Publications Dr. Matthias Schleuning

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1. Publications. Dr. Matthias Schleuning. Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F) & Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung.
Publications Dr. Matthias Schleuning Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F) & Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung Senckenberganlage 25 60325 Frankfurt Germany Email: [email protected] Web: Google scholar: Research gate: Phone: +49 69 7542 1892; Fax: +49 69 7542 1801

Postdoctoral publications (all peer-reviewed) (27) Schleuning, M., K. Böhning-Gaese, D.M. Dehling & K.C. Burns (in press) At a loss for birds: insularity increases asymmetry in seed-dispersal networks. Global Ecology and Biogeography, in press. (26) Lippok, D., S.G. Beck, D. Renison, I. Hensen, A. Apaza Q. & M. Schleuning (in press) Topography and edge effects are more important than elevation as drivers of vegetation patterns in a neotropical montane forest. Journal of Vegetation Science, in press. (25) Lippok, D., F. Walter, I. Hensen, S.G. Beck & M. Schleuning (2013) Effects of disturbance and altitude on soil seed banks of tropical montane forests. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 29, 523-529 (24) Dalsgaard, B., K. Trøjelsgaard, K., A.M. Martín González, D. Nogués-Bravo, J. Ollerton, T. Petanidou, B. Sandel, M. Schleuning, Z. Wang, C. Rahbek, W.J. Sutherland, J.-C. Svenning & J.M. Olesen (in press) Historical climate-change influences modularity and nestedness of pollination networks. Ecography, in press. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2013.00201.x (23) Plein, M., L. Längsfeld, E.L. Neuschulz, C. Schultheiß, L. Ingmann, T. Töpfer, K. Böhning-Gaese & M. Schleuning (2013) Constant properties of plant-frugivore networks despite fluctuations in fruit and bird communities in space and time. Ecology, 94, 1296-1306 (22) Stournaras, K.E., E. Lo, K. Böhning-Gaese, E. Cazetta, D.M. Dehling, M. Schleuning, M.C. Stoddard, M.J. Donoghue, R.O. Prum & H.M. Schaefer (2013) How colorful are fruits? Limited color diversity in fleshy fruits on local and global scales. New Phytologist, 198, 617-629 (21) Lippok, D., S.G. Beck, D. Renison, S.C. Gallegos, F.V. Saavedra, I. Hensen & M. Schleuning (2013) Forest recovery of areas deforested by fire increases with elevation in the tropical Andes. Forest Ecology and Management, 295: 69-76 (20) A. Apaza Q., M. Schleuning, I. Hensen, F.V. Saavedra & W. Durka (2013) Forest fragmentation and edge effects on the genetic structure of Clusia sphaerocarpa and C. lechleri (Clusiaceae) in tropical montane forests. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 29, 321-329 1

