Sep 11, 2016 - ... Luke was a doctor, Jesus was a carpenter, etc.) ... They're there to punch the time-clock and do the
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Purpose@Work Purpose@Work: The Seven Spheres of Influence The Seven Spheres of Influence
Brandon: I readjusted this layout to better fit the formatting needed when I print. If you will just keep all your text within the blue margin lines on this page, I shouldn’t have any more issues ☺. Thanks! Dr. Brandon Park | September 11, 2016 We spend 50 We spend 50-75% of our waking hours and 60-90% of the years of our lives working. Unfortunately, We spend 50-75% 75% of our waking hours and 60-90% of the years of our lives working. of our waking hours and 60 90% of the years of our lives working. Unfortunately, for most Christians, they are led to believe that their day job is devoid of the activity and purpose of God for their lives. Nothing could be further from the truth. God for their lives. Nothing could be further from the truth. When you read about the great heroes in the Bible, nearly all of them had what we would refer to today as a “secular job.” (Abraham was a rancher, Joseph was a governor, Luke was a doctor, Jesus was a carpenter, etc.) was a carpenter, etc.) God has _______________ each of us and ______________ us to represent him in some workplace arena. And once we discover that sense of purpose and calling in our job, we experience a workplace arena. And once we discover that sense of purpose and calling in our job, we experience a great joy and deep satisfaction when we live in that perspective. great joy and deep satisfaction when we live in that perspective.
There are essentially four types of Christians in the workplace today: There are essentially four types of Christians in the workplace today: • __________________________________: For them, a job is just a job. They’re there to punch the time-clock and do the bare minimum so they don’t get fired. • ________________________________: These are folks who are Christians. They go to church regularly, but they keep their faith and their work life separate. • ________________________________: These growing disciples of Christ really want to honor God in their job and be a witness, but they don’t know how. • _______________________ of ______________________: These are disciple-makers who view their workplace as their primary mission field.
Determine God’s Calling on Your Life
It’s been said that the two greatest days of your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out the reason why. Jesus said, “I have come so that you might have life and have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). People want to know that they have a purpose. The word “calling” comes from the Latin word vocation, and it means a call, a summons, or an invitation. It’s the same word from which we get our English word vocation. Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” The word for “workmanship” is the Greek word poiema and it’s where we get our English word “poem.” Poiema or “workmanship” literally means that God put forth all His best efforts and creative powers to marvelously fashion us for a divine purpose. Your purpose is determined by the intersection of four criteria: 1. Your __________________: You love it Your purpose is always linked to your passions. Your passions encompass what you love to do and what you care about most. Passion is what sets us apart from others. A person with passion always stands out. Scripture tells us over and over again to “serve the Lord with all your heart.” The calling of God on your life is appealing. It’s something you really want to do in your heart of hearts. Ask yourself: • What do you _____________? What I love to do is often what I should do. • What do you really enjoy doing in your free time? • What _______________ you the most? What ideas or subjects make you “come alive” when you think about them? • What ________________ you the most? There’s no such thing has “high-energy” people. They are just people with a lot of passion. • What do you find yourself daydreaming about? • What do you love ____________ about? • What would you do if _______________ weren’t an issue? If you want to be successful in this world, you have to follow your passion, not a paycheck.
2. Your ____________________: You are great at it Whenever you do what God has wired you to do, you get good at it. Romans 12:6a, “God has given each of us
the ability to do certain things well.” Here are some questions to ask: • In what areas are you most _______________ of your work? • What do my friends and family members say I’m good at? • Where do I feel the most _______________? • What _____________________ is before me?
3. Your ______________________: The world needs it Your calling is where your passion and abilities coincide with one of the world’s greatest need(s). When you are bigger than your purpose, you have a career; when your purpose is bigger than you, you have a calling. So here’s the question: • What do you ________________? • What __________________ you the most? • What ____________________ are you willing to solve? • What _________________ is needed in the lives of people today?
4. Your _____________________: You are paid for it 1 Timothy 5:8 says, “But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” Moses told the Israelites: “Remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth” (Deut. 8:18). If all you have is passion and proficiency, you don’t have a calling – you have a hobby. • Can I garner ______________________ doing this? • Is this something I feel comfortable _________________ for? • How might I live out my purpose in my ________________ ________?
