PY Payroll SAP ERP Central Component

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Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain ... Changes to the U.S. Payroll IMG for BSI. 59 ...... In practical terms, because regular.
PY Payroll SAP ERP Central Component Release 6.0

Release Notes

© Copyright 2005. SAP AG. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. Microsoft®, WINDOWS®, NT®, EXCEL®, Word®, PowerPoint® and SQL Server® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. IBM®, DB2®, OS/2®, DB2/6000®, Parallel Sysplex®, MVS/ESA®, RS/6000®, AIX®, S/390®, AS/400®, OS/390®, and OS/400® are registered trademarks of IBM Corporation. ORACLE® is a registered trademark of ORACLE Corporation. INFORMIX®-OnLine for SAP and Informix® Dynamic Server Incorporated.


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Release-Informationen Inhaltsverzeichnis SAP AG ______________________________________________________________

25 25.1 25.1.1 25.1.2 25.1.3 25.1.4 25.1.5 25.1.6 25.1.7 25.2 25.2.1 25.3 25.3.1 25.4 25.4.1 25.5 25.5.1 25.6 25.6.1 25.6.2 25.6.3

PY Payroll PY-RU Personalwesen Abrechnung: Russland Payroll Russia PY-RU-AC Transfer payroll r Account system Payroll Russia PY-RU-RP Reporting Payroll Russia PY-RU-FP Subsequent Activities Payroll Russia PY-RU-DD Deductions / Calcu Transfer Amount Payroll Russia PY-RU-NT Net Payroll Russia PY-RU-GR Gross Payroll Russia PY-CA Canada PY-CA-RP Reporting Customizing Record of Employment Boxes to ROE Forms PY-DE Germany PY-DE-FP Subsequent Activities PY-DE-FP-DM Data Medium Exchange PY-GB United Kingdom PY-GB-RP Reporting e-Filing for Great Britain (Changed) PY-TW Taiwan PY-TW-NT Net Unicode conversion for HR tables that have previously PY-US USA Modification of Standard Payroll Schema U0 Sector PY-US-NT Net PY-US-NT-TX Tax PY-US-NT-TX-BSI BSI Changes to the U.S. Payroll IMG for BSI PY-US-DD Deductions / Calcu Remittance Amount U.S. Savings Bonds Processing for Concurrent Employment

1 1 1 8 8 16 16 23 23 31 31 38 38 46 46 53 53 53 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 57 58 58 58 59 59 59 59 59 60 60

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25.6.4 25.6.5 25.6.6 25.7 25.7.1 25.7.2 25.7.3 25.8 25.8.1 25.8.2

PY-US-FP Subsequent Activities PY-US-FP-DT Data Transfer to Other Applications New general ledger: Distribution of liabil expenses PY-US-FP-TP Third Party Remittance Enhancements to the Implementation Guide f Remittance New Third Party Remittance Report PY-US-RP Reporting Non-Resident Alien Processing for Concurrent Employment PY-US-RP-TR Tax Reporter PDF Forms in Tax Reporter PY-US-PS Öffentlicher Dienst Non-Resident Alien Processing for Concurrent Employment Introducing Return of Unused Leave Donatio Infotype 0613 Certification and Licensing for the U.S. Public Sector New Menu Path Selections for U.S. Public Sector reports Federal Pay Plans (New) Regular and Bonus Payroll Deductions De-Co Savings Bonds U.S. Savings Bonds Processing for Concurrent Employment Introducing New Standard Payroll Schema fo Sector Custome PY-ZA South Africa PY-ZA-GR Gross PY-ZA-GR-WV Wage Type Valuation PY-ZA-GR-WV-AB Absences UIF Pro-ration Factor for Maternity Leave (Changed) PY-ZA-NT Net Payroll South Africa: Bursary Payments PY-ZA-NT-TX Employment Tax UIF Reference Number and Employer Tax Refe (Changed) PY-ZA-FP Subsequent Activities Additional Off-cycle Processes (Changed) PY-XX Payroll: General Parts Authorization check in the data medium exc programs PY-XX-DT Data Transfer Changes to Posting Reports

62 62 62 63 63 64 65 65 67 67 68 68 70 71 73 74 75 76 78 79 79 79 79 79 81 81 84 84 85 85 87 87 89 89

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New general ledger: Distribution of liabil expenses Posting of payments

90 91

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25 PY


25.1 PY-RU

Personalwesen Abrechnung: Russland

25.1.1 Payroll Russia Use As of SAP Release 6.00 Human Resources Extension (EA_HR600), the Russian Payroll solution supports the following: Master Data - Coutry-specific Infotypes -

Documents/Certificates RU (0290) Allows to enter data on the following identification cards: -


Passport of the citizen of the USSR



Travel passport of the citizen of the USSR



Birth Certificate



Identity card of military officer



Certificate of release



Passport of Minmorflot



Military card



Diplomatic passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation



Travel passport



Immigrant certificate



"Green Card"



Refugee certificate in the Russian Federation



Temporary ID card of the citizen of the Russian Federation



Passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation



Travel passport of the Russian Federation



Passport of sailor



Discharged military officer certificate


801 Tax payer ID card


802 Pension Fund payer ID card


Taxes/Net payments RU (0291)


Social Insurance RU (0292)

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Other/Previous Employers RU (0293)


Work Book (0294) enables to maintain employment data and all seniority calculation data.


Garnishment Orders RU (0295) You can maintain this infotype directly or via infotype Garnishment Document RU (0296).


Work Conditions RU (0297) Can be maintained only via IT-0294 on the Work conditions Tab.


Administrative Orders RU (0298) enables to maintain administrative orders related to various actions, for example,hiring, organizational reassignment, company leave, etc.)..


Tax Privileges (0299) enables to maintain all tax deductions.

Master data: country-specific screens -

Personal Data (0002) The country-specific screen supports for example the maintenance of the patronymic name of the employee.


Challenge (0004) Screen 2033 covers the Russian-specific requirements.


Addresses (0006) The country-specific screen (2033) supports the maintenance of address data on KLADR.


Bank Details (0009) and External Bank Tranfer (0011) Each country-specific screen (2033) allows to enter Russian bank accounts.


Contract Elements (0016) The country-specific screen (2033) supports an automatic sequential contract numbering.


Family Member/Dependents (0021) The country-specific screen (2033) enables to maintain the addresses of the family members.


Education (0022) The country-specific screen (2033) enables to enter all education data according to OKIN and OKSO.


Absences (2001) The country-specific screen includes the link to specific absences and absence types for further averages calculations.


Initial Entry of Applicants Basic data Screen 133 - country-specific enhancement to applicant initial entry - allows to maintain patronymic name and address data according to KLADR.

Legal Reports Personnel Administration Reports -

HRUA_ORDER_T1 Form T1 Hiring Order decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N°1


HRUA_ORDER_T1 A Form T1A Hiring Order (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1

______________________________________________________________ SAP AG


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HRULT2 Form T-2 Employee's Personal Card decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRULT3 Form T-3 List of Staff Members decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T5 Form T5 Transferring an employee to different work direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T5 A Form T5 Transferring an employee to different work direction (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T6 Form T6 Employee vacation providing direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T6A Form T6A Employee vacation providing's direction (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 05/01/2004 N° 1


HRUAT7 Form T-7 Vacation Schedule decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T8 Form T8 Employment agreement (contract) terminating direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T8A Form T8A Employment agreement (contract) terminating direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/051/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T11 Form T11 Incentive order decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T11A Form T11A Incentive order (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1

Time and Payroll Reports -

HRULTAB0 Form T-13 Time schedule decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRULT530 Form T-53 Payroll sheet decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1

Income Tax Reports -

HRULNDFL Forms 1-NDFL and 2-NDFL Employment Tax Card and Tax Reference (extract from card) used for natural person income and income tax decreed by MNS RF N° BG-3-04/583 on 10/31/2003


HRULTX12 Form List on physical persons' income Data Record on income of natural persons decreed by MNS RF N° BG-3-04/583 on 10/31/2003

Uniform Social Tax Reports

______________________________________________________________ SAP AG


SAP-System ______________________________________________________________


HRULAVP0_2004 Form Calculation on advanced payments on unified social tax (UST) for persons, making payments to physical persons. Form on KND 1151050. Order N°40n from 17/03/2005 approved by taxation authority of Russia (MNS RF) Form Calculation on advanced payments on unified social tax (UST) for persons, making payments to physical persons; organizations; individual businessmen; physical persons; physical persons but not individual businessmen. Form on KND 1151050. Order N°BG-3-05/722 from 12/29/2003 approved by taxation authority of Russia (MNS RF) Form Tax declaration on unified social tax (UST) for persons, making payments to physical persons. Form on KND 1151046. Order N° 21n from 02/10/2005 approved by taxation authority of Russia (MNS RF)


HRULAVP1_2004 Form Calculation on advance payments on insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance for the persons making payments to physical persons: organizations, individual businessmen, physical persons who are not recognized as individual businessmen. Order of the MNS RF N° BG-3-05/51 from 27.01.2004 Form Calculation of advance payments on insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance for the persons making payments to physical persons. MNSRF Order N° 48 from 03/24/2005 Form Declaration on insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance for the persons making payments to physical persons. MNSRF Order N° 9 from 01/24./2005


HRULAVP3_2004 Form Individual Card on Unified Social Tax (UST) Approved by Taxation Authority of Russia on 07/27/2004 N° SAE-3-05/443

Pension Fund Reports -

HRULPFP1 Form ADV-1 - Questionnaire of the insured person Form ADV-6-1 - Inventory of the documents delivered by the insured person in Pension Fund of Russia Form Register of delivered questionnaires


HRULPFP2 Form ADV-2 - Application for an exchange of the insurance certificate Form ADV-6-1 - Inventory of the documents delivered by the insured person in Pension Fund of Russia Form The register of delivered questionnaires


HRULPFP3 Form ADV-3 - Application for issue of duplicate of the insurance certificate Form ADV-6-1 - Inventory of the documents delivered by the insured person in Pension Fund of Russia Form Register of delivered questionnaires


HRULPFP5 Form SZV-4-1, SZV-4-2 - Individual data on the insurance seniority and the charged insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance of the insured person Form ADV-6-1 Inventory of the documents delivered by the insurant in the form List of the insured persons of a pack


HRULPFP11 Form ADV-11 - Statement of insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance


HRULSZVK0 Form SZV-K - Information on insured person seniority for period before registration in system of compulsory retirement insurance

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Statistical Report -

HRULP4 Form P-4 Information on Number of Employees, Salary and Employees tranfers. Approved by Russia GosKomStat on 27/07/2004 N°34

Tools -

HRULAVR0 Calculation of average number


HRULAVR1 Preliminary Calculation of Employee Number Average


HRULICO0 Flexible Employee Payroll Data


HRUAORD0 Orders management report.


Transaction HRPAYRUT7RUN Report Customizing Tool


HRULCALCSEN Seniority calculation. You can call this report from infotype 0294.


HRUUT7RUOKSO - OKSO (Russian-specific qualifier for education) Loading Utility


HRUUKLADRLOAD - KLADR (Russian-specific addresses qualifier) Loading Utility




HRUUKLADRCHECK - Utility to check the mapping of addresses between Addresses (0006) and KLADR

Payroll Wage Type Valuation Time Evaluation The summarized working hours account is partially completed. Payoll function RUGAB expects time data of work of the employee on the State Industrial Calendar. You can use time parameters defined in the State Industrial Calendar or set in the personal working time schedule to calculate the absence that depends on the employee grouping and the employee subgroup grouping. The status of the summarized working hours account is defined in table T7RU53. Absences Sub-schema RUAV and RUA0 perform all absence calculations. The calculation is only perforned within the framework of a regular run. Absence calculation is based on an estimation of average values defined in function RUAVE. Average values based on premiums are separately determined via rules and are finally added to the basic wages average values. Annual, quarterly and monthly premiums are paid for the corresponding time interval or are paid without recalculation of the working time. To calculate an average value, you first process each payment and reduce it according to the working time, for example, you calculate averages based on the previous year and the annual premium of the previous year. Each payment of the previous year is then cumulated and divided in the cumulated working time. Annual premiums should be divided in 12 monhtly part and then divided according to he monthly planned working time. The process is usually to calculate four different average rules and aggregate them after AVERA. Function RUSI0 consists in the recalculation of the amount of the temporary disablement allowance depending on the experience. Feature 33NGR allows to build up the work time schedule for absences.

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Customer exits enhance the formation of work time schedules. In certain cases, two absences must have an identical rate. Field SPPE1 allows to link to the previous absence. Function RUOAV defines the average value of an absence by using this logical connection. Function RUGAB calculates additional time characteristics of employees working based on the summarized account working hours. These characteristics can be used to calculate wage types and to recalculte them for the incomplete period. Rule RUAJ enables to calculate raising factor /021 in case of salaray increase. Function RUFUP processes the holiday sums calculated in the previous periods. Factoring If the employee is not working full time, you must recalculate the sums to obtain the proportionally worked time. This requirement is performed in schema RUL0. Function RUC1 allows to distribute wage types on expenses. Wage type /854 with an assignment to table C1 is used as a distribution mask. Regional and North Bonuses Calculation of regional and northern extra charges is performed in subschema RUSC. The precondition of this calculation is generated via the indirect valuation 33BON - the percentage in technical wage type. The schema generates alternative wage types on the basis of basic wage types (such as salary) using percentage. You can also group wage types for the pay slip. The percentage of extra charges can be manually entered without 33BON. The schema is located after the formation of all basic charges. Prepare Wage Types for Cost Accounting Function RUFUP prepares the transfer to special results accounts of absences calculation. It generates wage types to take into account in future periods. It enables to process holiday sums calculated in previous period to increase them according to the raising factor. Function is called in several sub-schemas at various stages of calculation: 1.

for data transmission from the previous periods


directly at calculation of absence


at formation of regional and northern extra charges


for taxes reference falling the part of charge transferred in table FUP


wage types formation to transfer from accounts of the future periods on accounts of expenses Net

Schema RUD9 enables to limit the deductions of garnishment documents and restrictions on income tax. Function LIMIT is used to limit the income-tax by 50 percent. This function is also used to restrict administrative legal deductions.

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Calculation of garnishment documents occurs after function LIMIT since the base defined in the garnishment documents depends on the income tax value. Subschema XPDD is used to restrict deductions according to the legal regulation. The amounts of the restrictions are calculated with function RUPRI. This function enables to group deduction, to define percentages for each group and to lower deductions in group. Finally, post fee from garnishment documents are calculated. Loans You can calculate a loan in two currencies (calculation and the loan). If you do not want to maintain the loan balance in the calculation currency, you must use function RUC45 with the corresponding parameters. Tax The schema of taxes calculation includes the following: 6.

Formation of the additional sums of the taxation carried out in 0015


Process of granting of a property deduction performed as one single rule RU-6 created in function RUTAX. To calculate the balance, you must use the wage types assignments done in table T51P1


Formation of bases for ESN (Uniform Social Tax) during recalculations performed in a separate subschema RURB


Calculation rules of income tax and ESN based on the deducted and estimated parts of the corresponding wage types

10. Calculation process of a privilege on ESN for challenged persons. This privilege applies only to the federal part of the tax 11. Rounding off process performed in a separate rule and adjusted in processing class 64 12. Function RUFUP enables the process of ESN parts occuring in tfuture period and their transfer in separate wage types Garnishment Garnishment documents Subschema RUID is based on payroll function RUAID. The total deduction and the monthly deduction is stored in infiotype Garnishment. Balance and totals enables to display the completed garnishment document. Subschema RURC is used to transfert bases differences in the executive documents to the current period for recalculation purposes. Calculation of post age fee is done in schema RUD9. Post fee Calculation of post gathering occurs in rule RUI2 using operand RUFEE of operation AMT. The amount of gathering depends on the amount of deduction in the executive documents . After the standard subschema XPDD , you can derivate an additional iterative cycle to restrict all deductions.

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Deductions - Calculating Bank Transfer Amount You can transfer the payment results of wages to addresses from infotype 009 and infotype 0011 and store the records for transfer by using the addressees of the existing garnishment documents.

Effects on Customizing You can maintain all topics in the corresponding IMG steps. See also For migration activities from HR-CEE Add-On to SAP Release 6.00 Human Resources Extension (EA_HR600), refer to note 864783.

25.1.2 PY-RU-AC

Transfer payroll result to the Account system Payroll Russia Use As of SAP Release 6.00 Human Resources Extension (EA_HR600), the Russian Payroll solution supports the following: Master Data - Coutry-specific Infotypes -

Documents/Certificates RU (0290) Allows to enter data on the following identification cards: -


Passport of the citizen of the USSR



Travel passport of the citizen of the USSR



Birth Certificate



Identity card of military officer

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Certificate of release



Passport of Minmorflot



Military card



Diplomatic passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation



Travel passport



Immigrant certificate



"Green Card"



Refugee certificate in the Russian Federation



Temporary ID card of the citizen of the Russian Federation



Passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation



Travel passport of the Russian Federation



Passport of sailor



Discharged military officer certificate


801 Tax payer ID card


802 Pension Fund payer ID card


Taxes/Net payments RU (0291)


Social Insurance RU (0292)


Other/Previous Employers RU (0293)


Work Book (0294) enables to maintain employment data and all seniority calculation data.


Garnishment Orders RU (0295) You can maintain this infotype directly or via infotype Garnishment Document RU (0296).


Work Conditions RU (0297) Can be maintained only via IT-0294 on the Work conditions Tab.


Administrative Orders RU (0298) enables to maintain administrative orders related to various actions, for example,hiring, organizational reassignment, company leave, etc.)..


Tax Privileges (0299) enables to maintain all tax deductions.

Master data: country-specific screens -

Personal Data (0002) The country-specific screen supports for example the maintenance of the patronymic name of the employee.


Challenge (0004) Screen 2033 covers the Russian-specific requirements.


Addresses (0006) The country-specific screen (2033) supports the maintenance of address data on KLADR.


Bank Details (0009) and External Bank Tranfer (0011) Each country-specific screen (2033) allows to enter Russian bank accounts.

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Contract Elements (0016) The country-specific screen (2033) supports an automatic sequential contract numbering.


Family Member/Dependents (0021) The country-specific screen (2033) enables to maintain the addresses of the family members.


Education (0022) The country-specific screen (2033) enables to enter all education data according to OKIN and OKSO.


Absences (2001) The country-specific screen includes the link to specific absences and absence types for further averages calculations.


Initial Entry of Applicants Basic data Screen 133 - country-specific enhancement to applicant initial entry - allows to maintain patronymic name and address data according to KLADR.

