technical education. â¡ Updating instructional technology in the classroom for improved student learning. â¡ Upgrading
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QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT MEASURE GG What kinds of upgrades are needed in the District? The District has done a careful evaluation of the urgent and critical facility needs of each school and has developed a list of the highest priority projects that include: n Providing labs and updating classrooms for career technical education n Updating instructional technology in the classroom for improved student learning n Upgrading classrooms, libraries, science labs and computer systems to keep pace with technology and rising academic standards n Improving student safety and security, including security lighting and cameras, fencing, smoke detectors, fire alarms and sprinklers n Repairing or replacing deteriorated roofs, floors, electrical systems and plumbing and removing hazardous materials in older schools n Reducing classroom overcrowding by providing new classrooms and facilities What is the District doing to address these needs? The Board of Education voted to place a bond measure on the November 2014 ballot to address these needs. All registered voters in the Corona-Norco Unified School District will be eligible to vote on the measure.
How do I know what projects will be completed? It is the intention of the Board to ensure that proceeds will be used to make sure that every student has the best learning environment possible. A list of the highest priority projects to provide facility and equipment needs for career and technical education, improve student safety and make needed repairs will be available on the District’s website. How do I know that the money will be spent wisely? Strict accountability provisions will ensure funds are spent only for voterapproved purposes. n All money raised within city areas will be distributed equally between Corona, Norco and Eastvale schools n Community members will receive regular updates regarding bond projects n Funds cannot be taken by the State or diverted to other areas n No funds can be used for District administration or employee salaries n A Citizens’ Oversight Committee with representatives from all communities and annual independent audits will ensure that the money is spent consistent with a voter-approved project list How much will Measure GG cost? If passed, the measure will generate approximately $396 million and will cost local property owners around $24 per $100,000 of assessed (not market) value annually.
When will Measure GG appear on the ballot? Measure GG will appear on the ballot at the November 4, 2014 election. Absentee voters can expect to receive their ballots the week of October 6. All registered voters in the Corona-Norco Unified School District will be eligible to vote. If you are not registered to vote, visit or call (800) 345-8683. The deadline to register to vote is October 20. In order to pass, Measure GG must receive a 55% yes vote.
Notice to Voters
What if I have more questions? For questions and comments, please contact Ted Rozzi, Assistant Superintendent at (951) 736-5045 or
[email protected].
S tay I nformed Would you like to receive regular updates regarding bond projects? Please provide us with your email address at
Corona-Norco Unified School District
Measure GG—Providing Safe and Up-To-Date Classrooms
Corona-Norco Unified School District (CNUSD) provides a high-quality education for the students in the Corona, Norco and Eastvale communities. Twenty-eight of our schools have been named California Distinguished Schools and our District was recognized two consecutive years as one of four national finalists for the Eli and Edythe Broad Prize for Urban Education for demonstrating the greatest overall performance and improvement in student achievement.
If approved by 55% of local voters on November 4, 2014, Measure GG will: n Provide labs and update classrooms for career
technical education n Update instructional technology in the classroom for
improved student learning n Upgrade classrooms, libraries, science labs and
computer systems to keep pace with technology and rising academic standards n Improve student safety and security, including
security lighting and cameras, fencing, smoke detectors, fire alarms and sprinklers n Repair or replace deteriorated roofs, floors, electrical
Preparing Students for College and 21st-Century Careers CNUSD is committed to ensuring that our students are equipped with 21st-century skills to be college and career ready. However, many classrooms and school facilities require significant upgrades, especially to ensure local students can compete for high-demand jobs in growing fields like science, technology and engineering.
systems and plumbing and remove hazardous materials in older schools n Reduce classroom overcrowding by providing new classrooms and facilities
Fiscal Accountability Will Ensure Funds Stay Local to Support Our Students n All money raised within city areas will be distributed equally
Measure GG—2014 Local School Bond Measure, November 4 Election On August 5, the Board of Education unanimously voted to place Measure GG on the November 2014 ballot to address the needs of our outdated and aging facilities. If approved by local voters, Measure GG will provide local funding to improve our Corona, Norco and Eastvale schools—funding that cannot be taken away by the State. All registered voters in the Corona-Norco Unified School District will be eligible to vote. For more information about the upcoming measure or our classroom improvement plans, please do not hesitate to contact Ted Rozzi, Assistant Superintendent at (951) 736-5045 or
[email protected].
between Corona, Norco and Eastvale schools n Community members will receive regular updates regarding
bond projects n Funds cannot be taken by the State or diverted to other areas n No funds can be used for district administration or
employee salaries n A Citizens’ Oversight Committee with representatives from all
communities and annual independent audits will ensure that the money is spent consistent with a voter-approved project list