QoS Control for Guaranteed Service Bundles Over Fiber-Wireless ...

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... optical network (EPON), FiWi, optical wireless access, quality-of-service (QoS), service bundle ... the bandwidth benefit of fiber communications and the mobile.


QoS Control for Guaranteed Service Bundles Over Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) Broadband Access Networks Ahmad R. Dhaini, Student Member, IEEE, Pin-Han Ho, Member, IEEE, and Xiaohong Jiang, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—The integration of ethernet passive optical networks (EPONs) and IEEE 802.16 has been lately presented as a promising candidate for next-generation broadband access. This paper investigates the performance of the integrated carrier when specific service bundles (SBs) with bandwidth guarantee and diverse quality of service requirements are provisioned. We first present a novel framework that fairly distributes the upstream network capacity among the different SBs. We then propose a novel delay-based admission control scheme to increase the network utilization and enable an inter-SB statistical multiplexing. To obtain the expected delay of each SB stream, a generic analytical model is developed. Based on this model, we further formulate some important performance measures such as queuing delay, end-to-end (from wireless user to the central office of PON) delay, average queue size and optimal orthogonal frequency division multiplexing frame length. Numerical results validate our analysis and highlight the advantages of the proposed solution. Index Terms—Ethernet passive optical network (EPON), FiWi, optical wireless access, quality-of-service (QoS), service bundle (SB), WiMAX.



HE integration of ethernet passive optical network (EPON) and IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX) has been lately presented as an attractive solution for realizing fixed mobile convergence [1], [2]. The integration can take advantage of the bandwidth benefit of fiber communications and the mobile nonline-of-sight features of wireless communications to manifest a high-speed mobile metro-access network. In addition, the complementary features of both networks have motivated deploying EPON as backhaul to connect multiple WiMAX base stations (BSs). In specific, EPON and WiMAX perfectly match in terms of capacity hierarchies. EPON, for instance, supports a total of 1 Gbps bandwidth in downstream and upstream directions, shared by typically 16–32 remote optical network units (ONUs). On average, each ONU accesses 70 Mbps bandwidth, which matches the total capacity offered by a WiMAX BS over a 20 MHz channel as well [1]–[4].

Manuscript received September 26, 2010; revised January 07, 2011, March 06, 2011; accepted March 18, 2011. Date of publication March 28, 2011; date of current version May 02, 2011. Part of the proposed analytical model appeared in [22] at IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, Miami, FL, 2010. A. R. Dhaini and P.-H. Ho are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). X. Jiang is with the School of Systems Information Science, Future University-Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan (e-mail: [email protected]). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JLT.2011.2132753

Fig. 1. Service bundle provisioning over EPON-WiMAX.

Each registered EPON-WiMAX user may belong to a specific service bundle (SB) as agreed-upon in the service level agreement (SLA). These SBs as illustrated in Fig. 1, allow for the support of premium services and are characterized by their stringent bandwidth needs and diverse quality-of-service (QoS) requirements. A virtual private network (VPN) is an archetypal SB that contains disparate users with different service requirements and authorities [3], [5]. However, the concept of SB can be generalized to any scenario with multiple groups of users with diversified applications such as community/campus, home/office, and data centric networks. A typical SB carries applications spanning from voice over IP, e-mail, and video calls to audio channels, high-definition television, online gaming, and cloud computing. It can be categorized as 1) basic with a typical total Mbps; 2) intermediate for a bandwidth requirement of Mbps, or 3) advanced for a total of Mbps total of [6]. The support of these premium SBs in a metropolitan-area wired and wireless integrated infrastructure, entitles the resolution of many challenges such as resource management, dynamic bandwidth allocation (DBA) and admission control (AC). Namely, efficient bandwidth management paradigms are needed in order to ensure guaranteed services for each registered SB user, which can either be a subscriber station (SS) or a terminal connecting to the network through an SS. In the downstream direction, EPON and WiMAX simply broadcast data packets over the downstream/downlink media. Conversely in the upstream direction, packets are launched in the shared upstream/uplink media, which requires efficient resource management techniques to enable successful data transmission. Therefore, this work focuses on solutions pertaining to resource management for EPON-WiMAX networks in the upstream/uplink direction.