Discover Your Sphere of Influence
As a Christian in the workplace, you are either a __________________ or a ______________ ____________. You are either a part of God’s answer, or you’re a part of the problem. No matter what place of influence God has called us to, we need to start picturing ourselves as a missionary. The word missionary simply means “one that is sent.” What would change if you began thinking of your role in this world like a missionary? Why are Christians today not affecting cultural transformation? Because we are only focusing on one of seven spheres of influence (mind molders) in society today: 1. Religion: Where people worship God in spirit and in truth or settle for a religious ritual. 2. Government: Where evil is either restrained or endorsed. 3. Education: Where truths or lies about God and His creation are taught. 4. Media: Where information is interpreted through the lens of good or evil. 5. Arts and Entertainment: Where values and virtue are celebrated or distorted. 6. Family: Where either blessings or curses are passed on for successive generations. 7. Business: Where people build for the glory of God or the glory of man; where resources are consecrated for the Kingdom of God or captured for the powers of darkness. It takes less than 3-5% of those operating at the tops of these seven cultural spheres to actually shift the values represented in that sphere. This is how Islam is growing so rapidly. They understand something that western Christianity doesn’t – you transform a culture by infiltrating each of the seven spheres of influence. Whoever controls these seven “mountains” controls the culture. Consider this: the true scope of influence for any church is not its attendance, but the sum total of the relationships of its members, most of which work. If each person has regular interaction with twenty people during a given work week, then our church has a potential scope of influence of over ___________________ lives! That’s the potential reach of the lives we touch collectively!
Devote Your Work for God’s Use
Read Exodus 4:2-5. God asks Moses a peculiar question. He says, “What is in your hand?” It was a shepherd’s staff. God told Moses to throw it down, and when he did it became alive (a snake). The shepherd’s staff in Moses’ hand represented three things about Moses’ life. • His _________________. Moses was a shepherd. That was his occupation or job. • His _________________. All of Moses’ assets at that time were tied up in sheep. • His _________________. You move sheep from point A to point B with a shepherd’s staff. When you lay down your identity, income, and influence before the Lord and devote it to Him, He will make it come alive and work the miraculous through you!
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Purpose@Work Purpose@Work: The Seven Spheres of Influence The Seven Spheres of Influence
Brandon: I readjusted this layout to better fit the formatting needed when I print. If you will just keep all your text within the blue margin lines on this page, I shouldn’t have any more issues ☺. Thanks! Dr. Brandon Park | September 11, 2016 We spend 50 We spend 50-75% of our waking hours and 60-90% of the years of our lives working. Unfortunately, We spend 50-75% 75% of our waking hours and 60-90% of the years of our lives working. of our waking hours and 60 90% of the years of our lives working. Unfortunately, for most Christians, they are led to believe that their day job is devoid of the activity and purpose of God for their lives. Nothing could be further from the truth. God for their lives. Nothing could be further from the truth. When you read about the great heroes in the Bible, nearly all of them had what we would refer to today as a “secular job.” (Abraham was a rancher, Joseph was a governor, Luke was a doctor, Jesus was a carpenter, etc.) was a carpenter, etc.) designed deployed God has _______________ each of us and ______________ us to represent him in some workplace arena. And once we discover that sense of purpose and calling in our job, we experience a workplace arena. And once we discover that sense of purpose and calling in our job, we experience a great joy and deep satisfaction when we live in that perspective. great joy and deep satisfaction when we live in that perspective.
There are essentially four types of Christians in the workplace today: There are essentially four types of Christians in the workplace today: Paycheck Eaners • __________________________________: For them, a job is just a job. They’re there to punch the time-clock and do the bare minimum so they don’t get fired. Bible Believers • ________________________________: These are folks who are Christians. They go to church regularly, but they keep their faith and their work life separate. Jesus Followers • ________________________________: These growing disciples of Christ really want to honor God in their job and be a witness, but they don’t know how. • _______________________ of ______________________: These are disciple-makers who Influencers Transformation view their workplace as their primary mission field.
