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PTA Meeting - Nashua Elementary PTA - My PTA

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meeting with teachers in Aug. 1st Vice President - Book Fair. 2016-18: Melissa Dieker, [email protected] ·
Open positions for this school year Open positions for next school year (job descriptions start on page 4)

PTA Meeting Tuesday, November 21, 2017 6 PM Nashua Library

Contact [email protected] if you are interested or have ?s.

[email protected]

 Call to Order  Staff Presentation - 4th Grade and Encore (Jan - Mrs. Cobb, Feb - 5th Grade, Mar - 2nd Grade, Apr - 3rd Grade)  Principal's Update - Mrs. Stukey Officer / Chair Contact Information President - 2017-19: Robyn Tuwei, [email protected] 1st Vice President - Book Fair

2nd Vice President - Family Fun Night -

Secretary -

Treasurer -

2016-18: Melissa Dieker, [email protected] 2018-20 Candidates: OPEN (Elections in March 2018) 2017-19: Heidi Milliken Spring 2018 Committee: Diane Shields OPEN 2016-18: Meridith Lamb, [email protected] 2016-18: Jennifer Walters, [email protected] 2018-20 Candidate: OPEN (Elections in March 2018)

Back to School Night

Fall 2017: Robyn Tuwei, [email protected] & Jen Robert, [email protected]

Bulletin Board

2017-18: Amy Wazac, [email protected]

Cookie Receptions

2017-18: Billi Erickson, [email protected]

Family Events

2017 Fall Event Committee: Robyn Tuwei Amy Wazac Jen Robert

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Committee Updates  Reminder: no December meeting

 If you are interested in the book fair chair position that is open after this school year, please join me for the spring book fair.

 Any corrections to the October minutes?

  

Treasurer's report Big Ticket Budget Update Example Big Ticket Motion: "I motion that we spend up to $(amount needed add a cushion to the estimate) on (the item) from the Big Ticket Budget." Someone else needs to second the motion. Then the President calls for a vote.

Revised 10/17/2017

Field Day Snacks

Spring 2018: Amy Wazac, [email protected]

Field Trip Liaison - Field Trips

2017-18: Melissa Nammavaly, [email protected] Fall 2017: Meridith Lamb, [email protected]

Fundraising -

Kindergarten Roundup

Spring 2018: OPEN

Kindergarten Roundup:  Updates the Kindergarten Tips and Tricks  Gets updated Labels handout and President handout from those chairs – Labels chair and President also each update a display board  Makes copies of all handouts  Makes sure that there are sufficient goodies for the parents and kids; order new items as we run low (need big ticket budget approval at a PTA meeting first)  Organizes volunteers to greet parents and kids, handout goodies and flyers  Requests 3 cafeteria tables for that night from Louise/Lis (one for handouts/display boards, one for kids to color on, one for Girl Scouts?)  Gets crayons and coloring sheets for kids out of the closet Labels - 2017-18: Jen Robert,  Earnings this year [email protected]  KC Comets results  Next Turn Them In Tuesday: Dec 12 Favorite Team Day Membership 2017-18: Kristin Rice,  Memberships available! Individual for $6., [email protected] Business for $10; includes recognition on web and e-mail. Mercury Gym Nights 2017-18: Heidi Milliken  Oct gym night: xx Nashua kids attended, PTA made $xx  Next gym night: Dec 22 Reflections 2017-18: Robyn Tuwei,  The theme this year is "Within Reach" [email protected]  State deadline for submissions is Dec 16 Restaurant Nights

Room Party Food

2017-18: Amy Wazac, [email protected] 2018-19: OPEN 2017-18: Amy Wazac, [email protected] & Misty Leatherman, [email protected]

Room Party Games

2017-18: Emmy Berry, [email protected]

