Now let us consider elements of a group G as states and functions on G .... studied both by "pure" algebraists [2-12] and by specialists in von Neumann algebras ...
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians Berkeley, California, USA, 1986
Quantum Groups V. G. DRINFEI/D This is a report on recent works on Hopf algebras (or quantum groups, which is more or less the same) motivated by the quantum inverse scattering method (QISM), a method for constructing and studying integrable quantum systems, which was developed mostly by L. D. Faddeev and his collaborators. Most of the definitions, constructions, examples, and theorems in this paper are inspired by the QISM. Nevertheless I will begin with these definitions, constructions, etc. and then explain their relation to the QISM. Thus I reverse the history of the subject, hoping to make its logic clearer. 1. What is a quantum group? Recall that both in classical and in quantum mechanics there are two basic concepts: state and observable. In classical mechanics states are points of a manifold M and observables are functions on M. In the quantum case states are l-dimensional subspaces of a Hilbert space H and observables are operators in H (we forget the self-adjointness condition). The relation between classical and quantum mechanics is easier to understand in terms of observables. Both in classical and in quantum mechanics observables form an associative algebra which is commutative in the classical case and noncommutative in the quantum case. So quantization is something like replacing commutative algebras by noncommutative ones. Now let us consider elements of a group G as states and functions on G as observables. The notion of group is usually defined in terms of states. To quantize it one has to translate it first into the language of observables. This translation is well known, but let us recall it nevertheless. Consider the algebra A = Fun(G) consisting of functions on G which are supposed to be smooth if G is a Lie group, regular if G is an algebraic group, and so on. A is a commutative associative unital algebra. Clearly Fun(G x G) = A ® A if one understands the sign "(g)" in the appropriate sense (e.g. if G is a Lie group then should be understood as the topological tensor product). So the group operation considered as a mapping / : GxG —• G induces an algebra homomorphism A : A —• A (8> A called "comultiplication." To formulate the associativity property of the group © 1987 International Congress of Mathematicians 1986
operation in terms of À one expresses it as the commutativity of the diagram /Xicl^r
G i d x / ^
^ f
and then the functor X H-> Fun(X) is applied. The result is the coassociativity property of A, i.e., the commutativity of the diagram A
A ®A®A A® A The translation of the notions of the group unit e and the inversion mapping g »-• 0" 1 is quite similar. We consider the mappings e: A—• fc, S: A—> A given by ip i-> Ao ® Ao is a Poisson algebra homomorphism, the Poisson bracket on Ao®Ao being defined by {ab, c®d} = ac®{b, d}+{a, c}®bd) and A is a Hopf algebra deformation of Ao. We shall also use the dual notion of quantization of co-Poisson-Hopf algebras (a co-Poisson-Hopf algebra is a cocommutative Hopf algebra B with a Poisson cobracket B —• B®B compatible with the Hopf algebra structure). We discuss the structure of Poisson-Hopf algebras and co-Poisson-Hopf algebras in §§3 and 4. Then we consider the quantization problem.
3. Poisson groups and Lie bialgebras. A Poisson group is a group G with a Poisson bracket on Fun(G) which makes Fun(G) a Poisson-Hopf algebra. In other words the Poisson bracket must be compatible with the group operation, which means that the mapping p,: G x G —> G, ^(01,02) = 9i92, must be a Poisson mapping in the sense of [33], i.e. /JL* : Fun(G) —• Fun(G x G) must be a Lie algebra homomorphism. Specifying, the meaning of the word "group" and the symbol Fun(G), we obtain the notions of Poisson-Lie group, Poisson formal group, Poisson algebraic group, etc. According to our general principles the notions of Poisson group and Poisson-Hopf algebra are equivalent. There exists a very simple description of Poisson-Lie groups in terms of Lie bialgebras. DEFINITION. A Lie bialgebra is a vector space g with a Lie algebra structure and a Lie coalgebra structure, these structures being compatible in the following sense: the cocommutator mapping g —> g®g must be a 1-cocycle (g acts on g0 by means of the adjoint representation). If G is a Poisson-Lie group then g = Lie (G) has a Lie bialgebra structure. To define it write the Poisson bracket on C°°(G) as {ip, ^