Legal Reports Personnel Administration Reports -

HRUA_ORDER_T1 Form T1 Hiring Order decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N°1


HRUA_ORDER_T1 A Form T1A Hiring Order (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRULT2 Form T-2 Employee's Personal Card decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRULT3 Form T-3 List of Staff Members decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T5 Form T5 Transferring an employee to different work direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T5 A Form T5 Transferring an employee to different work direction (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T6 Form T6 Employee vacation providing direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T6A Form T6A Employee vacation providing's direction (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 05/01/2004 N° 1


HRUAT7 Form T-7 Vacation Schedule decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T8 Form T8 Employment agreement (contract) terminating direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1

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HRUA_ORDER_T8A Form T8A Employment agreement (contract) terminating direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/051/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T11 Form T11 Incentive order decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T11A Form T11A Incentive order (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1

Time and Payroll Reports -

HRULTAB0 Form T-13 Time schedule decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRULT530 Form T-53 Payroll sheet decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1

Income Tax Reports -

HRULNDFL Forms 1-NDFL and 2-NDFL Employment Tax Card and Tax Reference (extract from card) used for natural person income and income tax decreed by MNS RF N° BG-3-04/583 on 10/31/2003


HRULTX12 Form List on physical persons' income Data Record on income of natural persons decreed by MNS RF N° BG-3-04/583 on 10/31/2003

Uniform Social Tax Reports -

HRULAVP0_2004 Form Calculation on advanced payments on unified social tax (UST) for persons, making payments to physical persons. Form on KND 1151050. Order N°40n from 17/03/2005 approved by taxation authority of Russia (MNS RF) Form Calculation on advanced payments on unified social tax (UST) for persons, making payments to physical persons; organizations; individual businessmen; physical persons; physical persons but not individual businessmen. Form on KND 1151050. Order N°BG-3-05/722 from 12/29/2003 approved by taxation authority of Russia (MNS RF) Form Tax declaration on unified social tax (UST) for persons, making payments to physical persons. Form on KND 1151046. Order N° 21n from 02/10/2005 approved by taxation authority of Russia (MNS RF)


HRULAVP1_2004 Form Calculation on advance payments on insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance for the persons making payments to physical persons: organizations, individual businessmen, physical persons who are not recognized as individual businessmen. Order of the MNS RF N° BG-3-05/51 from 27.01.2004 Form Calculation of advance payments on insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance for the persons making payments to physical persons. MNSRF Order N° 48 from 03/24/2005 Form Declaration on insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance for the persons making payments to physical persons. MNSRF Order N° 9 from 01/24./2005


HRULAVP3_2004 Form Individual Card on Unified Social Tax (UST) Approved by Taxation Authority of Russia on 07/27/2004 N° SAE-3-05/443

Pension Fund Reports

______________________________________________________________ SAP AG


SAP-System ______________________________________________________________


HRULPFP1 Form ADV-1 - Questionnaire of the insured person Form ADV-6-1 - Inventory of the documents delivered by the insured person in Pension Fund of Russia Form Register of delivered questionnaires


HRULPFP2 Form ADV-2 - Application for an exchange of the insurance certificate Form ADV-6-1 - Inventory of the documents delivered by the insured person in Pension Fund of Russia Form The register of delivered questionnaires


HRULPFP3 Form ADV-3 - Application for issue of duplicate of the insurance certificate Form ADV-6-1 - Inventory of the documents delivered by the insured person in Pension Fund of Russia Form Register of delivered questionnaires


HRULPFP5 Form SZV-4-1, SZV-4-2 - Individual data on the insurance seniority and the charged insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance of the insured person Form ADV-6-1 Inventory of the documents delivered by the insurant in the form List of the insured persons of a pack


HRULPFP11 Form ADV-11 - Statement of insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance


HRULSZVK0 Form SZV-K - Information on insured person seniority for period before registration in system of compulsory retirement insurance

Statistical Report -

HRULP4 Form P-4 Information on Number of Employees, Salary and Employees tranfers. Approved by Russia GosKomStat on 27/07/2004 N°34

Tools -

HRULAVR0 Calculation of average number


HRULAVR1 Preliminary Calculation of Employee Number Average


HRULICO0 Flexible Employee Payroll Data


HRUAORD0 Orders management report.


Transaction HRPAYRUT7RUN Report Customizing Tool


HRULCALCSEN Seniority calculation. You can call this report from infotype 0294.


HRUUT7RUOKSO - OKSO (Russian-specific qualifier for education) Loading Utility


HRUUKLADRLOAD - KLADR (Russian-specific addresses qualifier) Loading Utility




HRUUKLADRCHECK - Utility to check the mapping of addresses between Addresses (0006) and KLADR

Payroll Wage Type Valuation

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SAP-System ______________________________________________________________

Time Evaluation The summarized working hours account is partially completed. Payoll function RUGAB expects time data of work of the employee on the State Industrial Calendar. You can use time parameters defined in the State Industrial Calendar or set in the personal working time schedule to calculate the absence that depends on the employee grouping and the employee subgroup grouping. The status of the summarized working hours account is defined in table T7RU53. Absences Sub-schema RUAV and RUA0 perform all absence calculations. The calculation is only perforned within the framework of a regular run. Absence calculation is based on an estimation of average values defined in function RUAVE. Average values based on premiums are separately determined via rules and are finally added to the basic wages average values. Annual, quarterly and monthly premiums are paid for the corresponding time interval or are paid without recalculation of the working time. To calculate an average value, you first process each payment and reduce it according to the working time, for example, you calculate averages based on the previous year and the annual premium of the previous year. Each payment of the previous year is then cumulated and divided in the cumulated working time. Annual premiums should be divided in 12 monhtly part and then divided according to he monthly planned working time. The process is usually to calculate four different average rules and aggregate them after AVERA. Function RUSI0 consists in the recalculation of the amount of the temporary disablement allowance depending on the experience. Feature 33NGR allows to build up the work time schedule for absences. Customer exits enhance the formation of work time schedules. In certain cases, two absences must have an identical rate. Field SPPE1 allows to link to the previous absence. Function RUOAV defines the average value of an absence by using this logical connection. Function RUGAB calculates additional time characteristics of employees working based on the summarized account working hours. These characteristics can be used to calculate wage types and to recalculte them for the incomplete period. Rule RUAJ enables to calculate raising factor /021 in case of salaray increase. Function RUFUP processes the holiday sums calculated in the previous periods. Factoring If the employee is not working full time, you must recalculate the sums to obtain the proportionally worked time. This requirement is performed in schema RUL0. Function RUC1 allows to distribute wage types on expenses. Wage type /854 with an assignment to table C1 is used as a distribution mask. Regional and North Bonuses Calculation of regional and northern extra charges is performed in subschema RUSC. The precondition of this calculation is generated via the indirect valuation 33BON - the percentage in technical wage type. The schema generates alternative wage types on the basis of basic wage types (such as salary) using percentage. You can also group wage types for the pay slip. The percentage of extra

______________________________________________________________ SAP AG


SAP-System ______________________________________________________________

charges can be manually entered without 33BON. The schema is located after the formation of all basic charges. Prepare Wage Types for Cost Accounting Function RUFUP prepares the transfer to special results accounts of absences calculation. It generates wage types to take into account in future periods. It enables to process holiday sums calculated in previous period to increase them according to the raising factor. Function is called in several sub-schemas at various stages of calculation: 1.

for data transmission from the previous periods


directly at calculation of absence


at formation of regional and northern extra charges


for taxes reference falling the part of charge transferred in table FUP


wage types formation to transfer from accounts of the future periods on accounts of expenses Net

Schema RUD9 enables to limit the deductions of garnishment documents and restrictions on income tax. Function LIMIT is used to limit the income-tax by 50 percent. This function is also used to restrict administrative legal deductions. Calculation of garnishment documents occurs after function LIMIT since the base defined in the garnishment documents depends on the income tax value. Subschema XPDD is used to restrict deductions according to the legal regulation. The amounts of the restrictions are calculated with function RUPRI. This function enables to group deduction, to define percentages for each group and to lower deductions in group. Finally, post fee from garnishment documents are calculated. Loans You can calculate a loan in two currencies (calculation and the loan). If you do not want to maintain the loan balance in the calculation currency, you must use function RUC45 with the corresponding parameters. Tax The schema of taxes calculation includes the following: 6.

Formation of the additional sums of the taxation carried out in 0015


Process of granting of a property deduction performed as one single rule RU-6 created in function RUTAX. To calculate the balance, you must use the wage types assignments done in table T51P1


Formation of bases for ESN (Uniform Social Tax) during recalculations performed in a separate subschema RURB


Calculation rules of income tax and ESN based on the deducted and estimated parts of the corresponding wage types

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SAP-System ______________________________________________________________

10. Calculation process of a privilege on ESN for challenged persons. This privilege applies only to the federal part of the tax 11. Rounding off process performed in a separate rule and adjusted in processing class 64 12. Function RUFUP enables the process of ESN parts occuring in tfuture period and their transfer in separate wage types Garnishment Garnishment documents Subschema RUID is based on payroll function RUAID. The total deduction and the monthly deduction is stored in infiotype Garnishment. Balance and totals enables to display the completed garnishment document. Subschema RURC is used to transfert bases differences in the executive documents to the current period for recalculation purposes. Calculation of post age fee is done in schema RUD9. Post fee Calculation of post gathering occurs in rule RUI2 using operand RUFEE of operation AMT. The amount of gathering depends on the amount of deduction in the executive documents . After the standard subschema XPDD , you can derivate an additional iterative cycle to restrict all deductions. Deductions - Calculating Bank Transfer Amount You can transfer the payment results of wages to addresses from infotype 009 and infotype 0011 and store the records for transfer by using the addressees of the existing garnishment documents.

Effects on Customizing You can maintain all topics in the corresponding IMG steps. See also For migration activities from HR-CEE Add-On to SAP Release 6.00 Human Resources Extension (EA_HR600), refer to note 864783.

______________________________________________________________ SAP AG


SAP-System ______________________________________________________________

25.1.3 PY-RU-RP

Reporting Payroll Russia Use As of SAP Release 6.00 Human Resources Extension (EA_HR600), the Russian Payroll solution supports the following: Master Data - Coutry-specific Infotypes -

Documents/Certificates RU (0290) Allows to enter data on the following identification cards: -


Passport of the citizen of the USSR



Travel passport of the citizen of the USSR



Birth Certificate



Identity card of military officer



Certificate of release



Passport of Minmorflot



Military card



Diplomatic passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation



Travel passport



Immigrant certificate



"Green Card"



Refugee certificate in the Russian Federation



Temporary ID card of the citizen of the Russian Federation



Passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation



Travel passport of the Russian Federation



Passport of sailor



Discharged military officer certificate


801 Tax payer ID card


802 Pension Fund payer ID card


Taxes/Net payments RU (0291)


Social Insurance RU (0292)

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Other/Previous Employers RU (0293)


Work Book (0294) enables to maintain employment data and all seniority calculation data.


Garnishment Orders RU (0295) You can maintain this infotype directly or via infotype Garnishment Document RU (0296).


Work Conditions RU (0297) Can be maintained only via IT-0294 on the Work conditions Tab.


Administrative Orders RU (0298) enables to maintain administrative orders related to various actions, for example,hiring, organizational reassignment, company leave, etc.)..


Tax Privileges (0299) enables to maintain all tax deductions.

Master data: country-specific screens -

Personal Data (0002) The country-specific screen supports for example the maintenance of the patronymic name of the employee.


Challenge (0004) Screen 2033 covers the Russian-specific requirements.


Addresses (0006) The country-specific screen (2033) supports the maintenance of address data on KLADR.


Bank Details (0009) and External Bank Tranfer (0011) Each country-specific screen (2033) allows to enter Russian bank accounts.


Contract Elements (0016) The country-specific screen (2033) supports an automatic sequential contract numbering.


Family Member/Dependents (0021) The country-specific screen (2033) enables to maintain the addresses of the family members.


Education (0022) The country-specific screen (2033) enables to enter all education data according to OKIN and OKSO.


Absences (2001) The country-specific screen includes the link to specific absences and absence types for further averages calculations.


Initial Entry of Applicants Basic data Screen 133 - country-specific enhancement to applicant initial entry - allows to maintain patronymic name and address data according to KLADR.

Legal Reports Personnel Administration Reports -

HRUA_ORDER_T1 Form T1 Hiring Order decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N°1


HRUA_ORDER_T1 A Form T1A Hiring Order (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1

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SAP-System ______________________________________________________________


HRULT2 Form T-2 Employee's Personal Card decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRULT3 Form T-3 List of Staff Members decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T5 Form T5 Transferring an employee to different work direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T5 A Form T5 Transferring an employee to different work direction (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T6 Form T6 Employee vacation providing direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T6A Form T6A Employee vacation providing's direction (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 05/01/2004 N° 1


HRUAT7 Form T-7 Vacation Schedule decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T8 Form T8 Employment agreement (contract) terminating direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T8A Form T8A Employment agreement (contract) terminating direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/051/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T11 Form T11 Incentive order decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T11A Form T11A Incentive order (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1

Time and Payroll Reports -

HRULTAB0 Form T-13 Time schedule decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRULT530 Form T-53 Payroll sheet decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1

Income Tax Reports -

HRULNDFL Forms 1-NDFL and 2-NDFL Employment Tax Card and Tax Reference (extract from card) used for natural person income and income tax decreed by MNS RF N° BG-3-04/583 on 10/31/2003


HRULTX12 Form List on physical persons' income Data Record on income of natural persons decreed by MNS RF N° BG-3-04/583 on 10/31/2003

Uniform Social Tax Reports

______________________________________________________________ SAP AG


SAP-System ______________________________________________________________


HRULAVP0_2004 Form Calculation on advanced payments on unified social tax (UST) for persons, making payments to physical persons. Form on KND 1151050. Order N°40n from 17/03/2005 approved by taxation authority of Russia (MNS RF) Form Calculation on advanced payments on unified social tax (UST) for persons, making payments to physical persons; organizations; individual businessmen; physical persons; physical persons but not individual businessmen. Form on KND 1151050. Order N°BG-3-05/722 from 12/29/2003 approved by taxation authority of Russia (MNS RF) Form Tax declaration on unified social tax (UST) for persons, making payments to physical persons. Form on KND 1151046. Order N° 21n from 02/10/2005 approved by taxation authority of Russia (MNS RF)


HRULAVP1_2004 Form Calculation on advance payments on insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance for the persons making payments to physical persons: organizations, individual businessmen, physical persons who are not recognized as individual businessmen. Order of the MNS RF N° BG-3-05/51 from 27.01.2004 Form Calculation of advance payments on insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance for the persons making payments to physical persons. MNSRF Order N° 48 from 03/24/2005 Form Declaration on insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance for the persons making payments to physical persons. MNSRF Order N° 9 from 01/24./2005


HRULAVP3_2004 Form Individual Card on Unified Social Tax (UST) Approved by Taxation Authority of Russia on 07/27/2004 N° SAE-3-05/443

Pension Fund Reports -

HRULPFP1 Form ADV-1 - Questionnaire of the insured person Form ADV-6-1 - Inventory of the documents delivered by the insured person in Pension Fund of Russia Form Register of delivered questionnaires


HRULPFP2 Form ADV-2 - Application for an exchange of the insurance certificate Form ADV-6-1 - Inventory of the documents delivered by the insured person in Pension Fund of Russia Form The register of delivered questionnaires


HRULPFP3 Form ADV-3 - Application for issue of duplicate of the insurance certificate Form ADV-6-1 - Inventory of the documents delivered by the insured person in Pension Fund of Russia Form Register of delivered questionnaires


HRULPFP5 Form SZV-4-1, SZV-4-2 - Individual data on the insurance seniority and the charged insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance of the insured person Form ADV-6-1 Inventory of the documents delivered by the insurant in the form List of the insured persons of a pack


HRULPFP11 Form ADV-11 - Statement of insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance


HRULSZVK0 Form SZV-K - Information on insured person seniority for period before registration in system of compulsory retirement insurance

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SAP-System ______________________________________________________________

Statistical Report -

HRULP4 Form P-4 Information on Number of Employees, Salary and Employees tranfers. Approved by Russia GosKomStat on 27/07/2004 N°34

Tools -

HRULAVR0 Calculation of average number


HRULAVR1 Preliminary Calculation of Employee Number Average


HRULICO0 Flexible Employee Payroll Data


HRUAORD0 Orders management report.


Transaction HRPAYRUT7RUN Report Customizing Tool


HRULCALCSEN Seniority calculation. You can call this report from infotype 0294.


HRUUT7RUOKSO - OKSO (Russian-specific qualifier for education) Loading Utility


HRUUKLADRLOAD - KLADR (Russian-specific addresses qualifier) Loading Utility




HRUUKLADRCHECK - Utility to check the mapping of addresses between Addresses (0006) and KLADR

Payroll Wage Type Valuation Time Evaluation The summarized working hours account is partially completed. Payoll function RUGAB expects time data of work of the employee on the State Industrial Calendar. You can use time parameters defined in the State Industrial Calendar or set in the personal working time schedule to calculate the absence that depends on the employee grouping and the employee subgroup grouping. The status of the summarized working hours account is defined in table T7RU53. Absences Sub-schema RUAV and RUA0 perform all absence calculations. The calculation is only perforned within the framework of a regular run. Absence calculation is based on an estimation of average values defined in function RUAVE. Average values based on premiums are separately determined via rules and are finally added to the basic wages average values. Annual, quarterly and monthly premiums are paid for the corresponding time interval or are paid without recalculation of the working time. To calculate an average value, you first process each payment and reduce it according to the working time, for example, you calculate averages based on the previous year and the annual premium of the previous year. Each payment of the previous year is then cumulated and divided in the cumulated working time. Annual premiums should be divided in 12 monhtly part and then divided according to he monthly planned working time. The process is usually to calculate four different average rules and aggregate them after AVERA. Function RUSI0 consists in the recalculation of the amount of the temporary disablement allowance depending on the experience. Feature 33NGR allows to build up the work time schedule for absences.

