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Question Bank of Microprocessor (January 2014) - Nepal ...

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This question bank covers almost all questions from respective chapters. These questions ... Define the term microprocessor and microcontroller? 7. Draw the ...
Nepal Engineering College

MICROPROCESSOR QUESTION BANK-2014 Notice for Electrical IV Semester Students Students are informed to prepare from following questions for their Final Assessment 2014 (Exclude Chapter 4). This question bank covers almost all questions from respective chapters. These questions are past questions and better to practice. Hope this will help you to build your confidence on subject matters.

CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Microprocessor (up to 15 marks) 1. Give a brief chronological history of the evolution of Intel microprocessors listing the most important features of each. 2. Differentiate between Harvard Architecture and Von Neumann Architecture. Explain with key differences. 3. Processing speed of Harvard Architecture is higher than Von Neumann machine, explain why? 4. What are the major enhancements on Harvard Architecture than Von Neumann architecture? Explain with necessary diagrams. 5. Describe functional block diagram of Von Neumann architecture and Harvard Architecture. 6. Define the term microprocessor and microcontroller? 7. Draw the functional block diagram of 8085 microprocessor and explain the register set available to a programmer. 8. Describe Registers and Flags of 8085 9. Define: fetch, decode and execution

CHAPTER 2: Assembly Language Programming (up to 25 marks) 1. What are the addressing modes of 8085? Explain briefly with example. 2. Identify the addressing mode (8085) for the following instructions: a. MVI A, 23H b. ADD B c. IDA 2000 H 3. With a neat timing diagram explain the memory read bus cycle in 8085.

Prepared By: Asst. Prof. Chandra Thapa (Jan 2014)


Nepal Engineering College

4. What do you mean by RTL? Write the RTL for different types of instruction categories available in 8085 with typical instruction available in each category. 5. Explain the different types of data transfer instructions available in 8085. 6. Write an ALP in 8085 to count the number of 1s in a byte stored in the memory location 2000H. 7. Write a program in 8085, sixteen bit data are stored in two tables starting at 4050H and 4070H, 10 data in each table. Add corresponding data and store it in third table starting at 4090H. 8. Draw and explain the timing diagram for the instruction STA C000H, LDA 2000H, ADI 40H, IN 10H, OUT 30H, ADD B, MVI A, 10H and MOV B, A of 8085 microprocessor. 9. Add two 32 bit data present in memory location starting from D000H. Store result in memory location starting from E000H. (Lower bytes are present in lower address) 10. Define the following terms related to 8085 Microprocessor: ALE, RST 6.5, HOLD, RD, INTR 11. WAP in 8085 to transfer ten bytes data from 5050H to 5060H only if data is between 30H and 70H else store 00H. 12. Write an assembly language program using 8085 instructions to generate Fibonacci series up to eight terms. 13. A railway crossing signal has two flashing lights run by 8085 microprocessor. One light is connected to data bit D7 and the second light is connected to D6. Starting necessary assumptions you make, write an assembly language program to turn each signal light alternatively on and off at an interval of 1 second.

CHAPTER 3: Bus Structure, Memory and I/O Interfacing (up to 30 marks) 1. Write about internal structure of a memory. What is DRAM? 2. What are the different types of memory? Explain with specific applications. 3. Interface two RAM each having memory capacity 2Kx8 and two ROM each having memory capacity 4Kx8. The starting memory address is 8000H. 4. Interface an 8-bit processor (e.g. 8085 microprocessor) with 2Kx8 ROM chip such that the following address map is realized. Device - ROM chip Size - 2Kx8 Address - 0800H 5. Interface eight keys and eight LEDs with 8085 microprocessor. Prepared By: Asst. Prof. Chandra Thapa (Jan 2014)


Nepal Engineering College

6. How does DMA controller (8237) work? Clarify using suitable diagram. 7. Compare: a. SRAM vs DRAM b. RAM vs ROM 8. Explain functional block diagram of: 8255 PPI, serial I/O (8251), 8259 Programmable Interrupt controller. 9. Explain programmed I/O and Interrupt Driven I/O with suitable programming example for 8085 microprocessor. 10. Differentiate memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O. 11. Write about Interrupts of 8085. 12. What do you mean by an interrupts? List the different types of interrupts available in 8085. CHAPTER 4: 16-bit Microprocessor and Programming (up to 30 marks) 1. List with suitable examples the addressing modes available in 8086. 2. Compare INTR and NMI in 8086. 3. Write an 8086 assembly language program to find the factorial of a number. 4. Write an ALP using 8086 instructions to generate a square wave with period of 200 microseconds. 5. Write an 8086 ALP using MASM to accept a string from keyboard and display it in console in reverse order. 6. List some features of 8086 microprocessor. Describe its internal block diagram. How it is different from 8085? 7. Write about Registers and Flags of 8086. 8. Write on : Intel 80386 processor 9. Describe Assembler, Assembler Directives, Macro-assembler and linker. 10. Eight data bytes are stored from memory location D000H to D007H. Write an 8086 assembly language program to transfer the block of data to new location C000H to C007H. 11. Write an assembly language program for 8086 to find the sum of two numbers input by the user through the keyboard and display the sum on the console. 12. Write a program for 8086 microprocessor to count the number of data bytes that are less than 20H from the block of 10 data bytes of memory location ‘ARRAY_DATA’. Store the sorted result in memory location ‘RESULT’.

Prepared By: Asst. Prof. Chandra Thapa (Jan 2014)


Nepal Engineering College

13. Define interrupt vector table? How does the microprocessor handle multiple signals on the same interrupt pin? 14. Write an 8086 ALP for MASM to display the text ‘POKHARA UNIVERSITY’ in reverse order. 15. Define assembler. Describe One pass assembler and Two pass assembler. 16. WAP in 8086 to transfer 100 bytes from 2000:0000H to output port 00H with a delay between each transfer. 17. Differentiate Macros and subroutine. 18. Write on: 8254A clock generator, 8282 Address Latch, 8286 transceiver and 8288 Bus controller.

CHAPTER 5: Data Communication Basics (up to 15 marks) 1. Compare: a. Serial vs parallel communication b. Synchronous vs asynchronous communication 2. Two computers are to be connected with each other via modems. Using RS-232 standards, explain the connection. How can they be connected directly without any modems using RS 232 standards? 3. Write on: a. Rs 232-C with its proper handshaking signalling b. RS 422/423A c. Synchronous serial data communication d. Binary Synchronous (BISYNC) Serial communication protocol

Prepared By: Asst. Prof. Chandra Thapa (Jan 2014)