Dec 22, 2014 - Candidates can obtain the Application Form from the College office on cash payment of Rs. 200 (Rs. 100 fo
SHYAMA PRASAD MUKHERJI COLLEGE (FOR WOMEN) (University of Delhi) Punjabi Bagh: New Delhi-110026 25224499 Advertisement No. SPMC/AD. NT/2014/01 Applications are invited for the following post(s) on permanent basis from the desirous candidates in the prescribed Application Form. The details of the posts, number of vacancies, qualification(s), pay band etc. are given under: S.No. Post
No.of Pay post Band
Administrative Officer Senior Personal Assistant to Principal Senior Assistant
Jr. Assistant
Jr. 02 Assistant(Caretaker) Senior Technical 01 Assistant(Computer)
Professional Assistant (Library) Semi Professional Assistant(Library) Junior Library & Information Assistant (Jr. Asstt). M.T.S.(Library)
M.T.S. Food Technology.
M.T.S. Education (Resource room) M.T.S. Computer
9. 10.
02 01
1560039100 930034800
Grade Upper UR SC ST OBC PwD Pay Age Limit 5400 35 01 4600
930034800 520020200 520020200
520020200 520020200
520020200 520020200
930034800 520020200 520020200 520020200 930034800
UR-Unreserved, SC-Scheduled Caste, ST-Scheduled Tribe, OBC-Other Backward Classes, PwD-Persons with Disability. The detailed advertisement with academic qualifications, procedure for applying, general instructions and other conditions may be seen on the College website Last date for applying : 22nd December 2014 PRINCIPAL Page 1 of 8
PROCEDURE FOR APPLYING 1. Candidates can obtain the Application Form from the College office on cash payment of Rs. 200 (Rs. 100 for reserved categories) on all working days between 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. 2. Candidates can also download the Application Form from the college websiteAnnexure -I. A bank draft of Rs. 200 (Rs. 100 for candidates belonging to reserved categories) in favour of "Principal, Shyama Prasad Mukherji College , Delhi" should be attached with the prescribed application form. 3. Candidates belonging to PwD category are exempted from payment of application fee provided certificate of disability is furnished at the time of obtaining the form and attached with application form. 4. The upper age limit and minimum educational qualification for the posts shall be determined as on the last date for submitting Application Form. The upper age limit shall also be relaxed in respect of persons whom are already working on contract/daily wages/ad-hoc/temporary basis in the College to the extent of service rendered by the one time exemption provided they have put at least one year of service. 5. The relaxation in age to candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/Pwd categories will be allowed as per University of Delhi/Government of India rules, i.e. three years for OBC candidates and five years for SC,ST and PwD candidates. 6. Candidates belonging to reserved categories should submit caste certificate issued in their own name. The certificate of OBC candidates should mention non-creamy layer status. Only those OBC candidates would be considered under the reserved category of OBC whose caste is in the Centre List for OBCs. 7. A separate application form should be filled in by the candidates for each post along with separate fee if he/she wishes to apply for more than one post. 8. College reserves the right to change /alter the nature and number of post (s) and not to fill any or all the posts advertised. 9. Candidates serving in government /autonomous bodies/PSUs etc. are required to send their application(s) through proper channel. 10. The last date for submitting the application is 22nd December ,2014 11. Candidates would be required to submit self-attested copies of their documents/testimonials mentioned in the Application Form at the time of applying. 12. Application other than in prescribed form, incomplete application, unsigned application, application without prescribed fee , application without required documents/testimonials or application reaching after the last date by Post,/Courier will be rejected without further reference. 13. The college will notify the dates of tests & interview in advance at its website and will also intimate to the candidates through posts/ courier. No personal inquiry shall be entertained in this behalf. 14. No T.A. or D.A. will be paid for appearing in the written test and interview. 15. Application completed in all respects should reach to "The Principal, Shyama Prasad Mukherji College(for women),(University of Delhi), Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi-110026" on or before the last date of submitting application. 16. Canvassing in any form will be treated as disqualification. 17. Applications which do not meet the criteria given in this advertisement & /or incomplete applications are liable to be summarily rejected. 18. Fees once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
