graph embedding, partitioning, dynamic load distribution, and commu- nication which are ...... S. Bhatt, F. Chung, T. Leighton, A. Rosenberg: E cient Embeddings of Trees in Hypercubes. ... P.L. George: Automatic Mesh Generation. John Wiley ...
Ecient Use of Parallel & Distributed Systems: From Theory to Practice ? Burkhard Monien,1 Ralf Diekmann,1 Rainer Feldmann,1 Ralf Klasing,1 Reinhard Luling,1 Knut Menzel,1 Thomas Romke,2 Ulf-Peter Schroeder,1 1
Department of Computer Science, University of Paderborn, Germany 2 Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing (PC2 ), University of Paderborn, Germany ??
Abstract. This article focuses on principles for the design of ecient
parallel algorithms for distributed memory computing systems. We describe the general trend in the development of architectural properties and evaluate the state-of-the-art in a number of basic primitives like graph embedding, partitioning, dynamic load distribution, and communication which are used, to some extent, within all parallel applications. We discuss possible directions for future work on the design of universal basic primitives, able to perform eciently on a broad range of parallel systems and applications, and we also give certain examples of speci c applications which demand specialized basic primitives in order to obtain ecient parallel implementations. Finally, we show that programming frames can oer a convenient way to encapsulate algorithmic know-how on applications and basic primitives and to oer this knowledge to nonspecialist users in a very eective way.
1 Introduction Parallel processing has clearly become a key economic and strategic issue. This is illustrated by the fact that parallel computers have reached the business market and by the increasing number of applications in need of this new technology. All prospective studies agree that high performance computers (HPC) will be based on parallel architectures in the future [55]. The architectural developments of HPC systems tend towards systems connecting standardized processors by communication networks of high bandwidth. Strong eorts are put into developing standards for parallel programming environments which show rst results with the construction of PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) and the de nition of MPI This work was partly supported by the EC Esprit Basic Research Action Nr. 7141 (ALCOM II), the EC Human Capital and Mobility Project \Ecient Use of Parallel Computers: Architecture, Mapping and Communication", and the DFG Sonderforschungsbereich 1511 \Massive Parallelitat: Algorithmen, Entwurfsmethoden, Anwendungen". ?? WWW: ?
(Message Passing Interface). Fundamental improvements in the design of ecient mechanisms for basic primitives like data placement, dynamic load balancing, and communication could be achieved. Such primitives are used in special instantiations in nearly all parallel programs and ecient solutions for them enable ecient implementations of a large number of applications on distributed memory message passing systems [45]. Considering the current situation, two trends can be observed raising new challenges for future developments:
Irregularly Structured Problems: The current knowledge on basic primi-
tives is sucient to support the development of ecient parallelizations of many existing sequential algorithms. Regularities of the communication structure can be used to nd highly ecient mapping and load balancing strategies. Unfortunately, many of the most advanced sequential algorithms work on highly irregular and sometimes even dynamic data structures. Adaptive solution methods in nite element simulations, for example, use error estimators to re ne their underlying data structure at points of special interest. The re nement steps occur unpredictable in time and space. Another example can be found in tree search algorithms where sophisticated cut operations lead to trees of very irregular structure. Granularity of Parallel Systems: The basic design principle of today's massively parallel computing systems (MPPs) is distributed memory message passing. Existing MPPs dier mainly in the computational power of their nodes and the communication capacity of their interconnection network. The granularity of a parallel computing systems can be de ned as the relation between the average communication bandwidth of a single processor and its
oating point performance (Byte/Flop). The range of granularities found in today's MPPs is broad and it can be expected that the dierences will increase as local area networks (LAN) connecting workstations by relatively low-bandwidth communication links will be used as parallel computing platforms in the near future (a number of development projects aim in this direction, the Berkeley NOW Project [48] and the SUN [49] are two representatives of these). Within this article we will give an overview of basic primitives like mapping, load distribution, partitioning, communication, and others which are preconditions for the design of ecient parallel algorithms. Considering the trends described above, it is necessary to develop basic primitives that are adaptable to the speci c granularities of parallel systems and the detailed characteristics of applications. Machine characteristics are usually provided by the operating systems, application characteristics can be provided via parameters by the user. The question of how to automatically extract relevant application parameters is currently unsolved and an active research topic. We call a basic primitive universal if it performs eciently on parallel architectures of dierent granularity and if it is able to take application characteristics into
account. The integration of such primitives into operating systems of parallel machines will simplify the development of ecient and portable parallel software. Nevertheless, there is a tradeo between the universality of a primitive and its eciency for a special application. The highest eciency can, in general, only be reached by specialized primitives. Especially for irregularly structured and dynamic problems like those mentioned above, a number of questions concerning load distribution are still unsolved. In the following, we will describe the existing techniques for basic primitives and name a number of problems to be solved in order to face the challenges arising from the trends listed above. In Section 2, we will describe some aspects of the state-of-the-art in the areas of load distribution and global communication. Based on existing techniques we will present some ideas on how to realize universal methods and name a number of general open research problems. Section 3 describes some applications which make use of basic primitives but also cause dicult problems which are currently unsolved. We will show that in some cases speci c solutions to load distribution or communication have to be developed. Finally, Section 4 describes a methodology to provide algorithmic knowledge on applications as well as basic primitives to non-experts.
