pyrantel pamoate in suppressing fecal egg output in ... - Europe PMC

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Comparison of ivermectin, oxibendazole and pyrantel pamoate in suppressing fecal egg output in horses. Claude A. Piche, Murray J. Kennedy, Herbert A.
Comparison of ivermectin, oxibendazole and pyrantel pamoate in suppressing fecal egg output in horses Claude A. Piche, Murray J. Kennedy, Herbert A. Herbers, Kathleen M. Newcomb

Abstract Thirty resident horses at a boarding stable in Alberta Trente chevaux, en pension dans une ecurie en Alberta, were used to evaluate the relative efficacies of ivermec- ont ete evalues pour determiner l'efficacite relative de tin, oxibendazole, and pyrantel pamoate in reducing l'ivermectin, de l'oxibendazole et du pamoate de fecal egg output in adult horses under routine manage- pyrantel quant a la diminution du nombre d'oeufs ment conditions during spring and early summer, and elimines dans les matieres f6cales chez les sujets adultes to more clearly define the duration of suppression of gardes dans des conditions normales de regie, au fecal egg production following anthelmintic treatment. printemps et au debut de l'ete. Les auteurs voulaient, Horses were blocked according to pretreatment egg par cette etude, preciser plus clairement la duree de la counts and randomly assigned to one of three treat- suppression de la production d'oeufs dans les matieres ments: pyrantel pamoate at 6.6 mg/kg body weight; fecales suite au traitement anthelmintique. Les chevaux oxibendazole at 10 mg/kg body weight; or ivermec- ont ete assignes au hasard a l'un des trois traitements: tin at 200 pg/kg body weight. All treatments were pamoate de pyrantel 6,6 mg/kg; oxibendazole 10 mg/kg administered orally as a paste on day 0. Fecal samples ou ivermectin 200 gg/kg. Tous les traitements ont ete were collected for examination by the modified administres per os sous forme de pate au jour 0. Des Wisconsin procedure before treatment, and then at echantillons de matieres fecales ont ete recoltes pour 4-11 day intervals up to day 72. examen par la methode Wisconsin modifiee avant Very few if any strongyle eggs were found in the traitement, puis A des intervalles de 4 et 11 jours, feces of any horses up to day 35. On days 42, 50 and jusqu'au 72*me jour. 57, the geometric mean egg count for the ivermectin En regle generale, aucun oeuf de strongles n'etait group was significantly (p