Nov 18, 2017 - (Dated: November 9, 2018). Light reflection on a mirror can be thought as a simple physical effect. However if this happens when the mirror ...
Quantum channels from reflections on moving mirrors Giulio Gianfelici School of Science and Technology, University of Camerino, I-62032 Camerino, Italy
Stefano Mancini
arXiv:1704.04635v1 [quant-ph] 15 Apr 2017
School of Science and Technology, University of Camerino, I-62032 Camerino, Italy & INFN Sezione di Perugia, I-06123 Perugia, Italy (Dated: April 18, 2017) We study the kind of quantum channel that arises from (Gaussian) light reflection upon an accelerating mirror. Two competing mechanisms emerge in such a context, namely photons production by the mirror’s motion and inter-mode interference. As consequence we find out a quantum amplifier channel or a purely classical additive channel or a quantum lossy channel depending on the considered regime. PACS numbers: 03.67.Hk, 04.62.+v, 02.50.Ey
The subject of quantum channels is becoming central in theoretical and mathematical physics (see Ref.[1] for a recent review). Formally a quantum channel is a linear completely positive and trace preserving map acting on the set of states (density operators) living in a Hilbert space. Since any physical process involves a state change, it can be regarded as a quantum channel mapping the initial state to the final state. As such it can be characterized in terms of its information transmission capability. Among quantum channels the Gaussian ones play a dominant role because they are easy to handle from a formal point of view and also because they are easily implemented in the context of quantum electromagnetic fields [2]. Recently the notion of quantum channel has been extended into general relativistic settings [3]. One pursued idea was to consider the particles creation due to the expansion of the universe as generating noisy effects once focusing on a single mode and tracing away all the other [4]. In the relativistic framework a simple theoretical manifestation of particles production is provided by the moving mirror model of DeWitt [5], and Davies and Fulling [6] describing the disturbance of a field by an accelerated boundary. As such model matured [7, 8], it became evident that accelerating boundaries could be used to understand entropy production [9], the relationship between particles and energy [10], and thermodynamical paradoxes [11]. Here we revisit such a model with the aim of determining quantum channels arising from reflection of a scalar field upon a moving boundary. In particular we shall employ an accelerating mirror model in (1+1) dimensions and considering one of the modes where the field is expanded as encoding the signal while the other modes as environment, we shall show that on the one hand information tends to be washed out by inter-mode interference and on the other hand tends to be reinforced by photons production. Given this two competing mechanisms, the channel turns out to be Gaussian, specifically quantum amplifier or a purely classical additive or quantum lossy depending on the considered regime. Since expansion of of the field over plane waves gives rise to divergences we shall also consider wave packets, which allows us to analyze time behavior of the channel. The layout of the paper is the following. In Sec. II we briefly recall how to quantize a scalar field in curved space with the specific Carlitz-Willey trajectory for the boundary (mirror). In Sec. III as preliminary step to identify the quantum channel we single out the Bogolubov transformations occurring between the two spacetime regions emerging from the mirror’s motion. In Sec. IV we derive the channel by using an approach based on plane waves. Going further ahead, in Sec. V we resort to the wave packet formalism and also study the time dependence of the channel. Finally we draw our conclusions in Sec. VI. Throughout this paper units are used such that ~ = c = 1. II.
We shall employ a model consisting of a quantized massless scalar field Φ in flat spacetime (1+1 dimensions) that obeys boundary conditions on a perfectly reflecting mirror. The field satisfies the wave equation Φ = 0.
2 As usual we will expand the field in terms of mode functions that we consider parameterized by the frequency ω. Denoting them as φω , they obey the wave equation −∂t2 + ∂x2 φω = 0, (2.2) or equivalently − ∂u ∂v φω = 0,
u ≡ t − x, v ≡ t + x.
(2.4a) (2.4b)
(φω (x), φω0 (x)) = −(φ∗ω (x), φ∗ω0 (x)) = δ(ω − ω 0 ), (φω (x), φ∗ω0 (x)) = 0,
(2.5a) (2.5b)
Orthonormal mode functions satisfy
where the scalar product is defined as ↔ ∗ dΣ n φ1 (x) ∂µ φ2 (x) .
