A case of identical male twins with Cohen syndrome who present multiple ophthalmic findings .... Mendelian Inheritance in man: a catalog of human genes and.
Jul 26, 2005 - ... in aging identical twins. George M. Martin* .... Cook, R. H., Schneck, S. A. & Clark, D. B. (1981) ... Cigudosa, J. C., Urioste, M., Benitez, J., et al.
Address for reprint requests: NCA Roelvink, Free University Hospi- tal, Department ... showed a hypodense mass with hyperdense spots in the right .... service. Email alerting online article. article. Sign up in the box at the top right corner of the.
Stool samples were examined for helminth eggs using a direct. RESEARCH NOTE. TROPICAL PULMONARY EOSINOPHILIA AND FILARIASIS. IN PAKISTAN.
May 12, 2011 - Anna Schuh OXFORD BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH CENTRE. In this issue of Blood, Wierda et al show in a retrospective analysis of 206 patients.
acute TPE were treated with diethylcarbamazine (DEC), there was a marked decrease of the lung eosinophils and concomitant increase in lung function.
CCL2 EMP1 CDC42 PTPN7 MAPK6 DHRS. 3. CD9 HSP1A FABP5. T1DM index 1. T1DM index 2. T1DM index 3. T1DM index 8. T1DM index 5. T1DM index 10.
Jul 26, 2005 - 2005 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA. Fig. 1. Genetically ... 16 (Copyright 1998, The Gerentological Society of. America).].
Jun 11, 2018 - Kuster-Hauser Syndrome (MRKH) or vaginal agenesis is the .... Judith G Hall [13], twins have intrigued civilisations across the centuries.
Mar 26, 2012 - John Irvine1, Nicholas Cross1, Kelvin Lynn1, Richard Robson1, Martin Searle1, John Morton1, .... Julian B, Waldo F, Rifai A et al.
Disease and Virology,. Birmingham Heartlands. Hospital ... Disease and Tropical Medicine, .... childhood viral exanthem fifth disease (also known as 'slapped.
Sep 6, 1982 - predicted value being 27-3 ml min-' mm Hg-1 (9-1 mmol min-' kPa-1). .... 'Crofton JW, Livingstone JL, Oswald NC, Roberts ATM. Pulmo-.
Thorax 1983;38:318-319
Pulmonary eosinophilia in identical twins N BARNES, BJ GRAY, R HEATON, JF COSTELLO
From the Chest Unit, King's College Hospital Medical School, London Familial cryptogenic pulmonary eosinophilia has not previously been described. We report cryptogenic pulmonary eosinophilia occurring at different times in identical twins.
Case reports Case 1 A 25-year-old nurse presented in September 1977 with a four-week history of sustained pyrexia, rigors, anorexia, weight loss, non-productive cough, and pleuritic chest pain. Since the age of 16 she had noticed transient mild wheeziness, associated with hay fever during the summer months. Wheezing had become episodic and more severe during her present illness, and she was taking salbutamol 400 ,ug by metered-dose inhaler as required (on average about twice daily) to control her wheeziness. She had no history of eczema or drug reactions, and there was no history of ingestion of any drugs likely to be associated with pulmonary eosinophilia. She had never travelled outside Europe. Examination showed a temperature of 37-5°C and tachycardia of 96 beats/min. There was a pleural rub heard widely over the right lower chest anteriorly and in the right axilla. Widespread bilateral inspiratory crackles were also audible. Her chest radiograph (fig 1) showed bilateral but predominantly right-sided confluent infiltrates with a mainly peripheral distribution. The white blood cell count (WBC) was 16 x 109/l, with an eosinophil count of 4-5 x 109/l and an erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) of 100 mm in the first hour. Microscopic examination of the sputum showed numerous eosinophils, but no hyphae were seen. Skin prick tests showed weak reactions (