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SAP-System ______________________________________________________________

Customer exits enhance the formation of work time schedules. In certain cases, two absences must have an identical rate. Field SPPE1 allows to link to the previous absence. Function RUOAV defines the average value of an absence by using this logical connection. Function RUGAB calculates additional time characteristics of employees working based on the summarized account working hours. These characteristics can be used to calculate wage types and to recalculte them for the incomplete period. Rule RUAJ enables to calculate raising factor /021 in case of salaray increase. Function RUFUP processes the holiday sums calculated in the previous periods. Factoring If the employee is not working full time, you must recalculate the sums to obtain the proportionally worked time. This requirement is performed in schema RUL0. Function RUC1 allows to distribute wage types on expenses. Wage type /854 with an assignment to table C1 is used as a distribution mask. Regional and North Bonuses Calculation of regional and northern extra charges is performed in subschema RUSC. The precondition of this calculation is generated via the indirect valuation 33BON - the percentage in technical wage type. The schema generates alternative wage types on the basis of basic wage types (such as salary) using percentage. You can also group wage types for the pay slip. The percentage of extra charges can be manually entered without 33BON. The schema is located after the formation of all basic charges. Prepare Wage Types for Cost Accounting Function RUFUP prepares the transfer to special results accounts of absences calculation. It generates wage types to take into account in future periods. It enables to process holiday sums calculated in previous period to increase them according to the raising factor. Function is called in several sub-schemas at various stages of calculation: 1.

for data transmission from the previous periods


directly at calculation of absence


at formation of regional and northern extra charges


for taxes reference falling the part of charge transferred in table FUP


wage types formation to transfer from accounts of the future periods on accounts of expenses Net

Schema RUD9 enables to limit the deductions of garnishment documents and restrictions on income tax. Function LIMIT is used to limit the income-tax by 50 percent. This function is also used to restrict administrative legal deductions.

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Calculation of garnishment documents occurs after function LIMIT since the base defined in the garnishment documents depends on the income tax value. Subschema XPDD is used to restrict deductions according to the legal regulation. The amounts of the restrictions are calculated with function RUPRI. This function enables to group deduction, to define percentages for each group and to lower deductions in group. Finally, post fee from garnishment documents are calculated. Loans You can calculate a loan in two currencies (calculation and the loan). If you do not want to maintain the loan balance in the calculation currency, you must use function RUC45 with the corresponding parameters. Tax The schema of taxes calculation includes the following: 6.

Formation of the additional sums of the taxation carried out in 0015


Process of granting of a property deduction performed as one single rule RU-6 created in function RUTAX. To calculate the balance, you must use the wage types assignments done in table T51P1


Formation of bases for ESN (Uniform Social Tax) during recalculations performed in a separate subschema RURB


Calculation rules of income tax and ESN based on the deducted and estimated parts of the corresponding wage types

10. Calculation process of a privilege on ESN for challenged persons. This privilege applies only to the federal part of the tax 11. Rounding off process performed in a separate rule and adjusted in processing class 64 12. Function RUFUP enables the process of ESN parts occuring in tfuture period and their transfer in separate wage types Garnishment Garnishment documents Subschema RUID is based on payroll function RUAID. The total deduction and the monthly deduction is stored in infiotype Garnishment. Balance and totals enables to display the completed garnishment document. Subschema RURC is used to transfert bases differences in the executive documents to the current period for recalculation purposes. Calculation of post age fee is done in schema RUD9. Post fee Calculation of post gathering occurs in rule RUI2 using operand RUFEE of operation AMT. The amount of gathering depends on the amount of deduction in the executive documents . After the standard subschema XPDD , you can derivate an additional iterative cycle to restrict all deductions.

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Deductions - Calculating Bank Transfer Amount You can transfer the payment results of wages to addresses from infotype 009 and infotype 0011 and store the records for transfer by using the addressees of the existing garnishment documents.

Effects on Customizing You can maintain all topics in the corresponding IMG steps. See also For migration activities from HR-CEE Add-On to SAP Release 6.00 Human Resources Extension (EA_HR600), refer to note 864783.

25.1.4 PY-RU-FP

Subsequent Activities Payroll Russia Use As of SAP Release 6.00 Human Resources Extension (EA_HR600), the Russian Payroll solution supports the following: Master Data - Coutry-specific Infotypes -

Documents/Certificates RU (0290) Allows to enter data on the following identification cards: -


Passport of the citizen of the USSR



Travel passport of the citizen of the USSR



Birth Certificate



Identity card of military officer

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SAP-System ______________________________________________________________



Certificate of release



Passport of Minmorflot



Military card



Diplomatic passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation



Travel passport



Immigrant certificate



"Green Card"



Refugee certificate in the Russian Federation



Temporary ID card of the citizen of the Russian Federation



Passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation



Travel passport of the Russian Federation



Passport of sailor



Discharged military officer certificate


801 Tax payer ID card


802 Pension Fund payer ID card


Taxes/Net payments RU (0291)


Social Insurance RU (0292)


Other/Previous Employers RU (0293)


Work Book (0294) enables to maintain employment data and all seniority calculation data.


Garnishment Orders RU (0295) You can maintain this infotype directly or via infotype Garnishment Document RU (0296).


Work Conditions RU (0297) Can be maintained only via IT-0294 on the Work conditions Tab.


Administrative Orders RU (0298) enables to maintain administrative orders related to various actions, for example,hiring, organizational reassignment, company leave, etc.)..


Tax Privileges (0299) enables to maintain all tax deductions.

Master data: country-specific screens -

Personal Data (0002) The country-specific screen supports for example the maintenance of the patronymic name of the employee.


Challenge (0004) Screen 2033 covers the Russian-specific requirements.


Addresses (0006) The country-specific screen (2033) supports the maintenance of address data on KLADR.


Bank Details (0009) and External Bank Tranfer (0011) Each country-specific screen (2033) allows to enter Russian bank accounts.

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SAP-System ______________________________________________________________


Contract Elements (0016) The country-specific screen (2033) supports an automatic sequential contract numbering.


Family Member/Dependents (0021) The country-specific screen (2033) enables to maintain the addresses of the family members.


Education (0022) The country-specific screen (2033) enables to enter all education data according to OKIN and OKSO.


Absences (2001) The country-specific screen includes the link to specific absences and absence types for further averages calculations.


Initial Entry of Applicants Basic data Screen 133 - country-specific enhancement to applicant initial entry - allows to maintain patronymic name and address data according to KLADR.

Legal Reports Personnel Administration Reports -

HRUA_ORDER_T1 Form T1 Hiring Order decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N°1


HRUA_ORDER_T1 A Form T1A Hiring Order (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRULT2 Form T-2 Employee's Personal Card decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRULT3 Form T-3 List of Staff Members decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T5 Form T5 Transferring an employee to different work direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T5 A Form T5 Transferring an employee to different work direction (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T6 Form T6 Employee vacation providing direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T6A Form T6A Employee vacation providing's direction (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 05/01/2004 N° 1


HRUAT7 Form T-7 Vacation Schedule decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T8 Form T8 Employment agreement (contract) terminating direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1

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SAP-System ______________________________________________________________


HRUA_ORDER_T8A Form T8A Employment agreement (contract) terminating direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/051/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T11 Form T11 Incentive order decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T11A Form T11A Incentive order (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1

Time and Payroll Reports -

HRULTAB0 Form T-13 Time schedule decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRULT530 Form T-53 Payroll sheet decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1

Income Tax Reports -

HRULNDFL Forms 1-NDFL and 2-NDFL Employment Tax Card and Tax Reference (extract from card) used for natural person income and income tax decreed by MNS RF N° BG-3-04/583 on 10/31/2003


HRULTX12 Form List on physical persons' income Data Record on income of natural persons decreed by MNS RF N° BG-3-04/583 on 10/31/2003

Uniform Social Tax Reports -

HRULAVP0_2004 Form Calculation on advanced payments on unified social tax (UST) for persons, making payments to physical persons. Form on KND 1151050. Order N°40n from 17/03/2005 approved by taxation authority of Russia (MNS RF) Form Calculation on advanced payments on unified social tax (UST) for persons, making payments to physical persons; organizations; individual businessmen; physical persons; physical persons but not individual businessmen. Form on KND 1151050. Order N°BG-3-05/722 from 12/29/2003 approved by taxation authority of Russia (MNS RF) Form Tax declaration on unified social tax (UST) for persons, making payments to physical persons. Form on KND 1151046. Order N° 21n from 02/10/2005 approved by taxation authority of Russia (MNS RF)


HRULAVP1_2004 Form Calculation on advance payments on insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance for the persons making payments to physical persons: organizations, individual businessmen, physical persons who are not recognized as individual businessmen. Order of the MNS RF N° BG-3-05/51 from 27.01.2004 Form Calculation of advance payments on insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance for the persons making payments to physical persons. MNSRF Order N° 48 from 03/24/2005 Form Declaration on insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance for the persons making payments to physical persons. MNSRF Order N° 9 from 01/24./2005


HRULAVP3_2004 Form Individual Card on Unified Social Tax (UST) Approved by Taxation Authority of Russia on 07/27/2004 N° SAE-3-05/443

Pension Fund Reports

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SAP-System ______________________________________________________________


HRULPFP1 Form ADV-1 - Questionnaire of the insured person Form ADV-6-1 - Inventory of the documents delivered by the insured person in Pension Fund of Russia Form Register of delivered questionnaires


HRULPFP2 Form ADV-2 - Application for an exchange of the insurance certificate Form ADV-6-1 - Inventory of the documents delivered by the insured person in Pension Fund of Russia Form The register of delivered questionnaires


HRULPFP3 Form ADV-3 - Application for issue of duplicate of the insurance certificate Form ADV-6-1 - Inventory of the documents delivered by the insured person in Pension Fund of Russia Form Register of delivered questionnaires


HRULPFP5 Form SZV-4-1, SZV-4-2 - Individual data on the insurance seniority and the charged insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance of the insured person Form ADV-6-1 Inventory of the documents delivered by the insurant in the form List of the insured persons of a pack


HRULPFP11 Form ADV-11 - Statement of insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance


HRULSZVK0 Form SZV-K - Information on insured person seniority for period before registration in system of compulsory retirement insurance

Statistical Report -

HRULP4 Form P-4 Information on Number of Employees, Salary and Employees tranfers. Approved by Russia GosKomStat on 27/07/2004 N°34

Tools -

HRULAVR0 Calculation of average number


HRULAVR1 Preliminary Calculation of Employee Number Average


HRULICO0 Flexible Employee Payroll Data


HRUAORD0 Orders management report.


Transaction HRPAYRUT7RUN Report Customizing Tool


HRULCALCSEN Seniority calculation. You can call this report from infotype 0294.


HRUUT7RUOKSO - OKSO (Russian-specific qualifier for education) Loading Utility


HRUUKLADRLOAD - KLADR (Russian-specific addresses qualifier) Loading Utility




HRUUKLADRCHECK - Utility to check the mapping of addresses between Addresses (0006) and KLADR

Payroll Wage Type Valuation

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SAP-System ______________________________________________________________

Time Evaluation The summarized working hours account is partially completed. Payoll function RUGAB expects time data of work of the employee on the State Industrial Calendar. You can use time parameters defined in the State Industrial Calendar or set in the personal working time schedule to calculate the absence that depends on the employee grouping and the employee subgroup grouping. The status of the summarized working hours account is defined in table T7RU53. Absences Sub-schema RUAV and RUA0 perform all absence calculations. The calculation is only perforned within the framework of a regular run. Absence calculation is based on an estimation of average values defined in function RUAVE. Average values based on premiums are separately determined via rules and are finally added to the basic wages average values. Annual, quarterly and monthly premiums are paid for the corresponding time interval or are paid without recalculation of the working time. To calculate an average value, you first process each payment and reduce it according to the working time, for example, you calculate averages based on the previous year and the annual premium of the previous year. Each payment of the previous year is then cumulated and divided in the cumulated working time. Annual premiums should be divided in 12 monhtly part and then divided according to he monthly planned working time. The process is usually to calculate four different average rules and aggregate them after AVERA. Function RUSI0 consists in the recalculation of the amount of the temporary disablement allowance depending on the experience. Feature 33NGR allows to build up the work time schedule for absences. Customer exits enhance the formation of work time schedules. In certain cases, two absences must have an identical rate. Field SPPE1 allows to link to the previous absence. Function RUOAV defines the average value of an absence by using this logical connection. Function RUGAB calculates additional time characteristics of employees working based on the summarized account working hours. These characteristics can be used to calculate wage types and to recalculte them for the incomplete period. Rule RUAJ enables to calculate raising factor /021 in case of salaray increase. Function RUFUP processes the holiday sums calculated in the previous periods. Factoring If the employee is not working full time, you must recalculate the sums to obtain the proportionally worked time. This requirement is performed in schema RUL0. Function RUC1 allows to distribute wage types on expenses. Wage type /854 with an assignment to table C1 is used as a distribution mask. Regional and North Bonuses Calculation of regional and northern extra charges is performed in subschema RUSC. The precondition of this calculation is generated via the indirect valuation 33BON - the percentage in technical wage type. The schema generates alternative wage types on the basis of basic wage types (such as salary) using percentage. You can also group wage types for the pay slip. The percentage of extra

______________________________________________________________ SAP AG


SAP-System ______________________________________________________________

charges can be manually entered without 33BON. The schema is located after the formation of all basic charges. Prepare Wage Types for Cost Accounting Function RUFUP prepares the transfer to special results accounts of absences calculation. It generates wage types to take into account in future periods. It enables to process holiday sums calculated in previous period to increase them according to the raising factor. Function is called in several sub-schemas at various stages of calculation: 1.

for data transmission from the previous periods


directly at calculation of absence


at formation of regional and northern extra charges


for taxes reference falling the part of charge transferred in table FUP


wage types formation to transfer from accounts of the future periods on accounts of expenses Net

Schema RUD9 enables to limit the deductions of garnishment documents and restrictions on income tax. Function LIMIT is used to limit the income-tax by 50 percent. This function is also used to restrict administrative legal deductions. Calculation of garnishment documents occurs after function LIMIT since the base defined in the garnishment documents depends on the income tax value. Subschema XPDD is used to restrict deductions according to the legal regulation. The amounts of the restrictions are calculated with function RUPRI. This function enables to group deduction, to define percentages for each group and to lower deductions in group. Finally, post fee from garnishment documents are calculated. Loans You can calculate a loan in two currencies (calculation and the loan). If you do not want to maintain the loan balance in the calculation currency, you must use function RUC45 with the corresponding parameters. Tax The schema of taxes calculation includes the following: 6.

Formation of the additional sums of the taxation carried out in 0015


Process of granting of a property deduction performed as one single rule RU-6 created in function RUTAX. To calculate the balance, you must use the wage types assignments done in table T51P1


Formation of bases for ESN (Uniform Social Tax) during recalculations performed in a separate subschema RURB


Calculation rules of income tax and ESN based on the deducted and estimated parts of the corresponding wage types

______________________________________________________________ SAP AG


SAP-System ______________________________________________________________

10. Calculation process of a privilege on ESN for challenged persons. This privilege applies only to the federal part of the tax 11. Rounding off process performed in a separate rule and adjusted in processing class 64 12. Function RUFUP enables the process of ESN parts occuring in tfuture period and their transfer in separate wage types Garnishment Garnishment documents Subschema RUID is based on payroll function RUAID. The total deduction and the monthly deduction is stored in infiotype Garnishment. Balance and totals enables to display the completed garnishment document. Subschema RURC is used to transfert bases differences in the executive documents to the current period for recalculation purposes. Calculation of post age fee is done in schema RUD9. Post fee Calculation of post gathering occurs in rule RUI2 using operand RUFEE of operation AMT. The amount of gathering depends on the amount of deduction in the executive documents . After the standard subschema XPDD , you can derivate an additional iterative cycle to restrict all deductions. Deductions - Calculating Bank Transfer Amount You can transfer the payment results of wages to addresses from infotype 009 and infotype 0011 and store the records for transfer by using the addressees of the existing garnishment documents.

Effects on Customizing You can maintain all topics in the corresponding IMG steps. See also For migration activities from HR-CEE Add-On to SAP Release 6.00 Human Resources Extension (EA_HR600), refer to note 864783.

______________________________________________________________ SAP AG


SAP-System ______________________________________________________________

25.1.5 PY-RU-DD

Deductions / Calculating the Bank Transfer Amount Payroll Russia Use As of SAP Release 6.00 Human Resources Extension (EA_HR600), the Russian Payroll solution supports the following: Master Data - Coutry-specific Infotypes -

Documents/Certificates RU (0290) Allows to enter data on the following identification cards: -


Passport of the citizen of the USSR



Travel passport of the citizen of the USSR



Birth Certificate



Identity card of military officer



Certificate of release



Passport of Minmorflot



Military card



Diplomatic passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation



Travel passport



Immigrant certificate



"Green Card"



Refugee certificate in the Russian Federation



Temporary ID card of the citizen of the Russian Federation



Passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation



Travel passport of the Russian Federation



Passport of sailor



Discharged military officer certificate


801 Tax payer ID card


802 Pension Fund payer ID card


Taxes/Net payments RU (0291)


Social Insurance RU (0292)

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SAP-System ______________________________________________________________


Other/Previous Employers RU (0293)


Work Book (0294) enables to maintain employment data and all seniority calculation data.


Garnishment Orders RU (0295) You can maintain this infotype directly or via infotype Garnishment Document RU (0296).


Work Conditions RU (0297) Can be maintained only via IT-0294 on the Work conditions Tab.


Administrative Orders RU (0298) enables to maintain administrative orders related to various actions, for example,hiring, organizational reassignment, company leave, etc.)..


Tax Privileges (0299) enables to maintain all tax deductions.

Master data: country-specific screens -

Personal Data (0002) The country-specific screen supports for example the maintenance of the patronymic name of the employee.


Challenge (0004) Screen 2033 covers the Russian-specific requirements.


Addresses (0006) The country-specific screen (2033) supports the maintenance of address data on KLADR.


Bank Details (0009) and External Bank Tranfer (0011) Each country-specific screen (2033) allows to enter Russian bank accounts.


Contract Elements (0016) The country-specific screen (2033) supports an automatic sequential contract numbering.


Family Member/Dependents (0021) The country-specific screen (2033) enables to maintain the addresses of the family members.


Education (0022) The country-specific screen (2033) enables to enter all education data according to OKIN and OKSO.


Absences (2001) The country-specific screen includes the link to specific absences and absence types for further averages calculations.


Initial Entry of Applicants Basic data Screen 133 - country-specific enhancement to applicant initial entry - allows to maintain patronymic name and address data according to KLADR.