2 Basic Primitives Basic primitives form an intermediate layer between the operating system of a parallel machine and the application program. They provide functionality for data and process allocation and complex communication protocols like broadcasting, gossiping, and synchronization. Global variables or virtual shared memory which are also partly supported by basic primitives are not considered here. Basic primitives are very important for the realization of ecient parallel application programs. In recent years, a large number of theoretical and experimental results concerning task mapping and global communication have been published. Most of the work was motivated by practical applications with different requirements which led to a large variety of specialized basic primitives. This is especially true for the problem of mapping program structures onto parallel systems. In the following, we distinguish between static mapping methods which are applied before program execution while taking into account information extracted from the application program and dynamic mapping methods which are applied during runtime based on accumulated information. Dynamic methods are often used in conjunction with static methods to improve the balancing quality during runtime if more information on the dynamic behavior of an application is available. Static and dynamic methods are highly dependent on the underlying parallel architecture. To be able to perform theoretical investigations, abstract models of parallel architectures are necessary. Such models have to be as simple as possible but still should express the most important characteristics. Popular examples which take dierent characteristics into account are the LogP model and the Distributed Memory Model (DMM) [39]. The LogP-model describes the
architectural properties of a parallel system by parameters L, for an upper bound on the communication latency, o, for the overhead of injecting a message into the network, g, for the gap between two consecutive message injections, and P , as the number of processors. The DMM describes a parallel computing system by a simple graph with processors as nodes and communication links as edges. It ignores details like message startup times but implicitly contains information on message latency and communication bandwidth (as those can be extracted from the interconnection topology). In the following, we discuss static and dynamic methods for the load distribution problem as well as some communication primitives.
2.1 Static Load Distribution Graph Embedding: If the DMM is used for a description of the underlying parallel computing systems, the load distribution problem can be viewed as a graph embedding problem which is to map a guest graph G (the process graph of an application with edges expressing communication demands) onto a host graph H (the processor graph with edges representing the communication resources) assigning each process to a processor and each communication demand in G to a path in H . There exist several well-known cost measures to rate the quality of an embedding (e.g. load, dilation, congestion). The load of a host node is the number of guest nodes assigned to it. Edge-dilation and edge- or node-congestion measure the embedding of edges. The dilation is the maximum distance in H an edge of G has to be routed, the congestion is the maximum number of edges from G routed via an arbitrary edge (or node) in H . Besides an equal load on all processors, minimizing the edge dilation is the primary goal in most of the theoretical work dealing with embeddings. A number of excellent results on mapping popular graphs onto each other were obtained in recent years and research in this area is still ongoing. Bhatt et al. [8] described embeddings of arbitrary binary trees into hypercubes. An alternative construction with smaller dilation was described in [46]. A signi cant result about embeddings of 2-dimensional grids into hypercubes was obtained by Chan [9]. For a number of further interesting results we refer the reader to [7, 27, 30, 42, 43]. Detailed surveys can be found in [35, 47]. The most relevant results have been put into practice by implementing special mapping tools and incorporating them into operating systems for parallel computers [38, 53]. Using these tools allows a hardware-topology independent implementation of parallel applications which is a basic step towards developing portable parallel software. New developments in interconnection architectures result in new constraints on the quality of mapping algorithms. With the establishment of dedicated routing networks and the introduction of message pipelining techniques like wormhole routing, the edge dilation plays a minor role. From a practical point of view, the edge-congestion is of larger importance and determines the overall eciency of an embedding. The development of mapping techniques considering congestion is an interesting research eld which raises a large number of currently unsolved problems.
