Quantitative evaluation of hybridization and the ... - Wiley Online Library

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Oct 19, 2016 - Molecular markers have been successfully used over the past de- cades to ... marker data are rarely integrated with management decisions in a.


Received: 8 July 2016    Revised: 4 October 2016    Accepted: 19 October 2016 DOI: 10.1002/ece3.2595


Quantitative evaluation of hybridization and the impact on ­biodiversity conservation Anna M. van Wyk1,2 | Desiré L. Dalton1,2 | Sean Hoban3,4,5 | Michael W. Bruford6 |  Isa-Rita M. Russo6 | Coral Birss7 | Paul Grobler2 | Bettine Janse van Vuuren8 |  Antoinette Kotzé1,2 1 National Zoological Gardens of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa



Anthropogenic hybridization is an increasing conservation threat worldwide. In South

Genetics Department, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa 3

Department of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy

Africa, recent hybridization is threatening numerous ungulate taxa. For example, the genetic integrity of the near-­threatened bontebok (Damaliscus pygargus pygargus) is threatened by hybridization with the more common blesbok (D. p. phillipsi). Identifying


nonadmixed parental and admixed individuals is challenging based on the morphologi-


National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS), University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA

cal traits alone; however, molecular analyses may allow for accurate detection. Once


optimal conservation management strategy, although quantitative evaluation of hy-

The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL, USA

Cardiff School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK 7

CapeNature, Stellenbosch, South Africa


Molecular Zoology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, University of Johannesburg, Auckland Park, South Africa Correspondence Desiré L. Dalton, National Zoological Gardens of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. Email: [email protected] Funding information University of Ferrara; European Commission, Grant/Award Number: FP7ENV-2009-1-244250; National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis, Grant/Award Number: NSF Award #DBI1300426; University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

hybrids are identified, population simulation software may assist in determining the brid management is rarely performed. In this study, our objectives were to describe species-­wide and localized rates of hybridization in nearly 3,000 individuals based on 12 microsatellite loci, quantify the accuracy of hybrid assignment software (STRUCTURE and NEWHYBRIDS), and determine an optimal threshold of bontebok ancestry for management purposes. According to multiple methods, we identified 2,051 bontebok, 657 hybrids, and 29 blesbok. More than two-­thirds of locations contained at least some hybrid individuals, with populations varying in the degree of introgression. HYBRIDLAB was used to simulate four generations of coexistence between bontebok and blesbok, and to optimize a threshold of ancestry, where most hybrids will be detected and removed, and the fewest nonadmixed bontebok individuals misclassified as hybrids. Overall, a threshold Q-­value (admixture coefficient) of 0.90 would remove 94% of hybrid animals, while a threshold of 0.95 would remove 98% of hybrid animals but also 8% of nonadmixed bontebok. To this end, a threshold of 0.90 was identified as optimal and has since been implemented in formal policy by a provincial nature conservation agency. Due to widespread hybridization, effective conservation plans should be established and enforced to conserve native populations that are genetically unique. KEYWORDS

blesbok, bontebok, hybridization, HYBRIDLAB, NEWHYBRIDS, STRUCTURE

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. © 2016 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 320  | 


Ecology and Evolution 2017; 7: 320–330




WYK et al.


herds, certification of nonadmixed herds, planned breeding, and/ or legislation to restrict the movement of hybrids and nonadmixed

One of the goals of conservation is to conserve current biodiversity

species to prevent future hybridization events (Grobler et al., 2011).

as well as the ecological circumstances and evolutionary processes

These interventions should be considered if introgression is wide-

that support it. Increasingly, biodiversity is being adversely affected by

spread, with hybrid offspring being fertile where one or both taxa are

human actions. Anthropogenic hybridization is increasing worldwide

threatened (Allendorf & Luikart, 2007; Laikre et al., 2010; Piett et al.,

and is a threat to the conservation of species (Todesco et al., 2016).

2015; Schwartz et al., 2007). Hybridization is currently threatening

This human-­mediated hybridization may occur due to the changes in

the genetic integrity of numerous ungulate taxa in South Africa such as

the abundance and distribution of species, the removal of barriers that

blue wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) and black wildebeest (C. gnou)

cause isolated or restricted species to expand, and/or the uncontrolled

(Grobler et al., 2011), black-­faced impala (Aepyceros melampus pe-

diffusion with domestic species (Allendorf, Leary, Spruell, & Wenburg,

tersi) and common impala (A. melampus) (Green & Rothstein, 1998),

2001; Allendorf, Luikart, & Aitken, 2013; Rhymer & Simberloff, 1996).

