Professional Development Courses. Microsoft Publisher 2003. 1. Project Nine.
Professional Development Courses
PUBLISHER PROJECT NINE ASSIGNMENT SHEET In this project you will create a MAIL MERGE to design personalized thank you notes and award certificates. Page numbers in parentheses refer to pages in the text that will provide additional assistance, or refer to the Index on page 260. In this project you will be guided through these steps: understanding mail merge (p. 184) creating a mail merge (p. 186)
Getting Started 1. Open Microsoft Publisher. Create four thank you cards that are personalized with the first names of four of your students. Note: Perforated blank postcards can be purchased to use in your classroom, or if the cards are printed on card stock, they can be cut out. For this assignment, it is acceptable to print the document on white paper. 2. In Publications for Print, select Postcards. Select a postcard design from the Publisher templates. 3. The Postcard Options task pane feature should be visible at the left of the screen. Color Schemes and Font Schemes can be changed in the Publication Designs task pane. Color schemes can be customized by selecting Custom color scheme at the bottom of the task pane. Save the file. 4. Change the Postcard Options Copies per Sheet to Multiple. In the File menu, select Print Preview to view the document. There should be four cards on the page. Click Close. 5. Make any changes to the postcard before beginning the mail merge feature. Save your work. 6. Right-click on Page 2 in the Page Navigation icons at the bottom of the screen. Select Delete Page. 7. In the Tools menu, select Mail and Catalog Merge, and click on Mail and Catalog Merge Wizard. There will be five steps to follow: a. Step 1: Select Mail Merge and click Next: Select data source at the bottom of the task pane. b. Step 2: Select Type a new list. Click on Create. Click Customize and delete all of the fields but First Name and Last Name. Click OK. Enter the first and last name of a student and click New Entry. Enter the first and last names of three more
Microsoft Publisher 2003
Project Nine
Professional Development Courses
students and click Close. Save the document as Mail Merge Names. Click Save. The four student names will appear. Click OK. Click Next: Create your publication. c. Step 3: Type a comma after Thank You and click the arrow on the dropdown list next to First Name on the task pane and select Insert as text. Click Next: Preview your publication. d. Step 4: To preview the postcards, click on the double arrow next to Recipient at the top of the task pane. Click Next: Complete the merge. e. Step 5: Click Print. Click OK. 8. Click on the Print Preview button
to check the document. Close the Print Preview
on the Standard toolbar, or press Ctrl+P to print the window and click on the Print button postcards. Black and white copies are acceptable. Attach the document to the Project Nine cover sheet. On Your Own 1. Create four award certificates that are personalized with the first and last names of four of your students. Open one of the award certificates you designed in Project Four. 2. In the Tools menu, select Mail and Catalog Merge, and click on Mail and Catalog Merge Wizard. There will be five steps to follow: a. Step 1: Select Mail Merge and click Next: Select data source at the bottom of the task pane. b. Step 2: Select Browse and open the previously saved Mail Merge Names file. The four student names will appear. Click OK. Click Next: Create your publication. c. Step 3: Click in the Name text box on the certificate. Click the arrow on the dropdown list next to First Name on the task pane and select Insert as text. Press the Space Bar once and then click on the dropdown list next to Last Name on the task pane and select Insert as text. Click Next: Preview your publication. d. Step 4: To preview the certificates, click on the double arrow next to Recipient at the top of the task pane. Click Next: Complete the merge. e. Step 5: Click Print. Click OK. 3. Click on the Print Preview button window and click on the Print button certificates.
Microsoft Publisher 2003
to check the document. Close the Print Preview on the Standard toolbar, or press Ctrl+P to print the