Most of the theoretical work on embeddings considers structured (regular) graphs like grids, hypercubes, trees, etc. An increasing number of applications demand methods dealing with irregular graphs. Meshes resulting from numerical simulation ( nite element meshes) or image processing, for example, are highly irregular and do not t into any of the theoretically de ned graph classes. Unfortunately, the general graph embedding problem is intractable, it is NP-complete, and ecient heuristics considering load, dilation, and congestion do not exist. A solution, at least from the practical point of view, can be delivered by reducing the problem to the graph partitioning problem. We describe this approach in the next section. The embedding problem becomes even more complex, if it has to be applied in a dynamic way. Adaptive methods in numerical simulation result in dynamically changing graphs, which have to be embedded during runtime of the application. This so-called dynamic re-embedding problem will be described in Section 3.2 in more detail. Additional eort has to be put into developing parallel methods for graph embedding and partitioning because these problems occur either as preprocessing and have to be executed quickly, or during runtime of a parallel application. A rst parallel approach for embedding grids into grids is presented in [52].
Graph Partitioning: The graph partitioning problem can be viewed as a relax-
ation of the embedding problem to settings where dilation is no longer considered and congestion only to some extent. The partitioning problem describes the task of clustering an application graph into a number of equal-sized parts (as many as there are processors) minimizing the number of edges crossing the partition boundaries (the cut-size). A mapping of clusters to nodes of the processor graph is not considered. The general k-partitioning problem can again be relaxed to the recursive application of a number of bisection steps where the graph is split into two parts minimizing the cut-size. The main advantage of the partitioning problem compared to embedding is the fact that for a number of popular graphs, optimal bisections are known or at least tight bounds do exist [44]. For the general problem, very ecient heuristics exist [16, 22] which can be used to nd approximate solutions to the embedding problem. These heuristics are used in many practical applications to map data or processes onto parallel systems [26, 28, 54]. The existing bisection heuristics are divided into global (or construction) and local (or improvement) heuristics [26]. Besides special techniques for special applications (e.g. partitioning of FEM meshes [15]), the most powerful global techniques are Inertial-, Spectral-, and Geometric-Partitioning [16, 22, 26, 29] especially if they are combined with edge-contraction schemes [28, 34]. The most ecient local methods are the Kernighan-Lin heuristic (KL) and the Helpful-Set heuristic (HS) [16]. Both methods are based on the principle of local search with sophisticated neighborhood relations. Best results can be obtained by a combination of powerful global heuristics determining initial solutions with powerful local methods used as additional \clean-up" [28].
Most of the existing partitioning heuristics minimize the cut-size. First attempts have been made to take the number of hops, i.e. the dilation, into account, if the clustered graph is mapped onto a hypercube network [26, 29]. This is a rst step towards considering architectural parameters of the target machine and further work is needed in this direction. Other new directions of work are motivated by the LogP model. Considering this model, the minimization of the cut-size may not always lead to optimal solutions if the message startup time dominates the communication costs. In this case, it may be much more ecient to minimize the degree of the cluster graph, thus reducing the overall startup times. Future work should be done to develop universal algorithms taking the parameters of the LogP model into account.