(φ1 , φ2 ) ≡ −i
Here Σ is any Cauchy surface for the spacetime and nµ is a future-directed unit normal to that surface [12]. In case of Minkowski spacetime with no boundaries, the following orthonormal modes 1 e−iωu , 4πω 1 e−iωv , = √ 4πω
φωu = √
are commonly chosen. Then the field Φ is expanded as Z ∞ dω √ Φ= aωu e−iωu + aωv e−iωv + a†ωu e+iωu + a†ωv e+iωv , 4πω 0
with aωu , aωv , a†ωu , and a†ωv annihilation and creation operators. Eqs.(2.7) need to be modified in the presence of a mirror following a trajectory z(t) (meaning that the mirror is at the position x = z(t) at time t), so that the spacetime possesses a boundary. Here we shall consider solutions to the mode equation that lie to the right of the mirror and include reflection from the mirror’s surface. We shall also consider mirror trajectories that begin at past timelike infinity, i− . In this case past null infinity, I − , just consists of the surface u = −∞ which results a Cauchy surface. Furthermore, if the mirror trajectory ends at future timelike infinity, i+ , then future null infinity, I + , just consists of the surface v = ∞ which results a Cauchy surface as well. However, if the trajectory is asymptotic to a null ray v = v0 , then I + has two parts, IR+ and IL+ [8]. The former lies at v = ∞, while the latter consists of the part of the surface u = ∞ which goes from v = v0 to v = ∞. Taken together they provide a Cauchy surface. In presence of the mirror we can consider either mode functions that are positive frequency at I − (corresponding to the in vacuum state), or mode functions that are positive frequency at I + (correspond to the out vacuum state). In I − the mode functions read i 0 1 h −iω0 v φin e − e−iω p(u) . (2.9) ω0 = √ 4πω 0 It must be v = p(u) at the location of the mirror in order that mode functions (2.9) vanish at the mirror. Using (2.4), we find p(u) = tm (u) + z(tm (u)), where tm (u) = u − z.
3 In a general left-right construction (for mirrors having a horizon at v0 ), there are two sets of mode functions that + + L are positive frequency at I + . One, φR ω , with functions nonzero at IR and zero at IL . The other, φω , with functions + + zero at IR and nonzero at IL . The former are given by i h 1 out φR, =√ v < v0 . (2.11) e−iωf (v) − e−iωu , ω 4πω For trajectories that begin at past timelike infinity, i− , it is −∞ < u < ∞. Furthermore mirrors that are asymptotically inertial in the future have v0 = ∞. We must have u = f (v) at the location of the mirror in order these modes vanish at the mirror. Using (2.4), we find f (v) = tm (v) − z tm (v) , (2.12) where tm (v) = v − z. There are no other modes if v0 = ∞. However, if the mirror’s trajectory is asymptotic to the + null surface v = v0 , then we must also include the set of modes φL ω reaching IL and never interacting with the mirror. Now we are going to consider a specific trajectory, namely the Carlitz and Willey trajectory [8] z(t) = −t −
1 W (e−2κt ), κ
where κ ∈ R is a free parameter and W stands for the Lambert W function. The choice of this trajectory is motivated by the easiness to handle it compared with the few others that admit analytical expressions together with the fact that it shows an horizon. The associated functions p(u) and f (v) result 1 p(u) = − e−κu , κ
1 f (v) = − log(−κv). κ
It is easy to see that z˙ → ±1 in the limits t → ∓∞ and that z < 0 for all time. Actually the mirror trajectory begins at past timelike infinity, i− , and at late times approaches v = 0. The proper acceleration, z¨ κ =− p , (1 − z˙ 2 )3/2 2 W (e−2κt )
results not constant over the time. III.
+ Since the positive frequency modes at I − , φin in terms of them, ω 0 form a complete set, we can expand modes at I Z ∞ J in J in ∗ φJω = dω 0 αωω , (3.1) 0 φω 0 + βωω 0 φω 0 0
with J representing either R or L. Using Eqs. (2.5) the coefficients result J J in αωω 0 = (φω , φω 0 ), J J ∗ βωω0 = −(φω , φin ω 0 ).
