be complemented with secondary data. b. There is no indication of the activities Information on the around the Ancol operation. This is activities around the crucial since it will affect and be project is already affected by Ancol’s operations mentioned in Fig. II.6, including the Ancol operation itself. Page II - 14. One example is the effect of PT.
Input/Recommendation Note Indonesia Power’s Steam-based Power Generator (PLTU) intake. c. And their response must be recorded Based on interviews with according to their interview. neighboring Activity Operators and past outreach to the local community indicates a positive response given that the project has a clear legal foundation. d. What about the dead fish natural Already mentioned on phenomenon? Page III - 8. e. Regarding page III-1 on climate data, The 2008 climate data would it be possible to obtain the are yet to be obtained. 2008 data? Since there were a number of high rainfall anomalies (peaks) that year. f. Page III-2, first paragraph says that Already corrected on “…the above wind direction and Page III - 4. speed data…” The data in question are not available in the document. g. On Page III-3 Table 3.3 why did coral Already corrected on become the quality standard value Page III - 4 used for turbidity and TTS; was the designated site a primary site for corals? h. Figures III-1 and III-2 Page III-5 show Already corrected on a decline in TSS and pH values in Page III – 5 to III-6. August 2007 and far lower than the 2005 and 2008 figures; please explain! i. Figures III-4 and III-15 provide no Axis Y on Figure III - 4 information (even having none) on the showed a depth of the y axis; what is the cross-profile of this seabed layer. drawing? Please explain. j. The bathymetric map is not available The bathymetric map is on Page III-17; information was vague enclosed (Attachment). because the distance in question was not explained. k. Table 3.13 Page 18 shows that MSL Already corrected on was declining in 2001 and 2005, while Page III -17. we observe on the grounds and through the media that the puddles were getting increasingly deeper; please provide an explanation.
Input/Recommendation l. Figure III.5 Page III-19 comparison of predicted elevation to the alsopredicted Dishidros; were this the data used to validate the Hydrodynamic model? If so, an error would occur; the in situ data should be used instead! Chapter IV a. Is it true that the old issues are the same as the new issues? The issues need to be subjected to a side-byside comparison in the tabulation, then presented in an evaluative manner. b. The impact evaluation must take into account the impact benchmark and two alternative solutions in the impact management, to provide clarity/ confirmation on the impact management taken up in the RKL drafting (RKL is a response to concerns about impact). Since no alternative solutions are given, there is no discussion of site accessibility by land or by sea. There are no utilities built for the workers despite 400 people being a significant number. How is clean water supplied and what about the waste? c. Explain at what latitudes and longitudes sedimentation and abrasion will occur. This will also be included in the RKL/RPL. d. Jakarta’s rivers are polluted, and then reclaimed islands are built; will this not transmit the river pollution to the more expansive sea?
Note The DISHIDROS data were data from field observation and not prediction data.
Already specified in Table 4.1, Page IV - 3.
Impact evaluation is given in Chapter IV Pages IV - 23 to IV - 28. Facilities and infrastructure for project construction workers are discussed on Pages II – 15 and V - 5.
Already mentioned on Pages IV - 11 and V - 7.
The Project Reclamation Plan is a part of the Jakarta Pantura Reclamation Plan, which is integral to the Jakarta Pantura revitalization program. Furthermore, management of the surrounding waters is expected to be improved with the reclamation. In the scoping process of the 23 The solid waste from
Input/Recommendation environmental components into 16 and further into 8, what about the following issues: Solid waste from the river mud: will this not be a key impact? What about flood tides and current patterns? Will this not be associated with marine quality, fish death? f. Regarding the coastal morphology, is there not a protected mangrove forest in the area?
On Page IV-6, how was the 500m spread distance calculated; was a model used? It appears from the model that there will be no significant change to the sea level; Figures IV – 1 and IV-2 are not clear. We suggest that three or more points are determined/picked up and the sea levels before and after the reclamation compared. On Page IV-8 paragraph 3, the current pattern along the coast is expected not to be analyzable from this SMS current model, due to the formation of a sideways current along the edge of the beach caused by a wave refraction process and beach slope? The pattern is clear: if the wave comes from the east, the sideways current will move westward, and vice versa. Page IV-8 paragraphs 4 and 5 need to be edited regarding the main point they are supposed to convey. On page VI-4 point 2.C. the monitored parameter is not the current pattern but rather current direction and speed. On 2.D, the monitoring site should be determined
Note river mud issue will be specifically reviewed in the JEDI River/Lake Dredging Amdal. Flood tides and current patterns are already cited as issues on Page IV – 20 to IV-22. The Protected Forest in the Jakarta Pantura area is located in the KapukAngke Mangrove Forest according to the prevailing Laws and Regulations. The 500m spread was the assumed farthest impact in a worst-case scenario. Already mentioned on Pages IV - 7 and IV - 8.
Already corrected on Pages IV - 7 and IV - 8.
Already corrected Page IV - 7.
Already corrected Page IV - 3.
Input/Recommendation more specifically for a better-guided implementation. l. In the model building, there needs to be verification with in situ data (currents and tides) then compared side-by-side to the model’s result. m. The hydro-oceanographic analysis should be presented in a more constructive/systematic manner, and give a description for each season. n. The tide condition will be stronger if fine-tuned with a future prediction analysis, and linked to the Ancol’s recent state. o. Regarding the description of possible spatial conflict on the waters during and after the activity implementation, the existing condition of spatial use at the activity site waters should be supplied. p.
Tide verification is addressed in Figure III.5, Page III - 22. A thematic study will be conducted (Page V - 7).
A hydrodynamic thematic study will be conducted (Page V - 7).
This updating study is limited to the provision of reclaimed land; it has not assessed the spatial use on it, for which a separate Amdal study will be conducted. The land subsidence parameters/ Already corrected on aspects should be addressed in a Pages VI - 23 and VI clearer/ more comprehensive 24. manner. An explanation should be given on The current model is the current model that causes based on the western abrasion/ sedimentation: on what season (worst-case season is it based (East/West)? scenario). A detailed Please provide a more detailed explanation will be explanation. discussed separately (hydrodynamic thematic study) which will be monitored in the RPL. Please review the likelihood of Dredging of sediments shallowing and muddying of the 200- caused by the 300 m lateral canal due to predicted sedimentation process is sedimentation to the west of the already addressed on Reclamation island, or the likelihood Page V – 22 to V-23. of it turning into a sediment trap. The geometric planning of the island is such based on the modeled result to minimize the impact. Give a verification of the A separate
Input/Recommendation oceanographic/hydrodynamic model with a field measurement/observation result. Chapter V a. RKL drafting should refer to the impact evaluation and alternative management. Adjust it to defined benchmarks; do not refer to what has been and will be.
Pre-Construction Stage; Public perception; impact source: site permit and determination, management effort: what is the result of the performed information dissemination? Why was the dissemination only performed to residents who lived relatively further away? Why was it not performed to the parties in charge of the activities around the site? There is a lack of consistency. What is the use of focusing, when the items are re-described one by one?
How is the sanitation managed; where will the sewage be directed when it has reached full capacity? Is it true that the garbage will be managed by the Sanitation Sub-Service by transporting it to a dumping site? With regard to removing garbage from the waters by special sanitation workers (V-55): to whom does this refer?
With regard to prioritizing local manpower: what is the mechanism for achieving this?
g. The RKL may take the form of a SOP or criteria that must be met by the dredger
Note hydrodynamic thematic study will be conducted. In this RKL-RPL update the evaluation is performed on the causative relationship for the direction in management and monitoring. Already corrected in Chapter V. The information dissemination was attended by distant residents (kelurahan Ancol), as well as the closest residents (East and West Ancol residences) and the parties in charge of neighboring activities (MKY etc.) Focusing is in line with the principles of scoping and refers to past Amdal documents. Already mentioned on Page V - 5.
The garbage disposal workers on the waters around the site are workers/employees under PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk. Coordination with community leaders and Kelurahan Ancol in manpower recruitment. JEDI will prepare the SOP and Andal
Input/Recommendation and the supplier of materials.
Note Document, a separate RKL and RPL. Chapter VI Already clarified in a. The RPL is not clear and pertinent to Chapter VI of RPL. the RKL; the RPL should be used to see whether the management plan has been carried out and how the impact management set out in the RKL is being performed. b. There is no clear difference between The only difference the previous and the current plans; no between the previous clear distinction between the earlier and the current plan lies sand basic material and the mud in substituting some of material from the rivers. the fill sand material with dredged mud from 13 rivers/Lakes and is already addressed on Pages II - 16 to II - 31 c. Inconsistencies should be rechecked, Already corrected. e.g. discussing surface water quality under the heading “surface water quantity”. Chapter VII Already mentioned on a. It is recommended to design and Pages III - 46 to III - 48 carry out a form of integrated (CSR). community empowerment in the form of jobs, economic activity (including fishermen activity etc.), and artistic and cultural activities from the relevant community. b. According to page III-44, 85% of Already mentioned on those in favor expect the creation of Pages III - 46 to III - 48 new jobs and business opportunities; (CSR). thus the institutional format should be a cooperative institution between the Company (DKI) and other companies that is closer to a CSR organization and the institutional design should relate to manpower issues, economic empowerment activities (SME), community empowerment and the physical and social environment. Since this is an area, each activity unit will Project RKL and RPL also have to prepare its UKL-UPL in the implementation has future. The result of the existing RKL-RPL been prepared since
Input/Recommendation implementation should be reported.
Note 2007 and reported every six months to the Provincial BPLHD as per the regulations. Preparing a more contextual AMDAL The institution related to institutionalization related to JEDI interest: JEDI is being assessed a. The Government should determine separately. the responsible parties, e.g. the party that will sift, test mud quality, prepare the dumping site prior to transportation; whether the material transportation will be the responsibility of JEDI or PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol. If it is to be JEDI’s, PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol will need to include an analysis of the material transportation from JEDI’s activity output. If it is PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol’s, an analysis of the schedule, transportation route, entry point of the material transportation will need to be performed. b. The work schedule and management Will be coordinated with between dredging and filling. JEDI’s schedule. c. The institution between the JEDI’s institutional stakeholders conducting the dredging aspect is under and the filling. assessment, while PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol’s institution is already addressed on Pages II - 12 to II - 13. d. Since fill soil utilization in particular Sharing of responsibility will create such impact as will be determined and transportation, quality of dredged soil coordinated between PT. (which will affect the reclamation Pembangunan Jaya technology), there needs to be a Ancol and JEDI involving clarity between the Ancol dredging the relevant agencies and reclamation project operator (the Public Works regarding their respective tasks and Department, Public responsibilities, for which the BPLHD Works Service and and the Public Works Service Office’s Jakarta Provincial role as facilitators will be required. BPLHD) Due to its emergency and urgent nature, the A special assessment on supporting information that is technical and modeling will be
16. 17. 15.
Input/Recommendation Note detailed should be enclosed as conducted. attachments, such as: a. The result and process of current modeling, sea level, etc. b. Sediment quality etc. The result of the sediment quality assessment performed by JEDI is already given on Pages II - 24. Verification and clarification are required: The lateral depth of the a. lateral depth of the canal of 1-2 canal is in line with the meter: will this become shallower; will existing conditions. The it be retained as a public recreational space above it will be area? utilized in line with the Ancol Master Plan. b. Calculation of material transportation Already mentioned on against any increase in fill material Page II - 16. volume? c. The geometry and depth plan of the The depth of the area of area to be converted into a reclaimed be converted into a island should be described further in reclaimed island the AMDAL document. according to the existing condition is between -1 and -3 m. Already mentioned on Page II 11. d. The management and monitoring Corrected. recommendations should be logical and practicable. RKL/RPL presentation should be modified Already corrected in the and redrafted in a more measured and RKL and RPL. logical manner, referring to key items that need to be managed/monitored, in terms of both the positive (+) and the negative (-) impact. The Initiator is expected to study the RKL/ Will be taken into RPL content in order to be able to carry out consideration by the the documents in their entirety. Initiator. The writing consistency should be checked Already checked. and revised. No response to the input from the previous Already enclosed. meeting. This document should link to Pantura Modified to issues, such as: accommodate the a. Material transportation needs to be Pantura Jakarta issue.
Input/Recommendation informed clearly. b. Flood issue.
Modified to accommodate the Pantura Jakarta issue. Fill material source. Modified to accommodate the Pantura Jakarta issue. The lateral canal’s proximity to a Modified to protected area. accommodate the Pantura Jakarta issue.
LIST OF MODIFICATIONS IN THE UPDATED RKL AND RPL DOCUMENT ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF EASTERN WEST ANCOL AREA AT ± 119 HA BASED ON THE MINUTES OF THE ENVIRONMENT IMPACT AGENCY ASSESSMENT TECHNICAL TEAM OF DKI JAKARTA PROVINCE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2009 No. Discussion Result 1. PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol (PT. PJA) as the party in charge of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area (blocks 3 and 4) at 119 ha, which site is going to be used according to this plan as a dumping site for dredged material from 13 rivers and 5 retention basins in Jakarta from the Jakarta Emergency Dredging Initiative (JEDI) project. The selected site was considered because it was not contiguous with the social sector. 2. The Development of Eastern West Ancol Area (blocks 3 and 4) at 119 ha activity earned a recommendation from the Environmental Impact Agency Assessment Commission in 2006. The document explained that the fill material was sand and originated from Banten Province; that the material was brought in by sea; the canal lateral width was ± 80 m. 3. To support the JEDI project, PT. PJA as the owner of the dumping site (pursuant to Gubernatorial Principal Approval No. 1776/1.793.43 dated August 25, 2008 regarding Dumping Site for Dredged Material from 13 Rivers/Retention basins in DKI Jakarta), made a revision to the Amdal document (updating Andal, RKL/RPL) which would assess any use of the fill material from the dredging of river sediment, sand, transportation by land and sea and a canal lateral width of 200 m - 300 m. 4. The Department of Public Works assessment result revealed that the quality of the dredged river sediment did not contain any toxic and hazardous materials (B3) but rather finer materials. With relation to this matter, a technical assessment on whether the sediment was technologically feasible for use as fill material and its relation to the land
Note Already mentioned in the introduction on pages I 3.to I-4
Already mentioned in the introduction on pages I 3.
Already mentioned in the introduction on pages I 3.
Already mentioned on pages II - 24 to II - 25.
No. Discussion Result settlement issue needs to be enclosed. 5. From the Northern Coast (Pantura) Amdal assessment, the transportation of fill material that originated from Sunda Strait was done by sea. With relation to that, this revision to the Amdal document needs to assess the transportation system (transportation material) especially for the transportation by land. This is in light of the volume of about ± 9 million m3 of the dredged river sediment and about ± 1 million m3 of sea sand. 6. The dump truck washing facility, transportation route (the route to be taken, any roads with soft soil, how it would handle being passed by multiple trucks, etc.), related to who is going to carry it out, should refer to the PKS (Cooperation Agreement between DKI Jakarta and PT PJA) . 7. The fill management needs to be clear: will the entire fill material be dumped in an area or transported immediately? Will the sediment received by PT. PJA be pre-sifted or not? 8. There needs to be alternative assessment on the embankment that will host the dredged sediment.
Note Already mentioned on pages V - 20 to V - 22.
Already mentioned on page II - 26.
Fill management will be the responsibility of JEDI and be assessed in a separate Amdal. The embankment construction plan has been specifically assessed by considering the wave height, current force and reclamation material. The analogue to the dumping facility from the The Initiator will take this BKT (East Canal Floodway) project can be into consideration. used as a reference to the revision of this Amdal assessment. The impact with the canal lateral widening will With a laterally wider need to be considered. canal (200 m), the potential of flood impact, disruption to fishermen’s activities and hydrodynamic changes will be minimized. The change to the principal issues will need Already reassessed/ to be reviewed in the Amdal assessment reevaluated on pages IV revision. - 1 to IV - 3. Given that this activity plan was in support of The Updated RKL and the JEDI project, a direction was given that RPL documents are
No. Discussion Result Note the document to be drafted was an update of already drafted. the RKL/RPL. However, the matter will still be considered at the next technical team meeting as well as the mechanism for discussing the document at the next Technical Team discussion (± 1 week).
2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7.
Experts in ANDAL, RKL and RPL Updating Study Coordinates of Reclaimed Island Composition of Construction Workers Equipment to Be Used in Material Needed in the Work Breakwater Armor Calculation Result Time Table for the Eastern West Ancol Area Development Implementation
3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4.
Rainfall in DKI Jakarta Area The Monthly Solar Illumination Data (°C) Around The Study Area Monthly Solar Illumination Average Data in the Study Area Monthly Average Wind Direction and Speed (Knot) in the Study Area Result of Air Quality Measurement in the Study Area Result of Noise Measurement in the Study Area Result of Seawater Quality Measurement in the Study Area Result of Seawater Monitoring in the 2007-2008 period in the Ancol Marine Waters Result of Ancol River Water Quality Measurement Result of Marine Sediment Quality Measurement around the Study Area Clayey Silt Points at the Laterite Clayey Silt Layer Distribution Silty Clay Layer Distribution Sand Layer Distribution Ebb Tide Constituents at the Project Site Key Elevations of the Ebb Tide at the Project Site Comparison between Ebb Tide Analysis Result and Previous Analysis Significant Wave Height Distribution Per Direction Annual Maximum Significant Wave Height Per Direction Maximum Significant Wave at the Project Site Types of Plants Found Around the Study Area Types of Animals Found in the Study Area Result of Analysis of Phytoplankton in the Study Area Result of Analysis of Zooplankton in the Study Area Result of Analysis of Benthos in the Study Area Population Number of Kelurahan Ancol (Ancol Sub-sub District) by Nationality and Sex Population Mobility in Kelurahan Ancol During 2007 Population Number by Age and Sex in Kelurahan Ancol Livelihoods of the Residents in Kelurahan Ancol
3.5. 3.6. 3.7. 3.8. 3.9. 3.10. 3.11. 3.12. 3.13. 3.14. 3.15. 3.16. 3.17. 3.18. 3.19. 3.20. 3.21. 3.22. 3.23. 3.24. 3.25. 3.26. 3.27. 3.28. 3.29.
3.30. 3.31. 3.32. 3.33. 3.34. 3.35. 3.36. 3.37. 3.38. 3.39. 3.40. 3.41. 3.42. 3.43. 3.44. 3.45.
4.1. 4.2. 5.1. 5.2.
Economic Facilities and Offices in Kelurahan Ancol Economic Facilities and Infrastructure Supporting the Economy of Community in Kelurahan Ancol Population Number by Religion in Kelurahan Ancol Worship Facilities in Kelurahan Ancol Cultural Facilities in Kelurahan Ancol Sport Facilities in Kelurahan Ancol Educational Facilities in Kelurahan Ancol Correctional Institutions in Kelurahan Ancol Ten Dominant Types of Diseases in Kelurahan Ancol Health Facilities in Kelurahan Ancol MCK Facilities in Kelurahan Ancol Survey Result of Traffic at Noonday in the Intersection around Ancol Areas Survey Result of Traffic at Evening in the Intersection around Ancol Areas The Calculation of Intersection Performance During Midday Rush Hours in 2007 based on SIDRA The Calculation of Intersection Performance During Afternoon Rush Hours in 2007 based on SIDRA Maritime transportation Activities from Marina Beach to Seribu Islands tourism area Prioritized significant impacts of AMDAL (2006) and the Updated RKL & RPL (2009) Comparison between Sea Levels Before and After Reclamation Matrix of Summary of Updated Environmental Management Plan (RKL) Matrix of Summary of Environmental Management Plan (RKL) year 2005 Matrix of Summary of Up Dated Environmental Monitoring Plan (RPL)
II.1. II.2. II.3. II.4. II.5. II.6. II.7. II.8. II.9. II.10. II.11. II.12. II.13.
Special Layout Plan for Jakarta’s Pantura Area Zoning Map for Jakarta’s Pantura Area Detailed Spatial Layout Plan for Ancol Area Eastern West Ancol Area Development Project Site Boundaries of Jedi Activity and Ancol Dumping Site Activities around the Project Site Typical Cross-Section of Breakwater Embankment Order of Hydraulic Fill Reclamation Work Reclamation Material Transport Using Grab Dredge – Barge Planned Mode of Reclamation Material Reclamation Material Transport Using Grab Dredge – Barge Reclamation Fill Consolidation by Vertical Drain Drainage Channel
III.1. III.2. III.3. III.4. III.5. III.6. III.7. III.8. III.9. III.10. III.11. III.12. III.13. III.14. III.15.
TSS Parameter in the 2005-2008 Period pH Parameter in the 2005-2008 Period Air Quality, Noise and Seawater Sampling Site Cross-Section of the Soil Profile Around the Project Ebb Tide Validation Current Validation Hydrodynamic Simulation Mesh for Large Areas Hydrodynamic Simulation Mesh for Small Areas (Existing) Hydrodynamic Simulation Mesh for Small Areas (Plan) Current Pattern when Water Surface is on a Rising Tide Current Pattern when Water Surface is on a High Tide Current Pattern when Water Surface is on a Receding Ebb Current Pattern when Water Surface is on a Low Ebb Current Pattern when Water Surface is on a Rising Tide (Existing) Current Pattern when Water Surface is on a Receding Ebb (Existing) Current Pattern when Water Surface is on a Low Ebb (Existing) Current Pattern when Water Surface is on a High Tide (Existing on A Minor Scale) Location of Social Sampling and Traffic Observation
III.16. III.17. III.18. IV.1. IV.2. IV.3. IV.4. IV.5.
Sea Water Level Prior to the Activity Sea Water Level After the Activity The Existing Pattern of Current During Tide Pattern of Current during Tide after Reclamation Flowchart of Evaluation on Significant Impacts of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area
Environmental Management Location in the Construction Phase
Environmental Management Location in the Post-Construction Phase
VI.1. VI.2.
Location of Environmental Monitoring in the Construction Phase Location of Environmental Monitoring in the Post-Construction Phase
BACKGROUND In the 2010 DKI Jakarta Area Spatial Layout Plan (RTRW), Jakarta has been designated as a Service City and this also lays a foundation for Jakarta in positioning itself among other major cities in the international global community. Therefore, the 2010 DKI Jakarta RTRW designates the Jakarta Northern Coast (Pantura) Area as a prime area for prospective economic activities of a national/international scale based on its strategic location. To carry out the stipulation, it is understood that there is a need for a comprehensive planning basis along with the environmental, social, economic and security criteria to guide the development of the Jakarta Pantura Area. Presidential Regulation Number 52 Year 1995 grants an authority and responsibility to the Governor Head of the Special Capital City Region of Jakarta to undertake the reclamation of Jakarta’s Pantura Area. The idea for a substantial development of Jakarta’s Pantura area has essentially been assessed to great lengths. In 1994, it was set out in Jakarta Waterfront Strategy: Rebirth of Jayakarta. In general, the development strategy for Jakarta’s Pantura area covers the considerations, objective, funding strategy, marketing, institution, and attractive activities to be accommodated in Jakarta’s Pantura Area. A further assessment which was conducted after the promulgation of the Presidential Decree Number 52 Year 1995 is laid down in the form of the Local Regulation of DKI Jakarta Number 8 Year 1995 concerning Organization of Reclamation and Spatial Layout Plan for Jakarta’s Pantura Area. The policy for the organization of Jakarta’s Pantura reclamation is aimed to create a reclaimed land with an area of 2,700 ha and utilize it according to the 2010 DKI Jakarta Area Spatial Layout Plan and implement it in tandem with the revitalization of Jakarta’s Pantura area of 2,500 ha to promote its environment quality. Revitalization is a series of areal function reinforcement and empowerment programs through reorganization, improvement, restoration, development, conservation, and preservation to promote environmental quality and the welfare level of the local community. Pursuant to the Decree of the Minister of Environment Number 39 Year 1996 which has been revised with the Decree of the Minister of
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Environment Number 03 Year 2000 and the Decree of the Minister of Environment Number 17 Year 2001 concerning Types of Planned Business and/or Activity Subject to Mandatory AMDAL, the Pantura Reclamation and Revitalization Plan constitutes an activity that must be furnished with a Regional AMDAL Document. Therefore, the Jakarta Pantura Reclamation Executive Board has prepared a Terms of Reference document since 1997, and in 1999 the ANDAL, RKL and RPL documents were discussed in the AMDAL Commission of the Ministry for Environment/Bapedal and approval for the ANDAL, RKL and RPL documents of the Jakarta Pantura Reclamation and Revitalization was secured in 2003. With relation to the above policy, PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk. which is a public company owned by the DKI Jakarta Local Government plays an important and active role to realize the government programs in the development of Jakarta’s Pantura, implemented among other things through an Area Development Activity by creating additional land by reclaiming the coast in the Eastern West Ancol Area in an area of + 119 ha of the area size of + 343 ha that has secured a principal approval. Pursuant to the land designation stipulated by the DKI Jakarta Local Government, the developed land will be utilized for residential areas, business and commercial centers and tourism. Phase I of the Ancol Area Development began with a coastal reclamation in 1964 (the location of Ancol Dreamland, Golf Ancol, the Swimming Park, and Ocean Park). Phase II in 1980 saw the reclamation of West Ancol in an area of + 40 ha (the location of Asahimas), Phase III in 2000-2002 saw the reclamation of West Ancol in an area of + 60 ha and phase IV which began in 2005 planned the development of Eastern West Ancol Area in an area of + 119 ha.
As an overview, the objective of this Eastern West Ancol Area Development include: a. To provide potential land for the development of prospective economic zones to promote the environmental quality of Jakarta’s Pantura; b. To catalyze the development of the Ancol area in particular and the Pantura in general; c. To provide land for housing and its facilities within the Ancol area; d. To give an opportunity for the private sector and the public to participate in development; e. To promote cooperation between the government, the public and the private sector in commercial land provision; f. To create jobs and business opportunities. Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
The Development of Eastern West Ancol Area in an area of + 119 ha is predicted to have a major and crucial impact on the environmental components around it. In addition to positive impact, the activity is also predicted to have a negative impact on its surroundings. Under Government Regulation Number 27 Year 1999 concerning Environmental Impact Analysis and Decree of the Minister of Environment Number 17 Year 2001 concerning Types of Planned Business and/or Activity Subject to Mandatory AMDAL in DKI Jakarta Province which has been elaborated in the form of Decision of the Governor of the Special Capital City of Jakarta Number 2863 Year 2001 concerning Types of Planned Business and/or Activity Subject to Mandatory AMDAL, then the planned Development of Eastern West Ancol Area in an Area of + 119 ha must be accompanied with an Environmental Impact Analysis (AMDAL) assessment, which covers Terms of Reference for Environmental Impact Analysis (KA-ANDAL), Environmental Impact Analysis (ANDAL), Environmental Management Plan (RKL) and Environmental Monitoring Plan (RPL). The development of Eastern West Ancol Area is an activity of land addition by reclamation in the Eastern West Ancol Area, in which the reclaimed land will be developed with various activities according to the Layout Master Plan for the Special Land Designation Plan for Ancol Area and Its Surroundings which has been approved by the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province under the Letter No. 2206/-1.711.5, dated September 26, 2007. The ANDAL, RKL and RPL documents for the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area (Blocks 3 and 4) in an Area of + 119 ha has been prepared in 2005 and has secured an approval from the Regional AMDAL Evaluation Committee for DKI Jakarta Province under the Recommendation Letter Number 5/-1.774.151, dated February 7, 2006. With relation to the revision of the Layout Master Plan for the Special Land Designation Plan for Ancol Area and Its Surroundings and pursuant to Presidential Regulation Number 54 Year 2008 concerning Spatial Layout for the Jabodetabekpunjur (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Puncak, Cianjur) Area, a modification has been made to the width of the lateral canal from the original + 80 m to + 300 m (Zone P3). Next to accommodate the need for a dumping site for the Jakarta Emergency Dredging Initiative (JEDI) project, the Local Government of DKI Jakarta through the Letter of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province Number 1776/1.793.43, dated August 25, 2008, regarding the Dumping Site for the Dredged Mud from Rivers/Retention basins in the DKI Jakarta region designates the reclaimed Eastern West Ancol area as a dumping Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
site/disposal area to accommodate the dredging output from 13 rivers and 5 retention basins in the DKI Jakarta area. The selection of this site is considered since it is not contiguous to the social sector. Due to this activity, there will be a change in the reclamation material from sea sand to the material dredged from 13 rivers and 5 retention basins in the DKI Jakarta region. Based on the above matters, PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk needs to update the Environmental management Plan (RKL) and Environmental Monitoring Plan (RPL) documents to manage and monitor the key impacts that may arise due to the project activity. 1.2.
PREVAILING LAWS AND REGULATIONS The formulation of this Environmental Impact Analysis (ANDAL), Environmental Management Plan (RKL) and Environmental Monitoring Plan (RPL) Updating uses the following regulations and laws as a guideline: a.
Laws 1)
3) 4)
6) 7) 8)
Law Number 6 Year 1966 concerning Indonesian Waters; used as a reference for the provisions and management of marine areas; Law Number 5 Year 1990 concerning Conservation of Biological Natural Resource and Its Ecosystem; used as a reference for marine biota management; Law Number 14 Year 1992 concerning Traffic and Road Transportation; used as a reference for traffic management; Law Number 21 Year 1992 concerning Maritime Navigation; used as a reference for maritime transportation management; Law Number 23 Year 1997 concerning Environmental Management; used as a reference in Environmental management; Law Number 07 Year 2004 concerning Water Resource; used as a reference for Water Resource management; Law Number 31 Year 2004 concerning Fishery; used as a reference for fishery resource management; Law Number 32 Year 2004 concerning Local Government; used as a reference for Authority of the Local Government of DKI Jakarta Province; Law Number 26 Year 2007 concerning Spatial Layout; used as a National reference for Spatial Layout;
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Government Regulations 1)
Law Number 27 Year 2007 concerning Management of Coastal Area and Smaller Islands; used as a reference for coastal area management;
Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 Year 1999 concerning Control of Marine Pollution and Destruction; used as a reference for marine waters management; Government Regulation Number 27 Year 1999 concerning Environmental Impact Analysis; used as a reference for ANDAL, RKL ad RPL document drafting; Government Regulation Number 41 Year 1999 concerning Air Pollution Control; used as a National reference for Air Quality Management; Government Regulation Number 82 Year 1999 concerning Organization of Maritime Transportation; used as a reference for maritime transportation management; Government Regulation Number 82 Year 2001 concerning Water Quality Control and Water Pollution Control; used as a National reference for Water Quality Management; Government Regulation Number 38 Year 2007 concerning Division of Governmental Affairs between the Government, Provincial Government and Regental/Municipal Government; used as a reference for Authority of the Local Regulation of DKI Jakarta Province.
Presidential Decrees 1)
Presidential Decree Number 17 Year 1994 concerning Pantura Area is a Prime Area; used as a reference for the reclamation activity; Presidential Decree Number 52 Year 1995 concerning Organization of the Reclamation of the Northern Coast of Jakarta; used as a reference for the Eastern West Ancol reclamation activity; Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 54 Year 2008 concerning Spatial Layout of the Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Puncak, Cianjur Area;
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Ministerial Decrees and Regulations 1)
Decree of the State Minister for the Environment Number Kep-48 Year 1996 concerning Quality Standard for Noise Level; used as a reference for noise management; Decree of the State Minister for the Environment Number 112 Year 2003 concerning Quality Standard for Domestic Waste Water; used as a National reference for Domestic Waste Water Management; Decree of the State Minister for the Environment Number Kep-51 Year 2004 concerning Quality Standard for Seawater; used as a reference for seawater quality reference; Decree of the State Minister for the Environment Number 45 Year 2005 concerning Guideline for the Drafting of RKL and RPL Implementation Report; used as a reference for RKL and RPL Implementation; Regulation of the Minister of Environment Number 08 Year 2006 concerning Guideline for AMDAL Drafting; used as a reference for the updated RKL and RPL document drafting format; Regulation of the Minister of Environment Number 11 Year 2006 concerning Types of Planned Business and/or Activity Subject to Mandatory AMDAL; used as a mandatory reference for ANDAL, RKL and RPL Document drafting.
Decisions of the Head of BAPEDAL 1)
Decision of the Head of BAPEDAL Number Kep-056/1994 concerning Guideline on Key Impact Measurements; used as a Reference for Key Impact Determination; Decision of the Head of BAPEDAL Number Kep-124 Year 1996 concerning Guideline for the Assessment of Public Health Aspects in Preparing an Environmental Impact Analysis; used as a reference for public health assessment; Decision of the Head of BAPEDAL Number Kep229/11/1996 concerning Guideline for Social Assessment in AMDAL Drafting; used as a reference for Social Assessment; Decision of the Head of BAPEDAL Number 08 Year 2000 concerning Public Involvement and Information Disclosure in the AMDAL Process; used as a reference for AMDAL Dissemination;
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Local Regulations 1)
8) g.
Local Regulation Number 5 Year 1988 concerning Environmental Sanitation in DKI Jakarta Province; used as a reference for Environmental Sanitation; Local Regulation Number 10 Year 1993 concerning Basic Pattern for the Areal Development of DKI Jakarta; used as a reference for development in DKI Jakarta Province; Local Regulation Number 8 Year 1995 concerning Organization of the Reclamation and Spatial Layout Plan for Jakarta’s Pantura; used as a reference for the reclamation of Eastern West Ancol; Local Regulation Number 06 Year 1999 concerning Spatial Layout Plan (RTRW) in DKI Jakarta Province; used as a reference for Spatial Layout Compatibility; Local Regulation Number 11 Year 2003 concerning Organization of General, Oil and Natural Gas Mining and Electrical Power; used as a reference for Use of Groundwater and Power Generators; Local Regulation Number 12 Year 2003 concerning Assessment of Traffic Engineering Management; used as a reference for Traffic Assessment; Local Regulation Number 02 Year 2005 concerning Air Pollution Control; used as a reference for Air Quality Management; Local Regulation Number 08 Year 2007 concerning Public Order; used as a reference for public security and order.
Gubernatorial Regulations 1)
Decision of the Governor Head of DKI Jakarta Number 972 Year 1995 concerning Organization and Working Procedure for the Pantura Executive Board; used as a reference for the reclamation of Eastern West Ancol; Decision of the Governor Head of DKI Jakarta Number 1090 Year 1996 concerning Organization and Working Procedure for the Pantura Control Board; used as a reference for the reclamation of Eastern West Ancol; Decision of the Governor Head of DKI Jakarta Number 76 Year 2001 concerning Operating Guideline for Public Involvement and Information Disclosure in the AMDAL Process; Decision of the Governor Head of DKI Jakarta Number 551 Year 2001 concerning Stipulation of Quality Standard for
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Ambient Air Quality and Noise Level in DKI Jakarta Province; used as a reference for Ambient Air Quality and Noise standard; Decision of the Governor Head of DKI Jakarta Number 2863 Year 2001 concerning Types of Planned Business and/or Activity Subject to Mandatory AMDAL in DKI Jakarta Province; used as a reference in the Drafting of ANDAL, RKL and RPL Documents; Decision of the Governor Head of DKI Jakarta Number 72 Year 2002 concerning Provisions on Development Oversight in DKI Jakarta Province; used as a reference for Development Oversight; Decision of the Governor Head of DKI Jakarta Number 1954 Year 2003 concerning Data and Information Reporting on Soil Support Capacity and Soil Structure; used as a reference for Soil Surface Observation; Decision of the Governor Head of DKI Jakarta Number 122 Year 2005 concerning Management of Domestic Waste Water in DKI Jakarta Province; used as a reference for Domestic Waste Water Management.
Mayoral Decisions 1)
Decision of the Mayor of North Jakarta Number 13 Year 2000 concerning Team Establishment and Control of the Granting of Exemptions for the Use of Heavy Vehicle/Soil Transport in North Jakarta Municipality.
The above laws and regulations are closely related to the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area in an Area of + 119 ha. The drafting of these Updated RKL and RPL documents ahs referred to Regulation of the State Minister for Environment Number 08 Year 2006 concerning Guideline for the Drafting of Environmental Impact Analysis. 1.3.
The support capacity of the environment is in fact not unlimited. Given such limitation, environmental management and monitoring are greatly needed, namely an integrated effort to preserve environmental functions, covering environmental organization, utilization, development, maintenance, restoration, supervision and control policies. Environmental management and monitoring is a shared responsibility between the government, the public and the business world. It is no exaggeration to Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
say that an understanding of this togetherness will be crucial for the successful environmental management and monitoring of the parts of Jakarta city. Different research reports indicate a decline in Jakarta’s physical environmental quality due to environmental damage and pollution. Since the stipulation of the Law on Principles of Environmental Management and Monitoring, the Government has committed to disseminate policies on sustainable development. It can be explained that environmentally-aware sustainable development is a conscious and planned effort, which incorporates the environment, including resources, into the development process to ensure the capacity, welfare and quality of life of today’s and future generations. Therefore, it is crucial to understand and prioritize the classification of natural resource functions that should be retained especially air quality, water quality and biodiversity. Furthermore, development activities should serve as the driving engine for job creation, income increase and promotion of public welfare. With relation thereto, a number of environmental management and monitoring policies that are relevant to the Development activity of Eastern West Ancol Area in an area of + 119 ha, such as: a. Maintaining balance in coastal and marine environment; b. Preventing and/or controlling traffic congestion, road damage and pollution, to prevent air quality pollution due to motor vehicle exhaust emission and disruption to land and marine transportation (navigation); c. Minimizing various environmental pollutions, such as air, water, marine biota and soil pollutions; d. Preventing abrasion and sedimentation due to current pattern change; e. Balancing the interaction between the project activity and its surrounding environment especially social interaction with the community. 1.4.
Purpose of Environmental Management Plan
The purpose of preparing this Environmental Management Plan (RPL) is: 1) To prepare an alternative negative impact handling, plan and implement actions to prevent, minimize or control any negative impact which has occurred and will occur and promote any positive Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
impact which has occurred and will occur, thus the activities that have been and will be done can provide optimum benefits; To determine the operational measures that are accessible by the technological capacity based on economic and institutional considerations; To serve as feedback in fine-tuning the internal and external environmental control system from the project activity/site borders, so as to create a control mechanism, including limitations of the rights and obligations and scope of responsibility of each management. Utility of the Environmental Management Plan 1)
Utility for the Initiator a) As a basis for environmental damage prevention efforts within and outside the project area which may be caused by this activity; b) As a guideline for PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk. as the activity manager in making decisions about the activities to be carried out; c) As a guideline for PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk. to undertake environmental management cooperation in and around the project area with the DKI Jakarta Local Government and other agencies especially to maximize the positive impacts and minimize the negative impacts; d) To meet the applicable legal requirements.
Utility for the Local Government a) To assist in the policies of the Local Government of DKI Jakarta in the environmental and natural resource conservation effort, especially coastal and marine waters; b) To assist the Local Government of DKI Jakarta and Agency in Charge of Public Security and Order in anticipating the impacts that have occurred and will occur to make it easier to carry out preventive measures and environmental management oversight; c) To assist the Local Government of DKI Jakarta in the facilitation of environmental management.
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Utility for the Public a) To promote public participation in the effort to maintain environmental security, sanitation, health and conservation. b) To be used by the public as a social control to maximize the positive impacts and minimize the negative impacts. c) To guarantee legal certainty for the rights and obligations of the public, both for the developed projects and in guaranteeing the relationship between community resources and the rights that they possess.
Purpose of Environmental Monitoring Plan The purpose of environmental monitoring for this Development activity of the Eastern West Ancol Area is: 1) To identify the effectiveness of the environmental management efforts to be undertaken, including in negative impact management and positive impact development with the Development activity of the Eastern West Ancol Area. 2) To build the capacity for predicting future environmental changes.
Objective of the Environmental Management Plan The objective of Environmental Monitoring for the activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk) is: 1) To serve as a means to evaluate the effectiveness of the activity or technology being used in the negative impact management/control and positive impact development specified in the Environmental Management Plan. 2) To serve as an early indicator of any undesirable environmental changes, so that the impact management measures can be carried out effectively. 3) To meet the prevailing legal requirements. 4) To serve as a means to collect relevant evidence in prosecution and defense cases. 5) To serve as a means to make further policies for the Development activity of the Eastern West Ancol Area.
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
The purpose of Environmental Monitoring for the Government of the Special Capital City Region of Jakarta is: 1) To serve as a means for feedback for the Government of the Special Capital City Region of Jakarta in determining the policy measures that have been and will be taken to improve the environmental quality/carry out environmental and natural resource conservation efforts, especially marine waters and the sea. 2) To serve as a means for feedback for the Local Government and Agency in Charge of Public Security and Order in anticipating and evaluating various activity impacts that have occurred and will occur to make it easier to take preventive measures and environmental management oversight. 3) To assist the local Government in the facilitation for environmental monitoring. For the public, on the other hand, environmental monitoring will be useful in: 1) Promoting public participation in the effort to aid security, sanitation, order and environmental preservation; 2) Social control, to maximize the positive impact and minimize the negative impact. 1.6.
ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT APPROACH Environmental management is organized in an impact handling draft through rational approaches, which includes: technological approach, social and economic approach, and institutional approach. a.
Technological Approach Technological approach covers the means of environmental management that are oriented to the technology for key environmental impact management and pollution control. This technological approach is undertaken in two ways: in managing the impact of pollution by containing or isolating the occurring impact, while the approach in preventing, minimizing, or repairing natural resources can be taken by making buildings and organizing activity implementations.
Social and Economic Approach This approach is undertaken in the effort to manage key impacts through socially- and economically-motivated actions, such as by
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
outreach to the community, prioritizing local manpower absorption according to the possessed expertise and skill where needed, public facility and social facility assistance to the community and other social assistance according to the capacity possessed by the Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). c.
Institutional Approach Institutional approach is undertaken through an institutional mechanism that will be undertaken in order to manage key environmental impacts, such as cooperation with other agencies that have an interest and relevance to environmental management, and periodic reporting of environmental management results to stakeholders.
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Proposed Activity
ACTIVITY INITIATOR IDENTITY Name of Initiator Office Address
: :
Telephone Number Facsimile Number Person-in-Charge Title
: : : :
Project Name
PT. PEMBANGUNAN JAYA ANCOL, Tbk. Jl. Pasir Putih Raya Kav. 5 Ancol, North Jakarta (021) 6453456 (021) 64710502 Ir. Maleakhi John Head of the Permits and Special Projects Department Development of Eastern West Ancol Area in an Area of + 119 ha
STUDY AUTHOR IDENTITY Company Name Office Address
: :
Telephone Number Facsimile Number E-mail Person-in-Charge Title
: : : : :
PT. GEO MITRASAMAYA Jl. Satria No. 30, Jati Pulogadung, East Jakarta. Jl. H. Awi, No. 93, Jatiasih Bekasi 17425 (021) 82429153, 98180715 (021) 82429153
[email protected] Drs. Pinondang Tambunan President Director
ANDAL, RKL and RPL Updating Study Author Team (Table 2.1) Table 2.1 No. 1.
Experts in ANDAL, RKL and RPL Updating Study
Name DR. H. K. Susanto Kusumahadi, MS.
Ir. Merdeka Simbolon
Drs. Yeremiah R. Camin, MS.
4. 5.
Drs. Lukman Effendi, DES. Ir. Maleakhi John
Expertise Natural Resource and Environmental Management Expert (Master’s and Ph.D. in Environment) & Biology AMDAL Drafting Certificate Environmental Engineering AMDAL Drafting Certificate Physics, Chemistry and Model Making AMDAL Drafting Certificate Geology/Oceanology/Amdal A Civil Engineering (AMDAL A)
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Title Team Leader/ Study Coordinator Member Member
Member Member II-1
Proposed Activity 6.
Ir. Urip Rahmani, MSi.
7. 8.
Budi Dwi Handoko, ST. Iswanto, S.Komp.
Social, Economic, Cultural Expert/ Amdal A Transportation Expert Editing and Computing
Member Member Member
PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF JAKARTA'S NORTH COAST (PANTURA) AREA As stipulated in Presidential Decree Number 52 Year 1995, the authority for the Development of Jakarta’s Pantura Area is delegated to the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province. The principles for the organization of reclamation and spatial layout of Jakarta’s Pantura Area is set forth as follows: Spatial utilization for all interests in an integrated, effective and efficient, harmonious, synchronized, balanced and sustainable manner. Openness, equality, fairness and legal protection. Pursuant to the above principles, the primary policy for the Development of Jakarta’s Pantura Area includes: a. The Development of Jakarta’s Pantura Area is a development of reclamation and coastal land area in an integrated manner, jointly determined as a planned area. b. The Development of Jakarta’s Pantura Area should guarantee the ecosystem preservation and conservation of protected forest area, mangrove forests, nature reserves and marine biota. c. The Development of Jakarta’s Pantura Area should ensure the utilization of the beach for public interest. d. The Development of Jakarta’s Pantura Area should guarantee livelihood for fishermen. e. The Development of Jakarta’s Pantura Area should guarantee the preservation of historical buildings and neighborhoods. f. The Development of Jakarta’s Pantura Area should guarantee the interest and performance of State defense and security activities. g. The Development of Jakarta’s Pantura Area should guarantee the integrated water management and integrated irrigation development. h. The Development of Jakarta’s Pantura Area should guarantee the performance/functioning of vital projects in Jakarta’s Pantura Area such as Navy Dock, the Tanjung Priok PLTGU and the livelihood of fishermen in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations. i. The Development of Jakarta’s Pantura Area should guarantee:
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Proposed Activity
Enhancement of Port Tanjung Priok’s functions. The development of the Port Sunda Kelapa area and its surroundings for a tourism center, warehouse/service center, and traditional navigation in limited terms. A development that is synchronized with the organization and management of Seribu Islands. A development that is linked to the utilization of recreation and tourism area with due regard to the conservation of natural cultural values and national and international tourism needs. The Development of Jakarta’s Pantura Area is supported by an integrated development of urban facilities and infrastructure.
Presidential Decree Number 52 Year 2005 concerning Reclamation of the Northern Coast of Jakarta article 3 paragraph (1) states that “Reclamation of the Northern Coast includes the part of the marine waters of Jakarta as measured from the north coastline of Jakarta perpendicularly towards the sea up to the line connecting the outlying points that indicate a sea depth of eight (8) meters. With reference to Regulation of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 54 Year 2008 concerning Spatial Layout of the Jabodetabekpunjur Area, the project site for the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area is included in the Buffer Zone 3 (P3). Article 34 paragraph (3) states that “The Buffer Zone 3 (P3) is a Marine Waters Zone that faces the Cultivation Zone 1/B1 Coast (Zone with characteristics as an area with a high environmental bearing capacity, high level of facilities and infrastructure service, and high intensity of horizontal and vertical buildings)”. Article 42 paragraph (3) sub a states: “The spatial utilization of Zone P3 shall be carried out through an effort to preserve the function of Zone B1 by not causing any coastal abrasion and not disrupting the function of the Electrical Power Plant, River Estuary and maritime and navigation routes.” Article 42 paragraph (3) sub a states: “The gradual implementation of reclamation with due regard to its function, with a minimum distance from the lowest ebb point of three hundred (300) m up to the line connecting the outlying points that indicate a sea depth of eight (8) m, except for locations that by technological engineering enables the distance to be minimized, and should consider the environmental characteristics, maritime and navigation routes and ports.” Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Proposed Activity
SPATIAL LAND USE OF PANTURA LAND The Spatial Layout Plan for Jakarta’s Pantura Area (Figure II.1) as stipulated in Local Regulation of the Special Capital City Region of Jakarta Number 8 Year 1995 is an integral part of the 1985-2005 Spatial Layout Plan of DKI Jakarta. The Spatial Layout Plan for Jakarta’s Pantura Area serves as a guideline for the drafting of the Detailed Urban Plan and Urban Design Guidelines which will be stipulated by the Governor Head of the Special Capital City Region of Jakarta. The Spatial Layout Plan for Jakarta’s Pantura Area stipulates three (3) sub-areas that constitute planning units (Figure II.2). a.