5th Grade Sock Hop School Board Advocate

2017-18: Heidi Hiebert, [email protected] 2017-18: OPEN

School Board Advocate:  attends monthly school board meetings as a representative of Nashua PTA  shares updates at PTA meetings Skating Parties 2017-18: Vanessa Corigliano, [email protected]

 Next Papa John's Day: Nov 30  Power Play is booked for Thu, Jan 25 from 5 - 9 pm

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 Nov skating party: xx Nashua kids attended, PTA made $xx, xx class won the attendance pizza party  Next skating night: Nov 9 Revised 10/17/2017

Spirit Wear

2017-18: Amy Wazac, [email protected] & Vanessa Corigliano, [email protected]

Staff Appreciation

2017-18: Emmy Berry, [email protected]

Staff surveys - email [email protected] for access

2017-18 Staff Appreciation Committee: Emily Garrett Diane Shields OPEN OPEN Staff Appreciation Committee Members:  Help with setup and cleanup of teacher meals at parent teacher conferences (Oct) and during Staff Appreciation Week (May) Sunshine 2017-18: Robyn Tuwei, [email protected] Tree Maintenance Website -

Fall 2017: Joel Wazac & Mike Baker 2017-18: Jen Robert, [email protected]

Yearbook -

2017-18: Emily Garrett, [email protected] & OPEN

 Next Receipt/Notices in Jan, Mar  Dec/Jan News due Fri, Nov 24  Jan Agenda items due Jan 10  Any new Business Sponsors this month?  Attendance Sheet for meeting

2017-18 Yearbook Committee: Diane Shields Yearbook Co-Chair:  Assist Emily in the spring by creating yearbook pages using Entourage's website  Other New Business  Adjourn

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Nashua PTA Job Descriptions President:  attends all PTA meetings (3rd Tuesday, Sep - May, excluding Dec + Back to School Planning in Aug + Audit in July)  sets dates for PTA meetings with school  presides at PTA meetings  coordinates work of officers and committees  makes sure we keep records, including minutes and bylaws 1st Vice President - Book Fair:  sets fall and spring book fair dates with Scholastic (to coordinate with fall conferences and spring reading week)  verifies dates with principal  attends online or live Scholastic Workshop  orders Scholastic preview packs for teachers  plans any additional activities to promote sales (Grand Event, etc.)  coordinates volunteers who work the fair (SignUpGenius)  creates fliers to send home with Scholastic fliers to inform students/parents of events and times  provides Scholastic posters to Nashua office to place around school  sets up online fair and website  closes out fair/completes financial form; we take $500 cash for PTA and the rest as Scholastic Dollars for the library  provides 2 copies of invoice and checks/cash to treasurer with addressed/stamped envelope  informs librarian of the Scholastic Dollar amount available to spend on books, author Skype, etc. 2nd Vice President – Family Fun Night:  sets date of Family Fun Night with school (consider changing the date to avoid competing with Bell Prairie's carnival for teen volunteers, maybe before the deadline for New Mark to turn in their service hours)  recruits Parent Game Reps (SignUpGenius)  requests tables from Louise by March 1st - she needs to put in a request to the district early  hires food trucks, DJ, photo booth (do we need photo booth?)  contacts Nashua Baptist church for permission to park in lot in April  requests use of the gym from Adventure Club in April  maps activities – where are tables needed, who needs an outlet – for rain and for shine - coordinates with Louise and Lis on tables, extension cords and trash cans  Raffles: gets donations, handles ticket sales (including pre-sale) and drawings, gets change for raffle table from treasurer, notifies winners and makes sure winners get prizes  Trophy, Voting and Party: sets up ballot boxes, gets voting tickets and hand stamp, coordinates voting at the event, counts tickets, announces class winner, coordinates trophy and party with teacher (trophy is passed from class to class each year)  Photographer: takes some pictures that night for Facebook Secretary:  attends all PTA meetings  takes notes at all PTA general meetings (3rd Tuesdays, 6 PM, Nashua Library; no general meeting in Dec, Jun, Jul, Aug)  types up meeting minutes, posts them to the website, posts notice to Facebook (examples of our minutes) Treasurer:  attends all PTA meetings  handles banking activities, maintains records and updates MoneyMinder  provides annual financial report to local and state PTA  provides documents, including monthly financial reports, for annual audit  ensures that bank statements are reviewed and signed by a second party (insurance requirement)  submits tax forms  provides frequent reminders to parents and staff that all that all items must be accompanied by the PTA form and that 2 copies of invoices are required (treasurer to review and update PTA form as necessary each year)