(19) Kambach, S., F. Guerra, S.G. Beck, I. Hensen & M. Schleuning (2013) Human-induced disturbance alters pollinator communities in tropical mountain forests. Diversity, 5, 1-14 (18) Stein, K., M. Templin, I. Hensen, M. Fischer, D. Matthies & M. Schleuning (2013) Negative effects of conspecific floral density on fruit set of two neotropical understorey plants. Biotropica, 45, 325332 (17) Hamasha, H.R., A.N. Schmidt-Lebuhn, W. Durka, M. Schleuning & I. Hensen (2013) Bioclimatic regions influence genetic structure of four Jordanian Stipa species. Plant Biology, 15, 882-891 (16) Ferger, S.W., K. Böhning-Gaese, W. Wilcke, Y. Oelmann & M. Schleuning (2013) Distinct carbon sources indicate strong differentiation between tropical forest and farmland bird communities. Oecologia, 171,473-486 (15) Mulwa, R.K., E.L. Neuschulz, K. Böhning-Gaese & M. Schleuning (2013) Seasonal fluctuations of resource abundance and avian feeding guilds across forest-farmland boundaries in tropical Africa. Oikos, 122, 524-532 (14) Breitbach, N., K. Böhning-Gaese, I. Laube & M. Schleuning (2012) Short seed-dispersal distances and low seedling recruitment in farmland populations of bird-dispersed cherry trees. Journal of Ecology, 100: 1349-1358 (13) Schleuning*, M., J. Fründ*, A.M. Klein, S. Abrahamczyk, R. Alarcón, M. Albrecht, G.K.S. Andersson, S. Bazarian, K. Böhning-Gaese, R. Bommarco, B. Dalsgaard, D.M. Dehling, A. Gotlieb, M. Hagen, T. Hickler, A. Holzschuh, C.N. Kaiser-Bunbury, H. Kreft, R.J. Morris, B. Sandel, W.J. Sutherland, J.-C. Svenning, T. Tscharntke, S. Watts, C.N. Weiner, M. Werner, N.M. Williams, C. Winqvist, C.F. Dormann & N. Blüthgen (2012) Specialization of mutualistic interaction networks decreases toward tropical latitudes. Current Biology, 22: 1925-1931; *, equal author contributions (12) Markl*, J.S., M. Schleuning*, P.M. Forget, P. Jordano, J.E. Lambert, A. Traveset, S.J. Wright & K. Böhning-Gaese (2012) Meta-analysis of the effects of human disturbance on seed dispersal by animals. Conservation Biology, 26: 1072-1081 ; *, equal author contributions (11) Mulwa, R.K., K. Böhning-Gaese & M. Schleuning (2012) High bird species diversity in structurally heterogeneous farmland in western Kenya. Biotropica, 44:801-809 (10) Menke, S., K. Böhning-Gaese & M. Schleuning (2012) Plant–frugivore networks are less specialized and more robust at forest–farmland edges than in the interior of a tropical forest. Oikos, 121: 1553-1566 (9) Breitbach, N., S. Tillmann, M. Schleuning, C. Grünewald, I. Laube, I. Steffan-Dewenter & K. Böhning-Gaese (2012) Influence of habitat complexity and landscape configuration on pollination and seed-dispersal interactions of wild cherry trees. Oecologia, 168: 425–437 (8) Schleuning, M., N. Farwig, M.K. Peters, T. Bergsdorf, B. Bleher, R. Brandl, H. Dalitz, G. Fischer, W. Freund, M.W. Gikungu, M. Hagen, F.H. Garcia, G.H. Kagezi, M. Kaib, M. Kraemer, T. Lung, C.M. Naumann, G. Schaab, M. Templin, D. Uster, J.W. Wägele & K. Böhning-Gaese (2011) Forest fragmentation and selective logging have inconsistent effects on multiple animal -mediated ecosystem processes in a tropical forest. PLoS ONE 6: e27785 (7) Schleuning, M., N. Blüthgen, M. Flörchinger, J. Braun, H.M. Schaefer & K. Böhning-Gaese (2011) Specialization and interaction strength in a tropical plant-frugivore network differ among forest strata. Ecology 92: 26-36 2

(6) Schleuning, M., T. Becker, G.P. Vadillo, T. Hahn, D. Matthies & W. Durka (2011) River dynamics shape clonal diversity and genetic structure of an Amazonian understorey herb. Journal of Ecology 99: 373-382 (5) Schleuning, M., M. Templin, V. Huamán, G.P. Vadillo, T. Becker,W. Durka, M. Fischer & D. Matthies (2011) Effects of inbreeding, outbreeding, and supplemental pollen on the reproduction of a hummingbird-pollinated clonal Amazonian herb. Biotropica 43: 183-191 Doctoral publications (all peer-reviewed) (4) Schleuning, M., V. Huamán & D. Matthies (2009) Experimental assessment of factors limiting seedling recruitment of an Amazonian understory herb. Biotropica 41: 57-65 (3) Schleuning, M., M. Niggemann, U. Becker & D. Matthies (2009) Negative effects of habitat degradation and fragmentation on the declining grassland plant Trifolium montanum. Basic and Applied Ecology 10: 61-69 (2) Schleuning, M. & D. Matthies (2009) Habitat change and plant demography: assessing the extinction risk of a formerly common grassland perennial. Conservation Biology 23: 174-183 (1) Schleuning, M., V. Huamán & D. Matthies (2008) Flooding and canopy dynamics shape the demography of a clonal Amazon understorey herb. Journal of Ecology 96: 1045-1055