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The paper introduces a novel QoS control and management framework for SB provisioning over the EPON-WiMAX integration. The proposed framework provides statistical bandwidth guarantees for each SB user and offers an efficient bandwidth distribution approach. In addition, it employs a delay-based admission control (DAC) engine which admits a flow if its expected delay is less than the maximum end-to-end (E2E) delay bound specified in the SLA. The DAC engine measures the expected delay through a generic analytical model that applies to both WiMAX and EPON networks. By taking advantage of classical queuing theory, our analytical model provides a fine estimation of the network behavior with different QoS parameters. We will show that DAC not only enables inter-SB statistical multiplexing, but also achieves high network utilization by admitting more flows. The proposed framework also helps in setting a number of salient network parameters such as OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) frame length and buffering



queue size, in order to ensure a statistically guaranteed service for each admitted SB flow. The most relevant notations used in this work are summarized in Table I. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II presents the proposed QoS control framework and highlights the related design features. The generic analytical model is presented in Section III. Section IV presents our numerical and simulation results and Section V concludes the paper. II. QOS CONTROL FRAMEWORK FOR GUARANTEED SBS In this section, the new QoS control framework is presented. The various building blocks and the related design features such as the SBs’ traffic characteristics are also exhibited. A. QoS-Provisioning Paradigm With the proposed QoS provisioning framework as shown in , which is the Fig. 2, the effective upstream PON cycle PON cycle time minus the control overhead that is caused by



Fig. 2. Proposed SB QoS-provisioning framework.

Fig. 3. Traffic mapping at ONU-BS.

the polling and requesting signaling, is divided among all the SBs. will be analytically derived in the paper. Let be the bandwidth reserved for SB (denoted as ) in each the transmission rate of PON in transmission cycle and be given a weight to determine bps. In addition, let each (in its SLA-based paid/committed bandwidth. Therefore, bytes, therefore divided by eight) can be computed as follows: (1) To avoid starvation, a portion is reserved for the best effort (BE) traffic, while the real-time flows share the remaining . The value of is prebandwidth, denoted as defined in the SLA and reflects the minimum BE throughput requirement for . B. Traffic Characteristics and QoS Requirements In EPON and WiMAX, flows are classified based on their type and are mapped to the respective class of service (CoS).

WiMAX mainly supports four CoSs (i.e., unsolicited grant service (UGS), real-time polling service (rtPS), nonreal-time polling service (nrtPS) and BE in addition to extended real-time polling service (ertPS) which is proposed in the IEEE 802.16e version of the standard [7]. EPON typically supports up to eight CoSs or queues [8]. As illustrated in Fig. 3, in the proposed framework, we assume a simple one-to-one mapping between EPON and WiMAX CoSs at the ONU-BS. Hence, a CoS refers to the same type of flows in both technologies. Constant-bit-rate (CBR) flows (such as UGS) are nonbursty and can be simply characterized by their mean arrival rate in bits per second. They demand strict delay, jitter, and bandwidth guarantee requirements. On the other hand, variable-bitrate (VBR) flows (such as rtPS and nrtPS) are bursty in nature and in addition to , are characterized by the following Traffic SPECifications (TSPEC) parameters: • Peak arrival data rate in bits per second. • Maximum burst size in bits. • Queuing delay bound , which is the maximum amount of time (in seconds) allowed to transport a traffic stream/flow,



Fig. 4. Dual-token leaky bucket (DTLB).

measured between the arrival of the flow to the MAC layer and the start of transmission in the network. • MAC service data unit (MSDU) maximum and minimum and ). For fixed MSDU size streams of sizes ( . size , the mean frame size While VBR flows demand strict delay and bandwidth guarantee requirements, BE traffic is bursty in nature and imposes no specific QoS requirements. Yet with our framework, a minimum SLA-based BE throughput is ensured for each provisioned SB. Therefore, in the following, we focus on achieving statistical bandwidth guaranteed services for each real-time SB flow.

Fig. 5. Guaranteed bandwidth derivation graph.

D. Lossless Buffering Achieving lossless buffering means that the packet drop probability for each CoS queue is equal to zero. For CBR flows, lossless buffering can always be achieved by allocating the guaranteed rate as per (2). In contrast, lossless buffering for VBR flows is DTLB-parameters dependent. Proposition 2.1: To achieve zero packet drop for each VBR must satisfy the following: flow, the size of the queue (6)