The field Φ can be expanded in either of two ways, Z ∞ h i in † in ∗ in Φ = dω 0 ain ω 0 φω 0 + a ω 0 φω 0 0 X Z ∞ = dω bJω φJω + bJω † φJω ∗ . J=L,R
(3.3a) (3.3b)
The ladder operators in different regions, using bJω = (Φ, φJω ) [12], will be related by Z ∞ h i J J ∗ in J ∗ in † bω = dω 0 (αωω , 0 ) aω 0 − (βωω 0 ) aω 0 Z0 ∞ i h † in † J J in bJω = dω 0 αωω − βωω 0 aω 0 . 0 aω 0 0
(3.2a) (3.2b)
(3.4a) (3.4b)
4 If the field is in the in vacuum state at I − , we can use the operator NωJ ≡ (bJω )† bJω to compute the average number of particles with frequency ω that reach IJ+ , Z ∞ J J J 2 hNω i ≡ h0in |Nω |0in i = dω 0 |βωω (3.5) 0| . 0 R − Since we are primarily concerned with particles reaching IR+ , we shall compute βωω is 0 . If the Cauchy surface I used, then Eqs. (3.2b), (2.9) and (2.11) give Z v0 df (v) 1 −iω 0 v−iωf (v) 0 R √ dv e ω −ω . (3.6) βωω0 = dv 4π ωω 0 −∞
Similarly, if the Cauchy surface IR+ is used, we find Z ∞ 0 dp(u) 1 R √ du e−iωu−iω p(u) ω 0 −ω . βωω 0 = du 4π ωω 0 −∞
Eqs.(3.6), (3.7) are of course equivalent. Actually it is possible to rewrite Eq. (3.7) as time integral over a function of z(t). Since p(u) is a fixed function of u (with u ranging from −∞ to +∞), we can substitute um (t) for u in Eq. (3.7). Then the change variables leads to Z ∞ 0 0 1 R √ βωω dt e−i(ω+ω )t+i(ω−ω )z(t) [(ω + ω 0 )z(t) ˙ − (ω − ω 0 )] , (3.8) 0 = 0 4π ωω −∞ R It follows that an inertial trajectory yields βωω That is, no particles are produced if the mirror does not 0 = 0. accelerate. The Bogolubov coefficient αωω0 can be easily obtained by letting ω 0 → −ω 0 everywhere in the expressions for βωω0 , √ 0 except for the factor 1/ ωω , e.g. Z ∞ 0 0 1 R √ αωω0 = dt e−i(ω−ω )t+i(ω+ω )z(t) [(ω − ω 0 )z(t) ˙ − (ω + ω 0 )] . (3.9) 0 4π ωω −∞
In Ref. [8] analytic expressions were found for the Bogolubov coefficients, namely ( 0 −iω/κ ) ω iω 2ω 1 R √ Γ , − e−πω/2κ βωω 0 = 0 κ κ κ 4π ωω ( −iω/κ ) 1 iω 2ω −πω/2κ −ω 0 R √ αωω0 = − e Γ . 0 κ κ κ 4π ωω
It follows that R 2 βωω0 =
1 1 , 2πκω 0 e2πω/κ − 1
leading to both infrared and ultraviolet divergences for the quantity hNωR i in Eq. (3.5). This is not much surprising given that the acceleration of the mirror, while zero in the limit t → −∞, is nonzero at any finite time in the past. Eq.(3.11) also shows that radiation is produced with a thermal spectrum and propagates to IR+ . IV.