West Sub-Area The west sub-area will be developed with a primary function as a residential and commercial area in a limited sense. The residential and commercial development will be harmonized with the presence of the protected zone and mangrove forest situated to its south. The use of the west sub-area land will be for housing with its facilities, commerce/service, governance and green open space. The Building Floor Coefficient (BFC) for the west sub-area is set at up to four (4) on condition that the building height and areal utilization plan be adjusted to the aviation operation safety limits at the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport.
Central Sub-Area The central sub-area will be developed with a primary function as an international-level commercial/service center, recreation/private center and high-intensity residential area. The land use of the central sub-area will be for housing and its facilities, commerce/service, governance, and public buildings with a low Building Floor Coefficient (BFC) and green open space. The Building Floor Coefficient (BFC) for the central sub-area is set at up to ten (10).
East Sub-Area The east sub-area will be developed with a primary function as a goods distribution center, port, industry/warehouse and residential area as support. The land use of the east sub-area will be for
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industry/warehouse and mixed public housing. The Building Floor Coefficient (BFC) for the East sub-area is set at up to five (5). Pursuant to Regulation of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 54 Year 2008 concerning Spatial Layout for the Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Puncak, Cianjur Area, the site of the Eastern West Ancol Reclamation project is located inside the Buffer Zone i.e. Zone P in the cultivation area on the marine waters, the characteristic spatial utilization of which is stipulated to protect the cultivation area and/or protected zone located on the mainland from any vulnerability to coastal abrasion and seawater intrusion.
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Objective of Proposed Activity The objective of this Development of Eastern West Ancol Area activity is to provide additional land through reclamation for the development of the Ancol recreation area. In line with the Master Plan (Special Designation Plan for Ancol Area and Its Surroundings) as shown on Figure II.3, the designation type for Eastern West Ancol Area in an area of + 119 ha is Public Buildings and Their Facilities, Housing and Its Facilities, Public Building Works and Their Facilities and Cultivated Green Support Zone and Its Facilities. This activity is to enhance the service capacity according to the Master Plan of the Special Land Designation Plan for Ancol Area and Its Surroundings which has been approved by the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province under Letter No. 2206/1.711.5, dated September 26, 2007. b.
Activity Site The site of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area activity in an area of + 119 ha is located in Kelurahan Ancol, Kelurahan Pademangan, North Jakarta Administrative City, with the following geographical boundaries: North : Java Sea Waters East : Java Sea Waters South : Public Beach and East Ancol residential neighborhood West : Java Sea Waters The site of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area activity in an area of + 119 and its surrounding activities is shown on Figure II.4. The coordinates according to TM3 (Transverse Mercator 3, a system used by National Land Agency), on the other hand, are shown on Table 2.2.
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Figure II.3. Detailed Spatial Layout Plan for Ancol Area Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
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Figure II.4. Eastern West Ancol Area Development Project Site
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Table 2.2. Coordinates of Reclaimed Island No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Easting 702560 704326 704389 704184 704071 703978 703910 703760 703692 703300 703182 703114 703033 702709 702653
Northing 9324728 9325083 9324480 9324418 9324498 9324474 9324380 9324330 9324230 9324119 9324175 9324181 9324069 9323982 9324038
The characteristics/environmental topology and activities around the project site (Figure II.5) are as follows: The Eastern West Ancol Area Development project site is currently still an open sea waters. The Southern side of the project site is currently a public beach and the East Ancol residential neighborhood. The eastern side of the project site is currently marine waters, a planned reclamation area of PT. Manggala Krida Yudha, a PT. Rukindo operation, the Pondok Dayung Indonesian Navy dock, the Tanjung Priok PLTGU and the Tanjung Priok Port Area. The western side of the project is currently marine waters and the operations Pondok Putri Duyung cottages, Pantai Molek, West Ancol and Marina reclamation areas. The nearest residential neighborhood is located in East Ancol residential neighborhood, Taman Marina residential neighborhood and residential neighborhoods around Jl. Lodan and Jl. R.E. Martadinata. The coastal bathymetry can be classified as low-slope coast. The depth of -2 m LWS is located up to 300 m from the coastline, the depth of -5 m LWS is located up to 1.2 km from the coastline, the depth of -10 m LWS is located 4 km and the depth of -20 m is located 10 km from the coastline. The bathymetric conditions at the studied site is located at a depth of 0 m LWS (coastline) up to a depth of -2 m LWS. Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
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The ebb tide type at the studied site is a mixture with a tendency towards semidiurnal.
Project Permits The Eastern West Ancol Area Development activity plan has secured such legal permits as: 1) Government Regulation Number 51 Year 1990 concerning Ancol Land Designation and Utilization; 2) Presidential Decree Number 52 Year 1995 concerning Organization of the Reclamation of the Northern Coast of Jakarta; 3) Local Regulation of DKI Jakarta Number 8 Year 1995 concerning Organization of Reclamation and Spatial Layout Plan of the Jakarta Pantura; 4) Decision of the Governor of KDKI Jakarta Number 1288/1.711.5 dated May 17, 2004 concerning Principal Approval for Phase II Reclamation in West Ancol Waters in an area of + 119 ha. 5) ANDAL, RKL and RPL Recommendation Number 5/1.744.151, dated February 7, 2006 from the AMDAL Assessment Commission of DKI Jakarta Province. 6) Instruction of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province Number 2206/-1.711.5 dated September 26, 2007 concerning Special Land Designation Plan Organization for Ancol Area and Its Surroundings. 7) Letter of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province Number 1776/-1.793.43, dated August 25, 2008, concerning Dumping Site for Mud Dredged from 13 Rivers/Retention basins in DKI Jakarta.
Connection between Project and JEDI Activity In the context of JEDI’s operations, the Ancol project site is a dumping site. The obligation and responsibility relationship between the JEDI Project Management and PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk is shown in Figure II.5. JEDI is responsible for: 1)
Ensuring the river and retention basin dredged material does not contain any B3 material under Government Regulation No. 85/1999. Based on the survey conducted by ERM (2008) on the sediment quality in 18 rivers and retention basins, no sediment that meets the B3 criteria under Government Regulation No. 85/1999 has been encountered.
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2) 3)
Therefore, all sediments from the 18 rivers and retention basins can be accommodated in the Ancol reclamation site. Material dredging and transportation to the Ancol site. Selecting the transportation route and traffic control for transporting vehicles.
The responsibility of PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol begins when the transporting vehicles enter from Jl. RE Martadinata into the Ancol Area. PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol has the following obligations: 1) Providing an access road from Jl. RE Martadinata into the dumping site. 2) Providing a transporting vehicle washing facility on leaving the Ancol Area.
Figure II.5. Boundaries of Jedi Activity and Ancol Dumping Site
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Figure II.6. Activities around the Project Site
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Pre-Construction Phase The activities in this phase are the project site determination activity that includes project plan preparation, technical and field survey, project dissemination, supporting studies such as Ancol Reclamation Assessment and Planning, technical designing, installation of work signs and traffic markers in and out of the reclamation area, permits and the preparation of construction material sources.
Construction Phase In general, the work to be carried out in the project construction phase is as follows: 1)
Labor Recruitment In the construction phase of the Eastern West Ancol Area Development Reclamation project, an estimated + 400 workers are expected to be absorbed (Table 2.3). The project construction workers will be hosted in temporary barracks located behind Carnaval Beach close to the Dutch Cemetery which are equipped with temporary sanitation facility/toilets, PDAM (PALYJA) water, electricity and garbage container. The water required during the project construction phase is expected to be + 400 persons x 100 L/person/day = 40,000 L/day or + 40 m3/day which will be supplied by PDAM/PALYJA.
Table 2.3. Composition of Construction Workers Total Manpower Persons % 1. Experts (Planners) 10 2.50 2. Site (Field) Supervisors 15 3.75 3. Executors (Builders) 300 75.00 4. Execution assistants (kenek) 75 10.75 Total 400 100.00 Source: PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk. (2009) No.
Manpower Qualification
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Construction Equipment and Material Mobilization The types of equipment needed and to be used in the Eastern West Ancol Coastal Reclamation activity are shown in Table 2.4.
Table 2.4. Equipment to Be Used No. 1.
Equipment Type
East Ancol
1. Dredger
Coast Reclamation
2. Supporting Dredger 3. Sand spreader/ dumper 4. Sand Pushing & Loading Equipment 5. Digging Equipment
Shore Protection
6. Vertical Drain Ins’tion Equipment 7. Grading Equipment 8. Transport Equipment 1. Material spreader 2. Material support shredder 3. Barge 4. Support Ship
Tool Type
Total (unit)
1. Cutter/Suction Dredger 2. Clamshell Dredger
3. Reclaimer 4. Dozer and Loader
5. Shovel/Bucket Crane 6. Crane and Ladder
7. Grader 8. Dump Truck 1. Large Crane and Grab 2. Small Crane and Grab 3. Support Barge 4. Service Boat
35 160 20 30 15 10
Source: PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk. (2009)
On the other hand, the construction material needed in the Eastern West Ancol Coastal Reclamation work is shown in Table 2.5. Table 2.5. Material Needed in the Work No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Material Type Underlayer material (rocks) Core material Concrete cubes Bamboo Geotextile Sand River & Retention basin Dredged Material (nonB3)
Brown soil
Unit m3 m3 m3 piece m3 m3 m3 m
Volume 136,955 193,148 259,525 121,472 197,907 1,982,280 9,452,040 400,000
Source: PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk. (2009)
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Embankment/Breakwater Construction The protective structure planned to be the protector of the reclamation area is embankment. The outer side of the embankment which faces the sea will serve as a breakwater and it is planned to utilize the concrete cube type, in addition to its wave-suppressing strength, concrete cube is also easier to construct, compared to other breakwater types such as a-jack, tetrapod etc. The most vital element of the breakwater embankment structure with the concrete cube type is the armor unit weight on the outermost layer of the embankment. The armor weight is calculated based on a number of key items: wave magnitude, design, selected armor type and structure slope. a)
Planned Wave The planned wave used as the calculation basis is a wave generated by refraction-diffraction simulation at the work site, with an incoming wave in the deep sea being a wave with a 100-year return period (PT. Bina Innovasi Rekayasa, 2005). The height of the planned wave being used in the breakwater dimension design calculation is 2 m. The figure is the height of the wave generated by refraction-diffraction analysis based on a scenario of dominant waves from the northeast.
Breakwater Dimension From a planned wave height of 2 m, the sea-side embankment slope concrete cube armor type of 2:1, the calculated breakwater dimension is: armor unit weight, rock unit weight in the under-layer, breakwater peak width and breakwater layer thickness.
Armor Unit Weight The armor unit weight is calculated based on the following Hudson formula:
Note: W = Armor unit minimum weight at the cover layer in tons Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
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= Armor material mass density in ton/m3 Sr = Relative armor material specific gravity at seawater mass density Sr = = Seawater mass density (1,025 ton/m3) = Structure incline angle (degree) against a horizontal line H = Designed wave height (m) KD = Stability coefficient which depends on the armor type, breakwater shape and armor placement method The result of the armor unit weight calculation for the concrete cube breakwater type is shown in Table 2.6. Table 2.6. Breakwater Armor Calculation Result H (m) 2.0
Slope (hor/vert) 2
Armor (cover layer) Ys KD Wrequired (ton/m3) (ton) 2.40 6.50 0.61
Wdesign 0.70
Thickness (m) 1.30
Note Trunk breaking
Source: Hydrodynamic Assessment and Ancol Reclamation Planning (PT. Bina Innovasi Rekayasa, 2005) With an armor unit weight on the cover layer of 0.7 ton = 700 kg, the concrete cube dimension with = 3 2.4 ton/m the length of the concrete cube sides can be calculated, i.e. at 0.66 m (rounded up to 0.7 m). d)
Rock Unit Weight at Under-layer The minimum weight for rocks at the under-layer is 1/10 of the armor weight on the cover layer, so with such reference the rock unit weight at the under-layer is taken as 75-100 kg.
Breakwater Peak Width The breakwater peak width is calculated using the following empirical formula:
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Note: B = N = W = Wr = K =
peak width (m) number of armor (n = 3) armor unit weight at cover layer (ton) armor material mass density (ton/m3) layer coefficient
Through a calculation based on the formula, the width of the breakwater embankment peak plain is 1.99 m rounded up to 2 m. f)
Breakwater Layer Thickness Breakwater layer thickness is calculated using the following empirical formula:
Note: R = N = W = Wr = =
average cover layer or under layer thickness (m) number of armors (minimum n = 2) weight of one armor unit (ton) armor material mass density (ton/m3) layer coefficient
For the armor layer (cover layer), the total armor units per layer is taken as n = 2, with the weight of one armor unit obtained from the calculation W = 0.7, Wr = 2.4 ton/m3, and = 1.1 yields an average thickness for this cover layer of 1.4 m. For layer n = 3, on the other hand, with the weight of one armor unit obtained from the calculation W = 0.1, Wr = 2.6 ton/m3, and value = 1.0, yields an average thickness for this cover layer of 1.1 m. The length of the breakwater to be built is + 1,500 m, NAP existing breakwater pail +1.60 m = pp +2.00 m. The protective embankment will be built ahead before the dredging of the 13 rivers and retention basins begins. A design drawing of a typical breakwater embankment with a dimension of the calculation result of the above formulas is shown on Figure II.7. Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
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Bearing Capacity The foundation used to hold the breakwater in place is bamboo stakes in the form of piles consisting of a cluster of seven bamboo stakes 7 – 8 m in length. The principle of the bamboo cluster is that it should be strong enough to bear the load over a one squaremeter area (ultimate bearing capacity), qu and will not allow any over settlement. In the geotechnical calculations for the breakwater embankment design at the project site, the assumption being used is a general collapsed with a continuous foundation shape. To calculate the permitted load weight at the breakwater, a safety factor will be needed that should range between 1.4 and 1.6. The calculation result of the bearing capacity shows that the generated safety factor (SF) is 0.9, which means that the bearing capacity on the embankment structure at the project site is lacking. To improve the bearing capacity, an additional structure will be used in the form of bamboo clusters spaced over 1.5 m, with a length of + 7 m on the foundation of the breakwater embankment structure (Figure II.7.).
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Figure II.7. Typical Cross-Section of Breakwater Embankment 4)
Reclamation Work Based on the Ancol reclamation assessment and planning already conducted by consultant PT. Puri Fajar Mandiri j.o. T.Y. Lin International (2005) has been recommended and selected to carry out the reclamation with a Hydraulic Fill work system for the following reasons: a) This fill system has become the choice for reclamation carried out on the Northern Coast of Java; b) The fill system embankment structure is relatively simple and easy compared to the polder system embankment which must be waterproof to keep water from entering the reclamation area; c) The operation and maintenance are relatively lowcost compared to the polder system which should control the water level elevation with pumps; d) The hydraulic fill work system by building embankment ahead will be more economical than other reclamation systems, since the fill sand volume will be smaller; Reclamation work with a fill system can be undertaken using different types of transportation equipment, fill soil material dispersion equipment and soil consolidation equipment. The
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reclamation (filling) carried out for beachside or offshore areas will require the construction of an embankment intended to protect the reclamation material from being hit by waves. Filling can be carried out using barges or pipes. It should be noted that when filling is carried out with pipes, there will be a segregation between fine-grained and coarse-grained materials. When the entire reclamation work is completed, the building construction will change functions into a seawall. Conversely, a temporary embankment can be built using solidly and neatly piled sandbags that form an embankment structure. If the reclamation work is completed, the sandbags can be removed to be used elsewhere.
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Figure II.8. Order of Hydraulic Fill Reclamation Work Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
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Reclamation Method Using Dredged Material from JEDI Project An understanding of the characteristics of the dredged material is in order to achieve an effective operation in terms of environmentally acceptable cost and method in the management of the dredged material. In response to this, the World Bank assigned ERM (ERM 2008) to collect sediment samples at 18 locations including a number of rivers, drains and retention basins. A total of 36 sediment samples were collected from depths between 30-50 cm (the cores length) using trap samplers. Each sample was collected as followed: each river/retention basin was divided into main segments and each segment was further divided into sections (with lengths of > 0.5 km to < 1 km). Five samples were taken from five locations in each section, with each location being targeted to obtain samples that are biased-high impacted (i.e. visually contaminated). The collected samples were then analyzed for PSD (particle size distribution), heavy metals, total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH), polycrylic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), organochlorine pesticide (OCP), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), and total organic matter (TOM). On-site pH measurement indicated that the sediments were neutral or weakly alkaline in nature; the sediments were dark grey to black marked with a predominance of clay and siltbased components. The TOM level ranges from 1% to 19%, while the PCB and OCB content was below the laboratory detection limit, PAH and TPH were mostly not detected. Heavy metal concentration was low in most samples, although increased heavy metal concentration has been recorded at few locations, possibly due to industrial waste. The heavy metal levels found in the river/retention basin sediment sample were also comparable with the level of the samples collected at the Jakarta Bay, this includes samples collected from the proposed dumping site in Eastern West Ancol. In principle, the reclamation work process using dredged material is similar as to compare with reclamation work using sand as originally planned. The reclamation system to be used is hydraulic fill, in which the work is performed in the following steps:
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The first phase involves building a reclamation area protective embankment reinforced with bamboo rafts as the bottom layer and foundation reinforcement with clusters of bamboo stakes 7 – 8 m long. The embankment material is similar to the original plan, i.e. a formation of gradated rocks according to the calculation specified above as in the planning carried out by consultant PT. Puri Fajar Mandiri j.o. T.Y. Lin International (2005). To prevent the filled materials (i.e. dredged material from river and retention basin dredging) spreading out the disposal facility (i.e. CDF), the inner side of the embankment that comes into direct contact with the reclaimed material will be lined with geotextile in which its specifications match the characters of the river/retention basin mud. By installing the geo-textile, dredged material will be confined inside the disposal facility and hence the turbidity of surrounding water (i.e. outside the disposal facility) will increase. The filling and spreading process of the dredged material will be carried out slowly, as layer per layer. So that pressure to the bottom layer is expected to be uniform and consolidation can occur gradually. A temporary embankment will be built in the constructed embankment area to divide the working areas into smaller units. The work carried out in segments may minimize finer materials from spreading over a wider area, therefore reducing turbidity. Furthermore, the smaller sections that have been completely filled can be prepared to be used as a road for conducting reclamation on the next segment. After the filling process has been carried out, vertical drains to accelerate soil consolidation are installed. The installation of vertical drains at 1 – 1.3 m intervals, and with a surcharge of 2 – 2.5 m will eventually create a consolidation of + 1.9 m per 6-9 months.
Based on the opinions of several reclamation technique experts and the reclamation experience in a number of countries (such as in Osaka, Japan and Shenzhen, China), substitution of fill sand material with river sediments/mud can be undertaken as long as the material is non-toxic/non-B3. Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
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Transportation Method for Materials to Be Used for the Reclamation of Eastern West Ancol a)
Transportation of Mud from 13 Rivers and 5 Retention basins Transportation of mud from 13 rivers and 5 retention basins using 20-m3 capacity dump trucks through the route of Tanjung Priok Toll Road, Kemayoran Toll Road, Jl. R.E. Martadinata and into Jalan Lingkungan Kawasan Ancol through the Ancol Baru main road (30 m wide) to the dumping site. The coordinates for the entry point for the transport vehicles are 704773; 9323774. Utility development will also be conducted around the project site, such as workers’ accommodation behind Carnaval Beach near the Dutch cemetery which are equipped with temporary sanitation facility/toilets, clean water network from PDAM (PALIJA), electricity from PLN, road reinforcement (asphalt) and environmental sanitation (garbage container), as well as carwash (dump truck) facility (Figure II.9).
Figure II.9. Alternative Route for Material/Fill Mud Transportation Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
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The mud material is to be dumped into the facility that is already protected by geotextile-lined and protective embankment. Dumping will begin from the side (of the disposal facility) that has been already prepared to accommodate the dump trucks. b)
Fill Sand Material Transportation The transportation of fill material is planned from the Banten area controlled by PT. Gora Gahana in the Teluk Banten exploration area KW 97 JAP 03 Pulo Pajang Village, Kelurahan Kasemen, Kecamatan Serang (Serang Sub-District), Banten Province with an area of 1,056 ha in the position of 5o 54’ 47’2’’ – 5o 56’ 12.2’’ Latitude and 106o 1’ 39.9’’ – 106o 17’ 36.3’’ Longitude. This location has already secured an AMDAL approval from the AMDAL Commission Team, and UKL/UPL of Serang Regency Number 666/750//KLH, April 13 2005 (PT. Gora Gahana), and from the Mining and Energy Central AMDAL Commission Number 5038/0115/SJ.T/199 dated December 5, 1994 (PT. SAC Nusantara). The sand material will be transported to the Ancol, Jakarta area (reclamation site) which is + 90 km away via sea (Figure II.10), this is based on the consideration: Jakarta’s traffic, which is heavy congested and used by many different interests makes it difficult to be used as an alternative material transport route; The road corridors in which the dump trucks will use will be filled with spilled material from the vehicles. This spilled material will turn into mud when rain falls and conversely into dust (air pollution) when there is no rain.
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Figure II.10. Planned Mode of Reclamation Material Transportation c)
Laterite Material Transport The laterite to be transported is planned to be supplied from the Bekasi area for + 400,000 m3 for which a permit is already secured (Amdal/UKL and UPL, transported by dump trucks equipped with tarpaulin covers and a transport route by land.
Material Transport Equipment (fill sand) Based on the recommendations from the Ancol Reclamation assessment and planning conducted by Consultant PT. Bina Inovasi Rekayasa (2005), the transportation of fill material (sand) will be carried out using Grab Dredge-Barge (Figure II.11). The reclamation material will be loaded into the barges by grab dredger. The barge that carried the material from Banten to Ancol will be pulled by a tugboat. At the reclamation site, the material will be removed from the barge and spread evenly on the reclamation area with a bulldozer. The consideration in choosing this Grab Dredge-Barge as the material transport equipment is: a) It can be carried out in the relatively shallow waters at the reclamation site; b) The unit price per m3 of fill material is far cheaper than other dredges (Trailer Suction Hopper Dredge/TSHD).
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Figure II.11. Reclamation Material Transport Using Grab Dredge – Barge 8)
Fill Consolidation Method Based on the recommendations from the Ancol Reclamation assessment and planning conducted by Consultant PT. Bina Inovasi Rekayasa (2005), the reclamation pile consolidation will be carried out by the Vertical Drain method (Figure II.12). The principle of this method is to consolidate the soil by reducing the water pore of the pile soil. This method is frequently used to compact reclamation pile soil. The area (i.e. after filling completed) is drilled and PVD (Prefabricated Vertical Drain) is inserted with a triangular setting pattern. This PVD consists of a core that serves as a vertical water drain and a filter jacket (geo-textile) as protection but permeable to water. Any water that rises to the surface through the PVD is collected with the pipes and directed out of the site by gravitation.
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Figure II.12. Reclamation Fill Consolidation by Vertical Drain 9)
Drainage Work To anticipate ponding or flooding in the reclamation land, PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk is planning the construction of drainages with a gravity system (Figure II.13). In general, the drainage on the reclamation land will consist of lake drain, the primary, secondary, and tertiary drain. Flushing drain will be constructed after the reclamation. a)
Existing Drainage Channels Nearly all road in the Central and East Ancol area are equipped with a drainage to their left and right. Most of the drainage is directed to the Ancol River, and some near Dunia Fantasi is directed to Bintang Mas River. At several drains in the Central Ancol area, pumps with a capacity between 0.6 m3/hour and 12 m3/hour have been installed. Two pump units have also been installed to the west of Dunia Fantasi to be directed to Bintang Mas River. The pump works automatically and manually.
Future Drainage Channels Based on the assessment report on the “Central and East Ancol Area Drainage System Revitalization” (2005) conducted by consultant PT. Daya Makora UI,
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to deal with ponding due to the high tide or the outcome of heavy rain, three (3) options for the future drainage system can be considered: (1) To upgrade or rehabilitate the existing drainage system. (2) To create a separate drainage system (polder system) from the surrounding areas. (3) To create a drainage system that is a combination between the polder system and the gravity system. Based on economic and technical considerations, option (2) was the best. The size of the retention pool needed is 5% - 10% of the rain catchment area size with a pump capacity of around 1 m3/second per 100 ha. The areas that can be considered for the retention pool site: (1) The existing lagoon in the recreation site (2) The existing pool in the golf court (3) The coastal area of Central and West Ancol (4) The new recreation site.
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Figure II.13. Drainage Channel
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Post-Construction Phase The activities that fall under the post-construction phase include termination of work contract with the contractors, demobilization of equipment used in the construction phase and waiting for the reclaimed land settlement period of 2-3 years. At the postconstruction phase, the initiator will undertake the environmental management for the reclaimed area to preserve the environmental state according to its designation. This includes maintaining the breakwater and drainage management to prevent flooding to its surrounding areas. The reclaimed land (postconstruction) will be used for residential buildings (apartments), residential neighborhoods, hotels, business and commercial and tourism centers, the AMDAL for which will be prepared separately. The time table for the Eastern West Ancol Area Development project is shown on Table 2.7.
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Proposed Activity
Table 2.7 Time table for the Eastern West Ancol Area Development project
Source: PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk, 2009 Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Environmental Baseline
PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL COMPONENTS The physical and chemical environmental components in the planned Eastern West Ancol Area Development activity area which have been reviewed include the climate, air quality and noise, seawater quality, sediment quality, river water quality, physiography, geomorphology and geology, and oceanography. a.
Climate The climate component data for the study area were obtained from the Meteorological and Geophysical Center of the Department of Transportation (1998-2007) at the North Jakarta Tanjung Priok Observation station which consists of: 1)
Rainfall The rainfall data around the location were derived from the Meteorological and Geophysical Agency (BMG) data, as presented in Table 3.1. Table 3.1. Rainfall in DKI Jakarta Area Month January February March April May June July August September October November December
Rainfall (mm) 425 308 149 122 75 36 40 24 44 86 98 198
Source: BMG’s Tanjung Priok Station, Jakarta, 2007 It is identified from the data from the Meteorological and Geophysical Agency in Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta (between 1998-2007) that the highest monthly rainfall occurs Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
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in January with an average of 425 mm, while the lowest monthly rainfall occurs in August with an average of 24 mm. Based on the rainfall data, the study area falls under System A (wet) according to the rainfall classification under the Schmidt and Ferguson criteria since the monthly average rainfall is generally higher than 100 mm. 2)
Temperature The monthly temperature data are given in Table 3.2 below: Table 3.2. The Average Monthly Temperature (oC) around the study area
Month January February March April May June July August September October November December
Maximum 29.8 30.2 31.0 32.8 32.9 32.8 32.7 32.5 32.4 32.6 32.6 31.4
Minimum 22.8 22.8 23.4 24.0 24.2 24.3 23.7 23.4 21.9 22.3 22.8 22.8
Average 25.8 26.4 26.6 27.5 27.6 27.6 27.3 27.3 27.0 27.1 27.1 26.2
Source: BMG’s Tanjung Priok Station, Jakarta, 2007 Based on the above temperature data, the highest monthly average temperature occurs in May and June (27.6oC) and the lowest in January (25.8oC). Based on the monthly rainfall and temperature data, the local climate type can be determined as per the climate type classification according to Koppen, including the Af climate type, i.e. tropical rain climate type. 3)
Solar Illumination The monthly solar illumination data are given in Table 3.3. as follows:
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Table 3.3. Average of Monthly Solar Illumination in the Study Area Solar Illumination Month (mm) January 38 February 41 March 54 April 65 May 64 June 70 July 72 August 70 September 59 October 60 November 44 December 43 Source: BMG’s Tanjung Priok Station, Jakarta, 2007 Based on the foregoing average solar illumination data, it is evident that the lowest solar illumination occurs in January (38 mm) and the highest in July (72 mm). 4)
Wind Direction and Speed The monthly average wind direction and speed data are given in Table 3.4. as follows:
Table 3.4. Monthly Average Wind Direction and Speed (Knot) in the Study Area Year Month January February March April May June July August September October November December
W/01 W/02 SW/01 NE/01 N/02 W/01 E/02 E/02 E/02 N/02 W/01 NE/02
W/02 W/02 N/02 NE/02 N/02 W/03 E/03 E/03 E/03 NW/03 W/03 NE/02
NW/02 NW/03 W/03 W/03 N/03 E/03 NE/03 E/03 NE/04 N/03 NE/03 SW/04
W/03 W/03 W/04 W/03 NE/03 E/03 E/03 NE/03 S/03 S/02 E/02 SW/03
NW/04 NW/03 W/03 NE/03 N/03 E/04 E/04 E/04 N/03 E/03 S/02 SE/04
NW/04 NW/04 W/04 E/03 E/02 E/04 NE/04 NE/03 NW/03 N/02 W/02 SW/03
W/03 W/03 W/04 SW/02 N/03 E/03 E/03 NE/04 N/04 N/02 W/04 SW/03
W/03 W/03 W/03 NE/03 E/03 E/03 NE/03 NE/03 E/03 NE/02 N/03 W/03
W/04 W/03 W/03 NW/03 E/03 E/02 NE/03 NE/02 E/03 N/03 N/02 W/02
W/03 W/04 SW/02 N/03 N/03 N/03 NE/03 N/04 N/03 N/03 N/03 W/03
Source: Jakarta’s Tanjung Priok Meteorology Station, 2007 Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
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Direction legend: Va = Variable N = from the north NE = from the northeast E = from the east SE = from the southeast
= = = = =
from the south from the southwest from the west from the northwest Knot = mile/hour
Based on the wind direction and speed mentioned above, it is evident that from December to March the wind tends to blow from the West, while in April and May it tends to be Northeaster, while from June to September it tends to come from the East. The average wind speed ranges from 01 to 04 knots. b.
Air Quality The result of air quality measurement in the study area is given in Table 3.5 below:
Table 3.5. Result of Air Quality Measurement in the Study Area No.
Hydrocarbon (HC)
Quality Standard *) 230
Measurement Result U1 U2 U3 101 127 787
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
Oxidant (Ox)
Lead (Pb)
< 0.03
Ammonia (NH3)
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
< 1.0
< 1.0
< 1.0
Note: *) **) < U1 U2 U3 ***)
= = = = = = =
Decree of Gov. of DKI Jakarta No. 551 Year 2001 Kep-50/MENLH/11/1996 Less than East Ancol Coast TIJA Neighborhood Road Jalan RE. Martadinata Laboratory of PT. Unilab Perdana (August 2005)
Based on the above table it is evident that the ambient air quality measured in the study area is generally still below the quality Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
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standard pursuant to Decree of the Governor of DKI Jakarta No. 551 Year 2001 and Decree of the Minister of Environment No. Kep50/MENLH/11/1996,
Hydrocarbon (386 ) at Jl. R.E. Martadinata which is the access road into the project site. The high dust and hydrocarbon levels are due to the traffic activity that are relatively at Jl. R.E. Martadinata. c.
Noise The result of noise measurement in the study area is shown in Table 3.6. below.
Table 3.6. Result of Noise Measurement in the Study Area No. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Measurement Location East Ancol Coast Roads Inside Ancol Dreamland Park Jalan R.E. Martadinata Roadside East Ancol Residence
Note: *) **)
= =
Measurement Result *) 65.1 59.6 79.4 49.6
Quality Standard **) 70 dBA 70 dBA
70 dBA 55 dBA
Decree of Gov. of DKI Jakarta No. 551 Year 2001 Laboratory of PT. Unilab Perdana (August 2005)
Based on the above table, noise levels in the East Ancol residential area and inside the Ancol Dreamland Park Tourist Resort are currently low, ranging between 49.6 dBA and 65.1 dBA. The noise level is still below the noise quality standard for recreation areas under the Decree of the Governor of DKI Jakarta No. 551 Year 2001 (70 dBA). A significant noise level is encountered on Jl. RE. Martadinata, at 79.4 dBA. The value has exceeded the noise quality standard set in the Decree of the Governor of DKI Jakarta No. 551 Year 2001, i.e. 70 dBA for recreational, industrial, warehouse and service areas. The high noise level is caused by the heavy traffic on Jl. R.E. Martadinata especially heavy vehicles (buses and trucks). d.
Seawater Quality The result of seawater quality measurement in the study area is shown in Table 3.7. below.
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Table 3.7. Result of Seawater Quality Measurement in the Study Area
A. 1.
PHYSICAL Brightness (in situ) Smell (in situ) Turbidity Suspended solids (TSS) Temperature (in situ) Oil Film (in situ) Garbage (in situ) CHEMICAL pH (in situ) Salinity Dissolved oxidants (OD) in situ BOD Total ammonia (NH3-N) Phosphate (PO4-P) Nitrate (NO3-N) Cyanide (CN) Sulfide (N2S) Phenol Surfactant anion (MBAS) Oil & Grease Mercury (Hg) Chromium VI 6+ (Cr ) Arsenic (As) Cadmium (Cd) Copper (Cu) Lead (Pb) Zinc (Zn) Nickel (Ni) MICROBIOLOGY Coliform (total)
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. 1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. C. 1. 2.
Pathogenic bacteria
Note: *) **) AL1 AL2 AL3 AL4 AL5 AL6
= = = = = = = =
Quality Standard *)
Meter NTU mg/L
Measurement Result **) AL-1
Natural 5
< 0.0.1
< 0.0.1
< 0.0.1
mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L
0.008 0.5 0.01 0.002
< 0.008 < 0.005 < 0.002 < 0.001
< 0.008 < 0.005 < 0.002 < 0.001
< 0.008 < 0.005 < 0.002 < 0.001
< 0.008 < 0.005 < 0.002 < 0.001
< 0.008 < 0.005 < 0.002 < 0.001
< 0.008 < 0.005 < 0.002 < 0.001
mg/L mg/L
1.0 0.001
< 0.2 < 0.0005
< 0.2 < 0.0005
< 0.2 < 0.0005
< 0.2 < 0.0005
< 0.2 < 0.0005
< 0.2 < 0.0005
< 0.005
< 0.005
< 0.005
< 0.005
< 0.005
< 0.005
mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L
0.012 0.001 0.008 0.008 0.05 0.05
< 0.002 < 0.0005 < 0.0005 < 0.005 0.0326 < 0.002
< 0.002 < 0.0005 < 0.0005 < 0.005 0.0331 < 0.002
< 0.002 < 0.0005 < 0.0005 < 0.005 0.0329 < 0.002
< 0.002 < 0.0005 < 0.0005 < 0.005 0.0334 < 0.002
< 0.002 < 0.0005 < 0.0005 < 0.005 0.0330 < 0.002
< 0.002 < 0.0005 < 0.0005 < 0.005 0.0331 < 0.002
MPN/ 100ml Cell/ 100ml
Kep-51/MENLH/2004 (Marine Biota) Laboratory of PT. Unilab Perdana (August 2005) Project Site Western Coastline Project Site Central Coastline Project Site Eastern Coastline Western Coastline (+ 1000 M from the Coastline) Central Coastline (+ 1000 M from the Coastline) Eastern Coastline (+ 1000 M from the Coastline)
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Environmental Baseline
Based on Table 3.7, overall the marine waters in the study area is currently in reasonably good condition. Nearly all of the measured physical, chemical and microbiological parameters are still below the quality standard and in line with Decree of the Minister of Environment No. Kep-51/MENLH/2004 for Marine Biota designation. The parameters that exceed the quality standard include garbage at the AL-2 (project site Central coastline) and AL3 (project site Eastern coastline) sites and phosphate at the AL-1, AL-2 and AL-3 sites (Western, Central and Eastern coastlines respectively) which are found to be slightly above the quality standard. The garbage that is found in small quantity at the observation site was generally generated by visitors who occasionally throw out garbage from their food and drinks into the water. The phosphate may be generated by laundry that uses soap/ detergent. The result of the seawater quality monitoring in the 2007-2008 period in the Eastern West Ancol water territory is shown in Table 3.8, Figures III.1 and III.2. Table 3.8. Result of Seawater Monitoring in the 2007-2008 period in the Ancol Marine Waters Parameter Turbidity (NTU)
TSS (mg/L)
Year Aug 2005 Aug 2007 Apr-08 Aug 2005 Aug 2007 Apr-08 Aug 2005 Aug 2007 Apr-08
AL1 4 13 14 12 7 14 8,2 7,6 7,9
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
AL2 4 16 11 16 5 10 8,2 7,49 7,92
AL3 4 13 10 8 5 9 8,4 7,7 7,93
AL4 3 14 9 8 5 12 7,9 7,53 7,99
AL5 2 16 8 6 6 8 8 7,53 7,93
AL6 3 13 8 8 4 10 7,9 7,62 7,97
III- 7
Environmental Baseline
Figure III.1. TSS Parameter in the 2005-2008 Period
Figure III.2. pH Parameter in the 2005-2008 Period Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
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Environmental Baseline
Based on routine monitoring result in general it is evident that the current turbidity value of the waters around the project site has exceeded the available quality standard (Decree of the Minister of Environment No. Kep-51/MENLH/2004 (Marine Biota Quality Standard)). In the Ancol area, the fish death phenomenon has occurred several times due to the boom in red algae (red tide) population at certain times. This is attributed to nutrient accumulation especially in the dry season. On the other hand, the result of seawater quality monitoring around the project site which was conducted by the BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province in the 2003-2004 period reveals the following: Temperature ranging from 28.82 to 30.09oC. Salinity ranging from 29.00 o/oo to 30.09 o/oo. Brightness ranging from 1.5 meter to 3.0 meter. Phenol ranging from < 0.001 mg/L to < 0.002 mg/L. Oil and Grease ranging from < 0.2 to < 0.3. Dissolved oxygen ranging from 3.5 mg/L to 4.5 mg/L. Detergent ranging from 0.21 to 0.32 mg/L. BOD ranging from 6.8 to 25.0 mg/L. COD ranging from 33.7 to 46.3 mg/L. Mercury ranging from undetected to < 0.005 mg/L. Cadmium ranging from undetected to < 0.0005 mg/L. Lead ranging from < 0.003 to < 0.005 mg/L. In general, the result of BPLHD monitoring for the 2003-2004 period indicates that the seawater quality around the project site is still good. The Air Quality, Noise and Seawater sampling sites are shown on Figure III.3.
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Environmental Baseline
Figure III.3. Air Quality, Noise and Seawater Sampling Site Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
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Environmental Baseline
Surface Water Quality The result of the surface water quality measurement (Ancol River) is shown in Table 3.9. below: Table 3.9. Result of Ancol River Water Quality Measurement
A. 1. 2.
PHYSICAL Temperature (in situ) Dissolved Solids (TDS)
Suspended Solids (TSS) Electrical Conductivity CHEMICAL Mercury (Hg)
4. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
Arsenic (As) Boron (B) Cadmium (Cd) Cobalt (Co) 6+ Chromium VI (Cr ) Manganese (Mn) Alkaline Salts (Na) Dissolved Oxygen (DO) in situ pH (in situ) Selenium (Se) Zinc (Zn) Nickel (Ni) Sulfate (SO4) Copper (Cu) Lead (Pb) Oil & Grease Detergent (MBAS) Phosphate Organic Matter (KMnO4) BOD COD
Unit o
Quality Standard *)
Analysis Result Downstream Upstream
C mg/L
Normal 200
31.1 4,530
≤ 80
< 0.0005
< 0.0005
mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L % mg/L
0.050 1.0 0.010 0.020 0.050 1.0 50.0 3.0
< 0.005 < 0.01 < 0.003 < 0.02 < 0.01 0.24 78.8 2.5
< 0.005 < 0.01 < 0.003 < 0.02 < 0.01 0.31 83.7 2.9
mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L
6.0-9.0 0.50 1.0 0.10 100 0.10 0.10 Nil 0.50 0.50 25.0 20 30
7.30 < 0.002 0.41 < 0.02 148.3 < 0.02 < 0.01 < 0.2 0.69 0.53 25.0 9.3 56.6
7.10 < 0.002 0.22 < 0.02 87.5 < 0.02 < 0.01 < 0.2 1.00 0.76 24.8 8.5 52.4
Source: West Ancol Coastal Reclamation RKL & RPL Implementation Report (2005) Note: *) = Decree of Gov. KDKI Jakarta No. 582 Year 1995 < = Less than Based on the above table, it is evident that some quality parameters for Bintang Mas River water which have exceeded the quality standard are Dissolved Solids (TDS), Electrical Conductivity (DHL), Sodium (Na), Sulfate (SO4), Oil and Grease, Detergent (MBAS), Phosphate and COD. Bintang Mas River currently receives waste water from various activities around the Ancol Area such as residential areas, offices, commerce, etc. Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
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Environmental Baseline
Surface Water Quantity (Flood) Based on the Ancol Kelurahan Annual Report (2005), flooding in the Ancol Kelurahan Area may occur every year between February and March due to the wet season as well as high tide; throughout 2005, however, flooding was generally mild at 5 cm – 15 cm deep in residential areas, and a higher level of 20 – 30 cm around Kampung Bandan road close to the railroad. To date there has been no casualty due to flood. Based on the Central and East Ancol Area drainage system Revitalization (2005) conducted by consultant PT. Daya Makora UI, the flooding around the Ancol area occurs in two different circumstances: 1)
In a high sea level elevation without rain On November 24, 1995, areas along the Central and East Ancol coast were inundated when there was no rain. Likewise a number of road sections and key locations in the center of the reclamation area were also underwater. The sea level elevation measured at the time was a NAP of + 1.55 m. The main reasons of the flooding were: The existing land and road surface elevation lay lower than the high sea level elevation. The coastal area had no embankment or breakwater construction. The storm waves and strong winds drove the sea level elevation to an NAP of + 1.75 m. The drainage related to Bintang Mas River and Ancol River was such that water could enter the Central and East Ancol area The pump capacity was inadequate.
In heavy rain On February 10, 1996, heavy rain fell to an extent that several road sections were underwater. The main reasons for the submersion were: Low drainage capacity; the pump capacity was similarly so low that water overflowed to the streets, while the water level elevation of Ancol River and Bintang Mas River was high. During a normal ebb tide, the water level elevation in the channels can reach an NAP of + 0.90 m. At this state, the difference in elevation between the road surface and the water level was only 0.4 m.
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Environmental Baseline
Lately a flood tide phenomenon has been occurring in the Western part of Jakarta’s Northern Coast (Pantura) Waters. This needs to be anticipated in the reclamation planning design at the project site. g.
Sediment Quality The result of the marine sediment quality measurement around the study area which was conducted by PT. Unilab Perdana is shown in Table 3.10. below.
Table 3.10. Result of Marine Sediment Quality Measurement (by TCLP, USEPA) around the Study Area No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Cadmium (Cd) Total chromium (Cr) Copper (Cu) Iron (Fe) Lead (Pb) Manganese (Mn) Mercury (Hg) Nickel (Ni) Zinc (Zn)
mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L
Quality Standard *) 1.0 5.0 10.0 5.0 0.2 50.0
Measurement Result < 0.005 < 0.05 < 0.003 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.07 - < 0.008
Source: PT. Unilab Perdana (2004) Based on the above table, the heavy metal content in the marine waters sediment around the study area is low and still far below the Threshold Value of Government Regulation No. 85 Year 1999. h.
Physiography and Geomorphology 1)
Physiography According to Van Bemmelem (1949), the Jakarta region is physiographically classified into three physiographic zone: (a) Jakarta’s coastal land Zone spans from Serang to Cirebon with a width of less than 50 km, formed by alluvial sediment from rivers, marshes, coasts and lava flow from the volcanoes to the south. (b) The Bogor Zone spans South to the Jakarta coastal land trail, in the form of a range of hills that consist of tertiary sediment rock layers that have already folded. Volcanic
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Environmental Baseline
activity in the form of frozen rock breakthroughs is spread along this zone. The Bandung Zone occupies the area next to the Bogor Zone, consisting of a range of hills interspersed by inter-mountain basins and volcano ranges that make up the axis of Java Island.
The topographic conditions in the study area, i.e. Eastern West Ancol Coast (Kelurahan Ancol, Kelurahan Pademangan) has a land elevation from +0.4 M LWS/NAP = pp +0.80 M to +2.0 M LWS/NAP = pp +2.40 M. The areas already used for office facilities have an elevation ranging from +2.00 m to +2.50 M LWS (pp +2.40 up to pp +2.90 m), while the majority of the unused land area has an elevation ranging from +0.4 to +1.5 LWS (pp +0.80 M to pp +1.90). The elevation of the existing access road ranges from +1.5 to +2.0 M LWS (pp +1.90 to +2.40 m), while the elevation of Jl. Lodan and Jl. R.E. Martadinata ranges from +1.8 to +2.5 M LWS (pp +2.2 aMPI +2.9 m). The residential neighborhood (East Ancol Residential Area) to the South of the project site has been raised to range from +1.5 M to +2.0 M LAWS (pp +1.9 to +2.4 m). 2)
Morphology The morphology of the study site is a land occupying an area to the north of the alluvial fan to the coastline with a width of approximately 6 Km inland and formed by coastal growth northward. This coastal area is a vast expanse of land with an elevation between 0-15 m above sea level. From the morphological rock units forming the geology in the North Jakarta area at which the activity plan is located, it is identified that the rocks found in the Jakarta area consists of volcanic sediment in the south, characterized by a higher elevation than the coastal area, and the weathering result in the form of red soil, while the Northern area constitutes coastal alluvial sediment rock units, river alluvial sediment, and coastal sand ridge. The type of alluvial sediment material is clayey silt, clay, sand mixed with seashells and gravel, while the coastal sand ridge consists of clayey sand, loose, and soft.
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The coastal sand ridge has a naturally significant elevation from its surroundings and have a free groundwater reserve; however, the growth of the metropolitan area changes the costal sand ridge of the marshy area (river alluvial) into residential areas. This may cause the contamination of the reserved groundwater. Some coastal ridge rows are generally parallel to the coastline currently found to the north of this land. The delta land clusters appear o the West and East of Jakarta Bay, which resulted from the sedimentation of materials from Cisadane River and Bekasi River. The dynamics of the coastline changes to the north are indicated by the very old coastal embankments found around Cilincing, Tanjung Priok and Kapuk. The growth of Jakarta Coast’s Ridge does not form straight lines from East to West but rather relatively arching. Umbogrove (1929) explains that this arching formation of Jakarta Bay Coast was caused by the different intensity in the coastal land development deposited by two major rivers to the West and the East of Jakarta, i.e. Cisadane River on the West and Citarum River on the East, which run faster than the smaller rivers in the Central area of Jakarta. Based on the textural distribution map of the seabed surface sediments issued by the Bandung Marine Geology Development Center (1992) and Final Report of Site Selection Study and Tanjung Priok Port Development by Public Port Corporation II (1990), the characteristics of the soil geology around the project site are largely formed by river sedimentation in the form of a combination between sandy clay and clay. They two sediment types lie laterally from the East adjacent to West Ancol and to the West adjacent to Sunda Kelapa on the Northern Coast of Jakarta. This sandy clay type covers an area of + 41.88 km2 spanning from the Angke River border on the West to the West of Port Tanjung Priok. 3)
Coastal Geomorphology An explanation on the geomorphology of Jakarta’s coast is still somewhat limited. Verstappen (1950) in his research report on Jakarta Bay classified the
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Jakarta coast into two (2) types: (a) salt marsh coast as seen around Muara Karang, Muara Baru, Pluit, Ancol and Pademangan and (b) Water Marsh Coast (Rampak), a coast that takes the form of estuaries and deltas. Such coast is seen at Kapuk Muara and Kamal Muara. Pardjaman Djamhir (1977) describes “The accretion and abrasion of Jakarta Bay coast are caused by physical and social conditions”. It was explained that coastal accretion is the expanding of the coast due to material addition from river sediments, while coastal abrasion is damage that causes the coastline to recede due to erosion. Ongkosongo (1981) reported that Jakarta’s coastal landscape today is more dominated by changes effected by human activity. The occurring changes may have a positive or negative impact on its surroundings. Based on the morphology, Ongkosongo classifies the Jakarta Coast into three types: (a) Sloping (flat) coast, found at Muara Angke and Kamal. This coast is still covered by vegetation, so the sedimentation process can proceed completely. (b) Inclined coast, found around Ancol, Pluit, Muara Karang; this coast was formed due to the depletion of coastal forest, so the coast is exposed to the direct effect of the sea waves. (c) Steep coast, found at Kalibaru, Cilincing, Marunda, and the west side of Blencong River, formed as a result of sand and mud dredging on the coastal face, causing coastal erosion to seep relatively deep into the west. i.
