Quasi stationary distributions and Fleming Viot Processes

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Quasi stationary distributions (qsd). Irreducible jump Markov process with rates Q = (q(x, y)) on. Λ ∪ {0}. Pt(x, y) transition matrix. Λ countable and 0 absorbing ...
Quasi stationary distributions and Fleming Viot Processes Pablo A. Ferrari Nevena Mari´ c Universidade de S˜ ao Paulo

http://www.ime.usp.br/~pablo 1

Quasi stationary distributions (qsd) Irreducible jump Markov process with rates Q = (q(x, y)) on Λ ∪ {0}. Pt (x, y) transition matrix. Λ countable and 0 absorbing state. Zt is ergodic with a unique invariant measure δ0 Law starting with µ conditioned to non absorption until time t: P y∈Λ µ(y)Pt (y, x) µ P , x ∈ Λ. ϕt (x) = 1 − y∈Λ µ(y)Pt (y, 0) A quasi stationary distribution (qsd) is a probability measure ν on Λ satisfying ϕνt = ν


ν is a Left eigenvector for the restriction of the matrix Q to Λ with P eigenvalue λν = − y∈Λ ν(y)q(y, 0): ν must satisfy the system  X  X ν(y) q(y, x) = − ν(y)q(y, 0) ν(x), ∀x ∈ Λ. y∈Λ


νQ = λν ν X

ν(y) [q(y, x) + q(y, 0)ν(x)] = 0, ∀x ∈ Λ.



q(x, x) = −


q(x, y)



ν(y) [q(y, x) + q(y, 0)ν(x)] = ν(x)




(balance equations) 3

q(x, y) + q(x, 0)ν(y)

Yaglom limit for µ: lim ϕµt (y) ,



if it exists and it is a probability on Λ. Λ finite, Darroch and Seneta (1967): there exists a unique qsd ν for Q and that the Yaglom limit converges to ν independently of the initial distribution. Λ infinite: neither existence nor uniqueness of qsd are guaranteed. Example: asymmetric random walk p = q(i, i + 1) = 1 − q(i, i − 1), for i ≥ 0. In this case there are infinitely many qsd when p < 1/2 and none when p ≥ 1/2. Minimal qsd (for p < 1/2):  p x/2 ν(x) ∼ x 1−p 4

Existence For Λ = N under the condition lim P(R > t|Z0 = x) = 0


R absorption time, Ferrari, Kesten, Mart´ınez and Picco [6]: existence of qsd ⇐⇒ EeθR < ∞ for some θ > 0.


Existence Ergodicity coefficient of Q: α = α(Q) :=





q(x, z)

Maximal absorbing rate of Q: C = C(Q) := sup q(x, 0) x∈Λ

Theorem 1. If α > C then there exists a unique qsd ν for Q and the Yaglom limit converges to ν for any initial measure µ. Jacka and Roberts [10]: under α > C uniqueness and Yaglom limit.


The Fleming-Viot process (fv)


• System of N > 0 particles evolving on Λ. • Particles move independently with rates Q between absorptions. • When a particle is absorbed, it chooses one of the other particles uniformly and jumps instantaneously to its position. Generator (Master equation): Lf (ξ) =




i=1 y∈Λ\{ξ(i)}

η(ξ, y) i (f (ξ i,y ) − f (ξ)) q(ξ(i), y) + q(ξ(i), 0) N −1

where ξ i,y (j) = y for j = i and ξ i,y (j) = ξ(j) otherwise and η(ξ, y) :=

N X i=1


1{ξ(i) = y}.

Empirical profile and conditioned process ξt process in Λ(1,...,N ) ; ηt =∈ NΛ unlabeled process, ηt (x) = number of ξ particles in state x at time t. Theorem 2. Let µ probability on Λ. Assume (ξ0N,µ (i), i = 1, . . . , N ) iid with law µ. Then, for t > 0 and x ∈ Λ, EηtN,µ (x) lim N →∞ N ηtN,µ (x) lim N →∞ N

= ϕµt (x) = ϕµt (x),

in Probability

Fleming and Viot [8], Burdzy, Holyst and March [1], Grigorescu and Kang [9] and L¨obus [12] in a Brownian motion setting.


Ergodicity of fv Λ finite, fv Markov in finite state space Hence ergodic (there exists unique stationary measure and the process converges to the stationary measure).

For Λ infinite: Theorem 3. If α > 0, then for each N the fv process with N particles is ergodic.


Stationary empirical profile and qsd Assume ergodicity. Let η N be distributed with the unique invariant measure. Theorem 4. α > C. For each x ∈ Λ, the following limits exist η N (x) lim N →∞ N

= ν(x),

and ν is the unique qsd for Q.


in Probability

Sketch of proofs Existence part of Theorem 1 corollary of Theorem 4. Uniqueness: Jacka and Robert. Theorem 3: stationary version of the process “from the past” as in perfect simulation.


