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NAME: Christopher Narciso


PWD Chapter 5: Web Typography From textbook: Principles of Web Design Save this file in your PWD folder, then follow the instructions below. Instructions: Read the indicated chapter from the PWD textbook, and then fill in the answers to these questions in the row after the question. Make sure your answer is in a different color than the question. 1. List and briefly describe the four principles you should follow when you work with type in a web site: 1. choosing fewer font and sizes, creates a visually interesting page. 2. use common fonts: fonts that all users have and are most common 3. design for legibility: size and face of the type you use determines the legibility 4. avoid using text as graphics: Additional graphics means more download time, so don’t use them. 2. List four common fonts for each type of operating system: Common PC (Windows) fonts Common Mac fonts arial Helvetica Courier new Courier Times new roman Times Trebuchet MS Trebuchet MS

Common Linux fonts Helvetica Times Urw chancery L Century Schoolbook

3. What is the difference between an absolute font unit and a relative font unit in CSS? Absolute fonts are fixed and display differently. 4. Give the unit abbreviation used in CSS for each of these font units and give its description:

UNIT Pixel Point Pica Em Ex Percentage

UNIT ABBREV. Px Pt Pc Em Ex 150%

DESCRIPTION The size of a pixel on the current device Standard publishing unit, with 72 points in an inch Unit equal to 12 points The width of the capital M in the current font Height of the letter X in the current form Works exactly like em: 100% being the default size

5. Briefly describe each of these generic font family types: FONT FAMILY TYPE DESCRIPTION cursive Handwriting font fantasy Decorative font monospace Fixed width font sans serif Block letters with no serifs serif Traditional with strokes 6. Why should you always include a generic font family type as your last choice in a CSS font-family list? In case the user does not have your specific font 7. On the Internet, search for generic font families image. Find a clear, readable image which displays the five types of font families. Copy and paste the image here:

8. Briefly describe each of these font and text CSS properties: CSS PROPERTY DESCRIPTION font Control text appearance font-face Custom fonts that can be loaded font-family A font family that can be stated font-size Size of the font font-variant Define small capitals font-weight Weight of the typeface letter-spacing Adjust the kerning, whitespace between letters line-height Length or percentage value for the line height text-align Set alignment for lines of text text-decoration Lets you underline text text-indent Amount of indentation for the first line of text text-shadow Define a shadow that is displayed behind text text-transform Controls capitalization white-space How paragraph text wraps and whether to preserve whitespace 9. What are three types of markers you can use in the CSS list-style-type property? 1.symbol 2.numeric 3.alphabetical 10. On the Internet, search for CSS list-style-type image. Find a clear, readable image which displays the five types of font families. Copy and paste the image here:

11. In the SKILLS AT WORK box on page 229 of the PWD book, the author suggests that working well with other people is “integral to the success of your project and your career.” The author then discusses ways to cultivate good working relationships.  List at least seven ways you can cultivate good relationships in your working environment: 1. develop good working relationships 2. build trust 3. give advice 4. assist 5. credit 6. answer questions 7. respect opinions When you have completed this assignment: Save this completed document in your PWD folder, then upload the document file into your Google Drive, make the file public, and add a link on your index page to the public document so the assignment can be graded.