2012 International Conference on Computer & Information Science (ICCIS)
QoS Based Performance Evaluation of Grid Scheduling Algorithms Syed Nasir Mehmood Shah, Ahmad Kamil Bin Mahmood, Alan Oxley and Mohamed Nordin Zakaria Department of Computer and Information Sciences Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Bandar Seri Iskandar, 31750 Tronoh, Perak, Malaysia.
[email protected], (kamilmh, alanoxley, nordinzakaria)@petronas.com.my Abstract - A Grid is a computational system consisting of a large number of geographically distributed and heterogeneous resources. Job scheduling is the key component of a Grid, and plays an important role in the efficient and effective execution of various kinds of scientific and engineering applications. This paper presents a comparative performance analysis of our proposed job scheduling algorithms along with other well known job scheduling algorithms, considering the quality of service (QoS) parameters such as waiting time, turnaround time, response time, total completion time, bounded slowdown and stretch time. The main thrust of this work was to conduct a QoS based evaluation of the scheduling algorithms on an experimental Grid using real workload traces. The experimental evaluation confirmed that the proposed scheduling algorithms possess a high degree of optimality in performance, efficiency and scalability.
Keywords - Distributed systems; Cluster; Grid computing; Grid scheduling; Workload modeling; Performance evaluation; Simulation; Load balancing; Task synchronization; Parallel processing.
Job scheduling plays a vital role in Grid resource management efficiency. Most parallel jobs demand a fixed number of processors, which are unchangeable during execution [1]. Good job scheduling policies are very essential to Grid management efficiency and productivity [2]. Grid computing has introduced a number of interesting challenges to the theory of scheduling. In Grid computing the scheduling policies not only manage the various resources needed in computing, but also make decisions regarding the dynamic execution of jobs. Optimization of Grid performance is dependent on its scheduling policies [1, 3, 4, 5, 11]. Effective and efficient resource management is an essential requirement for a high performance Grid. Due to the high dynamicity, scalability and heterogeneity of a Grid, some challenges arise in the development of scheduling algorithms for Grid computing [6]. In this paper, a summary of job scheduling algorithms is given, based on our extensive study, and some new algorithms are proposed. The proposed scheduling algorithms have shown encouraging performance, in earlier tests, compared to the existing ones, on both real and synthetic workloads [7-10]. Apart from the development of these algorithms, a limited amount of software is introduced. This has facilitated the 978-1-4673-1938-6/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE
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study by making it easier to analyze results and doing so in a user friendly manner. This paper presents a comparative performance analysis of Dynamic Multilevel Hybrid Scheduling algorithms and Dynamic Multilevel Dual Queue Scheduling algorithms [7, 8]. The performance analysis also includes a comparison of our proposed scheduling algorithms along with other well known scheduling approaches, for example, First Come First Served (FCFS), Round Robin (RR), Proportional Local Round Robin (PLRR), etc. In our previous research we evaluated the performance of scheduling algorithms using three key quality of service (QoS) based performance metrics, namely average waiting time, average turnaround time and average response time [7-10]. In this paper, we introduce three more QoS based
efficiency of scheduling algorithms in a more optimized way. The structure of the paper will now be described. Section 2 is a literature review of Grid scheduling methodologies. Section 3 discusses the proposed Grid scheduling algorithms. In section 4, a homogenous implementation of scheduling algorithms is discussed. Section 5 shows the experimental setup and section 6 describes the results and contains a discussion. Section 7 concludes the paper. II.