In this section, we consider all modes of I − as encompassing signal and environments modes of a usual Stinespring dilation of a quantum channel, then transformed into reflected modes in IR+ through the unitary associated to Bogoliubov transformation (3.4). The annihilation and creation operators of modes in I − satisfy the following commutation relation h i in in in † ain = δ(ω − ω 0 ), aω , aω0 = 0. (4.1) ω , aω 0
5 in † Suppose that ω is the frequency of the signal mode, then ain are the ladder operators of the input and bR ω and aω ω R † and (bω ) those of the output. They are related to the input ladder operators by the Bogoliubov transformation (3.4). Then, defining the quadrature operators in † ain ω + aω √ , 2 ain − ain † Pin (ω) ≡ ω √ ω , i 2
Qin (ω) ≡
R † bR ω + (bω ) √ , 2 bR − (bR )† Pout (ω) ≡ ω √ ω . i 2
Qout (ω) ≡
we have the input and output covariance matrices defined as ! hQin Pin +Pin Qin i hQ2in i 2 Vin ≡ hQin Pin +Pin Qin i , Vout ≡ 2 i hPin 2
hQ2out i
hQout Pout +Pout Qout i 2
(4.2a) (4.2b)
hQout Pout +Pout Qout i 2 2 hPout i
! ,
where we implicitly assumed zero first moments. In order to relate Vin and Vout , let us compute the entries of Vout R 1 R† † hQ2out (ω)i = h bR bω + bR i ω + bω ω 2Z R∗ in in 1 R∗ R R dω 0 dω 00 αω,ω αω,ω00 − βω,ω = 0 − βω,ω 0 00 haω 0 aω 00 i 2 Z R R R† 1 R∗ R R∗ + dω 0 dω 00 αω,ω αω,ω00 − βω,ω 0 − βω,ω 0 00 haω 0 aω 00 i 2 Z R∗ in † in 1 R R∗ R + dω 0 dω 00 αω,ω αω,ω00 − βω,ω 0 − βω,ω 0 00 haω 0 aω 00 i 2 Z R R† R† 1 R R∗ R∗ dω 0 dω 00 αω,ω αω,ω00 − βω,ω + 0 − βω,ω 0 00 haω 0 aω 00 i. 2
In I − , without loss of generality, we may consider uncorrelated modes, hence we may write in 0 0 00 hain ω 0 aω 00 i = M (ω )δ(ω − ω ), † in hain ω 0 aω 00 i
= N (ω 0 )δ(ω 0 − ω 00 ),
where M (ω 0 ) (resp. N (ω 0 )) is a complex (resp. real) valued function. Therefore Z Z 2 1 1 2 0 R∗ R 0 R R∗ 2 hQout (ω)i = dω αω,ω0 − βω,ω0 M (ω ) + dω 0 αω,ω M ∗ (ω 0 ) 0 − βω,ω 0 2 2 Z Z R∗ R∗ 1 1 R 2 R 2 dω 0 αω,ω dω 0 αω,ω N (ω 0 ) + (1 + N (ω 0 )) . + 0 − βω,ω 0 0 − βω,ω 0 2 2
We can further assume that all modes, but the signal one, are initially in the vacuum, i.e. write M (ω 0 ) = M δ(ω 0 − ω), N (ω 0 ) = N δ(ω 0 − ω),
(4.7a) (4.7b)
where M and N determine the entries of Vin . It follows that Z R∗ R∗ 2 1 R 1 1 R∗ R R∗ 2 R 2 R 2 αω,ω − βω,ω M+ αω,ω − βω,ω M ∗ + αω,ω − βω,ω N+ dω 0 αω,ω . hQ2out (ω)i = 0 − βω,ω 0 2 2 2
Analogously we can find 2 hPout (ω)i
R∗ 2 1 1 R∗ 1 R R R∗ 2 R 2 N+ = − αω,ω + βω,ω M− α + βω,ω M ∗ + αω,ω + βω,ω 2 2 ω,ω 2
R∗ R 2 dω 0 αω,ω , 0 + βω,ω 0
and R∗ R ∗ 1 1 hQout Pout + Pout Qout i R R R∗ R∗ = αR ∗ − βω,ω αω,ω + βω,ω M− αR − βω,ω αω,ω + βω,ω M 2 2i ω,ω 2i ω,ω R R∗ 1 1 R R∗ R∗ R + αR ∗ + βω,ω αω,ω − βω,ω N− αR + βω,ω αω,ω − βω,ω N 2i Zω,ω 2i ω,ω R 1 R∗ R R∗ + = dω 0 αω,ω αω,ω0 − βω,ω 0 + βω,ω 0 0 . 2
6 As said before M and N determine the entries of Vin . Exploiting the definitions (4.5), (4.7) of M and N , we can write 1 1 +N + M + 2 2 1 1 2 hPin i = +N − M − 2 2 1 1 hQin Pin + Pin Qin i = M − M ∗. 2 2i 2i hQ2in i =
1 ∗ M , 2 1 ∗ M , 2
(4.11a) (4.11b) (4.11c)
These relations can be reverted to get 1 hQin Pin + Pin Qin i 2 , hQ2in i − hPin i +i 2 2 1 1 2 N = hQ2in i + hPin i − . 2 2
M =
(4.12a) (4.12b)
Substituting Eq.(4.12) into Eqs.(4.8), (4.9), (4.10) we get a relation between the entries of Vout and those of Vin in the form Vout = TVin TT + N.
