Quantum mechanics as a matrix symplectic geometry - Springer Link

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2, 1997. Erratum. Quantum Mechanics as a Matrix Symplectic. Geometry. A. E. F. Djemai. The following corrections should be made to the above article that was.
International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 36, No. 2, 1997


Quantum Mechanics as a Matrix Symplectic Geometry A. E. F. Djemai The following corrections should be made to the above article that was published in International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 35, 519-556 (1996). The top of page 548 should read: It follows that the quantities SP~. are given by: S y--- = exp[ict2(m + n', p)]cos[i~2(m, n)]Ym+~'-t7 - ~,~+~',6Y-t7 mn


Finally, we have the following multiplication law: Y~'" Y~" = exp[iot2(~, m)]Yg+~" = K~'~'I + (Sm~~. + I/2Cm~-)Y~


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