Grid job scheduling policies can generally be divided into space-sharing and time-sharing approaches. In time-sharing policies, processors are temporally shared by jobs. Conversely, in space-sharing policies, processors are exclusively allocated to a single job until its completion. The well known space-sharing policies are FCFS, Backfilling, Job Rotate (JR), Multilevel Opportunistic Feedback (MOF), Shortest Job First (SJF), Shortest Remaining Time First (SRTF), Longest Job First (LJF), Priority (P) and Non Preemptive Priority (P-NP). The famous time-sharing scheduling policies are RR and PLRR [11-13]. For completeness, the most commonly used algorithms will now be explained. FCFS is the simplest non preemptive CPU scheduling algorithm. For this algorithm the ready queue is maintained as an FIFO queue. Each new process is added to the tail of the ready queue. The algorithm dispatches processes from the
2012 International Conference on Computer & Information Science (ICCIS)
head of the ready queue for execution by the CPU. When a process terminates it is deleted from the system. The next process is then selected from the head of the ready queue [14, 15]. The SJF algorithm selects a process having the shortest CPU time. For this algorithm the ready queue is maintained in order of the CPU burst length, with the shortest burst length at the head of the queue. A new process submitted to the system is linked to the queue in accordance with its CPU burst length. The algorithm dispatches processes from the head of the ready queue for execution by the CPU. As with FCFS, when a process has completed its task, it terminates and is deleted from the system. The next process is then dispatched from the head of the ready queue [15]. The LJF algorithm selects a process having the longest CPU time. It functions in a similar way to SJF, the only difference being that order of the queue is reversed, with the longest burst length being at the head of the queue [15, 16]. RR scheduling is a simple way of scheduling in which all processes form a circular array and the scheduler gives control to one process at a time [15, 17]. The ready queue for this algorithm is maintained as an FIFO queue. A process submitted to the system is linked to the tail of the queue. The algorithm dispatches processes from the head of the ready queue for execution by the CPU. Processes being executed are preempted on expiry of a time quantum, which is a systemdefined variable. A preempted process is linked to the tail of the ready queue. When a process has completed its task, i.e., before the expiry of the time quantum, it terminates and is deleted from the system. The next process is then dispatched from the head of the ready queue. This algorithm produces a good response time as compared to other scheduling algorithms. In the P scheduling algorithm, the processes are prioritized in accordance with their operational significance. For this algorithm, the ready queue is maintained in order of the system-defined process priority. Every process is assigned a priority and a new process submitted to the system is linked to the other processes so as to maintain the priority ordering. The algorithm dispatches processes from the head of the ready queue for execution by the CPU. When a process has completed its task, it terminates and is deleted from the system. The next process is then dispatched from the head of the ready queue. If the priority criterion for execution is arrival time of a job into the system, then P scheduling behaves like FCFS scheduling. Alternatively, if the priority criterion is such that the shorter CPU burst length the higher the priority, then this makes P scheduling behave like SJF scheduling [15]. Several scheduling policies have been implemented in modern resource management systems for high performance computing. FCFS with Backfilling is most commonly used as, on average, good utilization of the system and good job response times are achieved [18, 19]. However, with certain job characteristics, other scheduling policies might be superior to FCFS. For example, when most of the jobs are long
running, LJF is beneficial, while SJF is used when most jobs are short ones [20]. In [12], the authors have extended the working of basic space-sharing techniques like FCFS, SJF and LJF, and proposed an SJF-backfilled scheduling heuristic. The main theme of this research was to backfill the shortest job first (length) to reduce the job killing probability. The proposed method also considers the reservation order of jobs in making scheduling decisions. In this way, the authors have achieved the advantages of both the Backfilling and the SJF scheduling policies. In [11], the author has performed an experimental performance analysis of three space-sharing policies (FCFS, JR and MOF) and two time-sharing policies (Global Round Robin and PLRR Scheduling) that have been developed for Grid computing. It is concluded that time-sharing scheduling policies perform better than space-sharing ones. In [21], the authors have performed an analysis of processor scheduling algorithms using a simulation of a Grid computing environment. Three space-sharing scheduling algorithms (FCFS, SJF and P) were simulated. [11] proposes having Grid level resource scheduling with a Job Grouping strategy, in order to maximize resource utilization and minimize the processing time of jobs. A combination of the Best Fit and RR scheduling policies is applied at the local level in order to achieve improved performance. With RR, a fixed time quantum is given to each process in the circular queue, for fair distribution of CPU times. The RR scheduling policy is extensively used for job scheduling in Grid computing [11, 22]. Two fundamental issues that have to be considered for the performance evaluation and comparison of Grid scheduling algorithms are: first, representative workload traces are required to produce dependable results, and second, a good testing environment should be set up, most commonly through simulations [23]. A standard workload should be used as a benchmark for evaluating scheduling algorithms [24, 25]. The Grid Workload Archive (GWA) has played a key role in providing Grid workload traces for research purposes. The GWA project is a platform for workload data exchange and a community center for Grid resource management and scheduling scientists. GWA collects Grid workloads (traces) from various contributors, and presents them to the public in a standard format (GWF). Theoretical analysis is difficult to undertake on live Grids, and so the work that has been done on the different aspects of Grid scheduling, which is extensive, has been done by using simulations [23]. Several simulation environments have been created to facilitate evaluation. All of these simulation tools use discrete eventbased simulations. Most of the job scheduling algorithms highlighted in the literature have not been evaluated using real workload traces. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the efficiency, performance and scalability of proposed scheduling algorithms in comparison to other well-known Grid
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scheduling algorithms on an experimental Grid using part of a real workload trace. III.