C. Statistical Guaranteed Service Rate To attain a statistical guaranteed bandwidth for each real-time SB stream, a guaranteed rate is computed based on the TSPEC parameters of each flow. For a CBR flow (belonging to CoS , and user ), given a frame error probability pertaining to user and which is a function of the channel condition [i.e., the signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR)] [9], the bandwidth is as statistically guaranteed by defining its guaranteed rate follows: (2) For VBR traffic, a dual-token leaky bucket (DTLB) is employed at the entrance of the MAC buffer and is associated with each stream as shown in Fig. 4. The bucket size is calculated as follows: (3) Accordingly, the arrival traffic envelope passing through the DTLB during follows:

of the stream , is computed as

Proof: According to [11], given a DTLB of mean rate , peak rate , and bucket size , the dynamic queue size should respect the following bound in order to ensure no packet loss for a stream of guaranteed rate : (7) , with By combining (3), (5), and (7) as well as neglecting some simplifications, the minimum queue size is computed and Proposition 2.1 is proved. The value of can be set in the stage of network planning to achieve lossless buffering in the wireless domain. This is essential given that packets transmitted on wireless channels are already prone to loss [9]. E. Error Control To ensure reliability of protocol data unit (PDU) transmission, an infinite persistent automatic repeat request-based error recovery is used [12]. Assuming an independent error process, the probability that PDUs out of are successfully received by the ONU-BS, is obtained as follows:

(4) where . is then constructed from (4) as , the guaranteed rate for a VBR shown in Fig. 5. With can be easily derived flow belonging to CoS , user , and from Fig. 5 using the distance formula [3], [10] (5) These rates are then used to perform bandwidth allocation and admission control in the upstream channel.

(8) F. Delay-Based Admission Control In the SLA, each CoS of is associated with a max[i.e., the time taken to transfer data imum E2E delay bound for an admitted flow from SS to optical line terminal (OLT)]. With such information, we design a three-stage DAC engine that admits a flow if with its inclusion the expected delay measurements of all real-time flows are lower than their respective



Fig. 6. Delay-based admission control flowchart.

bounds. As shown in the flowchart in Fig. 6, DAC involves the collaboration of each SS, every ONU-BS, and the OLT. Such a decentralized approach reduces the complexity and the “decision time” of the AC engine, as opposed to installing it at one end (e.g., the OLT). Namely if the latter is adopted, the OLT will have to store and process information for every wireless and optical user in the network; whereas with DAC, ONU-BS, and SS collectively handle the wireless domain and leave the optical domain handling to the OLT. 1) At the SS: The first stage of DAC is performed at the SS where the admission control unit (ACU) extracts the parameters for an incoming flow . The flow is directly admitted if it is a BE flow, and it shares the reserved BE bandwidth with other admitted BE flows. Conversely if is a real-time flow, its guaranteed rate is computed and then reported to the ONU-BS. 2) At the ONU-BS: Upon receiving the flow request from the SS, the ONU-BS computes the expected delay in the wireless domain and forwards it to the OLT along with ’s guaranteed rate for the final stage of AC. 3) At the OLT: Since the OLT has all the information about all the connected nodes and users (e.g., number of SBs and number of ONU-BSs) as well as the SLA-based QoS requirements and the admitted guaranteed rates, it can make the final decision on whether or not to admit the incoming flow by . More computing the expected E2E flow delay : specifically, the OLT admits a flow if (9) (E2E) is computed in the next section. In order to commit the minimum per-SB bandwidth that is computed in (1), bandwidth can be shared among SBs only if all the SBs can be accommodated. More specifically, a flow with guaranteed is admitted, if the following conditions are satisfied: rate



, (10b)

does With such an admission rule, if an admitted flow in not “leave” the network before the arrival of a new flow of the same class, inter-SB bandwidth sharing could be enabled between the involved SBs. With this regards, the upstream bandwidth acts as a pool of resources for all users of different SBs; thereby achieving an inter-SB statistical multiplexing rather than the fixed bandwidth reservation proposed in [3]. This obviously leads to increased network utilization and thus higher throughput while meeting the QoS requirements of all admitted SB flows. Note that the communication between the OLT/ONU-BS and the ONU-BSs/SSs is polling-based. That is, each SS/ONU-BS is polled in one polling interval (PI) and is assigned a transmission slot in the next PI. The flows’ requests and grants are embedded as additional fields in the control messages (i.e., BW_Request, UL_MAP, REPORT, and GATE) [3]. The values of these fields are filled with the proper information whenever a flow request/ grant takes place, otherwise they are either left empty or given a negative value. Since the default EPON cycle length is 2 ms [13], and the maximum OFDM frame size is 20 ms [7], the maximum flow admission decision time will also be 20 ms, which is considered tolerable [3], [10]. G. Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Each admitted flow requires an uplink bandwidth portion equivalent to its calculated guaranteed rate to be allocated in each PI or cycle/frame. Similar to the previous art [3], the DBA in the proposed framework divides each upstream/uplink cycle/frame into two subcycles, where the first subcycle is used to allocate guaranteed bandwidth for admitted real-time traffic, whereas the second subcycle is used to allocate BE bandwidth per SB. At the ONU-BS, the DBA takes into account the physical (PHY) profile of each SS. An SS with lower transmission