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GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Applicants should fill particulars in his/her own hand writing neatly and clearly on the prescribed form. 2. Latest passport size photograph should be pasted at specified place. 3. Self-attested photocopies of all relevant certificates, degrees, mark-sheets, testimonials etc. in support of age, education qualifications, experience etc. must be enclosed. 4. Certificates belonging to /applying under any reserved category OBC/SC/ST/PwD(OH/VH/HH) must attach self-attested photocopy of caste/category certificate , issued by the competent authority. The certificate should be issued in the name of candidate. *OBC candidates only from the Central List of OBCs having non-creamy layer status are eligible. 5. Applicants in employment should get their application endorsed from their employer. 6. The envelop containing application from should be superscribed as: " Application for the post of ................................................................". 7. In case of downloaded application form, the prescribed fee payable through demand draft payable at Delhi in favour of "Principal Shyama Prasad Mukherji College" should be enclosed with the filled in application form 8. Application should be addressed to : The Principal Shyama Prasad Mukherji College (for women) Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi-110026. 9. Application can be submitted in person or by post/courier. In any case application should be submitted/reach (if by post or courier) on or before the last date for submitting applications. 10. Incomplete application, unsigned application, application without photograph pasted at appropriate place, application without self-attested certificates and testimonials in support of educational qualification, experience and category and application reaching after the last date by post/courier will be rejected. 11. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the prescribed tests and interview. PRINCIPAL
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QUALIFICATIONS 1. Administrative Officer: Essential Qualification: Good academic record plus Masters degree with at least 55% of marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC seven point scale (5% relaxation in marks for SC/ST category). Desirable: 1. At least three years experience in supervisory or equivalent cadre in a Group B post in a government department /University /Educational or Research Institution/Teaching and/ or Research experience along with proven administrative capabilities. 2. LL.B or MBA in Finance/Human Resource etc. or CA/ICWA or MCA or M.Phil/Ph.D qualification and having sound knowledge of computer (preferaly possessing Diploma in Computer Applictions from a recognised Institute). NOTE: 1. The incumbent should possess good communication and analytical skills and apritude for drafting/noting in English. Should be able to coordinate/liaise with other divisions/departments and participate in discussions with senior functionaries and Academicians. 2. He is expected to handle independently one or more functions related to Educatinal Administration/Examinations/General Administration/Purchase/Establishment/Accounts & Finance/Project management /HR/Legal. 3. All the candidates for direct recruitment will be required to appear in a written test to adjudge their ability of expression and knowledge of the administrative aspects relating to educational administration;the selection being based on the performance of the candidates in written test and interview. 4. The scheme of the examination including weightage of marks for written test and interview etc. as prescribed by the University from time to time with the approval of the Executive Council in this regard. 5. All the direct recruits should possess working knowledge of computers. 2. Senior Personal Assistant to Principal: Essential Qualification: 1. A Bachelor Degree from a recognised University. 2. At least three years post qualification experience working as Private Secretary/Personal Assistant /Stenographer/Executive Assistant/Executive Secretary in a Government Department/Universities/Autonomous Bodies/PSUs/Educational Institution recognized by the Government. 3. Skill test norms: (a) Dictation : 10 mts @ 100 w.p.m. (b) Transcription: 40 mts. (English) or 55 mts. (Hindi) on computer. (c) Computer proficiency viz. Typing Skill, Word Processing, spread sheet, Internet, E-mail communication etc. Desirable: 1. Degree/Diploma in Computer Application/Science. Page 4 of 8
2. Diploma in Office Management and Secretarial Practice. 3. Knowledge of service rules applicable for Central Government establishment. Note: 1. All the candidates for direct recruitment will be required to appear in a written test to adjudge their ability of expression and knowledge relating to their work. The selection being based on the performance of the canidates in written test, skill test and interview. 2. The scheme of the examination including weightage of marks for written test and interview etc. as prescribed by the University from time to time. 3. The incumbent is expected to provide secretarial support services and other duties as may be assigned . He/She will keep the officer free from routine nature of work by mailing correspondence, filing papers, making appointments, arranging meeting and collecting information so as to give the officer more time to devote himself /herself to the work in which he/she has specialized. He/She will maintain the confidentiality and secrecy of confidential and secret papers entrusted to him/her. He/She will exercise his/her skill in human relations and be cordial with the persons who come in contact with his/her boss officially or who are helpful to his/her boss or who have dealings with the boss as professional persons. 4. Some of the more specific functions are enumerated in the Manual of Office procedure of Government of India. 3. Senior Assistant: Essential qualification: Graduate with minimum 50% marks or Post Graduate with minimum 50% marks from a recognized University in any discipline with working knowledge of computers, and Diploma/ Certificate of minimum 6 months duration in Computer Application, Office Management / Secretarial Practice / Financial Management Accounts or equivalent discipline. Or Graduate Degree with minimum 50% marks in computer application/ office Management / Secretarial Practice /Financial Management/ Accounts or equivalent discipline from a recognized University. 