Grid scheduling is an NP complete problem, i.e. no deterministic algorithm exists which can generate an optimum result in polynomial time. We proposed a number of approaches for efficient execution of user jobs in a Grid environment - Multilevel Hybrid Scheduling algorithm (MH) and Multilevel Dual Queue Scheduling algorithm (MDQ) [9, 10]. These scheduling algorithms are based on a fixed time quantum value. To predict the demand of Grid jobs in a dynamic scheduling environment, however, is not simple. Dynamic scheduling means that jobs are arriving at the system with different processing demands. However, algorithms based on a fixed time quantum cannot be feasible solutions to dynamic environments [9, 10]. To support the dynamicity of user jobs, two variants of MH - Dynamic Multilevel Hybrid Scheduling algorithm using Median (MHM) and Dynamic Multilevel Hybrid Scheduling algorithm using Square Root (MHR) [8] have been proposed. Extensive research work also proposed two more variants of MDQ, namely Dynamic Multilevel Dual Queue Scheduling algorithm using Median (MDQM), Dynamic Multilevel Dual Queue Scheduling algorithm using Square Root (MDQR) [7]. IV.
In this research we used the same implementation method as we discussed in [7-10]. For comprehensiveness, the implementation method will now be discussed. A master-slave architecture has been employed for implementation of the proposed and the existing job scheduling algorithms, and is shown in Figure 1. This involves the use of an actual cluster. The master takes process sets as input and distributes the processes on the cluster processors using a round-robin allocation strategy (i.e. ) for parallel computation. Here represents the number of compute nodes, which are participating in the computational Grid for execution of various computational jobs. It should be noted that a real workload trace, LCG1 [17], is used for the experimentation. The same scheduling algorithm, either Hybrid Scheduling or some other scheduling algorithm, is used on each slave processor.
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Slave 1
Slave 2
Slave 3
Figure 1. Block Diagram of Master/Slave Architecture
All scheduling algorithms have been tried on the LCG1 dynamic workload. The experiments made use of a HPC facility in the Computer Modeling Lab at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS. hpc.local was used as the default execution site for job submission. A detailed experimental setup is shown in Table 1. Table 1. Experimental Setup
Shell terminal
Lab Workstation
Intel Core 2 Duo CPU 2.0GHZ 2 GB Memory
Execution site
HPC facility
128 Core Intel(R) Itanium2(R) Processor 9030 arch : IA-64 CPU MHz : 1.6 GHz
In this paper, we describe a comparative performance analysis of our proposed algorithms -MH, Dynamic Multilevel Hybrid Scheduling (MHM, MHR), Dynamic Multilevel Dual Queue Scheduling (MDQM, MDQR) and MDQ - with other Grid scheduling algorithms, namely PLRR, FCFS, SJF, LJF and RR. We made use of a number of CPUs and real workload traces (such as LCG1) for evaluation of the scheduling algorithms [11]. The performance metrics for the Grid scheduling algorithms are: Average Waiting Time, Average Turnaround Time, Average Response Time, Average Slowdown Time, Total Completion Time, and Maximum Job Stretch Time. We performed experiments by varying the number of CPUs from 16 to 128. We used 50 units as the fixed time quantum for our experiment. We computed results for each experiment, as shown in Figures 2 to 7.