Legal Reports Personnel Administration Reports -

HRUA_ORDER_T1 Form T1 Hiring Order decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N°1


HRUA_ORDER_T1 A Form T1A Hiring Order (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1

______________________________________________________________ SAP AG


SAP-System ______________________________________________________________


HRULT2 Form T-2 Employee's Personal Card decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRULT3 Form T-3 List of Staff Members decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T5 Form T5 Transferring an employee to different work direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T5 A Form T5 Transferring an employee to different work direction (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T6 Form T6 Employee vacation providing direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T6A Form T6A Employee vacation providing's direction (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 05/01/2004 N° 1


HRUAT7 Form T-7 Vacation Schedule decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T8 Form T8 Employment agreement (contract) terminating direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T8A Form T8A Employment agreement (contract) terminating direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/051/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T11 Form T11 Incentive order decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T11A Form T11A Incentive order (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1

Time and Payroll Reports -

HRULTAB0 Form T-13 Time schedule decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRULT530 Form T-53 Payroll sheet decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1

Income Tax Reports -

HRULNDFL Forms 1-NDFL and 2-NDFL Employment Tax Card and Tax Reference (extract from card) used for natural person income and income tax decreed by MNS RF N° BG-3-04/583 on 10/31/2003


HRULTX12 Form List on physical persons' income Data Record on income of natural persons decreed by MNS RF N° BG-3-04/583 on 10/31/2003

Uniform Social Tax Reports

______________________________________________________________ SAP AG


SAP-System ______________________________________________________________


HRULAVP0_2004 Form Calculation on advanced payments on unified social tax (UST) for persons, making payments to physical persons. Form on KND 1151050. Order N°40n from 17/03/2005 approved by taxation authority of Russia (MNS RF) Form Calculation on advanced payments on unified social tax (UST) for persons, making payments to physical persons; organizations; individual businessmen; physical persons; physical persons but not individual businessmen. Form on KND 1151050. Order N°BG-3-05/722 from 12/29/2003 approved by taxation authority of Russia (MNS RF) Form Tax declaration on unified social tax (UST) for persons, making payments to physical persons. Form on KND 1151046. Order N° 21n from 02/10/2005 approved by taxation authority of Russia (MNS RF)


HRULAVP1_2004 Form Calculation on advance payments on insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance for the persons making payments to physical persons: organizations, individual businessmen, physical persons who are not recognized as individual businessmen. Order of the MNS RF N° BG-3-05/51 from 27.01.2004 Form Calculation of advance payments on insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance for the persons making payments to physical persons. MNSRF Order N° 48 from 03/24/2005 Form Declaration on insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance for the persons making payments to physical persons. MNSRF Order N° 9 from 01/24./2005


HRULAVP3_2004 Form Individual Card on Unified Social Tax (UST) Approved by Taxation Authority of Russia on 07/27/2004 N° SAE-3-05/443

Pension Fund Reports -

HRULPFP1 Form ADV-1 - Questionnaire of the insured person Form ADV-6-1 - Inventory of the documents delivered by the insured person in Pension Fund of Russia Form Register of delivered questionnaires


HRULPFP2 Form ADV-2 - Application for an exchange of the insurance certificate Form ADV-6-1 - Inventory of the documents delivered by the insured person in Pension Fund of Russia Form The register of delivered questionnaires


HRULPFP3 Form ADV-3 - Application for issue of duplicate of the insurance certificate Form ADV-6-1 - Inventory of the documents delivered by the insured person in Pension Fund of Russia Form Register of delivered questionnaires


HRULPFP5 Form SZV-4-1, SZV-4-2 - Individual data on the insurance seniority and the charged insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance of the insured person Form ADV-6-1 Inventory of the documents delivered by the insurant in the form List of the insured persons of a pack


HRULPFP11 Form ADV-11 - Statement of insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance


HRULSZVK0 Form SZV-K - Information on insured person seniority for period before registration in system of compulsory retirement insurance

______________________________________________________________ SAP AG


SAP-System ______________________________________________________________

Statistical Report -

HRULP4 Form P-4 Information on Number of Employees, Salary and Employees tranfers. Approved by Russia GosKomStat on 27/07/2004 N°34

Tools -

HRULAVR0 Calculation of average number


HRULAVR1 Preliminary Calculation of Employee Number Average


HRULICO0 Flexible Employee Payroll Data


HRUAORD0 Orders management report.


Transaction HRPAYRUT7RUN Report Customizing Tool


HRULCALCSEN Seniority calculation. You can call this report from infotype 0294.


HRUUT7RUOKSO - OKSO (Russian-specific qualifier for education) Loading Utility


HRUUKLADRLOAD - KLADR (Russian-specific addresses qualifier) Loading Utility




HRUUKLADRCHECK - Utility to check the mapping of addresses between Addresses (0006) and KLADR

Payroll Wage Type Valuation Time Evaluation The summarized working hours account is partially completed. Payoll function RUGAB expects time data of work of the employee on the State Industrial Calendar. You can use time parameters defined in the State Industrial Calendar or set in the personal working time schedule to calculate the absence that depends on the employee grouping and the employee subgroup grouping. The status of the summarized working hours account is defined in table T7RU53. Absences Sub-schema RUAV and RUA0 perform all absence calculations. The calculation is only perforned within the framework of a regular run. Absence calculation is based on an estimation of average values defined in function RUAVE. Average values based on premiums are separately determined via rules and are finally added to the basic wages average values. Annual, quarterly and monthly premiums are paid for the corresponding time interval or are paid without recalculation of the working time. To calculate an average value, you first process each payment and reduce it according to the working time, for example, you calculate averages based on the previous year and the annual premium of the previous year. Each payment of the previous year is then cumulated and divided in the cumulated working time. Annual premiums should be divided in 12 monhtly part and then divided according to he monthly planned working time. The process is usually to calculate four different average rules and aggregate them after AVERA. Function RUSI0 consists in the recalculation of the amount of the temporary disablement allowance depending on the experience. Feature 33NGR allows to build up the work time schedule for absences.

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SAP-System ______________________________________________________________

Customer exits enhance the formation of work time schedules. In certain cases, two absences must have an identical rate. Field SPPE1 allows to link to the previous absence. Function RUOAV defines the average value of an absence by using this logical connection. Function RUGAB calculates additional time characteristics of employees working based on the summarized account working hours. These characteristics can be used to calculate wage types and to recalculte them for the incomplete period. Rule RUAJ enables to calculate raising factor /021 in case of salaray increase. Function RUFUP processes the holiday sums calculated in the previous periods. Factoring If the employee is not working full time, you must recalculate the sums to obtain the proportionally worked time. This requirement is performed in schema RUL0. Function RUC1 allows to distribute wage types on expenses. Wage type /854 with an assignment to table C1 is used as a distribution mask. Regional and North Bonuses Calculation of regional and northern extra charges is performed in subschema RUSC. The precondition of this calculation is generated via the indirect valuation 33BON - the percentage in technical wage type. The schema generates alternative wage types on the basis of basic wage types (such as salary) using percentage. You can also group wage types for the pay slip. The percentage of extra charges can be manually entered without 33BON. The schema is located after the formation of all basic charges. Prepare Wage Types for Cost Accounting Function RUFUP prepares the transfer to special results accounts of absences calculation. It generates wage types to take into account in future periods. It enables to process holiday sums calculated in previous period to increase them according to the raising factor. Function is called in several sub-schemas at various stages of calculation: 1.

for data transmission from the previous periods


directly at calculation of absence


at formation of regional and northern extra charges


for taxes reference falling the part of charge transferred in table FUP


wage types formation to transfer from accounts of the future periods on accounts of expenses Net

Schema RUD9 enables to limit the deductions of garnishment documents and restrictions on income tax. Function LIMIT is used to limit the income-tax by 50 percent. This function is also used to restrict administrative legal deductions.

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SAP-System ______________________________________________________________

Calculation of garnishment documents occurs after function LIMIT since the base defined in the garnishment documents depends on the income tax value. Subschema XPDD is used to restrict deductions according to the legal regulation. The amounts of the restrictions are calculated with function RUPRI. This function enables to group deduction, to define percentages for each group and to lower deductions in group. Finally, post fee from garnishment documents are calculated. Loans You can calculate a loan in two currencies (calculation and the loan). If you do not want to maintain the loan balance in the calculation currency, you must use function RUC45 with the corresponding parameters. Tax The schema of taxes calculation includes the following: 6.

Formation of the additional sums of the taxation carried out in 0015


Process of granting of a property deduction performed as one single rule RU-6 created in function RUTAX. To calculate the balance, you must use the wage types assignments done in table T51P1


Formation of bases for ESN (Uniform Social Tax) during recalculations performed in a separate subschema RURB


Calculation rules of income tax and ESN based on the deducted and estimated parts of the corresponding wage types

10. Calculation process of a privilege on ESN for challenged persons. This privilege applies only to the federal part of the tax 11. Rounding off process performed in a separate rule and adjusted in processing class 64 12. Function RUFUP enables the process of ESN parts occuring in tfuture period and their transfer in separate wage types Garnishment Garnishment documents Subschema RUID is based on payroll function RUAID. The total deduction and the monthly deduction is stored in infiotype Garnishment. Balance and totals enables to display the completed garnishment document. Subschema RURC is used to transfert bases differences in the executive documents to the current period for recalculation purposes. Calculation of post age fee is done in schema RUD9. Post fee Calculation of post gathering occurs in rule RUI2 using operand RUFEE of operation AMT. The amount of gathering depends on the amount of deduction in the executive documents . After the standard subschema XPDD , you can derivate an additional iterative cycle to restrict all deductions.

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SAP-System ______________________________________________________________

Deductions - Calculating Bank Transfer Amount You can transfer the payment results of wages to addresses from infotype 009 and infotype 0011 and store the records for transfer by using the addressees of the existing garnishment documents.

Effects on Customizing You can maintain all topics in the corresponding IMG steps. See also For migration activities from HR-CEE Add-On to SAP Release 6.00 Human Resources Extension (EA_HR600), refer to note 864783.

25.1.6 PY-RU-NT

Net Payroll Russia Use As of SAP Release 6.00 Human Resources Extension (EA_HR600), the Russian Payroll solution supports the following: Master Data - Coutry-specific Infotypes -

Documents/Certificates RU (0290) Allows to enter data on the following identification cards: -


Passport of the citizen of the USSR



Travel passport of the citizen of the USSR



Birth Certificate



Identity card of military officer

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SAP-System ______________________________________________________________



Certificate of release



Passport of Minmorflot



Military card



Diplomatic passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation



Travel passport



Immigrant certificate



"Green Card"



Refugee certificate in the Russian Federation



Temporary ID card of the citizen of the Russian Federation



Passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation



Travel passport of the Russian Federation



Passport of sailor



Discharged military officer certificate


801 Tax payer ID card


802 Pension Fund payer ID card


Taxes/Net payments RU (0291)


Social Insurance RU (0292)


Other/Previous Employers RU (0293)


Work Book (0294) enables to maintain employment data and all seniority calculation data.


Garnishment Orders RU (0295) You can maintain this infotype directly or via infotype Garnishment Document RU (0296).


Work Conditions RU (0297) Can be maintained only via IT-0294 on the Work conditions Tab.


Administrative Orders RU (0298) enables to maintain administrative orders related to various actions, for example,hiring, organizational reassignment, company leave, etc.)..


Tax Privileges (0299) enables to maintain all tax deductions.

Master data: country-specific screens -

Personal Data (0002) The country-specific screen supports for example the maintenance of the patronymic name of the employee.


Challenge (0004) Screen 2033 covers the Russian-specific requirements.


Addresses (0006) The country-specific screen (2033) supports the maintenance of address data on KLADR.


Bank Details (0009) and External Bank Tranfer (0011) Each country-specific screen (2033) allows to enter Russian bank accounts.

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SAP-System ______________________________________________________________


Contract Elements (0016) The country-specific screen (2033) supports an automatic sequential contract numbering.


Family Member/Dependents (0021) The country-specific screen (2033) enables to maintain the addresses of the family members.


Education (0022) The country-specific screen (2033) enables to enter all education data according to OKIN and OKSO.


Absences (2001) The country-specific screen includes the link to specific absences and absence types for further averages calculations.


Initial Entry of Applicants Basic data Screen 133 - country-specific enhancement to applicant initial entry - allows to maintain patronymic name and address data according to KLADR.

Legal Reports Personnel Administration Reports -

HRUA_ORDER_T1 Form T1 Hiring Order decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N°1


HRUA_ORDER_T1 A Form T1A Hiring Order (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRULT2 Form T-2 Employee's Personal Card decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRULT3 Form T-3 List of Staff Members decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T5 Form T5 Transferring an employee to different work direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T5 A Form T5 Transferring an employee to different work direction (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T6 Form T6 Employee vacation providing direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T6A Form T6A Employee vacation providing's direction (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 05/01/2004 N° 1


HRUAT7 Form T-7 Vacation Schedule decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T8 Form T8 Employment agreement (contract) terminating direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1

______________________________________________________________ SAP AG


SAP-System ______________________________________________________________


HRUA_ORDER_T8A Form T8A Employment agreement (contract) terminating direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/051/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T11 Form T11 Incentive order decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T11A Form T11A Incentive order (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1

Time and Payroll Reports -

HRULTAB0 Form T-13 Time schedule decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRULT530 Form T-53 Payroll sheet decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1

Income Tax Reports -

HRULNDFL Forms 1-NDFL and 2-NDFL Employment Tax Card and Tax Reference (extract from card) used for natural person income and income tax decreed by MNS RF N° BG-3-04/583 on 10/31/2003


HRULTX12 Form List on physical persons' income Data Record on income of natural persons decreed by MNS RF N° BG-3-04/583 on 10/31/2003

Uniform Social Tax Reports -

HRULAVP0_2004 Form Calculation on advanced payments on unified social tax (UST) for persons, making payments to physical persons. Form on KND 1151050. Order N°40n from 17/03/2005 approved by taxation authority of Russia (MNS RF) Form Calculation on advanced payments on unified social tax (UST) for persons, making payments to physical persons; organizations; individual businessmen; physical persons; physical persons but not individual businessmen. Form on KND 1151050. Order N°BG-3-05/722 from 12/29/2003 approved by taxation authority of Russia (MNS RF) Form Tax declaration on unified social tax (UST) for persons, making payments to physical persons. Form on KND 1151046. Order N° 21n from 02/10/2005 approved by taxation authority of Russia (MNS RF)


HRULAVP1_2004 Form Calculation on advance payments on insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance for the persons making payments to physical persons: organizations, individual businessmen, physical persons who are not recognized as individual businessmen. Order of the MNS RF N° BG-3-05/51 from 27.01.2004 Form Calculation of advance payments on insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance for the persons making payments to physical persons. MNSRF Order N° 48 from 03/24/2005 Form Declaration on insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance for the persons making payments to physical persons. MNSRF Order N° 9 from 01/24./2005


HRULAVP3_2004 Form Individual Card on Unified Social Tax (UST) Approved by Taxation Authority of Russia on 07/27/2004 N° SAE-3-05/443

Pension Fund Reports

______________________________________________________________ SAP AG


SAP-System ______________________________________________________________


HRULPFP1 Form ADV-1 - Questionnaire of the insured person Form ADV-6-1 - Inventory of the documents delivered by the insured person in Pension Fund of Russia Form Register of delivered questionnaires


HRULPFP2 Form ADV-2 - Application for an exchange of the insurance certificate Form ADV-6-1 - Inventory of the documents delivered by the insured person in Pension Fund of Russia Form The register of delivered questionnaires


HRULPFP3 Form ADV-3 - Application for issue of duplicate of the insurance certificate Form ADV-6-1 - Inventory of the documents delivered by the insured person in Pension Fund of Russia Form Register of delivered questionnaires


HRULPFP5 Form SZV-4-1, SZV-4-2 - Individual data on the insurance seniority and the charged insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance of the insured person Form ADV-6-1 Inventory of the documents delivered by the insurant in the form List of the insured persons of a pack


HRULPFP11 Form ADV-11 - Statement of insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance


HRULSZVK0 Form SZV-K - Information on insured person seniority for period before registration in system of compulsory retirement insurance

Statistical Report -

HRULP4 Form P-4 Information on Number of Employees, Salary and Employees tranfers. Approved by Russia GosKomStat on 27/07/2004 N°34

Tools -

HRULAVR0 Calculation of average number


HRULAVR1 Preliminary Calculation of Employee Number Average


HRULICO0 Flexible Employee Payroll Data


HRUAORD0 Orders management report.


Transaction HRPAYRUT7RUN Report Customizing Tool


HRULCALCSEN Seniority calculation. You can call this report from infotype 0294.


HRUUT7RUOKSO - OKSO (Russian-specific qualifier for education) Loading Utility


HRUUKLADRLOAD - KLADR (Russian-specific addresses qualifier) Loading Utility




HRUUKLADRCHECK - Utility to check the mapping of addresses between Addresses (0006) and KLADR

Payroll Wage Type Valuation

______________________________________________________________ SAP AG


SAP-System ______________________________________________________________

Time Evaluation The summarized working hours account is partially completed. Payoll function RUGAB expects time data of work of the employee on the State Industrial Calendar. You can use time parameters defined in the State Industrial Calendar or set in the personal working time schedule to calculate the absence that depends on the employee grouping and the employee subgroup grouping. The status of the summarized working hours account is defined in table T7RU53. Absences Sub-schema RUAV and RUA0 perform all absence calculations. The calculation is only perforned within the framework of a regular run. Absence calculation is based on an estimation of average values defined in function RUAVE. Average values based on premiums are separately determined via rules and are finally added to the basic wages average values. Annual, quarterly and monthly premiums are paid for the corresponding time interval or are paid without recalculation of the working time. To calculate an average value, you first process each payment and reduce it according to the working time, for example, you calculate averages based on the previous year and the annual premium of the previous year. Each payment of the previous year is then cumulated and divided in the cumulated working time. Annual premiums should be divided in 12 monhtly part and then divided according to he monthly planned working time. The process is usually to calculate four different average rules and aggregate them after AVERA. Function RUSI0 consists in the recalculation of the amount of the temporary disablement allowance depending on the experience. Feature 33NGR allows to build up the work time schedule for absences. Customer exits enhance the formation of work time schedules. In certain cases, two absences must have an identical rate. Field SPPE1 allows to link to the previous absence. Function RUOAV defines the average value of an absence by using this logical connection. Function RUGAB calculates additional time characteristics of employees working based on the summarized account working hours. These characteristics can be used to calculate wage types and to recalculte them for the incomplete period. Rule RUAJ enables to calculate raising factor /021 in case of salaray increase. Function RUFUP processes the holiday sums calculated in the previous periods. Factoring If the employee is not working full time, you must recalculate the sums to obtain the proportionally worked time. This requirement is performed in schema RUL0. Function RUC1 allows to distribute wage types on expenses. Wage type /854 with an assignment to table C1 is used as a distribution mask. Regional and North Bonuses Calculation of regional and northern extra charges is performed in subschema RUSC. The precondition of this calculation is generated via the indirect valuation 33BON - the percentage in technical wage type. The schema generates alternative wage types on the basis of basic wage types (such as salary) using percentage. You can also group wage types for the pay slip. The percentage of extra

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SAP-System ______________________________________________________________

charges can be manually entered without 33BON. The schema is located after the formation of all basic charges. Prepare Wage Types for Cost Accounting Function RUFUP prepares the transfer to special results accounts of absences calculation. It generates wage types to take into account in future periods. It enables to process holiday sums calculated in previous period to increase them according to the raising factor. Function is called in several sub-schemas at various stages of calculation: 1.

for data transmission from the previous periods


directly at calculation of absence


at formation of regional and northern extra charges


for taxes reference falling the part of charge transferred in table FUP


wage types formation to transfer from accounts of the future periods on accounts of expenses Net

Schema RUD9 enables to limit the deductions of garnishment documents and restrictions on income tax. Function LIMIT is used to limit the income-tax by 50 percent. This function is also used to restrict administrative legal deductions. Calculation of garnishment documents occurs after function LIMIT since the base defined in the garnishment documents depends on the income tax value. Subschema XPDD is used to restrict deductions according to the legal regulation. The amounts of the restrictions are calculated with function RUPRI. This function enables to group deduction, to define percentages for each group and to lower deductions in group. Finally, post fee from garnishment documents are calculated. Loans You can calculate a loan in two currencies (calculation and the loan). If you do not want to maintain the loan balance in the calculation currency, you must use function RUC45 with the corresponding parameters. Tax The schema of taxes calculation includes the following: 6.