Soil From the result of the soil investigation around the project site it can be concluded that there are three primary basic layers of soil: 1)
Clayey Silt Layer This layer is the laterite and found at nearly all soil investigation areas, with varying thickness and similar consistency. The Clayey Silt layer as the laterite can be found at the following points:
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Table 3.11. Clayey Silt Points at the Laterite Soil Type Clayey Silt Clayey Silt Clayey Silt Clayey Silt
Thickness (m)
SPT Value
BH-01/CPT-01 BH-02/CPT-02 BH-03/CPT-03 BH-04/CPT-04
-0.264 – -1.746 -0.788 – -10.388 -0.895 – -11.398 -1.149 – -16.149
11.5 9.6 10.5 15
Very soft Very soft Very soft Very soft
0 0 0 0
Qc (MPa) 0000-
2 2 2 2
Source: PT. Bina Innovasi Rekayasa (2005) From the above table, the BH-04/CPT-04 point possesses an especially thick soft layer and is almost evenly mixed with chipped seashells. This soft layer is a compressed layer that should be improved in the reclamation process. The Clayey Silt layer is also reencountered on the third layer with a medium stiff condition. The distribution of the layers is shown on Table 3.12 below. Table 3.12. Clayey Silt Layer Distribution Soil Type Clayey Silt Clayey Silt Clayey Silt Clayey Silt Silt
Point BH-01/CPT-01 BH-02/CPT-02 BH-03/CPT-03 BH-04/CPT-04 BH-03/CPT-03
Thickness (m)
-15.264 – -18.264 -12.238 – -16.238 -17.445 – -18.945 -16.149 – -20.149 -19.945 – -21.395
3 3 1.5 4 1.45
Consistency Medium Stiff Medium Stiff Medium Stiff Medium Stiff Hard
SPT Value
Qc (MPa)
12 10 - 12 12 6 - 11 > 60
6 - 10 4 - 14 5 - 15 5 - 15 15
Source: PT. Bina Innovasi Rekayasa (2005) The clayey silt layer on the third layer is found with a near-uniform thickness and consistency at each point. For points BH-03/CPT-03 and BH-04/CPT-04 in particular, this layer is mixed with a little sand. Silt layer is only found at point BH-03/CPT-03 with a hard consistency (SPT value > 60); this layer tends to be near-cemented. 2)
Silty Clay Layer Silty clay layer with a medium stiff consistency is only found in three investigation points: BH-01/CPT01, BH-02/CPT-02 and BH-03/CPT-03. This layer constitutes the second layer after clayey silt. The distribution of this layer is shown on Table 3.13. below.
Table 3.13. Silty Clay Layer Distribution Soil Type Silty Clayey Silty Clayey Silty Clayey
Point BH-01/CPT-01 BH-02/CPT-02 BH-03/CPT-03
Elevation -11.764 – -15.264 -10.388 – -13.238 -11.385 – -17.445
Thickness (m) 3.5 2.85 6.05
SPT Value
Medium Stiff Medium Stiff Medium Stiff
9 -12 9 - 10 12
Qc (MPa) 2-6 2-4 2-6
Source: PT. Bina Innovasi Rekayasa (2005) Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
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Sand Layer This layer is found unevenly distributed at each investigation point. The distribution of the layer is shown on Table 3.14. below.
Table 3.14. Sand Layer Distribution Soil Type
Coarse Sand Silty Sand
BH-01/CPT-01 BH-02/CPT-02
-18.264 – -20.264 -16.238 – -21.238
Thickness (m) 2 5
Silty Sand
-20.149 – -21.599
Consistency Very dense Medium dense Very dense Very dense
SPT Value 9 - 12 9 - 10
Qc (MPa) 2 -6 2-4
Source: PT. Bina Rekayasa (2005) This sand layer consists of two types: Sand layer Silty sand layer A cross-section of the soil profile around the project is shown on Figure III.4.
Figure III.4. Cross-Section of the Soil Profile Around the Project Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
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Hydro-oceanography 1)
Sedimentation and Development of Jakarta Bay Since Holosan’s era to the present day, the coastline constantly expands northward. The rivers that empty in Jakarta Bay such as Cisadane, Ciliwung, Bekasi and Citarum Rivers transport a great amount of materials from upstream areas whether originating from volcanic crumbs or from tertiary sediment rocks they pass through. Verstappen (1953) estimated a land development of 100 m in 50 years around Bekasi River or around 15 m a year. The western tributary of Citarum generates 48.5 m/year, the central tributary 55.6 m/year, the eastern tributary 18.5 m/year and Angke River 7.2 m/year. Furthermore, at a number of locations such as Ancol there is a coastline receding of 110 m within 50 years or about 2.2 m every month. The above symptoms, especially coastline expansion, indicates a sediment transportation by the river water to the estuary site, while the receding coastline symptom occurs due to marine activity such as waves, ebb tides and sea current. One real effect is seasonal change. During the western season, there is a strong wind blowing from the west accompanied by heavy rainfall. Simultaneously to it, the sea current heads towards the east. On the contrary, the effect of the east wind cause the sea currents to move westward. Furthermore, according to Ongkosongo (1990) the occurrence of abrasion is caused by the replacement/loss of coastal vegetation (mangrove) by residential areas and the development of other economic facilities. The morphological form of Jakarta Bay is enabled by the pattern of current that is found year-round.
Basic Sediment The basic sediment type on Jakarta Bay is especially dominated by mud and sand, while the gravel fraction is a minority at less than 10%. Generally on the bay, most of the sediment is made up of clay. Outside the bay, it is dominated by sand. The transition area of these two types is a mixture of mud and sand in equal parts. Based on boring results, the basic sediment in the study area is dominated by mud and sandy mud. Based on the
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research of Ongkosongo (1990), the basic sediment of the waters of Muara Karang, Muara Ancol and Port Muara Angke turns black when wet. This is due to oil pollution and disposed trash. When dry, on the other hand, the sediment is dark gray with a partial brown shade. The brownish shade is caused by a significant iron oxide level which may be due to industrial disposal in the waters. This is possible since much of the sediment source comes from the rivers that flow into this area through Ciliwung river, which passes through Marina and directly into the East Ancol area. 3)
Coastal Hydrography The coast in the study area is made up of mud, sand, muddy sand and sandy mud. The coast is flat (low slope), indicating that it was formerly vegetated with mangrove trees. The coastal bathymetry around the project site (map attached) indicates that at < 500 m from the coastline, the average depth of the marine waters range from 1.3 to 2.9 m (average 2.0 m). At a distance of > 500 m to < 1500 m form the coastline, the average depth of the marine waters range from 4.6 to 5.3 m (average 5 m). in general, the coastal waters around the project site can be classified as a flat coast.
Ebb Tide
The list of constituents resulting from the ebb tide analysis with the least square method along with the ebb tide types at the project site is shown in Table 3.15. Table 3.15. Ebb Tide Constituents at the Project Site No.
Ebb Tide Constituent
Period (hour) 12.24 12.00 12.66 11.97 23.93 25.82 24.07 6.21 6.10
1. M2 2. S2 3. N2 4. K2 5. K1 6. O1 7. P1 8. M4 9. M.S4 Formsal Number Value (NF): 0.9 Ebb Tide Type: Mixed with Tendency towards Semi-Diurnal
Amplitude (Cm) 11.56 10.63 1.97 3.08 13.63 6.8 4.44 0.93 0.94
Phase (o) 74.97 -79.39 163.22 -27.04 93.3 84.23 29.87 197.67 44.32
Source: PT. Bina Innovasi Rekayasa (2005)
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Data on key elevations of the ebb tide at the project site is shown in Table 3.16. Table 3.16. Key Elevations of the Ebb Tide at the Project Site No. Ebb Tide Key Elevations Elevation (m) * 1. HHWL Highest high water level 0.90 2. MHWS Mean high water spring 0.82 3. MHWL Mean high water level 0.66 4. MSL Mean sea level 0.48 5. MLWL Mean low water level 0.31 6. MLWS Mean low water spring 0.11 7. LLWL Lowest low water level 0.00 Source: PT. Bina Innovasi Rekayasa (2005) Note: *
Relative to LLWL Based on the above table, the maximum high water level is 90 cm. A comparison between the ebb tide analysis result and that of the previous analysis is shown in Table 3.17.
Table 3.17. Comparison between Ebb Tide Analysis Result and Previous Analysis Ebb Tide Key Elevations Highest High Water Level HHWL Mean Sea Level MSL Lowest Low Water Level LLWL
1978 1.26 0.60 0.00
1979 1.29 0.60 0.00
1990 1.26 0.60 0.00
2001 1.10 0.54 0.00
2005 0.90 0.58 0.00
Design 1.29 0.60 0.00
Source: PT. Bina Innovasi Rekayasa (2005) For the purpose of the study, a hydrodynamic modeling is created using SMS 8.0 software. Model validation is performed on the ebb tide and current variables with a visual method and paired t-test. The visual result for ebb tide and pattern of current is shown on Figures III.5 and III.6. The figure shows an input ebb tide curve and a modeled curve displaying a similar pattern. The result of the paired t-test indicates no significant difference (P > 0.05). Therefore, it can be concluded that the developed model is valid for ebb tide and current predictions at the studied site.
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Figure III.5. Ebb Tide Validation
Figure III.6. Current Validation Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
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Wave Height In the West season period, especially from December to March, the waves are generally slightly large at 0.5 – 1 m. In a squall the waves can be as high as 1.5 to 1.75 m. In April and May, the waves are generally low, at 0.5 m or less. In the East season period, the waves range from 0.5 – 1.0 m high. Data on the significant wave height distribution per direction is shown in Table 3.18.
Table 3.18. Significant Wave Height Distribution Per Direction Number of Occurrence (hours)
Direction (from) 2.0 m
99 24 95 0 0 345 430 181
48 12 50 0 0 30 216 114
Percentage Total
23,614 19,796 16,218 10,410 16,397 13,925 19,916 13,820 134,096 72,096 5,088 211,280
2.0 m
8.84 8.02 6.73 4.83 7.41 5.07 6.67 5.14
1.98 1.21 0.71 0.10 0.34 0.95 1.61 0.98
0.29 0.12 0.17 0.00 0.02 0.39 0.84 0.29
0.05 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.20 0.09
0.02 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.10 0.05
Data on the annual maximum significant wave heights per direction is shown in Table 3.19. Table 3.19. Annual Maximum Significant Wave Height Per Direction Year
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
1.88 2.78 3.11 4.22 3.81 2.46 2.75 2.46 2.17 2.29 2.63 2.38 2.70 3.21 2.46 2.46 2.72 2.62 2.88 2.25 2.58
N 1.88 2.78 3.11 2.12 2.54 2.29 1.34 1.11 1.88 1.78 1.47 2.29 1.58 1.48 1.48 1.00 1.29 2.62 1.75 2.24 2.11
NE 1.24 1.04 1.48 2.63 1.36 0.94 1.61 1.20 2.17 1.07 1.29 1.58 1.66 1.58 1.19 2.36 1.11 1.62 1.82 0.44 2.11
E 2.11 2.07 1.58 4.22 3.81 0.82 2.00 1.66 1.75 1.62 1.61 1.03 2.42 1.86 1.68 1.61 2.72 1.75 2.29 0.65 2.42
Direction (from) SE S 0.88 0.71 0.76 0.74 0.97 0.74 0.97 1.26 0.97 0.88 0.59 0.70 0.56 0.70 0.97 0.79 0.67 0.70 0.67 0.93 0.67 0.66 0.67 0.88 0.84 0.88 0.76 0.88 0.84 0.88 0.44 1.25 0.67 1.25 0.71 1.17 0.89 0.93 0.50 1.20 1.06 1.48
SW 0.74 0.97 0.68 1.70 1.25 1.38 1.15 1.04 0.93 1.15 1.57 0.87 1.07 2.07 1.25 1.33 1.62 1.70 2.25 2.25 1.70
W 2.08 1.85 1.24 2.58 2.12 2.46 2.58 2.46 1.93 1.62 2.38 1.89 2.70 2.01 2.11 2.46 2.62 1.75 1.42 2.08 2.58
NW 2.37 1.78 1.04 1.75 3.11 1.75 2.75 2.02 1.95 2.29 2.63 2.38 2.46 3.21 2.46 1.19 1.15 1.63 2.88 2.20 2.38
Source: PT. Bina Innovasi Rekayasa (2005)
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11.18 9.37 7.68 4.93 7.76 6.59 9.43 6.54 63.47 34.12 2.41 100.00
Environmental Baseline
The result of the maximum significant wave calculation of the plan in shown in Table 3.20. Table 3.20. Maximum Significant Wave at the Project Site
Source: PT. Bina Innovasi Rekayasa (2005) The result of the Hydrodynamic simulated mathematical model assessment by Consultant PT. Bina Innovasi Rekayasa (2005) takes the form of patterns of current in four (4) conditions for each scenario: (a) During a rising tide (b) During a high tide (c) During a receding ebb, and (d) During a low ebb These are shown respectively from Figures III.7 to III.17 as follows.
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Figure III.7. Hydrodynamic Simulation Mesh for Large Areas
Figure III.8. Hydrodynamic Simulation Mesh for Small Areas (Existing) Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
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Figure III.9. Hydrodynamic Simulation Mesh for Small Areas (Plan)
Figure III.10. Pattern of Current when Water Surface is on a Rising Tide Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
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Figure III.11. Pattern of Current when Water Surface is on a High Tide
Figure III.12. Pattern of Current when Water Surface is on a Receding Ebb Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
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Figure III.13. Pattern of Current when Water Surface is on a Low Ebb
Figure III.14. Pattern of Current when Water Surface is on a Rising Tide (Existing) Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
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Figure III.15. Pattern of Current when Water Surface is on a Receding Ebb (Existing)
Figure III.16. Pattern of Current when Water Surface is on a Low Ebb (Existing)
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Figure III.17. Pattern of Current when Water Surface is on a High Tide (Existing on A Minor Scale) k.
Spatial Layout and Land Use 1)
Spatial Layout Principal Policy for Urban Development Spatial Layout refers to Local Regulation of DKI Jakarta Number 8 Year 1995 concerning Organization of Reclamation and Spatial Layout Plan for Pantura Area, from which it can be identified that the Principal policy of PANTURA Development Spatial Layout is: a) The development of Jakarta’s Pantura Area is the integrated development of a reclamation area and a coastal area that will be jointly designated as a single planning area. b) The development of Jakarta’s Pantura Area should guarantee ecosystem preservation and conservation of protected forests, mangrove forests, nature reserves and marine biota.
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d) e)
The Development of Jakarta’s Pantura Area should ensure the utilization of the beach for public interest. The Development of Jakarta’s Pantura Area should guarantee livelihood for fishermen. The Development of Jakarta’s Pantura Area should guarantee the preservation of historical buildings and neighborhoods. The Development of Jakarta’s Pantura Area should guarantee the interest and performance of State defense and security activities. The Development of Jakarta’s Pantura Area should guarantee the integrated performance of water and irrigation development. The Development of Jakarta’s Pantura Area should guarantee the performance/ functioning of vital projects in Jakarta’s Pantura Area in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations. The Development of Jakarta’s Pantura Area should guarantee: Enhancement of Port Tanjung Priok’s functions. The development of the Port Sunda Kelapa area and its surroundings for a tourism center, warehouse/service center, and traditional navigation in limited terms. A development that is synchronized with the organization and management of Seribu Islands. A development that is linked to the utilization of recreation and tourism area with due regard to the conservation of natural cultural values and national and international tourism needs. The Development of Jakarta’s Pantura Area supported by an integrated development of urban facilities and infrastructure.
Land Use The administrative boundaries of the Eastern West Ancol Area development plan falls under Kelurahan Ancol, Kelurahan Pademangan, North Jakarta Administrative City. With reference to the
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development zoning concept, the area is covered by the Northern Development Area. The Northern development area primarily consists of ever-growing commercial and service centers. However, residential areas for low-income communities (densely populated kampongs) are also widespread. The spatial layout development policy based on this RBWK is: To develop area utilization at certain parts of the area so as to accommodate the future demands for development. To develop the coastal area through reclamation. To continue the spatial layout policies that remain relevant and set out in the 1985-2005 RBWK, such as by reducing the slum areas through a kampong upgrading program, including needed public service facilities. Transportation sector development policy, on the other hand, is by positioning the construction of the port toll road to connect the western and eastern axis of Jakarta to accelerate the creation of development growth along the coast. Certain road sections will be widened, and outer ring roads will be constructed to connect the Soekarno Hatta Airport with the southern part of Jakarta. 3.2. a.
Land vegetation The types of vegetation encountered around the study area is shown on Table 3.21.
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Table 3.21. Types of Plants Found Around the Study Area No.
Types of Plants
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47 48. 49. 50. 51. 52.
Keben (Sea Poison Tree) Kelapa (Coconut) Angsana (Burmese Rosewood) Dadap Merah (Coral Tree) Khaya (Khaya) Cempaka (Champaca) Bintaro (Bintaro) Beringin (Banyan Tree) Ulani (Beach hibiscus) Johar (Kassod Tree) Korma (Date Palm) Ketapang (Sea Almond) Api-api (Indian Mangrove) Sawo (Sapodilla) Sawo Kecik (Wongai plum) Tanjung (Maulsari) Sukun (Breadfruit) Jambu Air (Watery Rose Apple) Kirai Payung (Fern tree) Mangga (Mango) Dukuh (Langsat) Melinjo (Melinjo) Kasia (Shower tree) Jambu Bol (Ohia) Jambu Mede (Cashew) Mahoni (Mahogany) Akasia (Acacia) Damar (Dammar) Durien (Durian) Rambutan (Nephelium Tree Bearing) Belimbing (Star Fruit) Kayu Putih (Cajuput Tree) Palem Bintang (Palms) Palem Chinensis (Fountain Palm) Palem Sadeng (Latan Palm) Palem Raja (Royal Palm) Palem Punik (Pymgy Date Palm) Palem Botol (Bottle Palm) Pandan (Screwpine Tree) Pisang Kipas (Traveller's Palm) Kamboja (Frangipani) Alamanda (Allamanda) Kemuning (Orange Jasmine) Cemara Udang (Ironwood) Bougenville (Bougainvillea) Kembang Sepatu (Chinese Hibiscus) Soka (Needle Flower) Pisang-pisangan (Heliconia) Puring (Croton) Biola Cantik (Fiddle Leaf Fig) Bunga Kupu-kupu (Bauhinia) Glodogan Tiang (Telegraph Pole
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Latin Name
Cocos nucifera Pterocarpus indicus Erythrina sp Khaya Anthoteca Mechelia campaka Carbera adallam Ficus benyamina Hibiscus tiliacea Cassia siamea Phoenix sp Terminalia catappa Avicennia officinalis Achras zapota Manilkara kauki Mimusops elengi Arthocarpus communis Eugenia aquea Filicium decipiens Mangifera indica Lansium domesticum Gnetum gnemon Cassia sp Eugenia malaccaensis Anacardium sp Swietenia mahagoni Acasia auriculiformis Agathis alba Durio zibethinus Nephelium lappaceum Averrhoa carambola Melaleuca leucadendron Livistona sp Livistona chinensis Latania sp Roystonca regia Phoenix roebelenil Maskarena sp Pandanus sp Revanala madagascariensis Plumeria sp Alamanda sp Murraya paniclata Casuarina sp Bougainvillea sp Hibiscus rosa-sinesis Ixora sp Heliconia sp Codiaeum variegatum Ficus lyrata Bouhinia sp Polyalthia longifolia
Inside the Ancol Areas ++ +++ ++ ++ + + + + + + + ++ ++ + + ++ + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + ++ +++ + + + ++ + ++ ++ + ++ ++ ++ + ++ + ++ ++
Outside the Ancol Areas + +++ +++ ++ +
III- 33
+ +++
++ +
+ + + +
++ +
+ + ++ + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
Environmental Baseline No.
53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79.
Types of Plants
Tree) Nangka (Jackfruit) Palem Putri (Queen Palm) Palem Jepang (Japanese Palm) Palem Ekor Tupai (Foxtail Palm) Palem Kuning (Yellow Palm) Palem Wregu (Lady Palm) Flamboyan (Flamboyant) Oleander (Oleander) The-tehan (Tea Varieties) Pangkas Kuning (Pangkas Kuning) Jati Mas (Golden Teak) Tanjung (Maulsari) Asam Kranji (Tamarind) Cente (Lantana) Petai Cina (Lead tree) Sengon (Mimosa) Munggur (Giant Crape-Myrtle) Bambu (Bamboo) Kana (Canna) Pisang (Banana) Jambu Biji (Guava) Jeruk (Orange) Beringin Putih (White Banyan) Palem Merah (Red Sealing Wax Palm) Tebu (Sugarcane) Singkong (Cassava) Adam Hawa (Oyster Plant)
Latin Name
Artocaspus heterophylla Vitsia sp Ptychosperma sp Woedytiea sp Chrysalidocaspus sp Rhapis escelsa Delonix regia Nerium oleander Acalypha microphylla Duranha sp Guazuma sp Mimusops elengi Tamarindus indica Lantana camara Laucaena glauca Albizzia sp Lagerstroemia speciosa Bambusa sp Canna Hybrida Musa sp Psidium guajava Citrus sp Ficus sp Cyrtostachys lakka
Inside the Ancol Areas
Outside the Ancol Areas +
+ + ++ + ++ + +++ +++ + ++ +++ + + + + + ++ ++ +
+ + + ++ ++ + ++ + +
+ + + +
Saccharum officinarum Manilmet utilissima Rhoe discolor
+ + +
Source: Field Survey (2005) Description : + = low abundance (< 10 individuals) ++ = moderate abundance (between 10 – 20 individuals) +++ = high abundance (> 20 individuals) The observation result indicates that there were 79 types of plants found in the entire observation area that can be classified into shade plants, fruit plants, ornamental plants and garden plants. In the Ancol reclamation area and residence, 43 types of plants were found. There were no protected types of endangered plants found during the observation. 2)
Terrestrial Fauna The result of observation of terrestrial fauna in the study area can be seen in Table 3.22.
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Table 3.22. Types of Animals Found in the Study Area No.
1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Types of Animals
MAMMAL Anjing (Dog) Kucing (Cat) BIRDS Burung Kuntul (White Heron) Burung Kutilang (Sooty-headed Bulbul) Burung Pipit (Finch) Burung Cicit (Mountain Leaf Warbler) Burung Tekukur (Spotted Dove) Burung Gereja (Tree Sparrow) Burung Madu (Brown-throated Sunbird) Burung Gelatik Batu (Great Tit) Burung Cabe-cabean (Scarletheaded Flowerpecker) Burung Cekakak (Collared Kingfisher) Burung Dara (Pigeon) Burung Kuntul Putih Besar (Great White Egret) Burung Layang-layang (Pacific Swallow) Burung Perkutut (Zebra Dove) Burung Prenjak (Bar-winged Prinia) Burung Raja Udang (Kingfisher) Burung Walet Sapi (Glossy Swiftlet) INSECTS Belalang (Grasshopper) Tawon (Wasp) Kupu-kupu (Butterfly) Lalat Rumah (House fly)
Latin Name
Canis familiaris Felis domestica Egretta sp Pycnonotus aurigaster
Inside the Ancol Areas
Outside the Ancol Areas
+ +
+ +
++ +
Lonchura leucogastroioles Phylloscopus trivirgatus
Streptopelia chinensis Passer montanus Anthreptes malacensis
+ +++ +
Paros mayor Dicalum sp
+++ +
+++ +
Halcyon chloris
++ +
Ducula sp Egretta alba
+++ +
+++ +
Hirundo tahitica
Giopelia striata Prinia familiaris Halcyon sancta Collocalia esculenta Vallanga sp Cylocopa sp Papilio sp Musca domestica
+ + + +++
++ +
+ ++
Source: Field Survey (2005) Description : + = low abundance (< 5 individuals) ++ = moderate abundance (between 5 – 10 individuals) +++ = high abundance (> 10 individuals) The observation result indicates that there were 23 types of animals found during the observation that can be classified into the group of mammals, birds and insects. There were about 20 types of animals found in the Ancol recreation areas and residence, while 16 types of animals were found outside the Ancol recreation areas and residence.
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Marine Biota 1)
Plankton Plankton constitutes a microorganism group drifting in the water bodies and unable to move against the water current. Plankton is categorized into 2 groups, namely phytoplankton and zooplankton. Phytoplankton has a role in the waters as the primary producer for water ecosystem due its major role as food (nutrient) provider for consumers (zooplankton, fish, etc.). Phytoplankton found in the study area consisted of 44 types from 4 classes, namely Cyanophyta, Chrysophyta, Chlorophyta and Pyrophyta with the diversity index rate between 3.4 and 3.8. The rate of diversity index rate of phytoplankton in the study area was ranging from 0.82 to 0.90 indicating that it was spread quite evenly and there was no type which was highly dominant (Table 3.23). This is in line with the result of examination of sea water quality in the study area which also indicated good condition. The composition of zooplankton types in the study area waters (Table 3.24) consisted of 4 classes, namely Arthropoda, Protozoa, Annelida and Protochordata. The diversity rate of Zooplankton types ranged between 3.0 and 3.3 with the rate of diversity index ranged between 0.90 and 0.94, indicating that it was spread quite evenly and there was no type which was highly dominant.
Benthos Benthos comprises all organisms living on or in the seabed. The role of benthos in the waters is highly significant, among other things as decomposer of organic substances existing on or in the waters and as biological indicator in the event of decrease in the quality of water ecosystem. Based on the observation of benthos around the study area (Table 3.25), there are two types of benthos, namely Annelida and Mollusca. The diversity of benthos in the study area was classified as low up to moderate, with the diversity index rate between 1.60 and 2.10, while the diversity index rate ranged between 0.70 and 0.85 (uneven and quite even spread).
Table 3.23. Result of Analysis of Phytoplankton in the Study Area No, I.
Types of Phytoplankton
Observation Stations AL-3 AL-4 AL-5
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Types of Phytoplankton
1. II. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. III. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.
Spirulina sp CHRYSOPHYTA Amphiprora sp Amphora sp Bacillaria paradoxa Bacteriastrum hyalinum Bacteriastrum varians Bidulphia mobiliansis Bidulphia sinensis Chaetoceros diversum Chaetoceros laevis Chaetoceros peruvianum Chaetoceros curvisetum Chaetoceros sp Chaetoceros sp1 Chaetoceros sp2 Dimacidium sp Ethmodiscus sp Eucampia sp Guinardia sp Hemidiscus sp Lauderia sp Melosira sp Nitzschia sp1 Nitzschia lanceolata Nitzschia longissima Nitzschia seriata Pleurosigma affine Pleurosigma compactum Pleurosigma ellongatum Pleurosigma rectum Pleurosigma sp CHRYSOPHYTA Rhizosolenia acuminata Rhizosolenia alata Rhizosolenia arafurensis Rhizosolenia setigera Rhizosolenia styliformis Thalassionema sp1 Thalassionema sp2 PYRROPHYTA 39. Ceratium sp1 40. Ceratium sp2 41. Peridinium sp1 42. Peridinium sp2 Number of Individuals/m3 Number of Taxa Diversity Index Equitability Index Description : AL - 1 AL - 2 AL - 3 AL - 4 AL - 5 AL - 6
= = = = = =
AL-1 1,585
AL-2 1,595
1,627 1,711 1,842 4,920 2,548 2,480 2,672 4,890 4,750 6,975 7,685 4,630 1,847 1,350 1,825 1,275 2,725 4,720 1,885 3,645 5,482 1,850 1,352 3,885 5,745 2,575 2,825 1,945 2,985 1,540
1,642 1,704 1,819 5,026 2,865 2,400 2,660 4,765 5,275 7,247 7,090 4,847 2,200 1,700 1,725 1,342 2,825 4,178 1,275 3,880 5,720 1,625 1,480 3,927 5,688 2,670 2,786 2,020 3,026 1,727
Observation Stations AL-3 AL-4 AL-5 1,602 1,547 1,572
AL-6 1,583
1,639 1,719 1,856 5,780 2,768 2,375 2,875 2,235 5,590 6,925 7,628 4,650 1,985 1,465 1,580 1,450 2,450 1,386 3,525 5,828 1,762 1,750 3,380 6,240 2,340 2,725 2,125 3,360 1,836
1,608 1,684 1,812 5,470 2,340 2,032 2,490 5,060 5,120 7,428 7,082 5,020 2,275 1,029 1,180 1,178 2,300 4,400 1,725 3,455 5,225 1,276 1,280 3,875 6,975 2,748 2,465 2,450 3,880 1,920
1,617 1,692 1,825 5,926 2,800 2,375 2,585 5,545 5,175 7,817 7,625 5,170 2,300 1,049 1,245 1,056 2,375 1,775 3,525 5,190 1,042 1,076 3,570 7,100 2,875 2,520 2,300 3,575 1,925
1,625 1,698 1,839 5,278 3,215 2,300 2,775 5,115 5,260 7,625 7,648 4,824 2,360 1,152 1,352 1,110 2,420 4,380 1,820 3,600 5,360 1,085 1,125 3,045 7,245 2,925 2,545 2,575 4,025 1,948
2,450 2,100 2,145 2,250 1,425 8,250 8,425
2,476 1,762 2,725 2,368 1,845 8,185 8,327
2,250 1,685 1,680 2,415 2,440 9,042 7,249
2,268 1,892 2,520 9,155 7,455
2,375 1,785 1,788 2,320 9,075 7,624
3,426 2,420 2,125 -
3,575 2,180 2,242 1,138
2,445 1,925 1,640
2,875 2,525 1,485 1,485
2,820 2,417 1,775 1,525
41 3.67 0.90
41 3.72 0.94
39 3.80 0.93
41 3.85 0.94
41 3.82 0.88
40 3.63 0.92
Coastline of the Western Part of the Project Site Coastline of the Middle Part of the Project Site Coastline of the Eastern Part of the Project Site Western part of offshore waters ( 1000 m from coastline) Middle part of offshore waters ( 1000 m from coastline) Eastern part of offshore waters ( 1000 m from coastline)
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Table 3.24. Result of Analysis of Zooplankton in the Study Area No,
Types of Zooplankton
Observation Stations AL-3 AL-4 AL-5
Acartia sp Acartia clausi Calanus sp Microsetella sp Oithona sp
975 1,127 627 680 -
1,050 1,089 660 675 472
935 1,320 675 660 465
880 1,026 715 -
968 975 720 485 495
905 986 679 472 -
1,260 1,640 1,020 -
1,175 427 1,250 1,045 -
1,360 720 576 1,710 1,232 242
1,040 675 1,435 978 -
1,280 682 525 1,150 1,260 186
985 725 470 1,395 965 375
7 3.26 0.88
9 3.38 0.90
11 3.52 0.94
7 3.12 0.89
11 3.54 0.92
10 3.32 0.91
PROTOZOA (CILIATA) 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Favella sp Tintinnopsis aperta Tintinnopsis sp Tintinnopsis graulis Tintinnopsis campanula Codonelopsis sp
Number of Individuals/m3 Number of Taxa Diversity Index Equitability Index Description : AL - 1 AL - 2 AL - 3 AL - 4 AL - 5 AL – 6
= = = = = =
Coastline of the Western Part of the Project Site Coastline of the Middle Part of the Project Site Coastline of the Eastern Part of the Project Site Western part of offshore waters ( 1000 m from coastline) Middle part of offshore waters ( 1000 m from coastline) Eastern part of offshore waters ( 1000 m from coastline)
Table 3.25. Result of Analysis of Benthos in the Study Area No,
Types of Benthos
Observation Stations AL-2 AL-3 AL-4 AL-5
1. 2.
ANNELIDA (OLIGOCHAETA) Limnodrillus sp Lumbricullus sp
6 4
8 2
8 1
5 -
6 -
3. 4.
MOLUSKA (GASTROPOSDA) Fusinus sp Physa gyrina
3 3
5 3
2 2
3 -
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
(PELECYPODA) Anadara gramosa Berthelinia chloris Corbula gibba Macoma sp Petricola sp Inaequivalvis sp Sphaerium sp Scapharca sp
7 2 -
9 1 7 1
2 12 9 2 3 1 1
15 4 -
3 18 5 2 2 -
16 3 2 1 1 -
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Types of Benthos
Number of Individuals/Sample Number of Taxa Diversity Index (H’) (Shannon-Weaver) H-max Equitability (E) Description : AL – 1 AL - 2 AL - 3 AL - 4
Observation Stations AL-2 AL-3 AL-4 AL-5
4 0.65 0.76
8 1.25 0.80
7 1.18 0.78
11 1.60 0.86
3 0.30 0.70
8 1.32 0.85
= = = =
Coastline of the Western Part of the Project Site Coastline of the Middle Part of the Project Site Coastline of the Eastern Part of the Project Site Western part of offshore waters ( 1000 m from coastline)
Nekton Nekton (fish) constitutes a water biota having more free movement compared to benthos and plankton. With such free movement, fish can move from one place to another in the event of pressure on its existence (physical and chemical changes in the waters). Types of fish generally found in the study area were: ikan samge (samge fish), baronang (rabbitfish), kerapu (grouper), teri (anchovy), ikan sebelah (flatfish), as well as various species of shrimp and crabs. The results of field observation and interview with respondents revealed that even though the project area was not a potential area for fisheries, a number of residents around Kelurahan Ancol looked for fish and crabs around the project location as their daily activities. There have been phenomena of fish deaths for several times caused by the blooming of red algae on certain times. This was due to the accumulation of nutrients, especially during dry seasons.
SOCIAL ECONOMIC, CULTURAL DAN COMMUNITY HEALTH COMPONENTS The total area of Kelurahan Ancol is 577.28 Ha with borders as follows: North : the Java Sea Coast East : the new bridge of Jl. PLTU, the Tiram River, adjacent to Kelurahan Tanjung Priok, Kecamatan Tanjung Priok (Tanjung Priok Sub-District) South : Jl. R.E. Martadinata, Railway of Kota – Senen Route West : the Opak River along Sunda Kelapa Port. The geographical condition of Kelurahan Ancol area is 1 meter below the sea level.
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Population Aspect 1)
Population Number and Density The residents of Kelurahan Ancol area are heterogenic in nature, comprising various ethnics, religions and social economic strata. The population number of Kelurahan Ancol up to December 2007 was about 17,418 people (Table 3.26).
Table 3.26. Population Number of Kelurahan Ancol by Nationality and Sex Sex \ Nationality Male Female Total (People)
Indonesian Citizens 9,574 7,825 17,399
Foreign Citizens 10 9 19
Total (people) 9,584 7,834 17,418
Source: Annual Report of Kelurahan Ancol (2007) With the area of 5.7728 Km2, the population density of Kelurahan Ancol was 3,017 people/Km2. Based on the foregoing table, it is also seen that there were more male residents in Kelurahan Ancol compared to the female residents, with sex ratio of 1.22. The Indonesian Citizens were about 99.89% and Foreign Citizens were 0.11%. 2)
Population Mobility Data on the population mobility in Kelurahan Ancol during 2007 can be seen in Table 3.27.
Table 3.27. Population Mobility in Kelurahan Ancol During 2007 No
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
January February March April May June July August September October November December Total
Male 2 2 2 1 2 3 5 4 2 2 3 3 31
Birth Female 2 3 6 4 6 3 6 2 3 2 1 6 44
Male 7 5 7 5 6 3 8 3 6 4 6 6 63
Death Female 3 5 4 9 5 4 3 3 3 1 5 1 46
Moving In Male Female 12 12 2 11 7 1 10 7 3 2 2 2 4 2 5 3 4 4 7 8 4 7 16 16 76 88
Moving Out Male Female 5 8 4 8 5 4 8 8 8 4 7 4 2 3 2 2 5 3 3 7 7 10 4 57 55
Source: Annual Report of Kelurahan Ancol (2007) Based on the foregoing table, it can be seen that during 2007, the number of population died and moved from Kelurahan Ancol were more than the population born and moved in, with the ratio of 273 to 187 people. Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
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Population Number by Age and Sex Data on the population number based on age and sex in Kelurahan Ancol can be seen in Table 3.28.
Table 3.28. Population Number by Age and Sex in Kelurahan Ancol No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
Age (Year) 0-4 5–9 10 - 14 15 - 19 20 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 49 40 - 44 45 - 50 50 - 54 55 - 59 60 - 64 65 - 69 70 - 74 >75 Total
Indonesian Citizens Male Female Total 1,871 1,260 3,131 1,011 917 1,928 951 905 1,856 930 914 1,844 916 941 1,857 828 572 1,400 716 540 1,256 416 440 856 706 489 1,174 664 281 945 207 377 584 234 146 380 51 35 86 16 10 26 38 10 48 19 9 28 9,574 7,825 17,399
Male 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 12
Foreign Citizens Female Total 2 3 2 4 1 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 3 2 9 21
Total (People) 1,131 1,928 1,859 1,848 1,860 1,402 1,256 858 1,177 945 586 380 86 26 48 28 17,420
Source: Annual Report of Kelurahan Ancol (2007) Based on the foregoing table, it is seen that the highest population number was found in the age group of 5 – 9 years old for about 1,928 people (11.07%), while the lowest population number was in the age group of 75 years old for about 28 people (0.16%). The population number of productive age (15 – 54 years old) was 9,932 people (67.02%) with dependency ratio of 1.33. b.
Social Economic Aspect 1)
Livelihoods Data on the livelihoods of residents in Kelurahan Ancol can be seen in Table 3.29.
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Table 3.29. Livelihoods of the Residents in Kelurahan Ancol No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Types of Livelihoods Private/Government/Indonesian Army/Police Employees Traders Fishermen Laborers Handymen Unemployed people Poor people Others TOTAL
Total (People) 9,957 1,400 543 734 55 1,404 1,904 1,841 17,838
(%) 55.82 7.85 3.04 4.11 0.31 7.87 10.67 10.32 100.00
Source: Annual Report of Kelurahan Ancol (2007) Based on the foregoing table, it is seen that the dominant type of livelihood of residents in Kelurahan Ancol was as Private/Government/Indonesian Army/Police Employees for about 9,957 people (55.82%). People having livelihood as traders were also quite numerous, namely 1,400 people (7.85%). The issue to be underlined is the quite high number of poor and unemployed people, namely about 1,904 people (10.67%) and 1,404 people (7.87%) respectively. Hence, the residents around the project location had a high expectation to be able to take benefit from the employment and business opportunities in the project. 2)
Income Level Based on the interviews with residents around the study area, it was revealed that the majority respondents (50%) had an average income level per month ranging between Rp.1,000,000.- and Rp.2,500,000.-. There were only around 10% of the residents having an average income of more than Rp.2,500,000.- per month. About 40% of the residents had an income of < Rp.1,000,000.- per month.
Economic Facilities and Infrastructure Data on economic facilities and offices in Kelurahan Ancol can be seen in Table 3.30.
Table 3.30. Economic Facilities and Offices in Kelurahan Ancol No.
North Jakarta Land and Building Tax Service Office I (KP PBB Jakarta Utara I) Office of Kelurahan Ancol Bank Mandiri Office BCA Office Administration Office of Sunda Kelapa Port
2. 3. 4. 5.
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Jl. RE Martadinata
Jl. Ancol Barat VII Jl. Parang Tritis Jl. Parang Tritis Jl. Baruna
Community Service Banking Banking Port Administration III- 42
Environmental Baseline No.
6. Office of Pelindo II 7. Office of Dishidros 8. Cordova Tower 9. Office of PT. Pengerukan 10. PT. Indonesia Power 11. Pergudangan (Storehouse) of PT. KAI 12. Pasar Pagi Mangga Dua 13. ITC Mangga Dua 14. Ruko Textil 15. Grand Boutique Center 16. World Trade Centre/WTC 17. Mangga Dua Square 18. Lodan Center Source: Annual Report of Kelurahan Ancol (2007)
Jl. Baruna Jl. Pasir Putih Jl. Pasir Putih Raya Jl. Jembatan PLTU Jl. Ketel Uap - PLTU Jl. Jakarta Gudang Jl. Mangga Dua Raya Jl. Mangga Dua Raya Jl. Mangga Dua Raya Jl. Mangga Dua Raya Jl. Mangga Dua Raya Jl. Mangga Dua Raya Jl. Lodan Raya
Sunda Kelapa Port TNI – AL PT. PJA Dredging Electricity – PLTU PT. KAI Trade Center Trade Center Trade Center Trade Center Trade Center Trade Center Trade Center
Based on the foregoing table, it is seen that the economic facilities and offices existing in Kelurahan Ancol was currently classified as complete/good. Data on economic facilities and infrastructure supporting the community’s economy can be seen in Table 3.31. Table 3.31. Economic Facilities and Infrastructure Supporting the Economy of Community in Kelurahan Ancol No.
Types of Facilities
1. 2. 3.
Banking Supermarket Factory/Industry/Shophouse
4. 5. 6. 7.
Shop Small Stall/Kiosk Street Vendors Others TOTAL
Types of Business Bank Clothes and Food PT (limited liability company)/General Trade Groceries Nine essential commodities Food & Beverages Workshop, Salon, etc.
Total Unit 27 5 3,525
% 0.64 0.12 84.09
42 268 258 47 4,192
1.00 6.39 6.15 1.12 100.00
Source: Annual Report of Kelurahan Ancol (2007) Based on the foregoing data, it is seen that the dominant economic facilities and infrastructure supporting the community’s economy in Kelurahan Ancol was factories, industries and shophouses for about 3,525 units (84.09%). c.
Social Cultural Aspect 1)
Population Condition Even though the condition of population in Kelurahan Ancol is heterogenic in nature, the socio-political life can proceed well. This can be seen from their daily life. Harmony in religious communities and inter-religious
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communities can be managed well. Similarly with the socio-cultural life, the rich people help the poor people. In economic and social aspect, Kelurahan Ancol is classified as heterogenic as there are several layers of community/societal group. The upper middle class community is represented by the people residing in Ancol areas (West Ancol and East Ancol Residences), while the middle-down class community is generally represented by the community residing outside Ancol areas. Activities related to social issues are usually assisted by the companies existing in the area of Kelurahan Ancol incorporated in the ASWINDA (Asosiasi Warga Industri Ancol/Ancol Industrial Community Association) forum, including PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Tbk. The assistance given to less-able community among other things is in the form of provision of nine essential commodities (in Ramadan month), scholarships, mass circumcision, animal sacrifice and assistance during calamities such as fire and flood. 2)
Religion Data on the population number by religion in Kelurahan Ancol can be seen in Table 3.32.
Table 3.32. Population Number by Religion in Kelurahan Ancol No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Islam Christian/Protestant Catholic Buddhism Hinduism JUMLAH
9,201 327 90 122 10 9,750
Female 7,204 237 55 138 14 7,668
Total People 16,405 584 145 260 24 17,418
% 94.18 3.36 0.83 1.49 0.14 100.00
Source: Annual Report of Kelurahan Ancol (2007) Based on the foregoing table, it is seen that the majority residents of Kelurahan Ancol adhered to Islam religion (94.18%) and Christian/Protestant (3.36%). 3)
Worship Facilities Data on the worship facilities existing in Kelurahan Ancol can be seen in Table 3.33.
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Table 3.33. Worship Facilities in Kelurahan Ancol No. 1. 2. 3.
Types of Facilities Mosque Musholla (Moslem Prayer Room) Vihara (Buddhist Monastery)/Kelenteng (Chinese Temple)
Total 9 16 2
Description Rw. 01 - 011 Rw. 01 - 08 Rw. 02 & 010
Source: Annual Report of Kelurahan Ancol (2007) Based on the foregoing table, it is seen that there were 27 units of worship facilities in Kelurahan Ancol overall, dominated by Musholla (16 units) and Mosques (9 units). 4)
Cultural Facilities Data on the cultural facilities existing in Kelurahan Ancol can be seen in Table 3.34.
Table 3.34. Cultural Facilities in Kelurahan Ancol No. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Association/Group Orkes Melayu (Malay orchestra)/ Gambus (lute) Qosidahan Lenong Bocah (Folk Play of Betawi People) Art Market
Rw. 08
3 1 1
Rw. 02, 04, 08 Rw. 02 Rw. 010 (TIJA)
Source: Annual Report of Kelurahan Ancol (2007) Based on the foregoing table, it is seen that the four existing cultural facilities were dominated by the Qasida (3 units) and Orkes Melayu/Gambus (2 units). 5)
Sport Facilities Data on sport facilities in Kelurahan Ancol can be seen in Table 3.35. as follows.
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Table 3.35. Sport Facilities in Kelurahan Ancol No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Types of Facilities
Water sports/yacht club Soccer Field Golf Field Tennis Field Swimming Pool Bowling Table Tennis Volleyball Basketball Boxing Arena TOTAL
1 5 1 5 1 1 7 1 2 1 25
Bahtera Jaya Ancol Timur Rw. 01, 04, 010, 011 Rw. 010 (TIJA) Rw. 01, 010, 011 Rw. 010 (TIJA) Rw. 010 (TIJA) Rw. 01 - 011 Rw. 04 Rw. 02 & 011 Rw. 01
Source: Annual Report of Kelurahan Ancol (2007) Based on the foregoing table, it is seen that there are quite considerable sport facilities in Kelurahan Ancol overall (10 types, 25 units), dominated by table tennis facilities (7 units), soccer fields (5 units) and tennis fields (5 units). 6)
Educational Facilities Data on educational facilities in Kelurahan Ancol can be seen in Table 3.36. as follows.
Table 3.36. Educational Facilities in Kelurahan Ancol No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Education Level TK (Kindergarten) SD (Primary) SMP (Junior High) SMU (Senior High) University
4 1 -
3 3 3 1 1
3 7 4 1 1
Description Rw. 01, 08, 011 Rw. 04, 08, 011 Rw. 04 & 011 Rw. 011 Rw. 02
Source: Annual Report of Kelurahan Ancol (2007) Based on the foregoing table, it is seen that there are 16 units of educational facilities in Kelurahan Ancol overall, starting from Kindergarten up to University dominated by the education level of Primary (7 units) and Junior High (4 units). 7)
Correctional Institutions Data on the correctional institutions in Kelurahan Ancol can be seen in Table 3.37. as follows.
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Table 3.37. Correctional Institutions in Kelurahan Ancol No. 1. 2. 3.
Name of Social Organization LPM LPK BKM
Formadspedling (Community Forum for Environmental Awareness) Pokja Kesuma (Work Unit for Community Business Welfare) KSM (PD PSE – AB) (Self-help Group)
5. 6.
Types of Activity Community Empowerment Food Stock Disbursement of P2KP (Urban Poverty Alleviation Program) Funds Environmental Concern
Social Assistance Clean Water Assistance
Source: Annual Report of Kelurahan Ancol (2007) Based on the foregoing table, it is seen that there are quite considerable number of social organizations existing in Kelurahan Ancol (6 groups), including the Community Forum for Environmental Concerns (Formaspedling) established in the context of assessment of environmental cleanliness and health in urban areas to obtain the “ADIPURA” award as an effort to improve the community participation sp as to create a clean and healthy lifestyle in the community life behaviors. 8)
Public Security and Order The condition of public security and order in Kelurahan Ancol in 2004 was quite good. Several events of disturbance to public security and order recorded along 2004 were: Robbery and murder to a taxi driver (1 case), fire (1 case), flood (2 cases) and demonstration (2 cases). Whereas the existing supporting facilities for public security and order were in the form of police stations (4 units), civil defense force (hansip) stations (23 units) and DPK (2 units).
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Activities Based on the CSR report of 2006, the CSR activities comprised as follows: a)
Sekolah Rakyat Ancol (School for the Poor) PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk. conduct a cooperation program with Yayasan Sekolah Rakyat since 2004 by developing a Junior High School (SLTP) in Kelurahan Pademangan Barat and Kelurahan Ancol. Students of Sekolah Rakyat Ancol (SRA) having high achievement are assisted to continue to a higher education level as well as provided with facilities and training programs so that
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they will possess skills to be made as a capital to live independently. Following the success of SRA I, the SRA II program was successfully implemented in 2006, located in the West Ancol area. These SRA I and II accommodate 77 students with school curriculum under SLTP 95 of North Jakarta. This school is equipped with facilities of: computer set, library as well as sport and recreation facilities. In addition, this school is also equips the students with various education and training, among other things namely:
Pesantren Kilat (intensive course on Islamic studies) This program is held in a regular basis during Ramadan holy month in Baiturrahman Mosque, Ancol, in cooperation with IQRO Club.