2.2 Dynamic Load Distribution
The dynamic load distribution problem has to be solved, if load packets (processes or data packets) are not initially available but generated dynamically during runtime in an unpredictable way. The task of a load distribution algorithm is to assign these dynamically generated load items onto the processor network. The load distribution problem has a number of variations depending on the special characteristic of the application. We distinguish load distribution algorithms according to the way they take communication dependencies between load packets into account and according to the way packets are treated during runtime, i.e. whether they can be migrated after an initial placement or not. Two load distribution problems which do not allow any migration of load packets are the dynamic mapping and the dynamic embedding problem. Whereas the dynamic mapping problem treats all load packets independently and places them as they are generated, dynamic embedding methods take communication dependencies into account. The latter problem has been analyzed theoretically for dynamically growing trees as guest graphs and hypercube-like host graphs [36, 51]. The practical relevance of the techniques used in these papers is limited as locality is not considered. Dynamic load distribution algorithms for uncoupled load packets (i.e. load packets without any communication interaction between each other) that are allowed to be migrated during runtime are used in a large number of applications [45]. The two basic problems which are considered here are the load balancing problem and the load sharing problem. The load balancing problem typically arises if the load packets have to be balanced according to some cost measure. As an example one might consider dierent priorities assigned to load packets (jobs). In this case it is necessary to assign the workload onto the processors in such a way that all processors work on jobs with highest priority, thus the overall workload has to be balanced according to this measure. The load sharing problem does not consider the relative load of any two processors but aims at providing some load to all processors during runtime. Due to their general nature, load balancing and load sharing methods can be found in most application programs implemented on parallel systems.
Despite this large knowledge on load balancing and sharing, the theoretical foundation of these methods is still very weak. Some attempts have been made to overcome this problem using simpli ed models. The so-called token distribution problem can be regarded as an abstraction of the load balancing problem. In this setting, the overall load is assumed to be xed. The task is to balance the workload in a minimal number of communication steps. A large number of results for dierent graphs and various speci c settings have been found. For an overview and references of other results see [24]. The analysis of practical load balancing algorithms is an active research area. Up to know, only very few results are available [3, 37]. Improvements in this area, combined with a better understanding of the applications' requirements can lead to new, more universal algorithms. This is extremely important as most methods used today are tailored to a special application on a xed parallel system. Recently, a rst attempt towards a universal load distribution method for the dynamic mapping problem was made. In this method a processor that needs to place a load packet asks a number of k randomly chosen other processors for their load and relays the task to the one with the minimal load. Considering the amount of work associated with each task as constant, the question is how to nd an optimal number of k for a given application (described by the total number of tasks to be placed) and a given hardware characteristic. Thus, the tradeo between the balancing quality and the time for getting k sets of load information has to be optimized. The asymptotic properties of this algorithm were investigated recently by Azar et al. [2]. They showed that, compared to a random placement (k = 1), even the case of k = 2 results in an exponential decrease of the maximum load on a single processor (more precisely, they showed that the most heavily loaded processor receives log log n=log k + (1) packets with high probability, if n is the number of packets). Adler et al. [1] extended the result to cases where more than one task can be placed in each time step. An algorithm to compute the best k for a given n and known hardware characteristic was described in [14]. Knowing optimal values for k, it is possible to incorporate this knowledge into the runtime environment of a parallel system allowing optimal mapping decisions with respect to the architecture and the application.
2.3 Communication A number of communication problems in networks have been considered. Among the most important ones are the routing of information (resp. permutations), sorting [35], and, generally, the dissemination of information. We concentrate on the most frequently studied problems connected with the dissemination of information in networks: broadcasting, accumulation, and gossiping. For broadcasting, one processor has some piece of information and has to distribute it as soon as possible to all processors in the network. For accumulation, all processors have a piece of information and the problem consists of collecting all the pieces of information in a single processor. For gossiping, all processors have a piece of
information and the problem is to make all the pieces of information known to all processors as soon as possible. In the basic communication model, a communication algorithm consists of a sequence of communication rounds. The rules describing what can happen in one communication round are de ned by the communication mode. The cost measure usually considered is the number of rounds of the communication algorithm. Detailed surveys about the most frequently studied communication problems and models of communication can be found in [19, 20, 32]. So far, most of the work has been focussed on the standard (one-way or twoway) communication mode, where in each round messages can be sent to exactly one neighbor in the network. An overview of the main results in this area is contained in [32]. The most practically oriented communication modes are the vertex- and edgedisjoint paths modes [33] where, each round, the processors can communicate via vertex- or edge-disjoint paths. These communication modes can actually be implemented on several existing parallel architectures. Optimal accumulation and broadcast algorithms in these communication modes have been derived. Tight upper and lower bounds for gossiping in common interconnection networks like hypercubes, cube-connected cycles, butter y networks, and grids have also been achieved. Finally, a direct relationship between the gossip complexity and the vertex- or edge-bisection width of the considered graph has been established. Closely related to the gossip problem in the vertex- or edge-disjoint paths mode is the investigation of the size of planar and non-planar realizations of permutation networks for special sets of permutations which are of high practical relevance. Such classes of special permutations are, for example, the shifts of power 2 or the Fibonacci shifts as investigated in [31]. In the future, the existing theoretical and experimental results on classical switching techniques will have to be extended to include new network structures (e.g. hierarchical networks), to embrace new message passing standards (e.g. ATM), and to consider new technologies (e.g. optical networks) and routing algorithms (e.g. compact-, de ection-, all-optical-, or wormhole routing). The question of fault-tolerance in larger, hierarchical, and unstable networks will obtain increasing importance.
