publishing rules_erasmo journal of late medieval and modern history

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Journal of Late Medieval and Modern History is a yearly journal which ... - Originals might be submitted in the following languages: Spanish, English, French,.
-ERASMO. JOURNAL OF LATE MEDIEVAL AND MODERN HISTORYERASMO. Journal of Late Medieval and Modern History is a yearly journal which publishes original research studies about late medieval and modern history. Its content is twofold: articles and reviews. The journal’s main goal is to encourage research and to promote historical knowledge from a global and plural viewpoint, both in regard to theoretical and thematic issues. Interdisciplinarity with other Social Sciences is likewise enouraged. MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION GUIDELINES. -Originals might be submitted in the following languages: Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, and Italian. -Originals might be submitted throughout the year. The month of August, however, will be considered a holiday period, both for the reception of originals and for the editorial process. A) SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: Original works will be sent in digital format to the journal’s email address: [email protected], specifying in the subject line: article or review, followed by the complete name of the author(s). Additionally, by means of an attached document, authors will provide information regarding how to contact them, their personal and professional data (complete name, professional category, institution affiliation, and place of work), as well as a declaration of all the support they have enjoyed for the realization of their work (scholarships, research grants, funds, etc.). The journal will answer these emails within a three-work day period, giving notice of the correct reception of originals. Moreover, upon the author’s request, a reception certificate can be issued. Manuscripts must be original, not previously published works. If the author has sent the manuscript to several publications, he or she must indicate it accordingly. An author shall not send a manuscript while he or she has another one being evaluated. Were the original accepted, the author shall communicate within a seven-day period his or her acceptance or rejection. Rights protection is the author’s sole responsibility, since he or she is the only one legally capable to do so. B) SUBMISSION FORMAT: 1. On the first page of the manuscript the following data must be consigned: 1.1) Complete title of the article in the original language of the work and in English, clearly distinguishing between title and subtitle, and avoiding all acronyms, symbols, and abbreviations. 1.2.) A one-paragraph abstract of the article both in the original language of the work and in English. If the article is not written in Spanish, the abstract shall appear in the original language of the work and in Spanish. In any case abstracts should extend beyond the 400 character limit (spaces included). 1

1.3.) Up to six keywords, both in the original language of the work and in English. 2. Text. Manuscripts shall be original and their extension must adjust to the section of the journal they are submitted to. 2.1.) Articles. They shall have a maximum extension of 75000 characters (with spaces), including both reference notes and appendices. 2.2.) Reviews. They shall have a maximum extension of 8500 characters (with spaces), including both reference notes and appendices. N.B.: All accompanying images must have a high resolution (at least 300 ppp) and must be sent in .jpg, .tif, or .pdf format. In the case of including graphs, tables, charts, or figures, they must be sent in xls. format. Reference must be made to the sources and the methodology used in their elaboration. 3. Quotations. All references must be made in footnotes. In the case of literal references, they will appear as footnotes when they extend over five lines in the body of the text. For quotations from archive materials, the author may indent the paragraph, using a 10point Times New Roman font and single spacing. Under no circumstances references can extend over five lines. References must be placed between angle quotes (« »). In the case of inner quotation inverted commas (“ ”) shall be used. References to Archives and Libraries shall be as follows. The author must include the full name of the Archive or Library on its first appearance, followed by its bracketed abbreviation (which will be used in subsequent appearances). For example, Archivo General de Simancas [AGS], Est., leg. 2331, «Consulta del Consejo de Estado, 10 de noviembre de 1630», f. 126r. When a same work is cited in several footnotes, after its first appearance the reference might be reduced to the surname(s) of the author(s), an abbreviated title, and the quoted page numbers. Other types of abbreviation might be used, provided they cast no doubts regarding the author, the work, and the quoted pages. C) SUBMISSION STYLE: Original works shall be submitted in a Microsoft Word format: 1) Authors submitting an original must use A4 paper size with the following margins: top margin: 4.7 cm; bottom margin: 6.0 cm; left margin: 4.25 cm; right margin: 4.25 cm. They must use a 12-point Times New Roman font, single spacing, full justification, and a 3.5 point spacing after paragraphs. Original pages must be numbered with Arabic numerals in the bottom right side of the page, starting in the first page. 2) Footnotes shall be indicated using superscript Arabic numerals, without brackets and avoiding the use of letters or Roman numerals. Footnotes shall use a 9-point Times New Roman font, single spacing, full justification, and a 1.5 point spacing after paragraphs.


