PTDA Foundation 2017 Fund Drive

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PTDA Foundation Introduces PT WORK Force. Chicago, Ill.—November 29, 2017—Recruiting, hiring, retaining and training
NEWS RELEASE PTDA Foundation Introduces PT WORK Force Chicago, Ill.—November 29, 2017—Recruiting, hiring, retaining and training employees continues to be an overwhelming challenge for industrial distributors. With a focus on developing resources to assist power transmission/motion control (PT/MC) employers in these critical areas, the PTDA Foundation Board of Trustees will launch the PT WORK Force initiative in 2018. PT WORK Force (where WORK stands for Workforce Outreach, Research and Knowledge) is designed to help the PT/MC industry overcome the challenges associated with turnover in its workforce. Resources will be developed to help companies find and hire the best and brightest talent from across North America. As the PTDA Foundation’s volunteers put their talents to work in developing new tools, PT WORK Force will build on several existing successful programs including the website; the Elements of Industrial Distribution online and print training program; and, the only job board focused solely on industrial distribution. Companies in the PT/MC industry will be introduced to new programs from PT WORK Force designed to help them: • • •

Reach out into their communities to find and cultivate new talent Educate themselves on best practices in workforce hiring trends Find best practices and solutions for talent development issues

These workforce tools will be made available to other industrial distribution associations whose members are facing similar challenges with human resources. The PTDA Foundation, whose work is funded solely by donations, was founded in 1982 to enhance knowledge, education, professionalism and productivity within the power transmission/motion control (PT/MC) industry. The Foundation is a not-for-profit, taxexempt 501(c)(3) corporation; contributions are tax deductible to the full amount allowed by law. For more information, visit #### The PT WORK Force logo is available on request Contact: Ginger Wheeler Director, Marketing & Communications PTDA Foundation [email protected]

PTDA FOUNDATION 230 West Monroe Street Suite 1410 Chicago, IL 60606-4703 USA Phone: +1.312.516.2100 Fax: +1.312.516.2101 E-mail: [email protected]