Puzzle Instructions - The World Puzzle Federation

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May 25, 2013 ... The 6th tournament of the WPF Sudoku Grand Prix will open at the ... for Classic Sudoku and all of the Sudoku variations (in alphabetical order).
Puzzle Instructions U.S. Sudoku Team Qualifying Test, May 25 WPF Sudoku Grand Prix, May 25-28

The US Qualifying test will start on Saturday May 25 at 1pm EDT (10am PDT) and last for 2 ½ hours. All US team qualifiers must take the test at this time. The 6th tournament of the WPF Sudoku Grand Prix will open at the same time (17:00 UTC) and remain open for 60 hours, closing Tuesday May 28 at 5:00 UTC. Grand Prix participants (those not attempting to qualify for the US Team) can take the test any time during this period. Here are the instructions and examples for Classic Sudoku and all of the Sudoku variations (in alphabetical order) that will appear on the test. The puzzles were designed by Thomas Snyder and Wei-Hwa Huang.

Classic Sudoku Place the digits 1 through 9 into the empty cells in the grid (a single digit per cell) so that each digit appears exactly once in each of the following regions: the nine rows, the nine columns, and the nine outlined 3x3 regions.

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Arrow Sudoku Follow Classic Sudoku Rules. Additionally, the digit in each circled cell must equal the sum of all the digits along the arrow's path. Digits can repeat within an arrow.

Binary Sudoku Follow Classic Sudoku Rules, using six rows, columns, and outlined 3x2 regions. Form 3-digit binary numbers by adding zeros and ones as needed. Only six of the eight possible values are used—you must determine which.

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Consecutive Sudoku Follow Classic Sudoku Rules. Additionally, the bars in the grid indicate all adjacent pairs of consecutive digits.

Diagonal Sudoku Follow Classic Sudoku Rules. Additionally, each digit appears exactly once in each of the two main diagonals.

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Dynasty Sudoku Follow Classic Sudoku Rules using the digits 1 through 7 and two black cells in each row, column, and 3x3 region. Additionally, the black cells do not touch each other on the edges, and the white cells must form a single connected region.

Even/Odd Sudoku Follow Classic Sudoku Rules. Additionally, cells with pink circles must contain odd digits, and cells with blue squares must contain even digits.

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Irregular Sudoku Follow Classic Sudoku Rules, except the regions are not uniform 3x3 boxes but instead have irregular shapes.

Isodoku Place the digits 1 through 8 into the empty cells in the grid (a single digit per cell) so that each digit appears exactly once in each of the following regions: the six outlined irregular regions and the 12 "rows". A "row" follows the opposite, parallel sides of each quadrilateral.

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Killer Sudoku Follow Classic Sudoku Rules. Additionally, the sum of the numbers in each outlined region is equal to the corresponding number given in a corner of the outline. Note: no digit is repeated within a given outlined region.

Property Sudoku Follow Classic Sudoku Rules. Letters given outside the grid indicate a numerical property shared by all of the digits in first region along the corresponding row or column. (Sm)all numbers: 1234 (M)edium numbers: 456 (B)ig numbers: 6789

(P)rime numbers: 2357 (C)omposite numbers: 4689 (R)ounded: 3689

(O)dd numbers: 13579 (E)ven numbers: 2468 (St)raight: 147

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Seek-and-Spell Sudoku Follow Classic Sudoku Rules using the indicated letters. Additionally, each sequence of letters must appear in a path, starting at the indicated number, moving one cell in the direction indicated by the arrow, and then continuing to move one cell at a time up, down, left, or right to complete the sequence. No cell may be used more than once in a single path, but the same cell may be used as part of multiple paths.

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Staircase Sudoku Follow Classic Sudoku Rules; some rows and columns have gaps.

Thermo Sudoku Follow Classic Sudoku Rules. Additionally, the digits in each "thermometer"-shaped region must be strictly increasing from the circular bulb to the end. Some thermometers may share the same starting bulb.

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Tight Fit Sudoku Follow Classic Sudoku Rules. In the grid there are some cells with slashes. Two numbers go into these cells, and the smaller number must always be entered above the larger number.

Tile Sudoku Follow Classic Sudoku Rules for each of the 12 rows, 12 columns, and the nine outlined 4x4 regions. Note that some cells appear in more than one row and/or column.

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Triple Double Sudoku Follow Classic Sudoku Rules. Additionally, the three shaded regions in the first grid correspond exactly to the three shaded regions in the second grid; which region corresponds to which is for you to determine.

End of Instructions

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