Theorems 2 and 4 based on asymptotic independence. • ϕt unique solution of X µ d µ ϕt (x) = ϕt (y)[q(y, x) + q(y, 0)ϕµt (x)], dt



• ηt satisfies ηtN,µ (x)  d  ηtN,µ (x)  X  ηtN,µ (y)  = q(y, x) + q(y, 0) E E dt N N N −1 y∈Λ

• We prove: E[ηtN,µ (y) ηtN,µ (x)] − EηtN,µ (y) EηtN,µ (x) = O(N )


• qsd satisfies X ν(y) [q(y, x) + q(y, 0)ν(x)] = 0,

x ∈ Λ.


• η N invariant for fv satisfies: X  η N (y)  η N (x)  q(y, x) + q(y, 0) = 0, E N N −1

x ∈ Λ.


• Under α > C: E[η N (y) η N (x)] − Eη N (y) Eη N (x) = O(N ) • Variance order 1/N , setting x = y. , N ∈ N) and (ρN , N ∈ N) are tight. • Finally we show (ϕN,µ t


Comments • Fleming-Viot permits to show existence of a qsd in the α > C case (new). • Compared with Brownian motion in a bounded region with absorbing boundary (Burdzy, Holyst and March [1], Grigorescu and Kang [9] and L¨obus [12] and other related works): • Existence of the fv process immediate here. • they prove the convergence without factorization. • We prove: vanishing correlations sufficient for convergence of expectations and in probability. • To prove tightness classify ξ particles in types. • Tightness proof needs α > C as the vanishing correlations proof.


Graphical construction of fv process To each particle i = 1, . . . , N , associate 3 marked Poisson processes: • Regeneration times. PP (α): (ain )n∈Z , marks (Ain )n∈Z • Internal times. PP (¯ q − α): (bin )n∈Z , marks ((Bni (x), x ∈ Λ), n ∈ Z) • Voter times. PP (C): (cin )n∈Z , marks ((Cni , (Fni (x), x ∈ Λ)), n ∈ Z)


Law of marks: • P(Ain = y) = α(y)/α, y ∈ Λ; q(x, y) − α(y) , x ∈ Λ, y ∈ Λ \ {x}; = y) = • q ¯ − α P i P(Bn (x) = x) = 1 − y∈Λ\{x} P(Bni (x) = y). P(Bni (x)

q(x, 0) = 1 − P (Fni (x) = 0), x ∈ Λ. = 1) = • C 1 i , j 6= i. • P (Cn = j) = N −1 P (Fni (x)

Call ω a realization of the marked PP.


N,ξ N,ξ Construction of ξ[s,t] = ξ[s,t],ω

• Order Poisson times. • Initial configuration ξ at time s . • Configuration does not change between Poisson events. • At each regeneration time ain particle i adopts state Ain regardless the current configuration. • If at the internal time bin − the state of particle i is x, then at time bin particle i adopts state Bni (x) regardless the state of the other particles. • If at the voter time cin − the state of particle i is x and Fni (x) = 1, then at time cin particle i adopts the state of particle Cni ; if Fni (x) = 0, then particle i does not change state. N,ξ . • The final configuration is ξ[s,t]


N,ξ Lemma 1. The process (ξ[s,t] , t ≥ s) is fv with initial condition N,ξ = ξ. ξ[s,s]


Generalized duality


N,ξ (i)}, ω i [s, t] = {m ∈ ω : m involved in the definition of ξ[s,t],ω

Generalized duality equation: N,ξ (i) = H(ω i [s, t], ξ). ξ[s,t],ω

• No explicit formula for H. N,ξ (i) depends only on the finite number of • For any time s, ξ[s,t]

Poisson events contained in ω i [s, t].



Theorem 3. If α > 0 the fv process is ergodic. Proof If number of marks in ω i [−∞, t] is finite, then N (i) =: lim H(ω i [s, t], ξ), ξt,ω s→−∞

i ∈ {1, . . . , N }, t ∈ R

is well defined and does not depend on ξ. • By construction (ξtN , t ∈ R) is a stationary fv process. • The law of ξtN is unique invariant measure. • Number of points in ω i [−∞, t] is finite if there is [s(ω), s(ω) + 1] in the past of t with one regeneration mark for each k and no voter marks.


Particle correlations in the fv process Proposition 1. Let x, y ∈ Λ. For all t > 0  η N (x)η N (y)   η N (x)   η N (y)  1 2Ct t t t t E e −E < E N2 N N N

Assume α > C. Let η N be distributed according to the unique invariant measure for the fv process with N particles. Then  η N (x)η N (y)   η N (x)   η N (y)  α 1 E − E < E N2 N N N α−C




Coupling • 4-fold coupling (ω i [0, t], ω j [0, t], ω ˆ i [0, t], ω ˆ j [0, t]) ˆ i [0, t] • ω i [0, t] = ω ˆ j [0, t] •ω ˆ j [0, t] ∩ ω i [0, t] = ∅ implies ω j [0, t] = ω ˆ j [0, t]) have the same law as two • marginal process (ˆ ω i [0, t], ω independent processes with the same marginals as (ω i [0, t], ω j [0, t]).