where 1 1 T + N = − Sωω Sωω 2 2
T = Sωω ,
T dω 0 Sωω0 Sωω 0.
being Sωω0 =
R R R R < αω,ω = αω,ω 0 − βω,ω 0 0 + βω,ω 0 , R R R R −= αω,ω < αω,ω 0 − βω,ω 0 0 + βω,ω 0
a symplectic matrix. Using Eq.(3.10) for the Carlitz-Willey model, we can easily arrive at r πω 1 ω iω cosh πω 0 sin θωω0 2κ cos θωω − cosh 2κ Sωω0 = , Γ 0 0 sinh πω πκ ω 0 κ sinh πω 2κ sin θωω 2κ cos θωω 0 where θωω0 ≡ ωκ ln ωκ − arg Γ iω . Hence κ 1 T= πκ
Γ iω cosh κ sinh
πω 2κ πω 2κ
cos θωω − cosh πω sin θωω 2κ . sin θωω sinh πω 2κ cos θωω
T The matrix Sωω0 Sωω 0 reads
ωω 0
T Sωω 0
1 = 2πκω 0
coth πω 0 2κ 0 tanh
. πω
The integrals of its entries over the frequency ω 0 diverge in both infrared and ultraviolet limit. Thus we consider two cutoff, Ω0 and Ω∞ to have a meaningful expression for N, that is 1 Ω∞ 1 coth πω 0 2κ N= ln − . (4.19) 0 tanh πω 4πκ Ω0 ω 2κ Eq. (4.13) characterizes a Gaussian channel. Gaussian channels can be classified according to equivalence up to Gaussian unitary transformations (see e.g. [13]). For each class, one can pick up a representative channel associated with a pair in the canonical form (Tc , Nc ). Hence we introduce the following symplectic matrix q tanh πω 0 2κ q SB = (4.20) , 0 coth πω 2κ
7 to find Nc =
1 = 4πκ
Ω∞ 1 ln − I. Ω0 ω
Analogously we introduce the symplectic matrix SA =
cos θωω sin θωω , − sin θωω cos θωω
1 I. 2πωκ
to get Tc = SB T SA = √
Now given the form of Tc and Nc we can conclude that the quantum channel is characterized by the following two parameters ω ln(Ω∞ /Ω0 )+2πωκ−2 , for τ < 1, 2−4πωκ 1 ∞ /Ω0 )−2πωκ τ= , n ¯ = ω ln(Ω4πωκ−2 (4.24) , for τ > 1, 2πωκ 1 1 for τ = 1. 4πκ ln(Ω∞ /Ω0 ) − 2 , According to Gaussian channels classification (see e.g. [13]) if τ < 1 (i.e. ω > 1/2πκ) we have a lossy channel, while for τ > 1 (i.e. ω < 1/2πκ) a linear amplifier. Instead, for τ = 1 (i.e. ω = 1/2πκ) we recover a classical additive noise channel. These different regimes appear because of the presence of two competing mechanisms: i) particles creation due to the mirror’s motion that leads to amplification of the signal, but also to added noise. This effect prevails at low frequency because of the easiness of exciting low frequency modes and it is somehow a manifestation of Dynamical Casimir effect [14]. ii) inter-mode interference that causes losses photons from the signal mode to other (environment) modes. This effect preveals at high frequency where the other one is negligible. The expression (4.24) for τ diverges for ω = 0. The result is not surprising, since one cannot measure particles of infinite wavelength and their eventual amplification. In the limit of ω → ∞ the loss of photons for inter-mode interference is complete and the signal is completely erased. The presence of infrared and ultraviolet cutoffs in the computation of the matrix N might appear as an artifact, hence to avoid them we will next employ wave packets rather than plane waves. V.
Another way to investigate the effect of mirror’s motion is to use wave packets [15]. In particular this approach allows us to study time-dependent aspects and as we shall see to avoid divergences. A.