rate is allocated more transmission time proportional to other SSs on a per-frame basis, such that a statistical bandwidth guarantee is achieved. Remark 2.1: While the DBA ensures that the committed guaranteed rate for each admitted flow is allocated, its “reservation” process might cause more flows to be dropped (as detailed in [3]), and hence the network may exhibit lower throughput. Therefore, an advanced DBA may be designed jointly with DAC to achieve higher network throughput. Since our work does not focus on DBA design, we adopted such a DBA to complement the proposed framework in order to demonstrate its performance and to highlight the advantages of DAC over other related AC schemes. III. ANALYTICAL MODEL In this section, we develop a generic analytical model to measure the expected delay of each admitted SB flow. We first overview the related work and show how the proposed analytical model is different from the previous art. In addition to the expected delay required to perform DAC, our model presents other important performance metrics such as average queuing delay and average queue size for each measured CoS. In addition, it computes the optimal OFDM frame length that can maximize the network utilization while ensuring the committed bandwidth. A. Related Work To the best of our knowledge, only the work in [14] presented an analytical model to measure the packet delay in EPON-WiMAX. Nonetheless, it only focused on ingress and egress queues at ONU-BSs, with an undefined access mechanism and bandwidth allocation scheme. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a new model that can better serve our framework. In WiMAX, many previously reported studies have proposed analytical models to measure the packet delay. Notably in [12], the authors proposed an analytical model to measure the performance of polling and nonpolling services based on the grantper-subscriber-station (GPSS) allocation scheme1 [7]. Hence, no per-flow analysis was presented. The authors of [15] proposed an analytical model to measure the performance of unicast polling services with only one packet transmission in each frame. Furthermore, a bandwidth allocation mechanism was absent and the various QoS requirements were not taken into account. Similarly in [16], an analytical model was presented with a hybrid unicast-multicast polling system model. The model only focused on the impact of the number of polls on the overall network performance without a DBA scheme that can achieve multiclass service support. In EPON, very few works were presented to analytically measure the packet delay except for [17], [18]. Nonetheless, both studies focused on a single queuing system and did not consider any QoS requirements/measurements under a multiclass and multiservice scenario. For all these aforementioned reasons, we design a new generic analytical model that applies to both WiMAX and EPON networks, as well as to their integration. Our model 1In GPSS, the BS allocates bandwidth per-SS, which in turn is responsible for distributing the allocated bandwidth among the CoSs.


clearly differs from the previous work by providing a per-flow QoS performance analysis that can facilitate the design of MAC protocols as well as the optimization of network parameters to offer an efficiently traffic-engineered FiWi network. B. Preliminaries In our model, we refer to a polling node as server and a polled station as client. Thus, the OLT is considered a server where polling the ONU-BS (i.e., client) in the optical domain; whereas an ONU-BS acts as a server where polling an SS (i.e., client) in the wireless domain. Therefore, client indicates an SS if the model is applied in the wireless domain and an ONU-BS if the model is applied in the optical domain. The EPON-WiMAX network consists of multiple clients, with each client having multiple queues, accessing the transmission medium in a time-division multiple access (TDMA) fashion in the optical domain and OFDM-TDMA in the wireless domain. The server allocates bandwidth such that the guaranteed rate is ensured; thus the number of packets that are transmitted in each frame/cycle is equal to the guaranteed rate of each service. Therefore, we model each client as a weighted round robin (WRR) scheduler with only one round of scheduling, such that the client transmits all the bandwidth allocated for each CoS in this round. Nonetheless due to the TDMA channel access, each scheduler will be exposed to a “vacation time” before accessing its portion of channel (or time slot). More specifically, this vacation time represents the time where no data packets are being transmitted. In order to facilitate the analysis and with the similarity between polling-based WiMAX and EPON networks, we graphically illustrate in Fig. 7 the temporal events that occur in a single PI (wireless or optical). Here, the clients are polled/scheduled sequentially with client 0 as the first polled/scheduled client, . The vacation time is divided henceforth until client into three folds: server vacation, best-effort vacation, and client vacation. 1) Server Vacation: A server vacation, denoted , is the idle period displayed in the system between two consecutive uplink/upstream data transmissions. That is in each PI, the server waits until all the request messages (i.e., BW Request messages in WiMAX [7] and REPORT messages in EPON [19]) are received from its connected clients before performing bandwidth allocation. The respective waiting time converges to only the , bepropagation time of the last message sent from client cause the transmission time of all request messages is assumed to be of much shorter length than data transmission windows. will Hence, all the requests sent from client 0 until client is still transmitting arrive at the server’s side while client data packets in the uplink direction. At the beginning of a new to process the PI, the server spends an amount of time to compute the DBA algorithm. incoming messages and Consequently, the server broadcasts grants (i.e., GATE in EPON and UL_MAP in WiMAX) for each client. Without loss of generality, the analytical model assumes a uniform client-server distance (i.e., equal message propagation time), where the grant message destined to client 0 is transmitted first on the downlink channel. 2) Best-Effort Vacation: The main target of our model is to derive the expected E2E delay for real-time queues (i.e., for



