Public understanding of medical terminology - Europe PMC
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Birmingham. S Wilson. A Roalfe. City Hospital NHS. Trust, Birmingham. P Cox. Correspondence to: Dr Matthew Cooke, Senior. Lecturer in Emergency Care,.
reticular cells ", the reticular (supporting) cells and endothelial cells, and it is ... lymphoreticular tissues (Table I) are ... the production of connective tissue fibres.
ideas couched in sitcom belly laughs rather than serious ... with which the term "black" is used in the lit- ... universal agreement about who is black in our world.
Nov 24, 1973 - the final year as a student organized by the Ministry of Health. They spend three to five years in hospital, being responsible for patient care,.
which fulfils the promise of its title in giving a comprehensive account of car- ... keepers to hospital services, and their decisions to investigate or refer are.
RICHARD LAUGHARNE. Clinical training fellow. Department of Psychiatry,. London Hospital Medical College,. London El 2AD. 1 Pugh R, Gardner J, Allen R.
Mar 16, 1985 - list of his previous drinking and driving convictions was obtained from the ..... lar community. Though not vegetarians, children from Bangladesh.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. Volume 2 Number 6 Nov ... Medical Informatics: The Key ... The time has come for health care organizations of all types to .... pitals understand the need for a chief financial officer. Even.
between consultants, registrars, and senior house officers (most senior .... and a senior house officer in 24 (7%): no record was ..... Turnbull AR, Chester JF.
Jun 18, 1983 - Dis 1981;124:132-7. 2 Knoedler JP. Delayed recovery from respiratory paralysis due to the. Guillain-Barre syndrome. Chest 1981 ;80:119-20.
Aug 25, 1984 - in Brent. JOAN HENTHORN, ELIZABETH ANIONWUY, MILICA BROZOVIC. Abstract. Between 1981 and 1983, 3165 consecutive specimens of.
Sep 29, 1979 - of the car interior despite using a seat belt.1 A direct blow on the head is probably important in inducing those neck injuries.2 Reports of.
Fulbourn Hospital,. CambridgeCBI 5ES. RAYMOND LEVY. Section of Old Age Psychiatry,. Institute of Psychiatry,. London SE5 8AF. 1 Crook 'I'H, Ferris SH.
Sep 25, 1976 - defined by Dudley as "that process of self-assessment in qualitative and .... would undoubtedly inhibit the frank discussions that take place.
Public understanding of medical terminology - Europe PMC
Public understanding of medical terminology: non-English speakers may not receive optimal care. M W Cooke, S Wilson, P Cox, A Roalfe. Abstract.
J Accid Emerg Med 2000;17:119–121
Public understanding of medical terminology: non-English speakers may not receive optimal care M W Cooke, S Wilson, P Cox, A Roalfe
Emergency Medicine Research Group, University of Warwick and Walsgrave Hospitals NHS Trust, Coventry M W Cooke Emergency Medicine Research Group, Department of General Practice and Primary Care, University of Birmingham S Wilson A Roalfe City Hospital NHS Trust, Birmingham P Cox Correspondence to: Dr Matthew Cooke, Senior Lecturer in Emergency Care, Emergency Medicine Research Group, Primary Care Unit, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL (e-mail: MWCooke@ Accepted 28 September 1999
Abstract Introduction—Many systems of telephone triage are being developed (including NHS Direct, general practitioner out of hours centres, ambulance services). These rely on the ability to determine key facts from the caller. Level of consciousness is an important indicator after head injury but also an indicator of severe illness. Aims—To determine the general public’s understanding of the term unconscious. Methods—A total of 700 people were asked one of seven questions relating to their understanding of the term unconscious. All participants were adults who could speak suYcient English to give a history to a nurse. Results—Correct understanding of the term unconscious varied from 46.5% to 87.0% for varying parameters. Those with English as their first language had a better understanding (p