Grevy’s zebra (Equus grevyi) and plains zebra (E. quagga) (Cordingley

Molecular markers have been successfully used over the past de-

et al., 2009), and bontebok (Damaliscus pygargus pygargus) and blesbok

cades to identify the rates of hybridization with high accuracy and

(D. p. phillipsi) (Lloyd & David, 2008).

low cost (e.g., Costa et al., 2013; Cullingham et al., 2011; Stephens,

This article will focus on two subspecies of Damaliscus pygargus, nl.

Wilton, Fleming, & Berry, 2015). Managing interspecific hybridization,

bontebok (D. p. pygargus) and blesbok (D. p. phillipsi). These two taxa

after it is identified, is a more difficult task (Laikre, Schwartz, Waples,

are South African endemics (Vrba, 1979) with the common ancestor

& Ryman, 2010; Piett, Hager, & Gerrard, 2015). As of yet, molecular

being historically distributed from the southwestern Cape to the south-

marker data are rarely integrated with management decisions in a

ern boundary of Zimbabwe (Vrba, 1979). Fossil evidence indicates that

quantitative, predictive framework (Hoban et al., 2013).

past climatic and habitat changes resulted in the separation of D. pygar-

In South Africa, wildlife species are extensively translocated out-

gus into two allopatric groups (Skead, 1980; Skinner & Smithers, 1990),

side of their historic distribution ranges onto private land as a part

which are now classified as separate subspecies (Essop, Lloyd, Van,

of wildlife management and commercial breeding (Spear & Chown,

& Harley, 1991; Van der Walt, Nel, & Hoelzel, 2001). Historically, the

2009). Due to private ownership of wildlife in South Africa, there is

blesbok occurred mostly in the grassland biomes in Gauteng, Eastern

frequent trade in commercially profitable species which has led to the

Cape, Mpumalanga, and the Free State Provinces (Figure 1, Skinner &

occurrence of multiple species on the same property outside their nat-

Smithers, 1990). The bontebok had a more restricted distribution to the

ural ranges. Thus, the incidence of hybridization has increased due to

low-­lying, grassy coastal plains within the fynbos biome of the Western

the scarcity of conspecific mates (Vaz Pinto, Beja, Ferrand, & Godinho,

Cape Province, where the population has declined and was driven to

2016) and loss of reproductive barriers between previously isolated

near extinction due to hunting and human intrusion in the 1800s (Van

evolutionary lineages. The potential negative impacts of hybridization

der Merwe, 1986). The two subspecies had non-­overlapping ranges

are rapidly becoming a concern for South African conservation agen-

within different ecosystems (Figure 1). Translocations to wildlife farms

cies. Hybridization may disrupt adaptive gene complexes or may result

and reserves outside the former distribution ranges have brought the

in genetic incompatibilities. Hybridization is known to reduce fitness

two subspecies in artificial, secondary contact. These events have led

in at least one species pair in South Africa, namely kudu (Tragelaphus

to documented hybridization between the two subspecies (Van der

strepsiceros) and nyala (T. angasii) (Dalton et al., 2014). An additional

Walt et al., 2001; Van Wyk, Kotzé, Randi, & Dalton, 2013).

threat of hybridization is complete swamping, as in the rediscovered

The primary threat to bontebok in the Western Cape Province is

Giant sable antelope (Hippotragus niger variani), where natural hybrid-

low availability of suitable habitat, thus limiting population expansion.

ization with roan antelope (H. equinus) was proceeding rapidly and

Previous studies revealed low genetic diversity (Van Wyk et al., 2013),

would have led to a complete hybrid swarm without intervention (Vaz

population fragmentation, and the deliberate and/or accidental hy-

Pinto et al., 2016). Consequences of anthropogenic hybridization in-

bridization with blesbok. The total number of bontebok in South Africa

clude reduced fertility in the rare taxon, genetic swamping, or assim-

is estimated between 6,500 and 7,000 animals with less than 1,000 in-

ilation (Levin, Francisco-­Ortega, & Jansen, 1996; Malukiewicz et al.,

dividuals occurring within its former distribution range (Unpublished,

2014), which may lead to eventual extinction (Wolf, Takebayashi, &

CapeNature, 2014). The bontebok is listed as near-­threatened on the

Rieseberg, 2001). In some cases, hybrids persist at low levels, while

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of

in other cases hybrid swarms effectively replace the original species

Threatened Species.

(Allendorf et al., 2001). Hybridization rates can increase over time,

A photographic test to distinguish between hybrids, nonadmixed

sometimes very rapidly (Huxel, 1999; Schwartz, Luikart, & Waples,

bontebok, and blesbok was developed by Fabricius, van Hensbergen,

2007). A recent review of 62 anthropogenic hybridization cases found

and Zucchini (1989). The characteristics chosen as criteria for distin-

that nearly all had identified negative consequences, especially for

guishing between bontebok and blesbok were described by Bigalke

mammals (Piett et al., 2015).