Fig. 7. Illustration of temporal events in each PI.

), where class is for BE traffic. However, to measure the performance of real-time SB streams with is fully utithe existence of heavy-load BE traffic (i.e., lized), we assume that the total BE (of all SBs) reserved band, for width portion is represented as a vacation time, denoted real-time queues of each client. More specifically, we claim the existence of at least one user per , and this user may fully access ’s reserved BE portion. 3) Client Vacation: A client vacation, denoted , is the idle period exhibited between any two contiguous transmission time slots. As shown in Fig. 7, in addition to the best-effort vacation, consists of the time used for transmitting a request message plus the guard time that separates the transmission of two adjacent clients (e.g., clients 0 and 1) in the uplink/upstream direction. C. Assumptions and Analysis To make the modeling process tractable, we assume that the guaranteed rates of all clients are Poisson-distributed, identical and independently distributed, with per-client guaranteed rate . As a result, we model each client as a combination of WRR with one round of scheduling, and multiserqueue with vacations [18], [20]. Note that the purvice pose the model is to capture the long-term estimated average behavior of each admitted flow to perform DAC. While the assumption of Poisson-distributed traffic is valid for unshaped nonbursty traffic, it is a compromise between the precision and tractability of the model by using Poisson distribution to approximate the shaped arrival processes. To support this assumption, we have conducted a simulation study on the traffic that is being ). Here, we have applied three shaped using the DTLB (i.e., incoming traffic profiles 1) a real video trace2; 2) self-similar Pareto-distributed traffic; and 3) Poisson-distributed traffic. As shown in Fig. 8, all traffics (of mean rate 750 Kbps) after passing through the DTLB, exhibit similar behavior regardless of their incoming traffic profiles. More importantly, the results clearly indicate how the unshaped Poisson-distributed traffic can nicely 2Available

at http://trace.eas.asu.edu/preencoded/index.html.

capture the behavior of the shaped bursty traffic and hence, as . Note that it is possible we assumed, can be used to estimate to claim that the shaped traffic can be seen as constant. However, such assumption is very aggressive as it does not consider any observed traffic fluctuation; whereas the claim of a Poisson-disis regarded as a more conservative and valid astributed sumption. Our numerical results will also verify the statistical adequacy of this approximation. We further apply the following relevant assumptions. 1) The wireless channel quality of each connection remains constant on a per-frame basis. 2) Perfect channel state information for each SS is available at the ONU-BS receiver. Thus, the SNR reports are correctly received by the ONU-BS through the BW_Requests over an error-free feedback channel. 3) There exist enough OFDM subchannels to accommodate all admitted users. 4) The buffer size of each queue is computed according to (6), where no packet dropping is possible. 5) A traffic of any class is the same for all SBs. That is, and . Since we assume that all traffic of the same class for different SBs are equal, we omit the usage of in our notations in the following context. In addition, we use to denote the number of clients connected to one server in a particular domain (Fi or Wi). The average arrival rate at class of a wireless server is the sum of all arrival rates of class of all wireless clients connecting to the same server. Hence, the total arrival rate will then be calculated in the following manner:




Fig. 9. TDD WiMAX frame structure.

where is defined as the average transmission rate in one wireless domain (i.e., at one server) and is computed as follows:

Fig. 8. Comparison between different traffic profiles.

