[from the EDITOR]
Ghassan AlRegib Area Editor, Columns and Forums
[email protected] http://www.signalprocessingsociety.org/ publications/periodicals/spm
Quality Matters, Especially in Sharing Knowledge
hese days, all it takes is a few clicks of the mouse for a person to access massive amounts of information and data through Web pages, blogs, or social-centric Web sites. This easy-to-access and fast-to-find information is what makes the era we live in a special one. But with all this advancements comes the question of quality. Does the shared knowledge have high quality? What sources can one rely on to access quality knowledge? This is where publications such as IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (SPM) play an important role. Signal processing as indicated by our new editor-in-chief, Dr. Li Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSP.2008.931085
IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE Li Deng, Editor-in-Chief — Microsoft Research AREA EDITORS Feature Articles — Antonio Ortega, University of Southern California Columns and Forums — Ghassan AlRegib, Georgia Institute of Technology Special Issues — Dan Schonfeld, University of Illinois at Chicago e-Newsletter — Min Wu, University of Maryland EDITORIAL BOARD Alex Acero — Microsoft Research John G. Apostolopoulos — Hewlett-Packard Laboratories Les Atlas — University of Washington Holger Boche — Fraunhofer HHI, Germany Liang-Gee Chen — National Taiwan University Ingemar Cox — University College London Ed Delp — Purdue University Adriana Dumitras — Apple Inc. Brendan Frey — University of Toronto Sadaoki Furui — Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan Alex Gershman — Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany Mazin Gilbert — AT&T Research Yingbo Hua — University of California, Riverside Alex Kot — Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Chin-Hui Lee — Georgia Institute of Technology Bede Liu — Princeton University B.S. Manjunath — University of California, Santa Barbara Soo-Chang Pei — National Taiwan University Michael Picheny — IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Deng, is going through a transformation from focusing on low-level signals such as waveforms to dealing with semantic and human-centric signals. This signal processing transformation has to be accompanied by a metamorphosis in how the community exchanges high-quality knowledge and how the community members learn from each other. An important section of SPM is the columns and forums where readers are exposed to various topics and information through the articles in each issue of the magazine. The previous editorial team has done a tremendous job in taking the columns and forums to a new level and carefully laid out categories of topics. As the new editorial team goes through a transitional period and new team mem-
Roberto Pieraccini — Speech Cycle Inc. Fernando Pereira — ISTIT, Portugal Jose C. Principe — University of Florida Majid Rabbani — Eastman Kodak Company Phillip A. Regalia — Catholic University of America Hideaki Sakai — Kyoto University, Japan Nicholas Sidiropoulos — Tech University of Crete, Greece Murat Tekalp — Koc University, Turkey Henry Tirri — Nokia Research Center Anthony Vetro — MERL Xiaodong Wang — Columbia University ASSOCIATE EDITORS— COLUMNS AND FORUM Umit Batur — Texas Instruments Andrea Cavallaro — Queen Mary, University of London Berna Erol — Ricoh California Research Center Rodrigo Capobianco Guido — University of Sao Paulo, Brazil Konstantinos Konstantinides — Hewlett-Packard Andres Kwasinski — Rochester Institute of Technology Rick Lyons — Besser Associates Aleksandra Mojsilovic — IBM T.J. Watson Research Center George Moschytz — Bar-Ilan University, Israel Douglas O’Shaughnessy — INRS, Canada C. Britton Rorabaugh — DRS C3 Systems Co. Greg Slabaugh — Medicsight PLC, U.K. Wade Trappe — Rutgers University Stephen T.C. Wong — Methodist Hospital-Cornell Dong Yu — Microsoft Research
bers get on board, they will have the challenge of continuing excellence and improving upon an already successful job. This new team of column and forum associate editors is a combination of experienced past members, which is very important for the continuity of this service to the readers, and new members, who will bring new flavor and expertise to the magazine. Overall, this elite team has members coming from academia, research, and industry. They are located in various spots around the world, which will add a cultural element to the shared experiences and knowledge. Our goal is to provide high-quality articles and knowledge to all readers (continued on page 6)