Training on Emotional & Spiritual Quotient (ESQ) This program is held by the ESQ Leadership Center in September 2006 with the theme of “Senyum 1000 Anak Yatim” (“Smiles of 1000 Orphans”) followed by all students as well as provision of donation for the SRA students.
Journalism Training This program is held on September 13, 2006 in cooperation with Indopos daily in the context of introduction to basic journalism techniques to the SRA students in order to develop the writing culture.
Training of Art Skills The SRA students can follow various art workshops starting from June 2006 such as: movement art, singing, music, animation and drawing according to their interest and skills. They can also have the chance to perform on stage and display their works in the showroom in the environment of Ancol Jakarta Baycity.
School Greening This program (2007) was intended to generate the concern of the SRA students to the environment by developing plant
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cultivation. This program was supported by an Environmental NGO and West Ancol residents who had been experienced in plant cultivation and household waste utilization. b)
Ancol Sayang Lingkungan (Ancol Loves the Environment/ASL) The Ancol Sayang Lingkungan (ASL) Program in Kelurahan Ancol was activity started in the community in the environment of RW 01, 02 and 08 in mid 2003. This program was an initiative of PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk. and the government of Kelurahan Ancol, designed with the aim that the community would obtain more positive impacts from the existing development, especially by having a comfortable, clean, beautiful and safe residential areas through a sustainable environmental management and practice as one of the tourism locations integrated with the surrounding environment. This ASL Program provided new area in the West Ancol green line to be made as an environmental laboratory for the development of the Work Group activities on Compost Fertilizer, recycled paper and cultivation of productive plants. The waste problems in Kelurahan Ancol more or less have been handled by the existence of the Work Group on Compost Fertilizer from the ASL program. The fill organic waste is processed into compost fertilizer, while the separated non-organic waste can be utilized by the scavengers and made as livelihood (income generation) for local residents. The Ancol Sayang Lingkungan Program was initially emphasized on a clean environment that could be jointly implemented, managed, possessed and maintained by the residents through ornamental plants and greening activities. As a result in 2004, Rt 007 and Rw 08 successfully became green and beautiful as well as became the Number I Winner of greening competition of RT at the Provincial Level of DKI Jakarta.
Community Perception The result of interview with the respondents representing the community of Kelurahan Ancol in 2005 shown that the respondents generally knew about the development plan of the Eastern West Ancol Areas (90%), while 10% of the respondents answered that they did not know about the project plan.
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The respondents that have known about the project plan generally received the information from community leaders, Kelurahan (Sub-sub-district) apparatus, friends and the developer (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). There were about 85% of the respondents stated their approval to the project due to the opening of work and business opportunities and supported the Ancol development program. About 15% of the respondents stated their disapproval to the project plan, especially due to the negative impacts they might suffer such as the disturbance to the areas where they looked for fish, trasih prawn and crabs, concern for the existence of flood, pollution and damage to the road surface. Whereas the rest of about 10% were neutral with reason that they could not do anything because the Right for the Management of the Reclaimed Sea and Land (HPL) was held by PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk. In general, all respondents (both pros and cons) expected that the implementation of project work could absorb manpower and open business opportunities for the residents of Kelurahan Ancol and that the negative impact that would likely arise could be taken into account and managed well by PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk. 11)
Activities of Fishermen/People Looking for Fish and Crabs The result of interview with the community around the project location (Kelurahan Ancol in 2005) provided an information that the number of fishermen/people looking for fish and crabs near Asahi Mas was approximately 70 people and near Bahtera Jaya was approximately 70 people. The types of fishing gears being used were: jaring bamboo (buoy net), crab lift net, long line and river fish trap. They were not residents of Kelurahan Ancol, but they have lived in Kelurahan Ancol for a long time. The fishing ground was generally located around the Jakarta Northern Coast and the Seribu Islands. Even though the area around the project location was not a potential area for fisheries, there were a number of people looking for fish and crabs.
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Community Health 1)
Types of Diseases Data on ten types of diseases generally suffered by the community in Kelurahan Ancol can be seen in Table 3.38. as follows.
Table 3.38. Ten Dominant Types of Diseases in Kelurahan Ancol No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Types of Diseases
Total People
Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) Gastritis Diarrhea Hypertension Skin Infection Eye Allergy TBC Asthma Eye disease Rheumatic TOTAL
% 5,230 490 463 249 249 207 151 151 86 58 7,334
71.31 6.68 6.31 3.40 3.40 2.82 2.06 2.06 1.17 0.79 100.00
Source: Community Health Center (Puskesmas) of Kelurahan Ancol (2007) Based on the foregoing table, it is seen that the dominant type of diseases suffered by the residents in Kelurahan Ancol was the Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) for about 71.31%, Gastritis for about 6.68% and Diarrhea for about 6.31%. 2)
Health Facilities Data on the health facilities existing in Kelurahan Ancol can be seen in Table 3.39. as follows.
Table 3.39. Health Facilities in Kelurahan Ancol No.
Types of Facilities
1. 2. 3.
Community Health Center (Puskesmas) Integrated Service Post (Posyandu) Practicing Doctors
1 unit 7 unit 2 person
Source: Annual Report of Kelurahan Ancol (2007) Based on the foregoing data, it is seen that the health facilities existing in Kelurahan Ancol consisted of: Puskesmas, Posyandu/PPKB RW and Practicing Doctors. 3)
Public Bathing, Washing and Latrine Facilities (MCK) Data on the MCK facilities in Kelurahan Ancol can be seen in Table 3.40. as follows.
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Table 3.40. MCK Facilities in Kelurahan Ancol No. 1. 2. 3. 4.
RW 01 RW 02 RW 04 RW 05 JUMLAH
2 unit 3 unit 2 unit 2 unit 9 unit
Condition Good 2 Good, 1 Fail Good Good -
Source: Annual Report of Kelurahan Ancol (2007) Based on the foregoing data, it is seen that the MCK facilities in Kelurahan Ancol were about 9 units, in which 8 units were in good condition and 1 unit in a damaged condition.
Land Transportation 1)
Intersection The intersections around Ancol areas existing currently can be explained as follows. a)
Intersection of Jl. Lodan Raya – Jl. Karang Bolong 6 This intersection is an intersection without any traffic light which also has three intersection arms. At noon and evening, the queue of congestion from the traffic light of Jl. R.E. Martadinata intersection reaches this intersection.
Intersection of Jl. Pelabuhan Ratu – Jl. Lodan Raya This intersection is an intersection without any traffic light and constitutes an access to the Jaya Ancol Dream Park Areas. At noon and evening, this intersection is a shortcut to Jl. Lodan Raya when traffic jam occurs at Jl. Lodan Raya. Jalan Pelabuhan Ratu constitutes a road that can be accessed from Ancol Bridge. This road is an alternate road from the Southern direction to Jl. Karang Bolong Raya which constitutes a road to the West Ancol Industrial Areas.
Intersection of Jl. R.E. Martadinata – Jl. Gunung Sahari This intersection constitutes an intersection with traffic light with 3 phases. The queue of vehicles in this intersection with traffic light reaches Jl. Lodan Raya. The movement of vehicles in this intersection
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with traffic light considerably occurs from Southern direction of Jl. Gunung Sahari to the Western direction of Jl. R.E. Martadinata and Jl. R.E. Martadinata (East) to Jl. R.E. Martadinata (West). The queue of vehicles occurs at every intersection arm. Along the river of Jl. R.E. Martadinata (West), the queue of vehicles reaches Jl. Lodan Raya which is parallel to this road and connected with the Serong Bridge. 2)
Traffic Problems At noon and evening, a congested traffic of vehicles occurs at the link of Jalan Lodan Raya to eastwards to Jl. R.E. Martadinata through the Serong Bridge connecting the two roads. The highly congested traffic condition and the inadequate capacity of Jl. R.E. Martadinata and Jl. Lodan Raya caused traffic jams at the intersection arms of Jl. R.E. Martadinata (East) and (West) up to Jl. Lodan Raya, so that the intersections of other roads with Jl. Lodan Raya are also affected by the traffic jams concerned. The survey result of traffic in several observation points by PT. Pamintori Cipta shows the concentrated movement in the area around the intersection of Jl. R.E. Martadinata – Jl. Gunung Sahari. The aforementioned intersection was a congested intersection, especially during evening time. The complete survey result can be seen in Table 3.41 and Table 3.42.
Table 3.41. Survey Result of Traffic at Noonday in the Intersection around Ancol Areas Name of Road
Road Width (m)
Traffic Volume Existing at Noontime (PCE/Hour)
Intersection of Jl. Lodan Raya – Jl. Karang Bolong From West to East 12.2 1,122 From West to North 12.2 373 From North to East 6.8 173 Intersection of Jl. Pelabuhan Ratu – Jl. Lodan Raya Jl. Pelabuhan Ratu From North to West 7 774 Jl. Pelabuhan Ratu From North to East 7 13 Jl. Pelabuhan Ratu From North to North 7 0 Ancol Bridge From East to North 2.1 189 Ancol Bridge From East to West 2.1 36 The Serong Bridge connecting Jl. Lodan Raya – Jl. R.E. Martadinata Jl. Lodan Raya To the Eastern direction of Jl. R.E. 11.3 1,242 Martadinata Jl. Lodan Raya To the Western direction of Jl. R.E. 11.3 213 Martadinata Intersection of Jl. R.E. Martadinata – Jl. Gunung Sahari Jl. R.E. Martadinata From West to East 15.1 917 III- 53 Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha Jl. Lodan Raya Jl. Lodan Raya Jl. Karang Bolong
Environmental Baseline Name of Road Jl. R.E. Martadinata Jl. R.E. Martadinata Jl. R.E. Martadinata Jl. Gunung Sahari Jl. Gunung Sahari Jl. Gunung Sahari
Description From West to South From East to West From East to South From South to North From South to West From South to East
Road Width (m) 15.1 15.2 15.2 19.8 19.8 19.8
Traffic Volume Existing at Noontime (PCE/Hour) 926 1,124 988 389 1,178 902
Source: PT. Pamintori Cipta (2007) Table 3.42. Survey Result of Traffic at Evening in the Intersection around Ancol Areas Name of Road
Road Width (m)
Traffic Volume Existing at Evening (PCE/Hour)
Intersection of Jl. Lodan Raya – Jl. Karang Bolong From West to East 12.2 1,700 From West to North 12.2 288 From North to West 6.8 261 Intersection of Jl. Pelabuhan Ratu – Jl. Lodan Raya Jl. Pelabuhan Ratu From North to West 7 94 Jl. Pelabuhan Ratu From North to East 7 326 Jl. Pelabuhan Ratu From North to North 7 203 Ancol Bridge From East to North 2.1 257 Ancol Bridge From East to West 2.1 0 The Serong Bridge connecting Jl. Lodan Raya – Jl. R.E. Martadinata Jl. Lodan Raya To the Eastern direction of Jl. R.E. 11.3 1,663 Martadinata Jl. Lodan Raya To the Western direction of Jl. R.E. 11.3 289 Martadinata Intersection of Jl. R.E. Martadinata – Jl. Gunung Sahari Jl. R.E. Martadinata From West to East 15.1 1,051 Jl. R.E. Martadinata From West to South 15.1 974 Jl. R.E. Martadinata From East to West 15.2 1,205 Jl. R.E. Martadinata From East to South 15.2 800 Jl. Gunung Sahari From South to North 19.8 228 Jl. Gunung Sahari From South to West 19.8 1,566 Jl. Gunung Sahari From South to East 19.8 1,120 Jl. Lodan Raya Jl. Lodan Raya Jl. Karang Bolong
Source: PT. Pamintori Cipta (2007) 3)
Intersection Performance The results of calculation of intersection performance around Ancol Area conducted by PT. Pamintori Cipta are provided respectively in Tables 3.43 and 3.44. The aforementioned tables indicate that during midday and afternoon rush hours, the main traffic problem around Ancol Area take place in Jl. RE Martadinata – Jl. Gunung Sahari intersection where in general, the value of the degree of saturation (the V/C ratio) has exceeded 1.0 (saturated). The performance of the aforementioned
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intersection is very low in which its capacity is no longer able to accommodate the number of vehicles passing this intersection. This condition is supported with the relatively long queue of personal and public vehicles as well as large trucks in the intersection arm. Meanwhile, in Jl. Lodan Raya-Jl. Karang Bolong intersection, traffic congestion takes place in afternoon rush hours with the value of the degree of saturation (V/C ratio) between 0.805 and 0.932 (almost saturated). In Jl. Karang Bolong Raya-Jl. Karang Bolong intersection, which is a residential road, in the midday or afternoon rush hours, the value of degree of saturation (V/C ratio) is still very low (< 0.4) indicating the aforementioned intersection and road segments still give good performance. Table 3.43. The Calculation of Intersection Performance During Midday Rush Hours in 2007 based on SIDRA Degree of Queue Length Saturation (m) (DS = V/C) Jl. Karang Bolong Raya – Jl. Karang Bolong Intersection East 0,280 2 Jl. Karang Bolong (B) South 0,280 2 West 0,320 3 Jl. Karang Bolong (T) South 0,320 3 East 0,356 2 Jl. Karang Bolong West 0,356 2 Jl. Karang Bolong Raya – Jl. Karang Bolong Intersection Jl. Lodan Raya North 0,382 1 Jl. Lodan Raya East 0,382 9 Jl. Karang Bolong East 0,483 9 Jl. R.E. Martadinata-Jl. Gunung Sahari Intersection Jl. R.E. Martadinata (T) West 1,624 1,567 Jl. R.E. Martadinata (T) South 1,624 1,567 Jl. R.E. Martadinata (B) East 0,766 182 Jl. R.E. Martadinata (B) South 1,085 357 Jl. Gunung Sahari North 1,081 361 Jl. Gunung Sahari East 0,633 20 Jl. Gunung Sahari West 1,081 361 Intersection Arm (address)
Source: PT. Pamintori Cipta (2007) Table 3.44. The Calculation of Intersection Performance During Afternoon Rush Hours in 2007 based on SIDRA Degree of Queue Length Saturation (m) (DS = V/C) Jl. Karang Bolong Raya – Jl. Karang Bolong Intersection East 0,215 2 Jl. Karang Bolong (B) South 0,215 2 West 0,369 1 Jl. Karang Bolong (T) South 0,369 1 Intersection Arm (address)
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Environmental Baseline Intersection Arm (address)
Degree of Saturation (DS = V/C)
Queue Length (m)
Jl. Karang Bolong
Jl. Karang Bolong Raya – Jl. Karang Bolong Intersection Jl. Lodan Raya
Jl. Lodan Raya
Jl. Karang Bolong
Jl. R.E. Martadinata-Jl. Gunung Sahari Intersection Jl. R.E. Martadinata (T)
Jl. R.E. Martadinata (T)
Jl. R.E. Martadinata (B)
Jl. R.E. Martadinata (B)
Jl. Gunung Sahari
Jl. Gunung Sahari
Jl. Gunung Sahari
Source: PT. Pamintori Cipta (2007) b.
Sea transportation In Kelurahan Ancol, there are currently 74 units of active cargo/passenger ships in Sunda Kelapa and Marina Seaports. Based on the information gathered from Marina Beach management, it can be concluded that sea transportation activities from Marina Beach to Seribu Islands tourism area are at its peak in the weekends, mainly on Saturday and Sunday. However, in general, the aforementioned maritime transportation is in smooth condition. More description on maritime transportation activities from Marina Beach to Seribu Islands tourism area is provided in Table 3.45
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Table 3.45. Maritime transportation Activities from Marina Beach to Seribu Islands tourism area Island of Destination Bidadari Ayer
Sepa Puteri
Time of Departure and Return 10.00 and 15.00 14.30 and 16.00 10.00 and 11.00 12.00 and 13.00 15.00 and 16.00 08.00 and 14.00 24.00 and 14.00 08.00 and 14.00 08.00 and 14.00 08.00 and 16.30 09.00 19.00
11.00 12.00 12.30 13.00 15.00
Remarks Every day Saturday and Sunday Every day
Every day Saturday and Sunday Every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday Every Tuesday and Sunday Every Monday and Thursday Every Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Every Friday Return on Every Monday, Tuesday And Thursday Return on Every Friday Return on Every Friday And Saturday Return on Sunday
Source: Marina Beach Management (2007) Based on the information obtained from Marina Beach management, the average number of boats departing to and returning from Seribu Islands in weekdays (Monday up to Friday) is 6 boats per day. Meanwhile, in Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays, the average number of boats departing to and returning from Seribu Islands is about 20 boats.
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Figure III.18. Location of Social Sampling and Traffic Observation Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
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Significant Impacts To Be Managed and Monitored
Priorities of Hypothetical Significant Impact Based on the scoping and focusing of the previous Environmental Impact Study (ANDAL 2006 version) document, the hypothetical significant impacts predicted to occur due to the Development of the Eastern West Ancol (Blocks 3 and 4) activity are ranked (from high priority first) as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Sea Water Quality Abrasion and Sedimentation Quantity of Surface Water (Flood) Land and Sea transportation and Shipping Safety Activities in the Surrounding Area (East Ancol Residence, Marina, Tanjung Priok Seaport and Fishermen’s Activities) Public Perception Public Security and Order (Kamtibmas) Marine biota
While based on the Scoping and Focusing conducted for the Updated RKL and RPL (in 2009), the hypothetical significant impacts predicted to occur due to the Development of the Eastern West Ancol (Blocks 3 and 4) activity are ranked (from high priority first) as follows: a.
Land, Sea Transportation and shipping safety Activities with regard to the mobilization of construction equipments and materials, transportation of sand, soil and sediment/mud, reclamation, construction of dike and breakwater during project construction phase and post–construction, i.e. the demobilization of construction equipments will generate impact on land transportation (i.e. traffic, damages and pollution to road surface), sea transportation and shipping safety. The impacts on land and sea transportation as well as shipping safety will affect public perception, public security, public order and the activity in the surrounding.
Quantity of surface water (flood) Activities with regard to reclamation during project construction phase and the existence of reclaimed land in project postconstruction phase will have an impact on the quantity of surface water (flood). The impact on the quantity of surface water (flood) will further affect public perception and public security and public order.
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Significant Impacts To Be Managed and Monitored
Abrasion and sedimentation Activities with regard to reclamation, construction of dike/breakwater in project construction phase as well as the existence of reclaimed land and dike/breakwater in postconstruction phase will have affect the abrasion and sedimentation rate due to the change in the pattern of the current around the project location.
Sea water quality Activities with regard to reclamation, the construction of dike/breakwater and the activities of ± 400 construction workers result in the increased the quantity of suspended solid material as well as liquid and solid waste originating from the activities of construction workers.
Activities in the surrounding area (East Ancol Residence, Marina, Tanjung Priok Seaport and Fishermen’s Activities) Activities with regard to the mobilization of construction equipments and materials, transportation of sand, soil and sediment/mud, reclamation, construction of dike/breakwater in project construction phase as well as the existence of dike/breakwater and reclaimed land will affect the activities in the surrounding area such as Taman Impian Jaya Ancol recreation area, East Ancol Residence, Tanjung Priok Seaport, fishermen’s activities etc. In general, the anticipated impacts constitute the derivative (secondary) impacts of the primary impacts during the aforementioned activities, such as the impacts on abrasion and sedimentation, land and sea transportation as well as environmental esthetics and sanitation.
Public perception Activities with regard to the designation and dissemination of project location in the pre-construction phase will affect public perception due to the pro and contra against the project plan as well as public concern about the negative impacts of the project. Activities with regard to the recruitment of workers, the mobilization of equipments and material, the transportation of sand, soil, sediment/mud, filling/reclamation, the construction of dike/breakwater as well as the activities of ± 400 construction workers will affect public perception. In project post-construction phase, the existence of reclaimed land will also affect public perception. In general, these impacts on public perception are generally the derivative (secondary) impacts
Public security and order Activities with regard to the mobilization of equipments and materials, the transportation of sand, soil, sediment/mud,
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filling/reclamation as well as the activities of ± 400 construction workers will also affect public security and order. In general, these impacts on public security and order are also derivative (secondary) impacts due to disturbance or pollution caused by the aforementioned activities such as noise, dust, soil and scattered sediment/mud spill, damage road surface and behavior of construction workers. h.
Marine biota Filling/reclamation activity will have smothering impact on marine biota habitat in the project site. In addition, the decrease of sea water quality, sedimentation and abrasion caused by activities with regard to filling/reclamation, the construction of dike/breakwater as well as the activities of construction workers will eventually have an impact on the life of marine biota (plankton, benthos, nekton) around the project location.
In principle, no changes are made to the priority of hypothetical significant impacts from the previous ANDAL, RKL and RPL documents (Year 20052006) into this Updated RKL and RPL documents (2009). However, the order of priority of these significant impacts changes slightly. The prioritized significant impacts of the 2006 AMDAL and Updated RKL & RPL of 2009 are provided in Table 4.1. Table 4.1
Prioritized significant impacts of AMDAL (2006) and the Updated RKL & RPL (2009)
Main Issues of AMDAL (2006)
1 2 3 4
Sea Water Quality Abrasion and Sedimentation Quantity of Surface Water (Flood) Land, Sea transportation and Shipping Safety Activity in the Surrounding Area (East Ancol Residence, Marina, Tanjung Priok Seaport and Fishermen’s Activity) Public Perception Public Security and Order Marine biota
6 7 8
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Prioritized Significant Impact of the Updated RKL & RPL (2009) Land, sea transportation and shipping safety Quantity of surface water (flood) Abrasion and Sedimentation Sea Water Quality Activity in the Surrounding Area (East Ancol Residence, Marina, Tanjung Priok Seaport and Fishermen’s Activity) Public Perception Public Security and Order Marine biota
Significant Impacts To Be Managed and Monitored
Pre-Construction Phase 1)
Impacts on Socio-Economic and Cultural Aspects a)
Public Perception The activity in the pre-construction phase of the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area project having a significant impact on public perception is the designation of project location. The results of interview with the respondents representing Kelurahan Ancol residents in 2005 indicated that 15% of the respondents did not agree with the project plan, particularly because they were concerned about the negative impacts of the projects, such as the aggravated flood problem regularly faced by some of Kelurahan Ancol residents (Neighborhood Ward 02 or RW 02), disturbance to their fish and crab hunting activities around the project location, as well as dirty and damaged road surface. This impact on public perception needs to be anticipated so that it will not have further impact on public security and order. The majority of respondent (85%) stating their approval /agreement to the project plan also expected that during the project implementation, the Initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk) and the Contractor would pay attention to/manage the anticipated negative impacts. The anticipated impacts have high intensity (covering an area of ± 119 ha) and long duration (from preconstruction phase up to project post-construction phase). Moreover, potential affected population ( Kelurahan Ancol residents) is large enough; environmental components (public perception, public attitude and behavior as well as public security and order) are also substantial and widely distributed ( Kelurahan Ancol). These impacts are cumulative in nature with respect of the other activities in its surrounding (West Ancol Reclamation, PT Manggala Krida Yudha, etc) and irreversible (permanent).
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Impacts on Spatial Layout a)
Activity in the Surrounding Area The activity in the pre-construction phase of the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area project having a significant impact on the activity in the surrounding area is the designation of project location. The designation of location for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area project in ±119 ha area will affect the activities in the surrounding area, mainly those conducted by PT Manggala Krida Yudha which has planned on performing reclamation activity near/at the project location in accordance with the permit obtained. Out of the total ± 119 ha allocated for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area, ± 85 ha (Block 3) constitutes the area under the Right to Manage Reclaimed Land (HPL) of PT Manggala Krida Yudha. Therefore, it is necessary to establish coordination between the project Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk) and PT. Manggala Krida Yudha. Even though the distribution of the impacts is limited to only the project location (Block 3), they have high intensity (±85 ha), the affected environmental components (public perception, public security and order and the compatibility of spatial layout) are relatively significant. They have long duration (from pre-construction up to post-construction phases) and irreversible (permanent).
Construction Phase 1)
Impacts on Chemical Physics Aspects a)
Sea Water Quality The activity in the construction phase of the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area project having a significant impact on sea water quality is the filling/reclamation activity and the activities of the construction workers. Filling/reclamation activity in the ± 119 ha project area by using ±1,982,280 m3 sand, ± 9,452,040 m3
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sediment/mud and ± 400,000 m3 laterite will increase the turbidity and Total Suspended Solid (TSS) in the surrounding water territory. As most of the sand is substituted with sediment/mud from rivers and dams, the turbidity and TSS would also potentially increase. Based on experiences with reclamation in several places, the values of turbidity and TSS will increase up to more than 5 times if compared to the normal condition in the absence of the activity. As a result of the increased turbidity and TSS, the penetration of sunlight into the water will decrease and obstruct oxygen diffusion from the air to the water, thus the content of dissolved oxygen in the maritime water is lessened. This condition will, eventually affect the life of marine biota (plankton, benthos, and nekton). The activities of ±400 project construction workers potentially produce liquid domestic waste from their Bathing-Washing-Latrine (MCK) activities. If the aforementioned liquid domestic waste is not managed properly, they will, ultimately, degrade sea water quality in their surrounding with the main parameters of pH, TSS, Ammonia (NH3), Phosphate (PO4) and BOD. At the end, these conditions will also affect the life of marine biota, environmental esthetics, environmental sanitation and public perception. The anticipated impacts have high intensity (+ 119 ha) with a total of ±400 workers. They have short duration, namely during the reclamation activity (± 36 months). The affected environmental components (marine biota, environmental esthetics, environmental sanitation and public perception) are significant. They are distributed in a limited area around the project location (± 500 m radius), cumulative in nature with the respect of activities in the surrounding area (industry, residence, maritime transportation) and reversible if the reclamation work has been completed. b)
Quantity of Surface Water (Flood) The activity in the construction phase of the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area having a significant impact on the quantity of surface water is filling/reclamation activity. The surface water quantity around the project location indicated insignificant
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increase and the reclamation will be separated from the Southern mainland (Carnival Beach) with the width of lateral canal of ± 200 m. However, this still needs to be taken into account bearing in mind that some of the areas around the project location ( Kelurahan Ancol) are flooded in the tidal period and rainy season as well as affected by rob (tidal flood). The increased surface water quantity around the project location will have further impact (derivative/secondary impact) on public health, public perception, public social and order and activity in the surrounding area (East Ancol Residence etc). The results of modeling by using Surface Water Modeling System software (SMS) Ver.8.0 do not indicate any significant change of water level around Ancol water territory (Figures IV.1 and IV.2). The comparison between sea water levels in several points before and after reclamation is provided in Table 4.2. The change is < 1 cm. Table 4.2.
Comparison between Sea Levels Before and After Reclamation
1. 2. 3. 4.
704909 703150 702606 703666
9325085 9325065 9324347 9324019
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Depth (m) Before -0.750 -2.500 -1.000 -0.250
After -0.756 -2.509 -1.000 -0.258
Significant Impacts To Be Managed and Monitored
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Significant Impacts To Be Managed and Monitored
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Significant Impacts To Be Managed and Monitored
The impacts have high intensity (± 119 ha). They have long duration up to post-construction phase and distributed in a relatively large area (Kelurahan Ancol). The affected population (some of Kelurahan Ancol residents) and environmental components (public health, public perception, public security and order as well as the activities in the surrounding area) are significant. They are cumulative in nature with respect of the activities in the surrounding area (industry, West Ancol reclaimed land, PT Manggala Krida Yudha, East Ancol Residence etc). The phenomenon of sea water inundation due to tidal flood (rob) should also be taken into account. In addition, the recent climate change will also have an impact on the increased sea water surface which will finally result in the increased quantity of surface water/flood. c)
Pattern of Current The activity in the construction phase of the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area project having a significant impact on the pattern of current is the filling/reclamation activity in ± 119 ha areas as well as the construction of 1,500 m long dike/breakwater. Both of the aforementioned activities will lead to the change to the pattern of longshore current around the project location. The result of Hydrodynamic simulation conducted indicates that the filing/reclamation of project area will not significantly change the pattern of the current. In general, the dominant pattern of the current around the project location remains the same, namely from Westward-Northwestward to EastwardNortheastward. However, the velocity of the current will decrease from 1.52 m/second to 1.45 m/second. In the eastern reclaimed island, the velocity of the current slightly increases, while in the northwestern side, the current reduces speed. The result of the Hydrodynamic simulation of West Ancol Reclamation Plan conducted by the North Coast Executive Agency (BP Pantura) indicates the following: There is no significant change in the pattern and velocity of current before and after the
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reclamation. the current near the reclamation location slows down by + 5cm/second (insignificant). The sediment distribution modeling during the reclamation indicates an increase of sediment content by 33 mg/L (insignificant). The bathymetry change modeling shows that the depth of water only changes a few centimeters (insignificant).
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Significant Impacts To Be Managed and Monitored
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Significant Impacts To Be Managed and Monitored
The anticipated impacts have medium intensity (± 119 ha) and long duration up to post-construction phase. Their distributions are limited to areas around the project location (± 1.0 km radius). The affected environmental components (sea water quality, marine biota, activities in the surrounding area and public perception) are significant and cumulative in nature over time. d)
Sedimentation The activity in the construction phase of the Development project of the Eastern West Ancol Area having a significant impact on sedimentation is the filling/reclamation activity in ± 119 ha areas as well as the construction of 1,500 m long dike/breakwater. Reclamation activity in 119 ha project area will lead to sedimentation as a result of disturbed natural balance, particularly that of related to the change in the pattern of longshore current. Meanwhile, the construction of sea dike/breakwater will function as barriers of sea waves and minimize potential abrasion and sedimentation in project area and its surroundings. The result of simulation of the pattern of current after the reclamation activity (Figures IV.3 and IV.4) indicates an increase in the current velocity in the eastern reclaimed land. This means that abrasion potentially will occur in that location. Meanwhile, sedimentation will occur in the northwest reclaimed island as the current in the aforementioned location weakens. Abrasion occurs in coordinate (UTM) 704464; 9324843, while sedimentation occurs in coordinate 701969; 9324618. The impacts of abrasion and sedimentation will further affect sea water quality, marine biota, activities in the surrounding area, public perception as well as public security and order. These impacts of abrasion and sedimentation are derivative/secondary impacts influenced by the pattern of current (directions and velocity of the current). The result of Hydrodynamics simulation conducted by Consultant PT Bina Innovasi Rekayasa (2005) indicated that the filling/reclamation activity in
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Significant Impacts To Be Managed and Monitored
project site did not change the pattern of the current. Instead, the velocity slowed down from 1.52 m/second to be 1.45 m/second after the filling. The dominant pattern of the current remained the same, namely from Eastward-Northeastward to WestwardNorthwestward. Based on the aforementioned matter, potential abrasion is likely to occur in the Western project site, while potential sedimentation is likely to occur in the Eastern project site. The anticipated impacts have relatively high intensity (± 119 ha) with long duration up to post-construction phase. They also cover various environmental components (sea water quality, marine biota, activities in the surrounding area, public perception and public security and order) with relatively wide distribution (± 1 km radius). They are cumulative with regard to the activities in the surrounding over time and irreversible in nature. 2)
Impacts of Biological Environment a)
Marine biota Activities in the construction phase of the Development of the Eastern West Ancol project in ±119 ha areas having a significant impact on marine biota is filling/reclamation activity and the activity of construction workers. The anticipated impacts on marine biota (plankton, benthos & nekton) constitute both direct and indirect impacts. The reclamation activity will not only directly lead to the smothering of the marine biota habitat in the reclaimed area, but also indirectly increase the turbidity and TSS in the water territory so as to hamper the penetration of sunlight into the water and obstruct the photosynthesis process of phytoplankton and reduce the content of dissolved oxygen in the water territory which will affect benthos and nekton life. The activities of ±400 project construction workers will also affect the life of marine biota. The activities of the aforementioned construction workers will produce solid waste in the form of remaining food and drink, etc. The aforementioned solid waste will affect sea
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water quality due to the increased turbidity, TSS and BOD which will finally have an impact on the life of marine biota (plankton, benthos and nekton). In addition, with the phenomenon of red algae population eruption (blooming) and the inundation of sea water due to tide, the impacts on marine biota (nekton) should also be considered. Finally, these impacts on marine biota will have further impacts on the activities and incomes of the people of fish and crabs (even though they are not potential) as well as public perception. The anticipated impacts have high intensity (±119 ha with (± 400 construction workers) with short duration, namely during the construction phase of the project (± 36 months). The affected environmental components (activities of fishermen/fish & crab seekers and public perception) are relatively significant. Distribution of the impact is limited in areas around the project location (± 500 m radius) and cumulative in nature with regard to other activities in the surrounding areas (West Ancol Reclamation, West Ancol Industry, Marina etc). 3)
Impacts on Socio-economic Aspect and Public Health a)
Employment Opportunity The activity in the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area project in ± 119 ha having a significant impact on employment opportunity is activity with regard to the recruitment of construction workers. The recruitment/employment activity of ± 400 construction workers will have a positive impact as it will open an employment opportunity for the community. In the project construction, the activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk) will cooperate with several contractors so that the recruitment will be conducted by the respective contractor/sub-contractor appointed. Most of the project construction workers to be recruited will be from regions outside the locations and only some of them are from the locations around the project (Kelurahan Ancol and its surrounding/ Kecamatan Pademangan(Pademangan Sub-District). The participation of the people from the surrounding
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area (Kecamatan Pedemangan) as the project construction workers will reduce the number of unemployment. It is consistent with the expectation of the surrounding community and the public figures conveyed at the project dissemination and interview with respondents who expected benefits from the project development in connection with the absorption of local manpower. Finally, as employment opportunity due to this project is opened, it will have further impact on the opening of business opportunity, decreased unemployment, positive public perception and increased income of the surrounding communities ( Kelurahan Ancol and its surrounding/Kecamatan Pademangan). The anticipated impacts will have a relatively high intensity (± 400 construction workers in total) with short duration, namely during the project construction phase (±36 months). The affected people and environmental components (business opportunity, decreased unemployment, public perception and public income) are relatively significant (± 400 project construction workers in total). They are cumulative in nature with respect to the activities in the surrounding area (industry, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, Marina etc) and reversible if the construction works are completed. b)
Business Opportunity The activity in the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area project in ±119 ha areas having a significant impact on business opportunity is activity with regard to the recruitment/employment of construction workers. The existence of considerable project construction workers (± 400 workers) will have a positive impact as it opens a business opportunity for the people such as selling various daily needs of the workers (food, drinks, cigarettes, etc). As this business opportunity is opened, it will have further impacts on the decreased unemployment, increased income and public positive perception. The anticipated impacts will have a relatively high intensity (± 400 construction workers) with short
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duration, namely during the project construction phase (± 36 months), they affect people inconsiderable amount of people and their distributions are limited to only areas around the project location and workers’ shelters. However, they are cumulative in nature with regard to the other activities in the surrounding area (the reclamation of Carnaval Beach area). c)
Environmental Sanitation The activity in the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area Project in ±119 ha areas having a significant impact on environmental sanitation is the activity of project construction workers. The bathing, washing and latrine activities conducted by and the remaining food and drink, etc. from ± 400 construction workers in the project location and their temporary shelters will produce waste. The aforementioned liquid and solid waste will potentially degrade environmental sanitation and provide a suitable place for the reproduction of disease (bacteria and fungi) and disease vector organisms such as mosquito, fly, cockroach, and rat. Finally, the degraded environmental sanitation will affect public health and public perception. The anticipated impacts will have a relatively high intensity (± 400 construction workers) with a short duration, namely during the project construction phase (± 36 months). They affect relatively considerable number of people (visitors of Carnaval Beach, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol and East Ancol residents) and environmental components (environmental sanitation, public health and public perception). Their distributions are limited to areas around the project location (± 100 m radius) and irreversible upon the completion of the construction works.
Public perception The activities in the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area project in ± 119 ha areas having significant impact on public perception are those related to the recruitment of construction workers, filling/reclamation, the
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construction of sea dike/breakwater, the transportation of equipments and materials as well as fill sand, dredged sediment/mud, laterite as well as the activities of the project construction workers. The recruitment of ± 400 project construction workers will have a positive impact on public perception. The result of interview with the respondents indicates that as a whole, all respondents expect that the project activity would absorb local workers, particularly the people of Kelurahan Ancol and its surrounding (Kecamatan Pedemangan) and provide the surrounding people with a business opportunity so that the community/ people of Kelurahan Ancol and its surrounding may benefit from the project. Activities with regard to the transportation/mobilization of project construction equipments and materials as well as ± 1,982,280 m3 fill sand, ± 9,452,040 m3 fill sediment/mud and ± 400,000 m3 laterite will affect public perception. The anticipated impacts are derivative (secondary) impacts due to degradation of air quality, noise, dirty road body and the interrupted land and maritime transportation around the project site due to the aforementioned activities. Activities with regard to the filling/reclamation of an ± 119 ha area and the construction of 1500 m long breakwater in the Eastern West Ancol Area will have affect the community perception. The anticipated impact also constitutes a derivative (secondary) impact resulting from the various negative impacts of the aforementioned activities such as flood, abrasion & sedimentation, disturbance to the activities of fishermen/fish and crab hunters and shipping route around the project location which finally affect the public negative perception. The activity of ± 400 project construction workers will also affect the public perception in the surrounding areas. The activity of project construction workers which is not entirely in line with the culture of the community living in the surrounding areas will directly have a negative impact on public perception. Indirectly, the activity of project construction workers will also produce domestic liquid waste, solid waste, Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
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decreased environmental esthetic and sanitation which eventually will lead to the public negative perception. The impact on public perception will finally have a negative impact on public security and order. The anticipated impacts have a relatively high intensity (± 119 ha) with long duration until the postconstruction phase. They affect a considerable amount of people (Kelurahan Ancol and the visitors of Carnaval Beach) and environmental components (public perception, Public Safety and Order and uninterrupted project implementation). They have a relatively wide distribution (Kelurahan Ancol). e)
Public Security and Order (Kamtibmas) The activities in the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area in an ± 119 ha area having a significant impact on public security and order are the mobilization of construction equipment and material as well as the activity of construction workers. Activities with regard to the mobilization of project construction equipment and material as well as the transportation of ± 1,982,280 m³ fill sand, ± 9,452,040 m³ fill sediment/mud and ± 400,000 m³ laterite will affect public security and order both directly (primary impact) and indirectly (derivate/secondary impact). Direct (primary) impact occurs as a result of degraded air and noise quality, dirty and damaged road surface caused by equipment and material transportation vehicles as well as fill mud and soil and disturbance to uninterrupted land or shipping traffic around the project location which may finally cause problems with regard to public security and order. The activity of ± 400 people project construction workers is also estimated to have an impact on public security and order. The activity of project construction workers which is not entirely in line the culture of the community living in the surrounding areas as well as the negative impacts resulting from the construction workers activity may finally cause problems with regard to public security and order. Considering that around the project location, there are currently various activities requiring high level of privacy, serenity and
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comfort such as East Ancol residence, Carnaval beach reclamation area, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol reclamation area and etc, therefore they need to be taken into account and require early anticipation. The impacts on public security and order eventually will affect public perception. The anticipated impacts have a high intensity (± 119 ha along with ± 400 construction workers) with short duration, namely during the construction phase (± 36 months). They affect several environmental components (public security and order, public perception and project implementation itself) and people (Kelurahan Ancol and visitors of Carnaval Beach and Taman Impian Jaya Ancol). However, impacts are distributed around the project location (Kelurahan Ancol) and reversible upon the completion of construction works. 4)
Impact on Spatial Layout a) Land Transportation The activity in the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area project in an ± 119 ha areas having a significant impact on land transportation is the activity with regard to the mobilization of project construction equipment and material. Activity with regard to the mobilization of project construction equipment and material, specifically ± 400,000 m³ fill soil and ± 9,452,040 m³ river and retention basin sediment/mud, will affect land transportation on the road surface passed by transport vehicles. As a result of the aforementioned activity, the traffic flow increases, the road surface is dirty. Furthermore, it can damage the road surface if the tonnage of construction equipment and material transportation vehicles exceeds the supporting capacity of the road passed. With the assumption that the dredging activity of river and retention basin sediment/mud serving as fill materials will be conducted for 3 years, therefore with the dredged sediment/mud volume of ± 9,452,040 m³ and operational hour between 10.00 pm until 05.00 am, as many as 473 round trip of transportation
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vehicles (dump truck with the capacity of 20 m³) will occur. This Impact on land transportation will finally have a further impact on air quality, environmental esthetic, public perception and public security and order. The anticipated impacts have a high intensity with short duration during the project construction phase (± 36 months). They have relatively wide distribution (along the road passed by transportation vehicles). They affect a considerable amount of environmental components (land transportation, air quality, environmental esthetic, public perception and public security and order) and they are cumulative in nature with respect to other activities in its surroundings (industry, shop house/office house, office, residence and Ancol recreational area) and reversible upon the completion of the project construction. b)
Sea Transportation The activities in the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area project in an ± 119 ha area having a significant impact on sea transportation are those with regard to the mobilization of project construction equipment and material, filling/reclamation and the construction of dike/breakwater. Most of the activities with regard to the transportation/mobilization of project construction equipment and material will be conducted through sea transportation route, therefore it will lead to the increase sea transportation route around the project location. The need for ± 1,982,280 m³ fill sands is planned to be supplied from Banten region which is located ± 90 Km from the project location and transported by using Grab Dredge-Barge. The barge transports the material from Banten to Ancol by a tug boat. Activities with regard to the filling/reclamation of the Eastern West Ancol beach in an ± 119 ha area and the construction of ± 1,500 m long sea dike/breakwater will also affect activities with regard to sea transportation/shipping route in its
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surroundings. During the activities, shipping lane/sea transportation and ship traffic around the project location will be disturbed. Considering that the project location is located near the Tanjung Priok Marina and Harbor Region and relatively dense sea transportation route around the project area, therefore it needs to be taken into account. The impact on sea transportation will finally affect public perception and public security and order. The anticipated impacts have a high intensity (± 119 ha with 1,500 m long breakwater) with short duration, namely during the project construction phase (± 36 months). They have relatively wide distribution (at a distance of ± 90 Km). They affect a considerable amount of environmental components (sea transportation, public perception and public security and order) and are cumulative with respect to other activities in its surroundings (Marina, Tanjung Periok Harbor, Sunda Kelapa Harbor) and reversible upon the completion of project construction work. c)
Activities in the Surrounding Areas Activities in the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Areas project in an ± 119 ha area having a significant impact on activities in the surroundings are those related to the mobilization of equipment and material as well as filling/reclamation. Activities related to the mobilization of equipment and material (fill sand and river and retention basin sediment/mud) through sea transportation route and filling/reclamation will affect the activities of fisherman/fish and crab hunter. Although the project location and its surrounding areas are not a potential fish catching areas, but there are still people looking for fish and crab in the aforementioned location. The activities of fisherman/fish and crab hunters may be disturbed by activities with regard to the mobilization of equipment and material which will further affect their income although it is insignificant. On the other hand, activities related to the mobilization of construction equipment and material (soil) through land transportation route will affect the surrounding
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activities (East Ancol residence, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol and Carnaval beach reclamation activity) as a result of impact of those activities such as noise, dust, dirty and damaged road surface, as well as uninterrupted traffic on road surface passed by transportation vehicles. Activities with regard reclamation in an ± 119 ha area will affect the surrounding activities, particularly the reclamation plan of PT. Manggala Krida Yudha in the Eastern project location. Out of the ± 119 ha areas designated as the location for the development plan of Eastern West Ancol Areas, ± 85 ha areas (Block 3) constitute the areas of Right to Manage Reclamation Land (HPL) of PT. Manggala Krida Yudha in accordance with the permit obtained. In addition, the impacts on the surrounding activities (West Ancol residence, Carnaval beach, PT. Rukindo, Tanjung Priok Gas and Steam Power Plant (PLTGU), Tanjung Priok Harbor, Marina, etc) resulting from various impacts of the aforementioned activities (derivative /secondary impacts) are such as degraded sea water quality, abrasion and sedimentation, flood, etc. The anticipated impacts have a high intensity (± 119 ha) with long duration until the post-construction phase. They affect a considerable amount of people (Kelurahan Ancol) and environmental components. They have a relatively wide distribution (± 1.0 Km radius) and are cumulative in nature with respect of the surrounding activities (West Ancol reclamation, PT. Manggala Krida Yudha, etc). c.
Post-Construction Phase 1)
Impact on Chemical Physics a)
Pattern of the Current Activities in the post-construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Areas project in ± 119 ha area having a significant impact on the pattern of current are the existence of reclaimed land and sea dike/breakwater. The existence of reclaimed land in ± 119 ha area and ± 1,500 m long sea dike/breakwater will cause the
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change in the pattern of longshore current around the project location. This change to the pattern of current will have a further impact on abrasion and sedimentation. This is a derivate impact in which the process has began since the filling/reclamation activity (construction phase) and still continues until the post-construction phase. The anticipated impacts have medium intensity (± 119 ha) with long duration (during the post-construction phase) and the distribution is limited to the areas surrounding the activity location (± 1.0 Km radius). b)
Abrasion and Sedimentation Activities in the post-construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Areas in an ± 119 ha area having a significant impact on abrasion and sedimentation are the existence of reclaimed land and a ± 1,500 m long sea dike/breakwater. The existence of reclaimed land will lead to abrasion and sedimentation due to the change in the pattern of current (longshore current) around the project location. The anticipated impacts are advanced impacts in which the process has started since the filling/reclamation activity (construction phase) and continues until the post-construction phase. These impacts of abrasion and sedimentation eventually will have a further impact on sea water quality, sea biota, public perception and the surrounding activity. The anticipated impacts have a high intensity (± 119 ha areas with ± 1,500 m long breakwaters) with long duration (during the post-construction phase) and relatively wide distribution (± 1 Km radius). They affect a considerable amount of environmental components (sea water quality, sea biota, public perception and the surrounding activity).
Quantity of Surface Water /Drainage Activities in the post-construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Areas in an ± 119 ha areas having a significant impact on the
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quantity of surface water (flood) are the existence of reclaimed. The anticipated impact constitutes an advanced impact in which the process has started since the filling/reclamation activity (construction phase) and continues until the post-construction phase. As tidal flood (rob) phenomenon recently occurred in the study area, therefore it needs to be taken into account. The increased quantity of surface water (flood) will have further impact on community health, public perception and public security and order. The anticipated impacts have a high intensity (± 119 ha) with long duration (during the post-construction phase). They affect a considerable number of environmental components (community health, public perception and public security and order) and are cumulative in nature with respect to other surrounding activities (West Ancol reclamation land, PT. Manggala Krida Yudha, etc) and irreversible (permanent). d)
Land Subsidence Activities in the post-construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Areas in an ± 119 ha areas having a significant impact on land subsidence is the existence of reclaimed land. The anticipated impact is an advance impact in which the process has started since the completion of dredging/construction activity. Filling will increase the load of natural soil in the reclaimed land which generally has a high compressibility. The additional load will cause soil compaction leading to subsidence. The filling/reclamation of project land in an ± 119 ha area will generate load on land and seabed, therefore it will cause local settlement and liquefaction. Based on the reports of several researches (the Regional Government of DKI Jakarta – LPM ITB), the number of regional subsidence in the reclaimed land ranges from 60 cm to 260 cm. Sengara (1997) estimated that the typical land subsidence of soft marine clay is approximately 2.5 – 3 meter within a period of 10 – 15 years. The subsidence will vary locally.