The vacation intervals and are computed based on the domain the client belongs to (i.e., Fi or Wi). The client vacation is uniform in both domains and is given by



The first and second moments of the transmission times for a class and client packet, can be expressed as and , respectively, with denoting the service time. The respective utilization factor is hence . given by We also assume that a steady state always exists. That is, (12) Note that the steady state is enforced by allowing DAC to reject incoming flows when (12) is violated. In the Fi domain, all clients have equal transmission rates and are assumed to be equally loaded. Conversely in the Wi domain, each client may , corresponding to an have a different transmission rate adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) mode as per Table II, and reflecting the channel condition of the client. Nonetheless as mentioned, the adopted DBA deals with this issue by allocating more “time” (translated to capacity) for users with lower transmission rates, to achieve per-SB statistical bandwidth guarantees for each CoS. Using (1), we can estimate the best-effort in the following way: vacation time

While is uniform, the server vacation varies due the time division duplexing (TDD) frame nature in WiMAX (illustrated in Fig. 9). Hence, we compute as follows:


In the wireless domain, OFDM frames have fixed lengths (5, 10, or 20 ms) [7]. Thus, in the case where the OFDM uplink subframe is not fully utilized, each client will exhibit an additional vacation/idle time proportional to the frame size (see Fig. 9). This time is derived based on the uplink subframe utilization as follows: (16) is extracted from the traffic transmitted in the uplink channel as follows: (17) where is the average data cycle length and is approximated as follows [21]:

(13) (18)



Combining (16) and (18),

will then be given by

. If belongs to class 1, its expected queuing delay will then be equal to the following: (26) (19)

as the access interval (vacation plus data) We also define , and where is the vacation period for a client in interval appearing just before ’s data interval. As shown in Fig. 7, depends on ’s position in each PI and is estimated as follows: (20)


is client ’s

proportional to all clients’

(27) In steady state, will see the same average number of packets queued, at both its enqueuing and dequeuing times. The expected number of arriving packets to class 1, at those times, is . As a result, equivalent to

The polling control overhead in each PI can then be estimated as the sum of all vacations. As a result, in (1) will then be computed as follows:



(28) Hence, the expected queuing delay of the priority queue 1 is then computed as follows:

D. E2E Packet Delay Each packet may arrive to any client during the whole PI and can belong to any SB of class . In each domain, will be , such that subject to a delay (22) and are ’s average queuing delay and where , transmission time, respectively. In the steady state, as the expected value of the total delay is then given as

(29) According to the aforementioned client ’s WRR (with one round) scheduling mechanism, the expected delay of a packet arriving at the second queue shall wait for all the packets in the higher priority queue and the packets that arrived earlier to the and . Thus, same priority queue, in addition to

(23) is given by and . Therefore, in order to compute (also denoted as ), we need to derive an expression for . Once computed, the E2E packet delay will then be equal to the following: where



Similarly, a general expression of the expected queuing delay , can then be given by for class , where

where and are the average packet delay in the optical and wireless domains, respectively.


E. Queuing Delay Analysis The queuing delay of

arriving at client is expressed by (25)

is the mean service time of packet . We note that . Similarly, , and . In the wireless domain, the queuing delay also includes the additional delay that is caused by the DTLB shaping (as described in Section II.C). We start by computing the queuing delay for classes 1 and 2, and then provide a generalized expression for class , where where

To find the value of , we use the concept of the mean residual service time [18], [20], with a graphical argument. As (the residual time at time ) exhibits shown in Fig. 10, vacation times depending on the position of client in each PI. in is Therefore, the time average of

(32) where is the number of vacations appeared in denotes a class serviced packet, both during

, and . By


Fig. 10. Derivation of the mean residual time




assuming equally loaded clients, the number of vacations in can be evaluated as just , with (the total number of vacations occurred during ). This is due repeat once in every to the fact that the vacations in consecutive vacations. Hence, we can rewrite (32) as follows:

in (27), is basically equivalent to the comThe value of putation of the probability that packet arrives during when , denoted as . By assuming equal data interval lengths for all clients, at steady state can belong to client with . As a result will arrive during client ’s data probability , and to its vacation interval with interval with probability . Consequently, is computed probability as follows:

(34) where is computed from (20), and denotes the second moment of client ’s service time averaged over all classes. More specifically,

