Jul 4, 2014 - The City of Toronto will be resurfacing the road on Queen's Park Crescent ... This work will take place on
Construction Notice July 4, 2014
Queen's Park Crescent - Road Resurfacing Wellesley Street West - Road Reconstruction, Water Service and Cycling Improvements Project Start Date: July 21, 2014 Expected Completion Date: December 2014 The City of Toronto will be resurfacing the road on Queen's Park Crescent and reconstructing the road and sidewalks, and completing cycling and traffic signal improvements on Wellesley Street West. This project is part of the 2014 Capital Construction Program. This work will take place on Queen's Park Crescent from College Street to Bloor Street West and Wellesley Street West from Queen's Park Crescent West to Yonge Street. Your co-operation and patience during the construction period is crucial and appreciated. Map of Work Area
Construction Details: Queen's Park Crescent - July 21st to Sept 22nd 2014 Work Includes: o Road Resurfacing and sidewalk reconstruction o Reconfiguration of the Hoskin Ave and Queen's Park Crescent intersection, including Separated Bike Lane Construction from Hoskin Ave to Wellesley St W Traffic Restrictions - Minimum of two lanes of traffic at all times on a one-way section of Queen's Park Crescent Wellesley Street West - July 21st to December 2014 Work Includes: o Road & Sidewalk Reconstruction o Separated Bike Lane Construction o Watermain Service Transfer o Traffic Signal Improvements Traffic Restrictions - Maintain one lane of traffic in the eastbound direction at all times, however, Westbound traffic will be closed during construction
Construction Notice Work Hours Work will typically take place from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday, with work after hours and on weekends as required. Disruptions As with all construction projects, there will be noise and temporary inconveniences. In order to complete the work effectively and in a safe manner, some pedestrian and traffic restrictions will be necessary. TTC Service TTC service will continue on Queen's Park Cres and Wellesley Street West and all bus routes will be maintained during construction. However, service disruptions, bus stop relocations, and routing changes will occur due to construction, particularly for the westbound Wellesley St West bus route, which will require a route diversion. For information related to routing changes for the affected TTC route, please refer to the TTC web site at www.ttc.ca Example - Separated Bicycle Lanes
Parking Restrictions & Allowances Construction will require temporary partial closure of private driveways/entrances. Where the property has two entrances, one entrance will be kept open at all times. Further notice will be given prior to the temporary closure. During construction, on street parking will be prohibited and residents are asked to park on adjacent side streets where it is permitted. Boulevard Work Sidewalk reconstruction will be undertaken in front of properties on the north and south sides of Wellesley Street West and all sides of Queen's Park Crescent. Property owners in the affected area are reminded to remove any privately owned items from the boulevard. The City will not be responsible for damage to any privately owned items installed on the City’s property. Garbage Collection & Store Deliveries Garbage collection shall remain unchanged, with access restrictions due to construction. Business will continue to receive store deliveries; however access restrictions will prevent deliveries from being store front during construction. For more information: Project website Contact:
Premnauth Deonarain MMM Group Limited
[email protected] 647-621-8675
Kimmo Hamalainen Senior Engineer
[email protected] 416-397-4581
24 Hours:
General Inquiries TTY
311 416-338-0889
Councillor Toronto Centre-Rosedale
Councillor Wong-Tam Ward 27
[email protected] 416-392-7903
Councillor Trinity-Spadina
Councillor Ward 20 Ward 20
[email protected] 416-392-4044