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Papers presented at National and International level Some International conferences----2014 July: ' The Quest for Blessings, Transcendence or Healing', International Conference 'Sacred Journeys: Pilgrimage and Beyond', InterDisciplinary.Net, Mansfield College, Oxford, U.K, July 2014 Pilgrimage Sacred Journeys and Pilgrimage and Beyond
2014 January, “Business Ethics: Advertising for Children and with Children” at the BoE 2014, International Conference Bounds of Ethics in a Globalized World Bangalore.
2013 November, ‘the Pre –Socratic Philosophy and Indian Philosophy: Some Parallels’ PHILHIST’13 an International Conference held at Istanbul, Turkey, Organized by DAKAM.
2013 May, ‘Begging is Unethical’ in an International Conference organized by Interdisciplinary .net held at Prague, Czechoslovakia
2012 October ‘Language of Advertising’ in ASIAN CONGRESS FOR MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION Bangkok
2011 October, ‘Ethics in Advertising with reference to Mill’s Utilitarianism’ at the “International Conference on Language and Communication 2011” organized by KLIUC Kuala Lumpur Infrastructure University College. 2011 September - A paper at Ca Fascari University, Venice Italy. 2011 January presented a paper at Christ University, Bangalore, on’ Mysticism and Vedanta’. 2010 June: ‘Middle Path: Aristotle and Buddhism’ –at 5th International Philosophy Conference, held Athens, organized by Athens Institute of Education and Research
2009 October: ‘Ethics in Higher Education’--- Teaching and Learning Conference Organized by Clute Institute at Las Vegas USA
2009 March: ‘Ethics in Every Day Life’ --- Interdisciplinary International Conference Organized by Interdisciplinary .net at Salzburg, Austria
2009 January: 'Whitehead and Corporate Social Responsibility' 7th International Whitehead Conference organized by Christ University Bangalore, India
2008 July: 'Death with Dignity'--- 22nd World Philosophy Congress, organized by Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea.
2007 July: ' Classical Theories of Plato and Aristotle and its Relevance Today' in 19th International Conference organized by International Association of Greek Philosophy at Samos, Greece.
2006 June: 'Whose Mercy is it Any Ways': Annual International Conference, organized by Australian Association for Professional and Applied Ethics.