= n^dptp • d^,
ip,i>e C°°(G),
where {dß} is a basis of right-invariant vector fields on G. The compatibility of the bracket with the group operation means that the function r\ : G —• g g®g corresponding to 77 defines a Lie bialgebra structure on g (the Jacobi identity for /* : g* (8)0* —» 0* holds because / * is the infinitesimal part of the bracket (4)). THEOREM 1. The category of connected and simply-connected Poisson-Lie groups is equivalent to the category of finite dimensional Lie bialgebras. The analogue of Theorem 1 for Poisson formal groups over a field of characteristic 0 can be proved in the following way. The algebra of functions on the formal group corresponding to 0 is nothing but (Ug)*. A Poisson-Hopf structure on (Ug)* is equivalent to a co-Poisson-Hopf structure on Ug. So it suffices to prove the following easy theorem. THEOREM 2. Let 6: Ug —> Ug®Ug be a Poisson cobracket which makes Ug a co-Poisson-Hopf algebra (the Hopf structure on Ug is usual). Then 6(g) C 0(8)0 and (0,£|0) is a Lie bialgebra. Thus we obtain a one-to-one correspondence between co-Poisson-Hopf structures on Ug inducing the usual Hopf structure and Lie bialgebra structures on g inducing the given Lie algebra structure. Now let us discuss the notion of Lie bialgebra. First of all there is a one-toone correspondence between Lie bialgebras and Manin triples. A Manin triple (p5 Pi , P2) consists of a Lie algebra p with a nondegenerate invariant scalar product on it and isotropic Lie subalgebras pi,p2 such that p is the direct sum of pi and P2 as a vector space. The correspondence mentioned above is constructed in the following way: if (p,pi,p2) is a Manin triple then we put 0 = pi and define the
cocommutator 0 —• 0 (8) 0 to be dual to the commutator mapping p2 (8) p2 —» p2 (note that p2 is naturally isomorphic to 0*). Conversely, if a Lie bialgebra 0 is given we put p = 0 © 0*, pi = 0, p2 = 0 * and define the commutator [x, I] for x G 0, l G 0* so that the natural scalar product on p should be invariant. Note that if (p,pi,p2) is a Manin triple then so is (p,p2,pi)- Therefore the notion of Lie bialgebra is self-dual. Here are some examples of Lie bialgebras, Examples 3.2-3,4 are important for the inverse scattering method, EXAMPLE 3.1. If dim0 ;= 2 then any linear mappings / \ 2 0 —• 0 and 0 —• / \ 2 0 define a Lie bialgebra structure on 0. A 2-dimensional Lie bialgebra is called nondegenerate if the composition /\ 0 —• 0 —• /\ g is nonzero. In this case there exists a basis {£1,0:2} of 0 such that [£1,2:2] = ®x2 a n d the cocommutator is given by x\ H O J ^ H /?£2 A xi. Here aß ^ 0 and aß does not depend on the choice of Xi,X2, EXAMPLE 3.2. Let 0 be a Kac-Moody algebra (in the sense of [55]) with a fixed invariant scalar product ( , ) , ! ) the Cartan subalgebra, b± D \) the Borei subalgebras. Put p = 0 x 0, pi = {(x,y) G 0 X g\x = y} w 0, p 2 = {(x,y) G b_ X b + l ^ + y\) = 0}. Define the scalar product of (£1,2/1) G p and (£2,2/2) G p to equal (£i,£2) - (2/1?2/2)- Since (p,pi,p2) is a Manin triple, 0 has a Lie bialgebra structure. The cocommutator (p: g —• /\ 0 can be described explicitly in terms of the canonical generators X^,X^,H{ (here Xf G [b±,b-t] and Hi is the image of the simple root ai G f)* under the isomorphism f)* —> ()): (f(Hi) = 0, * , M»«*] = ° =* E[[ J (°»)' ^ l » J(c*)] i
h2 ~r22z2
where {/a} is an orthonormal basis of a, /(a, 6, c, x, y, z) = Alt Sym ([a, [6, s]], [[c, y], *]), a, 6 a,c
{X1,X2,S3}= g 2 J
x X X
i 3 k-
A : Q —• Q (8> Q is defined by the formulas A(a) = a(8)l + l(8) a, - ^i 1, *] - - a- G a, A(J(a)) = J (a) (8) 1 + 1 (8) J(a) +» §r [a
