Qualitative and Quantitative Measurements

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➢Invented by Kary B. Mullis in 1983 (won Nobel prize in 1993); and it uses primers to exponentially amplify a specific DNA. Requirements for the PCR reaction.
Geoffrey Muriira, Ph.D Mol. Bio Lab KEBS

Why and Who needs GMO measurements? Those who want GM varieties: trait purity testing such as Biotech producers, seed co., farmers  Variety conversion  Track different products  Assure compliance of biotech varieties to commercial purity standards b) Those who don’t: adventitious presence testing; seed co. farmers, food and feed industry, enforcement authorities, testing labs;


 

Monitoring after commercial release Assure product segregation Compliance with legislation (International, and national standards)

Potential Benefits of GMOs Producer Benefits Increased yields (by preventing crops against diseases, pests) Decreased pesticides, herbicides and fungicides Decreased costs Improving Nutrition value

Potential Concerns  Human health (toxicity, allergenicity,

altering microflora…)  Environmental risks (transgene escape, harm to non-target organisms, pest resistance and super weeds)  Antibiotic resistance

ISO standards on GMO Measurements  Methods of analysis for the detection of

genetically modified organisms and derived products  ISO 24276- General requirements and definitions

 ISO 21571- Nucleic acid extraction  21569- Qualitative nucleic acid based methods  21570- Quantitative nucleic acid based methods  21572- Protein based methods  ISO 21568- Sampling (Not yet finalized)

Procedures in the lab Sampling

Laboratory Sample Nucleic Acid Extraction Qualitative PCR Protein based methods Screening method If required

Quantitative PCR

Construct/ Event specific method Identification

What genes are transferred? 1. Control sequences: promoters, terminators &

Introns 2. Genes for selectable markers i. Tolerance to antibiotics (amp, nptII) ii. Tolerance to herbicides (bar, pat) 3. Genes for new traits a) Enzymes; i. ii.

Tolerance to herbicides; EPSPS, bar, pat, gox New metabolic pathways (oils and fats, vitamins)

4. Other proteins e.g. insecticidal; Bt endotoxins, viral

coat proteins and lecithins 5. Anti-sense constructs e.g. Antipolygalaturonase and altered ethylene metabolism

The genetically modified glyphosate resistant Soya GTS 40-3-2 (Roundup Ready®17) Promoter

CaMV 35S

Coding region

CTP chloroplast transfer peptide sequence from Petunia hybrida for transition of EPSPS into the chloroplasts

EPSPS Enolpyruvyl shikimi-3-phosphate Synthase from the Agrobacterium



PCR method for GMO detection Invented by Kary B. Mullis in 1983 (won Nobel

prize in 1993); and it uses primers to exponentially amplify a specific DNA Requirements for the PCR reaction DNA template (extracted from GM products) Primers DNA polymerase (Taq polymerase) dNTPs Buffers.


Real Time PCR; Qualitative and Quantitative Measurements

Calibration for Maize Standard and P35S Log 10 Copy Numbers

5 Maize STD y = -0.2393x + 11.572 R² = 0.9951

4 3

P35s y = -0.2967x + 12.545 R² = 0.9993

2 1 0 0



30 Mean CT



Qualitative results P35S results

TNOS Results

Negative 42% (18)

Negative 60% (26)

TNOS Negative

Positive 58% (25)

Positive 40% (17)

TNOS Positive



10 20 30

Quantitative results

We quantified P35S in 5 samples

S/No 1 2 3 4 Bt 63 Rice

% GM content 40.78 43.63 39.00 44.31 1.23%


20 30

Labeling Legislations Kenya  1. 0 % threshold Japan  5.0 % threshold except refined products European Union  0.9% threshold, seeds 0% and non-authorized products 0.5%  Most stringent (labeling even if not detectable i. e oils)  Traceability USA  No limit South Korea  3.0 % threshold and refined products exempted Australia/New Zealand  1% and refined products exempted Implications  Traceability, construct technologies and consumer information  Safety?

Thank You

for your attention

Balance of Risk and Benefit ?Would the world be better without penicillin 

Penicillin-induced anaphylaxis causes up to  deaths every year in the US, in Africa??? 1,000 ??Kenya people may have died due to 100,000 >  allergic reactions to penicillin If penicillin were discovered today, it would  fail all clinical trials & regulatory approval ..BUT

Penicillin has saved up to 100,000,000 lives  Many of you owe your very existence to this  drug