Formation of the additional sums of the taxation carried out in 0015


Process of granting of a property deduction performed as one single rule RU-6 created in function RUTAX. To calculate the balance, you must use the wage types assignments done in table T51P1


Formation of bases for ESN (Uniform Social Tax) during recalculations performed in a separate subschema RURB


Calculation rules of income tax and ESN based on the deducted and estimated parts of the corresponding wage types

______________________________________________________________ SAP AG


SAP-System ______________________________________________________________

10. Calculation process of a privilege on ESN for challenged persons. This privilege applies only to the federal part of the tax 11. Rounding off process performed in a separate rule and adjusted in processing class 64 12. Function RUFUP enables the process of ESN parts occuring in tfuture period and their transfer in separate wage types Garnishment Garnishment documents Subschema RUID is based on payroll function RUAID. The total deduction and the monthly deduction is stored in infiotype Garnishment. Balance and totals enables to display the completed garnishment document. Subschema RURC is used to transfert bases differences in the executive documents to the current period for recalculation purposes. Calculation of post age fee is done in schema RUD9. Post fee Calculation of post gathering occurs in rule RUI2 using operand RUFEE of operation AMT. The amount of gathering depends on the amount of deduction in the executive documents . After the standard subschema XPDD , you can derivate an additional iterative cycle to restrict all deductions. Deductions - Calculating Bank Transfer Amount You can transfer the payment results of wages to addresses from infotype 009 and infotype 0011 and store the records for transfer by using the addressees of the existing garnishment documents.

Effects on Customizing You can maintain all topics in the corresponding IMG steps. See also For migration activities from HR-CEE Add-On to SAP Release 6.00 Human Resources Extension (EA_HR600), refer to note 864783.

______________________________________________________________ SAP AG


SAP-System ______________________________________________________________

25.1.7 PY-RU-GR

Gross Payroll Russia Use As of SAP Release 6.00 Human Resources Extension (EA_HR600), the Russian Payroll solution supports the following: Master Data - Coutry-specific Infotypes -

Documents/Certificates RU (0290) Allows to enter data on the following identification cards: -


Passport of the citizen of the USSR



Travel passport of the citizen of the USSR



Birth Certificate



Identity card of military officer



Certificate of release



Passport of Minmorflot



Military card



Diplomatic passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation



Travel passport



Immigrant certificate



"Green Card"



Refugee certificate in the Russian Federation



Temporary ID card of the citizen of the Russian Federation



Passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation



Travel passport of the Russian Federation



Passport of sailor



Discharged military officer certificate


801 Tax payer ID card


802 Pension Fund payer ID card


Taxes/Net payments RU (0291)


Social Insurance RU (0292)

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SAP-System ______________________________________________________________


Other/Previous Employers RU (0293)


Work Book (0294) enables to maintain employment data and all seniority calculation data.


Garnishment Orders RU (0295) You can maintain this infotype directly or via infotype Garnishment Document RU (0296).


Work Conditions RU (0297) Can be maintained only via IT-0294 on the Work conditions Tab.


Administrative Orders RU (0298) enables to maintain administrative orders related to various actions, for example,hiring, organizational reassignment, company leave, etc.)..


Tax Privileges (0299) enables to maintain all tax deductions.

Master data: country-specific screens -

Personal Data (0002) The country-specific screen supports for example the maintenance of the patronymic name of the employee.


Challenge (0004) Screen 2033 covers the Russian-specific requirements.


Addresses (0006) The country-specific screen (2033) supports the maintenance of address data on KLADR.


Bank Details (0009) and External Bank Tranfer (0011) Each country-specific screen (2033) allows to enter Russian bank accounts.


Contract Elements (0016) The country-specific screen (2033) supports an automatic sequential contract numbering.


Family Member/Dependents (0021) The country-specific screen (2033) enables to maintain the addresses of the family members.


Education (0022) The country-specific screen (2033) enables to enter all education data according to OKIN and OKSO.


Absences (2001) The country-specific screen includes the link to specific absences and absence types for further averages calculations.


Initial Entry of Applicants Basic data Screen 133 - country-specific enhancement to applicant initial entry - allows to maintain patronymic name and address data according to KLADR.

Legal Reports Personnel Administration Reports -

HRUA_ORDER_T1 Form T1 Hiring Order decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N°1


HRUA_ORDER_T1 A Form T1A Hiring Order (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1

______________________________________________________________ SAP AG


SAP-System ______________________________________________________________


HRULT2 Form T-2 Employee's Personal Card decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRULT3 Form T-3 List of Staff Members decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T5 Form T5 Transferring an employee to different work direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T5 A Form T5 Transferring an employee to different work direction (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T6 Form T6 Employee vacation providing direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T6A Form T6A Employee vacation providing's direction (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 05/01/2004 N° 1


HRUAT7 Form T-7 Vacation Schedule decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T8 Form T8 Employment agreement (contract) terminating direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T8A Form T8A Employment agreement (contract) terminating direction decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/051/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T11 Form T11 Incentive order decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRUA_ORDER_T11A Form T11A Incentive order (List) decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1

Time and Payroll Reports -

HRULTAB0 Form T-13 Time schedule decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1


HRULT530 Form T-53 Payroll sheet decreed by Russian GosKomStat on 01/05/2004 N° 1

Income Tax Reports -

HRULNDFL Forms 1-NDFL and 2-NDFL Employment Tax Card and Tax Reference (extract from card) used for natural person income and income tax decreed by MNS RF N° BG-3-04/583 on 10/31/2003


HRULTX12 Form List on physical persons' income Data Record on income of natural persons decreed by MNS RF N° BG-3-04/583 on 10/31/2003

Uniform Social Tax Reports

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HRULAVP0_2004 Form Calculation on advanced payments on unified social tax (UST) for persons, making payments to physical persons. Form on KND 1151050. Order N°40n from 17/03/2005 approved by taxation authority of Russia (MNS RF) Form Calculation on advanced payments on unified social tax (UST) for persons, making payments to physical persons; organizations; individual businessmen; physical persons; physical persons but not individual businessmen. Form on KND 1151050. Order N°BG-3-05/722 from 12/29/2003 approved by taxation authority of Russia (MNS RF) Form Tax declaration on unified social tax (UST) for persons, making payments to physical persons. Form on KND 1151046. Order N° 21n from 02/10/2005 approved by taxation authority of Russia (MNS RF)


HRULAVP1_2004 Form Calculation on advance payments on insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance for the persons making payments to physical persons: organizations, individual businessmen, physical persons who are not recognized as individual businessmen. Order of the MNS RF N° BG-3-05/51 from 27.01.2004 Form Calculation of advance payments on insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance for the persons making payments to physical persons. MNSRF Order N° 48 from 03/24/2005 Form Declaration on insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance for the persons making payments to physical persons. MNSRF Order N° 9 from 01/24./2005


HRULAVP3_2004 Form Individual Card on Unified Social Tax (UST) Approved by Taxation Authority of Russia on 07/27/2004 N° SAE-3-05/443

Pension Fund Reports -

HRULPFP1 Form ADV-1 - Questionnaire of the insured person Form ADV-6-1 - Inventory of the documents delivered by the insured person in Pension Fund of Russia Form Register of delivered questionnaires


HRULPFP2 Form ADV-2 - Application for an exchange of the insurance certificate Form ADV-6-1 - Inventory of the documents delivered by the insured person in Pension Fund of Russia Form The register of delivered questionnaires


HRULPFP3 Form ADV-3 - Application for issue of duplicate of the insurance certificate Form ADV-6-1 - Inventory of the documents delivered by the insured person in Pension Fund of Russia Form Register of delivered questionnaires


HRULPFP5 Form SZV-4-1, SZV-4-2 - Individual data on the insurance seniority and the charged insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance of the insured person Form ADV-6-1 Inventory of the documents delivered by the insurant in the form List of the insured persons of a pack


HRULPFP11 Form ADV-11 - Statement of insurance payments on obligatory pension insurance


HRULSZVK0 Form SZV-K - Information on insured person seniority for period before registration in system of compulsory retirement insurance

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Statistical Report -

HRULP4 Form P-4 Information on Number of Employees, Salary and Employees tranfers. Approved by Russia GosKomStat on 27/07/2004 N°34

Tools -

HRULAVR0 Calculation of average number


HRULAVR1 Preliminary Calculation of Employee Number Average


HRULICO0 Flexible Employee Payroll Data


HRUAORD0 Orders management report.


Transaction HRPAYRUT7RUN Report Customizing Tool


HRULCALCSEN Seniority calculation. You can call this report from infotype 0294.


HRUUT7RUOKSO - OKSO (Russian-specific qualifier for education) Loading Utility


HRUUKLADRLOAD - KLADR (Russian-specific addresses qualifier) Loading Utility




HRUUKLADRCHECK - Utility to check the mapping of addresses between Addresses (0006) and KLADR

Payroll Wage Type Valuation Time Evaluation The summarized working hours account is partially completed. Payoll function RUGAB expects time data of work of the employee on the State Industrial Calendar. You can use time parameters defined in the State Industrial Calendar or set in the personal working time schedule to calculate the absence that depends on the employee grouping and the employee subgroup grouping. The status of the summarized working hours account is defined in table T7RU53. Absences Sub-schema RUAV and RUA0 perform all absence calculations. The calculation is only perforned within the framework of a regular run. Absence calculation is based on an estimation of average values defined in function RUAVE. Average values based on premiums are separately determined via rules and are finally added to the basic wages average values. Annual, quarterly and monthly premiums are paid for the corresponding time interval or are paid without recalculation of the working time. To calculate an average value, you first process each payment and reduce it according to the working time, for example, you calculate averages based on the previous year and the annual premium of the previous year. Each payment of the previous year is then cumulated and divided in the cumulated working time. Annual premiums should be divided in 12 monhtly part and then divided according to he monthly planned working time. The process is usually to calculate four different average rules and aggregate them after AVERA. Function RUSI0 consists in the recalculation of the amount of the temporary disablement allowance depending on the experience. Feature 33NGR allows to build up the work time schedule for absences.

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Customer exits enhance the formation of work time schedules. In certain cases, two absences must have an identical rate. Field SPPE1 allows to link to the previous absence. Function RUOAV defines the average value of an absence by using this logical connection. Function RUGAB calculates additional time characteristics of employees working based on the summarized account working hours. These characteristics can be used to calculate wage types and to recalculte them for the incomplete period. Rule RUAJ enables to calculate raising factor /021 in case of salaray increase. Function RUFUP processes the holiday sums calculated in the previous periods. Factoring If the employee is not working full time, you must recalculate the sums to obtain the proportionally worked time. This requirement is performed in schema RUL0. Function RUC1 allows to distribute wage types on expenses. Wage type /854 with an assignment to table C1 is used as a distribution mask. Regional and North Bonuses Calculation of regional and northern extra charges is performed in subschema RUSC. The precondition of this calculation is generated via the indirect valuation 33BON - the percentage in technical wage type. The schema generates alternative wage types on the basis of basic wage types (such as salary) using percentage. You can also group wage types for the pay slip. The percentage of extra charges can be manually entered without 33BON. The schema is located after the formation of all basic charges. Prepare Wage Types for Cost Accounting Function RUFUP prepares the transfer to special results accounts of absences calculation. It generates wage types to take into account in future periods. It enables to process holiday sums calculated in previous period to increase them according to the raising factor. Function is called in several sub-schemas at various stages of calculation: 1.

for data transmission from the previous periods


directly at calculation of absence


at formation of regional and northern extra charges


for taxes reference falling the part of charge transferred in table FUP


wage types formation to transfer from accounts of the future periods on accounts of expenses Net

Schema RUD9 enables to limit the deductions of garnishment documents and restrictions on income tax. Function LIMIT is used to limit the income-tax by 50 percent. This function is also used to restrict administrative legal deductions.

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Calculation of garnishment documents occurs after function LIMIT since the base defined in the garnishment documents depends on the income tax value. Subschema XPDD is used to restrict deductions according to the legal regulation. The amounts of the restrictions are calculated with function RUPRI. This function enables to group deduction, to define percentages for each group and to lower deductions in group. Finally, post fee from garnishment documents are calculated. Loans You can calculate a loan in two currencies (calculation and the loan). If you do not want to maintain the loan balance in the calculation currency, you must use function RUC45 with the corresponding parameters. Tax The schema of taxes calculation includes the following: 6.

Formation of the additional sums of the taxation carried out in 0015


Process of granting of a property deduction performed as one single rule RU-6 created in function RUTAX. To calculate the balance, you must use the wage types assignments done in table T51P1


Formation of bases for ESN (Uniform Social Tax) during recalculations performed in a separate subschema RURB


Calculation rules of income tax and ESN based on the deducted and estimated parts of the corresponding wage types

10. Calculation process of a privilege on ESN for challenged persons. This privilege applies only to the federal part of the tax 11. Rounding off process performed in a separate rule and adjusted in processing class 64 12. Function RUFUP enables the process of ESN parts occuring in tfuture period and their transfer in separate wage types Garnishment Garnishment documents Subschema RUID is based on payroll function RUAID. The total deduction and the monthly deduction is stored in infiotype Garnishment. Balance and totals enables to display the completed garnishment document. Subschema RURC is used to transfert bases differences in the executive documents to the current period for recalculation purposes. Calculation of post age fee is done in schema RUD9. Post fee Calculation of post gathering occurs in rule RUI2 using operand RUFEE of operation AMT. The amount of gathering depends on the amount of deduction in the executive documents . After the standard subschema XPDD , you can derivate an additional iterative cycle to restrict all deductions.

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Deductions - Calculating Bank Transfer Amount You can transfer the payment results of wages to addresses from infotype 009 and infotype 0011 and store the records for transfer by using the addressees of the existing garnishment documents.

Effects on Customizing You can maintain all topics in the corresponding IMG steps. See also For migration activities from HR-CEE Add-On to SAP Release 6.00 Human Resources Extension (EA_HR600), refer to note 864783.

25.2 PY-CA


25.2.1 PY-CA-RP

Reporting Customizing Record of Employment Boxes to Trigger Amended ROE Forms Use As of SAP ECC 6.00, SAP_HR 600, your enterprise can define the specific block(s) on the Record of Employment (ROE) form which - in the event that the original value is subsequently changed - will trigger the ROE Workbench to issue the required amended ROE form(s).

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Effects on Customizing To enable your enterprise to perform this Customizing, a new feature is delivered with the standard system, namely feature 07ROE. To configure this new feature, perform the Customizing for Payroll Canada (PY-CA) activity located at: -

Reporting and Statistics -> Record of Employment (ROE) -> Record of Employment - ROE Workbench (New Version) -> Define Blocks Where Subsequent Change in Original Value Creates Amended ROE.

25.3 PY-DE


25.3.1 PY-DE-FP

Subsequent Activities PY-DE-FP-DM

Data Medium Exchange Only relevant for Germany

25.4 PY-GB

United Kingdom

25.4.1 PY-GB-RP

Reporting e-Filing for Great Britain (Changed) Use Outgoing As of SAP Release 6.00 Human Resources Extension (EA_HR600), e-Filing Outgoing functionality allows you to submit your End-of-Year (EOY) data to the Inland Revenue via the Internet. The EOY report RPCEOYG0 is now enhanced to include e-Filing Outgoing processing. The following forms are supported in e-Filing for Great Britain Outgoing: -




Incoming As of SAP Release 6.00 Human Resources Extension (EA_HR600) the e-Filing Incoming solution enables you to retrieve statutory forms electronically over the internet and update employee infotype

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records based on the data contained on the incoming forms. Once your organisation is registered with the Inland Revenue and you are activated for on-line services, you will receive your statutory forms electronically via XML. Paper copies of the selected forms will no longer be sent. The following forms are supported in e-Filing for Great Britain Incoming: -


(Notice of an amended tax code)



[Notice of an amended tax code (Budget)]



[Notice of an amended tax code (New Tax year)]



(Student Loan start notice)



(Student Loan stop notice)

Effects on Existing Data Outgoing Three new parameters are added to the selection screen of the EOY report: -

Generate XML Generates an XML file from the EOY Data produced by report RPCEOYG0


With Zip Compresses the P14 Form data and reduces file size to speed up submission times


Test in Live Sends an XML file to the Inland Revenue Government Gateway as a test file

Three new options are added to the results screen for the EOY report RPCEOYG0. -

Display XML Displays the XML coding to be submitted to the Inland Revenue. Using this option, you can ensure that the XML code is well formed and also check certain data components.


B2A Manager Opens a view to the B2A Manager via the report View Specific Processes in the B2A Manager (RPUB2AG0). You use the B2A Manager to start the electronic submission of your XML EOY data to the Inland Revenue.


Display XML Errors The menu option Extras is now enhanced, allowing you to view XML Errors generated for the EOY report run. To view these errors, choose: Extras -> XML Errors Note: These errors are typically business errors that would not normally be raised by report RPCEOYG0. However, you must now correct any XML errors that are generated to ensure your EOY submission complies with new Inland Revenue XML standards.

Incoming The e-Filing for Great Britain Incoming solution updates two GB-specific infotypes:

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Tax data is updated on infotypeTax Data GB (0065)


Student Loan data is updated on infotype Court Orders GB (0070), Subtype CSL

Setting up and Installing the SAP Exchange Infrastructure (SAP XI) for e-Filing Great Britain In Release 6.00 (ERP 2005), the Middleware you install is the SAP Exchange Infrastructure (SAP XI). You must carry out six main steps when you implement the SAP XI Middleware for the e-Filing Great Britain solution: 1.