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Back to School Night:  sets date for and attends the Back to School Planning Meeting in Aug (about one week before Back to School Night) - we can usually hold the meeting in the school library, but need to coordinate with Rita and Mrs. Stukey to get the date set and the library reserved the May before  invites all PTA officers/chairs and Mrs. Stukey  creates agenda for planning meeting - discuss the plan and what did and did not work last year  makes name tags - nametags help people identify us – there is a template on the Google drive with the PTA logo and a star – volunteers can write their names on them  revises the Order Form – see Google Drive for editable copy  after the meeting, e-mail Louise Parr to let her know how many tables PTA will need  makes posters to get parents to the tables  requests change from the treasurer at least one week before Back to School Night ($400 total, $120 of 20s, $70 of 10s, $100 of 5s, $100 of 1s, $10 of quarters)  makes and distributes a sign up for table volunteers  makes 250 copies of the finalized order form - puts them at the check outs that night (a few go to the cookie table)  brings name tags, posters, tape, scissors, calculators (we have 4 in the PTA cabinet), cash boxes (2 in the PTA cabinet), and an alternate allergen-free treat for the fundraiser cookie table  Membership cards are sent home after Back to School Night – this keeps line moving that night  Website Chair takes care of Classroom and K Lunch Sign Ups Bulletin Board:  updates PTA bulletin board (in hall across from main office) monthly Cookie Receptions:  sets up cookie table and lemonade for receptions after school music programs  cleans up after receptions  stocks lemonade, napkins and cups in PTA cabinet at school Field Trip Liaison:  coordinates with the teachers on field trip plans and budget status Field Day Snacks:  coordinates with Mr. Alfrey on date of field day and amount of snacks/drinks required  usually need water for volunteers; popsicles, juice pouches and a snack item for the kids  requests donations from local stores (Sun Fresh, Hy Vee, etc.); purchases remaining items with Room Party/Field Day Fee budget - use PTA tax exempt letter for purchases  Field Day is in May; since stores tend to run through their donation budgets if you don't ask early enough, March is a good time to get started with donation requests Fundraising:  each chair will organize one fundraiser  makes contact with fundraising company, sets dates, collects orders and money, distributes products and prizes Kindergarten Roundup:  Updates the Kindergarten Tips and Tricks  Gets updated Labels handout and President handout from those chairs – Labels chair and President also each update a display board  Makes copies of all handouts  Makes sure that there are sufficient goodies for the parents and kids; order new items as we run low (need big ticket budget approval at a PTA meeting first)  Organizes volunteers to greet parents and kids, handout goodies and flyers  Requests 3 cafeteria tables for that night from Louise/Lis (one for handouts/display boards, one for kids to color on, one for Girl Scouts?)  Gets crayons and coloring sheets for kids out of the closet Labels:  coordinates Turn Them In Tuesdays and fliers  coordinates volunteers to collect, prepare and submit labels (Volunteer from Home sign up)  coordinates with Treasurer to make sure checks are received  also collects ink cartridges from school; mails them to the Office Depot/Office Max Recycling Rules school ink cartridge recycling program; uses earned gift cards to purchase PTA office supplies; any extra funds used for