3 Applications Basic primitives as they are available today and described above oer solutions for a broad range of applications. Considering the trend towards highly irregular and dynamic data structures, new and more sophisticated basic primitives for load distribution purposes have to be developed. In the following, we describe two application areas that require such methods and present some concrete open questions for further research.
3.1 Tree-Structured Problems Tree search algorithms have been shown to be very eective for a large number of applications in operations research and arti cial intelligence. Due to the exponential growth of the tree in many applications, parallel search algorithms can lead to substantial improvements in these areas. Therefore, the parallelization of tree search algorithms is an important question that has gained considerable attention over the last few years. In the following, we will consider the search in Or trees and game trees (And-Or trees) as two examples for tree-structured search problems. There exist a number of algorithms for both kind of searches. Popular examples are \best- rst branch & bound" (B&B) for the Or tree search and the - algorithm for the game tree search. Common to both algorithms is that they build dynamically growing trees during their runtime. These trees have to be mapped onto the processors of a parallel computing system. Thus, a dynamic load distribution problem has to be solved. In parallel B&B every processor keeps a local heap with its subproblems ordered according to their bounds. These subproblems can be solved independently of each other. The load balancing has to make sure that the tops of the heaps contain relevant subproblems at all processors. This is done by weighting the subproblems according to their bound function value and then balancing the work load in such a way that the best subproblems at all processors have almost equal bounds. Using some sophisticated load balancing strategies, it is then possible to achieve large speedups for hard optimization problems even on architectures of up to 1024 processors [57]. There is a tradeo between work load and communication costs necessary to balance the work. In addition, the load balancing policy has a strong impact on the number of nodes evaluated by the parallel algorithm compared to those evaluated by the sequential one. It is possible that processors explore nodes of the tree that would never be explored in the sequential case. In this case, we say that search overhead arises. The situation is even more challenging in - search: In contrast to B&B, there are strong dependencies between the nodes of the search tree since the value of any inner node is de ned to be the maximum over the values of its successors. Thus, an inner node cannot be solved unless its successors are solved. Moreover, the search of a single successor may result in a bound for the inner node allowing to cut o the other successors because they are known to be irrelevant for the nal result. This is meaningful for any parallel game tree search algorithm because a parallel search of the successors may result in very large search overhead. In addition, as a consequence of these cutos the search trees are irregular and their size is unpredictable. The load balancing method, again, has a strong impact on the work done by the parallel algorithm. There is a tradeo between work load and search overhead. To reduce the search overhead the so-called Young Brothers Wait Concept (Ybwc) has been introduced in [17]. It is based on the concept that the successors of a node may not be searched in parallel unless the rst successor is already evaluated. Thus, idle processors may stay idle instead of searching possibly irrelevant subtrees. However, the Ybwc poses a challenging task to the load balancing algorithm: Only a single node is active whenever any