To determine

, we first denote

where We note that %


where tion period. When given as

. As a result for CoS

is the average duration of one vaca, the mean residual time will then be


denotes the probability of the operand. As noticed, the is dependent on the location of % computation of (see Fig. 7). In other words, if % , this means that will be requested in the next PI and transmitted in the one after. This is due to the fact that a packet cannot be transmitted in a PI by a client unless it is first reported to the server in the pervious PI. Hence, will have to wait for a full PI before transmission, as well as the remaining PI before being requested. As a result, the total amount of gaps or vacations ex(for the current PI) hibited in such scenario is equal to (the average vacation time in one PI). Similarly, plus % , then will be reported in the curif rent PI, and transmitted in the one after. Consequently, the total (for vacation time exhibited in this scenario will be equal to . Note that in case arrives during the current PI) plus , then the total exhibited vacation time will also fall under


this category (i.e., we can evaluate



). Accordingly,

as follows:

and by solving (19) for follows:

will then be computed as

% %


Since each client has a total mean rate of , hence each ar. riving packet can belong to any client with probability This implies that the conditional probability that arrives at client % during is also . Thus, with [defined in (34)], is computed in (35), shown at the bottom of the page. As a result, and with some simplifications, we obtain the value of as follows: . (36) Finally, by gathering the values of , and from (33), (34), and (36), respectively, we can obtain the expected queuing for each class . Using delay in both domains, we also get and . F. Per-Class Average Queue Size Using Little’s theorem [20], the class average queue size of , is given by client , denoted (37)

G. Optimal Frame Length It has long been a challenging problem in wireless networks to determine the frame length that can achieve the best compromise between high loss/retransmission rate due to lengthy frames and the larger overhead in case the frame length is set small. The issue is addressed in this subsection. and Proposition 3.1: Given a number of wireless users and , to achieve the best utiCoS traffic parameters lization of uplink subframe while ensuring guaranteed QoS, the should be set as follows: OFDM frame length

(38) Proof: An optimal frame length means that the idle time is kept the minimal. With the assumption that all users are identical

(39) By replacing (39) in (Table I), Proposition 3.1 is proved. From the computed value of , we can select the closest OFDM frame length to either 5, 10, or 20 ms, thereby minimizing the idle frame length and maximizing the network utilization while achieving a guaranteed service for each user. IV. NUMERICAL AND SIMULATION RESULTS To validate the effectiveness of the proposed analytical model versus the simulated proposed framework, we have . The relevant simimplemented a simulator using OMNET ulation parameters are shown in Table III. The AMC of each SS is randomly selected from the adopted modes in Table II. Each SS has four flows (UGS, rtPS, nrtPS, and BE). Every UGS flow is generated with a mean/guaranteed rate of 64 Kbps [19]. Each rtPS flow is generated at a guaranteed rate of 5 Mbps (which is the average bit rate of a DVD-quality video [19]) and each nrtPS flow is generated at a guaranteed rate of 500 Kbps [3]. Each self-similar Parato-shaped BE flow is generated at a mean rate of 2 Mbps [3]. Packet sizes are uniformly distributed between 64 and 1518 bytes. The 90% confidence interval of the simulation results are shown in the figures. The first 10% of the simulation time is considered as the transient period, and is thus discarded. We first plot in Fig. 11 the relation between the utilization factor in the optical domain (i.e., at the OLT) and the utilization factor in the wireless domain (i.e., at one ONU-BS). Since all SSs and ONU-BSs are assumed to be equally loaded, the load on one ONU-BS can be generalized to all ONU-BSs and hence can give the load in the optical domain. As a result and as an alternative to a 3-D graph, this relation will simplify the representation of the subsequent figures to make them easily readable. In those figures, the results are drawn versus the optical utilization factor. Fig. 12 depicts the E2E average packet delay, obtained by theoretical and simulation experiments, for three CoSs of tagged and . Note that in our simulation clients model and unlike the assumption made in the analytical model, BE traffic load builds up gradually with time. This fact results





Fig. 11. Relationship between wireless and optical utilization factors.

in a very slight increase of the E2E packet delay in the analytical part versus the simulation one, at moderately lower network . Nonetheless, both results in general match loads with a fine degree at all loads and a very small difference of 2 ms (especially at high loads), even when the BE reserved portion is fully utilized. Moreover, although our simulation model has been implemented without the assumptions made in the analytical model (e.g., guaranteed rate is Poisson-distributed), the results show that these assumptions are statistically requisite. Fig. 13 shows the average queue size of each CoS in the optical domain, where each optical client (at the same time a wireless server) acts as a multiplexer of all traffic arriving from the wireless clients connected to it. As shown, both the analytical and simulation results show a fine match of almost 95% for all classes; which again shows the effectiveness of our analysis. Note that we do not plot the wireless client’s average queue size because a similar behavior was observed.