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As most of the fill sand materials are replaced with river and retention basin sediment/mud, land consolidation and liquefaction will require much longer time. The anticipated impacts have a medium intensity (± 119 ha) with long duration (during the postconstruction phase) and their distributions are limited to the areas surrounding the project location (a ± 119 ha areas). They affect a considerable number of environmental components (land, public perception and public security and order). The impacts are cumulative with regard to activities in the surrounding areas (West Ancol reclamation land, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol recreational area, PT. Manggala Krida Yudha, etc) and irreversible. e)
Sea Water Quality Activities in the post-construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Areas in an ± 119 ha areas having a significant impact on sea water quality are the high content of organic matters contained in the river and retention basin sediment/mud materials used as filled materials. The decomposition of these organic matters will cause the decrease of oxygen contents (septic) and produce gases such as H2S, NH3, etc. The anticipated impacts have a high intensity with long duration and are cumulative over time.
EVALUATION AS THE BASIS OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Evaluation on significant impacts is conducted to identify the causative relation of various significant impacts. The evaluation is carried out by using flowchart method. The evaluation output is environmental management and monitoring direction. a.
Activity Components Having Significant Impacts Based on the aforementioned description, it may be proposed that the activities having significant impacts are as follow: 1)
Pre-construction Phase a) The designation of project location has significant impact on public perception and activity in the surrounding areas.
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Construction Phase a) Workers recruitment will have a significant impact on opening employment opportunity, business opportunity, public perception, public security and order and activities in the surrounding areas. b) The mobilization of construction equipment and material (fill sand, dredged soil and sediment/mud) will have a significant impact on public perception, public security and order, land transportation, sea transportation, shipping safety, environmental esthetic & sanitation and activities in the surrounding areas. c) The construction of dike/breakwater will have a significant impact on sea water quality, abrasion and sedimentation, sea biota, public perception and public security and order. d) Reclamation work will have a significant impact on degraded sea water quality, the change of the pattern of current, abrasion and sedimentation, the quantity of surface water, sea biota, public perception, public security and order, sea transportation, shipping safety and activities in the surrounding areas. e) Activities of construction workers will have a significant impact on sea water quality, solid waste, sea biota, environmental sanitation, public perception, public security and order and activities in the surrounding areas.
Post-Construction Phase a) The existence of dike/breakwater and reclaimed land will have a significant impact on the change of the pattern of the current, abrasion and sedimentation, increased surface water quantity and land subsidence. b) Decomposition of organic matters contained in fill mud will have a significant impact on decreased sea water quality.
Environmental Components Affected The environmental components affected are as follow: 1) Pre-construction Phase a) Public perception resulting from the designation of project location. b) Disturbance to activities in the surrounding areas resulting from the designation of project location.
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Construction Phase a) Sea water quality resulting from filling/reclamation activity, the construction of sea dike/breakwater and construction worker activity. b) Changes to the pattern of the current resulting from filling/reclamation activity. c) Sedimentation resulting from filling/reclamation activity and the construction of sea dike/breakwater. d) Changes to sea biota resulting from filling/reclamation activity, the construction of sea dike/breakwater, and construction worker activity. e) Employment and business opportunity resulting from manpower recruitment activity and construction workers activity. f) Environmental sanitation resulting from construction workers activity which produces liquid and solid waste. g) Public perception resulting from activity with regard to the mobilization of construction equipment and material/dredged soil and sediment/mud, filling/reclamation activity, the construction of sea dike/breakwater and workers activity. h) Public security and order resulting from activity with regard to the mobilization of construction equipment and material/dredged soil and sediment/mud, filling/reclamation activity, the construction of sea dike/breakwater and construction workers activity. i) Land transportation resulting from activity with regard to the mobilization of construction equipment and material/dredged soil and sediment/mud. j) Sea transportation resulting from activity with regard to the mobilization of construction equipment and material and fill sand. k) Activities in the surrounding areas resulting from activity with regard to the mobilization of equipment and material, the transportation of dredged soil, sediment/mud and fill sand, filling/reclamation activity and construction labors activity.
Post-construction Phase a) Changes to the pattern of current resulting from the existence of dike/breakwater and reclaimed land. b) Abrasion and sedimentation resulting from the existence of dike/breakwater and reclaimed land.
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c) d) e) c.
The quality of surface water resulting from reclaimed land. Land subsidence resulting from the existence of reclaimed land. Degradation of sea water quality resulting from the changes of organic matters of fill mud.
Environmental Management Direction Environmental management is intended to address various significant impacts resulting from activities with regard to the Development of Eastern West Ancol Areas by adopting the following approaches: 1)
Technological approach, in the form of technological procedures which may be performed by the activity initiator/manager to control, prevent and mitigate negative impacts. a)
Pre-construction Phase (1) The design of reclaimed island with 200 m lateral canal to prevent surface water quantity in its surrounding areas from increasing and disturbance to fisherman activity.
Construction Phase (1) The utilization of hydraulic fill technique, barge equipped with fill sand sprayer pipe to prevent the degradation of sea water quality. (2) The installation of breakwater crib/structure by using tetra pod concrete to prevent abrasion. (3) Provision of waste disposal area (TPS) to accommodate garbage produced by worker activity. (4) Cleaning/collecting garbage in the water territory around the project during the reclamation work. (5) The transportation of dredged soil and mud by using vehicles which are in good condition, do not exceed the capacity and covered by canvas in order to avoid scattering. (6) The installation of vertical drain, bamboo pile and geo-textile installation to accelerate the compaction of reclaimed soil/land (settlement). (7) The installation of shipping safety signs during the reclamation work.
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The utilization of portable Public Bathing, Washing and Latrine Facilities (MCK) to treat domestic waste water of the construction workers.
Post-construction Phase (1) Routine dredging in the sustaining sedimentation.
Social Economic Approach, through: a) Pre-construction Phase (1) Dissemination of project plan to the people in Kelurahan Ancol. (2) Prioritizing local workers ( Kelurahan Ancol) as non-skill manpower in construction phase. (3) Prioritizing local people ( Kelurahan Ancol) so that they can use the available business opportunity. b)
Construction Phase (1) Prioritizing local workers ( Kelurahan Ancol) as non-skill manpower in construction phase. (2) Prioritizing local people ( Kelurahan Ancol) so that they can use the available business opportunity. (3) Building and providing TPS facilities during the project construction phase. (4) Applying rules for construction workers.
Post-construction Phase (1) Prioritizing local workers ( Kelurahan Ancol) as non-skill manpower in construction phase upon the completion of reclamation. (2) Prioritizing local people ( Kelurahan Ancol) so that they can use the available business opportunity upon the completion of reclamation. (3) Building and providing TPS facilities upon the completion of reclamation. (4) Applying rules for labors upon the completion of reclamation.
Institutional Approach, to enhance cooperation, coordination and synchronization with the various related agencies and stakeholders in order to address the significant impacts, through:
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Pre-construction Phase (1) Coordination and integration between project planning and activities in the surrounding areas. (2) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with PT. Manggala Krida Yudha on the implementation and utilization of reclaimed land. (3) Establishing a Public Relations division and a communication forum with the activity manager around the project. (4) Requiring the supplier of fill sand and dredged mud to comply with the related permit and laws and regulations. (5) Coordination with the supplier of fill sand and dredged mud as well as the related agencies (Transportation Sub-Service Office, the Directorate General of Sea Transportation) during the transportation of fill sand and dredged mud.
Construction Phase (1) The transportation of solid waste in cooperation with other agencies (private). (2) The transportation of sewage (domestic waste) of the construction workers in cooperation with the Sanitation Sub-Service Office of North Jakarta.
Post-construction Phase (1) The transportation of solid waste in cooperation with other agencies (private) upon the completion of reclamation and during the construction on reclaimed land. (2) The transportation of sewage (domestic waste) of the construction workers in cooperation with the Sanitation Sub-Service Office of North Jakarta upon the completion of reclamation and during the construction on reclaimed land.
Based on the aforementioned directions, the environmental management to be conducted shall include the following matters: 1) Environmental components affected 2) Source of Impact 3) Impact parameters Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
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4) 5) 6) 7) 8)
Objective of environmental management plan Impact management Environmental management location Environmental management period Environmental management institutions: Environmental management implementing institution Environmental management supervisory institution Environmental management result reporting
Based on the environmental management to be performed, environmental monitoring will include the following matters: 1) Significant impact monitored Environmental components monitored Indicators 2) Source of impact 3) Parameters monitored 4) Objective of environmental monitoring 5) Method of environmental monitoring: Data collection and analysis methods Monitoring location Monitoring period/frequency 6) Environmental monitoring institutions: Implementing institution Supervisory institution Reporting institution Flowchart of Evaluation on Significant Impacts of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area is presented in Figure IV.5.
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Environmental Management Plan
PRE-CONSTRUCTION PHASE a. Social, Economic and Cultural Component In the pre-construction phase, significant impact on social, economic and cultural component will be on public perception. 1) Community Perception a) Source of Impact Activity with regard to the designation of project location for the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area in an ± 119 ha areas. b) Impact Parameters Public perception to the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area plan in an ± 119 ha areas. c) Objective of Environmental Management Plan Seeking positive perception of the public living in the region surrounding the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area plan. d) Impact Management Efforts to prevent/minimize the negative perception of the public living in the region surrounding (Kelurahan Ancol) the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area will include: Assigning the Public Relations Division to participate as liaison between the activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk) and the related community/agencies and reclamation Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in order to change public perception. Disseminating the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area plan to the community/public figures of Kelurahan Ancol and the related agencies. Establishing a communication forum for activities around the project (North Coast Implementing Agency, PT. Rukindo, PT. MKY, Tanjung Priok PLTGU, Pondok Dayung, Indonesian Navy Pier) and Kelurahan Ancol Council. Coordination with various activities around the project location specifically with North Coast Implementing Agency, PT. Manggala Krida Yudha, PT. Rukindo, Indonesia Power, Kelurahan Ancol, Sub-district Council related to
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the activity plan of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Areas in an ± 119 ha area. e)
Location of Environmental Management Location The location is around the project location (Kelurahan Ancol). f) Environmental Management Period The management of impact on public perception will be performed during the activity of project preconstruction phase. g) Environmental Management Institutions Environmental management implementing institution: Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). Environmental management supervisory institution: Office for the Environment of North Jakarta (KLH), Kecamatan Pademangan (Pademangan Sub-district) and Kelurahan Ancol (Ancol Sub-sub District). Reporting of environmental management result: to the Regional Environmental Management Agency of DKI Jakarta Province, North Coast Implementing Agency, Mayor of North Jakarta, Office for the Environment of North Jakarta, Kecamatan Pademangan and Kelurahan Ancol. Spatial Layout Components Significant impact on spatial layout components in the preconstruction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area will be the activities in the surrounding areas. 1) Disturbance to Activities in the Surrounding Areas (PT. Manggala Krida Yudha) a) Source of Impact The designation of the location of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area in an ± 119 ha area. b) Impact Parameters Activities around the project (PT. Manggala Krida Yudha) are not interrupted by the designation of project location.
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Objective of the Environmental Management Plan To avoid conflict with activities in the surroundings (PT. Manggala Krida Yudha) as a result of designation of project location. Management of Impacts Effort to avoid/prevent disturbance to activities in the surroundings (PT. Manggala Krida Yudha) as a result of designation of project location will include: Establishing a cooperation agreement (MoU) between the activity initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.) and PT. Manggala Krida Yudha concerning the implementation of activities with regard to the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area in an area of ± 119 Hectares (MoU is attached). Establishing coordination and integration between the project planning and activities in the surroundings (PT. Manggala Krida Yudha) so that the project planning is synchronized and integrated with the planning of activities in the surroundings. Environmental Management Location The location of the impact management with regard to the disturbance to activities in the surroundings is within and around the activity location (PT. Manggala Krida Yudha). Environmental Management Period The management of impact of disturbance to activities in the surroundings will be implemented during the activity in pre-construction phase of the project. Environmental Management Institutions The environmental management implementing institution: Activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.). The environmental management supervisory institution: North Coast Implementing Agency (BP Pantura) and Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta. Reporting of the results of the environmental management: to Regional Agency for Environmental Management (BPLHD) of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
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CONSTRUCTION PHASE a. Physical and Chemical Components Significant impacts on the physical and chemical environmental components in the construction phase of the Eastern West Ancol Area include sea water quality, pattern of the current, abrasion and sedimentation, as well as quantity of surface water and solid waste. 1)
Decrease of sea water quality a) Sources of Impact The construction of ±1,500 m sea barrier/dike, material filling (reclamation) activity in an area of ± 119 ha, and activity of ± 400 construction workers. b) Impact Parameter Sea water quality based on Decree of the Minister for the Environment Number Kep-51 Year 2004 concerning River Water Quality Standard (Allocated for Recreation). c) Objective of the Environmental Management Plan To prevent in the degradation of sea water quality around the project location resulting from filling/reclamation activity in the Eastern West Ancol coast, construction of breakwater, and activity of project construction workers. d) Management of Impact Effort to prevent in the degradation of sea water quality around the project location resulting from the filling/reclamation and construction workers activities will include: Impact Management with regard to the Construction of Sea Barrier/Dike Bamboo pile will be inserted by exerting pressure on steel casing slowly to reduce a turbulence of seabed (thus reduce bottom sediment re-suspension). Impact Management with regard to Filling (Reclamation) The material filling (reclamation work) will employ a hydraulic fill technique with a duplo system equipped with the Standard Operating Procedures for an environmentally friendly reclamation technique whereas the dike will be first constructed to surround the reclamation area before fill materials are pumped into the area.
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The base layer (i.e. sand) is then spread out slowly to allow the sand falls on the seabed at low velocity, this will reduce the volume of sand and yet evenly distributed. The sand is to be distributed mechanically by using a sand spreading barge equipped with a projecting mouth pipe. The end of the pipe is equipped with a tray to prevent the sand from flowing out vertical directly but spread in a 90º angle (i.e. after the sand particles hit the tray first). The sand will spread to the sides and all directions with a low velocity of sedimentation, so that the sand will not be scattered out over the water territory of the reclamation site. Maintaining and controlling the pipelines connection regularly (i.e. every day) during the implementation of the reclamation work. The laterite and dredged sediment is to be filled up after the dike is constructed so that they are not scattered over its surrounding water territory. The accepted quality of river sediment is nonhazardous and non-toxic (B3). Preparing and implementing the Standard Operating Procedures for filling in the reclaimed location. Impact Management with regard to the Construction Workers’ Activities Providing 2 units of garbage container in Garbage Disposal Area (TPS) with a capacity of 2 m3 (wet and dry) in the project location to collect the garbage resulting from construction workers’ activities. Transporting the garbage regularly (i.e. every day) to a final disposal location in cooperation with a private sector having a license from the Regional Government of DKI Jakarta. Providing bathing, washing, and toilet (MCK) facilities (with impermeable design)/Mobile MCK according to its capacity in each project location (Carnaval Beach) during the project construction phase to contain black water and grey water, and if the container is already full, it will be collected by Sewage Collector Vehicle of the Sub-Service Office of Sanitation of North Jakarta.
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Periodically, the solid waste collected is transported daily to a final disposal location in cooperation with a private sector having a license from the Regional Government of DKI Jakarta. Special cleaning service workers conduct daily supervision on the environmental sanitation around the project location and in the workers' barracks continuously during the implementation of the project construction. Special cleaning service workers clean the water territory around the project (Carnaval Beach and its surroundings) and in the workers' barracks from the garbage everyday during the construction phase. Applying provisions/regulations on prohibition (order) to construction workers to prevent them from disposing solid and liquid waste into the sea water territory and coasts around the project location (Carnaval Beach). Environmental Management Location The location of impact management with regard to the sea water quality is the water territory around the project location. Environmental Management Period Impact management with regard to the degradation of sea water quality will be implemented during the project construction phase. Environmental Management Institutions Environmental management implementing institution: contractor and activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.). Environmental management supervisory institution: Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Maritime Affairs Service Office of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta. Reporting of the results of the environmental management: to BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Maritime Affairs Service Office of DKI Jakarta Province, Mayor of North Jakarta, and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
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Change of sea current pattern a) Source of Impact Activity with regard to the construction of ± 1,500 m long sea dike. b) Impact Parameter Current directions and velocity around the project location. c) Objective of Environmental Management Plan To identify the changes in the pattern of current to be used to verify a hydrodynamics model. d) Impact Management Effort to reduce the impact of the changes in the pattern of current around the project will include: Monitoring current and tidal patterns routinely until an island is created. Verifying a hydrodynamics model periodically. Monitoring the validation of wind and tides in accordance with the changes in the progress of island construction. e) Environmental Management Location The location of impact management with regard to the changes in the pattern of current is the water territory around the project location. f) Environmental Management Period Impact management with regard to the changes in the pattern of current will be implemented during the construction phase. g) Environmental Management Institutions Environmental management implementing institution: contractor and activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.). Environmental management supervisory institution: Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Maritime Affairs Service Office of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta. Reporting of the results of environmental management: to Regional Agency for Environmental Management (BPLHD) of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Maritime Affairs Service Office of DKI Jakarta Province, Mayor of North Jakarta, and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
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Sedimentation a) Source of Impact The activities of the reclamation work in an area of ± 119 ha and the construction of ± 1,500 m long sea dike. b) Impact Parameter Sedimentation rate around the project location. c) Objective of the Environmental Management Plan To prevent sedimentation during the project construction phase. d) Impact Management Efforts to prevent the coastal abrasion and sedimentation around the project location will include: Monitoring the Suspended Solid (SS) and the pattern of current routinely in each change of season. Verifying the sedimentation periodically. Dredging the sedimentation in the lateral channel regularly. Validation of data on suspended soil turbidity and ecosystem variation as a result of the change of turbidity in post-construction phase. e) Environmental Management Location The location of impact management with regard to abrasion and sedimentation is in the project location and the coasts around the project location. f) Environmental Management Period Impact management with regard to coastal abrasion and sedimentation will be implemented as the project construction activity commences. g) Environmental Management Institutions Environmental management implementing institution: contractor and activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.). Environmental management supervisory institution: Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Maritime Affairs Service Office of DKI Jakarta Province, BPLHD of North Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta. Reporting of the results of the environmental management: to Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Maritime Affairs Service Office of DKI Jakarta Province, BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
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Biological Component Significant impacts on biological component during the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area will be impact on marine biota. 1) Disturbance to Sea Biota a) Source of Impact Increased Total Suspended Solid (TSS) in the water territory around the activity location. b) Impact Parameter Diversity of marine biota species living in the water territory around the project location. c) Objective of Environmental Management Plan To prevent a decrease in diversity marine biota species around the project location. d) Impact Management Effort to prevent a decrease of marine biota diversity around the project location as the impact of reclamation and project construction workers activities will include: Construction of dike and material filling which may result in an increase TSS shall be conducted in accordance with the SOP. e) Environmental Management Location The location of impact management with regard to disturbance to marine biota is in the project location and its surrounding water territory. f) Environmental Management Period Impact management with regard to disturbance to marine biota will be implemented during the project construction phase. g) Environmental Management Institutions Environmental management implementing institution: contractor and activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.). Environmental management supervisory institution: Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Maritime Affairs Service Office of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta. Reporting of the results of environmental management: to BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Maritime Affairs Service Office of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta,
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and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta. c.
Social, Economic and Cultural Components as well as Community Health The social, economic, and cultural components as well as public health to be significantly affected during the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area are employment and business opportunities, environmental sanitation, public perception, as well as public security and order. 1) Availability of Employment Opportunity a) Source of Impact Activity with regard to the recruitment of ± 400 construction workers for the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area. b) Impact Parameter Population around the project (Kelurahan Ancol and its surroundings/Kecamatan Pademangan) absorbed as workers in the activity location. c) Objective of Environmental Management Plan To involve (or employ) people from areas around the project (Kelurahan Ancol and its surroundings/ Kecamatan Pademangan) as workers in the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area. d) Impact Management Effort to enhance positive impacts on the absorption of project construction workers include: Informing job vacancies available to Kelurahan Ancol and Kecamatan Pademangan through a communication forum. Requiring the contractor to employ people around the project (kelurahan /Kecamatan Pademangan) insofar as they fulfill applicable requirements and qualifications needed. Prioritizing the people around the project (Kelurahan Ancol and its surroundings/ Kecamatan Pademangan) to fill the existing job vacancies insofar as they fulfill applicable requirements and qualifications needed. e) Environmental Management Location Impact management with regard to the availability of employment opportunity is located in the project of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area. f) Environmental Management Period
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Impact management with regard to the availability of employment opportunity will be implemented during the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area. Environmental Management Institutions Environmental management implementing institution: contractor and activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.). Environmental management supervisory institution: Unit Service Office of Manpower of North Jakarta Administrative City, Office for the Environment of North Jakarta, and Kelurahan Ancol. Reporting of the results of the environmental management: to Regional Agency for Environmental Management (BPLHD) of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, Unit Service Office of Manpower of North Jakarta Administrative City and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
Availability of Business Opportunity a) Source of Impact Activities with regard to workers recruitment ± 400 project construction workers for the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area who require daily basic needs. b) Impact Parameter Availability of business opportunity within and around the project location during the project construction phase. c) Objective of Environmental Management Plan To provide opportunity for the community around the project (Kelurahan Ancol and its surroundings) to use the business opportunity available during the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area. d) Impact Management Effort to enhance positive impacts on the business opportunity will include: Providing information on existing business opportunity through a communication forum. Providing opportunity for the people around the project (Kelurahan Ancol and its surroundings) to use the business opportunity available in the project location during the implementation of
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construction work, such as opening food stalls/providing food, beverages, and daily needs to project construction workers. Environmental Management Location The location of impact management with regard to the availability of business opportunity is in the project location and the construction workers’ temporary barracks. Environmental Management Period Impact management with regard to the availability of business opportunity will be implemented during the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area. Environmental Management Institutions Environmental management implementing institution: contractor and activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.). Environmental management supervisory institution: Kelurahan Ancol, Kecamatan Pademangan, Office for the Environment of North Jakarta. Reporting of the results of the environmental management: to BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
Degrading Environmental Sanitation a) Source of Impact The activity of ± 400 project construction workers for the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area, spillage of soil and dredged sediment. b) Impact Parameter Litter and spillage of soil as well as dredged sediment around the project location (Carnaval Beach) and in the workers’ temporary barracks. c) Objective of Environmental Management Plan To prevent environmental pollution around the project location (Carnaval Beach) and the temporary barracks. d) Impact Management To prevent environmental sanitation from degrading as a result of solid waste produced by ± 400 construction workers as well as spillage of soil and dredged sediment/mud from scattering, several efforts are made through:
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Impact Management with regard to the Construction Workers’ Activities: Applying provisions/regulations on prohibition (order) to construction workers to prevent them from disposing solid and liquid waste into the marine water territory and coasts around the project location. Providing separate bins for wet and dry garbage on the coast around the project location (Carnaval Beach) and the workers’ barracks to collect solid waste from the activities of project construction workers. The solid waste collected is periodically transported everyday to a final disposal location in cooperation with a private sector having a license from the Regional Government of DKI Jakarta. Special cleaning service workers conduct daily supervision on the environmental sanitation around the project location and in the workers' barracks continuously during the project construction phase. Special cleaning service workers clean the water territory around the project (Carnaval Beach and its surroundings) and in the workers' barracks from the garbage everyday during the construction phase
Impact Management with regard to the Spillage: The transportation of soil and dredged sediment shall not exceed the capacity of transportation vehicles, the vehicles shall be covered by tarpaulin, and vehicles shall be in a good condition. The contractors of soil/sediment transportation must wash their vehicles in the provided location. Environmental Management Location The location of impact management with regard to the degrading environmental sanitation is within and around the project location. Environmental Management Period Impact management with regard to the degrading environmental sanitation will be implemented during the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area.
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Environmental Management Institutions Environmental management implementing institution: contractor and activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.). Environmental management supervisory institution: Mayor of North Jakarta, Sanitation Sub-Service Office and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta. Reporting of the results of the environmental management: to BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, Sanitation Sub-Service Office of North Jakarta Administrative City and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
Negative Public Perception a) Source of Impact Activities with regard to the mobilization of construction equipment and materials/fill soil with a volume of ± 400,000 m3, dredged sediment/mud of ± 9,425,040 m3, reclamation in an area of ± 119 ha, the construction of ± 1,500 m long breakwater, and ± 400 construction workers. b) Impact Parameter Public perception on activities with regard to the mobilization of construction equipment and materials (spillage of soil and dredged sediment), reclamation, the construction of breakwater, and construction workers recruitment. c) Objective of Environmental Management Plan Effort to change the negative public perception on the construction activity of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area. d) Impact Management To prevent negative public perception on the construction activity of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area, several efforts are made by: Establishing periodic coordination through a communication forum already established in the pre-construction phase. e) Environmental Management Location The location of impact management with regard to the negative public perception is in the project location and its surroundings (Kelurahan Ancol).
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Environmental Management Period Impact management with regard to the negative public perception will be implemented in the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area. Environmental Management Institutions Environmental management implementing institution: contractor and activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.). Environmental management supervisory institution: Mayor of North Jakarta, Office for the Environment of North Jakarta, Kelurahan Ancol, and Kecamatan Pademangan. Reporting of the results of the environmental management: to BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
Disturbance to Public Security and Order a) Source of Impact Activities with regard to the mobilization of construction equipment and materials/fill soil with volume ± 400,000 m3, dredged sediment of ± 9,425,040 m3, reclamation in an area of ± 119 ha, the construction of ± 1,500 m long breakwater, and ± 400 construction workers. b) Impact Parameter A criminal rate within and around the project location and the lack of complaint from the community about the construction activity of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area. c) Objective of Environmental Management Plan To minimize a criminal rate within and around the project location to the lowest possible level and there is no complaint from the surrounding community during the project construction phase. d) Impact Management Impact management efforts of the activities with regard to the mobilization of construction equipment and materials (spillage soil and dredged sediment/mud), reclamation, construction of breakwater, and construction workers to reduce disturbance to public security and order are made by:
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Implementing a documented environmental management and monitoring plan in an optimum manner. Informing and coordinating periodically through a communication forum. Evaluating complaints resulting from the project activities through a communication forum. Environmental Management Location The location of impact management with regard to disturbance to public security and order is within and in the project location (in the workers’ barracks). Environmental Management Period Impact management with regard to disturbance to public security and order will be implemented during the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area. Environmental Management Institutions Environmental management implementing institution: contractor and activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.). Environmental management supervisory institution: Mayor of North Jakarta, Office for the Environment of North Jakarta, Sectoral Police of Pademangan, Kecamatan Pademangan, and Kelurahan Ancol. Reporting of the results of the environmental management: to Regional Agency for Environmental Management (BPLHD) of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
Spatial Layout Components The spatial layout components to be impacted significantly during the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area are land transportation, sea transportation, and its activities in the surroundings. 1) Disturbance to Land Transportation a) Source of Impact Activity with regard to the mobilization of construction equipment and fill materials, i.e. sand with a volume of ± 400,000 m3 and dredged sediment of ± 9,425,040 m3. b) Impact Parameter
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Road traffic around the project location (Jl. Lodan, Jl. R. E. Martadinata, and Jl. Lingkungan Taman Impian Jaya Ancol). c)
Objective of Environmental Management Plan To prevent traffic congestion and to avoid damage and littering on road surface (Jl. Lodan and Jl. R. E. Martadinata). Impact Management To avoid/prevent disturbance on traffic (land transportation) around the project location during the construction phase, several efforts are made through: The contractors/suppliers of soil/laterite and dredged sediment/mud must have permits pursuant to applicable provisions (Mining Business Permit/Location Permit, Transportation Permit from Transportation Service Office and have Environmental Management Efforts Environmental Monitoring Efforts (UKL-UPL) or AMDAL documents. The activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.) will then examine the validity of location as well as UKL and UPL documents of the contractors/suppliers of sand/laterite. The contractors/suppliers of soil/laterite and dredged sediment/mud must provide cash deposit for road repairs/maintenance to the Regional Government/Mayor of North Jakarta and comply with the provisions of Decision of Mayor of North Jakarta Number 13 Year 2000 concerning the Establishment of Team and the Control of Dispensation Provision for the Use of Heavy Vehicles/Soil Transportation Vehicles in the area of North Jakarta Municipality. Mobilization of construction equipment and transportation of fill materials shall not be in busy hours. Such activity shall be conducted at night between 22:00 - 05:00 West Indonesia Time. Transportation vehicles of fill material (soil, sand and dredged sediment) must be equipped with a cover/canvas and the capacity shall not exceed the capacity of transportation vehicles so that the spillage of soil and dredged
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sediment during transportation can be minimized. The tonnage (weight) of the fill materials, combined with the weight of transportation vehicles shall not exceed the road bearing capacity as to prevent damage of the road. Transportation vehicles that have unloaded the fill material (i.e soil and dredged sediment) must be cleaned up first before leaving the dump site. The contractors/suppliers of fill materials (soil/laterite and dredged sediment) must keep the road surface clean and maintain its condition, and must place a monitoring staff and a road sanitation manager around the project everyday during the transportation of the fill material. The road infrastructure for transportation of dredged sediment in Ancol area will be improved before the dumping of the material begins. Environmental Management Location The location of impact management with regard to disturbance to land transportation is on the road surface around the project location (Jl. Lodan, Jl. R. E. Martadinata, and Jl. Lingkungan Taman Impian Jaya Ancol). Environmental Management Period Management of the impact on land transportation will be implemented during the construction period. Environmental Management Institutions Environmental management implementing institution: The contractors/suppliers of sand, soil and dredged sediment. Environmental management supervisory institution: BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, Transportation Sub- Service Office of North Jakarta Administrative City, Office for the Environment of North Jakarta, and Kelurahan Ancol. Reporting of the results of the environmental management: to BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
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Disturbance to Sea Transportation a) Source of Impact The mobilization of construction materials and equipment, the transportation of sand with volume of ± 1,982,280 m3 via sea, the reclamation work in an area of ± 119 ha and the construction of ± 1,500 m breakwater . b) Impact Parameter Sea traffic load around the project location during the construction phase. c) Objective of Environmental Management Plan To prevent any disturbance to sea navigation and transportation around the project location during the construction phase. d) Impact Management To prevent/avoid any disturbance to traffic navigation and transportation around the project location during the construction phase, several efforts will be made as follows: Contractors/suppliers of fill sand must obtain the permit in accordance with the applicable provisions (Mining Business Permit/Location Permit, Transportation Permit and Environmental Impact Analysis documents), as well as comply with the provisions of Decision of the Administrative Mayor of North Jakarta No. 13/2000 regarding Reclamation. Establishing coordination/consultation with the Sea Transportation Sub-service Office of North Jakarta Administrative City, Marina Ancol Management, and others. Complying with the shipping regulations applicable in the affected regions from the dredging location up to the reclamation/project location and vice-versa, including navigation facilities. Placing traffic signs around the project location, particularly in the mooring location in order to minimize disturbance to ships passing the area. Establishing coordination with water patrol officers during work operations. e) Environmental Management Location The location of impact management with regard to sea transportation disturbance is the water territory around the project location and along the shipping
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route from the dredging location up to the reclamation location and vice-versa.
Environmental Management Period Impact management with regard to sea transportation disturbance shall be conducted during dredged material and sand transportation activities. Environmental Management Institutions Environmental management implementing institution: Contractors/suppliers providing sand and dredged materials. Environmental management supervisory institution: North Coast Implementing Agency (BP Pantura), Directorate General of Sea Transportation and Sea Transportation Subservice Office of North Jakarta Administrative City. Reporting of the results of environmental management: to BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, KLH of North Jakarta and Directorate General of Sea Transportation.
Disturbance to Surrounding Activities a) Source of Impact Activities with regard to the mobilization of equipment and material, the transportation of ± 1,982,280 m3 of sand, ± 400,000 m3 of covering soil, reclamation activity of ± 119 ha and activities of ± 400 construction workers. b) Impact Parameter Undisturbed activities around the project during the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area. c) Objective of Environmental Management Plan To prevent any disturbance to the surrounding d) Impact Management In order to prevent any disturbance to the surroundings, several efforts will be made as follows: Implementing documented environmental management and monitoring plans in an optimal manner. Informing and establishing coordination on a periodical basis through a communication forum.
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Evaluating complaints arising from project activities through communication forum.
Environmental Management Location The location of impact management with regard to disturbance to activities in the surroundings is within and around the project location. Environmental Management Period Impact management with respect of disturbance to activities in the surroundings shall be conducted as of and during the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area. Environmental Management Institutions Environmental management implementing institution: contractor and activity initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). Environmental management supervisory institution: BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta. Reporting of the results of environmental management: to BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
Physicochemical Components Significant impacts on the physicochemical components in the postconstruction phase are changes in the pattern of currents (sea), abrasion and sedimentation, increased quantity of surface water/drainage and land subsidence. 1)
Changes in the Pattern of Currents a) Source of Impact Filling/reclamation activities around the project location. b) Impact Parameter Direction and velocity of currents around the project location. c) Objective of Environmental Management Plan
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To minimize currents pattern changes (due to reclamation) from causing severe abrasion and sedimentation around the project location. Impact Management In order to minimize the impact of the current pattern, several efforts will be made as follows: Maintaining the integrity of sea dike/breakwaters in order to prevent abrasion on the reclaimed land. Constructing dike/sea walls and reinforcing revetment with rocks. Monitoring the direction and velocity of currents, abrasion and sedimentation process in accordance with the seasonal west and east monsoon on the site and around the project location on a regular and continuous basis. Construction of groin in locations experiencing sedimentation in accordance with the monitoring results. Environmental Management Location The location of impact management with regard to the changes in the pattern of currents is maritime water territory and coastal areas around the project location. Environmental Management Period Impact management with regard to the changes of current pattern will be conducted during the postconstruction phase of the project. Environmental Management Institutions Environmental management implementing institution: contractor and activity initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). Environmental management supervisory institution: Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs Service Office of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta. Reporting of the results of environmental management: to BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
Abrasion and Sedimentation a) Source of Impact
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The changes in the pattern of currents due to the existence of reclaimed land in an area of ±119 ha and 1,252 m long sea dike/ breakwaters. Impact Parameter Rate of coastal abrasion and sedimentation around the project location Objective of Environmental Management Plan To prevent the occurrence of coastal abrasion/accretion and sedimentation during the postconstruction phase of the project. Impact Management In order to prevent the occurrence of coastal abrasion/accretion and sedimentation during the postconstruction phase of the project, several efforts will be made as follows: Conducting a routine monitoring on suspended solid and the pattern of currents in every change of season. Conducting a periodic verification on sedimentation. Conducting a routine dredging along the canal’s lateral (i.e. 200 m width at southern of the reclaimed island). Validating the data on the turbidity of suspended solid and the changes in the ecosystem due to the changes in the postconstruction turbidity. Constructing groins in locations experiencing sedimentation in accordance with the monitoring results. Environmental Management Location The location of impact management with regard to abrasion and sedimentation is the coastal water territory around the project location. Environmental Management Period Impact management with regard to abrasion and sedimentation will be conducted during the postconstruction phase of the project. Environmental Management Institutions Environmental management implementing institution: The contractor and activity initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). Environmental management supervisory institution: Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs Service Office of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta
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and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta. Reporting of the results of environmental management: to BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta. Increased Quantity of Surface Water/Drainage a) Source of Impact The existence of reclaimed land of ± 119 ha. b) Impact Parameter Number of locations, size and duration of puddle and flood in the former coastal land around the project location. c) Objective of Environmental Management Plan To prevent the increase in the number of locations, area, and duration of puddle and flood in the former coastal land around the project location. d) Impact Management In order to prevent and mitigate the impacts of flood due to reclamation, several efforts will be made as follows: Regulating and maintaining a drainage system which is integrated with its surroundings and flows directly to the sea by gravity. Equipping the drainage canal with sediment trap at the end of water canal and stream. e) Environmental Management Location Location of the impact management with regard to the increased quantity of surface water is in the location and land around the project site. f) Environmental Management Period The management of increased quantity of surface water (flood) due to the existence of + 119 ha of reclaimed land will be conducted during the construction phase and to be continued in postconstruction. g) Environmental Management Institutions Environmental management implementing institution: Activity initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). Environmental management supervisory institution: BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, Public Works Sub-service Office for Water Management of North Jakarta Administrative
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City and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta. Reporting of the results of environmental management: to BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, Public Works Sub-service Office for Water Management of North Jakarta Administrative City and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
Land Subsidence a) Source of Impact The existence of reclaimed land of ± 119 ha. b) Impact Parameter Change of the elevation of soil level in the reclaimed land. c) Objective of Environment Management Plan To prevent the occurrence of land subsidence in the land reclaimed. d) Impact Management In order to prevent and mitigate the impacts of land subsidence in the reclaimed land, several efforts will be made as follows: Conducting research on the characteristics of base soil in the reclamation area by referring to the macro indication of land subsidence in the North Coast of Jakarta (i.e. - 2.5 cm/year on average). Pre-installing geo-textile in the area to be reclaimed in order to optimize the consolidation of fill materials. Installing vertical drain after material filling work has been completed in order to accelerate the soil consolidation. Performing the densification/compaction of filled materials by using tractor, layer by layer, and leaving the reclaimed land for ± 2-3 years so that the soil is compact before being used for the structures. e) Environmental Management Location The entire ± 119 ha of reclaimed land for the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area . f) Environmental Management Period Impact management with regard to land subsidence will be conducted as from the reclamation/piling-works up to the post-construction phase of the project.
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Environmental Management Institutions
Environmental management implementing institution: The activity initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). Environmental management supervisory institution: BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta. Reporting of the results of environmental management: to BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
Degradation of Sea Water Quality a) Source of Impact dredged materials containing a high level of organic materials. b) Impact Parameter Sea water quality pursuant to Decree of the Minister for the Environment Number Kep-51 Year 2004 regarding Sea Water Quality Standards (for Recreational Purpose). c) Objective of Environmental Management Plan To prevent the degradation of sea water quality around the project location due to a high organic content in the dredged material. d) Impact Management In order to prevent the degradation of sea water quality around the project location, several efforts will be made as follows: Pre-installing geo-textile layers (interior lining) at the bottom of reclamation area in accordance with the characteristics of dredged sediment (particles size). Conducting a routine monitoring on sea water quality. Evaluating the results of sea water quality monitoring and informing such results to the communication forum. e) Environmental Management Location Location of the impact management with regard to sea water quality is the entire ± 119 ha of reclaimed land for the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area.
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Environmental Management Period Impact management with regard to the degradation of sea water quality will be conducted during the postconstruction phase of the project. g) Environmental Management Institutions Environmental management implementing institution: The activity initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). Environmental management supervisory institution: Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs Service Office of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta. Reporting of the results of environmental management: to BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta. Matrix of Summary of the Updated Environmental Management Plan (RKL) for the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area is presented in Table 5.1 and the Matrix of RKL Summary for 2005-2006 is presented in Table 5.2, while the Locations of Environmental Management are presented in Figures V.1 and V.2.
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Environmental Management Plan
Table 5.1. Matrix of Summary of Updated Environmental Management Plan (RKL) Type of Source of Environmenta Impact Parameters Impact l Impact PRE-CONSTRUCTION PHASE I. SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL 1. Community Activity with Public perception to the Perception regard to the Development of designation of Eastern West Ancol project location Area plan in an ± 119 for the ha areas. Development of Eastern West Ancol Area in an ± 119 ha areas.
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Objective of Management
Impact Management Effort
Seeking positive perception of the public living in the region surrounding the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area plan.
Assigning the Public Relations Division to participate as liaison between the activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk) and the related community/agencies and reclamation Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in order to change public perception. Disseminating the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area plan to the community/public figures of Kelurahan Ancol and the related agencies. Establishing a communication forum for activities around the project (North Coast Implementing Agency, PT. Rukindo, PT. MKY, Tanjung Priok PLTGU, Pondok Dayung, Indonesian Navy Pier) and Kelurahan Ancol Council. Coordination with various activities around the project location specifically
Location of Managemen t
Around the project location (Kelurahan Ancol).
Management Period
During the activity of project pre-construction phase.
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk).
Office for the Environment of North Jakarta (KLH), Kecamatan Pademangan and Kelurahan Ancol.
To the Regional Environmental Management Agency of DKI Jakarta Province, North Coast Implementing Agency, Mayor of North Jakarta, Office for the Environment of North Jakarta, Kecamatan Pademangan and Kelurahan Ancol.
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmenta l Impact
Source of Impact
Impact Parameters
Objective of Management
Impact Management Effort
Location of Managemen t
Management Period
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
with North Coast Implementing Agency, PT. Manggala Krida Yudha, PT. Rukindo, Indonesia Power, Kelurahan Ancol, Subdistrict Council related to the activity plan of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Areas in an ± 119 ha area. II SPATIAL LAYOUT COMPONENTS 1. Disturbance The designation Activities around the to Activities of the location of project (PT. Manggala in the the Development Krida Yudha) are not of Eastern West interrupted by the Surroundin g Areas Ancol Area in an designation of project (PT. ± 119 ha area. location. Manggala Krida Yudha)
To avoid conflict with activities in the surroundings (PT. Manggala Krida Yudha) as a result of designation of project location.
Establishing a cooperation agreement (MoU) between the activity initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.) and PT. Manggala Krida Yudha concerning the implementation of activities with regard to the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area in an area of ± 119 Hectares (MoU is attached). Establishing coordination and integration between the project planning and activities in the surroundings (PT. Manggala Krida Yudha) so that the project planning is synchronized and integrated with activities in the surroundings planning.
Within and around the activity location (PT. Manggala Krida Yudha).
During the activity in preconstruction phase of the project.
Activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.).
North Coast Implementing Agency (BP Pantura) and Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta.
to Regional Agency for Environmental Management (BPLHD) of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Source of Environmenta Impact l Impact I. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL 1. Degradation The construction of sea of ± 1,500 m sea water dike, filling quality (reclamation) activity in an area of ± 119 Hectares, and activity of ± 400 construction workers.
Impact Parameters
The sea water quality based on Decree of the Minister for the Environment Number Kep-51 Year 2004 concerning River Water Quality Standard (Allocated for Recreation).
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Objective of Management
Impact Management Effort
To prevent in the degradation of sea water quality around the project location resulting from filling/reclamatio n activity in the Eastern West Ancol coast, construction of breakwater, and activity of project construction workers.
Impact Management with regard to the Construction of Sea Dike Bamboo pile is installed by exerting pressure on steel casing slowly to reduce a turbulence of seabed. Impact Management with regard to Filling (Reclamation) The reclamation work will be conducted by using a hydraulic fill technique with a duplo system equipped with the Standard Operating Procedures for an environmentally friendly reclamation technique whereas the dike will be first constructed around the reclaimed land before the piled-up materials are pumped into the dike. The base layer for the piled-up materials is then spread out by arranging so that the sand falls into the seabed at low velocity and a relative small volume and evenly distributed. The pilled-up sand is distributed mechanically by using a sand spreading barge equipped with a
Location of Managemen t The maritime water territory around the project location.
Management Period During the project construction phase.
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution Contractor and activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.).
Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Maritime Affairs Service Office of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
to BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Maritime Affairs Service Office of DKI Jakarta Province, Mayor of North Jakarta, and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmenta l Impact
Source of Impact
Impact Parameters
Objective of Management
Impact Management Effort
Location of Managemen t
Management Period
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
projecting mouth pipe. The end of the pipe is equipped with a tray preventing the sand from flowing out and spreading the sand in a 90º angle. The sand will spread to the sides and all directions with a low velocity of sedimentation, so that the sand will not be scattered/spread out over the water territory around project site. Maintaining and controlling pipelines everyday during the implementation of the filling/reclamation work. The laterite and dredged sediment/mud is filled up after the dike is constructed so that they are not scattered over its surrounding water territory. The accepted quality of river sediment/mud is non-toxic/nonhazardous and nontoxic (B3). Preparing and implementing the Standard Operating Procedures for filling in the reclaimed location.
Impact Management with regard to the Construction Workers’ Activities Providing 2 units of
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmenta l Impact
Source of Impact
Impact Parameters
Objective of Management
Impact Management Effort
Location of Managemen t
Management Period
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
garbage container in Garbage Disposal Area (TPS) with a capacity of 2 m3 (wet and dry) in the project location to collect the garbage resulting from construction workers’ activities and to transport the garbage everyday to a final disposal location in cooperation with a private sector having a license from the Regional Government of DKI Jakarta. Providing bathing, washing, and toilet (MCK) facilities (with impermeable design)/Mobile MCK according to its capacity in each project location (Carnaval Beach) during the project construction phase to contain black water and grey water, and if the container is already full, it will be pumped out by Sewage Collector Vehicle of the Sub-Service Office of Sanitation of North Jakarta. Periodically, the solid waste collected is transported daily to a final disposal location in cooperation with a private sector having a license from the
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmenta l Impact
Source of Impact
Impact Parameters
Objective of Management
Impact Management Effort
2. Change in the pattern of current
Activity with regard to the construction of ± 1,500 m long sea dike.
Current directions and velocity around the project location.
To identify the changes in the pattern of current to be used to verify a hydrodynamics model.
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Regional Government of DKI Jakarta. Special cleaning service workers conduct daily supervision on the environmental sanitation around the project location and in the workers' barracks continuously during the implementation of the project construction. Special cleaning service workers clean the water territory around the project (Carnaval Beach and its surroundings) and in the workers' barracks from the garbage everyday during the construction phase. Applying provisions/ regulations on prohibition (order) to construction workers to prevent them from disposing solid and liquid waste into the maritime water territory and coasts around the project location (Carnaval Beach). Monitoring current and tidal patterns routinely until an island is created. Verifying a hydrodynamics model periodically. Monitoring the validation of wind and
Location of Managemen t
The maritime water territory around the project location.
Management Period
During the construction phase.
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
contractor and activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.).
Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Maritime Affairs Service Office of DKI Jakarta Province, BP
to Regional Agency for Environmental Management (BPLHD) of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Animal
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmenta l Impact
Source of Impact
Impact Parameters
Objective of Management
Impact Management Effort
Location of Managemen t
Management Period
tides in accordance with the changes in the progress of island construction.
3.Sedimentatio n
II. 1.
The activities of the reclamation work in an area of ± 119 Hectares and the construction of ± 1,500 m long sea dike.
BIOLOGICAL Increased Total Distu Suspended Solid rbance to (TSS) in the Sea Biota maritime water territory around the activity location.
The velocity of coastal sedimentation around the project location.
To prevent coastal sedimentation during the project construction phase.
Monitoring the Suspended Solid (SS) and the pattern of current routinely in each change of season. Verifying the sedimentation periodically. Dredging the sedimentation in the lateral channel of the canal. Validation of data on suspended soil turbidity and ecosystem variation as a result of the change of turbidity in post-construction phase.
In the project location and the coasts around the project location.
As from the project construction activity.
Wide variety sea biota species living in the water territory around the project location.
To prevent a decrease in the variety of sea biota species around the project location.
Dike construction filling resulting in increased TSS conducted accordance with SOP stipulated
is in the project location and its surrounding water territory.
During the project construction phase.
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
and the are in the
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution Pantura, Husbandry, Mayor of Fisheries, and North Maritime Jakarta, and Affairs Office for the Service Office Environment of DKI Jakarta of North Province, Jakarta. Mayor of North Jakarta, and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta. Contractor and Animal To Animal activity initiator (PT Husbandry, Husbandry, Pembangunan Fisheries, Fisheries, and Jaya Ancol, Tbk.). and Maritime Maritime Affairs Affairs Service Service Office Office of DKI of DKI Jakarta Jakarta Province, Province, BPLHD of DKI BPLHD of Jakarta North Jakarta Province, BP Province, BP Pantura, Pantura, Mayor of Mayor of North Jakarta, North and Office for Jakarta, and the Office for the Environment Environment of North of North Jakarta. Jakarta. Contractor and activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.).
Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Maritime Affairs Service Office of DKI Jakarta
To BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Maritime Affairs
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmenta l Impact
Source of Impact
Impact Parameters
II. 1.
Objective of Management
Impact Management Effort
ASSISTED SOCIAL, ECONOMY, CULTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS Availability Activity with The population around Attempting to Informing job vacancies of regard to the the project (Kelurahan preferably available to Kelurahan Employmen recruitment of ± Ancol and its employ people Ancol and Kecamatan t 400 construction surroundings/ from areas Pademangan through a Opportunity workers for the Kecamatan around the communication forum. Development of Pademangan absorbed project Requiring the Eastern West as workers in the (Kelurahan contractor to employ Ancol Area. activity location. Ancol and its people around the surroundings/ project (Kelurahan Kecamatan Ancol/Kecamatan Pademangan as Pademangan insofar as workers in the they fulfill applicable construction requirements and phase of the qualifications needed. Development of Prioritizing the people Eastern West around the project Ancol Area. (Kelurahan Ancol and its surroundings/Kecamata n Pademangan to fill the existing job vacancies insofar as they fulfill applicable requirements and qualifications needed. 2. Availability Activities with The availability of To provide Providing information of Business regard to business opportunity opportunity for on existing business Opportunity workers within and around the the community opportunity through a recruitment/± project location during around the communication forum. 400 project the project construction project Providing opportunity (Kelurahan construction phase. for the people around
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Location of Managemen t
Management Period
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution Province, BP Service Office Pantura, of DKI Jakarta Mayor of Province, BP North Pantura, Jakarta, and Mayor of Office for the North Jakarta, Environment and Office for of North the Jakarta. Environment of North Jakarta.
in the project of the Developmen t of Eastern West Ancol Area.
During the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area.
Contractor and activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.).
Unit Service Office of Manpower of North Jakarta Administrative City, Office for the Environment of North Jakarta, and Kelurahan Ancol.
to Regional Agency for Environmental Management (BPLHD) of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, Unit Service Office of Manpower of North Jakarta Administrative City and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
in the project location and the construction workers’ temporary
During the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area.
Contractor and activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.).
Kelurahan Ancol, Kecamatan Pademangan, Office for the Environment of
To BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta,
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmenta l Impact
Source of Impact
Impact Parameters
workers for the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area who require daily basic needs.
3. Degrading Environme ntal Sanitation
Activities of + 400 construction workers producing soil and liquid waste
Sanitation/environment al health condition within and around the project location
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Objective of Management
Impact Management Effort
Ancol and its surroundings) to use the business opportunity available during the construction phase
the project (Kelurahan Ancol and its surroundings) to use the business opportunity available in the project location during the implementation of construction work, such as opening food stalls/providing food, beverages, and daily needs to project construction workers. Impact Management with regard to the Construction Workers’ Activities: Applying provisions/regulations on prohibition (order) to construction workers to prevent them from disposing solid and liquid waste into the maritime water territory and coasts around the project location. Providing separate bins for wet and dry garbage on the coast around the project location (Carnaval Beach) and the workers’ barracks to collect solid waste from the activities of project construction workers. The solid waste collected is periodically transported everyday to a final disposal location in cooperation with a
Preventing the degradation of sanitation/ environmental health within and around the project location/ workers’ barracks during the project construction phase
Location of Managemen t barracks.
Within and around the project location.
Management Period
During the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area.
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution North Jakarta, and Office for and Kelurahan the Ancol. Environment of North Jakarta.
Contractor and activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.).
Public Health Sub-Service Office of North Jakarta Administration City, Sanitation Service Office of Kota North Jakarta Administration City and KLH of North Jakarta
To BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, Sanitation Sub-Service Office of North Jakarta Administrative City and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmenta l Impact
4. Negative
Source of Impact
Impact Parameters
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Objective of Management
Impact Management Effort private sector having a license from the Regional Government of DKI Jakarta. Special cleaning service workers conduct daily supervision on the environmental sanitation around the project location and in the workers' barracks continuously during the project construction phase. Special cleaning service workers clean the water territory around the project (Carnaval Beach and its surroundings) and in the workers' barracks from the garbage everyday during the construction phase Impact Management with regard to the Scattered Soil: The transportation of fill soil and dredged sediment/mud does not exceed the capacity of transportation vehicles, are covered by canvas, and uses vehicles which are in a good condition. The contractors of soil/sediment transportation must wash their vehicles in the provided location. Establishing periodic
Location of Managemen t
In the project
Management Period
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
Mayor of North
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmenta l Impact Public Perception
Source of Impact
regard to the mobilization of construction equipment and materials/fill soil with a volume of ± 400,000 m3, dredged sediment/mud of ± 9,425,040 m3, reclamation in an area of ± 119 Hectares, the construction of ± 1,500 m long breakwater, and ± 400 construction workers. 5. Activities with Distu regard to the rbance to mobilization of Public construction Security equipment and and Order materials/fill soil with volume ± 400,000 m3, dredged sediment/mud of ± 9,425,040 m3, reclamation in an area of ± 119 Hectares, the construction of ± 1,500 m long breakwater, and ± 400 construction workers. III. SPATIAL LAYOUT 1. Activity with Distu regard to the rbance to mobilization of
Impact Parameters
Objective of Management
Impact Management Effort
Location of Managemen t location and its surroundings (Kelurahan Ancol).
Management Period
activities with regard to the mobilization of construction equipment and materials (fill soil and dredged sediment/mud), reclamation, the construction of breakwater, and construction workers.
change the negative public perception on the construction activity of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area.
coordination through a communication forum already established in the pre-construction phase.
A criminal rate within and around the project location and the lack of complaint from the community about the construction activity of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area.
Attempting to reduce a criminal rate within and around the project location to the lowest possible level and there is no complaint from the surrounding community during the project construction phase.
Implementing a documented environmental management and monitoring plan in an optimum manner. Informing and coordinating periodically through a communication forum. Evaluating complaints resulting from the project activities through a communication forum.
within and in the project location (in the workers’ barracks).
during the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area.
Contractor and activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.).
The uninterrupted traffic on the road surface around the
To prevent traffic congestion,
The contractors/suppliers of fill soil/laterite and
On the road surface around the
From and during fill soil transportation
The contractors/supplier s of fill soil and
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area.
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution activity initiator Jakarta, Office DKI Jakarta (PT for the Province, BP Pembangunan Environment of Pantura, Jaya Ancol, Tbk.). North Jakarta, Mayor of Kelurahan North Jakarta, Ancol, and and Office for Kecamatan the Pademangan. Environment of North Jakarta
Mayor of North Jakarta, Office for the Environment of North Jakarta, Sectoral Police of Pademangan, Kecamatan Pademangan, and Kelurahan Ancol.
To Regional Agency for Environmental Management (BPLHD) of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
BP Pantura, Mayor of North
To BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmenta l Impact Uninterrupt ed Land Transportat ion
Source of Impact construction equipment and materials/fill sand with a volume of ± 400,000 m3 and dredged sediment/mud of ± 9,425,040 m3.
Impact Parameters project location (Jl. Lodan, Jl. R. E. Martadinata, and Jl. Lingkungan Taman Impian Jaya Ancol).
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Objective of Management
Impact Management Effort
damage, and pollution on road surface around the project location (Jl. Lodan and Jl. R. E. Martadinata).
dredged sediment/mud must have permits pursuant to applicable provisions (Mining Business Permit/Location Permit, Transportation Permit from Transportation Service Office and have Environmental Management Efforts Environmental Monitoring Efforts (UKL-UPL) or AMDAL documents. The activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.) will then examine the validity of location as well as UKL and UPL documents of the contractors/suppliers of fill soil/laterite. The contractors/suppliers of fill soil/laterite and dredged sediment/mud must provide deposit for road repairs/maintenance to the Regional Government/Mayor of North Jakarta and comply with the provisions of Decision of Mayor of North Jakarta Number 13 Year 2000 concerning the Establishment of Team and the Control of Dispensation Provision for the Use of
Location of Managemen t project location (Jl. Lodan, Jl. R. E. Martadinata, and Jl. Lingkungan Taman Impian Jaya Ancol).
Management Period activity.
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution dredged Jakarta, Pantura, sediment/mud. Transportatio Mayor of n Sub- North Jakarta, Service and Office for Office of the North Jakarta Environment Administrativ of North e City, Office Jakarta. for the Environment of North Jakarta, and Kelurahan Ancol.
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmenta l Impact
Source of Impact
Impact Parameters
Objective of Management
Impact Management Effort
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Location of Managemen t
Management Period
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
Heavy Vehicles/Soil Transportation Vehicles in the area of North Jakarta Municipality. Construction equipment and materials/fill soil cannot be transported in busy hours. Therefore, the transportation will be conducted at night between 22:00 - 05:00 West Indonesia Time. The fill soil and dredged sediment/mud transportation vehicles must be equipped with a cover/canvas and the capacity may not exceed the capacity of transportation vehicles used so that the fill soil and dredged sediment/mud are not scattered and pollute the road surface. The tonnage of the fill soil and dredged sediment/mud transportation vehicles used may not exceed the capacity of the road surface passed through so as not to damage the road surface. The fill soil and dredged sediment/mud transportation vehicles must be cleaned up first before leaving the location of fill soil and dredged sediment/mud
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmenta l Impact
2. Distu rbance to Uninterrupt ed Sea Transportat ion
Source of Impact
The mobilization of construction equipment and materials, the transportation of fill sand with volume of ± 1,982,280 m3 by sea, the reclamation work in an area of ± 119 Hectares and the construction of ± 1,500 m breakwater .
Impact Parameters
Uninterrupted traffic flow (sea transportation) around the project location during the construction phase.
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Objective of Management
To prevent any disturbance to uninterrupted traffic flow (sea transportation) around the project location during the construction phase.
Impact Management Effort sources as well as the project location. The contractors/suppliers of fill soil/laterite and dredged sediment/mud must keep the road surface clean and maintain its condition, and must place a monitoring staff and a road sanitation manager around the project everyday during the transportation of fill soil and dredged sediment/mud. The infrastructure of transportation route of river and retention basin sediment/mud in Ancol area that are not yet improved will be improved before the transportation. Contractors/suppliers of fill sand must obtain the permit in accordance with the applicable provisions (Mining Business Permit/Location Permit, Transportation Permit and Environmental Impact Analysis documents), as well as comply with the provisions of Decision of the Administrative Mayor of North Jakarta No. 13/2000 regarding Reclamation.
Location of Managemen t
The water territory around the project location and along the shipping route from the dredging location up to the reclamation location and vice-versa.
Management Period
As of and during material/fill sand transportation activities.
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
Contractors/ suppliers providing fill soil.
North Coast Implementing Agency (BP Pantura), Directorate General of Sea Transportatio n and Sea Transportatio n Sub-service Office of North Jakarta Administrativ e City.
To BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, KLH of North Jakarta and Directorate General of Sea Transportatio n.
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmenta l Impact
Source of Impact
Impact Parameters
Objective of Management
Impact Management Effort
3. Distu rbance to Activities in the Surroundin gs
Activities with regard to the mobilization of equipment and material, the transportation of fill sand, reclamation activity covering
Undisturbed activities around the project during the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area.
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
To prevent any disturbance to activities in the surroundings due to the activities of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area.
Location of Managemen t
Management Period
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
Establishing coordination/consultat ion with the Sea Transportation Subservice Office of North Jakarta Administrative City, Marina Ancol Management, and others. Complying with the shipping regulations applicable in the affected regions from the dredging location up to the reclamation/project location and viceversa, including navigation facilities. Installing shipping traffic signs around the project location, mainly during mooring in the mooring location in order to minimize disturbance to ships passing the area. Establishing coordination with water patrol officers during work operations. Implementing documented environmental management and monitoring plans in an optimal manner. Informing and establishing coordination on a
Within and around the project location.
As of and during the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area.
Contractor and activity initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk).
BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
To BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and Office for the Environment
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmenta l Impact
Source of Impact
Impact Parameters
Objective of Management
Impact Management Effort
an area of and activities of construction workers.
POST-CONSTRUCTION PHASE I. PHYSICOCHEMICAL 1. Changes in Filling/reclamatio the Pattern n activities of Currents around the project location.
2. Abrasion and Sedimentati on
The changes in the pattern of currents due to the existence of reclaimed land in an area of ±119
Direction and velocity of currents around the project location.
Making efforts to prevent changes in the pattern of currents due to reclamation from causing severe abrasion and sedimentation around the project location.
The rate of coastal abrasion and sedimentation around the project location
To prevent the occurrence of coastal abrasion/ accretion and sedimentation
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Location of Managemen t
Management Period
periodical basis through a communication forum. Evaluating complaints arising from project activities through communication forum.
Maintaining the integrity of sea dike/breakwaters in order to prevent abrasion on the reclaimed land. Constructing dike/sea walls and reinforcing revetment with rocks. Monitoring the direction and velocity of currents, abrasion and sedimentation process in accordance with the seasonal west and east monsoon on the site and around the project location on a regular and continuous basis. Construction of groin in locations experiencing sedimentation in accordance with the monitoring results. Conducting a routine monitoring on SS and the pattern of currents in every change of season. Conducting a periodic
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution of North Jakarta.
maritime water territory and coastal areas around the project location
during the postconstruction phase of the project.
Contractor and activity initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk).
Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs Service Office of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
To BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
The coastal water territory around the project location.
During the postconstruction phase of the project.
Contractor and activity initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk).
Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs Service Office of DKI
To BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmenta l Impact
Source of Impact
Impact Parameters
ha and 1,252 m long sea dike/ breakwaters.
Objective of Management during the postconstruction phase of the project.
Impact Management Effort
3. Increased Quantity of Surface Water/Drai nage
The existence of reclaimed land for the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area in an area of ± 119 ha.
Expansion of locations, area and duration of puddle and flood in the former coastal land around the project location.
To prevent the increase in the number of locations, expansion of area, and duration of puddle and flood in the former coastal land around the project location.
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
verification on sedimentation. Conducting a routine sedimentation dredging along the canal’s lateral route. Validating the data on the turbidity of suspended solid and the changes in the ecosystem due to the changes in the postconstruction turbidity. Constructing groins in locations experiencing sedimentation in accordance with the monitoring results. The left and right side of most of the roads in Central and East Ancol Area are equipped with drainage canal Most of the drainage is directed toward Ancol river while the other are directed to Bintang Mas River A pump with the 3 capacity of 0.6 m / 3 hour until 12 m / hour is installed on several drains in Central Ancol Two units of pump have been installed in the Western Dunia Fantasi to be directed to Bintang Mas River These pumps are operated automatically and manually Drainage system
Location of Managemen t
In the location and land around the project site.
Management Period
During the construction phase.
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution Jakarta North Province, BP Jakarta and Pantura, Mayor Office for of North the Jakarta and Environment Office for the of North Environment of Jakarta. North Jakarta.
Activity initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk).
BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, Public Works Subservice Office for Water Management of North Jakarta Administrative City and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
To BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, Public Works Subservice Office for Water Managemen t of North Jakarta Administrati ve City and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmenta l Impact
Source of Impact
Impact Parameters
Objective of Management
Impact Management Effort
Location of Managemen t
Management Period
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
arrangement and maintenance which are integrated with the surrounding environment and channeled by means of gravity to the sea Pilling-up/reclamation of + 119 ha project area as planned by using island system with + 200 m width lateral canal so as to separate the reclaimed area with the currently existing coast line. According to the results of study on the Revitalization of Drainage System in Central and Eastern Ancol Area (2005), in order to solve the inundation problem due to the high elevation of sea water surface or heavy rain, consideration is made based on the economic and technical aspects, therefore it is planned to make a separated drainage system (polder system) from the surrounding region The plan is to build retention pool with the size of 5% - 10% of rain catchment area with the pump capacity of around 1
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmenta l Impact
Source of Impact
Impact Parameters
Objective of Management
Impact Management Effort
Location of Managemen t
Management Period
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
4. Land Subsidence
The existence of reclaimed land for the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area in an area of ± 119 ha.
The existence of reclaimed land for the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area in an area of ± 119 ha
To prevent the occurrence of land subsidence in the land reclaimed for the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area in an area of + 119 ha.
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
m /second per 100 ha. Areas considered as potential location of retention pool are: - Lagoon existing in recreation area - Pool existing in the golf course - Seaside area of Central and Eastern Ancol - New recreation area Conducting research on the characteristics of base soil in the piling-up location by referring to the macro indication of land subsidence in the North Coast of Jakarta (- 2.5 cm/year on average). Installing geo-textile in the reclaimed land in order to optimize the consolidation of piledup materials. Installing vertical drain in the reclaimed land in order to eliminate the water content in the reclaimed land. Performing the densification/compacti on of piled-up materials by using tractor, layer by layer, and leaving the reclaimed land for ± 23 years so that the soil is compact before being used for the
The entire ± 119 ha of reclaimed land for the Developmen t of Eastern West Ancol Area .
From the reclamation/pilin g-works up to the post-construction phase of the project.
The activity initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk).
BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
To BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmenta l Impact 5. Degradation of Sea Water Quality
Source of Impact Fill sediment/mud materials containing a high level of organic materials.
Impact Parameters
Sea water quality pursuant to Decree of the Minister for the Environment Number Kep-51 Year 2004 regarding Sea Water Quality Standards (for Recreational Purpose).
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Objective of Management To prevent the degradation of sea water quality around the project location due to a high organic content in the fill sediments/mud.
Impact Management Effort structures. Evaluating the results of monitoring on sea water quality and informing these results to communication forum Conducting routine observation on sea water quality Installing geotextile layer on the bottom of reclaimed area subject to dredging according to the character of mud/dredged sediment
Location of Managemen t The entire ± 119 ha of reclaimed land for the Developmen t of Eastern West Ancol Area.
Management Period During the postconstruction phase of the project.
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution The activity initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk).
Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs Service Office of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
To BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
Environmental Management Plan
Table 5.2. Matrix of Summary of Environmental Management Plan (RKL) year 2005 Type of Source of Objective of Weight of Environmental Impact Management Impact Impact PRE-CONSTRUCTION PHASE I. SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL COMPONENTS 1. Community Activity with Seeking Negative, Perception regard to the positive major and designation of perception of significant project location the public (5/5) for the living in the Development of region Eastern West surrounding Ancol Area in the an ± 119 ha Development areas. of Eastern West Ancol Area plan.
Impact Parameters
Impact Management Effort
Location of Management
Management Period
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
Public perception to the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area plan in an ± 119 ha areas.
Disseminating the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area plan to the community/public figures of Kelurahan Ancol and the related agencies. Coordination with various activities around the project location specifically with North Coast Implementing Agency, PT. Manggala Krida Yudha, PT. Rukindo, Indonesia Power, Kelurahan Ancol, Sub-district Council related to the activity plan of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Areas To establish Public Relation Division (PR) playing a role as a liaison between the Activity Initiator and the public/relevant institution.
Around the project location (Kelurahan Ancol).
During the activity of project preconstruction phase.
Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk).
the Regional Environmental Management Agency of North Jakarta, Kecamatan Pademangan and Kelurahan Ancol
To the Regional Environmenta l Management Agency of DKI Jakarta Province, North Coast Implementing Agency, Mayor of North Jakarta, Kecamatan Pademangan and Kelurahan Ancol.
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmental Impact 1. Disturbance to Activities in the Surrounding Areas (PT. Manggala Krida Yudha)
Source of Impact
Objective of Management
Weight of Impact
Impact Parameters
Impact Management Effort
Location of Management
Management Period
The designation of the location of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area in an ± 119 ha area.
To avoid/prevent disturbance to activities in the surroundings (PT. Manggala Krida Yudha) as a result of designation of project location
Negative, major and significant (5/5)
To avoid conflict with activities in the surroundings (PT. Manggala Krida Yudha) as a result of designation of project location.
Establishing coordination and integration between the project planning and activities in the surroundings (PT. Manggala Krida Yudha) so that the project planning is synchronized and integrated with the planning of activities in the surroundings. Establishing a cooperation agreement (MoU) between the activity initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.) and PT. Manggala Krida Yudha concerning the implementation of activities with regard to the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area in an area of ± 119 Hectares (MoU is attached).
Within and around the activity location (PT. Manggala Krida Yudha).
During the activity in preconstruction phase of the project.
The sea water quality based on Decree of the Minister for the Environment Number Kep51 Year 2004 concerning River Water Quality
The reclamation work will be conducted by using a hydraulic fill technique for an environmentally friendly reclamation technique whereas the dike will be first constructed around the reclaimed land
The maritime water territory around the project location.
During the project construction phase.
CONSTRUCTION PHASE I. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL COMPONENTS 1. Degradation Reclamation To prevent in Negative, of sea water activity in an the medium quality area of ± 119 degradation of and Hectares, The sea water significant (construction of quality around 3/5) and ± 1,500 m sea the project negative, dike, and location medium activity of ± 400 resulting from and construction filling/reclamat significant workers. ion activity 9-3/5) construction of
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Environmental Management Implementing Supervisory Institution Institution Activity initiator North Coast (PT Implementing Pembangunan Agency (BP Jaya Ancol, Pantura) and Tbk.). Regional Agency for Environmental Management (BPLHD) of North Jakarta.
Contractor and activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.).
to BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Maritime Affairs Service Office of DKI Jakarta
Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Maritime Affairs Service Office of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta,
Reporting To Regional Agency for Environmenta l Management (BPLHD) of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura and Regional Agency for Environmenta l Management (BPLHD) of North Jakarta.
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmental Impact
Source of Impact
Objective of Management
Weight of Impact
breakwater, and activity of project construction workers.
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Impact Parameters
Impact Management Effort
Standard (Allocated for Sea Biota).
before the piled-up materials are pumped into the dike. The base layer for the piled-up materials is then spread out by arranging so that the sand falls into the seabed at low velocity and a relative small volume and evenly distributed. The pilled-up sand is distributed mechanically by using a sand spreading barge equipped with a projecting mouth pipe. The end of the pipe is equipped with a tray preventing the sand from flowing out and spreading the sand in a 90º angle. The sand will spread to the sides and all directions with a low velocity of sedimentation, so that the sand will not be scattered/spread out over the water territory around project site. Maintaining and controlling pipelines everyday during the
Location of Management
Management Period
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution and BPLHD of Province, North Jakarta. Mayor of North Jakarta, and BPLHD of North Jakarta.
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmental Impact
Source of Impact
Objective of Management
Weight of Impact
Impact Parameters
Impact Management Effort
Location of Management
Management Period
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
implementation of the filling/reclamation work. The laterite and dredged sediment/mud is filled up after the dike is constructed so that they are not scattered over its surrounding water territory. Providing in Garbage Disposal Area (TPS) (wet and dry) in the project location to collect the garbage resulting from construction workers’ activities and to transport the garbage everyday to a final disposal location in cooperation with Sanitation SubService Office/ a private sector. Providing bathing, washing, and toilet (MCK) facilities (with impermeable design in each project location (Carnaval Beach) during the project construction phase and if the container is already full, it will be pumped out by Sewage Collector
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmental Impact
Source of Impact
Objective of Management
Weight of Impact
Impact Parameters
Impact Management Effort
2. Change in the pattern of current
Reclamation activities in + 119 ha area
Attempting to prevent severe abrasion and sedimentation in the area around project location as a result of the changes in the pattern of current due to reclamation activities
Negative, medium and significant (3/5)
The rate of abrasion and sedimentation around the project location
3.Sedimentatio n
The activities of the filling (reclamation)
Preventing coastal abrasion/accr
Negative, medium and
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
The velocity of Abrasion and coastal
Vehicle of the SubService Office of Sanitation Applying provisions/regulatio ns on prohibition (order) to construction workers to prevent them from disposing solid and liquid waste into the maritime water territory and coasts around the project location (Carnaval Beach). The construction of + 1,500 m long breakwater as planned. Installing wave barrier structure/sea wall around the coast by using tetrapod concrete Observing the pattern of wave, abrasion and sedimentation on a periodical and regular basis once a year. Conducting a thematic study on Hydrodynamic along with PT. Manggala Krida Yudha The construction of + 1,500 m long breakwater as
Location of Management
Management Period
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
The maritime water territory around the project location.
During the project construction and postconstruction phase.
Contractor and activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.).
Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Maritime Affairs Service Office of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, and BPLHD of North Jakarta.
To Regional Agency for Environmental Management (BPLHD) of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Maritime Affairs Service Office of DKI Jakarta Province, Mayor of North Jakarta, and BPLHD of North Jakarta.
In the project location and the coasts around
As from the activities of project
Contractor and activity initiator (PT
Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and
To Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmental Impact
4. Quantity Surface Water
Source of Impact
Objective of Management
Weight of Impact
Impact Parameters
Impact Management Effort
Location of Management
Management Period
work in an area of ± 119 Hectares and the construction of + 1,500 m long breakwater
etion and sedimentation in project construction phase
significant (3/5) and Positive, medium and significant (+3/5)
sedimentation around the project location.
the project location.
construction until postconstruction phase of the development of Eastern West Ancol Area
Activities with regard to reclamation works in an + 119 ha area
Preventing/av oiding the increase of water surface quantity (flood) around the project location (Kelurahan Ancol) after reclamation activities in the project area
Negative, medium and significant (5/5)
The quantity of surface water (flood) around the project location (Kelurahan Ancol) is not increased due to pillingup/reclamatio n activities in the project area
planned. Installing wave barrier structure/sea wall around the coast by using tetrapod concrete Observing the pattern of wave, abrasion and sedimentation on a periodical and regular basis once a year. Routine dredging at the location of sedimentation The management conducted The left and right side of most of the roads in Central and East Ancol Area are equipped with drainage canal Most of the drainage is directed toward Ancol river while the other are directed to Bintang Mas River A pump with the 3 capacity of 0.6 m / 3 hour until 12 m / hour is installed on several drains in Central Ancol Two units of pump have been installed in the Western Dunia Fantasi to be directed to
Project location and its surrounding (Kelurahan Ancol)
As from construction phase until postconstruction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Environmental Management Implementing Supervisory Institution Institution Pembangunan Maritime Jaya Ancol, Affairs Service Tbk.). Office of DKI Jakarta Province, BPLHD of North Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, and BPHLD of North Jakarta.
Contractor and activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.).
To BPHLD of DKI Jakarta, Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta Municipality, Public Works Sub-Service of Irrigation of North Jakarta Municipality and BPHLD of North Jakarta Municipality
Mayor of North Jakarta Municipality, Public Works Sub-Service of Irrigation of North Jakarta Municipality and BPHLD of North Jakarta Municipality
Reporting Maritime Affairs Service Office of DKI Jakarta Province, BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, and BPHLD of North Jakarta.
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmental Impact
Source of Impact
Objective of Management
Weight of Impact
Impact Parameters
Impact Management Effort
Location of Management
Management Period
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
Bintang Mas River These pumps are operated automatically and manually Management conducted Production and regulation on direct drainage system to the sea (Figure 11.3). Pillingup/reclamation on + 119 ha project area by using island system (Block 3 covering an area of + 85 Ha and Block 4 covering an area of + 35 Ha) in order to separate the reclamation area with the currently existing coast line The distance between reclamation area (Block 4) and the existing coast line based on recommendations of the results of study and simulation conducted by the relevant Service Office is + 85 m in width According to the results of study on
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmental Impact
Source of Impact
Objective of Management
Weight of Impact
Impact Parameters
Impact Management Effort
Location of Management
Management Period
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
the Revitalization of Drainage System in Central and Eastern Ancol Area (2005), in order to solve the inundation problem due to the high elevation of sea water surface or heavy rain, consideration is made based on the economic and technical aspects, therefore it is planned to make a separated drainage system (polder system) from the surrounding region The plan is to build retention pool with the size of 5% 10% of rain catchment area with the pump capacity of around 3 1 m /second per 100 Ha. Areas considered as potential location of retention pool are: - Lagoon existing in recreation area - Pool existing in the golf course - Seaside area of Central and Eastern Ancol - New recreation
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmental Impact 5. Improveme nt of Solid Waste
Source of Impact
Objective of Management
Weight of Impact
Impact Parameters
Activities of + 400 project construction workers
Preventing/av oiding environmental contamination as a result of activities of + 400 project construction workers
Negative, medium and significant (3/5)
Environmental sanitation/soli d waste is not scattered around the project location (Pantai Beach and its surrounding)
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Impact Management Effort area Applying provision/regulatio n (rules of conduct) prohibiting construction workers to dispose solid waste to maritime water territory and coast around the project location (Carnaval Beach) Providing separated garbage bins around the project location (Carnaval Beach) and workers’ barracks for wet and dry garbage to collect solid waste from the activities of project construction workers The solid wastes are periodically transported to the final disposal location everyday in cooperation with the Sanitation SubService of North Jakarta Municipality Cleaning service workers supervise the environmental sanitation around the project location and workers’ barrack
Location of Management
Management Period
Inside and around the project location (Carnaval Beach and its surrounding)
During the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution Contractor and activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.).
BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta Municipality, Sanitation Sub-Service Office of North Jakarta Municipality and BPHLD of North Jakarta Municipality
To BPHLD of DKI Jakarta, Province, BP Pantura, Sanitation Sub-Service Office of North Jakarta Municipality and BPHLD of North Jakarta Municipality
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmental Impact
Source of Impact
Objective of Management
Weight of Impact
Impact Parameters
Impact Management Effort
Location of Management
Management Period
The maritime water territory around the project location.
During the project construction phase.
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
continuously every day during the construction project Special cleaning service workers clean the water territory around the project (Carnaval Beach and its surrounding) and workers’ barrack from any garbage everyday during the project construction phase II. BIOLOGICAL COMPONENTS 1. Disturbance Reclamation Preventing the to Sea Biota activities in an decrease of + 119 Ha area, sea biota the varieties the construction of around + 1,500 m long project breakwater and location the activities of 400 + construction workers
Negative, medium and significant (3/5)
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Sea biota varieties in the water territory around the project location
The reclamation work will be conducted by using a hydraulic fill technique for an environmentally friendly reclamation technique whereas the dike will be first constructed around the reclaimed land before the piled-up materials are pumped into the dike. The base layer for the piled-up materials is then spread out by arranging so that the sand falls into the seabed at low velocity and a relative small volume and evenly distributed.
Contractor and activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.).
Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Maritime Affairs Service Office of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, and BPLHD of North Jakarta.
to BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Maritime Affairs Service Office of DKI Jakarta Province, Mayor of North Jakarta, and BPLHD of North Jakarta.
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmental Impact
Source of Impact
Objective of Management
Weight of Impact
Impact Parameters
Impact Management Effort
Location of Management
Management Period
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
The pilled-up sand is distributed mechanically by using a sand spreading barge equipped with a projecting mouth pipe. The end of the pipe is equipped with a tray preventing the sand from flowing out and spreading the sand in a 90º angle. The sand will spread to the sides and all directions with a low velocity of sedimentation, so that the sand will not be scattered/spread out over the water territory around project site. Maintaining and controlling pipelines everyday during the implementation of the filling/reclamation work. The laterite and dredged sediment/mud is filled up after the dike is constructed so that they are not scattered over its surrounding water territory. Providing bathing, washing, and toilet
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmental Impact
Source of Impact
Objective of Management
Weight of Impact
Impact Parameters
Impact Management Effort
(MCK) facilities (with impermeable design in each project location Providing Temporary garbage Collection Location (TPS) around the project (Carnaval Beach) during project construction phase. Special cleaning service workers remove the garbage found in coastal territory everyday during the project construction phase. III. SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL COMPONENTS AS WELL AS COMMUNITY HEALTH 1. Availability Activity with Attempting to Positive, The Prioritizing the of regard to the preferably medium population people around the Employmen recruitment of ± employ people and around the project (Kelurahan t 400 from areas significant project Ancol and its (Kelurahan Opportunity construction around the (+3/5) surroundings/Keca workers for the project Ancol and its matan Development of (Kelurahan surroundings/ Pademangan) to fill Kecamatan Eastern West Ancol and its the existing job Ancol Area. surroundings/ Pademangan) vacancies insofar Kecamatan absorbed as as they fulfill Pademangan) workers in the applicable as workers in activity requirements and the location. qualifications construction needed. phase of the Requiring the Development contractor to of Eastern employ people West Ancol around the project Area. (Kelurahan Ancol/ Kecamatan Pademangan) insofar as they fulfill applicable
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Location of Management
Management Period
in the project of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area
during the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area.
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
Contractor and activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.).
Unit Service Office of Manpower of North Jakarta Administrative City, Office for the Environment of North Jakarta, and Kelurahan Ancol.
to Regional Agency for Environmental Management (BPLHD) of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, Unit Service Office of Manpower of North Jakarta Administrative City and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmental Impact
Source of Impact
2. Availability of Business Opportunity
Activities with regard to workers recruitment/ ± 400 project construction workers for the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area
3. Degrading Environmen tal Esthetics
The activity of ± 400 project construction workers for the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area
Objective of Management
To provide opportunity for the community around the project (Kelurahan Ancol and its surroundings) to use the business opportunity available during the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area. To prevent environmental pollution around the project location (Carnaval Beach) and the temporary barracks.
Weight of Impact
Impact Parameters
Positive, minor and significant (+1/5)
The availability of business opportunity within and around the project location during the project construction phase.
Negative, medium and significant (3/5)
Environmental sanitation/ no solid waste and fill soil as well as dredged sediment/mud are scattered around the project location (Carnaval
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Impact Management Effort requirements and qualifications needed. Informing job vacancies available to Kelurahan Ancol and Kecamatan Pademangan through a communication forum. Providing opportunity for the people around the project (Kelurahan Ancol and its surroundings) to use the business opportunity available in the project location during the implementation of construction work, such as opening food stalls/providing food, beverages, and daily needs to project construction workers. Applying provisions/ regulations on prohibition (order) to construction workers to prevent them from disposing solid and liquid waste into the maritime water territory and coasts around the project
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
Location of Management
Management Period
In the project location and the construction workers’ temporary barracks.
During the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area.
Contractor and activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.).
Kelurahan Ancol, Kecamatan Pademangan, BPHLD of North Jakarta, and Kelurahan Ancol.
to BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, and BPHLD of North Jakarta.
within and around the project location.
during the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area.
Contractor and activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.).
Mayor of North Jakarta, Sanitation Sub-Service Office and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
to BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, Sanitation Sub-Service Office of North Jakarta Administrative City and
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmental Impact
Source of Impact
Objective of Management
Weight of Impact
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Impact Parameters
Impact Management Effort
Beach) and in the workers’ temporary barracks.
location. Providing separate bins for wet and dry garbage on the coast around the project location (Carnaval Beach) and the workers’ barracks to collect solid waste from the activities of project construction workers. The solid waste collected is periodically transported everyday to a final disposal location in cooperation with a private sector having a license from the Regional Government of DKI Jakarta. Special cleaning service workers conduct daily supervision on the environmental sanitation around the project location and in the workers' barracks continuously during the project construction phase. Special cleaning service workers clean the water territory around the project (Carnaval Beach and its
Location of Management
Management Period
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmental Impact
4. Degrading Environmen tal Sanitation
Source of Impact
The activity of ± 400 project construction workers for the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area producing solid and liquid waste
Objective of Management
Preventing the degradation of sanitation / environmental health within and around the project location/worke rs’ barrack during project construction phase
Weight of Impact
Negative, major and significant (5/5)
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Impact Parameters
Sanitation/env ironmental health condition within and around the project location
Impact Management Effort surroundings) and in the workers' barracks from the garbage everyday during the construction phase Providing MCK facilities for construction workers around the project location (Carnaval Beach) and temporary MCK in the workers’ barrack during the project construction Providing wet and dry garbage bins around the project location (Carnaval Beach) and in the workers’ barrack during the project construction Special cleaning service workers collect garbage from the remaining food and beverages of construction workers in the project location and the workers’ barrack to prevent them from being spread/ scattered everyday during the project construction phase and to
Location of Management
Management Period
within and around the project location.
during the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area.
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
Contractor and activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.).
Mayor of North Jakarta, Sanitation Sub-Service Office and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
to BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, Sanitation Sub-Service Office of North Jakarta Administrative City and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmental Impact
Source of Impact
Objective of Management
Weight of Impact
Impact Parameters
Impact Management Effort
5. Negative Public Perception
Activities with regard to the mobilization of construction equipment and materials/fill soil with a volume of ± 400,000 m3, reclamation in an area of ± 119 Hectares, the construction of ± 1,500 m long breakwater, and ± 400 construction workers.
Attempting to change the negative public perception on the construction activity of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area.
Negative, major and significant (5/5)
Public perception toward activities with regard to the mobilization of construction equipment and materials/fill soil, reclamation, the construction of and construction workers
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
accommodate the garbage in TPS of Ancol Area which has the capacity 3 of 200 m Then, from TPS, the garbage is transported to the final disposal location everyday in cooperation with the Sanitation SubService Disseminating plan for the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area to the public/public figures in Kelurahan Ancol and relevant institutions Establishing coordination with relevant institutions around the project location, particularly with BP Pantura, PT. Manggala Krida Yudha, Kelurahan Ancol, Board of Kelurahan Ancol during construction phase establish Public Relation Division (PR) playing a role as a liaison
Location of Management
Management Period
in the project location and its surroundings (Kelurahan Ancol).
in the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
Contractor and activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.).
Mayor of North Jakarta, Office for the Environment of North Jakarta, Kelurahan Ancol, and Kecamatan Pademangan.
to BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmental Impact
6. Disturbance to Public Security and Order
Source of Impact
Activities with regard to the mobilization of construction equipment and materials/fill soil with volume ± 400,000 m3, dredged sediment/mud of ± 9,425,040 m3, reclamation in an area of ± 119 Hectares, the construction of ± 1,500 m long breakwater,
Objective of Management
Attempting to reduce a criminal rate within and around the project location to the lowest possible level and there is no complaint from the surrounding community during the project construction phase.
Weight of Impact
Negative, major and significant (5/5)
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Impact Parameters
A criminal rate within and around the project location and the lack of complaint from the community about the construction activity of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area.
Impact Management Effort between the Activity Initiator and the public/relevant institution Managing and observing various negative impacts which will arise during the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area (sea water quality, abrasion and sedimentation, quantity of water surface, solid waste, sea biota, land and sea transportation) Managing various negative impacts which will arise during the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area such as, the degradation of sea water quality, increased quantity of surface water, changes in the pattern of current, abrasion and sedimentation and disruption to land and sea transportation. Assigning security
Location of Management
Management Period
within and in the project location (in the workers’ barracks).
during the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area.
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
Contractor and activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.).
Mayor of North Jakarta, Office for the Environment of North Jakarta, Sectoral Police of Pademangan, Kecamatan Pademangan, and Kelurahan Ancol.
to Regional Agency for Environmental Management (BPLHD) of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmental Impact
Source of Impact
Objective of Management
Weight of Impact
Impact Parameters
and ± 400 construction workers.
IV. SPATIAL LAYOUT COMPONENTS prevent 1. Disturbance Activity with To to regard to the traffic Uninterrupte mobilization of congestion, d Land construction damage, and Transportati equipment and pollution on road surface on materials/fill sand with a around the volume of ± project 400,000 m3 location (Jl. Lodan and Jl. R. E.
Impact Management Effort
Location of Management
Management Period
on the road surface around the project location (Jl. Lodan, Jl. R. E. Martadinata, and Jl. Lingkungan Taman Impian Jaya Ancol).
as from and during fill soil transportation activity.
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
officer unit around the project location to observe the condition of public security and order everyday Requiring the use of ID Card for those coming in and out of the project location Requiring the project construction labors/workers to comply with the regulation and to maintain the security and order of project environment during the construction phase Establishing coordination with security apparatuses in the surrounding area (Linmas, Babinsa, the apparatuses of Kelurahan Ancol, Board of Kelurahan Ancol) Negative, major and significant (5/5)
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
The uninterrupted traffic on the road surface around the project location (Jl. Lodan, Jl. R. E. Martadinata, and Jl.
The contractors/supplier s of fill soil/laterite and dredged sediment/mud must have permits pursuant to applicable provisions (Mining Business Permit/Location
The contractors/ suppliers of fill soil and dredged sediment/mud.
BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, Transportation Sub- Service Office of North Jakarta Administrative City, BPHLD of North Jakarta, and
to BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
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Type of Environmental Impact
Source of Impact
Objective of Management
Weight of Impact
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Impact Parameters
Impact Management Effort
Lingkungan Taman Impian Jaya Ancol).
Permit, Transportation Permit from Transportation Service Office and have Environmental Management Efforts Environmental Monitoring Efforts (UKL-UPL) or AMDAL documents. The activity initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.) will then examine the validity of location as well as UKL and UPL documents of the contractors/supplier s of fill soil/laterite. The contractors/ suppliers of fill soil/laterite and dredged sediment/mud must provide deposit for road repairs/ maintenance to the Regional Government/Mayor of North Jakarta and comply with the provisions of Decision of Mayor of North Jakarta Number 13 Year 2000 concerning Reclamation/ Pilling-Up Construction equipment and materials/ fill soil
Location of Management
Management Period
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution Kelurahan Ancol.
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Type of Environmental Impact
Source of Impact
Objective of Management
Weight of Impact
Impact Parameters
Impact Management Effort
Location of Management
Management Period
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
cannot be transported in busy hours. Therefore, the transportation will be conducted at night between 22:00 06:00 West Indonesia Time. The fill soil and dredged sediment/mud transportation vehicles must be equipped with a cover/canvas and the capacity may not exceed the capacity of transportation vehicles used so that the fill soil and dredged sediment/mud are not scattered and pollute the road surface. The tonnage of the fill soil and dredged sediment/mud transportation vehicles used may not exceed the capacity of the road surface passed through so as not to damage the road surface. The fill soil and dredged sediment/mud transportation vehicles must be cleaned up first
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Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmental Impact
2. Disturbance to Uninterrupte d Sea Transportati on
Source of Impact
The mobilization of construction equipment and materials, the transportation of fill sand with volume of ± 6,708,300 m3 by sea, the reclamation work in an area of ± 119 Hectares and the construction of ± 1,500 m breakwater .
Objective of Management
To prevent any disturbance to uninterrupted traffic flow (sea transportation) around the project location during the construction phase.
Weight of Impact
Negative, major and significant (5/5)
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Impact Parameters
Uninterrupted traffic flow (sea transportation) around the project location during the construction phase.
Impact Management Effort before leaving the location of fill soil and dredged sediment/mud sources as well as the project location. The contractors/ suppliers of fill soil/laterite and dredged sediment/mud must keep the road surface clean and maintain its condition, and must place a monitoring staff and a road sanitation manager around the project everyday during the transportation of fill soil and dredged sediment/mud. Contractors/supplier s of fill sand must obtain the permit in accordance with the applicable provisions (Mining Business Permit/ Location Permit, Transportation Permit and Environmental Impact Analysis documents), as well as comply with the provisions of Decision of the Administrative Mayor of North Jakarta No. 13/2000 regarding
Location of Management
Management Period
Water territory around the project location and along shipping route from the dredging location until the reclamation location and vice-versa
Since and during activities with regard to the transportation of material/dredg ed sand
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
Contractors/ suppliers providing fill soil.
North Coast Implementing Agency (BP Pantura), Directorate General of Sea Transportation and Sea Transportation Sub-service Office of North Jakarta Administrative City.
to BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, KLH of North Jakarta and Directorate General of Sea Transportation .
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Type of Environmental Impact
Source of Impact
Objective of Management
Weight of Impact
Impact Parameters
Impact Management Effort
Location of Management
Management Period
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
Reclamation. Establishing coordination/consult ation with the Sea Transportation Subservice Office of North Jakarta Administrative City, Marina Ancol Management, and others. In compliance with Regional Regulation No. 11 of 1992, the dredged sand is planned to be collected from Banten province areas Complying with the shipping regulations applicable in the affected regions from the dredging location up to the reclamation/project location and viceversa, including navigation facilities. Installing shipping traffic signs around the project location, mainly during mooring in the mooring location in order to minimize disturbance to ships passing the area. Project initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk) will then verify the validity of location and
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Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmental Impact
3. Disturbance to Activities in the Surrounding s
Source of Impact
Activities with regard to the mobilization of equipment and material, the transportation of ± 3,708,300 m3 of fill sand, ± 400,000 m3, reclamation activity covering an area of ± 119 Ha and activities of ± 400 construction workers.
Objective of Management
To prevent any disturbance to activities in the surroundings due to the activities of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area.
POST-CONSTRUCTION PHASE I. PHYSICOCHEMICAL COMPONENTS 1. Changes in Filling/ Making efforts the Pattern reclamation to prevent of Currents activities changes in the around the pattern of project location. currents due
Weight of Impact
Impact Parameters
Negative, major and significant (5/5)
Undisturbed activities around the project during the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area.
Negative, medium and significant (3/5)
The rate of coastal abrasion and sedimentation around the
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Impact Management Effort AMDAL document of the Contractor/supplier of dredged sand Managing and observing various negative impacts arising during the project construction phase such as, the degradation of sea water quality, change in the pattern of current, abrasion and sedimentation, increased quantity of water surface, increased solid waste volume, disturbance to sea biota, land and sea transportation as previously described Coordination and communication with relevant institution and public figure around the project during project construction phase through the Public Relation of PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk
Maintaining the integrity of sea dike/breakwaters in order to prevent abrasion on the
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
Location of Management
Management Period
within and around the project location.
as of and during the construction phase of the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area.
Contractor and activity initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk).
BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
to BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta.
maritime water territory and coastal areas around the project location.
during the postconstruction phase of the project.
Contractor and activity initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol,
Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs Service
to BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmental Impact
Source of Impact
Objective of Management
Weight of Impact
to reclamation from causing severe abrasion and sedimentation around the project location.
Impact Parameters project location
2. Abrasion and Sedimentati on
The changes in the pattern of currents due to the existence of reclaimed land in an area of ±119 ha and 1,252 m long sea dike/ breakwaters.
To prevent the occurrence of coastal abrasion/ accretion and sedimentation during the postconstruction phase of the project.
Negative, medium and significant (3/5) and Positive, medium and significant (+3/5)
The rate of coastal abrasion and sedimentation around the project location
3. Increased Quantity of Surface Water
The existence of reclaimed land for the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area in an area of ± 119 ha.
To prevent the increase in the number of locations, expansion of area, and duration of puddle and
Negative, medium and significant (5/5)
Expansion of locations, area and duration of puddle and flood in the former coastal land around the project
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Impact Management Effort
Location of Management
Management Period
reclaimed land. Constructing dike/sea walls and reinforcing revetment with rocks. Monitoring the direction and velocity of currents, abrasion and sedimentation process in accordance with the seasonal west and east monsoon on the site and around the project location on a regular and continuous basis.
The management conducted The left and right side of most of the roads in Central and East Ancol Area are equipped with drainage canal
Environmental Management Implementing Supervisory Institution Institution Tbk). Office of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and BPHLD of North Jakarta.
to BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and BPHLD of North Jakarta.
The coastal water territory around the project location.
during the postconstruction phase of the project.
Contractor and activity initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk).
in the location and land around the project site.
during the construction phase.
Activity initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk).
Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs Service Office of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and Office for the Environment of North Jakarta. BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, Public Works Sub-service Office for Water Management
Reporting North Jakarta and BPHLD of North Jakarta.
to BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, Public Works Sub-service
Environmental Management Plan
Type of Environmental Impact
Source of Impact
Objective of Management
Weight of Impact
flood in the former coastal land around the project location.
Impact Parameters location.
Impact Management Effort Most of the drainage is directed toward Ancol river while the other are directed to Bintang Mas River A pump with the 3 capacity of 0.6 m / 3 hour until 12 m / hour is installed on several drains in Central Ancol Two units of pump have been installed in the Western Dunia Fantasi to be directed to Bintang Mas River These pumps are operated automatically and manually
Location of Management
Management Period
Environmental Management Implementing Supervisory Institution Institution of North Jakarta Administrative City and BPHLD of North Jakarta.
Institution Reporting Office for Water Management of North Jakarta Administrative City and BPHLD of North Jakarta.
Management conducted Drainage system arrangement and maintenance which are integrated with the surrounding environment and directly to the sea Pillingup/reclamation on + 119 Ha project area by using island system (Block 3 covering an area of + 85 Ha and Block 4 covering an area of + 35 Ha) in order to separate the
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Type of Environmental Impact
Source of Impact
Objective of Management
Weight of Impact
Impact Parameters
Impact Management Effort
Location of Management
Management Period
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
reclamation area with the currently existing coast line Maintaining the distance between reclaimed land (Block 4) and the existing coast line according to the recommendations of the results of study and simulation conducted by the relevant Service Office at + 85 m in width According to the results of study on the Revitalization of Drainage System in Central and Eastern Ancol Area (2005), in order to solve the inundation problem due to the high elevation of sea water surface or heavy rain, consideration is made based on the economic and technical aspects, therefore it is planned to make a separated drainage system (polder system) from the surrounding region The plan is to build retention pool with the size of 5% 10% of rain catchment area with
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Type of Environmental Impact
Source of Impact
Objective of Management
Weight of Impact
Impact Parameters
Impact Management Effort
Location of Management
Management Period
The entire ± 119 Ha of reclaimed land for the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area .
as from the reclamation/ piling-works up to the postconstruction phase of the project.