Create a Product and a Product Version and add a Software Component and a Software Component Version.


Create a Technical System with the category Third-Party System.


Create a Business System operating on top of your Technical System.


Download the SAP XI Content for the following Software Component Versions: a)

SAP HR 6.0




Import your Software Component Versions into the Integration Repository.


Implement the Integration Scenario for the SAP Exchange Infrastructure in the Integration Directory.

Once you have completed the above seven steps, you will have configured the communication process in the XI environment and installed the complete SAP Exchange Infrastructure on your systems. Chapter 3 of the Incoming & Outgoing Processing Implementation and User Guide: Version 3.0 contains a detailed description of the implementation steps you must take to install the SAP Exchange Infrastructure. You can download this user guide from the Payroll Great Britain Customer page in the SAP Service Marketplace ( under: Media Center -> e-Filing -> Incoming & Outgoing Processing Implementation and User Guide: Version 3.0. Effects on System Administration Outgoing -

The actual submission of your EOY data can only be initiated through the B2A Manager by a user with sufficient authorisation. (Authorisation object P_B2A).


System administrators must now ensure that before submitting electronic EOY data in batch mode, all errors (especially XML errors) have been corrected. Stricter quality standards have been issued by the Inland Revenue resulting in increased checks on your submitted data. For example, specific checks will be run by the Inland Revenue on NI and SCON numbers.


You no longer need to create a MagMedia file for submission to the Inland Revenue. The XML file generated by the new version of the EOY report can be submitted and its status queried online and in real time.

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Parts 2 (Checklist) and 3 (Declaration) of the P35 Form must now be filed online. To allow you to submit this data electronically, a new report is provided. The P35 Checklist and Declaration(RPC35CG0) report must be run before you run the EOY report in live mode.

Incoming Two transactions are provided to administer the e-Filing Incoming process: B2A (Business to Administration) Manager You can monitor all incoming processes using the B2A (Business to Administration) Manager. Transaction PB2A is provided to run the B2A Manager. Update Manager The Update Manager (transaction HREFI_UPDATE) is the HR Administrator transaction used to review data, update records and handle errors. Customising in the Implementation Guide (IMG) Outgoing and Incoming Solutions You complete the required IMG steps for e-Filing Great Britain in the Personnel Management IMG, under: Personnel Administration -> Payroll Data -> e-Filing: Great Britain. Note: In e-Filing for Great Britain Outgoing, the electronic submission of the P38A Form is not supported. The Inland Revenue will accept P38A Form data for an employee if submitted electronically in a P14 Form format. To ensure that you convert electronic P38A to P14 data for those affected employees in your EOY returns, you must customise payroll constant P60IL to integrate any P38A employees into the P14 stream. You customise constant P60IL in a new Payroll Great Britain Implementation Guide step, under: Generate P14 Forms for P38A Employee Data. Note: You must customise constant P60IL irrespective of the process (electronic or otherwise) by which you submit your EOY returns using report RPCEOYG0. The documentation accompanying the above IMG node explains the different customising of constant P60IL depending on your chosen EOY reporting process. See also e-Filing Outgoing Implementation and User Guide 3.0 This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the e-Filing for Great Britain functionality and detailed information on installing the SAP Exchange Infrastructure.

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25.5 PY-TW


25.5.1 PY-TW-NT

Net Unicode conversion for HR tables that have no language key previously Use As of SAP ECC 6.0, the following tables have associated with new text tables. The text tables have the language key so that multiple languages can be maintained for their text fields. Country Version Maintenance View


Text Table

Old Maintenance View

China T7CN15


V_T7CN15 V_T7CN15X

China T7CN16


V_T7CN16 V_T7CN16X

China T7CN28


V_T7CN28 V_T7CN28X

Japan T5J65 T5J65T



Japan T5J68 T5J68T



Japan T5J73 T5J73T


















After the system has upgraded to SAP ECC 6.0, you should perform the following steps: 1.

Run the view maintenance transaction (SM30) on the old maintenance views mentioned above to set the language field to indicate which language the text fields are maintained.


Run the ABAP program execution transaction (SA38) on the program RPUTUCC0 to copy the text fields from the said tables to their corresponding text tables.

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25.6 PY-US


25.6.1 Modification of Standard Payroll Schema U000 for U.S. Public Sector Use As of SAP ECC 6.00, SAP_HR 600, certain modifications have been introduced to payroll schema U000. These modifications enable U.S. Public Sector customers to process specific payroll functions that relate to their sector - for example, payroll processing for non-resident aliens. Because of these modifications, payroll schema U000 - the standard payroll schema for private-sector U.S. companies in mySAP ERP 2005 and all prior releases - has become the standard payroll schema in mySAP ERP 2005 for U.S. Public Sector customers, too. Effects on Existing Data As delivered, payroll schema U000 now contains all subschemas that are necessary for U.S. Public Sector customers to perform payroll processing. However, all U.S. Public Sector subschemas contained in schema U000 are delivered inactive. Furthermore, all such subschemas are denoted in the Text column by the prefix PS-. (To illustrate, PS-NRA denotes subschemas that apply to payroll processing in U.S. Public Sector organizations for non-resident aliens.) Therefore, if your enterprise does not belong to the U.S. Public Sector, note that in mySAP ERP 2005, additional subschemas - all of which are inactive - now appear in schema U000. No further action is necessary. Alternatively, if your organization belongs to the U.S. Public Sector, but if mySAP ERP 2005 is the first system release that your organization is implementing - in other words, if your organization is not upgrading to mySAP ERP 2005 from a prior release - then disregard this Release Note. However, if your organization belongs to the U.S. Public Sector and is upgrading to mySAP ERP 2005 from a prior release, then refer to the following Release Note for a summary of actions that must be taken: -

Introducing New Standard Payroll Schema for U.S. Public Sector Customers


Net Tax

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BSI Changes to the U.S. Payroll IMG for BSI Use As of SAP ECC 6.0, SAP_HR 6.0, the following has changed with regards to tax calculation within U.S. Payroll: -


The following IMG activities have been added under the section Payroll USA -> Tax -> SAP/BSI Interface: -

Specify location of Tax Factory executable


Specify level of messages to be returned

The following IMG activity has been deleted from the section Payroll USA -> Tax -> Load Tax Data: Update tax authorities This activity ran the report RPUBSIU3, which updated the tables T5UTX and BTXTAXC. These tables are now updated automatically when you apply the BSI Tax Update Bulletins (TUBs).

25.6.3 PY-US-DD

Deductions / Calculating the Remittance Amount U.S. Savings Bonds Processing for Concurrent Employment Use As of SAP ECC Enterprise Extension Human Capital Management 6.0 (EA-HR 6.00), U.S. Savings Bonds processing is supported for enterprises that operate in a Concurrent Employment environment. Two functional constraints apply to this new functionality. 1.

Rotating beneficiaries within the Bond Purchases infotype (0103) are not supported for U.S. Savings Bonds processing in a Concurrent Employment environment.


Multiple bond owners within the Bond Denominations infotype (0104) are not supported for U.S. Savings Bonds processing in a Concurrent Employment environment.

Effects on Existing Data To enable the processing of U.S. Savings Bonds in a Concurrent Employment environment, your

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enterprise is required to have defined a Time constraint of 2 for the Bond Denominations infotype (0104), indicating that the Record may include gaps, no overlappings. To perform this setting globally - that is, for all Bond Denominations infotype (0104) records - proceed as follows. 1.

Execute View Maintenance transaction SM31.


On the subsequent screen, specify view V_T582A, then choose Maintain.


On the screen thereafter, choose Position; enter 0104 in the subsequent dialog box, then choose Continue.


Select the table entry that corresponds to the Bond Denominations infotype (0104), then choose Details from the application toolbar.


On the screen that follows, in the General attributes subscreen, specify an entry of 2 in the Time constraint field.


Save your entries, then exit View Maintenance.

Moreover, for every existing employee for whom you wish to process U.S. Savings Bonds in a Concurrent Employment environment, you are required to have run conversion program RPUITVU0PBS_CE.

Effects on Customizing For every new employee for whom you wish to process U.S. Savings Bonds in a Concurrent Employment environment, you are required to modify feature IVWID as follows. 7.

From the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Human Resources -> Time Management -> Administration -> Tools -> Maintain Features.


On the subsequent screen, specify feature IVWID, then choose Change.


On the screen thereafter, for Country Grouping 10 (USA), change the standard return value from 10 to UP.

10. Activate the modified feature, then exit the transaction. Moreover, your enterprise must configure its customer-specific version of schema U00C (for example, Z00C) - the main U.S. Payroll schema for Concurrent Employment - in the following two ways. a)

You must modify your customer-specific version of existing subschema UDDC, which is located in the main schema U00C. Specifically, you must modify the existing subschema UDDC (or, in your case, ZDDC) by inserting the newly delivered subschema UPS1 into it, as shown below:


Line Func. Par1 Par2 Par3 Par4 D Txt ... 000020 PRART U013 GEN NOAB ... 000030 BLOCK END ... 000040 COPY UDBS ... 000050 COPY XB2C ... 000060 XPA ENDL ... 000070 COPY UPS1 ... Third Party Remittance within U.S. Payroll: -

Payroll USA -> Third Party Remittance -> HR Payee maintenance -> Maintain tax wage types for posting.


Payroll USA -> Third Party Remittance -> Funds management integration: -

Check availability of new posting engine


Set start date for using the new posting engine


Maintain cost distribution groups for liability wage types

Maintain base wage types for liability cost distribution. You only need to use these last activities if you are using Funds Management in your organization. New Third Party Remittance Report Use As of SAP ECC 6.0, SAP_HR 6.0, the SAP Easy Access Menu contains a new report to evaluate and update the third-party remittance tables for your organization. This report is titled Create Third-Party Remittance Evaluation Run and has the technical name RPURME00. This report has replaced the combination of the payroll evaluation RPCALCU0 with schema U500 and the 3PR Store Evaluation Run program RPURMU00. This updated report eliminates the need to create Temporary Sequential (TemSe) files within the remittance process. To access the new report from the SAP Easy Access Menu, go to the menu path: Human Resources -> Payroll -> Americas -> USA -> Subsequent Activities -> Per Payroll Period (or Period -independent) -> Third Party Remittance -> Evaluate Remittance. You can still access the old options for Third-party remittance from the Easy Access menu. They are located directly below the new report in the Easy Access menu.

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25.6.5 PY-US-RP

Reporting Non-Resident Alien Processing for Concurrent Employment Use As of SAP ECC Enterprise Extension Human Capital Management 6.0 (EA-HR 6.00), Non-Resident Alien processing (via Form 1042-S) is supported for organizations that operate in a Concurrent Employment environment. One functional constraint applies to this new functionality; Out-of-Sequence Check Processing for Non-Authorized Manual Checks is not supported for Non-Resident Alien processing in a Concurrent Employment environment. Effects on Existing Data In order to enable this functionality, your organization must configure its customer-specific version of schema U00C (for example, Z00C) - the main U.S. Payroll schema for Concurrent Employment - in the following three ways. -

Prerequisites for Schema Configuration


You must modify your customer-specific version of schema U00C (for example, Z00C) by inserting subschema UPTX into it, as shown below: -


You must also insert subschema UPOR in the main schema, as shown below: -


Line Func. Par1 Par2 Par3 Par4 D Txt ... 000230 COPY UTLC ... 000240 COPY UDDC ... 000250 XPA ENDL ... 000260 COPY UPTX ... Tools -> Maintain Features.


On the subsequent screen, specify feature IVWID, then choose Change.


On the screen thereafter, for Country Grouping 10 (USA), change the standard return value from 10 to UP.


Activate the modified feature, then exit the transaction.

Finally, your organization must fulfill the following two employee-level prerequisites in order to enable this functionality. -

Prerequisites for Conversion and Master Data


For every existing non-resident alien employee whom you wish to process in a Concurrent Employment environment, you are required to have run conversion program RPUITVU0PBS_CE.


Also, for every existing or new non-resident alien employee whom you wish to process, you are required to fulfill master data requirements by creating records in three corresponding infotypes, namely: a)

... the Residence Status infotype (0094), which is used to identify non-resident alien employees as such,


... the Residence Status infotype (0048), which records the visa information of non-resident alien employees, and


... the Tax Treaty infotype (0556), which records tax treaty information for the nations from which non-resident alien employees originate.


Note If the non-resident alien employee hails from a nation that has not signed a tax treaty with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, then only the first two infotypes are required.

Upon fulfilling all of the prerequisites summarized above, your organization will be prepared to process payroll for Non-Resident Aliens in a Concurrent Employment environment.

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Tax Reporter PDF Forms in Tax Reporter Use As of SAP ECC 6.00, SAP_HR 600, the U.S. Tax Reporter has been enhanced to support the output of PDF forms, in addition to SAPScript and HR Formula reports. With this new enhancement: -

You can easily design new layouts with less effort by using Form Layout Editor (also referred to as Form Designer)


You can set validity dates for each form using the IMG step Define validity dates and form parameters.


For all standard forms (delivered by SAP), the validity date is set so that SAPScript output is generated until 12/31/2004; PDF output is generated from 01/01/2005. All future forms will be delivered in PDF format.


You can attach PDF forms to the main forms with the new option under Issue of Tax Forms in the IMG step Tax Reporter -> Tax Form Definition -> Define original tax forms. For all the forms attached to main form, date validation is performed based on the entries in table T5UX7 that you define in the IMG step Define validity dates and form parameters.


If a particular form does not exist in table T5UX7, then the system assumes that this form is valid all the time. Therefore, it is not mandatory to add your own customer-developed SAPScripts/HR-formulas to the table T5UX7.

Since the PDF creation requires an interface, Tax Reporter logic has been enhanced as follows: -

Tax Reporter updates/creates the DDIC structures, table types and form interfaces whenever there is a change to the configuration of the related tax form field. If tax form fields are required to be reported in PDF layout, you must select the Form Processing Indicator flag for the tax form field in the IMG step Define original tax forms. While no action is required for SAP-delivered forms, for customer-developed SAPScript forms, the following utility programs have been created to assist you in this process: -

RPCTRUP1: This report identifies all the fields used in the SAPScripts. If you run this report for the main form, all the attached SAPScripts are considered. You can display the results and/or download them.


RPCTRUP2: This report imports the downloaded data file and updates the Form Processing Indicator flag for all the fields. All the changes are saved to the transport you enter in the field Enter customizing task.


Every main form has an interface created with reference to DDIC table type and structure.


All the alternate forms attached to a main form use the same interface that is created for the main form. Therefore, if there is a change to the interface (for example, adding a new field), the system regenerates all the forms that are using this particular interface. Note: The system prompts for a development class and transport request as and when it is required.

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Tax Reporter log has been updated to include a new node for PDF-based forms. In this node, you can see all the PDF forms that have been generated and subsequently print/preview them.


You can run print processes in parallel for the PDF-based W-2 employee copy and the W-2 authority copy. Depending on your configuration settings in the feature UTRPS, the Tax Reporter print process submits multiple jobs that can run in parallel. Each job creates a separate spool with a sequence number addition in the description. By using this sequence number, you can identify the sequence of spools, based on the sort criteria selected.

Effects on Customizing You can find the customizing activities for this new functionality under the IMG path: Payroll USA -> Tax Reporter -> Tax Form Definition -> PDF-Based Forms.

25.6.6 PY-US-PS

Öffentlicher Dienst Non-Resident Alien Processing for Concurrent Employment Use As of SAP ECC Enterprise Extension Human Capital Management 6.0 (EA-HR 6.00), Non-Resident Alien processing (via Form 1042-S) is supported for organizations that operate in a Concurrent Employment environment. One functional constraint applies to this new functionality; Out-of-Sequence Check Processing for Non-Authorized Manual Checks is not supported for Non-Resident Alien processing in a Concurrent Employment environment. Effects on Existing Data In order to enable this functionality, your organization must configure its customer-specific version of schema U00C (for example, Z00C) - the main U.S. Payroll schema for Concurrent Employment - in the following three ways. -

Prerequisites for Schema Configuration


You must modify your customer-specific version of schema U00C (for example, Z00C) by inserting subschema UPTX into it, as shown below: -

Line Func. Par1 Par2 Par3 Par4 D Txt ... 000230 COPY UTLC ... 000240 COPY UDDC ... 000250 XPA ENDL ...

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000260 COPY UPTX 000270 COPY UTAC ... 2.

You must also insert subschema UPOR in the main schema, as shown below: -


... Tools -> Maintain Features.


On the subsequent screen, specify feature IVWID, then choose Change.


On the screen thereafter, for Country Grouping 10 (USA), change the standard return value from 10 to UP.


Activate the modified feature, then exit the transaction.

Finally, your organization must fulfill the following two employee-level prerequisites in order to enable this functionality. -

Prerequisites for Conversion and Master Data


For every existing non-resident alien employee whom you wish to process in a Concurrent Employment environment, you are required to have run conversion program RPUITVU0PBS_CE.


Also, for every existing or new non-resident alien employee whom you wish to process, you are required to fulfill master data requirements by creating records in three corresponding infotypes, namely:

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... the Residence Status infotype (0094), which is used to identify non-resident alien employees as such,


... the Residence Status infotype (0048), which records the visa information of non-resident alien employees, and


... the Tax Treaty infotype (0556), which records tax treaty information for the nations from which non-resident alien employees originate.


Note If the non-resident alien employee hails from a nation that has not signed a tax treaty with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, then only the first two infotypes are required.

Upon fulfilling all of the prerequisites summarized above, your organization will be prepared to process payroll for Non-Resident Aliens in a Concurrent Employment environment. Introducing Return of Unused Leave Donation Balances via Infotype 0613 Use As of SAP ECC 6.00, SAP_HR 600, the Absence Donation/Withdraw (US) infotype (0613) has been renamed the Absence Donation Administration US infotype. This infotype has been renamed in response to the introduction of its new Return subtype (0003) - introduced in this release - which allows your organization to process the return of unused leave donation balances to the original donor(s) or absence pool(s).

Effects on Customizing To customize, at the absence pool level, whether the system will return unused leave balances to inactive employees, and to determine, at the absence pool level, the increment of time, in minutes, that the system will apply to round down and return to donor employees any balances of unused leave that remain in direct donations, review the Return Options subscreen found in the Customizing for Payroll USA (PY-US) activity located at: -

Supplements Public Sector US -> Time Management -> Absence Pools -> Hourly/Daily Absence Pools -> Maintain Hourly/Daily Absence Pool Attributes.

