Pulmonary oedema after peribulbar block

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the globe. After 2 min, peribulbar injection of undiluted. 2% local lidocaine was begun. A syringe .... ence of an anaesthetist in the ophthalmic theatre is essential,.
British Journal of Anaesthesia 82 (5): 777–9 (1999)

Pulmonary oedema after peribulbar block C. M. Kumar* and P. G. Lawler Department of Anaesthesia, South Cleveland Hospital, Marton Road, Middlesbrough TS4 3BW, UK *Corresponding author Local anaesthesia is now preferred for cataract surgery. Respiratory distress caused by pulmonary oedema is a rare, if well recognized, complication of the technique of retrobulbar block. We report this complication after the increasingly favoured peribulbar approach. Br J Anaesth 1999; 82: 777–9 Keywords: anaesthetics local; anaesthetic techniques, regional, peribulbar; surgery, ophthalmological; complications, pulmonary oedema Accepted for publication: January 5, 1999

Davis and Mandel first reported the use of peribulbar anaesthesia for cataract surgery in 1986.1 The particular advantage of the technique lies in its simplicity and safety: the introduction of the needle outside the muscle cone significantly reduces the risk of trauma to orbital structures. Nevertheless, there remain several complications, which range from the trivial to the devastating, both to life and sight. These complications are related to the local anaesthetic agent used, to the particular technique, or to both.2 We report one significant complication, pulmonary oedema.

Case report A 64-yr-old female was undergoing day-case extracapsular extraction of lens with implant surgery under local anaesthesia. Of the available techniques, peribulbar block was considered the most suitable. The patient had a previous history of mitral stenosis, occasional angina and a suspected myocardial infarction. There was no history of breathlessness on exercise or of palpitations at rest or on exercise. There were also no symptoms suggestive of pulmonary oedema, such as nocturnal dyspnoea or orthopnoea. Her medication included digoxin and aspirin. She was also prescribed acebutolol, although the indication for this was not clear. Medications were taken as usual on the day of surgery. The patient was fasted for 6 h before anaesthesia. Nursing records indicated a regular heart rate of 62 beat min–1 and arterial pressure of 130/70 mm Hg. Her electrocardiograph (ECG) was normal. There was no evidence of previous myocardial infarction, atrial or ventricular hypertrophy or any other suggestion of mitral valve disease. To improve patient co-operation during anaesthesia and surgery, no premedication was given and no sedation during the procedure was planned. On arrival in the anaesthetic room, non-invasive monitoring of arterial pressure, oxygen saturation and the ECG (using the CM5 position) was

begun. Heart rate was 68 beat min–1 and arterial pressure 138/74 mm Hg. Oxygen saturation was 96% breathing room air. Venous access was secured. Peribulbar block, using the Hamilton technique,3 was the intended method of local anaesthesia. To perform this, the patient was first asked to direct the eye in the primary gaze position. The initial injection of 1.5 ml of painless, diluted local anaesthetic solution (2 ml of 2% lidocaine in 15 ml of balanced salt solution) was made transconjunctivally and inferotemporally at the junction of the lateral one-third and medial two-thirds of the orbit using a 25-gauge, 10-mm needle. The needle entered just behind the inferior tarsal plate with the shaft of the needle directed tangentially to the globe. After 2 min, peribulbar injection of undiluted 2% local lidocaine was begun. A syringe mounted with a 25-gauge, 25-mm peribulbar needle containing 10 ml of 2% lidocaine and hyaluronidase 150 u. was introduced via the same entry point. The needle was then directed backwards in the sagittal plane and parallel with the 10° increase of the orbit floor until the needle–hub junction reached the plane of the iris. After aspiration for blood, 4 ml of undiluted local anaesthetic were administered. After brief digital massage, an intraocular pressure lowering device (McIntyre mercury device) was applied to the orbital area. Ocular movements were assessed after 5 min. As ocular movements were still present, a medial peribulbar injection was then performed using a 20-mm, 25-gauge needle. The needle was introduced to a depth of 15 mm, just medial to the caruncle and directed at 5° to the medial wall of the orbit. After confirmation that the needle was not in a blood vessel, 3 ml of the local anaesthetic mixture were injected. The mercury device was re-applied. After 5 min, the block was reassessed: some ocular movements were still present. Five minutes later, the patient complained of breathlessness and was noticed to be sweating. Over the next 5 min, arterial oxygen saturation decreased from 95% to 87%. Oxygen 100% was administered by a tight-fitting

© British Journal of Anaesthesia

Kumar and Lawler

face mask. The patient remained conscious. Spontaneous breathing continued. Heart rate and arterial pressure were unchanged. A few minutes later, however, the situation deteriorated. The patient began coughing up pink frothy secretions. Chest auscultation revealed bilateral rhonchi and crepitations. Arterial pressure was slightly increased. The ECG continued to show sinus rhythm, but heart rate had increased to 100 beat min–1. The ECG complexes appeared unchanged. A presumptive diagnosis of acute severe congestive cardiac failure with pulmonary oedema was made. There had been no previous hypoxaemia and there were no signs of central local anaesthetic toxicity. Surgery was postponed. Because of decreasing oxygen saturation, the patient’s trachea was intubated and the airway controlled. Intubation was facilitated with propofol 50 mg and succinylcholine 100 mg. After intubation, arterial pressure and heart rate increased. Morphine 10 mg i.v. was given for sedation and atracurium 30 mg was administered to facilitate artificial ventilation. The patient was given frusemide 20 mg i.v. and transferred to the intensive care unit (ICU) for mechanical ventilatory support and further management. A provisional diagnosis of left ventricular failure secondary to acute myocardial infarction was made. An immediate 12-lead ECG showed no changes compared with that obtained in the preoperative assessment. Cardiac enzymes (3 consecutive days) were subsequently reported as normal. Chest radiograph showed pulmonary oedema. Central venous pressure, measured during positive pressure ventilation, was marginally increased at 15 mm Hg. There was no arrhythmia. The lungs were ventilated for another 12 h and the patient was given only diuretic therapy (frusemide). The trachea was extubated on return of adequate ventilation. The patient remained in the ICU for another 12 h before transfer to a medical ward. The ECG was unchanged. There were no additional untoward incidents. There was no convincing evidence of myocardial infarction. Six months later an uneventful extracapsular extraction of cataract with lens implant surgery was performed under general anaesthesia.