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Membership:  tracks which members have received membership cards (treasurer will send you a master list of who has joined)  fills out membership cards; cards are distributed to teachers' mailboxes to be sent home with students  fills out MO PTA form each month we sell memberships (usually August and September) so that we can pay our dues to the state PTA  promotes PTA membership Mercury Gym Nights:  sets up PTA nights at Mercury Gymnastics  advertising: makes fliers for Peachjar (Mercury doesn't provide fliers) and posts about gym nights on Facebook  attends our nights to collect income Restaurant Nights:  sets up schedules with restaurant managers in spring for the next school year  distributes schedule for inclusion in school / PTA announcements and the PTA events flier  posts reminders on the Nashua PTA's Facebook page Room Parties and 5th Grade Sock Hop:  uses room party fees to purchase party items, ensures items are picked up and stored before party day, and sorts and delivers items to the school prior to party time  also organizes the 5th Grade Sock Hop (all of the 5th grade classes have a combined party in the gym during the spring parties) - this is a separate chair due to work load  Room Parties, 5th Grade Sock Hop and Field Day Snacks chairs must coordinate on use of funds ($5 per student fees) School Board Advocate:  attends monthly school board meetings as a representative of Nashua PTA  shares updates at PTA meetings Skating Parties:  chair schedules parties at River Roll Skate Center and signs contract  if our attendance is high enough, River Roll will give the PTA's income to our representative on the night of the party.  our representative also takes attendance of students by teacher to determine which class wins the pizza party. The pizza party for the winning class is provided by River Roll and occurs during the skating party at River Roll.  therefore we need a chair and a small committee managed by the chair so that we have a representative at every skating party. Spirit Wear:  negotiates with local t-shirt shops  send outs order forms, processes orders, delivers spirit wear Staff Appreciation:  provides acknowledgement for Teacher Appreciation Week, Principal Day, Nurse's Day, staff birthdays, etc.  coordinates Feed the Teachers events during Fall Conferences and Staff Appreciation Week in the spring  sends out Sign Up Genius signups about 2 weeks before each food event - make sure to require phone #s on the sign ups  Committee Members help with setup and cleanup of teacher meals at parent teacher conferences (Oct) and during Staff Appreciation Week (May) Sunshine:  Provides sympathy and congratulations gifts from the PTA to all Staff Members  These guidelines and the associated budget line item allow the PTA to provide consistent and timely gifts. This committee was authorized on September 16, 2014. See meeting minutes.  Limited to these events: birth or adoption of a child, wedding, death in the immediate family, retirement, principal leaving the school (staff birthdays are covered by staff appreciation) (gifts will be given for these events throughout the school year and during the summer)  Each gift is limited to $40. PTA budgets for 3 gifts per year. We can vote to add big ticket funds to this budget at any general meeting if additional gifts are needed.  The committee chair will choose the gifts. Tree Maintenance:  mulches the small trees near the blacktop that were donated by the PTA  in September or October  request mulch donations - budget is $0 (Full Features and Missouri Organic have donated in the past)  need someone with a truck to deliver mulch to the school  chair can handle spreading the mulch or we can put together a SignUpGenius sheet to request volunteers to help

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Website:  maintains PTA website, updates calendar, posts flyers  using the treasurer’s spreadsheet and a student list from the school, generates receipts/notices for room party/field day fees, yearbooks and memberships 3 times per year (Sep, Jan, Mar)  e-mails school's student directory  maintains PTA e-mail list on the website and SignUpGenius  sends PTA emails from the website  helps other chairs with SignUpGenius  makes other officers/chairs Facebook admins so they can post their own news and events  coordinates Classroom Parent (Room Parties, Photographer, Family Fun Night Game Rep) signups at Meet the Teacher Night, Parent Orientation and SignUpGenius  collects PTA items for monthly school newsletter, publishes items on website and send them to Mrs. Stukey Yearbook:  signs contract with yearbook company  coordinates classroom photographers  collects 5th grade cover art submissions and organizes voting at the January PTA meeting  creates yearbook pages using yearbook company's website  distributes yearbooks to classroom teachers at the end of the school year

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