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SAP-System ______________________________________________________________ Certification and Licensing for the U.S. Public Sector Use As of SAP ECC 6.00, SAP_HR 600, Certification and Licensing functionality is supported for enterprises in the U.S. Public Sector. This new functionality is designed to fulfill the Personnel Administration requirements of enterprises in the U.S. Public Sector - including county school systems, state medical facilities and regional transit districts - that record and monitor the certificates and licenses attained by their employees to fulfill the requirements of their profession, their workplace, or the law. With Certification and Licensing, any U.S. Public Sector enterprise can use two new infotypes - the Certification and Licensing infotype (0795) and the Duty Assignments infotype (0796) - to record corresponding personnel data. Using the first infotype, employers can record the certificates and licenses that their employees have attained. Using the second infotype, employers can store the current work assignments of their employees, to the extent that certification and licensing requirements exist for these assignments. For example, using this functionality: -

county school systems can record the certificates that have been issued to the teachers, administrators, counselors and transportation workers in their employ.


state medical facilities can record the licenses that have been issued to doctors, nurses and medical technicians.


regional transit districts can record the licenses that have been issued to transit operators, along with the certificates issued to maintenance and administrative personnel.

Effects on System Administration Five new reports are delivered to facilitate the administration of systems in which Certification and Licensing has been implemented; each of these is introduced in turn below. -

RPUTCPU0_PBS - Generate Qualification Grps./Qualifications from Classifications/Codes The purpose of this report is to transfer the classifications and codes configured within Personnel Administration to qualification groups and qualifications respectively, to be stored in Personnel Development. To run this report from the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Human Resources -> Payroll -> Americas -> USA -> Info system -> Public Sector -> Certification and Licensing -> Generate Qualification Groups or Qualifications.


RPUTCPU1_PBS - Conversion of Certificate or License to Qualification In certain situations, end users may wish to compare the requirements of a position with the qualification(s) corresponding to the code(s) stored in the Certification and Licensing infotype (0795) for the person holding that position. While an array of profile match-up reports is delivered with the standard system to fulfill this purpose, the corresponding qualifications must be available before these reports may be used. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to create such qualifications on the basis of employee data stored in the Certification and Licensing infotype (0795). To run this report from the Payroll USA area menu, choose Info system -> Public Sector -> Certification and Licensing -> Convert Certificate or License to Qualification.

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RPUTCPU2_PBS - Out-of-Field Report The purpose of this report is to ascertain whether employees of your enterprise are working "out-of-field" - that is, without the appropriate licensing or certification. To run this report from the Payroll USA area menu, choose Info system -> Public Sector -> Certification and Licensing -> Out-of-Field Report.


RPUTCPU3_PBS - Certificates/Licenses Selection Report The purpose of this report is to enable end users to perform database queries. By means of this report, end users can search for employees who have (or lack) certification or licensing within specific areas. To run this report from the Payroll USA area menu, choose Info system -> Public Sector -> Certification and Licensing -> Perform Certificates/Licenses Selection.


RPUTCPU4_PBS - Check Qualification and Certificate Consistency This report enables administrators of certificates and licenses to check the consistency of employee qualifications in relation to the codes stored in employee Certification and Licensing infotype (0795) records. To this end, the report summarizes in its output all inconsistencies found in the qualifications of the selected employees. To run this report from the Payroll USA area menu, choose Info system -> Public Sector -> Certification and Licensing -> Check Qualification and Certificate Consistency.

Effects on Customizing As a prerequisite to creating employee records in the new infotypes, U.S. Public Sector must perform configuration within a new section of Customizing for Payroll USA (PY-US), located at: -

Supplements Public Sector US -> Certification and Licensing SAP enables your enterprise to perform the necessary configuration for certification and licensing by delivering 18 new configuration activities within this chapter, summarized (and highlighted in boldface below):


Certification and Licensing Settings -

Certificates and Licenses -> Define Issuing Authorities -> Define Certificate and License Types -> Define Certificate and License Categories (Infotype 0795 Subtypes) Areas -> Define Classifications -> Define Areas -> Define Levels -> Define Codes Define Status for Certificates/Licenses and Areas Renewal Codes -> Define Message Class for Renewal Codes -> Maintain Messages Within Message Class for Renewal Codes -> Define Renewal Codes and Assign Messages to Renewal Codes Duty Assignments -> Define Duty Assignments

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-> Assign Codes to Duty Assignments Integration with Personnel Development -> Edit Scales (Master Data for Personnel Development) -> Generate Qualification Groups/Qualifications from Classifications/Codes -> Manually Assign Classifications/Codes to Qualification Grps./Qualifications Business Add-Ins -> BAdI: Determine Additional Required Areas in Information or Legacy Systems -> BAdI: Override Out-of-Field In conjunction with this new Customizing, two Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) are delivered to facilitate the administration of systems in which Certification and Licensing has been implemented; each of these is introduced below. 1.

Business Add-In HRPBSUSTC01 If your enterprise operates an information or legacy system without connections to SAP systems, it can use this BAdI to determine additional areas in the Certification and Licensing infotype (0795) that are required for duty assignments stored in the Duty Assignment infotype (0796).


Business Add-In HRPBSUSTC02 This BAdI can be used to override the standard output of the Out-of-Field Report (RPUTCPU2_PBS) with reporting methods of your own. New Menu Path Selections for U.S. Public Sector reports Use As of SAP ECC 6.00, SAP_HR 600, the following ten new menu path selections have been incorporated into the standard Payroll USA area menu. Each new selection enables interested U.S. Public Sector customers to access a corresponding standard U.S. Public Sector report via the standard Payroll USA area menu, as instructed below. -

Note To access the standard Payroll USA area menu from the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Human Resources -> Payroll -> Americas -> USA.


From the standard Payroll USA area menu, choose Info system -> Public Sector -> Certification and Licensing -> Generate Qualification Groups or Qualifications to run report RPUTCPU0_PBS.


Choose Info system -> Public Sector -> Certification and Licensing -> Convert Certificate or License to Qualification to run report RPUTCPU1_PBS.


Choose Info system -> Public Sector -> Certification and Licensing -> Out-of-Field Report to run report RPUTCPU2_PBS.


Choose Info system -> Public Sector -> Certification and Licensing -> Perform Certificates/Licenses Selection to run report RPUTCPU3_PBS.


Choose Info system -> Public Sector -> Certification and Licensing -> Check Qualification and Certificate Consistency to run report RPUTCPU4_PBS. -


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All of the reports named above are introduced in the Release Note entitled Certification and Licensing for the U.S. Public Sector. 6.

Choose Info system -> Public Sector -> Equal Employment Opportunity -> EEO-4 and EEO-5 Reporting to run report RPSEEOU_PBS.


Choose Info system -> Public Sector -> Savings Bond Purchase Plans -> Savings Bonds Purchase to run report RPCSBTU0PBS.


Choose Info system -> Public Sector -> Savings Bond Purchase Plans -> Display Savings Bonds Purchases to run report RPLSVBU0PBS.


Choose Info system -> Public Sector -> Non-Resident Alien Processing -> Form 1042-S Printing to run report RPFORMU0PBS.

10. Choose Info system -> Public Sector -> Non-Resident Alien Processing -> Substantial Presence Test to run report RPLSPTU0PBS. Federal Pay Plans (New) Use As of SAP ECC 6.0, SAP_HR 6.0, the U.S. Public Sector IMG has been enhanced to include new functionality to set up Federal Pay Plans and to link these plans to existing master data within the system. The pay rate of each federal employee is generally based on defined pay plans. This functionality allows you to include these pay plans in your SAP system.

Effects on Customizing To access the new configuration activities, go to the SAP Reference IMG and select Payroll -> Payroll: USA -> Supplements Public Sector US -> U.S. Federal -> Federal Master Data -> Pay Plans. This node contains the following new activities: -

Define pay rate determinants


Determine valid pay plans


Determine valid pay areas


Assign pay scale areas to federal codes

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Maintain pay rate table


Assign duty station to pay scale area


Configure Planned Compensation infotype (1005)


Configure Federal Position Attributes infotype (1660)


Set screen control for infotypes 0008 & 0509


Copy wage type settings


Set wage type model for default indirect valuation wage types.

See also See the documentation for each of the IMG activities for detailed information on how to proceed. Regular and Bonus Payroll Deductions De-Coupled for U.S. Savings Bonds Use As of SAP ECC 6.00, SAP_HR 600, the system henceforth considers regular and bonus payroll runs separately when processing deductions for U.S. Savings Bonds. Moreover, the system by default now omits Savings Bonds deductions when performing bonus payroll runs. In practical terms, because regular and bonus payroll deductions for Savings Bonds are now decoupled, the system now performs Savings Bonds deductions from regular payroll runs, but omits such deductions from bonus payroll runs. In prior releases, because regular and bonus payroll deductions were not de-coupled, it was not possible to prevent the system from processing Savings Bonds deductions for bonus payroll runs. Therefore, Savings Bonds deductions in prior releases were processed for all payroll runs - regular and bonus alike. In mySAP ERP 2005, regular and bonus payroll deductions are de-coupled, and the system no longer processes Savings Bonds deductions during bonus payroll runs. Effects on Existing Data As a result of this functional change, a new checkbox, entitled Bonus deduction allowed, has been introduced to the Bond Purchases infotype (0103). The technical name of this field is P0103-BONUS. However, because this new checkbox by default does not appear on the Bond Purchases infotype (0103), it will only become visible on existing or new Bond Purchases infotype (0103) records if you modify the screen control for that infotype accordingly, as described below under Effects on Customizing.

Effects on Customizing If you do not want the system to perform Savings Bonds deductions from bonus payroll runs, then no further action is necessary. However, if you would like the system to continue performing such deductions from bonus payroll runs,

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then you must perform the following procedure. 1.

In Customizing for Payroll USA (PY-US), execute the following activity:


Supplements Public Sector US -> Benefits Administration -> Savings Bond Purchase Plans -> Set up Screen Control for U.S. Savings Bonds infotypes.


On the subsequent screen, select the first activity:


Maintain Screen Control: Bond Purchases infotype (0103)


In the subsequent dialog box, highlight the entry that corresponds to Mod. pool MP010300, Screen 2000, Variable key 10 and Alt. screen 2310, then double-click upon that entry.


On the screen thereafter, in the table entry for field name P0103-BONUS, select the radio button Std.


Choose Save, then exit this activity.

Upon completing this procedure, the Bonus deduction allowed checkbox will appear on the Bond Purchases infotype (0103) in your system. For every employee for whom Savings Bonds deductions are to be performed when bonus payroll runs are processed, select this checkbox on the corresponding Bond Purchases infotype (0103) record(s). U.S. Savings Bonds Processing for Concurrent Employment Use As of SAP ECC Enterprise Extension Human Capital Management 6.0 (EA-HR 6.00), U.S. Savings Bonds processing is supported for enterprises that operate in a Concurrent Employment environment. Two functional constraints apply to this new functionality. 1.

Rotating beneficiaries within the Bond Purchases infotype (0103) are not supported for U.S. Savings Bonds processing in a Concurrent Employment environment.


Multiple bond owners within the Bond Denominations infotype (0104) are not supported for U.S. Savings Bonds processing in a Concurrent Employment environment.

Effects on Existing Data To enable the processing of U.S. Savings Bonds in a Concurrent Employment environment, your enterprise is required to have defined a Time constraint of 2 for the Bond Denominations infotype (0104), indicating that the Record may include gaps, no overlappings. To perform this setting globally - that is, for all Bond Denominations infotype (0104) records - proceed as follows. 1.

Execute View Maintenance transaction SM31.


On the subsequent screen, specify view V_T582A, then choose Maintain.


On the screen thereafter, choose Position; enter 0104 in the subsequent dialog box, then choose Continue.


Select the table entry that corresponds to the Bond Denominations infotype (0104), then choose Details from the application toolbar.

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On the screen that follows, in the General attributes subscreen, specify an entry of 2 in the Time constraint field.


Save your entries, then exit View Maintenance.

Moreover, for every existing employee for whom you wish to process U.S. Savings Bonds in a Concurrent Employment environment, you are required to have run conversion program RPUITVU0PBS_CE.

Effects on Customizing For every new employee for whom you wish to process U.S. Savings Bonds in a Concurrent Employment environment, you are required to modify feature IVWID as follows. 7.

From the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Human Resources -> Time Management -> Administration -> Tools -> Maintain Features.


On the subsequent screen, specify feature IVWID, then choose Change.


On the screen thereafter, for Country Grouping 10 (USA), change the standard return value from 10 to UP.

10. Activate the modified feature, then exit the transaction. Moreover, your enterprise must configure its customer-specific version of schema U00C (for example, Z00C) - the main U.S. Payroll schema for Concurrent Employment - in the following two ways. a)

You must modify your customer-specific version of existing subschema UDDC, which is located in the main schema U00C. Specifically, you must modify the existing subschema UDDC (or, in your case, ZDDC) by inserting the newly delivered subschema UPS1 into it, as shown below:


Line Func. Par1 Par2 Par3 Par4 D Txt ... 000020 PRART U013 GEN NOAB ... 000030 BLOCK END ... 000040 COPY UDBS ... 000050 COPY XB2C ... 000060 XPA ENDL ... 000070 COPY UPS1 ... Americas -> USA -> Tools -> Customizing Tools -> Schema.


In the first session, specify your customer-specific version of the schema that your organization used in the prior release - for example, ZQP0 - then choose Display. -



Note In prior releases, the standard payroll schema for U.S. Public Sector customers was QP00. Although this schema will not be discontinued in mySAP ERP 2005, we recommend that all upgrade customers cease using it.

In the second session, specify schema U000, then choose Copy from the application toolbar. a)

In the subsequent dialog box, in the To schema field, specify the name of the customer-specific version of this schema - for example, Z000 - that your organization will employ for payroll processing. Then, choose Continue.


Returning to the second session, choose Change to modify your customer-specific version of schema U000.

In the third session, specify schema U000, then choose Display.

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Compare the schema that your organization used in the prior release with the new standard payroll schema U000.


In the second session, modify your customer-specific version of schema U000 accordingly. -


Note As you modify your customer-specific version of schema U000, note that all U.S. Public Sector subschemas contained in schema U000 are delivered inactive and are denoted in the Text column by the prefix PS-. (To illustrate, PS-NRA denotes subschemas that apply to payroll processing for non-resident aliens.) Because all U.S. Public Sector subschemas in schema U000 are by default commented out, you must modify your customer-specific version of schema U000 by removing the corresponding asterisk of each subschema that your organization requires, and thereby activating it.

Return to the initial screen of the second session, then generate your modified, customer-specific version of schema U000.

Upon completing this procedure, your customer-specific version of the standard payroll schema U000 will be ready to be used during payroll processing.

25.7 PY-ZA

South Africa

25.7.1 PY-ZA-GR


Wage Type Valuation Absences UIF Pro-ration Factor for Maternity Leave (Changed) Use As of Release 5.00 (ERP2004) the following enhancements are delivered: Pro-ration Factor Calculation for Maternity Leave The calculation of the pro-ration factor (Wage type /801) for Maternity Leave is changed. The pro-ration factor is calculated based on the following conditions: -

For employees whose monthly UIF earnings are above the monthly UIF threshold value (currently R8,836 a month), the percentage is fixed at 38%.

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For those earning less than the UIF threshold amount, the UIF pro-ration factor is calculated as follows: Annual Income = Periodic income * No. of periods in the year Daily Income = Anuual Income / 365. Proration Factor = 29.2 + [3280.2 / (106.5 + daily income) ]

The calculation logic for the pro-ration factor is located in the Personnel Calculation Rule (PCR) Determining partial period factors (WPP1). The threshold amount is stored as the payroll constant UIF threshold (UIFTH) in table Payroll parameters (T511P). The other parameters used in the formula are stored as constants UIF Maternity constant (MATnn) in table Payroll parameters (T511K). UIF Gross for Pro. Rata(/302) The pro-ration factor for an employee taking maternity leave depends on the Annual Salary derived from the Periodic Salary. The Periodic Salary used is not prorated. That is, the maternity leave period is considered fully paid. UIF Gross for Pro. Rata is a cumulation of: -

All wage types marked for cumulation into UIF Applicable earnings (wage type /102)


Medical Aid Taxable benefit


Lump sum payments: SARS code 3901 to 3907 (Technical wage type series /17n)

A new payroll subschema WUIB is created to calculate the non-pro-rated UIF Applicable earnings. WUIB is called in subschema WAL0 (Pro-rata and cumulations). The non-pro-rated UIF-applicable earnings are stored as wage type /302. Effects on Existing Data The following system changes are delivered in this enhancement: 1.



Move of Function Calculating Medical Aid Taxable and Related -

Function WTAX with parameter MA and PCRs WMAV/WMAW are moved from payroll subschema WUPM to WAL0.


Payroll subcycle WSPF is copied to payroll subschema WAL0.


The new payroll subschema WUIB is called from payroll subschema WAL0.

Absence counting for Unpaid Leave (Maternity) -

The absence counting for maternity leave in South African payroll is based on Counting class 03. Any absence assigned to Counting class 03 is processed as a Maternity absence.


Eliminate Employee Subgroup Grouping for Personnel Calculation Rule (specification D) for Summarize/split according to Tax, SI Indicators (Processing class 04). The new specification is added to eliminate Employee Subgroup Grouping for Personnel Calculation Rule splits in a wage type.

Changes to Wage Type Settings To accommodate the new calculation changes for UIF Gross for Pro. Rata earnings, the following wage type settings are changed:

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Basis for Medical Aid Taxable Benefit (/418) This wage type is set to: -

No Cut (Specification 0) for coding of wage types for monthly factoring (Processing Class 10)


Pass on unchanged (Specification 1) for cumulation and storage before net calculations ( Processing Class 20)


Unchanged references (Specification 0) for split UIF, MA, PF into Emp. & Empr Contribution (Processing Class 65) MA Taxable Benefit (/419) This wage type is set to: -

No Cut (Specification 0) for coding of wage types for monthly factoring (Processing Class 10)


Pass on unchanged (Specification 1) for cumulation and storage before net calculations (Processing Class 20)


Unchanged references (Specification 0) for split UIF, MA, PF into Emp. & Empr Contribution (Processing Class 65)


Eliminate Employee Subgroup Grouping for Personnel Calculation Rule (specification D) for Summarize/split according to tax, SI indicators (Processing class 04) UIF Gross for Pro. Rata (/302) This wage type is set to: -

No Cut (Specification 0) for coding of wage types for monthly factoring (Processing Class 10)

Effects on System Administration Legal Change Effective Date This legal change is effective Tax Year 2002. However, the changes are incorporated into the payroll schema with no date-related processing logic. This means that once you implement this enhancement, it is immediately effective for all payroll processing. If you require this enhancement to be implemented effective from a specific date, then you must customise the payroll schema accordingly.

