Published papers 1. Geethanjali,Muthulakshmi 2013 ... - UGC

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Geethanjali,Muthulakshmi 2013 Prevalence of hypertension and its associated risk factors among post menopausal women. Journal of gender and progress.
Published papers 1. Geethanjali,Muthulakshmi 2013 Prevalence of hypertension and its associated risk

factors among post menopausal women. Journal of gender and progress. Accepted papers 2. Santhanam.Geethanjali, Neelameagm.Kalaiarasi Groundwork of peanut meal built-in

cookies and its nutritional, microbial, sensory analysis. International journal of inter disciplinary research and reviews. ISSN:23198788. 3. Santhanam.Geethanjali, Neelameagm.Kalaiarasi,A study on formulation of orange

fleshed sweet potato incorporated ice cream. International journal of inter disciplinary research and reviews. ISSN:23198788