3) Observations: 3.1.) Blank lines shall not be placed between paragraphs. 3.2.) Default first-line indentation (0.75 cm) shall be used. 3.3.) Underlining must not be used; bold and italics are allowed. 3.4.) Bold is reserved for titles and epigraphs. Titles and epigraphs shall be numbered as follows: 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.2, 2, and so on. 3.5.) The editorial team keeps the right to introduce style corrections in manuscripts, in order to adapt them to the journal’s stylesheet. D) EDITORIAL PROCESS: 1) After receiving the originals, the Publishing Committee shall review in a ten-work day period whether they adjust to the journal’s requirements regarding submission format, style, and thematic. Were any deficiency on formal matters found, the author will be informed about it and the reviewers’ report will be sent to him. The author will then have a ten work day period to make all appropriate corrections. 2) Once the manuscripts are accepted by the Publishing Committee, they will be evaluated by means of a double-blind review carried out by external, leading scholars on the subject. In the case of disagreement in their evaluations, a third, external reviewer will offer a new report. Reviewers will be selected by members of the Advisory Board and the Publishing Committee. The members who have taken part in the evaluation process will be listed in every number of the journal. Reviewers will have a one-month period to send their evaluations. Once the evaluation reports are received, the Publishing Committee will inform the author about the results by email in a 15 work day period. 3) The reviewers’ report will consider three possibilities: the rejection of the article, the acceptance of the article, or the conditioned acceptance of the article, requiring the author to introduce the appropriate changes (as indicated in the report). In this case, the author will have a 15 work day period to correct the article. 4) The Publishing Committee will send the ready-for-publication original to the author. He or she will have a ten work day period to introduce, if he or she considers it fitting, small changes without affecting the content of the article. 5) Finally, authors whose articles and reviews are published in the journal will be sent a .pdf copy of the journal issue.


BIBLIOGRAPHY STYLESHEET A) MONOGRAPHS. - SURNAME (in capital letters) and initials of each author’s name, Title (in italics), Place of publication: Publishing house, Year (when referring to a particular part, the corresponding pages will be indicated at the end of the quotation). - CABEZA RODRÍGUEZ, A., Clérigos y señores: política y religión en Palencia en el Siglo de oro, Palencia: Diputación Provincial de Palencia, 1996. B) COLLECTIVE WORKS AND BOOK CHAPTERS OR ACTS. - SURNAME (in capital letters) and initials of each author’s name, Chapter title between angle quotes (« »), en AUTHORS OF THE BOOK (eds., coords., dirs.), Title of the book (in italics), Place of publication: Publishing house, Year, first and last pages (pp.) (when referring to a particular part, the corresponding pages will be indicated at the end of the quotation). - DEL VAL VALDIVIESO, M.ª I., «El agua en las crónicas del canciller Ayala», en AMRAN COHEN, R. (coord.), Autour de Pedro Lopez de Ayala, Paris: Université de Picardie, 2009, pp. 220-235. C) JOURNAL ARTICLES. - SURNAME (in capital letters) and initials of each author’s name, Title of the article between angle quotes (« »), en Journal Name (in italics), year, issue number (nº), first and last pages (pp.) (when referring to a particular part, the corresponding pages will be indicated at the end of the quotation). -TORREMOCHA HERNÁNDEZ, M., «Nuevos enfoques en la historia de las universidades: la vida cotidiana de los universitarios en la Península Ibérica durante la Edad Moderna», en Chronica Nova: Revista historia moderna de la Universidad de Granada, 2009, nº 35, pp. 193-219. D) UNPUBLISHED THESIS AND DISSERTATIONS. - SURNAME (in capital letters) and initials of each author’s name, Title of the thesis (in italics), followed by (unpublished thesis), University where it was presented, Year of presentation (when referring to a particular part, the corresponding pages will be indicated at the end of the quotation). - LUXÁN MELÉNDEZ, S., La revolución de 1640 en Portugal: sus fundamentos sociales y sus caracteres nacionales: El Consejo de Portugal, 1580-1640, (Tesis Doctoral inédita), Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1988. E) INTERNET QUOTATIONS. - SURNAME (in capital letters) and initials of the author’s name, available in http://www... (in italics) and retrieval date.


F) ABBREVIATIONS: These indications must always be taken as an orientation, leaving to the author’s own coherence the creation of a similar and easy-to-identify abbreviation system throughout the article: - op. cit.: previously quoted work. - ibid.: referring to the same work of the previous note. - p.: page. - pp.: pages. - f.: folio. - ff.: folios. - ss.: following pages. - vid.: see (as an extension of the content). - cfr.: confront (offering a proof of authority).