node on the leftmost path is evaluated. Repeated redistribution of work load is necessary at these synchronization nodes. Here, a workstealing algorithm [3] provides very good results. As for B&B, there is again a tradeo between work load and communication costs of the load balancing. In parallel - search there is another tradeo between search overhead and communication costs completing the tradeo triangle. The sequential - algorithm uses a hash table containing previously computed results. This table is used to detect transpositions of moves and to avoid searches in irrelevant subtrees. In a parallel environment, local hash tables perform poorly. Thus, a distributed hash table has to be implemented. The accesses to the distributed hash table have to be done by routing messages between processors. Thus, frequent access to the hash table decreases the search overhead but increases the communication costs. Accessing the table only rarely results in small communication costs. The search overhead, however, increases. In [18], the integration of these techniques into a chess program is described. It was found out that the methods lead to very good results if the basic primitives (load balancing and simulation of a global hash table) are highly optimized for the underlying machines. It can be expected for the future, when more and more advanced search techniques will be used, that the search trees become very sparse and left-weighted. Since these search trees will have to be searched with the Ybwc or anything similar in eect, the load balancing problems will become still more involved. There will also be the need for a faster emulation of global memory. This will allow a more frequent access to the distributed hash table, which signi cantly reduces the search overhead. Moreover, large databases providing perfect play in the endgame may be cached into the distributed memory and accessed in a way similar to the transposition table access. Using a fast emulation of global memory, the chess program will then be able to direct its play from the late middle game into favorable endgames. Load distribution problems which are tailored to the special characteristic of the application problem also arise for the solution of combinatorial optimization problem using Branch & Cut techniques. The success of these techniques is mainly based on powerful cutting plane algorithms. Such an algorithm can limit the number of nodes in the branching tree considerably. Now, the most time demanding step consists of repeated solutions of linear programs. In general, a parallelization of the method that assigns nodes of the branching tree to single processing elements cannot eectively utilize all processing elements of a massively parallel computer. Therefore, algorithms have to be developed that solve linear programming problems in parallel. First attempts have been made in this direction [25] but it is a very dicult task to achieve high eciencies with algorithms solving large sparse systems of linear equations.
3.2 Mesh-Based Problems In this section, we consider applications from the elds of numerical simulation ( nite element methods and comparable techniques [59]) and parallel computer
graphics (raytracing and radiosity methods [41, 50, 56]). Common to such applications is the underlying mesh-type data structure. Two basic problems have to be faced: The rst is the generation of the mesh, the second is the distribution of the mesh onto the parallel architecture. The problem of generating suciently accurate meshes is a very crucial step in both areas. Especially for certain numerical methods the meshes should contain as few elements as possible and approximate the domain as well as possible. Additionally, there are strong conditions on the shape of individual elements in uencing the numerical eciency considerably [23]. Automatically generating high quality meshes in complex domains is currently an unsolved problem. The importance of this problem is highlighted by the estimation that \the US industry would be able to save up to 75% of their budget spent for FEM simulations if automatic mesh generators were available"[11]. The problem becomes even more involved as in future applications the mesh generation would have to consider parallel solvers (i.e. it should generate \partitionable" meshes) and adaptivity (i.e. possibilities to re ne the mesh). In addition it is supposed to run in parallel itself. The parallelization of an algorithm based on a mesh-type data structure is done by data distribution using domain decomposition (DD) techniques [15]. The mesh is split into as many subdomains as there are processors. Techniques to partition and map the mesh can to some extent be based on universal basic primitives. For the most advanced parallel solution algorithms, however, the application structure as well as the algorithmic structure of the solvers have to be considered. We will see this in the following.