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the pump capacity of around 1 3 m /second per 100 Ha.
4. Land Subsidence
The existence of reclaimed land for the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area in an area of ± 119 ha.
To prevent the occurrence of land subsidence in the land reclaimed for the Development of Eastern West Ancol Area in an area of + 119 ha.
Negative, medium and significant (3/5)
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Change of the elevation of soil level in the reclaimed land.
Areas considered as potential location of retention pool are: - Lagoon existing in recreation area - Pool existing in the golf course - Seaside area of Central and Eastern Ancol - New recreation area Conducting research on the characteristics of base soil in the piling-up location by referring to the macro indication of land subsidence in the North Coast of Jakarta (- 2.5 cm/ year on average). Installing geo-textile in the reclaimed land in order to optimize the consolidation of piled-up materials. Installing vertical drain in the reclaimed land in order to eliminate the water content in the reclaimed land. Performing the
The activity initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk).
: BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and BPHLD of North Jakarta.
to BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and BPHLD of North Jakarta.
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Type of Environmental Impact
Source of Impact
Objective of Management
Weight of Impact
Impact Parameters
Impact Management Effort
Location of Management
Management Period
Environmental Management Institution Implementing Supervisory Reporting Institution Institution
densification/ compaction of piledup materials by using tractor, layer by layer, and leaving the reclaimed land for ± 1 year so that the soil is compact before being used for the structures.
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Socioeconomic and cultural components 1)
Public Perception a) Significant Impact To Be Monitored Perception of the community around the project location (Kelurahan Ancol). Indicator: Frequency of communication forum meeting. b)
Source of Impact Activity to determine the location of the Project (± 119 ha).
Parameter To Be Monitored Frequency of communication forum meeting.
Objective of the Monitoring To identify the success of the project dissemination as well as the response of the surrounding community (Kelurahan Ancol) to the determination of the location for the Project.
Methods of Monitoring Data collection and analysis methods: Coordination and discussion with the communication forum. The data obtained will be analyzed in a descriptive manner. Monitoring Locations: Activities in the surroundings (PT Rukindo, PT MKY, PLTGU Tanjung Priok, Warf of the Indonesian Navy in Pondok Dayung) and public residences around the project location (Kelurahan Ancol). Duration/Frequency: Once every six months during the project pre-construction phase.
Monitoring Institutions: Implementing Institution: Activity Initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk) Supervisory Institutions: the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta, Kecamatan Pademangan (Pademangan Sub-
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Environmental Monitoring Plan
district) and Kelurahan Ancol (Ancol Sub-sub District). Reporting to: the Regional Environmental Management Agency (BPLHD) of the DKI Jakarta Province, the North Coast Implementing Agency (BP Pantura), the Mayor of North Jakarta Municipality, the KLH of North Jakarta, Kecamatan Pademangan and Kelurahan Ancol once every six months during the project pre-construction phase.
Spatial Layout Components 1)
Activities in the Surroundings a) Significant Impact To Be Monitored The significant impact monitored: Activities around the project (PT Manggala Krida Yudha). Indicators: The existence/absence of MoU as well as the frequency of coordination with PT Manggala Krida Yudha. b)
Source of Impact The determination of the location of the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area of ± 119 ha.
Parameter To Be Monitored: MoU and frequency of coordination with PT Manggala Krida Yudha.
Objective of the Monitoring To identify whether or not the activities in the surroundings (PT Manggala Krida Yudha) are disturbed by the determination of the project location.
Methods of Monitoring Data collection and analysis methods: Interview with the representative of the activities around the project (PT Manggala Krida Yudha). The data obtained will be analyzed in a descriptive manner. Monitoring Location: Location of activities around the project (PT Manggala Krida Yudha).
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Duration/Frequency: Once every six months during the pre-construction phase of the project.
Monitoring Institutions: Implementing Institution: Activity Initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). Supervisory Institutions: North Coast Implementing Agency, the Mayor of North Jakarta and the KLH of North Jakarta. Reporting to: The BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, the North Coast Implementing Agency, the Mayor of North Jakarta and the KLH of North Jakarta Once every six months during the pre-construction phase of the project.
Physicochemical components 1)
Decrease of Sea Water Quality a) Significant Impact To Be Monitored: The environmental component to be monitored: Sea water quality around the activity location. Indicator: Quantity/volume of waste and quality of sea water in accordance with the Decree of the Minister for the Environment No. Kep-51 Year 2004 concerning the Sea Water Quality Standard (for Recreation Purpose), length of the breakwater and the reclamation implementation technique. b)
Source of Impact Reclamation work in an area of ± 119 ha and construction of breakwater.
Parameter To Be Monitored The significant parameter of sea water quality in accordance with the Decree of the Minister for the Environment No.Kep-51 Year 2004 concerning the Quality Standard of Sea Water (for Recreation Purpose), length of the breakwater and the reclamation implementation technique.
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Objective of the Monitoring To identify the success of the management of sea water turbidity and TSS.
Methods of Monitoring Data collection and analysis methods: Documentation of the process of the construction of breakwater and reclamation technique, sea water sampling by applying stratified sampling method using a 2-liter container will be analyzed in a laboratory in accordance with the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). The significant parameter data obtained is subsequently compared with the quality standard in accordance with the Decree of the Minister for the Environment No.Kep-51 Year 2004 concerning the Quality Standard of Sea Water (for Recreation Purpose). Monitoring location: Sea waters around the activity location. Duration/frequency: At least 4 times a year during the construction phase of the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area in accordance with the change of season.
Monitoring Institutions: Implementing institutions: contractor and the Activity Initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). Supervisory Institutions: The Service Office for Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs, North Coast Implementing Agency, the Mayor of North Jakarta and the KLH of North Jakarta. Reporting to: The BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, the North Coast Implementing Agency, the Service Office for Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs of DKI Jakarta Province, the Mayor of North Jakarta and KLH of North Jakarta.
Change in the Current Pattern a) Significant Impact To Be Monitored The environmental component monitored: The pattern of currents
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Indicator: Direction and velocity of currents in the sea waters around the project location.
Source of impact Reclamation work in an area of ± 119 ha.
Parameter To Be Monitored Direction and velocity of currents in the sea waters around the project location.
Objective of the Monitoring To identify the change in the pattern of currents around the project location in order to verify the hydrodynamic model.
Methods of Monitoring Data collection and analysis: Direct on-site measurement by using current meter. The data obtained will be analyzed descriptively and compared with the environmental baseline data. Monitoring location: sea current around the project location. Duration/frequency: Every change of season during the construction phase. Monitoring Institutions Implementing Institutions: contractor and the Activity Initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). Supervisory Institutions: the Service Office for Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs of DKI Jakarta Province, the Mayor of North Jakarta and the KLH of North Jakarta. Reporting to: The BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, The North Coast Implementing Agency, The Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Service Office of DKI Jakarta, the Mayor of North Jakarta and the KLH of North Jakarta for a period of one year during the project construction phase.
Sedimentation a) Significant Impact To Be Monitored Significant impact to be Sedimentation
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monitored: VI-5
Environmental Monitoring Plan
Indicator: TSS and location of sedimentation.
Source of Impact Reclamation work activity in an area of ± 119 ha and construction of breakwater ± 1,500 m in length.
Parameter To Be Monitored TSS and location of sedimentation
Objective of the Monitoring To measure the extent of the success in preventing coastal sedimentation.
Monitoring methods Data collection and analysis methods: The monitoring will be conducted through arithmetic method, i.e. by calculating the velocity of the sedimentation from the beach mark set near the coastline affected by abrasion/sedimentation and the sampling of sea water using 2-liter container to be analyzed in the laboratory in accordance with the Indonesian National Standard. The data obtained is to be compared with the previous initial baseline data and analyzed based on the sedimentation distribution pattern. Monitoring Location: At the activity location and beaches around the project location. Duration/frequency: Every change of season during the project construction phase. Monitoring Institutions Implementing Institution: The Activity Initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk) Supervisory Institutions: The Service Office for Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs of the DKI Jakarta Province, the BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, North Coast Implementing Agency, the Mayor of North Jakarta and the KLH of North Jakarta. Reporting to: The BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, the North Coast Implementing Agency, the Service Office for Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs of DKI Jakarta Province, the Mayor of North Jakarta
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and the KLH of North Jakarta, once a year during the project construction phase. b.
Biological Components 1)
Disturbance to Marine Biota a) Significant Impact To Be Monitored The environmental components to be monitored: Marine Biota (plankton, benthos and nekton) around the project location. Indicator: Number of types and diversity of Marine Biota (plankton, benthos and nekton) in waters around the project location. b)
Source of impact Reclamation activity in an area of ± 119 ha, construction of breakwater of ± 1,500 m in length and activities of ± 400 construction workers.
Parameter To Be Monitored Diversity of plankton, benthos and nekton in waters around the project location.
Objective of the Monitoring To measure the success of management efforts in minimizing the impact on marine biota (plankton, benthos and nekton).
Methods of Monitoring Data collection and analysis methods: The sampling of plankton in the sea water by using plankton net and the sampling of benthos in the sediment by using ekman grap to be identified in the laboratory. Meanwhile, the data on nekton is obtained through interview with fishermen/people around the project. The data obtained is subsequently analyzed based on the type diversity index of Shannor Wiener. Monitoring Location: Sea waters around the project location. Duration/frequency: Every change of season during the project construction phase.
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Monitoring Institutions Implementing Institutions: contractor and Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). Supervisory Institutions : The Service Office for Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs, North Coast Implementing Agency (BP Pantura), Mayor of North Jakarta and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta. Reporting to : the BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, Service Office for Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs, North Coast Implementing Agency (BP Pantura), Mayor of North Jakarta and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta, once every six months during the construction phase of the project.
Social, Economic and Cultural Components as well as Community Health 1)
The Availability of Work Opportunities a) Significant Impacts To Be Monitored Environmental components to be monitored: Work opportunities in the project location. Indicators: The number of manpower around the project location (having the Identity Card of Kelurahan Ancol and the surroundings/Kecamatan Pademangan) who work during the construction phase of the project. b)
Source of Impact Construction manpower recruitment activity for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area in an area of 119 ha.
Parameter To Be Monitored The number of manpower for the project construction from the surrounding community (Kelurahan Ancol and the surroundings/Kecamatan Pademangan).
Objective of the Monitoring To measure the absorption of local manpower during the construction phase of the project.
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Methods of monitoring Data collection and analysis method: Reviewing the data maintained in the project personnel division. The existing data are analyzed in a descriptive manner. Monitoring location: Within the project location. Duration/Frequency: Once every six months during the construction phase of the project.
Monitoring Institutions Implementing Institutions: contractor and Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). Supervisory Institutions : The Unit Service Office of Manpower of the North Jakarta Administrative City, the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta and Kelurahan Ancol. Reporting to : BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, Manpower Service Office and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta once every six months during the construction phase of the project.
The Availability of Business Opportunities a) Significant Impacts To Be Monitored Environmental component to be monitored: Business opportunities in and around the project location. Indicators: The number of surrounding residents (having the Identity Card of the Kelurahan Ancol and the surroundings) taking advantage of the business opportunities during the construction phase of the project. b)
Source of Impact Manpower recruitment activity/activities of 400 people construction workers for the Project of the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area.
Parameter To Be Monitored The number of surrounding residents (Kelurahan Ancol and the surroundings) taking advantage of the
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business opportunities during the construction phase of the project.
Objective of the Monitoring To identify the extent of local manpower absorption during the construction phase of the project.
Methods of monitoring Data collection and analysis method: Field observation and recording, interviews with the community. The data obtained will be tabulated and analyzed in a descriptive manner. Monitoring location: Within and around the project location. Duration/Frequency: Once every three months during the construction phase of the project.
Monitoring Institutions Implementing Institutions: contractor and Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). Supervisory Institutions : Kelurahan Ancol, Kecamatan Pademangan, the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta. Reporting to : BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta.
Degrading Environmental Sanitation a)
Significant Impacts To Be Monitored Environmental components to be monitored: Environmental sanitation in and around the project location. Indicators: Environmental cleanliness, drainage and domestic liquid waste management.
Sub-service Office Source of Impact Activities of 400 construction workers for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area, resulting in solid and liquid waste.
Parameter To Be Monitored Environmental cleanliness, drainage and domestic liquid waste management.
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Objective of the Monitoring To measure whether the environmental sanitation management inside and around the project location has been implemented properly.
Methods of monitoring Data collection and analysis method: Field observation and recording. The data obtained will be analyzed in a descriptive manner. Monitoring location: Within and around the project location. Duration/Frequency: Everyday during the construction phase of the project.
Monitoring Institutions Implementing Institutions: contractor and Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). Supervisory Institutions : Community Health Sub-Service Office, Sanitation Sub-Service Office and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta. Reporting to : BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, Community Health Sub-Service Office, Sanitation Sub-Service Office and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta once every six months during the construction phase of the project.
Negative Perception of the Community a) Significant Impacts To Be Monitored Environmental components to be monitored: Public perception. Indicators: Negative perception of the community around the project (Kelurahan Ancol) about the construction activities for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area. b)
Source of Impact The equipment and materials mobilization activity for the coastal construction in an area of 119 ha, and transportation of filling soil of 400,000 m3, dredged sediment/mud of 9,452,040 m3, construction of
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breakwater of 1,500 m in length and activities of 400 construction workers. c)
Parameter To Be Monitored Perception of the community around the project location (Kelurahan Ancol) about the construction activities for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area.
Objective of the Monitoring To identify the public perception about the construction activities for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area.
Methods of monitoring Data collection and analysis method: Interviews with the community around the project (Kelurahan Ancol) by means of purposive sampling using questionnaires. The data obtained will be tabulated and analyzed based on the percentage of respondents having positive and negative perceptions concerning the implementation of the project construction activities. Monitoring location: The community living around the project location (Kelurahan Ancol). Duration/Frequency: Once every three months during the construction phase.
Monitoring Institutions Implementing Institutions: contractor and Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). Supervisory Institutions : Mayor of North Jakarta, the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta, Kelurahan Ancol and Kecamatan Pademangan. Reporting to : BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta once every six months during the construction phase of the project.
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Environmental Monitoring Plan
Disturbance to Public Security and Order a) Significant Impacts To Be Monitored Environmental components to be monitored: Public security and order in and around the project location. Indicators: Criminality rate and disturbance to public security and order in and around the project location. b)
Source of Impact The activity to mobilize construction equipment and materials/filling soil of 400,000 m3, dredged sediment/mud of 9,452,040 m3, reclamation in an area of 119 ha, construction of breakwater of 1,500 m in length and activities of 400 construction workers.
Parameter To Be Monitored Complaints from the community/workers around the activity location.
Objective of the Monitoring To identify the successful management of public security and order during the construction phase of the project.
Methods of monitoring Data collection and analysis method: Field observation and recording, review of the data existing in the security division. The data obtained will be analyzed descriptively. Monitoring location: Within and around the project location (Kelurahan Ancol). Duration/Frequency: Everyday during the construction phase of the project.
Monitoring Institutions Implementing Institutions: contractor and Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). Supervisory Institutions : Mayor of North Jakarta, the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta, Sectoral Police of Pademangan, Kecamatan Pademangan and Kelurahan Ancol.
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Environmental Monitoring Plan
Reporting to : BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta once every six months during the construction phase of the project.
Spatial Layout Components 1)
Disturbance to Land Transportation a) Significant Impacts To Be Monitored Environmental components to be monitored: Traffic (land transportation) around the project location (Jl. R.E. Martadinata and Jl. Lingkungan Kawasan Ancol). Indicators: Traffic jam around the project location (Jl. R.E. Martadinata and Jl. Lingkungan Kawasan Ancol). Cleanliness of the roads around the project location (Jl. R.E. Martadinata and Jl. Lingkungan Kawasan Ancol). b)
Source of Impact The activity to mobilize construction equipment and materials/filling soil of 400,000 m3 and dredged sediment/mud of 9,452,040 m3.
Parameter To Be Monitored Traffic around the project location (Jl. R.E. Martadinata and Jl. Lingkungan Kawasan Ancol). Public complaints.
Objective of the Monitoring To measure whether the traffic (land transportation) management efforts around the project location have been implemented properly.
Methods of monitoring Data collection and analysis method: Field observation and recording and public complaints. The data obtained will be analyzed in a descriptive manner. Monitoring location: On the road surface around the project location (Jl. R.E.
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Environmental Monitoring Plan
Martadinata and Jl. Lingkungan Kawasan Ancol). Duration/Frequency: Everyday during the construction phase of the project.
Monitoring Institutions Implementing Institutions: contractor and Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). Supervisory Institutions : BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta Administrative City, Transportation Sub-Service Office, the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta and Kelurahan Ancol. Reporting to : BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta Administrative City and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta.
Disturbance to Sea Transportation a) Significant Impacts To Be Monitored Environmental components to be monitored: Traffic (sea transportation) around the project location. Indicator: Disturbance to sea transportation around the project location. b)
Source of Impact The mobilization of construction equipment and materials, transportation of filling sand of 1,982,280 m3 through the sea, reclamation work in an area of 119 ha and Construction of breakwater of 1,500 m.
Parameter To Be Monitored Complaints from the fishermen around the project location.
Objective of the Monitoring To identify whether traffic (sea transportation) management efforts around the project location have been implemented properly.
Methods of monitoring Data collection and analysis method: Observation and recording of complaints from
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Environmental Monitoring Plan
fishermen. The data obtained will be analyzed descriptively. Monitoring location: At sea waters around the project location. Duration/Frequency: Everyday during the construction phase of the project.
Monitoring Institutions Implementing Institutions: contractor and Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). Supervisory Institutions : BP Pantura, Directorate General of Sea Transportation and Sea Transportation Sub-Service Office of North Jakarta Administrative City. Reporting to : BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Directorate General of Sea Transportation, Mayor of North Jakarta and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta once every six months during the construction phase of the project.
Disturbance to Activities in the Surroundings a) Significant Impacts To Be Monitored Environmental components to be monitored: Activities around the project location (Carnaval Beach, Area of PT. Manggala Krida Yudha, West Ancol Residence, activities of fishermen/people looking for fishes and crabs). Indicator: Number of complaint on the project location by surrounding community. b)
Source of Impact The activity to mobilize equipment and materials, transportation of filling sand of 1,982,280 m3, transportation of filling soil of 400,000 m3 and dredged sediment/mud of 9,452,040 m3, reclamation in an area of 119 ha and activities of 400 construction workers.
Parameter To Be Monitored Disturbance to the activities around the project during the construction phase of the project.
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Environmental Monitoring Plan
Objective of the Monitoring To identify whether or not the activities around the project are disturbed during the construction phase of the project.
Methods of monitoring Data collection and analysis method: Monitoring the complaints from communication forums. The data obtained is analyzed in a descriptive manner. Monitoring location: Activities around the project location (West Ancol Residence, Carnaval Beach, PT. Manggala Krida Yudha and fishermen/people looking for fishes and crabs). Duration/Frequency: Everyday during the construction phase of the project.
Monitoring Institutions Implementing Institutions: contractor and Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). Supervisory Institutions : BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta. Reporting to : BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta once every six months during the construction phase of the project.
Physicochemical components 1)
Changes in the Pattern of Currents a) Significant Impacts To Be Monitored Environmental components to be monitored: Pattern of sea currents. Indicators: Direction and velocity of currents of the sea around the project location. b)
Source of Impact The reclamation activity in an area of 119 ha.
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Environmental Monitoring Plan
Parameter To Be Monitored Direction and velocity of currents in the sea waters around the project location.
Objective of the Monitoring To measure the changes in the pattern of currents around the project location.
Methods of monitoring Data collection and analysis methods: Direct measurement in the field by using a Current Meter. The data obtained is analyzed in a descriptive manner and compared with the data of the initial environmental setting. Monitoring location: At the sea waters around the project location. Duration/Frequency: Once a year during the post-construction phase.
Monitoring Institutions Implementing Institutions: The Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). Supervisory Institutions : The Service Office for Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta. Reporting to : BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Service Office for Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs of the DKI Jakarta Province, Mayor of North Jakarta and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta, throughout the year during the postconstruction phase.
Abrasion and Sedimentation a) Significant Impacts To Be Monitored Environmental components to be monitored: Abrasion and sedimentation. Indicators: area (size) due to abrasion and sedimentation along the coastal land.
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Environmental Monitoring Plan
Source of Impact The existence of land resulting from the reclamation ( 119 ha) and the existence of breakwater ( 1,500 m).
Parameter To Be Monitored Coastal land area affected by abrasion and sedimentation, as well as the width and depth of the lateral canal (baseline is 200 m width).
Objective of the Monitoring To measure the extent of success in preventing coastal abrasion and sedimentation due to the reclamation activity.
Methods of monitoring Data collection and analysis method: Monitoring is conducted by means of Arithmetic method, i.e. by measuring the velocity of abrasion and sedimentation from the beach mark set near the coastline affected by abrasion/sedimentation. The data obtained is compared with the data of the previous environmental baseline data. Monitoring location: At the sedimentation location and coast around the project. Duration/Frequency: Once a year during the post-construction phase.
Monitoring Institutions Implementing Institutions : The Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). Supervisory Institutions : The Service Office for Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs of the DKI Jakarta Province, BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta. Reporting to : BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Service Office for Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs of the DKI Jakarta Province, Mayor of North Jakarta and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta, once every year during the post-construction phase of the project.
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Environmental Monitoring Plan
Increasing Quantity of Surface Water/Drainage a)
Significant Impacts To Be Monitored Environmental components to be monitored: Quantity of surface water around the project location (Kelurahan Ancol). Indicators: puddle/flood around the project (Kelurahan Ancol) due to the Development Activities of the Eastern West Ancol.
Source of Impact The existence of land resulting from reclamation ( 119 ha).
Parameter To Be Monitored The area and frequency of puddle around the project location.
Objective of the Monitoring To measure the success of the surface water quantity management.
Methods of monitoring Data collection and analysis method: Field monitoring. The data obtained is to be analyzed descriptively. Monitoring location: The drainage canal around the project location. Duration/Frequency: Once every six months during the post-construction phase of the project.
Monitoring Institutions Implementing Institutions: The Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). Supervisory Institutions: The Mayor of North Jakarta, Public Works Sub-Service Office for Water Management of the North Jakarta Administrative City and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta. Reporting to: BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, Public Works Sub-Service Office for Water Management of North Jakarta and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta,
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Environmental Monitoring Plan
once every six months during the postconstruction phase of the project. 4)
Land Subsidence a) Significant Impacts To Be Monitored Environmental components monitored: Land surface in the reclaimed area. Indicators: No liquefaction and land subsidence in the reclaimed land area. b)
Source of Impact The existence of reclaimed land for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area in an area of 119 ha.
Parameter To Be Monitored Elevation of the reclaimed land.
Objective of the Monitoring To obtain information concerning the liquefaction and land subsidence events in the reclaimed land.
Methods of monitoring Data collection and analysis method: Measurement of land surface elevation in the reclaimed land. The data obtained is to be analyzed in a descriptive manner. Monitoring location: In the reclaimed land. Duration/Frequency: Once a year during the post-construction phase.
Monitoring Institutions Implementing Institutions: The Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). Supervisory Institutions: BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta Administrative City and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta. Reporting to: BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta Administrative City and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta, once a year during the post-construction phase of the project.
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Environmental Monitoring Plan
Decrease of Sea Water Quality a) Significant Impacts To Be Monitored Environmental components to be monitored: The quality of sea water around the activity location. Indicators: DO rate, turbidity, TSS, pH, NH3, H2S, KMnO4 and BOD of the sea water in accordance with Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 51 Year 2004 concerning Sea Water Quality Standard (for Recreation Purpose). b)
Source of Impact Filled sediment/mud material containing high organic substances.
Parameter To Be Monitored DO, turbidity, TSS, pH, NH3, H2S, KMnO4 value and BOD of the sea water around the activity location.
Objective of the Monitoring To measure the success of the sea water quality management.
Methods of monitoring Data collection and analysis method: Sea water sampling by using a 2-liter container can to be analyzed in the laboratory in accordance with the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). The data obtained is compared with the quality standard in accordance with Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 51 Year 2004 concerning Sea Water Quality Standard (for Recreation Purpose). Monitoring location: Sea waters around the activity location. Duration/Frequency: Once every six months during the post-construction phase of the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area.
Monitoring Institutions Implementing Institutions: contractor and Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). Supervisory Institutions: The Service Office for Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Environmental Monitoring Plan
Affairs, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta. Reporting to : the BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Service Office for Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs of the DKI Jakarta Province, Mayor of North Jakarta and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta.
The matrix of the summary of the Updated RPL for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area can be seen in Table 6.1, while the Environmental Monitoring Location can be seen in Figures VI.1 and VI.2.
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Environmental Monitoring Plan
Table 6.1. Matrix of Summary of Up Dated Environmental Monitoring Plan (RPL) Significant Impact To Be Monitored Environmental Indicator components
PRE-CONSTRUCTION PHASE I. SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL COMPONENTS 1. Public Frequency of The activity to Perception communication determine the forum meeting location of the project for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area of ± 119 ha.
II. SPATIAL LAYOUT 1. Activities in The the existence/absenc Surroundings e of MoU as well as the frequency of coordination with PT Manggala Krida Yudha
The determination of the location of the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area of ± 119 ha
Methods of Monitoring Data collection Location and analysis methods
Parameter To Be Monitored
Objective of Environmental Monitoring
Frequency of communicati on forum meeting
To identify the success of the project dissemination as well as the response of the surrounding community (Kelurahan Ancol) to the determination of the location of the project for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area.
Coordination and discussion with the communication forum. The data obtained will be analyzed in a descriptive manner.
MoU and frequency of coordination with PT Manggala Krida Yudha
To identify whether or not the activities in the surroundings (PT Manggala Krida Yudha) are disturbed by the determination of the project location
Interview with the representative of the activities around the project (PT Manggala Krida Yudha). The data obtained will be analyzed in a descriptive manner
Source of Impact
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Environmental Monitoring Institutions Duration/Fre quency
Implementing Institution
Supervisory Institutions
Activities in the surroundings (PT Rukindo, PT MKY, PLTGU Tanjung Priok, Warf of the Indonesian Navy in Pondok Dayung) and public residences around the project location (Kelurahan Ancol).
Once every six months during the preconstruction phase of the project.
Activity Initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk).
North Coast Implementing Agency, the Mayor of North Jakarta and the KLH of North Jakarta
The BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, the North Coast Implementing Agency, the Mayor of North Jakarta and the KLH of North Jakarta Once every six months during the preconstruction phase of the project
Location of activities around the project (PT Manggala Krida Yudha)
Once every six months during the preconstruction phase of the project
Activity Initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk)
North Coast Implementing Agency, the Mayor of North Jakarta and the KLH of North Jakarta
Reporting to
BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, the North Coast Implementing Agency, the Mayor of North Jakarta and the KLH of North Jakarta Once every six months during the preconstruction phase of the project
Environmental Monitoring Plan
Significant Impact To Be Monitored Environmental Indicator components CONSTRUCTION PHASE I. Physicochemical 1. Decrease of Quantity/volume Sea Water of waste and Quality quality of sea water in accordance with the Decree of the Minister for the Environment No. Kep-51 Year 2004 concerning the Quality Standard for Sea Water (Allocated for Recreation), length of the breakwater and the reclamation implementation technique
2. Changes in The Pattern of Currents
Direction and velocity of currents in the sea waters around the project location
Parameter To Be Monitored
Objective of Environmental Monitoring
Sea water quality in accordance with the Decree of the Minister for the Environment Number Kep-51 Year 2004 concerning the Quality Standard of Sea Water (allocated for Recreation)
The significant parameter of sea water quality in accordance with the Decree of the Minister for the Environment No.Kep-51 Year 2004 concerning the Quality Standard of Sea Water (allocated for Recreation), length of the breakwater and the reclamation implementat ion technique
To identify the success of the management of sea water turbidity and TSS
Reclamation work in an area of ± 119 ha
Direction and velocity of currents in the sea waters around the project
To identify the change in the pattern of currents around the project location to verify the hydrodynamic
Source of Impact
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Methods of Monitoring Data collection Location and analysis methods
Documentation of the process of the construction of breakwater and reclamation technique, sea water sampling by applying stratified sampling method using a 2-liter jerry can to be analyzed in a laboratory in accordance with the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). The significant parameter data obtained is subsequently compared with the quality standard in accordance with the Decree of the Minister for the Environment No.Kep-51 Year 2004 concerning the Quality Standard of Sea Water (allocated for Recreation) Direct on-site measurement by using current meter. The data obtained is analyzed in a descriptive
Environmental Monitoring Institutions Duration/Fre quency
Implementing Institution
Supervisory Institutions
Sea waters around the activity location
At least 4 times a year during the construction phase of the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area in accordance with the change of season
Contractor and the Activity Initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk)
The Service Office for Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs, North Coast Implementing Agency, the Mayor of North Jakarta and the KLH of North Jakarta
The BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, the North Coast Implementing Agency, the Service Office for Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs of DKI Jakarta Province, the Mayor of North Jakarta and KLH of North Jakarta
In sea waters around the project location
Every change of season during the construction phase
Contractor and the Activity Initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk)
The Service Office for Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs of DKI
The BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, The North Coast Implementing Agency, The Animal
Reporting to
Environmental Monitoring Plan
Significant Impact To Be Monitored Environmental Indicator components
Degree of TSS and location of sedimentation
Parameter To Be Monitored
Source of Impact
Reclamation work activity in an area of ± 119 ha and construction of breakwater ± 1,500 m in length
Objective of Environmental Monitoring
Degree of TSS and location of sedimentati on
To identify the extent of the success in the efforts of preventing coastal sedimentation in the activity location
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Methods of Monitoring Data collection Location and analysis methods manner and compared with the environmental setting data
the monitoring is conducted through arithmetic method namely by calculating the velocity of the sedimentation from the beach mark set near the coastline affected by abrasion/sediment ation and the sampling of sea water using a white 2-liter jerry can to be analyzed in the laboratory in accordance with the Indonesian National Standard. The data obtained is compared with the previous initial setting data and analyzed based
At the activity location and beaches around the project location
Environmental Monitoring Institutions Duration/Fre quency
Implementing Institution
Supervisory Institutions Jakarta Province, the Mayor of North Jakarta and the KLH of North Jakarta
Every change of season during the project construction phase
The Activity Initiator (PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk)
The Service Office for Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs of the DKI Jakarta Province, the BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, North Coast Implementing Agency, the Mayor of North Jakarta and the KLH of North Jakarta
Reporting to Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Service Office of DKI Jakarta, the Mayor of North Jakarta and the KLH of North Jakarta for a period of one year during the project construction phase The BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, the North Coast Implementing Agency, the Service Office for Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs of DKI Jakarta Province, the Mayor of North Jakarta and the KLH of North Jakarta, once a year during the project construction phase
Environmental Monitoring Plan
Significant Impact To Be Monitored Environmental Indicator components
II. BIOLOGICAL 1. Disturbance to Marine Biota
Number of types and diversity of Marine Biota (plankton, benthos and nekton) in waters around the project location
Parameter To Be Monitored
Objective of Environmental Monitoring
Number of types and diversity of plankton, benthos and nekton in waters around the project location
To identify the success of management efforts of marine biota (plankton, benthos and nekton)
Source of Impact
Reclamation activity in an area of ± 119 ha, construction of breakwater of ± 1,500 m in length and activities of ± 400 construction workers
III. SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL ASPECTS AS WELL AS COMMUNITY HEALTH 1. The The number of Construction The number To identify the Availability of manpower manpower of absorption of Work around the recruitment manpower local manpower Opportunities project location activity for the for the during the construction (having the Development of project Identity Card of the Eastern West construction phase of the Kelurahan Ancol Ancol Area in an from the project and the area of 119 ha surrounding surroundings/ community Kecamatan (Kelurahan
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Methods of Monitoring Data collection Location and analysis methods on the sedimentation distribution pattern
Environmental Monitoring Institutions Duration/Fre quency
Implementing Institution
Supervisory Institutions
Reporting to
The sampling of plankton in the sea water by using plankton net and the sampling of benthos in the sediment by using ekman grap to be identified in the laboratory. Meanwhile, the data on nekton is obtained through interview with fishermen/people around the project. The data obtained is subsequently analyzed based on the type diversity index of Shannor Wiener
Sea waters around the project location
Every change of season during the project construction phase
Contractor and Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk)
The Service Office for Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs, North Coast Implementing Agency (BP Pantura), Mayor of North Jakarta and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta
The BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, Service Office for Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs, North Coast Implementing Agency (BP Pantura), Mayor of North Jakarta and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta, once every six months during the construction phase of the project
Reviewing the data maintained in the project personnel division. The existing data are analyzed in a descriptive manner
Within project location
Once every six months during the construction phase of the project
Contractor and Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk)
The Unit Service Office of Manpower of North Jakarta Administrative City, the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North
BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, Manpower Service Office and the Office for the
Environmental Monitoring Plan
Significant Impact To Be Monitored Environmental Indicator components
Parameter To Be Monitored
Source of Impact
Pademangan) who work during the construction phase of the project
Objective of Environmental Monitoring
Methods of Monitoring Data collection Location and analysis methods
Environmental Monitoring Institutions Duration/Fre quency
Implementing Institution
Ancol and the surrounding s/Kecamata n Pademanga n -)
2. The Availability of Business Opportunities
The number of surrounding residents (having the Identity Card of the Kelurahan Ancol and the surroundings) taking advantage of the business opportunities during the construction phase of the project
Manpower recruitment activity/activities of 400 people construction workers for the Project of the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area
3. Degrading Environmental Sanitation
Environmental cleanliness, drainage and domestic liquid waste management
Activities of 400 construction workers for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area, resulting in solid and liquid waste
The number of surrounding residents (Kelurahan Ancol and the surrounding s) taking advantage of the business opportunitie s during the construction phase of the project Environment al cleanliness, drainage and domestic liquid waste managemen t
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Supervisory Institutions Jakarta and Kelurahan Ancol
To identify the extent of local manpower absorption during the construction phase of the project
Field observation and recording, interviews with the community. The data obtained will be tabulated and analyzed in a descriptive manner
Within and around the project location
Once every three months during the construction phase of the project
Contractor and Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk)
Kelurahan Ancol, Kecamatan Pademangan, the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta
To identify whether the environmental sanitation management inside and around the project location has been implemented properly
Field observation and recording. The data obtained will be analyzed in a descriptive manner
Within and around the project location
Every day during the construction phase of the project
Contractor and Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk)
Community Health SubService Office, Sanitation Sub-Service Office and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta
Reporting to Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta once every six months during the construction phase of the project BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta
BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, Community Health SubService Office, Sanitation Sub-Service Office and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta once
Environmental Monitoring Plan
Significant Impact To Be Monitored Environmental Indicator components
Parameter To Be Monitored
Source of Impact
Objective of Environmental Monitoring
4. Negative Perception of the Community
Negative perception of the community around the project (Kelurahan Ancol) about the construction activities for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area
The equipment and materials mobilization activity for the coastal construction in an area of 119 ha, and transportation of filling soil of 400,000 m3, dredged sediment/mud of 9,452,040 m3, construction of breakwater of 1,500 m in length and activities of 400 construction workers
Perception of the community around the project location (Kelurahan Ancol) about the construction activities for the Developmen t of the Eastern West Ancol Area
To identify the public perception about the construction activities for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area
5. Disturbance to Public Security and Order
Criminality rate and disturbance to public security and order in and around the project location
The activity to mobilize construction equipment and materials/filling soil of 400,000 m3, dredged sediment/mud of 9,452,040 m3, reclamation in an area of 119 ha, construction of breakwater of 1,500 m in length
Complaints from the community/ workers around the activity location
To identify the successful management of public security and order during the construction phase of the project
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Methods of Monitoring Data collection Location and analysis methods
Interviews with the community around the project (Kelurahan Ancol) by means of purposive sampling using questionnaires. The data obtained will be tabulated and analyzed based on the percentage of respondents having positive and negative perceptions concerning the implementation of the project construction activities Field observation and recording, review of the data existing in the security division. The data obtained will be analyzed in a descriptive manner
Environmental Monitoring Institutions Duration/Fre quency
Implementing Institution
Supervisory Institutions
Reporting to
The community living around the project location (Kelurahan Ancol)
Once every three months during the construction phase
Contractor and Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk)
Mayor of North Jakarta, the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta, Kelurahan Ancol and Kecamatan Pademangan
every six months during the construction phase of the project BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta once every six months during the construction phase of the project
Within and around the project location (Kelurahan Ancol)
Every day during the construction phase of the project
Contractor and Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk)
Mayor of North Jakarta, the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta, Sectoral Police of Pademangan, Kecamatan Pademangan and Kelurahan
BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta once every six months during the
Environmental Monitoring Plan
Significant Impact To Be Monitored Environmental Indicator components
Parameter To Be Monitored
Source of Impact
Objective of Environmental Monitoring
Methods of Monitoring Data collection Location and analysis methods
Environmental Monitoring Institutions Duration/Fre quency
Implementing Institution
and activities of 400 construction workers II. SPATIAL LAYOUT 1. Disturbance to -No traffic jam Land around the Transportation project location (Jl. R.E. Martadinata and Jl. Lingkungan Kawasan Ancol) - Cleanliness of the roads around the project location (Jl. R.E. Martadinata and Jl. Lingkungan Kawasan Ancol)
The activity to mobilize construction equipment and materials/filling soil of 400,000 m3 and dredged sediment/mud of 9,452,040 m3
2. Disturbance to Sea Transportation
No disturbance to sea transportation around the project location
The mobilization of construction equipment and materials, transportation of filling sand of 1,982,280 m3 through the sea, reclamation work in an area of 119 ha and Construction of breakwater of 1,500 m
3. Disturbance to Activities in
Uninterrupted activities around
The activity mobilize
U ninterrupted traffic on the road surface around the project location (Jl. R.E. Martadinata and Jl. Lingkungan Kawasan Ancol) P ublic complaints Complaints from the fishermen around the project location
Disturbance to the
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Supervisory Institutions
Reporting to
construction phase of the project
To identify whether the traffic (land transportation) management efforts around the project location have been implemented properly
Field observation and recording and public complaints. The data obtained will be analyzed in a descriptive manner
On the road surface around the project location (Jl. R.E. Martadinata and Jl. Lingkungan Kawasan Ancol)
Every day during the construction phase of the project
Contractor and Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk)
BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta Administrative City, Transportation Sub-Service Office, the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta and Kelurahan Ancol
BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta Administrative City and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta
To identify whether traffic (sea transportation) management efforts around the project location have been implemented properly
Observation and recording of complaints from fishermen. The data obtained will be analyzed in a descriptive manner
At sea waters around the project location
Every day during the construction phase of the project
Contractor and Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk)
BP Pantura, Directorate General of Sea Transportation and Sea Transportation Sub-Service Office of North Jakarta Administrative City
To whether
Monitoring complaints
Activities around the
Every during
Contractor and Activity
BP Pantura, Mayor of
BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Directorate General of Sea Transportation, Mayor of North Jakarta and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta once every six months during the construction phase of the project BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta
identify or not
the from
day the
Environmental Monitoring Plan
Significant Impact To Be Monitored Environmental Indicator components the Surroundings
the location
POST-CONSTRUCTION PHASE I. Physicochemical 1. Changes in Direction and the Pattern of velocity of Currents currents in the sea waters around the project location
Parameter To Be Monitored
Objective of Environmental Monitoring
equipment and materials, transportation of filling sand of 1,982,280 m3, transportation of filling soil of 400,000 m3 and dredged sediment/mud of 9,452,040 m3, reclamation in an area of 119 ha and activities of 400 construction workers
activities around the project during the construction phase of the project
the activities around the project are disturbed during the construction phase of the project
The reclamation activity in an area of 119 ha
Direction and velocity of currents in the sea waters around the project location
To identify the changes in the pattern of currents around the project location
Source of Impact
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Methods of Monitoring Data collection Location and analysis methods communication project forums. The data location obtained is (West Ancol analyzed in a Residence, descriptive Carnaval manner Beach, PT. Manggala Krida Yudha and fishermen/pe ople looking for fishes and crabs)
Direct measurement in the field by using a Current Meter. The data obtained is analyzed in a descriptive manner and compared with the data of the initial environmental setting
At the sea waters around the project location
Environmental Monitoring Institutions Duration/Fre quency
Implementing Institution
Supervisory Institutions
construction phase of the project
Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk)
North Jakarta and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta
Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta once every six months during the construction phase of the project
Once a year during the postconstruction phase
The Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk)
The Service Office for Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta
BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Service Office for Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs of the DKI Jakarta Province, Mayor of North Jakarta and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta, throughout the year during the postconstruction phase
Reporting to
Environmental Monitoring Plan
Significant Impact To Be Monitored Environmental Indicator components
Source of Impact
Parameter To Be Monitored
Objective of Environmental Monitoring
2. Abrasion and Sedimentation
Coastal land area affected by abrasion and sedimentation
The existence of land resulting from reclamation in an area of 119 ha and the existence of breakwater of 1,500 m in length
Coastal land area affected by abrasion and sedimentati on, as well as the width and depth of the lateral canal
To identify the extent of success of the efforts to prevent coastal abrasion and sedimentation conducted in the activity location
3. Increasing Quantity of Surface Water/ Drainage
No water puddle/flood around the project (Kelurahan Ancol) due to the Development Activities of the Eastern West Ancol
The existence of land resulting from reclamation in an area of 119 ha
The area and frequency of puddle around the project location
To identify the success of the surface water quantity management
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Methods of Monitoring Data collection Location and analysis methods Monitoring is At the conducted by sedimentatio means of n location Arithmetic method, and coast namely by around the counting the project velocity of abrasion and sedimentation from the beach mark set near the coastline affected by abrasion/sediment ation. The data obtained is compared to the data of the previous environmental setting
Field monitoring. The data obtained is analyzed in a descriptive manner
The drainage canal around the project location
Environmental Monitoring Institutions Duration/Fre quency
Implementing Institution
Supervisory Institutions
Once a year during the postconstruction phase
The Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk)
The Service Office for Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs of the DKI Jakarta Province, BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta
Once every six months during the postconstruction phase of the project
The Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk)
The Mayor of North Jakarta, Public Works Sub-Service Office for Water Management of the North Jakarta Administrative City and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta
Reporting to BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Service Office for Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs of the DKI Jakarta Province, Mayor of North Jakarta and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta, once every year during the postconstruction phase of the project BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta, Public Works SubService Office for Water Management of North Jakarta and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta, once
Environmental Monitoring Plan
Significant Impact To Be Monitored Environmental Indicator components
Parameter To Be Monitored
Source of Impact
Objective of Environmental Monitoring
Methods of Monitoring Data collection Location and analysis methods
Environmental Monitoring Institutions Duration/Fre quency
Implementing Institution
Supervisory Institutions
4. Land Subsidence
No liquefaction and land subsidence in the reclaimed land area
The existence of reclaimed land for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area in an area of 119 ha
The height of the land surface in the reclaimed land
To obtain information concerning the liquefaction and land subsidence events in the reclaimed land
Measurement of land surface elevation in the reclaimed land. The data obtained is analyzed in a descriptive manner
In the reclaimed land
Once a year during the postconstruction phase
The Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk)
BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta Administrative City and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta
5. Decrease of Sea Water Quality
DO rate, turbidity, TSS, pH, NH3, H2S, KMnO4 and BOD of the sea water in accordance with Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 51 Year 2004 concerning Sea Water Quality Standard (Allocated for Recreation)
The filling sediment/mud material containing high organic substances
DO rate, turbidity, TSS, pH, NH3, H2S, KMnO4 and BOD of the sea water around the activity location
To identify the success of the sea water quality management
Sea water sampling by using a white 2-liter jerry can to be analyzed in the laboratory in accordance with the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). The data obtained is compared with the quality standard in accordance with Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 51 Year 2004 concerning Sea
The sea waters around the activity location
Once every six months during the postconstruction phase of the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area
Contractor and Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk)
The Service Office for Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Reporting to every six months during the postconstruction phase of the project BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Mayor of North Jakarta Administrative City and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North Jakarta, once a year during the postconstruction phase of the project The BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province, BP Pantura, Service Office for Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Affairs of the DKI Jakarta Province, Mayor of North Jakarta and the Office for the Environment (KLH) of North
Environmental Monitoring Plan
Significant Impact To Be Monitored Environmental Indicator components
Source of Impact
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Parameter To Be Monitored
Objective of Environmental Monitoring
Methods of Monitoring Data collection Location and analysis methods Water Quality Standard (Allocated for Recreation)
Environmental Monitoring Institutions Duration/Fre quency
Implementing Institution
Supervisory Institutions
Reporting to Jakarta
Environmental Monitoring Plan
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Environmental Monitoring Plan
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Implementation of Environmental Management and Monitoring
INSTITUTIONS In implementing RKL and RPL, it is necessary to establish cooperation between the activity initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk) and various relevant agencies. The agencies related to the environmental management and monitoring for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area are: a. BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province b. BP Pantura c. Service Office of Maritime Affairs and Fishery of DKI Jakarta Province d. Mayor of the Administrative City of North Jakarta e. KPLH of North Jakarta f. Sub-service Office of Sanitation of the Administrative City of North Jakarta g. Unit Service Office of Manpower of the Administrative City of North Jakarta h. Public Works Sub-service Office for Water Management of the Administrative City of North Jakarta i. Sub-service Office of Transportation of the Administrative City of North Jakarta j. Directorate General of Transportation, the Ministry of Transportation k. Pademangan Sectoral Police l. Kecamatan Pademangan (Pademangan Sub-District) m. Kelurahan Ancol (Ancol Sub-sub District) Meanwhile, the environmental management and monitoring for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area are implemented by the Contractor and Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk).
COSTS The financing for the management and monitoring of the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area in the construction phase is the responsibility of the Contractor and Activity Initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk). At the time the cooperation (work contract) is established, the responsibilities of the contractor and the activity initiator (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk) must be confirmed. The following aspects need to be financed:
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Implementation of Environmental Management and Monitoring
a. Costs for the construction of sea dike. b. Costs for the management of garbage and liquid wastes of construction workers. c. Costs for the maintenance of road and environment cleanliness. d. Costs for project dissemination. e. Costs for the maintenance of drainage facility. f. Other costs. 7.3.
SUPERVISION In order to discover whether the environmental management and monitoring have been implemented as planned, it is necessary to supervise the implementation of the environmental management and monitoring activities. The supervision on the implementation of environmental management and monitoring activities is conducted by several relevant agencies, among others: a. BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province b. BP Pantura c. Service Office of Maritime Affairs and Fishery of DKI Jakarta Province d. Mayor of the Administrative City of North Jakarta e. KPLH of North Jakarta f. Sub-service Office of Sanitation of the Administrative City of North Jakarta g. Unit Service Office of Manpower of the Administrative City of North Jakarta h. Public Works Sub-service Office for Water Management of the Administrative City of North Jakarta i. Sub-service Office of Transportation of the Administrative City of North Jakarta j. Directorate General of Sea Transportation, Ministry of Transportation k. Pademangan Sectoral Police l. Kecamatan Pademangan m. Kelurahan Ancol The organizational structure of the implementation of environmental management and monitoring for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area in the construction and post-construction phases is presented in the following Figures VII.1. and VII.2.
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Implementation of Environmental Management and Monitoring
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Implementation of Environmental Management and Monitoring
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Implementation of Environmental Management and Monitoring
The duties and responsibilities of each section relevant to the environmental management and monitoring activities in the construction phase are as follows: a.
