Quality Payment Program Office Hours - Lake Superior Quality ...

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Nov 9, 2017 - Quality Payment Program Office Hours ... A virtual group toolkit can be downloaded at https://www.cms.gov/
Quality Payment Program Office Hours November 9, 2017 The presenters reviewed some of the changes in the 2018 Final Rule. Many of the details can be found in the Quality Payment Program (QPP) Year 2 Final Rule Fact Sheet at https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Payment-Program/Resource-Library/QPP-Year-2-Final-Rule-FactSheet.pdf

Summary of Discussion Items:  

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Changes to the low volume threshold from $30,000 and 100 Part B Beneficiaries to $90,000 and 200 Part B Beneficiaries. Solo and small practices with 10 or less clinicians can form and participate as a virtual group. A virtual group toolkit can be downloaded at https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-PaymentProgram/Resource-Library/Resource-library.html No changes in the types of clinicians that are eligible for the QPP Scoring of Cost category with a weight of 10 percent and reweighting of the quality category to 50 percent The Performance Threshold will change from three points to 15 points Full year reporting for the quality category 2014 Certified Electronic Health Record Technology (CEHRT) is required and clinics with 2015 CEHRT will receive bonus points in the Advancing Care Information (ACI) category Five bonus points for providing care to complex patient Finalized the exclusion for the E-Prescribing and Health Information Exchange Measures, for the transition year (2017 and 2018).

Stratis Health MIPS Estimator is now available as a Webpage application. Find it at https://www.mipsestimator.org/. Clinicians Associated with more than one Tax Identification Number (TIN): There were several questions regarding clinicians that are associated to more than one TIN. Lake Superior Quality Innovation Network (QIN) is developing a decision tool for reporting in these scenarios. The resource will be posted to the Lake Superior QIN Webpage at https://www.lsqin.org/initiatives/qpp/qpp-resources/ when it is completed. Disclaimer: Information provided in this presentation is based on the latest information made available by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and is subject to change. CMS policies change, so we encourage you to review specific statutes and regulations that may apply to you for interpretation and updates.

Lake Superior Quality Innovation Network serves Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, under the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Quality Improvement Organization Program. www.lsqin.org | Follow us on social media @LakeSuperiorQIN This material was prepared by Lake Superior Quality Innovation Network, under contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The materials do not necessarily reflect CMS policy. 11SOW-MI/MN/WI-D1-17-171 112017