ASSOCIATE EDITORS—E-NEWSLETTER Nitin Chandrachoodan — India Institute of Technologies Huaiyu Dai — North Carolina State University Pascal Frossard — EPFL, Switzerland Alessandro Piva — University of Florence, Italy Mihaela van der Schaar — University of California, Los Angeles IEEE PERIODICALS MAGAZINES DEPARTMENT Geraldine Krolin-Taylor — Senior Managing Editor Susan Schneiderman — Business Development Manager +1 732 562 3946 Fax: +1 732 981 1855 Felicia Spagnoli — Advertising Production Mgr. Janet Dudar — Senior Art Director Gail A. Schnitzer — Assistant Art Director Theresa L. Smith — Production Coordinator Dawn M. Melley — Editorial Director Peter M. Tuohy — Production Director Fran Zappulla — Staff Director, Publishing Operations IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING SOCIETY José M.F. Moura — President Mos Kaveh — President-Elect Michael D. Zoltowski — Vice President, Awards and Membership V. John Mathews — Vice President, Conferences Petar Djuric´ — Vice President, Finance Ali H. Sayed — Vice President, Publications Alex Acero — Vice President, Technical Directions Mercy Kowalczyk — Executive Director and Associate Editor
[society NEWS] Call for Nominations
n accordance with the bylaws of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS), the membership will elect, by direct ballot, three Members-atLarge to the Board of Governors (BoG) for three-year terms commencing 1 January 2010 and ending 31 December 2012. Alfred O. Hero, SPS past president and chair of the Nominations and Appointments Committee, has provided the following formal procedures for the SPS’s 2009 general election. 1) Publication of a call for nominations for positions of BoG Membersat-Large. Nominees must hold SPS Member grade (IEEE Member grade
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSP.2008.931087
[from the EDITOR]
or higher and Member of SPS) to hold elective office (March). 2) From the responses received, a list of candidates will be assembled by the past president for presentation to the Nominations and Appointments Committee (April). 3) The Nominations and Appointments Committee ballots to create a short list of at least six candidates (by bylaw, at least two candidates must be submitted for each Member-at-Large position becoming vacant) (April–May). 4) Names of candidates willing and able to serve are advanced for ballot to the SPS’s voting members (July). 5) Collection and tabulation of returned ballots will again be handled by the IEEE Technical Activities
Society Services Department on behalf of the SPS (July–September). 6) The three candidates receiving the highest number of votes who confirm their ability to serve will be declared elected to the Board with three-year terms commencing 1 January 2010 (September). Please provide nominations for Member-at-Large to Past President Alfred O. Hero via e-mail to
[email protected] or via fax to +1 732 235 1627. Please provide the name, address, phone, fax, e-mail, or other contact information of the nominee, along with a brief background on the individual (no more than 100 words, please) and any information about the individual’s current activities in the SPS, the IEEE, or other [SP] professional societies.
back and response from the readers. We value your thoughts. As a result of our evaluation process, we will continue successful columns in a new format, retire some columns, and add new columns that fit the mission and contribute to achieving the goal. All this will take place while working in harmony with other sections in the magazine: special issue articles, feature articles, and the newly introduced E-Newsletter. I am thrilled by this new responsibility and I am looking forward to working with Editor-in-Chief Dr. Li Deng, Area Editors
Prof. Antonio Ortega and Prof. Dan Schonfeld, and the elite team of associate editors with whom I interact on a regular basis to present high-quality columns and forums to you, SPM readers. We will work very hard to bring the magazine to new levels that satisfy you and create the sense of pride, joy, and satisfaction throughout [SP] the community.
continued from page 2
who may have various backgrounds and interests. To achieve this goal, we are going through a careful review process of existing columns and forums and their formats to assess the overall quality of information shared with the readers. This is where your input and feedback become of high importance to the success of this magazine. We are very eager to receive your suggestions and ideas. Your feedback can be provided in the form of e-mails or letters to the editor. Your suggestions may make a column one day if there is adequate feed-