Administration and Licensing Section Directly responsible for the administrative affairs of licensing application processes relating to the permits for collecting filling sand, dredged mud and filling soil, transportation permits, AMDAL & UKL-UPL permits, and others.
Transportation Section (Land & Sea) Directly responsible for the management and transportation of construction equipment and materials, transportation of filling sand, dredged mud and filling soil.
Engineering Section Directly responsible for the management of impacts from the filling/reclamation activities.
Environmental Sanitation Section Directly responsible for solid and liquid waste management in the project site and temporary shelters of construction workers.
Security Section Directly responsible for public safety and order management in the project site and temporary shelters of construction workers.
Occupational Safety and Health (K3) Section Directly responsible for the management and monitoring of occupational safety and health during the construction phase of the project.
Meanwhile, the duties and responsibilities of each section in relation to the environmental management and monitoring activities in the postconstruction phase are as follows: a.
Land Development and Licensing Division, Property Management Department Planning, preparing and evaluating the direction of the environmental management and monitoring programs in all activity units in the Ancol area. Conducting routine supervision on environmental management efforts in accordance with RKL documents for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area. Preparing a report on RKL implementation results in accordance with the frequency and schedule determined in
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Implementation of Environmental Management and Monitoring
RKL documents for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area.
Environmental Monitoring Section Conducting and coordinating the implementation of environmental monitoring (RPL implementation). Conducting evaluation and reporting on the results of environmental monitoring in accordance with the frequency and schedule determined in RPL documents for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area.
Reporting and Documentation Section Assisting the Land Development & Licensing Division in coordinating the results of environmental management and monitoring activities. Directly responsible for the administration system of reporting to relevant agencies in the purview of the Regional Government of DKI Jakarta. Preparing files on the reports of RKL and RPL implementation results.
Public Relations Section Representing the activity implementer (PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk) in establishing coordination and communication with agencies relevant to the activities for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area. Receiving recommendations and inputs on the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area to be forwarded to the Management of PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk (the Property Department).
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Implementation of Environmental Management and Monitoring
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Implementation of Environmental Management and Monitoring
BIBLIOGRAPHY ASEAN Development Bank, 1996, Economic Evaluation of Environmental Impacts. A Work. ADB, Manila/Philippines. Burdge, A., Rabel J. and Desmond M.C. 1994, Social Impact Assessment and Management. A Participative Approach. Washington DC. USA. Teaching Resources Center. Canter, L.W. 1996, Environmental Impact Assessment. McGraw Hill Book Company. New York. Djajadiningrat, S.T. and H.H. Amir. 1989, Penilaian Secara Cepat Sumbersumber Pencemaran Air, Tanah dan Udara (Quick Assessment on the Sources of Water, Soil and Air Pollutions). Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta. Miller, G. Tyler Jr. 1986, Living in the Environment. Belman California. Wadsworth Publishing Company. PT. Bina Innovasi Rekayasa. 2005, Kajian Hidrodinamika dan Perencanaan Reklamasi Ancol (Study on the Hydrodinamics and Reclamation Plan of Ancol). Soehoed, A.R. 2004. Reklamasi Laut Dangkal (Shallow Sea Reclamation). Perekayasaan dan Pelaksanaan Reklamasi bagi Proyek Pantai Mutiara di Pluit-Jakarta (Engineering and Implementation of Reclamation for Pantai Mutiara Project in Pluit - Jakarta). Djambatan, Jakarta. Soemarwoto, O. 1998, Analisis Dampak Lingkungan (Environmental Impact Analysis). Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta. ANDAL, RKL and RPL for 2005-2006, Pengembangan Kawasan Ancol Barat Bagian Timur Seluas + 119 Ha (Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area in an area of + 119 Ha).
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Implementation of Environmental Management and Monitoring
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Implementation of Environmental Management and Monitoring
[Logo] Governor of the Special Capital City Region of Jakarta Province Number : Attribute Attachment
Principal approval on the second phase of reclamation in West Ancol water territory in an area of + 343 Ha located in the Kelurahan Ancol, Kecamatan Pademangan, North Jakarta Municipality
Jakarta, May 17, 2004 To President Director of PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Cordova Tower Jalan Pasir Putih Raya Block E/5 North Jakarta 14430
In conjunction with your letter dated January 29, 2004 Number 049/DIRPJA/I/2004 the subject of which is specified in the subject of the letter, you are hereby informed that in principal, you may proceed with the reclamation in the West Ancol water territory in an area of + 343 Ha in accordance with the attached map on a gradual basis by referring to the applicable laws and regulations. Furthermore, prior to proceeding with the implementation of the said reclamation, it is necessary for you to complete the licensing process at the agency/Service Office [illegible] relevant to the implementation of such reclamation. Please be informed accordingly. GOVERNOR OF THE SPECIAL CAPITAL REGION OF JAKARTA PROVINCE [signed and stamped, stamp reads: GOVERNOR OF THE SPECIAL CAPITAL REGION OF JAKARTA PROVINCE] SUTIYOSO Carbon copies sent to: 1. Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta 2. Regional Secretary of the DKI Jakarta Province 3. Mayor of the North Jakarta Municipality 4. Head of Service Office of City Management of the DKI Jakarta Province 5. Head of the Service Office of Building [illegible] and Supervision of the DKI Jakarta Province 6. Head of the Administrative Bureau for Urban Facilities at the Regional Secretariat of the DKI Jakarta Province Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
Implementation of Environmental Management and Monitoring
Updating RKL and RPL Development of Eastern West Ancol ± 119 Ha
: : :
Activity Initiator : Chairperson of the Meeting : Attendance List I.
Monday/February 23, 2009 09:00 WIB – until finished Kalpataru Meeting Room of BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, 2nd Floor, Jl. Casablanca, Kuningan, South Jakarta Discussion of the Updated Environmental Management Plan/Environmental Monitoring Plan (RKL/RPL) of the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area in the area of ± 119 Hectares PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk. Ir. Peni Susanti, Dipl. Est. (Head of BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province) Attached
General Information 1. In accordance with Letter of Governor Number 1288/-1.711.5 dated May 17, 2004 concerning Approval to the Principles of the Second Phase of Reclamation in West Ancol Waters in the area of ± 343 Hectares and Letter of Environmental Impact Analysis (AMDAL) Assessment Commission of DKI Jakarta Number 5/-1.774.15 dated
February 17, 2006 concerning AMDAL Recommendation, RKL/RPL of the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area Blocks 3 and 4, west Ancol Area has been approved as a dumping site 2. With respect to the AMDAL documents issued for those location, it is necessary to conduct review of RKL/RPL due to the following facts: a. there is a change in the piled-up materials which previously use the sand carried by sea transportation into the river/dam dredging sediment from the Jakarta Emergency Dredging Initiative (JEDI) project carried by land transportation; b. there is widening of lateral canal from ± 80 meters to 200 meters up to 300 meters in accordance with changes in spatial layout set out in Instruction of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Number 2206/-1.711.5 dated September 26, 2007 concerning the Use of Detailed Plan Improvement Map for for Special Spatial Layout of Ancol Area and its Surroundings, North Jakarta Municipality, as well as to comply with Regulation of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 54 Year 2008 concerning Spatial Layout of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Puncak, and Cianjur Areas. 3. Prepared by: PT. Geomitra Samaya. Person in charge of the document preparation: Drs. Pinondang Tambunan. II.
Recommendations and Responses from the Technical Team for the Regional AMDAL Assessment of DKI Jakarta Province 1. It is necessary to provide an explanation about the definition of the title “Development of West Ancol Area”. Does it mean the entire reclamation or development including the use of the land thereon? There must be an explanation in the introduction as to why the term used is Updated RKL/RPL instead of AMDAL. 2. Introduction a. Considering that the title is “updated”, it is necessary to provide an explanation in the introduction about the implementation of this “updated”, which are among other things, due to the existence of Presidential Decree and Decision of Governor concerning the Use of Land from the Dredging of Rivers in Jakarta. b.
There is explanation for changes in the master plan and the piled-up materials, since those changes serve as the basis for Ancol to only update/review the RKL/RPL instead of establishing new AMDAL (it is related to Chapter 2). Chapter I a. The background of the development is unclear, indicated by among other things, the following statement which must be
revised, “Generally, the objectives and purposes of the development of Ancol area are … etc.”. “Is it true that the Ancol reclamation is intended to create employment opportunity?” (“This is an impact, isn’t it?”). b. Laws and regulations: Which articles and paragraphs of any Laws, Government Regulation, Presidential Decree, Ministerial Decree, Regional Regulation and Governor Regulation related to Ancol Reclamation activity particularly on spatial layout stating that this reclamation is not contradictory to the allocation thereof. c. The positive aspects of Ancol as a dumping site must be presented in the document. Chapter II a. The title shall be revised with preferably one of the following terms, namely, “effort or activity”. b. Full name and complete address of the person in charge of the Initiator and Organizer must be included. c. Person in charge of the activity: Will the Head of the License and Special Project Department be responsible for the implementation of the RKL-RPL? Will the person in charge/initiator be able to implement what are written in the RKL-RPL? With regard to such matter, the Statement Letter must be revised. d. Experts are expected not to perform multitasking jobs and they must make statement letter that their task is really to prepare document. e. Is Point 2.3 necessary and what does it mean? The Main Policy on the Development of North Coast (Pantura) in page II-2 must be observed, with respect to among other things, that the Development of North Coast must ensure the establishment of vital projects, such as Navy Dock, Stateowned Electricity Company (PLN), fishermen livelihood, etc. f. Explanation of the “Objectives of development” must describe the objectives of the reclamation. g. The maps must be informative among other things by clarifying the legend and including sufficient scale, etc. h. In map II.5, there must be an explanation about the position of the Navy dock. i. In table 2.5, there must be an explanation about the source of piled-up materials. j. The water content of the piled-up materials is 50%. How to handle the water content if the source is river mud and what is the impact on the river quality? How to make a selection of hazardous and toxic materials (B3) as well as nonhazardous and toxic materials and who will do the selection? Those issues are not indicated in the RKL-RPL.
Data should be provided for a statement “there is a great volume of the piled-up materials in Indonesia, so that there will not be a problem with respect to the volume of the piledup materials”. l. Please, describe the chronology of the reclamation in figure II.7 clearly. m. If the source of the piled-up materials is in Banten, where is the exact location of the source and has AMDAL been conducted on that location? n. If the source of the top soil is in Bekasi, where is the exact location of the source and has an environmental study been conducted on that location? In figure II.10, the transportation lines of the piled-up mud are only described from toll roads. How about the small road networking while the capacity of dump truck is 20 m3? o. Implementation schedule II-30 is not consistent with the description. q. In addition to the project impact on the environment, the study of impact must review the environmental impact on the project including whether or not the climate change has been anticipated? r. The response to rainfall by constructing drainage is not in accordance with the environmental philosophy. The rainfall must be contained or absorbed and not simply be discharged. s. Figure II.3 page II-9 must be described more clearly. As indicated from the increased percentage of the activity of drainage and water management from 10.74% to 11.93%, is there any change in the height of sea surface in relation to the puddle of water? t. Does Table 2.2 page II-11 refer to UTM or other units? Please plot that point in Figure II-4 page II-10. u. A timeframe for the reclamation activity (119 Hectares) must be included, as to whether the reclamation activity made in phases or simultaneously since it will affect the impact distribution. v. Figure II.7 indicates the dredging activity. What is the dredging volume? What dredging technique is used? w. Table 2.7 page II-30 indicates that the period of the reclamation (No. 11) is very short. There must be an explanation as to whether the dredging vessel fleet will be multiplied or there is any other scenario. x. The coordinates of the entry points of piled-up materials transportation by land and sea transportation must be informed.
Chapter III a. The measurement results of water quality indicates good quality, in fact, there are frequent fish deaths. Therefore, secondary data must be provided. b. Other activities conducted in the vicinity of Ancol area are not indicated? Those activities are very important since they will affect and be affected by the activity of Ancol, including by the activity of Ancol itself. For example, what is the influence of the Steam Power Plant (PLTU) intake of PT Indonesia Power? c. What are responses from the surrounding community conducted other activities? Those responses must be recorded based on the interview with them. d. How about a natural phenomenon of fish deaths? e. With respect to page III-1 on climate data, is it impossible to obtain the 2008 climate data? There are some anomalies of heavy (peak) rainfall intensity in that year. f. Page III-2, the first paragraph reads, “… the aforementioned data on wind direction and speed …”, but the data is not available on the document. g. With respect to Table 3.3 in page III-3, why coral is used for measuring the quality standard values of turbidity and TSS? Is the surrounding location mainly allocated for coral? h. Figures III-1 and III-2 in page III-5 indicate a decrease in TSS and pH values in August 2007 which is much lower than the TSS and pH values in 2005 and 2008. Please, explain. i. In Figure III-4 page III-15, the information on y axis is less clear (even it is unavailable). Where is the sectional drawing? The explanation shall be provided. j. In page III-17, a bathymetric map is unavailable. The information is less clear because the intended distance is not stated. k. Table 3.13 page 18 indicates that the Main Sea Level (MSL) in 2001 and 2005 was decreasing, while we saw in fact and through the media that the puddle of water was getting higher. Please, explain. l. In Figure III.5 page III-19, there is comparison between predicted elevation and prediction made by the Indonesian Hydro-Oceanographic Office (Dishidros). Is this data used to validate a Hydrodynamics model? If the answer is yes, then there will be an error. It is better to use in situ data. Chapter IV a. Are the previous and current issues same? It is necessary to compare the difference of those issues in tabulation form and they must be then presented in an evaluative manner.
The evaluation of impact must indicate the benchmark of impacts and alternative solutions in the impact management, so that the RKL prepared indicates clearly the impact management taken (RKL is an answer to a concern about the impact). Since there are not alternative solutions, no discussion on accessibility to the location, either by land transportation or by sea transportation, is held. There is no utility construction for workers, despite the fact that there is a considerable number of 400 workers. How are the provision of clean water facility and its waste management?
There must be an explanation about in which coordinates the sedimentation and abrasion will occur. This explanation must also be included in the RKL/RPL.
It is necessary to clarify whether the reclaimed islands only relocates the river pollution to the ocean by taking into account that rivers in Jakarta are polluted. With regard to the scoping, in which there were initially 23 environmental components which subsequently became 16 environmental components and finally there were only 8 environmental components, the following issues should be taken into account: Whether or not the solid waste originating from the river mud was an important impact. How about the rob flood and the pattern of current since they were related to the quality of the sea water and death of fish? With regard to coastal morphology, it is necessary to take into account the mangrove protected forest. Page IV-6 indicates that the distribution range is 500 m. It is necessary to describe the central point of calculation and whether the calculation uses modeling, since the modeling does not indicate any significant change in sea level. Figures IV-1 and IV-2 are unclear. It is better to determine/pick-up three or more points and subsequently compare the sea levels before and after the reclamation. Paragraph 3 page IV-8 predicts that the longshore current pattern cannot be analyzed by using this SMS current model since the longshore current pattern is formed by the wave refraction process and coastal slope. In fact, the pattern is clear that if the waves come from the East, the longshore current pattern moves to the West and vice versa. It is necessary to clarify the core messages to be conveyed by paragraphs 4 and 5 page IV-8.
d. e.
The parameters monitored in point 2.C page VI-4 are the current direction and velocity instead of its pattern. It is necessary to determine the monitoring location as set out in Point 2.D in a more specific manner so that the implementing party can monitor it in a more directed manner. i. In modeling, the in situ data (current and tide) needs to be verified and compared with the modeling results. j. Hydro-oceanography analysis must be presented in a more constructive/systematic manner and may describe each season. k. The condition of pasut (tides) will be more specific if it is supported with the future prediction analysis and connected to the recent existing condition in Ancol. l. In order to describe the potential water spatial conflict during and after the implementation of the activity, it is necessary to complete the description of the existing condition of space utilization of the waters where the activity is located. m. It is necessary to describe the land subsidence parameter/aspect in a clearer/more comprehensive manner. n. It is necessary to describe in a more detail manner the season (east/west) which causes abrasion/sedimentation. o. It is necessary to review possible shallowness and pollution in the 200-300 meters lateral canal due to predicted sedimentation in the western part of the Reclaimed island or what is known by “sediment trap”. p. Please verify the oceanographic/hydrodynamic model based on site measurement/observation. Chapter V a. The preparation of RKL must refer to the evaluation of the impact and its alternative management. Specify the fixed benchmark instead of being ambiguous by describing the conditions in the past and in the future. b. The pre-construction phase consists of public perception; source of impacts; location permit and determination as well as management effort. With regard to that matter, it is necessary to describe the results of the dissemination conducted. It is also important to explain why the dissemination is conducted only to the community who lives in relatively far areas instead of to the managers of the activities in the surrounding areas. This is inconsistent. f. It is necessary to describe the reasons for including the focusing since each matter is described again one by one. g. It is necessary to describe the next measure if the MCK is full. Is it true that the waste is handled by the Sanitation SubService Office by transporting them to the dumping site.
It is necessary to clarify the phrase “special cleaning service officers clean the waste in the waters” (V-55), with respect to the party who will clean the waste in the waters. i. It is necessary to describe the mechanism for prioritizing the local workers. j. RKL may be prepared in the form of SOP or include criteria which must be fulfilled by the parties dredging and supplying the materials. Chapter VI a. The RPL is still unclear and has not been consistent with RKL. RPL is actually prepared for assessing whether the management plan is implemented and its implementation performance for each impact management which has been set out in the RKL. b. There is no clear difference between the previous and the current planning. There is no clear difference between the definition of sand raw material (previous planning) and the definition of mud material from the river (current planning). c. It is necessary to be consistent in using terms in this document. For example, there is a title of the quantity of surface water which examines the quality of surface water. Chapter VII a. It is recommended to design and realize a form of an integrated community empowerment either by providing employment opportunity, economic activity (including fishermen’s activity, etc) as well as art cultural activity for the related community. b. In accordance with Page III-44, 85% of the people giving their approval, expects there is employment and business opportunities. Accordingly, the institutional form of affiliated institutions between the Company (DKI) and other companies are prioritized to CSR organization and institutional design related to manpower, economic development activity (SME), community empowerment and both physical and social environmental issues. Since the activity takes place in an Area, it means that each activity unit must also prepare UKL-UPL. The results of the implementation of the existing RKL-RPL must be reported. It is necessary to prepare a more contextual AMDAL institution in connection with the interest of JEDI, namely as follows: a. The government must determine the party in charge such as the party who will be responsible for draining and testing the quality of mud, preparing the dumping site prior to the transportation. In addition, it is necessary to clarify whether the material transportation is under the responsibility of JEDI or PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol. If it is the responsibility of
14. 15. 16. 17.
JEDI, PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol needs to include the transportation analysis of materials derived from the activity of JEDI. If it is the responsibility of PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, it is necessary to prepare the analysis of schedule, transportation route, entry points of the aforementioned material transportation. b. Preparing work schedule and management between dredging and piling-up. c. Preparing institutions among stakeholders who will be responsible for dredging and piling-up. d. Especially with regard to the utilization of piled-up soil derived from mud dredging, since it will cause some impacts such as the transportation and quality of the soil derived from dredging (affecting the reclamation technology), each duty and responsibility of the party implementing the Ancol dredging and reclamation project needs to be clarified. Accordingly, BPLHD and the Public Works Service Office will play their role as the facilitator. Since they are very important and urgent, the technical and detailed supporting information must be completed and attached, for example: a. Result and process of modeling of current, sea level, etc. b. Sediment quality, etc. The following matters must be verified and classified, namely: a. Whether the lateral canal with an approximate depth of 1-2 meters is getting shallower and will be maintained as a recreation area for public. b. It is necessary to calculate material transportation compared to the increase in piled-up material volume. c. The geometry and area depth plan which will be created as the reclaimed islands must be elaborated more comprehensively in the AMDAL document. d. Management and monitoring proposal must be logic and can be implemented. RKL/RPL must preferably be modified and presented in such a way which is more measurable, logic and refers to the main subjects which must be managed/monitored with respect to either their positive or negative impacts. It is recommended that the Initiator reads the content of the RKL/RPL so that it may implement the entire document. The writing consistency must be rechecked and revised. Recommendations from the previous meeting have been responded yet. This document must be related to the issues of the North Coast, among other things: a. Material transportation needs to be informed clearly.
b. c. d.
Flood issue. Source of piled-up materials. Lateral canal located nearby protected area. Jakarta, February 2009 Chairperson of the Meeting Note-Taker [signed]
Ir. Peni Susanti, Dipl. Est. The Head of the BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province Acting as The Chairperson of the AMDAL Assessment Committee of DKI Jakarta Province
Ir. Dian Wiwekowati, MT Head of Prevention of Environmental Impact and Management of Urban Resources Division Acting as The Secretary of the AMDAL Assessment Committee of DKI Jakarta Province
Minutes of the Meeting Day/Date Time Venue
: : :
Chairperson of the Meeting : Attendance List I.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009 13.00 West Indonesia Time – until finished Kalpataru Meeting Room of the BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province Jl. Casablanca Kav.1 Kuningan, South Jakarta Presentations of PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol and AMDAL Consultants in the context of the Preparation for the Discussion of Updated ANDAL, RKL/RPL documents for the Development of Blocks 3 & 4 of the Eastern West Ancol,. Ir. Peni Susanti, Dipl. Est. (The Head of the BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province) Attached
Attending participants 1. Technical Team for Amdal Assessment Dr. Suyud W. Utomo, M.Si. Ir. Hesti Nawangsidi, M.Si. 2. BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province The Head of the Prevention of Environmental Impact and Urban Resources Division The Head of Environmental Preservation and Regulation Division The Head of the Environmental Pollution Control and Sanitation Division The Head of the Environmental Law Enforcement Division Ir. Hj. Anggraini Dewi 3. Ir. Junani K., M.Sc. 4. PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Arif Nugroho Ir. Maleakhi John 5. AMDAL Consultants Dr. Khoe Susanto K Jeremiah T, M.Si. Merdeka Simbolon Drs. Pinondang Tambunan
Discussion Outcomes 1. PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol (PT. PJA) serves as the activity initiator for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol (Blocks 3&4) in an area of 119 Ha. According to the plan, this location will be used as the dumping site for the material dredged from 13 rivers and 6 dams in Jakarta under the Jakarta Emergency Dredging Initiative (JEDI). This location is selected under the consideration that it does not conflict with social sector. 2.
The Development of the Eastern West Ancol (Blocks 3&4) activity in an area of 119 Ha obtained recommendation from the AMDAL Assessment Commission in 2006. It is described in the aforementioned document that the material for piling-up is sand originating from Banten Province, transported by sea and the width of the lateral canal is ± 80 m.
In order to support the JEDI Project, PT. PJA, as the owner of the dumping site area (in accordance with the Principal Approval of Governor No.1776/-1.793.43 dated August 25, 2008 concerning Mud Dumping Site Derived From the Dredging of 13 Rivers/Dams in DKI Jakarta) revised the AMDAL Document (Updated AMDAL, RKL/RPL Documents) in which the following aspects will be reviewed, namely the use of the piled-up materials in the form sediment originating from the dredging of small rivers, land and sea transportation as well as the width of the lateral canal which is 200300 meters.
Results of the study conducted by the Department of Public Works indicate that the sediment originating from the dredging of small rivers does not contain B3 but microscopic materials. In connection with the aforementioned results, it is necessary to conduct a technical study in order to identify whether from technological perspective, the aforementioned sediment is feasible to be used as the material for piling-up as well as its relation to land settlement issue.
Based on the North Coast AMDAL study, materials for the piling-up originating from Sunda Straits is transported through the sea. With regard to the aforementioned matter, this revised AMDAL Document needs to include review of the transportation system for the aforementioned materials, particularly those transported through land, by taking into account that the volume of the sediment originating from the dredging of small rivers and sea sand will be ± 9 million m3 and ± 1 million m3 respectively.
It is necessary to describe and provide facility for washing the dump trucks, the transportation route (the routes passed, roads with soft soil, the damage if the aforementioned roads are passed by many trucks, etc). The party responsible for this matter is described in the PKS.
It is necessary to explain the handling of piled-up materials, as to whether all piled-up materials will be dumped in an area or directly transported. In addition, it also needs to explain whether the sediment obtained from PT PJA has been drained or not.
It is necessary to conduct an alternative study on the dikes which will contain the sediment derived from the piling-up.
The study document of the East Flood Canal (BKT) Project can be used as a reference for this revised AMDAL study.
It is necessary to assess the impact of the widening of the lateral canal.
It is necessary to elaborate the change in the main issues in the upcoming revised AMDAL study.
By taking into account that this activity plan is prepared in the context of supporting the JEDI project, it must be borne in mind that the document being prepared is the updated RKL/RPL. However, it will remain discussed in the next meeting of the technical team which will also discuss the document discussion mechanism (± 1 week later),
It is necessary to prepare report to the Governor as a progress report of the JEDI project activity.
Chairperson of the Meeting
Jakarta, February 2009 Note-Taker
Ir. Peni Susanti, Dipl. Est. The Head of the BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province
Ir. Dian Wiwekowati, MT Head of Prevention of Environmental Impact and Management of Urban Resources Division
: : :
Activity Initiator : Chairperson of the Meeting :
Attendance List I.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 14.00 West Indonesia Time – until finished The Meeting Room of the BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, Nyi Ageng Serang Building, 2nd floor, Jl. Casablanca Kuningan, South Jakarta Discussion of the Updated RKL/RPL for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol in an area of ± 119 Ha. PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk. Ir. Peni Susanti, Dipl. Est (Head of the BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province as the Chairperson of the AMDAL Assessment Committee of DKI Jakarta Province) Attached
General Information 1. West Ancol Area was approved as the dumping site by virtue of Letter of the Governor Number 1288/-1.711.5 dated May 17, 2004 concerning the Principal Approval on the Second Phase of Reclamation of West Ancol Waters in an area of ± 343 Ha and Letter of the AMDAL Assessment Commission of DKI Jakarta Number 5/-1.774.15 dated February 17, 2006 concerning Recommendations for AMDAL, the RKL/RPL of the Development of the Western East Ancol, Blocks 3 & 4. 2.
Updates made in the RKL/RPL documents in the context of the following activity planning: a. changes in the piling-up materials which previously used sand transported through sea to sediment derived from the dredging of rivers/dams (non-B3) from the JEDI Project in the volume of ± 9,000,000 m3 transported by land transportation. b. lateral canal widening from +_80 m to ± 200 m up to 300 m, in accordance with the change in the spatial layout set out in Instruction of the Governor Head of the Special Capital City Region of Jakarta Number 2206/-1.711.5 dated September 26, 2007 concerning the Use of the Revised Detailed Map of the Special Spatial Layout of Ancol Area and its Surrounding, North Jakarta Municipality as well as in compliance with Regulation of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 54 Year 2008 concerning the Spatial
Deleted: Wednesday
Layout of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Puncak, Cianjur areas. II.
Recommendations and Responses of the Regional AMDAL Assessment Commission Team of DKI Jakarta Province 1. It is necessary to explain measures taken to provide clean water if the location will be inhabited by new community residents since the local/old community frequently encounters difficulty in obtaining clean water. 2. It is necessary to anticipate the impacts of the piling up on the flood incidence. 3. It is necessary to clarify the contribution of this project to the local community who mostly are unemployment. 4. It is necessary to clarify the issue of disapproval of the Minister of the Environment on this reclamation project. h. The hydrodynamic changes create abrasion and accretion effects in other places. The document is still in the form of a model and it may be accepted if it has complied with the validated data. Accordingly, it is necessary to conduct in situ observation. i. Ancol cq. DKI is an exclusive zone. With regard to that matter, it is necessary to describe the responsibility on the material delivery. In addition, it is necessary to confirm the responsibility of each party (Ancol and JEDI). j. It is necessary for Ancol to prepare a strategy to determine the inlet and outlet points in Ancol Area. k. With regard to traffic problem, it is necessary to limit the responsibilities of Ancol and JEDI which shall be followed-up with traffic study. l. There has not been analysis of the change of sand and mud materials. . m. There has not been thematic study in the management process as to how and when the thematic study will be conducted. It is necessary to clarify whether it is proper to conduct the hydrodynamic study with PT MKY as stated in the RKL. n. The environmental setting includes initial modeling for the current pattern which will be implemented in 1 week. o. With regard to the RKL for the current pattern, it is necessary to conduct hydrodynamic study during the construction period, particularly with regard to any changes in the form of dikes and monitoring on the current pattern, abrasion and sedimentation in each change of seasons. p. With regard to the RKL for abrasion and sedimentation, it is necessary to monitor the distribution of abrasion and sedimentation periodically, namely once a year. q. The position of Table 3.6 must be plotted out. r. It is necessary to attach the coordinates to the figures.
s. It is necessary to confirm that hydraulic fill will be used gradually. Note : BPLHD will send a letter to the Hydro-Oceanographic Office (hidros) to request data.
Chairperson of the Meeting
Jakarta, March 2009 Note-Taker
Ir. Peni Susanti, Dipl. Est. The Head of the BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province
Ir. Dian Wiwekowati, MT Head of Prevention of Environmental Impact and Management of Urban Resources Division
: : :
Activity Initiator : Chairperson of the Meeting :
Attendance List
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 10.00 West Indonesia Time – until finished The Meeting Room of the BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, Nyi Ageng Serang Building, 2nd floor, Jl. Casablanca Kuningan, South Jakarta Discussion of the Updated RKL/RPL for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol in an area of ± 119 Ha. PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk. Ir. Peni Susanti, Dipl. Est (Head of the BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province as the Chairperson of the AMDAL Assessing Committee of DKI Jakarta Province) Attached
Objectives of the Meeting: 1. To prepare the material of the report of the assessment results of the Technical Team on the Updated RKL/RPL Document for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol in an area of ± 119 Ha which will be delivered in the Discussion of the AMDAL Assessment Commission. 2. To provide technical recommendations for the improvement of the aforementioned document in addition to the previous recommendations, among other things: a. It is necessary to explain the impact of the change in the canal design from 80 m to 200/300 m. Is the change in the canal related to flood issue? b. It is necessary to describe the impact of the change in the use of the piling-up materials from sand and clay to the piling-up materials derived from rivers/dams since its impact is unclear/unspecific. c. It is necessary to revise the description on the disturbance to sea water quality in accordance with V-31 matrix. It is necessary to mention the type of disturbance and explain whether they are all the same. The biota must also be specified. d. The impact management must not be generalized, among other things, whether or not the management of the matters such as the change of current pattern, abrasion and sedimentation, turbidity is exactly the same. e. The monitoring frequency during the construction/reclamation phase must not be determined in a period of 1 x 6 months. It is better to increase the quantity, quality and frequency of the monitoring. f. There has not been validation results (current and tides) overlaid with the result of Ancol modeling.
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5. 6.
7. 8. 9.
11. 12.
13. 14. 15.
In connection with sediment, it is necessary to clarify the sediment which give impact on TSS (the percentage of decrease) and biological parameter (as the derivative impacts). It is expected to always perform coordination with the surrounding community. With regard to Page IV-6, it is necessary to take into account the maintenance and sediment dredging (from 80 m to 200 m) aspects as well as the parties responsible for that matter. Such matter needs to be accommodated in this Updated RKL/RPL document. It is necessary to describe/accommodate the method to clean the spilled mud/materials transported by dump trucks. Page II-25 reads “the materials are derived from 13 rivers/6 dams”. This statement must be revised to 5 dams. With regard to sea transportation congestion/frequency and transportation modes (shipping route), it is necessary to describe the party being responsible for the supervision and controlling of the sea transportation security/safety. It is necessary to prepare the SOP for transporting mud by land transportation (when taking the mud, transporting the mud, dump truck container, transporting schedule, dumping location, etc.). It is necessary to display the diagram of the process from the beginning up to the end of the project activity. It is necessary to describe the comparison between the volume (%) of the river mud and (sea) sand for the purpose of determining the needs for/frequency (intensity) of the transportation by using trucks. It is necessary to elaborate the responsibility of each party on the impact treatment/management in every segment. It is necessary to take into account the content of poisonous waste in the maritime habitat. It is necessary to clarify whether the dikes which will be constructed are really able to keep back sea water by taking into account that the dredging process is carried out after dry condition. It is necessary to describe the management process of the area formed in a total of ± 1,190,000 m2 (119 Ha), with respect to the replantation, drainage need, sanitation, clean water, electricity etc. It is necessary to precisely calculate the piling-up materials since there is concern that the volume of 9 million m3 is unlikely to be achieved, so that piled-up materials such as sea sand or other materials are likely to be needed. It is necessary to response to the impact of both land and sea transportation of the piled-up materials in connection with the land and sea transportation, including conflict with fishermen who are doing their activities in the sea as well as the water police. It is necessary to conduct study on the impact of sea transportation on fishermen community, since some of materials are originated from Banten
20. 21. 22. 23.
24. 25.
26. 27. 28.
Province and their transportation will undoubtedly increase traffic congestion. It is necessary to involve the water police to anticipate inter-provincial transportation system. It is necessary to conduct study on the source of the material impacts. It is necessary to attach a map covering an area of ± 343 Ha to Letter of the Governor No. 1228/-1.711.5 dated May 17, 2005. Based on Decision of the Governor No. 2206/-1.711.5 dated September 26, 2007, it is necessary to present proportional allocation for an area of ± 119 Ha (there are 6 allocations) in page II-8 RBWK as specified in paragraph 3 of Page III-31 must be revised to the 2010 RTRWC. It is necessary to include (plot) Temporary Dumping Site (TPS) for collecting waste produced by the activities of the construction workers in Figure V-1 titled the environmental management. It is necessary to describe the capacity of the TPS. Please, recheck whether the correct duration of the implementation of the piling-up is 36 or 24 months (see page IV-12). It is necessary to add other reasons for the update in accordance with Article 24 paragraph 1 of Government Regulation No. 27 stating that if there is no RKL/RPL activities within three years following the issuance of ANDAL, it shall be void by law. It is necessary to consider the impacts of the reclamation to Ancol SubDistrict, namely among other things: a. Flood occurs every day even though there is no rain. b. The improvement of road facilities and infrastructure in the areas of West Ancol and Pademangan Sub-district c. The material must be transported in the evening so that it will not disturb the activity of the community. d. For the purpose of Adipura award, please, provide aids and assistance to repaint schools in Ancol and to clean the area in front of the mosque. e. The roads in the transportation routes must be maintained clean. In addition, the transportation may not pass routes which are frequently used by public activities. f. Social responsibility of the project in the form of CSR to the areas around the project has not been sufficient. g. There has not been any sufficient recruitment of labors from the local community of Ancol Sub-District. It is necessary to include the participation of the communities members of Ancol and Pademangan Sub-District in the RKL/RPL in the form of employment and business opportunities.
Chairperson of the Meeting
Jakarta, February 2009 Note-Taker
Ir. Peni Susanti, Dipl. Est. The Head of the BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province Acting as The Chairperson of the AMDAL Assessment Committee of DKI Jakarta Province
Ir. Dian Wiwekowati, MT Head of Prevention of Environmental Impact and Management of Urban Resources Division Acting as The Secretary of the AMDAL Assessment Committee of DKI Jakarta Province
MINUTES OF THE MEETING : Tuesday, March 17, 2009 : 10.00 West Indonesia Time – until finished : The Meeting Room of the BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province, Nyi Ageng Serang Building, 2nd floor, Jl. Casablanca Kuningan, South Jakarta Agenda : Discussion of the Updated RKL/RPL for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol in an area of ± 119 Ha. Activity Initiator : PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk. Chairperson of the Meeting : Ir. Peni Susanti, Dipl. Est (Head of the BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province as the Chairperson of the AMDAL Assessing Committee of DKI Jakarta Province) Attendance List : Attached Day/Date Time Venue
Objectives of the Meeting: 1. To prepare the material of the report of the assessment results of the Technical Team on the Updated RKL/RPL Document for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol in an area of ± 119 Ha which will be delivered in the Discussion of the AMDAL Assessment Commission. 2. To provide technical recommendations for the improvement of the aforementioned document in addition to the previous recommendations, among other things: a. It is necessary to explain the impact of the change in the canal design from 80 m to 200/300 m. Is the change in the canal related to flood issue? b. It is necessary to describe the impact of the change in the use of the piling-up materials from sand and clay to the piling-up materials derived from rivers/dams since its impact is unclear/unspecific. c. It is necessary to revise the description on the disturbance to sea water quality in accordance with V-31 matrix. It is necessary to mention the type of disturbance and explain whether they are all the same. The biota must also be specified. d. The impact management must not be generalized, among other things, whether or not the management of the matters such as the change of current pattern, abrasion and sedimentation, turbidity is exactly the same. e. The monitoring frequency during the construction/reclamation phase must not be determined in a period of 1 x 6 months. It is better to increase the quantity, quality and frequency of the monitoring. f. There has not been validation results (current and tides) overlaid with the result of Ancol modeling.
In connection with sediment, it is necessary to clarify the sediment which give impact on TSS (the percentage of decrease) and biological parameter (as the derivative impacts). h. The hydrodynamic changes create abrasion and accretion effects in other places. The document is still in the form of a model and it may be accepted if it has complied with the validated data. Accordingly, it is necessary to conduct in situ observation. i. Ancol cq. DKI is an exclusive zone. With regard to that matter, it is necessary to describe the responsibility on the material delivery. In addition, it is necessary to confirm the responsibility of each party (Ancol and JEDI). j. It is necessary for Ancol to prepare a strategy to determine the inlet and outlet points in Ancol Area. k. With regard to traffic problem, it is necessary to limit the responsibilities of Ancol and JEDI which shall be followed-up with traffic study. l. There has not been analysis of the change of sand and mud materials. . m. There has not been thematic study in the management process as to how and when the thematic study will be conducted. It is necessary to clarify whether it is proper to conduct the hydrodynamic study with PT MKY as stated in the RKL. n. The environmental setting includes initial modeling for the current pattern which will be implemented in 1 week. o. With regard to the RKL for the current pattern, it is necessary to conduct hydrodynamic study during the construction period, particularly with regard to any changes in the form of dikes and monitoring on the current pattern, abrasion and sedimentation in each change of seasons. p. With regard to the RKL for abrasion and sedimentation, it is necessary to monitor the distribution of abrasion and sedimentation periodically, namely once a year. q. The position of Table 3.6 must be plotted out. r. It is necessary to attach the coordinates to the figures. s. It is necessary to confirm that hydraulic fill will be used gradually. Note : BPLHD will send a letter to the Hydro-Oceanographic Office (hidros) to request data.
Chairperson of the Meeting
Jakarta, March 2009 Note-Taker
Ir. Peni Susanti, Dipl. Est. The Head of the BPLHD of DKI Jakarta Province
Ir. Dian Wiwekowati, MT Head of Prevention of Environmental Impact and Management of Urban
Resources Division
: : :
Activity Initiator : Chairperson of the Meeting :
Attendance List I.
Tuesday/March 17, 2009 14.00 WIB (Western Indonesia Time) – end The Meeting Room of BLPHD at Gedung Nyi Ageng Serang Fl. 2, Jl. Casablanca, Kuningan, South Jakarta Discussion of the Updated RKL/RPL for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area in the area of 119 Ha PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk Ir. Peni Susanti, Dipl. Est. (Head of BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province as the Head of the Amdal Assessment Commission of the DKI Jakarta Province) Enclosed
General Information 1. The West Ancol Area has been approved to be used as a dumping site with the issuance of Letter of the Governor Number 1288/1.711.5 dated May 17,2004 concerning Principle Approval for the Reclamation Phase II in the West Ancol Waters in the area of 343 Ha and Letter of the Amdal Assessment Commission of the DKI Jakarta Number 5/-1.774.15 dated February 17, 2006 concerning the Environmental Impact Study (Andal) Recommendations, RKL/RPL for the Development of the Eastern West Ancol Area Block 3 & 4. 2.
Updates of the RKL/RPL documents in the context of activity plans: a. substitution of filling material which is initially sand transported by sea with sediments dredged from rivers/dams (non-B3) from the Jakarta Emergency Dredging Initiative (JEDI) project of 9,000,0000 m3 transported by land; b. increase of the lateral width of the canal from 80 m to 200 to 300 m in accordance with the changes in spatial layout set forth in Instruction of the Governor of the DKI Jakarta Number 2206/-1.711.5 dated September 26, 2007 concerning Use of Map for the Completion of Detailed Plan of Special Spatial Layout of Ancol Area and its Surroundings, North Jakarta City as well as in accordance with Regulation of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 54 Year 2008 concerning Spatial Layout of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Puncak and Cianjur Areas.
Recommendations and Responses from the Amdal Assessment Commission Team of the DKI Jakarta Province. 1. To what extent have the preparations been made for fulfilling the needs for clean water when the area is occupied by new occupants in the future? The local/existing community has often found it difficult to obtain clean water to date. 2.
Please anticipate the possible occurrence of flood due to the landfilling activity.
What is the contribution of this project to the local community who nota bene are mostly unemployed?
What about the issue about the Minister of Environment disagreeing with this reclamation project?
Ongoing coordination with the surrounding community is expected to be established.
In relation to the issue on Page IV-6, the aspects of maintenance and dredging of sediments as well as the person in charge need to be taken into account. These matters should be accommodated in the Updates of the RKL/RPL documents.
The issue of the cleaning of spills of mud/material transported using dump trucks must be explained/accommodated in this document.
It is stated on Page II-25 “materials originating from 13 rivers/6 dams.” There should be 5 dams.
With respect to the congestion of sea traffic route/frequency and transportation modes (seafaring route), who is responsible for the supervision and control of security/safety of sea traffic?
An SOP for the land transportation of mud (during the dredging of mud, transportation, packaging to be loaded in dump trucks, period of transportation, dumping location, etc.).
A chart of the process from the beginning up to the end of project activities should be displayed.
The volume (%) of river mud should be proportionate to the (sea) sand for the requirement of trucks/frequency (intensity).
The responsibility of the respective parties in the handling/management of impacts in each segment need to be clearly determined.
The content of waste which is toxic to the sea environment needs to be taken into account.
Considering that the land-filling process is to be conducted in a dry condition, it needs to be assured whether the dike to be constructed can really be able to hold the sea water.
The management process of the land formed of 1,1900,0000 m2 (119 Ha) in the form of reforestation, requirement for drainage, cleanliness, clean water, electricity, etc. needs to be clarified.
The filling materials should be thoroughly calculated due to a concern that the volume of 9 million m3 is unlikely to be achieved thus filling materials in the forms of sea sand or other materials would be required.
The handling of impacts of the transportation of filling materials from land and sea in connection with the traffic of land and sea transportation, including the impacts on fishermen and marine police.
A study on the impacts of the sea transportation on fishermen community should be conducted because the reclamation materials are originated from Banten Province which certainly increases the traffic density level.
Marine Police need to be involved for the anticipation of interprovince transportation system.
A study should be conducted on the impacts of the material sources.
Letter of the Governor No. 1228/-1.711.5 dated May 17, 2004 should be complemented with the attachment of map for the area of 343 Ha.
In relation to the issue on Page II-8, based on the Letter of the Governor No. 2206/-1.711.5 dated September 26, 2007, the allocations should be presented proportionately in a land area of 119 Ha (there are 6 allocations).
In relation to the issue on Page III-31 paragraph 2, the Urban Area Building Plan (RBWK) should be substituted with the RTRWC of 2010.
In figure V-1, the location of a Temporary Disposal Site for accommodating waste resulting from the activities of the construction workers should be included (plotted) with respect to the environmental management.
The capacity of the Temporary Disposal Site (TPS) should be identified.
Please check again whether the correct term for the implementation of land-filling is 36 months or 24 months (see page IV-12).
The reason for the updating should be added to the document, namely that pursuant to Article 24 paragraph 1 of Government Regulation No. 27, RKL-RPL shall be null and void if there is no activity within three years following the issuance of Andal.
The impacts of reclamation on Ancol Sub-district need to be taken into account, among other things are as follows: a. The occurrence of flood on daily basis, even when it is not raining. b. The rehabilitation of road facilities and infrastructure in the area of West Ancol Sub-district and Pademangan areas. c. The transportation of materials must be conducted at nighttime so as not to disturb the activities of the people. d. In the context of winning the Adipura trophy, training is to be substituted with painting works on schools in Ancon and the front areas of mosques should be cleaned. e. The cleanliness of the roads along the transportation route must be maintained and the use of routes congested by public activities should be avoided. f. The social impacts and the project’s obligations with regard to CSR in the surrounding areas of the project site have not been adequately handled. g. The placement of manpower from the local residents of Ancol Sub-district has not been adequate.
Explanation on the involvement of the local residents of Ancol and Pademangan Sub-districts in the work and business opportunities should be complemented in the RKL/RPL.
Chairperson of the Meeting,
Jakarta, March 2009 Note Taker,
Ir. Peni Susanti, Dipl. Est. Head of BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province As Head of the Amdal Assessment Commission of the DKI Jakarta Province
Ir. Dian Wiwekowati, MT Head of Environmental Impact Prevention and Urban Resources Management As Secretary to the Amdal Assessment Commission of the DKI Jakarta Province
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Chairperson of the Meeting : Attendance List
Friday/March 20, 2009 14.30 WIB (Western Indonesia Time) – end Discussion of the UKL/UPL Document for The Development of Senayan Golf Residence Housing Complex – PT. Sinjaya The Meeting Room of BLPHD at Gedung Nyi Ageng Serang Fl. 10, Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. C-22, Kuningan , South Jakarta Endah Wahyuningsih, ST, MT (Head of Amdal Sub-division) Enclosed
General Information 1. The activity is located at Jl. Patal Senayan No. 4, Grogol Utara Sub-district, Kebayoran Lama District, South Jakarta. 2. Land area: 2,625 m2, comprising 12 3-storey buildings. 3. The condition of the land is currently ready for construction as the land-filling of 2 meters deep has been conducted. 4. Prepared by: PT. Geo Mitrasamaya Person in Charge of the Document: Drs. Pinondang Tambunan
Matters to be revised 1.
It is planned that all of the buildings will be sold, so that the person responsible for the environmental management in the operational phase must be identified, such as for the biannual reporting and examination of domestic liquid waste samples.
The waste management will be implemented by sorting, by preparing a can/bin for wet and dry wastes.
Referring to Law on Traffic No. 14 Year 1992, the following matters need to be taken into account during the construction phase: a. Taking into account the study on traffic by installing safety signs within a radius of 50 meters, so as to indicate the presence of the project. b. The placement of traffic officers at the entrance and exit doors. c. Vehicles may not park on the surface of main roads. d. The containers of the project vehicles coming in and out the project must be covered with tarpaulin. e. The transportation of materials must be conducted at 21.00 – 05.00 WIB (Western Indonesia Time).
The transportation of materials must not exceed the tonnage so that the roads will not be damaged. The vehicles to be used must be feasible and the emission test examination must be conducted upon the vehicles concerned.
Emission tests must be conducted on operational vehicles of the project.
Monitoring on air quality must be done on a biannual basis instead of annual basis.
The use of cone blocks should be replaced with grass blocks.
The monitoring matrix should be complemented with the monitoring on infiltration well.
It is planned that the requirement for clean water from PAM for the 12 units of residential buildings will only be satisfied by using one meter of water. This requirement should be clarified further in the water balance.
Examination should be conducted on the domestic waste from the 12 units of residential buildings released from one disposal pipe and the place for water sampling should be prepared.
The utilization of Biotechnology is not recommended in the waste water management.
The plan for the placement of infiltration wells location should be clarified further and it should be complemented with the hole used for checking the infiltrations concerned (manhole).
Arrangements for obtaining Infrastructure Utilization Permit (IMP) and Indreed must be made immediately.
The initiator has the obligation to implement the recommended document and make the report for the construction phase in every 3 months and for the operational phase in every 6 months.
The document is to be revised within a period of 1 week.
Acknowledged by,
Jakarta, [Illegible] Prepared by,
Ir. Dian Wiwekowati, MT Head of Environmental Impact Prevention
Endah Wahyuningsih, ST, MT Head of AMDAL Sub-division
Acknowledged by, [signature] Ir. Peni Susanti, Dipl. Est. Head of BPLHD of the DKI Jakarta Province