P(ξtN,ξ (j) = x, ξtN,ξ (i) = y) − P(ξtN,ξ (j) = x)P(ξtN,ξ (i) = y)   j i j i ω , ξ) = x), H(ˆ ω , ξ) = y)} = E 1{H(ω , ξ) = x, H(ω , ξ) = y)}−1{H(ˆ • If ωi ∩ ωj = ∅ then ˆ j (s, t) and ω i (s, t) = ω ˆ i (s, t) ω j (s, t) = ω Hence, |P(ξtN,ξ (j) = x, ξtN,ξ (i) = y) − P(ξtN,ξ (j) = x)P(ξtN,ξ (i) = y)| ≤ P(ω i ∩ ω j 6= ∅).


Lemma 2. i


P(ω ∩ ω 6= ∅) ≤

C 1 (1 − e2(C−α)t ) N −1 α−C

Proof: 2C i j 6 ∅) ≤ P(ω ∩ ω = N −1



ˆ i [s, t] EΨ ˆ j [s, t]ds EΨ


ˆ i [s, t] Random walk that grows with rate C and decreases with Ψ rate α. Expectation is bounded by e(t−s)(C−α) . Z t 2C e2(C−α)s ds P(ω i ∩ ω j 6= ∅) ≤ N −1 0 which gives the result.



Proof of Proposition 1 Take η and ξ such that P η(x) = j 1{ξ(j) = x}. Then E

 η N,η (x)η N,η (y)  t

t N2

EηtN,η (x) EηtN,η (y) N2


N N 1 XX N,ξ N,ξ P(ξ (i) = x, ξ (j) = y) t t N 2 i=1 j=1


 1 XX N,ξ N,ξ P(ξ (i) = x)P(ξ (j) = y) t t 2 N i=1 j=1



Using this, and (4) with α = 0 we get (2). Assume α > C. Taking t = ∞ in (4) we get (3).


Tightness Proposition 2. For all t > 0, x ∈ Λ, i = 1, . . . , N and µ, EηtN,µ (x) N

≤ e



µ(z)Pt (z, x).


As a consequence (EηtN,µ /N, N ∈ N) is tight.


Assume α > 0 and define µα on Λ by αx µα (x) = , x ∈ Λ, α where αx = inf z q(z, x). For z, x ∈ Λ define Z ∞ λe−λt Pt (z, x)dt. Rλ (z, x) = 0

Proposition 3. Assume α > C and let η N distributed with invariant measure for fv. Then for x ∈ Λ, C µα R(α−C) (x) ρ (x) ≤ α−C N

As a consequence, the family of measures (η N /N, N ∈ N) is tight.


Types • Particle i is type 0 at time t if it has not been absorbed in the time interval [0, t]. • If at absorption time s particle i jumps over particle j which has type k, then at time s particle i changes its type to k + 1.

P(ξtN,µ (i)

= x, type(i, t) = 0) =


µ(z)Pt (z, x).


At (x, k) =: P(ξtN,µ (i) = x, type(i, t) = k)


Proof of Proposition 2 Recursive hypothesis: (Ct)k X µ(z)Pt (z, x) At (x, k) ≤ k! z∈Λ

By (5) the statement is true for k = 0. Z t X C As (y, k) Pt−s (y, x) ds. At (x, k + 1) ≤ 0


Using recursive hypothesis, Z t X (Cs)k X C µ(z) Ps (z, y)Pt−s (y, x)ds = k! 0 z∈Λ



(Ct)k+1 X µ(z)Pt (z, x). (k + 1)! z∈Λ

by Chapman-Kolmogorov. This proves (5). 29


Proof of Proposition 3 Under the hypothesis α > C the process ((ξtN (i), type(i, t)), i = 1, . . . , N ), t ∈ R) is Markovian constructed in a stationary way A(x, k) := P(ξsN (i) = x, type(i, s) = k) does not depend on s. Last regeneration mark of site i before time s happened at time s − Tαi , where Tαi is exponential of rate α. Then, Z ∞ X −αt αe µα (z)Pt (z, x)dt = µα Rα (x). A(x, 0) = 0



Similar reasoning implies Z ∞ X −αt e C A(z, k − 1)Ps (z, x) dt. A(x, k) ≤ 0



 C k C k+1 Ak−1 Rα (x) ≤ µα Rα (x). α α

Rλk (z, x) expectation of Pτk (z, x), τk sum of k independent exponential λ. Multiplying and dividing by (α − C), ∞  k  X C C C N k+1 µα Rα 1− (x) P(ξs (i) = x) ≤ α−C α α k=0

K , K geometric with p = 1 − (C/α). Expectation of µα Rα

P(ξsN (i) = x) ≤

C µα Rα−C (x). α−C


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