where t = Y^a la. ® ^a- Note that the classical limit of J (a) is au E g. So the formula (12) and the left-hand sides of (13), (14) are quite natural. (15) is also natural because [a ® 1,£] is the image of au under the cocommutator mapping. The terrific right-hand sides of (13), (14) are derived from (12), (15). Note also that if a = $[(2) then (13) is superfluous and if a 7É $[(2) then (14) is superfluous. The Hopf algebra over C obtained from Q by setting ft = 1 is denoted by y (a) and called the Yangian of a. y (a) is related to rational solutions of the QYBE (see §12), the simplest of which was found by C. N. Yang [53]. Fortunately Q has another system of generators £ ^ , £ ^ , ^ 5 i E T,k = 0,1,2,..., deg Çfjç = deg A given by / i-> (/ (8) id)(i2) is an algebra homomorphism and a coalgebra antihomomorphism. To understand the various types of Hopf algebras one may use the TannakaKrein approach [56], i.e., instead of considering a Hopf algebra A one may consider the category Rep^ of its representations together with the forgetful functor F: Rep A —• {vector spaces}. Recall that a representation of a Hopf algebra A is a representation of A as an algebra, and the tensor product of representations p\ : A —> End Vi and p2 : A —• End V2 is equal to the composition A —• A® A Pl®P2> End(Vi ® Va). For any A the functor (8): Rep A x R e p A -> Rep A is associative. More precisely, for this functor there is an associativity constraint [56] compatible with F. In general the A-modules V\ (8) V2 and V2 (8) V\ are not isomorphic, but if (20) holds then R defines an isomorphism between them. Moreover, if R12R21 = 1 we obtain a commutativity constraint [56] for (8): Rep^ x R e p ^ —• Rep^. It is not compatible with F unless R = 1. The condition (21) is the compatibility of the commutativity and the associativity constraints [56]. So if (A,R) is triangular then Rep A is a tensor category [56], but F is not a tensor functor unless R = 1. V. V. Lyubashenko's result [57] means that a tensor category G with a functor F: C -* {vector spaces} having the above properties is more or less Rep^ for a unique triangular Hopf algebra A. If (A, Ao) is a cocommutative Hopf algebra and is an invertible element of A (8) A such that 12 • (Aoid)(0) = (j)23 • (id A. So Hopf algebras have already appeared implicitly in [71]. Precise statements concerning the connection between triangular Hopf algebras and the QYBE can be found in [57, 79]. 11. QISM from the Hopf algebra point of view. The QISM is a method for constructing and studying integrable quantum systems, which was created in 1978-1979 by L. D. Faddeev, E. K. Sklyanin, and L. A. Takhtajan [69-71, 37]. It is closely related to the classical inverse scattering method, Baxter's works on exactly solvable models of classical statistical mechanics (e.g. see [58]), and one-dimensional relativistic factorized scattering theory (C. N. Yang, A. B. Zamolodchikov, ... ). Here is an exposition of the basic construction of the QISM, which slightly differs from the standard expositions [70-72, 36, 37], where Hopf algebras occur implicitly and (22) is used instead of (20). Let A be a Hopf algebra, G = {l E A* | l(ab) = l(ba) for any a,bE A}. Then G is a subalgebra of A*. Now suppose that (20) holds. Then it is easy to show that G is commutative (this is the quantum analogue of (9)). Fix a representation 7r: A* —* EndV ("the quantum L-operator") and a number N ("the number of sites of a l-dimensional lattice"). Elements of V®N are considered as quantum states. The image of G under the representation ir®N : A* —• EndV®^ is a commutative algebra of observables. Physicists usually fix an element H E A* and consider ir®N (H) as a Hamiltonian, If (A, R) is quasitriangular then R induces a homomorphism A* —> A and therefore a representation of A induces that of A*. Usually only those representations of A* are considered which come from representations of A. This means that instead of ir®N and G one works with p®N and C\ where p is a representation of A and C" is the image of G in A, i.e. C" = {(/ (8) ià)(R) \ l E G). To use this scheme one has to construct a quasitriangular (A, R) and as many representations of A as possible (these representations can be taken as p, and their characters belong to G). The Hopf algebras A used in the QISM are quantizations of Lie bialgebras G s of Example 3.4 (i.e. of Lie bialgebras corresponding to
