PYTHON AND VISUAL LOGIC© – A GOOD COMBINATION FOR CS0 Krishna K. Agarwal Department of Computer Science, Louisiana State University in Shreveport Shreveport, LA 71115, (318) 795-4283,
[email protected] Achla Agarwal Division of Business and Computer Science, Bossier Parish Community College Bossier City, LA 71111, (318) 678-6048,
[email protected] Leslie Fife Department of Computer Science, Louisiana State University in Shreveport Shreveport, LA 71115, (318) 797-5093,
[email protected]
ABSTRACT There are many challenges associated with introductory classes in computer science. In this course, students often get their first taste of computer programming. As part of this introductory course, algorithms, flowcharts, pseudo-code and a high level programming language are often introduced. There can be some concern over the selection of each of these items as we introduce new students to our discipline. This paper recommends Python with Visual Logic© for teaching CS0, the introductory programming course for computer science majors. Python is a full featured, high level programming language. Visual Logic© is a tool which allows the students to create executable flowcharts. These features make Python and Visual Logic© suitable for CS0 and are introduced in parallel.
INTRODUCTION The CS0 course provides an introduction to problem solving and the use of algorithms using flowcharts and programming in a high level language [1, 3]. This is a required course for all students with no programming experience. The use of Python with Visual Logic© is not a new recommendation [7]. However, rather than using Visual Logic© for the first part of the course and then introducing Python as in [7], we integrate both tools throughout the course. Visual Logic© ( is a program which allows you to create and execute flowcharts [4]. However, including the use of a higher-level programming language gives the students a firmer foundation and a way of checking if the logic in their algorithms and flowcharts is correct. Python ( is a modern, higher-level language available since 1991 when it was invented by Guido Van Rossum [5]. It runs under Windows, Linux and a variety of other operating systems. It is available at no cost with extensive language support for the language available. The simple, pseudocode like syntax of Python makes transition from algorithm description to code easier for the beginning students [5, 10].
The move to Python has occurred at the CS0 level or higher in several school [2, 6, 9, 10, 11]. There is a large community that supports Python and many excellent books [5, 8]. Washington and Lee University report the transition to Python throughout their curriculum [10]. Michigan State introduced Python through CS1, followed by C++ in CS 2 [6]. They found no performance differences in CS 2 based on the language used in CS 1 (C++ or Python) [6]. They also reported no deficiencies in CS2 based on the language choice in CS 1 [6]. Zelle points out that a scripting language is ideal for the type of programming done in CS0, CS1 and CS2 courses [12]. Additionally, with support for both modular and Object-Oriented programming, Python provides an appropriate tool when objects are important early in the curriculum [12] Python presents many advantages for CS0. Among these are that variables do not have to be declared (they have dynamic typing), automatic memory management, and modularity [1, 2, 3]. These advantages make Python suitable for both small and large scale programming. Python also has a large and comprehensive standard library which includes access to a variety of GUI toolkits [1, 2, 3]. Python also supports object-oriented programming and provides a good interface with C/C++, Java and other languages. The rest of this paper is devoted to demonstrating a simple example of an © algorithm and its implementation in Python and Visual Logic in a CS0 course. Review of the examples and tutorials at is also recommended. This website also lists many advantages of Python for introductory programming.
A SIMPLE PROBLEM Consider the following problem which is typical of that assigned in a CS0 course. We will show the algorithm and provide a Visual Logic© flowchart as well as Python code. A list of employees names, hours worked in a week and the hourly rate of pay are entered. The program must read in name, hours worked and pay rate. The program must calculate the pay for each employee, paying time and a half (1.5 times pay) for any hours over 40. The program must print the amount of pay for each employee and the total amount of the payroll. Some sample data with the corresponding output is shown below. Input: “John Smith”, 50, 10 “Jane Doe”, 40, 15 “Mark Manning”, 60, 12 “zzzz “
Output: John Smith’s pay=$550.00 Jane Doe’s pay=$600.00 Mark Manning’s pay=$840.00 Total pay = $1990.00
The input shown provides the ability for the instructor to have a discussion on marking or detecting the end of input when processing data and could include flags, or end of file indicators. This makes the introduction of Boolean controlled loops very natural with an example that students will readily understand.
This simple problem involves Boolean controlled loops, selection on hours worked and either console or file I/O. A simple algorithm for this problem may be as follows: WHILE employees available for processing: Read EMPLOYEENAME, HOURSWORKED, and PAYRATE //Calculate the pay for the employee IF HOURSWORKED > 40 PAY = PAYRATE*40 + 1.5*PAYRATE*(HOURSWORKED-40) ELSE PAY = PAYRATE*40 Print the EMPLOYEENAME and PAY Add PAY to the TOTALPAYROLL END WHILE Print TOTALPAYROLL A beginning student should be able to develop this algorithm, possibly with some help if early in the course. However, there is nothing particularly challenging about this algorithm either. If the algorithm was already developed, a student should be able to follow the logic and work it out on paper if given appropriate input. We then develop the Visual Logic© flowchart, Python code or both. The flowchart is executable. So, the student can run the sample data and compare it to the sample output. The Python code would also be executable. Figure 1 demonstrates a simple Visual Logic© flowchart which calculates an employee’s pay given the rate of pay and number of hours worked. It also produces the sum of all the employees pay. A mark in the input or output box indicates that the input or output should be done using a file. The filename is entered into the corresponding input or output box in the flowchart by double clicking and entering the file name. A built-in formatcurrency() function provides output formatting. Figure 2 gives the corresponding Python program. Comments begin with a ‘#’. There is no need to declare variables, making it like Visual Logic©. The print statement includes a command “{0:.2f}” to format the number stored in the variable pay. The Python program is largely self-explanatory. Note that all statements belonging to then and else parts of the if statement in a Python program must be indented. There is no need for begin, end or any other symbols to indicate a block of statements. Indentation of all statements inside the while loop is necessary in the Python program.
Figure 1 – Visual Logic Program
#This program calculates an employee's pay given the rate of pay and #the number of hours the employee has worked. A loop permits processing #several employees. The total pay is also printed. total_pay = 0 name = input("Enter name of employee:") while name != "zzzz": hours_worked = float(input("Enter the hours worked:")) rate_of_pay = float(input("Enter rate of pay:")) if hours_worked>40: pay = rate_of_pay * 40 + 1.5 * rate_of_pay * (hours_worked - 40) else: pay = rate_of_pay * hours_worked total_pay = total_pay + pay print ("The pay is:${0:.2f}".format(pay)) name = input("Enter name of employee:") print ("Total pay=${0:.2f}".format(total_pay))
Figure 2 – Python Program
CONCLUSIONS Several studies indicate the benefits of using Python in CS0 and other courses in the computer science curriculum. The pairing of Visual Logic© with Python creates a set of mutually supporting tools that allow students to quickly implement algorithms and test problem solutions. Visual Logic© and Python provide a strong choice for CS0, because the syntax of the programs are significantly simpler. Not only are the Python programs shorter in length, they are clearer to beginning students of computer science because they are a closer to pseudocode and are missing some of the burden required by many typical languages, such as C, C++ and Java. For example, code for input and output is quite simple. Although not discussed in this paper, there are many features of Python that make it suitable for CS1, CS2 and other advanced courses in computer science [2]. These include support for interactive code development, support for multiple programming paradigms (structured, object-oriented, functional, aspect-oriented, etc.), extensibility, and easy integration with other languages (C, C++, Java, etc.).
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