See also SAP Note 816601

25.7.2 PY-ZA-NT

Net Payroll South Africa: Bursary Payments Use As of Release 6.00 (ERP 2005), you can now pay a bursary to an employee or to an employee's relative using the payroll engine to process the bursaries as per SARS guidelines. Bursary data are captured using

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a new bursary payments infotype and the bursary is taxed as specified by SARS. Effects on Existing Data -

New Infotype Capturing Master Data for Bursary Payments (IT 0848) A new infotype Bursary Payments SA (0848) captures bursary Master Data. Infotype 0848 has two subtypes: -

Subtype Bursaries (M602): You use this subtype to make bursary payments to an employee. Infotype 0848 captures the payment date and amount of the bursary payment.


Subtype Bursaries for Relatives (M603): You use this subtype to make bursary payments to an employee's relative. Infotype 0848 captures information on the relative to whom the payment is made, payment date, and amount of bursary paid.


New Payroll Function P0848 This payroll function processes Master Data for bursaries and moves the relevant information into the cluster table for bursaries (BRS). The data in the cluster table is further processed by the function WTAX with parameter BURS to determine the taxable and non-taxable portions of bursaries paid.


New Parameters: Payroll function WTAX The function WTAX is enhanced with two new parameters for processing bursaries (taxation of bursaries): -

BURS (Taxation of Bursaries) The payroll function WTAX is invoked with this parameter in every period. If the Bursary is paid to an employee, the entire amount is non-taxable. If the Bursary is paid to the relative of an employee, the bursary is entirely taxable if the annual equivalent salary is above the threshold limit. If it is less, a rebate as prescribed by SARS is applied. The threshold limit and the rebate amounts are stored as symbolic constants in table T511P. They are BRSAL and BURTH respectively. Annual equivalent earnings are derived using processing logic used in function WTAX TAX.


BURC (End-of-Year Recalculation) The payroll function WTAX is invoked with parameter BURC at End-of-Year or whenever SITE must be invoked. End-of-Year recalculation is necessary because only at year-end are the actual annual earnings known. As noted above, taxation of bursaries paid to relatives of employees is dependent on annual earnings. Payroll function WTAX runs through bursary payments for the entire tax year and recalculates the taxable and non-taxable portion of the bursary payment. If there are any differences in the previously calculated taxable/non-taxable portions of the bursary and the actual amount, these are adjusted by WTAX. This function also processes the payroll table CBURS. At the end of processing, table CBURS is updated with the newly calculated taxable and non-taxable portions of bursaries.


Change in Payroll Scheme W000 -

Enhancements in sub-schema WAP0: Payroll function P0848 (which moves bursaries Master Data from infotype 0848 into the

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cluster table BRS) is added. -


Enhancements in sub-schema WTX1: Changes to payroll functions WTAX and WUPM and new Personnel Calculation Rules (PCRs) WBIT, WBEL, and WBRT.

New Wage Types -

/435 - Taxable portion of bursary paid to relative of employee


/437 - Non-taxable portion of bursary paid to relative of employee


/438 - Non-taxable portion of bursary paid to employee


/464 - Annual Equivalent (bursaries)


/465 - Annual Equivalent (bursaries recalculations)

Effects on Data Transfer You can now pay a bursary to an employee or to an employee's relative using the payroll engine to process the bursaries as per SARS guidelines. Bursary data are captured using a new bursary payments infotype and integrated with the South African Payroll solution. Effects on System Administration Bursary payments made to an employee during Maternity Leave are not supported. This is because currently in Payroll South Africa, the Non Pro-rated UIF base calculations for Maternity Leave do not process bursaries. Import customizing entries for Infotype 0848 from views V_T512Z, T588M, V_T591B, V_T52D2 and V_T588G from your SAP reference client (client 000) to your target client (client other than 000). Refer to Note 129260 for more information. Effects on Customizing There are two customizing possibilities associated with the SA Bursaries development: 1.

Copying the model wage types (payment wage types) If you wish to have your own payment wage types to pay Bursaries, you must copy the Model Wage types provided. You complete this step in the Payroll South Africa IMG, under: Bursaries -> Copy Model Wage Types for Bursaries.


Configuring the screen control for infotype Bursary Payments SA (0848): If you have your copies of model payment wage types, you must also ensure you call the appropriate screens while maintaining bursaries Master Data. In the Payroll South Africa IMG, under: Bursaries -> Screen Control: Infotype Bursary Payments SA (0848) Select the Module Pool MP084800, and use the pushbutton Feature at the bottom of the screen to configure Feature P0848. Refer to the documentation of Feature P0848 for more details. Refer to the online documentation of Feature P0848 for more details

See also SAP Note: 844245

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Employment Tax UIF Reference Number and Employer Tax Reference Number (Changed) Use As of Release ERP 2005 (6.00), the determination of Employer Tax Reference Number and UIF Reference Number is additionally based on Employee Group and Employee Sub-Group. In the South African payroll system, multiple employer tax reference numbers and UIF Reference number can exist for groups of employees in an organisation. The determination of employer tax reference numbers has until now been based solely on Personnel Area and Sub-Area. Now you can also determine the Employer Reference Number and UIF Reference Number using Employee Group and Employee Sub-Group . Effects on Existing Data The feature Determination of the tax registration number for payroll (WWTRN) is amended to include the additional fields Employee Group and Employee Sub-Group for decision making. The payroll driver, IRP5 report and UIF reports are also amended to include the additional fields. This ensures that the employer tax reference number is derived for all possible organizational assignments when you want to derive theTax Reference Number of an employee. Note: If you implement this change in the middle of the tax year, and changes to the configuration of feature WWTRN for employer tax reference number based on Employee Group/Employee Sub-Group are made, inconsistencies may result. To avoid this situation, we recommend that you: 1.

Either select all employees who had such a Master Data change or select all employees and process a forced retro since that change.


Close the tax year and implement this enhancement. You must mark the Control Record to set the last possible retroactive date as the first day of tax year.

Feature Determination of the UIF Reference number for UIF Reporting (WWUIF) has been created to return UIF Reference Number based on Personal Area, Personal Subarea, Employee Group and Employee Subgroup. This feature replaces the table (Old) UIF reference number assignment to personnel area/sba. (T5W0P). The new field UIF e-mail per legal entity (UMAIL) has been created in table UIF interface : Reference number attributes (T5W71), as table T5W0P with field UMAIL becomes obsolete with the use of feature WWUIF. The UIF report is also amended to include the additional fields. This ensures that the UIF reference number is derived for all possible organizational assignments from which you wish to derive the UIF of an employee. Effects on Data Transfer

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If you have configured feature WWTRN with fields Employee group, Employee Subgroup, you must configure the feature WWUIF. You also have to migrate data in the UMAIL field from table T5W0P to the UMAIL field in table T5W71 if you decide to maintain feature WWUIF as table T5W0P becomes obsolete with the use of feature WWUIF. Effects on System Administration We recommend that if you have configured feature WWTRN to return an Employer Tax Reference Number based on a specific combination of Personnel Area, Personnel Subarea, Employee Group and Employee Subgroup, then you should configure feature WWUIF in such a way that the same combination of Personnel Area, Personnel Subarea, Employee Group and Employee Subgroup returns only one UIF Reference number. If you have configured feature WWTRN with only Personnel Area, Personnel Subarea is not mandatory to configure feature WWUIF and migrate data from T5W0P to T5W71. Effects on Customizing You maintain Feature WWTRN in the Implementation guide for Payroll South Africa under: Taxes -> Annual IRP5/IT3(a) Electronic Tax Certificate Processing -> Maintain Tax Registration Number for Payroll. You maintain Feature WWUIF in the Implementation guide for Payroll South Africa under: South African Reports -> Maintain UIF Reference Number for Reporting. See also SAP Note 837801.

25.7.3 PY-ZA-FP

Subsequent Activities Additional Off-cycle Processes (Changed) Use As of Release 6.00 (ERP 2005) you can use the Off-Cycle Workbench for South Africa Payroll to perform: -

A payroll correction run


An On-Demand payroll run

In addition, a process model to pay and post the results created by Off-Cycle Payroll is now delivered. You access the Off-Cycle Workbench using the SAP Easy Access Menu, choosing Human Resources -> Payroll -> Africa -> South Africa -> Off-cycle -> Off-cycle workbench. Payroll Correction This function enables you to make an immediate correction payment if an employee's master data or time data changes. An employee does not have to wait until the system automatically carries out retroactive accounting with the next regular payroll run.

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For example, an employee receives a pay check and discovers that overtime hours have been remunerated incorrectly. The employee wishes to receive the missing amount immediately, rather than wait until the next regular payroll run. You enter the missing overtime in the corresponding time infotype and then run a correction payroll run using the Off-Cycle Workbench. When you select the relevant off-cycle reason in the Off-Cycle Workbench and run payroll, the system runs retroactive payroll back to the date displayed in the Earliest master data change field. The system creates retroactive results for the periods processed. It also creates an original result for the payment date that you specify for the correction run. On-Demand Payroll You use this function to run regular payroll-on-demand for a specific employee for a payroll period. You conduct this payroll run independently of the regular payroll run for the payroll area to which the employee is assigned. On demand payroll can only be run for one employee at a time. Examples: An employee is hired shortly before the payroll date. The employee's data cannot be processed in time for it to be included in the regular payroll run. You use the Off-Cycle Workbench to run regular On-Demand Payroll for an employee, even if the regular payroll run for the payroll area has already taken place. You do not have to wait until the next regular payroll run for the whole payroll area. You have hired a new employee. Instead of receiving his or her first pay at the end of the first payroll period, you want to pay the employee at the start of his period of employment. In the Off-Cycle Workbench, you run a regular On-Demand Payroll for the first period in which he is employed in your enterprise. Note: You can only run On-Demand payroll from the Off-Cycle Workbench. You cannot run it from the regular payroll driver. Process model SAPZAOC If you have run payroll in the Off-Cycle Workbench, the system writes all the required information on the payroll results to the indicator table for off-cycle batch processing (T52OCG). You may run the batch report Subsequent Processes of Off-Cycle Runs (RPUOCP00) to further process the results from this table by creating processes in the HR Process Workbench. To create these processes, you use the standard process model SAPZAOC. This process model has all the subsequent programs for South Africa Off-Cycle Payroll. Effects on System Administration Adjustment in Payroll Schema W000 A number of changes are made to this schema: -

A correction run creates retroactive results for the period in which there was a retroactive master data change. A correction run also creates an original payroll result on the payment date, which the payroll uses to determine the difference in net pay from the retroactive period. For the original payroll result, you do not have to process the deductions. This requires adjustments in schema W000. A conditional statement (If SP=B) is introduced in payroll schema W000 to check whether the payroll run is a regular payroll run or a correction run. If a payroll run is a correction run, only specific parts of the schema are executed. If it is a

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retroactive payroll on a regular run or bonus run, then the deduction part of the schema is executed. -

By default, in a correction run, arrears are not processed but passed on to next period. You can customize this processing by adjusting wage types for the processing class Special Payroll & Deductions/Payments (76). However, we advise you do not change the standard settings for deductions which may have Tax processing consequences (such as Annuity payments), as Tax is not processed in the correction run.


Some wage types must be carried over from period to period. The following wage types are passed over to the next period in a correction run: -

Annual Remuneration for Accommodation (/467).


Surplus Arrear Pension Fund (/337).


Deemed Remuneration Last year (/1DR).


Deemed Remuneration Last Year (-1) (/1DS).

Effects on Customizing -

If you have a customized payroll schema, you may need to adjust it to reflect the standard schema W000. You may also need to carry out the following customizing activity in the IMG, under: Payroll: South Africa -> Off-Cycle Activities -> Setup Report Variants for Off-Cycle Activities.


In the Payroll South Africa IMG, you can carry out the following optional steps under Off-Cycle Activities:



Define Default Values for Payments in Advance


Specify Default Values for Payment Methods


Specify Default Values for Payroll Results We recommend you consult the documentation for these IMG activities to help you decide on your desired customizing.

You may wish to customize the standard process model SAPZAOC if you have different subsequent processing in your organization for payroll. Refer to the Payroll South Africa IMG under: Off-Cycle Activities -> Create Process Models. Note: The standard process model SAPZAOC expects a variant SAP&OC for the program Payment Medium South Africa - DME in ACB Format (RFFOZA_A). If you do not have this variant in your system, you must create the variant manually to successfully process the model SAPZAOC.

See also 1.

OSS Note: 840653 (Additional Offcycle Processes)


The SAP Library for Payroll South Africa, choosing Payroll South Africa (PY-ZA) -> Off-Cycle Activities for South Africa.

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25.8 PY-XX

Payroll: General Parts

25.8.1 Authorization check in the data medium exchange preliminary programs Use Until now, the authorization check on the Basic pay (0008) infotype was not available in the data medium exchange preliminary programs. This check is being introduced with the current release. With Report-Start, only those employees are selected for which the administrator has the authorization for the basic pay infotype (0008). The following national versions of the data medium exchange preliminary program are affected by the change: -

RPCDTAA0 - Austria


RPCDTAB0 - Belgium


RPCDTAC0 - Switzerland


RPCDTAD0 - Germany


RPCDTAE0 - Spain


RPCDTAF0 - France


RPCDTAG0 - Great Britain


RPCDTAI0 - Italy


RPCDTAN0 - Netherlands


HARCDTA0 - Argentina


HBRCDTA0 - Brazil


HCNCDTA0 - China


HCNCDTB0 - China


HFICDTA0 - Finland


HHKCDTC0 - Hong Kong


HIECDTA0 - Ireland


HINCDTA0 - India


HKRCDTA0 - South Korea


HMXCDTA0 - Mexico


HNZCDTA0 - New Zealand


HPHCDTA0 - Philippines


HRUCDTA0 - Russia


HTWCDTA0 - Taiwan

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HVECDTA0 - Venezuela


RPCDTAJ0 - Japan


RPCDTAL0 - Malaysia


RPCDTAM0 - Denmark


RPCDTAP0 - Portugal


RPCDTAR0 - Singapore


RPCDTAS0 - Sweden


RPCDTAV0 - Norway


RPCDTAW0 - South Africa


RPCDTAX0 - International

Effects on System Administration Check the authorization profiles of the administrator that one of the programs named above may start. If necessary, adjust the authorization profiles.

25.8.2 PY-XX-DT

Data Transfer Changes to Posting Reports Use As of SAP ECC 6.0, SAP_HR 600, the posting reports in the function New General Ledger Accounting: Distribution of Liabilities According to Expenses are changing. The following changes have been made: -

The new posting report RPCIPE00 replaces the reports RPCIPE00 and RPCIPE00_CE. With this report, you can perform posting if you use the function New General Ledger Accounting: Distribution of Liabilities According to Expenses. You can use this new report (RPCIPE00) regardless of whether you adopt concurrent employment; the report is valid in both cases. With this report, the liabilities are distributed according to expenses and are given an expenses-relevant account assignment.


The posting reports RPCIPE00 and RPCIPE00_CE have been renamed and are now called RPCIPE00_OLD and RPCIPE00_CE_OLD.

The new posting report RPCIPE00 no longer supports the use of TemSe files. If, however, you want to

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continue using TemSe files, you must access the posting report RPCIPE00_OLD. You can not, in this case, use the function New General Ledger Accounting: Distribution of Liabilities According to Expenses. If you want to use the report RPCIPE00_OLD in a process model, you must use the program category cipe_old instead of the program category cipe . New general ledger: Distribution of liabilities according to expenses 8(New) Use As of release SAP ECC 6.0, SAP_HR 600, reporting for posting to Accounting has been adjusted to meet legal requirements. For information about the changes necessary according to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), see the release information New General Ledger Accounting. With the new general ledger accounting in HR, you have the following options: -

You can now create balances for company departments within a company code, for example, for business areas.


You can now distribute liabilities according to expenses.

The changes are valid on an international basis. Special changes were made to the USA country version (country grouping 10). It is your choice as to whether or not you use this function. Other options are available to for making changes: -

You can distribute liabilities according to expenses.


You can distribute liabilities solely according to the assignment in infotype Organizational Assignment (0001). In this case, you must not edit the entire section of the IMG.

Effects on Existing Data The changes affect, in particular, the areas Payroll and Posting. -

In the area of Payroll, the system handles retroactive accounting differently, whether you use the function New General Ledger: Distribution of Liabilities According to Expenses or not: -

If you use the function, all payments are posted for each posting period, for example, in the retroactive accounting corresponding to the account assignment of the retroactive accounting period.


If you do not use the function, all payments are posted to a clearing account of the original

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period. -

In the area of Posting, either company code posting items only or document split items only could be generated up until now. You could achieve this in the view V_T52E2 (Transfer FI/CO: Posting Variants) using an indicator. If you use the new function New General Ledger, a posting always occurs to company code clearing accounts. You can no longer generate document split items. A document split only takes place if you have specified a maximum number of lines in the view V_T52E2 in the field Additional Document Split According to the Number of Lines. The indicator Post to Company Code Clearing Accounts in the posting variant thus no longer has any significance. If you do not use this new function, you can still differentiate between the creation of document split items and company code clearing items. If you use the new function, the clearing of claims and liabilities is now not only performed for the entities company code (BUKRS) and business area (GSBER), but also for fund, grant, segment, and profit center.

Effects on Customizing You make the settings for the new general ledger in Customizing for Payroll under Reporting for Posting to Accounting -> New General Ledger: Distribution of Liabilities According to Expenses. See also For more information, see the following release information: -

New General Ledger


Changes to Posting Reports


Posting of Payments Posting of payments Use As of release SAP ECC 6.0, SAP_HR 600, you can automatically post payments from the BT payroll table with a transfer from HR to Accounting (FI/CO). If you have performed a posting transfer to Accounting, all open liabilities from payroll are placed in the relevant liabilities accounts, as are the payments to the employees. In the standard system, as the payment medium is created for the payments to employees, the corresponding postings are not generated automatically. Neither the preliminary program DME (program RPCDTAx0 or RPCDTCx0) nor the program used to create the data medium (program RFFO*) performs posting in the FI general ledger. If the system creates the payment medium for payments to employees in HR, you must execute manual postings in parallel. These manual postings are usually executed with the payment summary. In most cases, it is only one posting containing only a few posting items, that is, one posting item for each bank clearing account and

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each company code involved. However, if the liabilities are distributed based on expenses, more posting items are generated. Therefore, you can no longer perform posting manually. You can therefore automatically post the payments to employees that exist in the BT payroll table as of release SAP ECC 6.0, SAP_HR 600. The new report 99_POST_PAYMENT (Posting payments (table BT): Create posting run) is used for this. The system hereby evaluates all payments that exist in the BT table, regardless of whether they have already been paid or not.

Effects on Customizing There is now a new section in the Implementation Guide (IMG) for this new function for posting payments. Under Payroll in the IMG, see Reporting for Posting to Accounting -> New General Ledger: Distribution of Liabilities According to Expenses -> Posting of Payments.

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