Determine God’s Calling on Your Life
It’s been said that the two greatest days of your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out the reason why. Jesus said, “I have come so that you might have life and have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). People want to know that they have a purpose. The word “calling” comes from the Latin word vocation, and it means a call, a summons, or an invitation. It’s the same word from which we get our English word vocation. Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” The word for “workmanship” is the Greek word poiema and it’s where we get our English word “poem.” Poiema or “workmanship” literally means that God put forth all His best efforts and creative powers to marvelously fashion us for a divine purpose. Your purpose is determined by the intersection of four criteria: Passion 1. Your __________________: You love it Your purpose is always linked to your passions. Your passions encompass what you love to do and what you care about most. Passion is what sets us apart from others. A person with passion always stands out. Scripture tells us over and over again to “serve the Lord with all your heart.” The calling of God on your life is appealing. It’s something you really want to do in your heart of hearts. Ask yourself: love • What do you _____________? What I love to do is often what I should do. • What do you really enjoy doing in your free time? • What _______________ you the most? What excites ideas or subjects make you “come alive” when you think about them? energizes • What ________________ you the most? There’s no such thing has “high-energy” people. They are just people with a lot of passion. • What do you find yourself daydreaming about? learning • What do you love ____________ about? money • What would you do if _______________ weren’t an issue? If you want to be successful in this world, you have to follow your passion, not a paycheck.
Proficiency 2. Your ____________________: You are great at it Whenever you do what God has wired you to do, you get good at it. Romans 12:6a, “God has given each of us
the ability to do certain things well.” Here are some questions to ask: proud • In what areas are you most _______________ of your work? • What do my friends and family members say I’m good at? strong • Where do I feel the most _______________? opportunity • What _____________________ is before me?
Perception 3. Your ______________________: The world needs it Your calling is where your passion and abilities coincide with one of the world’s greatest need(s). When you are bigger than your purpose, you have a career; when your purpose is bigger than you, you have a calling. So here’s the question: notice • What do you ________________? burdens • What __________________ you the most? problem • What ____________________ are you willing to solve? • What _________________ is needed in the lives of people today? change
Profitability 4. Your _____________________: You are paid for it 1 Timothy 5:8 says, “But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” Moses told the Israelites: “Remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth” (Deut. 8:18). If all you have is passion and proficiency, you don’t have a calling – you have a hobby. employment • Can I garner ______________________ doing this? • Is this something I feel comfortable _________________ for? charging current job • How might I live out my purpose in my ________________ ________?
Discover Your Sphere of Influence
missionary mission As a Christian in the workplace, you are either a __________________ or a ______________ field ____________. You are either a part of God’s answer, or you’re a part of the problem. No matter what place of influence God has called us to, we need to start picturing ourselves as a missionary. The word missionary simply means “one that is sent.” What would change if you began thinking of your role in this world like a missionary? Why are Christians today not affecting cultural transformation? Because we are only focusing on one of seven spheres of influence (mind molders) in society today: 1. Religion: Where people worship God in spirit and in truth or settle for a religious ritual. 2. Government: Where evil is either restrained or endorsed. 3. Education: Where truths or lies about God and His creation are taught. 4. Media: Where information is interpreted through the lens of good or evil. 5. Arts and Entertainment: Where values and virtue are celebrated or distorted. 6. Family: Where either blessings or curses are passed on for successive generations. 7. Business: Where people build for the glory of God or the glory of man; where resources are consecrated for the Kingdom of God or captured for the powers of darkness. It takes less than 3-5% of those operating at the tops of these seven cultural spheres to actually shift the values represented in that sphere. This is how Islam is growing so rapidly. They understand something that western Christianity doesn’t – you transform a culture by infiltrating each of the seven spheres of influence. Whoever controls these seven “mountains” controls the culture. Consider this: the true scope of influence for any church is not its attendance, but the sum total of the relationships of its members, most of which work. If each person has regular interaction with twenty people during a given work week, then our church has a potential scope of influence of over 20,000 ___________________ lives! That’s the potential reach of the lives we touch collectively!
Devote Your Work for God’s Use
Read Exodus 4:2-5. God asks Moses a peculiar question. He says, “What is in your hand?” It was a shepherd’s staff. God told Moses to throw it down, and when he did it became alive (a snake). The shepherd’s staff in Moses’ hand represented three things about Moses’ life. identity • His _________________. Moses was a shepherd. That was his occupation or job. income • His _________________. All of Moses’ assets at that time were tied up in sheep. influence • His _________________. You move sheep from point A to point B with a shepherd’s staff. When you lay down your identity, income, and influence before the Lord and devote it to Him, He will make it come alive and work the miraculous through you!