nondegenerate solutions of the CYBE). Yangians and quantized affine algebras are typical examples. On these algebras there exists not a quasitriangular but a "pseudotriangular" structure (see §§12,13), but this suffices to use the above scheme. Deeper aspects of the QISM, such as the description of the spectrum of p®N(C') and the limit N —> oo (see [65, 36, 71]), are not yet understood from the Hopf algebra point of view. 12. The pseudotriangular structure on Yangians and rational solutions of the QYBE. Recall that y (a) is obtained by quantizing the bialgebra 0 = a[u] of Example 3.3 and setting ft = 1. Since 0 is pseudotriangular it is natural to expect Y (a) to be pseudotriangular too. To be more precise let us consider the operators T\\ g —• 0 given by T\(f(u)) = f(u + A). Note that though r = t/(u — v) does not belong to 0 (8) 0, the expression oo
(Tx (8) id)r = t/(u + A - t;) = ^
t(v - u ^ A " * " 1
k=0 1
is a power series in A" whose coefficients belong to 0 (8) 0. Now define the automorphism T\ : Y(a) —• Y(a) by the formulas T\ | fl = id, T\(J(a)) = J(a)+Xa for a E a. It is natural to expect that there exists a formal series oo
H(X) = 1 + 5 ^ ÄfcA"1,
Rk E Y(a) ® Y(a),
which behaves as if JZ(X) were equal to (T\ (8) id)R for some R satisfying (20), (21) and the equation R12R21 = 1. This is really so [28]. More precisely, there is a unique Ä(A) such that (A ® id)Ä(A) = R13(X)R23(X) and (Tx id)A'(a) = R(X)((TX O id)A(a))Ä(A)~ 1 for a G Y(a). Besides, £(Ai - A2) satisfies the QYBE, i.e. £ 12 (Ai - X2)Z13(X, - A 3 )£ 23 (A 2 - A3) = £ 2 3 (A 2 - A3)Ä13(A1 - X3)R12(X1 - X2). Moreover, £ 1 2 (A)£ 2 1 (-A) = 1, (TMT„)£(A) = R(X+p-v), and the coefficient ki is equal to t. By the way, we are lucky that Y (a) is pseudotriangular and not triangular: otherwise Y (a) would be isomorphic (as an algebra) to a universal enveloping algebra and life would be dull. Given a representation p: Y (a) —• Mat(n, C) we obtain a matrix solution Ä(Ai - A2) = (/0 p)(£(Ai - A2)) of the QYBE. It is of the form oo
R(Xi - A3) = 1 + (p ® p)(t) • (Ai - As)" 1 + £
4fc(Ai - A2)~*.
If p is irreducible then R(X) is a rational function up to a scalar factor [28]. Now let us temporarily forget about Y (a) and adopt the point of view of a person who wants to construct matrix solutions of the QYBE. According to [45]
it is natural to look for solutions of the form oo
Ä(Ai - Aa, ft) = 1 + h(p ® p)(r(X! - A2)) + £
^a*(Ai -
where p is a representation of a and r is an o (8) a-valued solution of the CYBE. The simplest r is given by r(X) = t/X. Since this r is homogeneous it is natural to require that R(aX, ah) = R(X, ft). In this case R(X, ft) is uniquely determined by R(X, 1), which is of the form (23). So the natural problem is to describe for a given p: a —• Mat(n, C) all the solutions of the QYBE of the form (23). Theorem [28]: if p is irreducible then all such solutions are of the form (p®p)(JZ(Xi — X2)) for some representation p: Y (a) —> Mat(n, C) such that p\a = p. So it is clear that the problem of describing all the irreducible finite-dimensional representations of Y (a) is very important. It was solved for a = sl(2) by V. E, Korepin and V. O Tarasov [59-61]. For classical a specialists in the QISM have constructed by more or less elementary means a lot of iü-matrices of the form (23) (see, for instance, [62, 63] and the Appendix of [45]) and therefore a lot of representations of Y (a). Some results concerning this problem were obtained in [28, 64]. In [54] a parametrization of the set of irreducible finitedimensional representations of Y (a) (in the spirit of Cartan's highest weight theorem) is obtained using the second presentation of Y (a) (see §6) and the results for Y($1(2)). Y (a) has two "large" commutative subalgebras: the "Cartan" subalgebra generated by (pik (see §6) and the subalgebra A generated by the coefficients of (/ ® id)£(A), / G C, where C = {l E (Y (a))*] l(ab) = l(ba) for any a,b E Y (a)}. It is desirable to describe the spectra of these subalgebras in irreducible representations of