2.Minimum 4 years of Administrative Experience. Note: 1. The incumbent is expected to work under the supervision of Section Officer or Administrative Officer . He/she should possess an aptitude for drafting /noting in English and office procedure in a computerized environment and is expected to handle one or more functions related to Educational Administration/ Examinations/ General Administration/House Keeping/Establishment /HR/Legal /Purchase/Accounts & Finance /Project management /Public Relations. 2. All the candidates for direct recruitment will be required to appear in written test to adjudge their ability of expression and knowledge relating to their work. The selection being based on the performance of the candidates in written test and interview. Page 5 of 8
3. The scheme of the examination including weightage of marks for written test and interview etc., as prescribed by the University from time to time with the approval of the Executive Council in this regard. 4. All direct recruits are expected to work in a computerized environment and required to qualify a skill test in handling computers within one year from their appointment before completion of probation period. 4. Assistant : Essential Qualification: 1. A Graduate from a recognized University in any discipline with working knowledge of computers , and Diploma /Certificate of minimum 6 months duration in Computer Application/Office Management /Secretarial Practice /Financial Management/Accounts or equivalent discipline OR Graduate Degree in Computer Application/Office Management / Secretarial Practice/Financial Management /Accounts or equivalent discipline from a recognized University. 2. Minimum 2 Years of Administrative Experience. 5. Junior Assistant: Essential Qualification: 1. A Senior Secondary School Certificate(+2) or its equivalent qualification from a recognized Board/University/Institution with at least 50% marks or a Graduate from a recognized University, and Diploma /Certificate of minimum 6 months duration in Computer Application/Office Management/Secretarial Practice /Financial Management / Accounts or equivalent discipline. OR Graduate Degree in Computer Application/Office Management/Secretarial Practice / Financial Management/Accounts or equivalent discipline from a recognized University. 2. Having a typing speed of 40 w.p.m. in English or 30 w.p.m. in Hindi Typewriting through Computers. 6. Junior Assistant(Caretaker): Essential Qualification: 1. Senior Secondary School Certificate (+2) with ITI Trade Certificate or an equivalent qualification in Electrical/Civil Plumbing/Air Conditioning. OR A degree /diploma in Mechanical/Electrical /Civil/Electronics Engineering or equivalent. 2. At least 3 years experience in the field , preferably in a Government department/organization or commercial establishment of repute.
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7. Senior Technical Assistant (Computer) Essential Qualification: 1. MCA OR M.Sc. (Computer Science/IT) from a recognized University/Institute with one year experience Or B.Tech./B.E.(Computer Science/Information Technology/ECE) or equivalent degree with one year experience in relevant area. Note: All the candidates will be required to appear in a written/practical test to adjudge their professional/technical knowledge as per the requirement of the post. The selection shall be based on the performance of the candidates in the written/practical test and interview. 8.
Professional Assistant: Essential: 1. M.Lib.Sc./MLISc. or equivalent with 50% marks. OR Master's Degree in Arts/Science/Commerce or any other discipline with 50% mark and B.Lib. Sc. /B.L.I.Sc. with 50% marks. 2. Computer Science paper at Graduate /PG level or six month computer science course from a recognized institution.
Semi Professional Assistant: Essential : 1. Graduate in Arts/Science/Commerce or any other discipline or any other higher qualifications with 50% marks. 2. B.Lib.Sc./B.L.I.Sc. with 50% marks. 3. Course in Computer Applications at Graduate or PG level or a 6 month computer course from a recognized institution.
10. Junior Library & Information Assistant (Jr. Asstt.): Essential Qualification: 1. Passed Sr. Secondary or equivalent examination conducted by State Board of Education/University/Govt. recognized institutions. 2. Certificate in Library Science/Library and information Science from a recognized institution; 3. Computer Course at Sr. Secondary Level or Basic Course in Computer Science /Word Processing from a recognized institution. 11 M.T.S. (Library) Essential Qualification: 1. Passed 10thth or equivalent examination from any State Education Board or Government recognized Institution 2. Certificate in Library Science/Library & Information Science from a recognised Institution. Desirable : Computer as a subject at Secondary level or Basic course in Computers from any Institution. Page 7 of 8
12 M.T.S. Food Technology, M.T.S. Education and M.T.S. Computer: Essential Qualification:: Should have passed Matriculation(10th) or an equivalent examination with science subjects from recognised Board. Note: All the candidates will be required to appear in a written test to adjudge the basic knowledge as per the requirement of the post. The selection shall be based on the performance of the candidates in the written test and interview.
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