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1. Approximate quantity to be procured may be increased or decreased as per requirement of PTB as per detail given in the bidding documents. 2. The validity of ...
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PUNJAB TEXTBOOK BOARD, LAHORE SHORT TENDER NOTICE PROCUREMENT OF SECURITY LABELS Punjab Textbook Board intends to procure approximately 20 million selfadhesive Security labels to be affixed on the title covers of single textbooks to provide security to its productions against piracy /counterfeiting.

Firms having adequate

(minimum 2 years) experience of printing of self-adhesive security labels with security inks and sound financial position may participate in the tender. The firm should be registered with income tax and sales tax department. In addition to this, the bidder should adhere to the following terms and conditions:1. Approximate quantity to be procured may be increased or decreased as per requirement of PTB as per detail given in the bidding documents. 2. The validity of offer shall be up-to 75 days from the date of opening of Tender. 3. Specifications: (i) The security label should be paper based of size 25x25 mm (square). (ii) To be supplied in one-up reels. (iii) Total supply should be completed as per detail given in the bidding documents. (iv) All security features should be mentioned in the bid. (v) The security label should be provided through printing by security inks of following features or equivalent: a. Optically active colour shift. b. Light polarization. c. Invisible but reactive to coin rubbing. (vi) Micro text (PTB). (vii) The Security labels should have internal die cut marks to give protection against peel off. (viii) The Security Labels should have Alpha-Numeric of nine digits. 4. Rate per security label inclusive of all government taxes/inputs. F.O.R. Punjab Textbook Board, 21/E-II, Gulberg-III, Lahore shall be quoted in the financial bid. 5. Bid Security @ 4% of the value of 20 Million labels should be attached with the Financial Bid in the form of Pay Order in favour of Secretary Punjab Textbook Board without which tender shall not be entertained. 6. Further details and term & conditions are given in Standard Bidding Documents which can be obtained from the office of PTB on payment of Rs.5,000/- (nonrefundable) upto 30.11.2010. 7. Last date of receipt of Tender is 03.12.2010 in the office of the Secretary PTB upto 11.00 a.m. Tender (technical bids) shall be opened on the same date at 11.30 a.m. in the presence of bidders or their representatives. 8. The Chairman, PTB reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason. Secretary Punjab Textbook Board, Lahore