Y (a). For A this problem is especially important (see §11). For classical a and at least some representations of Y (a) the spectrum of A is known [65-68]. The analogy between the structure of the Bethe equations and the corresponding Cartan matrices (N. Yu, Reshetikhin [68]) suggests that the spectrum of A can be described for all a. Finally, I am going to mention a realization of Y (a) which is often useful and which appeared much earlier than the general definition of Y (a). Fix a nontrivial irreducible representation p: Y(a) —• Mat(n, C). Set R(X) = (p®p)(%(X)). Then Y (a) is almost isomorphic to the Hopf algebra Ap with generators Q- \ 1 < i, j < n, k = 1,2,..., defining relations f(\)T(p)R(p
- A) = Rfc - A)r(Ai)f (A)
and comultiplication Afe(A))-x;^(A)^^(A)' k
where itf(A) = «tf + E2Li*jf)A"*, r(A) = (ty(A)), f (A) = r ( A ) ® ^ , T(A) = En®T(X). More precisely, there is an epimorphism Ap —• Y (a) given by T(X) \-+ (id®p)(R(X)), and to obtain Y(a) from Ap one has to add an auxiliary relation
of the form c(X) = 1, where c(X) E AP[[X~% A(c(A)) = c(X) (8) c(X), and [a, c(X)] = 0 for any a E Ap. For instance, if a = $l(n) and p: Y (a) —• Mat(n, C) is the "vector" representation then c(X) is the "quantum determinant" of T(A) in the sense of [73] and R(X) is proportional to the Yang i?-matrix 1 + A_10-, where a: C n (£//>b+) —> Uhg ® £/&0. Then R defines a quasitriangular structure on Uhg if dim0 < 00 and a "pseudoquasitriangular" structure if dim0 = 00. If 0 = sl(2) with the scalar product Tr(XY) then _
R = J2 hkQk(h){exn-[H ® H + jfc(JT® 1 - 1 ® #)]}(*+)* ® (X~)k, k=0
where Qk(h) = e~khl2 n J U ' ( c * ~ !)/(e rfc - !)•
R= Y^ (exP/l ho + \(Hß®l-l®Hß) }pß> ßez\ {
where to is the element of f) ® I) corresponding to the canonical scalar product on 1), Z+ = {n G Z | n > 0}, r is the rank of 0, for every ß = ( f t , ß 2 , . . , ) E Zr the symbol Hß denotes YlißiBi) and Pß E C/^b+ ® t/^b^ is a polynomial in Ui = Xf ® 1 and Vi = 1 ® Jf r homogeneous with respect to each variable and such that deg u . Pß = detV|. P/? = ft. In addition: (1) P0 = 1, (2) Pß s 0 mod /ifc^, P^ ^ 0 mod hkP~1, where fc^ = inf{n| #/? is representable as a sum of n positive roots of 0}, and (3) the coefficients of h~^Pß are rational functions of ech for C G C , where \ß\ = E ; ft. If dim0 < 00 then Rp = (p® p)(R) makes sense and satisfies the QYBE for any representation p: Uhg —* Mat(n, C[[fo]]). For instance, if 0 = sl(n) and p is the representation mentioned in §7 then Rp = e-h'2n
j £ * i i ® *ii + e" / 2 Ç e « ® c« + (e*/* _ c - V * ) ^ e . . ® Cj ..
where e# are the matrix units (this formula is implicit in [52]). Note that the relations (16)-(19) simply mean that RpTT = TTRp, where T = (pij). Now let 0 be affine and set 0' = [0,0]/(the center of 0). Denote by Rf the analogue of R for Uhg'- Suppose that a representation p: Uhg! ~+ Mat(n, C[[/i]]) is given. Strictly speaking, the expression (p® p)(Rf) is meaningless. But if we define TA G AutUhg setting Tx(Xf) = X±xXf and put Rf(X) = (Tx ® id)Ä' then Rp(X) == (p ® p)(Rf(X)) is a well-defined formal series in A such that Ä* a (A 1 /A a )Äj 3 (A 1 /A8)Äf(A a /A 3 ) = Ä» 3 (A a /A3)Ä* s (Ai/A3)Ä^(Ai/A a ). Using an idea of M. Jimbo [50] it can be proved that if p is irreducible then Rp(X) is a rational function of A up to a scalar factor. Moreover, for a given p this rational function can be found by solving certain linear equations [50]. Substituting A = eu we obtain trigonometric solutions of the QYBE. Explicit formulas for the solutions corresponding to the classical 0 and some p were found by elementary methods [48, 74-77]. 14. Final remarks. Because of the lack of space I cannot discuss here the relation between Y(x\(n)),Uh&(n) and Hecke algebras (see [52, 64]), between Yangians and Hermitian symmetric spaces (see [62] and [28, Theorem 7]), between Y(sl(n)) and representations of infinite-dimensional classical groups (see [80]). By the same reason I cannot discuss compact quantum groups [81-83] as well as the attempts to generalize the notion of superalgebra, which are based on the QYBE [78] or triangular Hopf algebras [79].
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