Fig. 12. Average end-to-end packet delay: . (c) . (b)

(E2E). (a)


To study the selection of the OFDM frame length under the proposed framework, we show in Fig. 14 the frame length versus the number of wireless users. As noticed, for an OFDM frame length of 5 ms, the maximum number of users that can be accommodated while achieving a guaranteed rate service, is almost six. Similarly, eight users can be best accommodated



throughput under all of DAC, VPN-AC [3], and with the application of no admission control (i.e., NO-AC). VPN-AC is a measurement-based AC scheme that admits a flow if its guaranteed rate can be supported in its reserved VPN (i.e., SB) bandwidth share. As elaborated in the figure, enabling inter-SB statistical multiplexing allows DAC to admit more real-time flows in the network, which in turn increases the resource utilization and throughput. We note here that since our analysis assumes a steady-state network, all incoming flows are rejected once the network saturation is reached (same as with VPN-AC). V. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK

Fig. 13. Average queue size in the (Fi) domain.

Fig. 14. Optimal wireless frame length.

In this paper, a new framework was introduced to provision guaranteed SBs with strict and diverse QoS requirements, over FiWi networks. The new framework presents a new QoS-provisioning module and a DAC engine to better exploit the available resources and enable inter-SB statistical multiplexing. The expected delay used by DAC is measured via a new analytical model. The proposed model is designed to be generic and is used to study the performance of EPON, WiMAX, and possibly any other polling-based FiWi network. Numerical results validated our analysis and showed the advantages of the proposed framework in achieving higher network utilization over existing solutions while satisfying the QoS demands of all SBs. As future work, an advanced DBA can be designed to enable a more aggressive admission policy that can admit more flows while meeting the QoS requirements of all SBs. Furthermore, a dynamic bandwidth distribution (i.e., dynamic ) can be designed to better exploit the available resources and adaptively distribute the bandwidth among all SBs. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank Prof. A. Shami from UWO and the anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments that helped improving this work. REFERENCES

Fig. 15. Admitted real-time traffic throughput.

for a 10 ms OFDM frame length; and almost ten users for a 20 ms frame length. With these values, we could configure our network such that the resource wastage is minimized while guaranteeing the bandwidth for each admitted flow/user. Finally, to show the advantage of our proposed DAC scheme over other AC mechanisms that also achieve guaranteed bandwidth, we plot in Fig. 15 the admitted real-time traffic

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Pin-Han Ho (M’02) received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees at the Electrical Engineering Department, National Taiwan University, in 1993 and 1995, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada, in 2002. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada. He is the author/coauthor of more than 150 refereed technical papers, several book chapters, and the coauthor of a book on optical networking and survivability. His current research interests cover a wide range of topics in broadband wired and wireless communication networks, including survivable network design, wireless metropolitan area networks such as the IEEE 802.16 networks, fiberwireless network integration, and network security. Dr. Ho is the recipient of the Distinguished Research Excellent Award in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of University of Waterloo, Early Researcher Award (Premier Research Excellence Award) in 2005, the Best Paper Award in International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems in 2002, International Conference on Communication Optical Networking Symposium in 2005, and International Conference on Communication Security and Wireless Communications symposium in 2007, and the Outstanding Paper Award in International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing in 2002.

Xiaohong Jiang (SM’07) received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from Xidian University, Xi’an, China, in 1989, 1992, and 1999, respectively. He is currently a Full Professor of Future University-Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan. Before joining Future University, he was an Associate Professor at Tohoku University, from February 2005 to March 2010. From October 2001 to January 2005, he was an Assistant Professor in the Graduate School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST). From October 1999 to October 2001, he was a JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Postdoctoral Research Fellow at JAIST. From March 1999 to October 1999, he was a Research Associate in the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, University of Edinburgh. His research interests include optical switching networks, routers, network coding, wavelength division multiplexing networks, VoIP, interconnection networks, IC yield modeling, timing analysis of digital circuits, clock distribution, and fault-tolerant technologies for very large scale integration/wafer-scale integration. He has published more than 150 referred technical papers in these areas.