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Figure 2. Average waiting times of scheduling algorithms for 10% workload of LCG1
Figure 3. Average turnaround times of scheduling algorithms for 10% workload of LCG1
Figure 4. Average response times of scheduling algorithms for 10% workload of LCG1
Figure 5. Average slowdown times of scheduling algorithms for 10% workload of LCG1
Figure 6. Total completion times of scheduling algorithms for 10% workload of LCG1
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Figure 7. Maximum job stretch times of scheduling algorithms for 10% workload of LCG1
A. Average Waiting Time Analysis Figure 2 illustrates the average waiting times for scheduling algorithms using ten percent of the LCG1 workload trace. LCG1 comprises 18804 processes. It has been found that the MH, MHR, and SPN scheduling algorithms have relatively short average waiting times as compared to the other scheduling algorithms. It can also be seen that MHM, MDQM, MDQR, MDQ and RR have similar average waiting times but these are longer than those for MH, MHR and SPN. Moreover, PLRR, P, FCFS and LJF have long average waiting times. LJF has the longest. The average waiting times for all scheduling algorithms become shorter as the number of CPUs increases, from 16 to 128. MH and MHR have the shortest average waiting times for the selected ten percent of LCG1. B. Average Turnaround Time Analysis Figure 3 shows the average turnaround times computed for each scheduling algorithm using ten percent of the LCG1 workload. The average turnaround times for MH and MHR are shorter than those for the other Grid scheduling algorithms. This figure also shows that SPN and MHM have short average turnaround times. SPN, MHM, MDQM, MDQR, MDQ and RR have similar average turnaround times. Furthermore, it is found that the P, PLRR, FCFS and LJF scheduling algorithms have long average turnaround times. C. Average Response Time Analysis The average response times computed for the scheduling algorithms, using ten percent of the LCG1 workload, are shown in Figure 4. It is found that the average response times for RR and MDQ are shorter than the other scheduling algorithms. The average response time for each algorithm shortens as the number of CPUs increases from 16 to 128. Figure 4 also shows that the next best group comprises of the MDQR, MDQM, MH and MHR algorithms. Following these are SPN and MHM. P, PLRR, FCFS and LJF have the longest average response times, of which LJF is longest. D. Average Slowdown Time Analysis Figure 5 shows the average slowdown times for each scheduling algorithm using ten percent of the LCG1
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workload. Figure 5 shows that MH and MHR have produced the shortest average slowdown times compared to the other scheduling algorithms. Figure 5 also shows that the group with the next shortest average slowdown times is MHM, RR, MDQ, and MDQR. Figure 5 also shows that MDQM and SPN follow these with longer average slowdown times. The figure also shows that PLRR, P, FCFS and LJF have long average slowdown times. LJF has the longest average slowdown time. The average slowdown times shorten as the number of CPUs increases from 16 to 128. E. Total Completion Time Analysis Figure 6 shows the total completion times computed for each scheduling algorithm using ten percent of the LCG1 workload. Figure 6 shows that MH and MHR have produced the shortest total completion times compared to the other scheduling algorithms. Figure 6 also shows that SPN, MHM and MDQM have slightly longer total completion times than those for MH and MHR. This figure also shows that MDQR, MDQ, and RR have even longer total completion times. Figure 6 also shows that P, FCFS, PLRR and LJF have the longest completion times. Moreover, the total completion times for all scheduling algorithms shorten as the number of CPUs increase, for this ten percent of the LCG1 workload. F. Maximum Job Stretch Time Analysis The maximum job stretch times for each scheduling algorithm, using ten percent of the LCG1 workload, are shown in Figure 7. It can be seen that MH and MHR have the shortest maximum job stretch times compared to the other scheduling algorithms. In addition, RR, MDQ, MDQR, MHM and MDQM have average maximum job stretch times. SPN has a longer total completion time than average. Figure 7 also shows that P, PLRR, FCFS and LJF have the longest maximum job stretch times. VII. CONCLUSION Our paper has presented a comparative performance analysis of proposed and existing scheduling algorithms. All scheduling algorithms have been evaluated using a simulator running on an experimental Grid, and using part of a real workload trace (LCG1) in a dynamic scheduling
2012 International Conference on Computer & Information Science (ICCIS)
environment. The experimental results show that the MH and MHR scheduling algorithms have the shortest average waiting times, average turnaround times, average slowdown times, total completion times and maximum job stretch times as compared to other scheduling algorithms, using the proportion of the LCG1 real workload trace made use of in this study. The experimental results also demonstrate that RR and MDQ have the shortest average response times compared to the other approaches. It has been demonstrated, and so we conclude, that MH and MHR are promising scheduling algorithms from the system perspective while MDQ and RR appear to be suitable choices from a user perspective. REFERENCES [1]
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