Qirat (Audio) Notes.pdf - Google Drive

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Selected Audio.exe The Selected Audio.exe contain selected Sorat i.e. Sorat (1 and from 90 to 114) of All Qari in a self-extractable format. This will be extracted and copied to C:\Qirat automatically during program installation. User do not need to do anything.

Qirat Complete Folder: (Provided in DVD Version only) Qirat Complete folder contain Complete Qirat of Quran Majeed for the shown 18 Qaris. These are self-extractable files. By double clicking file shall copy 114 Folders (One for each Sorat) containing total 6348 files (One file for each Ayat). Default path is C:\Qirat After installation, complete Qirat can be listened. Few Qirat are not included due to shortage of space. Same can be downloaded from www.EasyQuranWaHadees.com (Download)

For EasyQuranWaHadees V4.1 Users :

Important Audio Note:

EasyQuranWaHadees V4.2 will read Qirat files in following priorities, 

1st priority C:\EasyQuranWaHadees V4.1\Audio o Further Qirat should also be copied here.

2nd priority C:\Qirat Use this option if you use V4.2 with Qirat o Please cut and paste all Audio (Qirat) folders,  From C:\EasyQuanWaHadees V4.1\Audio  To C:\Qirat folder.  After cut and paste please delete Audio folder.

3rd priority ...\EasyQuranWaHadees V4.2\Qirat o

Use this if you continue using V4.1 with Qirat

If you use another drive or folder to place EasyQuranWaHadees V4.2 program. If you are using some other drive and folder, you may place all Audio (Qirat) files in ...\EasyQuranWaHadees V4.2\Qirat folder.

Program will take only one path in the above mentioned priorities. Mix and match is not possible. So if you use 2nd priority, 1st priority path need to be deleted first. Similarly if you use 3rd priority then first two priorities path need to be deleted. From this onward versions we wish to use C:\Qirat folder.