Discussion At first, the occurrence of acute pulmonary oedema was assumed to be caused by a major cardiac event, because of the history of mitral stenosis, angina and (suspected) myocardial infarction. We excluded myocardial ischaemia or infarction and congestive heart failure caused by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Pulmonary embolism would have caused desaturation and distress but not oedema. It is possible to have a temporary reduction in myocardial contractility and hypotension as a result of a combination of acebutolol and some systemic absorption of lidocaine (total dose 144 mg), but in this instance this seemed an unlikely cause of pulmonary oedema. As there was no evidence of myocardial ischaemia or infarction on the ECG, no changes in cardiac enzymes and because drug interaction

seemed unlikely, the pattern of events ruled out any obvious cardiopulmonary cause. Other causes of acute respiratory distress include an anaphylactic or anaphylactoid reaction to the local anaesthetic2 or hyaluronidase.4 However, the patient’s only feature of an allergic reaction was bronchospasm: hypotension, urticaria and flushing were not observed. During the process of the block, it is possible for the local anaesthetic solution to spread into the central nervous system via the dural cuff of spinal nerves.5 6 Other routes to the central nervous system include spread from the posterior orbit in the fat outside the dural sheath.2 A variety of symptoms and signs may result. These include drowsiness, vomiting, contralateral blindness, convulsions, neurological deficit, respiratory depression or arrest, and cardiac arrest.7–10 These symptoms are reported to appear within approximately 8 min.2 In our patient, we do not believe that central spread was the cause of the respiratory symptoms because the conscious level was unaffected and there was no respiratory depression. On the contrary, symptoms were of respiratory distress. Many complications of retrobulbar block have been reported. These include perforation of the globe, intravascular injection and direct spread of the local anaesthetic to the central nervous system.2 Respiratory distress and pulmonary oedema have also been reported.11 12 It has been suggested previously that acute respiratory distress might be a result of neurogenic pulmonary oedema.12 Neurogenic pulmonary oedema occurs after a central nervous system insult in the absence of pre-existing left ventricular dysfunction. The mechanism is unclear but a pulmonary vascular leak may be produced when there is a sudden and short-lived shift of intravascular volume from the systemic to the pulmonary circulation. When the pulmonary vasculature has been damaged, an alveolar capillary leak may continue, despite return of pulmonary vascular pressure to normal. The pathogenesis of pulmonary oedema after retrobulbar block is uncertain. Two widely divergent hypotheses have been proposed. Malik13 believes that pulmonary oedema is caused by changes in the pulmonary circulation, while Colice and colleagues14 attribute the process to neuroendocrine factors resulting in alveolar–capillary leak. A massive sympathetic discharge leading to a hyperdynamic circulation with tachycardia, increased venous return and systemic arterial vasoconstriction, followed by left ventricular failure resulting in pulmonary oedema (as suggested for neurogenic pulmonary oedema) has been hypothesized.15 Drysdale5 believes that direct injection of the local anaesthetic agent into the subarachnoid space affecting the brain stem is the most probable cause of respiratory complications encountered after these blocks. Analysis of oedema fluid suctioned from the patient’s airway16 could have been helpful in distinguishing between cardiac and non-cardiac oedema but unfortunately oedema fluid was discarded and analysis was not performed. In our


Pulmonary oedema after peribulbar block

patient, a pulmonary artery catheter was not inserted to help distinguish cardiogenic from non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema, because of its limited value in the diagnosis and management of a patient who has mitral valve disease, whose condition was improving. In our case, classical peribulbar block was performed. The local anaesthetic agent should remain in the extraconal compartment because the needle was placed tangential to the globe. We believe this was the case because the onset of akinesia was slow, some ocular movements persisted and there was no sign of central spread of local anaesthetic agent. There was no evidence of local anaesthetic toxicity or intravascular injection. The injectate did not contain epinephrine. We do not believe that this patient sustained decompensation from her mitral valve disease or a myocardial infarction. We do not have an adequate explanation for the development of pulmonary oedema in this patient and, as a result, we must conclude that she developed neurogenic pulmonary oedema (non-cardiogenic) and that the presence of myocardial disease probably worsened the condition. This case illustrates a potential hazard of peribulbar injection of local anaesthetic agents. Full monitoring, venous access, availability of resuscitative equipment and the presence of an anaesthetist in the ophthalmic theatre is essential, even for techniques which at first sight seem suitable for the single-handed operator.

References 1 Davis DB, Mandel MR. Posterior peribulbar anesthesia: an alternative to retrobulbar anesthesia. J Cataract Refract Surg 1986; 12: 182–4

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