Q1) What are the advantages and disadvantages of thermal power ...

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Instructions: • ANSWER NEATLY AND LEGIBLY on A4 sheets only and not in sheets torn from a book. • Sketch diagrams wh
CMR Institute of Technology, Bangalore Department(s): Electrical and Electronics Semester: 03 Section(s): A ELECTRIC POWER GENERATION


Lectures/week: 05

Course Instructor(s):Prof. Priyanka Priyadarshini Padhi Issue date :07/09/2015,

Submission due: 12/09/2015

Instructions: • ANSWER NEATLY AND LEGIBLY on A4 sheets only and not in sheets torn from a book. • Sketch diagrams wherever relevant. Explain your notations explicitly and clearly. • An incomplete assignment is NOT acceptable for submission. • Once you submit your assignment, you will be expected to answer all the questions there INDEPENDENTLY. You may be asked to answer any question of the assignment in the class. • Leave clear left margin on every sheet. • On the top of your fist sheet, write your Name, Class, Section, Roll Number, Due Date and Date of Submission. • Page number your answer sheets sequentially. • Staple (do not pin or clip) your sheets cleanly on the left hand top corner.


Q1) Q2)

Q3) Q4) tank.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of thermal power generation? With a neat sketch explain the following w.r.t thermal power station,(i) economizer (ii) condenser (iii) coal pulveriser(iv) fuel gas management. With a neat sketch explain the main parts of a thermal power station. Write a brief note on i) super heater ii) Air- pre heater iii)Surge