Wave packets
A wave packet can be constructed by integrating the field mode φω over a finite range of frequencies with a particular weighting function [16], e.g. Z (j+1) 1 φjn ≡ √ dω e2πiωn/ φω , (5.1) j with n taking on integer values and j taking on nonnegative integer values. Actually the value of j is related to the frequency of the modes in the packet, in fact (j + 1/2) gives the frequency at the center of the range and gives the width of the range. R The Bogolubov coefficients that correspond to the wave packets can be obtained directly from the coefficients βωω 0 by using the same weighting, integrating over frequency, and swapping the order of integration Z (j+1) 1 R R βjn,ω dω e2πiωn/ βωω (5.2) 0 = √ 0. j
8 Now the average number of particles produced for given values of n and j results Z Z (j+1) Z ∞ Z ∞ dω1 (j+1) dω2 2πi(ω1 −ω2 )n/ R R R 2 √ √ e βω1 ω0 βωR2 ∗ω0 . hNjn i = dω 0 |βjn,ω dω 0 0| = j j 0 0
This quantity provides the average number of particles that reach IR+ in the frequency range j ≤ ω ≤ (j + 1) and in the (approximate) time range (2πn − π)/ ≤ u ≤ (2πn + π)/. For the Carlitz-Willey trajectory, it is possible to compute analytically hNjn i [17]. First we have to substitute Eq. (3.10) into Eq. (5.3), swap the order of integration, and change the variable to y = ln ω 0 . Then integrating over y gives a result proportional to δ(ω1 − ω2 ). Next integrating over ω2 and setting ω1 = ω yields ! 2π(j+1) Z 1 κ e κ 1 (j+1) −1 R dω 2πω/κ = ln − 1. (5.4) hNjn i = 2πj j 2π e −1 e κ −1 This expression shows a divergence in the lowest frequency bin, j = 0. This is similar to the infrared divergence of hNωR i. It is also evident from (5.4) that for this mirror trajectory there is no dependance on n and accordingly the spectrum of particles would be independent of time. B.
Quantum channel
R From Eq. (5.2) with βω,ω 0 given by Eq. (3.10) we obtain R βjn,ω 0
1 √ = 2πκ ε ω 0
1 √ 2πκ ε ω 0
(j+1)ε 2πiωn/ε
dω e
−πω/2κ −iω/κ ln(ω 0 /κ)
iω Γ , κ
and similarly R αjn,ω 0 =
dω e2πiωn/ε
ω e−πω/2κ e−iω/κ ln(−ω /κ) Γ
iω . κ
Then the output ladder operators are related to the input ones by the following Bogoliubov transformation that modify those of Eq.(3.4) Z ∞ ∗ R in ∗ in † bjn = dω 0 αjn;ω , (5.7a) 0 aω 0 − βjn;ω 0 (aω 0 ) Z0 ∞ † † in (bR dω 0 αjn;ω0 (ain (5.7b) jn ) = ω 0 ) − βjn;ω 0 aω 0 . 0
Defining the quadrature operators analogously to Eq.(4.2b) in † ain ω + aω √ , 2 ain − ain † Pin (ω) ≡ ω √ ω , i 2
Qin (ω) ≡
R † bR jn + (bjn ) √ , 2 R † bR jn − (bjn ) √ Pout (jn) ≡ . i 2
Qout (jn) ≡
we can relate Vin and Vout . Proceeding like in Sec.IV we get for example Z Z 2 2 ∗ 0 1 1 0 R∗ R 0 R R∗ 2 hQout (jn)i = dω αjn;ω0 − βjn;ω0 M (ω ) + dω 0 αjn;ω M (ω ) 0 − βjn;ω 0 2 2 Z Z R∗ 2 R∗ 2 1 R R (1 + N (ω 0 )) + 1 dω 0 αjn;ω N (ω 0 ). + dω 0 αjn;ω 0 − βjn;ω 0 0 − βjn;ω 0 2 2
(5.8a) (5.8b)
Now we assume that only the central mode of the wave packet is initially populated, while all the other modes are initially in the vacuum, i.e. write M (ω 0 ) = M δ (ω 0 − ω ˜) , 0 0 N (ω ) = N δ (ω − ω ˜) ,
(5.10a) (5.10b)
9 where M and N determine the entries of Vin and ω ˜=
1 j+ 2
is the central frequency of the wave packet. It follows that hQ2out (jn)i =
2 2 ∗ ∗ 2 1 ∗ 1 1 ∗ αjn; ω˜ − βjn; ω˜ M + αjn; ω˜ − βjn; M + αjn; ω˜ − βjn; ω˜ N + ω ˜ 2 2 2
∗ 2 dω 0 αjn; ω 0 − βjn; ω 0 . (5.12)
Continuing like in Sec.IV we finally arrive at the relation Vout = TVin TT + N.