(1955), emphasizing the importance of the white buttocks, upper legs,

The fate of hybrid animals is controversial. Management ap-

and belly. The photographic test has some shortfalls that require human

proaches could include culling all hybrid animals, isolation of hybrid

interpretation, and in certain cases, hybrids could not be identified




WYK et al.




F I G U R E   1   (a) Map indicating provinces in South Africa and historical distribution ranges of the bontebok and blesbok. (b) Photographic representation of a pure bontebok. (c) Photographic representation of a pure blesbok (especially in the F2 and subsequent generations). Notwithstanding,

McCleary, Schlarbaum, Anagnostakis, & Romero-­Severson, 2012; Lepais

bontebok purity certificates were issued for tested populations based

et al., 2009; Sanz, Araguas, Fernández, Vera, & García-­Marín, 2008;

on photography. Due to the difficulties in characterizing hybrids based

Valbuena-­Carabaña, González-­Martínez, Hardy, & Gil, 2007). There is

on morphological characteristics, a more accurate DNA test using a

a trade-­off between accuracy and efficiency and between focusing on

model-­based Bayesian approach was developed that could be used to

the nonadmixed species or on hybrids. The optimal Q-­value depends

identify nonadmixed individuals and hybrids (Van Wyk et al., 2013).

on the application of the test and the target species. This value can be

The extent of hybridization across the species range is as yet unknown

determined via simulations (Cullingham et al., 2011; Lepais et al., 2009).

but must be determined prior to conservation intervention. The

Simulations can then also be used to determine the consequence of cull-

Western Cape Provincial Conservation Agency, CapeNature, has been

ing animals deemed to be hybrids (Hoban, 2014; Huxel, 1999).

mandated to develop the Bontebok Conservation, Translocation and

In this study, we describe species-­wide hybridization rates using

Utilization Policy (BCTUP, 2014) as a regulatory mechanism to direct

close to 3,000 bontebok blood, tissue, or hair samples. Our aims are to

the implementation of a genetic purity test for bontebok prior to any

(1) accurately describe species-­wide and local hybridization rates and

approval of translocations.

assess the use of different software for identifying hybrids, (2) deter-

Sophisticated algorithms for molecular marker data have been

mine a threshold for the classification of hybrid and nonadmixed ani-

used extensively to identify hybrids. The selection of a threshold Q-­

mals using simulated data, and (3) quantify how many animals would

value (hybridization or admixture index from clustering algorithms like

be removed based on the selected threshold.

STRUCTURE) can affect the classification of nonadmixed animals and hybrids. Performance of hybrid identification should be a balance of both accuracy and efficiency (Vähä & Primmer, 2006), reflecting an offset between errors of inclusion (identifying all hybrids at the expense of including some nonadmixed individuals) and omission (omitting hybrids to

2 | MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 | Sample collection

ensure that nonadmixed individuals are not mistaken as hybrids). In the

The study formed part of an ongoing registered project entitled

literature, Q-­values ranging from 0.7 to 0.99 are commonly used (Hoban,

“Detection of hybridization and determination of the level of genetic




WYK et al.

diversity in South African antelope: blesbok and bontebok.” The pro-

individuals without prior grouping. This method was used to provide

ject was approved by SANParks in 2009, and ethical approval was

information with regard to the divergence among groups and identify

obtained from the Research, Ethics and Scientific Committee of the

individuals that clustered separately from nonadmixed populations,

National Zoological Gardens of South Africa (project P10/31). Blood,

thus indicating hybrid origin.

tissue and hair samples were collected from bontebok (within and

Assignment of individuals was also determined using species-­

outside their historical distribution range) that had a documented his-

specific alleles (e.g., individuals with blesbok alleles) as an alternative

tory of origin and known isolation from blesbok. A total of 76 non-

to model-­based clustering methods (Metcalf, Siegle, & Martin, 2008).

admixed bontebok (Bontebok and De Hoop National Parks [Western

We examined allele frequency plots for bontebok and blesbok, based

Cape]) were collected as reference material. In addition, a total of 70

on individuals assigned to their respective species with admixture co-

nonadmixed blesbok blood, tissue, and hair samples (Northern Cape

efficient values Q > 0.97 (identified in STRUCTURE). We identified

and Free State Provinces) were collected from populations that were

blesbok-­specific and bontebok-­specific alleles if the allele was (a) at

isolated from bontebok within and outside their historic distribution

appreciable frequency in species A (>0.05), (b) absent or nearly so from

range. These animals were taken as representing animals of certain

species B (