You're Important for Shaping the Blue Plan: Engaging stakeholders, which includes the public, is critical to the Blue Pl
Long Island Sound Blue Plan
Public and Stakeholder Engagement: You’re Important for Shaping the Blue Plan: Engaging stakeholders, which includes the public, is critical to the Blue Plan. In addition to meeting statutory goals for public input, strong stakeholder engagement will result in a better plan, stronger ownership in the plan, and trust in the relationships essential to implementing the plan.
How can I play a role? Different stakeholder engagement options offer different ways to play a role in the Blue Plan process. We hope to do as much as resources will allow. Here are the basic ideas: Stay Informed: Informed stakeholders are the foundation of the process and provide the support needed for the plan’s adoption and implementation. You can stay informed by visiting the Blue Plan website, joining the Blue Plan listserv, and attending public meetings. Different stakeholder groups are also represented on the Blue Plan Advisory Committee, so following one of these engaged groups that you might be affiliated with is another way to stay informed. Provide Input and Feedback: Public meetings, hearings, and other venues will be ways to provide input and feedback to the planning process. Examples include participating in surveys and stakeholder forums, interacting with the Blue Plan website, and commenting orally or in writing. Participate in Planning Discussions: Blue Planners anticipate engaging in discussions with the various sectors that make up the Long Island Sound community. Whether attending their meetings, conducting stakeholder forums or interviews on specific topics, or consulting with stakeholder representatives, the idea is to gain an understanding of stakeholder interests and simplify participation in the planning process. Contribute Knowledge: “what places matter to you?” The Blue Plan will be based on information about the human uses and natural resources of the Sound. A critical component is contained in the experience and knowledge of the stakeholders that know the Sound. We anticipate reaching out to the various sectors to gain new information about what areas of the Sound are important to them so these places can be considered and included in the planning process.
What works for you? The stakeholder engagement process is being formed. We need to know what works best for you. Which options above appeal to you? Are there other ideas that we should consider? How can we hear from you, recognizing your time is limited? Please share your thoughts with us in the online Blue Plan Comments form at the Blue Plan website.