where now 1 1 T N = − Sjn; ω˜ Sjn; ω ˜ + 2 2
T = Sjn; ω˜ ,
T dω 0 Sjn; ω0 Sjn; ω0 .
with Sjn,ω0 =
R R R R 1 for j = 1, however for j = 2 it is always τ < 1). Another features concerns the optimal value of ε which
Actually we do not need to go through the pair Tc , Nc in canonical form, since the parameters τ and n ¯ are invariants under symplectic transformations [18].
10 increases by increasing κ. This occurs because by increasing the acceleration many more modes are excited and hence the wave packet must be wider to benefits of amplification effect. In Fig.1 (Right) the quantity τ is reported as function of n at j = 0 for different values of κ. We can see that the peak is always centered in n = 0 notwithstanding the particles production due to the mirror’s motion results constant in time (the r.h.s. of Eq.(5.4) does not depend on n). This is due to the fact that in Eq. (5.1) we get a non-oscillatory quantity for |n| → 0 and j → 0, which reduces the inter-mode interference and maximize the amplification effect. Actually the amplification effect (τ > 1) becomes manifest by increasing κ. The value τ = 1 corresponding to a purely classical additive channel can be attained for n = j = 0 at κ = 0.4.
FIG. 2: (Left) Parameter n ¯ plotted vs n and j for κ = 1 and ε = 0.1. (Right) Parameter n ¯ plotted vs n for j = 0 and different values of κ, ε (κ = 0.3 and ε = 0.03 dashed line; κ = 1 and ε = 0.1 dotted line; κ = 9 and ε = 0.9 solid line).
In Fig.2 (Left) the quantity n ¯ is reported as function of j and n for the same values of κ and ε of Fig.1 (Left). We may notice that for j ≥ 1 the number of added thermal photons reduces almost to zero. A remarkable feature is that for j = 0 the minimum of n ¯ is achieved for n = 0. This happens for all values of κ as can be seen in Fig.2 (Right). By referring to the dashed line (corresponding to τ > 1 at n = 0), the reduction of the number of added thermal photons below one, leads to an almost perfect quantum amplifier channel.
We have investigated the kind of quantum channel that arises from light reflection upon an accelerating mirror following the Carlitz-Willey trajectory [8]. We first approached the problem by considering plane waves impinging on the mirror. It comes out the possibility of having a quantum amplifier channel or a purely classical additive channel or a quantum lossy channel depending mainly on the frequency of the signal mode. This should be ascribed to the presence of two competing mechanisms emerging in the considered model, namely photons production by the mirror’s motion and inter-mode interference. However it was possible to compute the added noise only by introducing frequency cutoffs. Then we considered a wave packets based approach and the same typologies of quantum channels come out without the need of frequency cutoffs. Furthermore it results the interesting feature of realizing an almost perfect amplifier channel when the wave packet is centered on the lowest possible frequency. Above all, with the wave-packets approach we got a time dependent picture. Since the integer n characterizes the time bin at the receiver, we realized that a perfect time matching for decoding should be in order, not to erase all information. This however is practically independent on the parameters entering into the Carlitz-Willey model. Viewed in the other way around, the channel can be regarded as varying in time (τ and n ¯ as functions of n). Moving on from this example we could conceive a quantum channel varying from one to another use and call for an information theoretic characterization of this class of channels (widely studied in the classical setting [19]). On one side, the present study can be interesting for technological applications like earth-satellite or satellite-satellite communication [20], considering the moving mirror as a (oversimplified) model of a satellite. On the other side, it can be interesting from a relativistic quantum information theory for the correspondence between a black hole and an accelerating mirror [21]. Along this line we can foresee investigations in terms of quantum channels for field scattered by variation of the underlying spacetime. In fact, the accelerating mirror plays the same role as a time-dependent background geometry, i.e. gravitational field, given that the mirror motion distorted the field modes. The difference is that the distortion of the modes occurs suddenly (upon reflection) rather than gradually during an extended period of geometrical disruption, as in the gravitational case.
11 Acknowledgments
This work has been supported by FQXi under the programme “Physics of Observer 2016”.
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