Numerical Simulation: Currently, the most ecient parallel solvers in the
area of FEM are adaptive multigrid methods (MG) or adaptive preconditioned conjugate gradient methods (PCG). Unfortunately, there is a tradeo between the eciency of numerical solvers and the utilization of parallel machines. The most advanced preconditioning methods stipulate strong conditions on the quality of domain decompositions and adaptive re nement techniques cause dicult load balancing problems. Graph partitioning methods used to calculate decompositions have to consider not only load distribution and communication requirements but also the shape of subdomains. Important measures are in this case the aspect ratio of subdomains, which can be expressed by the ratio between the size of the largest inner circle (or ball) to the smallest outer circle (or ball), and the convexity of a domain [15]. The shape of subdomains can be one of the main determining factors for the convergence behavior of a parallel PCG, thus in uencing the numerical eciency considerably. Especially in case of instationary problems (e.g. in computational uid dynamics), adaptive methods are the best possibility for reducing computational complexity and obtaining best numerical eciency [5]. Using error estimators, regions of the domain are identi ed where the solution is not exact enough and the convergence is very slow. Mesh re nement is then used to increase the convergence behavior locally. Considering instationary problems the problematic
regions may move or change. In this case, the error estimators can also give hints where to coarsen the mesh preserving both numerical eciency and proper convergence. In case of parallel simulations, such adaptive methods cause a very complex combination of mapping and load balancing problems. Directly after a re nement or coarsening, the decomposition has to be balanced again, taking the locations of elements into account (i.e. newly generated elements cannot be moved to arbitrary processors but should reside in the neighborhood of other elements). First theoretical investigations show that even very simple cases of mapping re ning graphs are very hard. Heuristics solving the problem have to be ecient in both their solution quality and their computation time and they have to run in parallel.
Computer Graphics: From the eld of computer graphics we consider the
photorealistic animation of 3D scenes. Techniques based on the simulation of light energy distributions are characterized by high computational complexity and extraordinary memory requirements which lead to problems in data management and load distribution. To overcome these problems, the data has to be accessed using a shared memory approach or all the data has to be distributed among the processors. In the latter case the distribution can either be done according to the objects' geometric position (cells, octtrees) or according to memory paging techniques [6, 41, 56]. However, as raytracing and radiosity compute the global illumination of scenes, the major problem is that each processing node needs to have access to a signi cant part of the scene. The resulting load distribution problems have to be solved either by using static methods in a preprocessing step or by applying dynamic strategies during runtime [37, 41]. As raytracing ful lls the coherence properties, load balancing strategies used in this context have to take these geometric properties into account. However, dynamic load distribution strategies provide a powerful mechanism in case the load of processing nodes varies during the computation which is in particular given if interactions with the scene are allowed as it is the case in \Virtual Reality" applications [21, 58]. Future applications of image generation demand for highest quality animation of complex 3D scenes. To meet online or even realtime requirements, scalable parallelization strategies have to be developed which allow the eective use of large MPPs. Therefore, research has to focus on the improvement of load balancing strategies following the previously mentioned conditions. Additionally, work has to be done to eciently provide shared memory on MPPs, because for many computer graphics applications it is advantageous to enable all processors the access of a common memory.
4 Programming Frames As the programming of parallel computing architectures is fundamentally dierent from that of sequential systems, new ways have to be found to transfer know-
how on ecient parallel algorithms to the development of application programs. A possible way for this can be the development of libraries of basic algorithms, data structures, and programming frames (templates). As the LEDA system for the sequential case [40], each of these approaches provides non-expert users with tools to program and exploit parallel machines eciently. Some attempts have already been made to provide knowledge on speci c parallel applications or basic primitives [4, 10, 12, 13] by use of programming frames. Programming frames as we understand them here are parallel programs that can be parameterized in a very general way. It is, for example, possible to take sequential functions or complete sequential programs as parameters for a programming frame. So-called basic frames contain knowledge on universal basic primitives that can be customized for a special application or target machine. Problem dependent frames contain the harness for a parallel program in a special application area. As an example, consider a frame for a parallel branch & bound application. This frame has at least three parameters, one for each of the branching and bounding algorithms and one for the target system. A user of this frame has to specify these sequential functions and will get an ecient application program. Special know-how on load balancing and distributed termination detection being necessary for parallel branch & bound, is already integrated into the frame. Using universal basic primitives it is also possible to adapt this frame to the special characteristics of the target machine using the parameters of the target system. Thus, all details of the parallel implementation are hidden. Programming frames used in this way are a direct consequence of universal basic primitives as they basically rely on universal primitives and make them usable in a very general sense. Until now, none of the existing approaches has been designed to provide frameworks for several algorithms and for dierent target machines at the same time and none of them has led to a standardization. Thus, active research is necessary to accumulate and generalize algorithmic know-how on application problems and to develop universal basic primitives which can be incorporated into programming frames.
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